European Commission - Daily News

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 13 / 11 / 2020
Brussels, 13 November 2020
Nouvel agenda du consommateur : la Commission européenne va donner aux
consommateurs les moyens de devenir le moteur de la transition
La Commission européenne lance aujourd'hui le nouvel agenda du consommateur afin de donner aux
consommateurs européens les moyens de jouer un rôle actif dans les transitions écologique et
numérique. L'agenda aborde également la manière d'accroître la protection et la résilience des
consommateurs pendant et après la pandémie de COVID-19, ce qui a entraîné d'importants défis
affectant la vie quotidienne des consommateurs. Plus concrètement, le programme présente des
priorités et des points d'action clés à prendre au cours des cinq prochaines années en collaboration
avec les États membres au niveau européen et national. Il s'agira notamment d'une nouvelle
proposition législative visant à donner aux consommateurs de meilleures informations sur la
durabilité, d'adapter la législation existante à la transformation numérique, ainsi que d'un plan
d'action sur la sécurité des produits avec la Chine. De plus amples informations sont disponibles
dans le communiqué de presse ainsi que dans la fiche d'information. Les discours de la vice-
présidente et du commissaire lors de la conférence de presse seront bientôt disponibles en ligne.
(Pour plus d'informations: Christian Wigand — Tél.: + 32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko — Tél.: +
32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.: + 32 460 79 55 48)

Aviation: la Commission étend certaines mesures temporaires afin d'alléger la pression sur
le secteur aérien touché par le coronavirus
Aujourd'hui, la Commission a annoncé que certaines des dispositions temporaires introduites en mai
pour alléger la pression financière sur les exploitants aéronautiques et les agents d'assistance en
escale devaient être prolongées jusqu'en 2021. L'aviation est l'un des secteurs les plus touchés par
la crise, avec des niveaux de vol actuels d'environ 40% seulement par rapport à ceux de 2019. La
commissaire aux transports, Adina Vălean, a déclaré : « Le secteur de l'aviation continue d'être
gravement touché par la pandémie en cours. Cela justifie l'extension de certaines des mesures
d'urgence que nous avons proposées lors de la première vague, au bénéfice à la fois des compagnies
aériennes et des opérations au sol. Alors que nous poursuivons la lutte contre la pandémie et
préparons le terrain pour un redressement économique, une réponse coordonnée sera essentielle.
Nous ne considérons pas les restrictions de vol comme efficaces pour contenir la pandémie, nous
n'étendrons donc pas la flexibilité des États membres en matière d'interdiction de vol. » En mai, la
Commission a adopté des règles modifiant certaines parties du règlement sur les services aériens. La
Commission envisage de prolonger d'un an les dérogations liées aux licences d'exploitation et à la
sélection des agents d'assistance en escale, qui expireront le 31 décembre 2020. Cela se justifie par
la pandémie en cours et son impact sur le trafic aérien, qui devrait se poursuivre jusqu'en 2021.
Cependant, la Commission ne prolongera pas la flexibilité offerte depuis mai sur les restrictions de
vol, car des mesures sanitaires se sont avérées être plus efficace pour contrôler la propagation du
virus. Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations ici. (Pour plus d'informations: Stefan de
Keersmaecker – Tél.: + 32 229 84680; Stephan Meder – Tél.: +32 229 13917)

European Vocational Skills Week 2020 closes with the Awards for VET Excellence
The European Vocational Skills Week 2020, held digitally this year from 9 to 13 November, has come
to a successful close. So far, 1,025 partner events and activities across 38 countries and reaching
more than 3.5 million people have taken place, and the campaign's impact is likely to grow further in
the coming months. The focus for 2020 was vocational education and training (VET) for green and
digital transitions, in line with the Commission priorities of a European Green Deal and a Europe fit
for the digital age. The Week also saw the launch event of the Pact for Skills, a shared engagement
model to maximise the impact of investing in skills development by building large-scale partnerships
in different industrial ecosystems and seeking individual commitments to invest in skills. A total of
28 ambassadors from across Europe signed up to support the campaign. They have all benefitted
from vocational education and training and represent a wide variety of professions and backgrounds,
including nursing, sports, graphic design and business. Additionally, each year, as part of the
European Vocational Skills Week, the EU recognises individuals, organisations and initiatives for their
efforts in promoting high-quality vocational education and training, through the Awards for VET
Excellence in the following categories: Companies and learners; VET innovators; European funding
for excellence in VET; European Agencies Awards; 2020 Special Award: Distance and E-learning. The
winners were announced at the Week's closing event and are listed here. More details on the Week
and the Pact for Skills can also be found in this press release on the occasion of the opening of the
Week, as well as this press release and Q&A on the Pact for Skills launch. (For more information:
Marta Wieczorek – Tel.: +32 229 58197; Flora Matthaes – Tel.: +32 229 83951)

European Year of Rail 2021: European Commission welcomes provisional agreement
between European Parliament and Council
Yesterday, the European Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on declaring 2021
the European Year of Rail. The Commission proposed this initiative in March 2020 to promote rail as a
sustainable, safe and innovative mode of transport. Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said:
“The European Year of Rail 2021 will put rail transport's many benefits in the spotlight, through
dedicated events, exhibitions and promotional campaigns, reaching out to our citizens, in particular
young people. Rail connects regions, people and businesses, and it is part of Europe's cultural
heritage and proof of our industry's excellence. Rail has also been remarkably reliable in these
difficult times, ensuring availability of goods across Europe. I want to thank the European Parliament
and the Council for their support for this initiative, which is part of our European Green Deal.” The
provisional agreement foresees a series of projects, events and initiatives in 2021 to promote rail as
an attractive and sustainable way to move both passengers and freight across Europe. It includes
elements such as feasibility studies on a tool to measure rail connectivity and on the creation of a
European label to promote goods and products transported by rail. The year 2021 is an important
year for EU rail policy: it will be the first full year in which the rules agreed under the Fourth Railway
Package are implemented throughout the EU, increasing competition and reducing costs and
administrative burden for railway undertakings. The provisional agreement must now be approved by
the Parliament and the Council before it enters into force. (For more information: Stefan De
Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 229 84680; Stephan Meder – Tel.: +32 229 13917)

Hurricane Eta: EU channels initial emergency aid to Central America
After Hurricane Eta hit Central America last week causing extensive damage, the EU is mobilising an
initial €1.55 million in immediate emergency funding to assist those affected in Guatemala,
Honduras and Nicaragua. The funding will address urgent needs such as water, sanitation and
hygiene services, health and protection of the most affected and disadvantaged communities. In the
aftermath of the hurricane, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated by Panama. In
response, Spain has dispatched items such as jerry cans, mosquito nets and blankets to the country.
“The EU stands in full solidarity with the countries of Central America in this difficult time. We will do
all we can to help, getting aid in to the people on the ground. I am very thankful to Spain for their
solidarity. Our thoughts are with all those affected and with the national authorities and brave first
responders on the scene. The EU stands ready to provide further assistance”, said Janez Lenarčič,
Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. The EU's emergency Copernicus satellite
service is currently providing maps of the area and the EU's 24/7 Emergency Response Coordination
Centre is in close contact with the authorities of the affected countries to monitor the situation and
channel further EU assistance. In addition to its coordination role, the EU finances 75% of the
transport costs for the assistance dispatched via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. (For more
information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi – Tel.: +32 229 69140)

Commission sets out to modernise the GDPR toolbox for international data transfers
The Commission has published two sets of draft model data protection clauses to launch the process
to revise the existing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). Standard Contractual Clauses are the
most commonly used tool for international data transfers, including for transatlantic data flows. The
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a broad toolbox for international data transfers
and standard clauses that companies can use. The modernised clauses will assist companies with
their efforts to comply with the GDPR requirements. For its work on modernising the Standard
Contractual Clauses, the Commission has also taken into account the guidance from the Schrems II
judgment of July 2020. Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, said:
“International data flows are a life-blood of a modern economy. With this updated tool, we want to
ensure the high level of protection to our personal data regardless where they are and when they
travel. We also want to help businesses with their compliance efforts.” Didier Reynders,
Commissioner for Justice, said: “We did not start from scratch after the Schrems II judgment. We
were already working intensively to modernise the existing Standard Contractual Clauses, ensuring
they correspond to modern business realities.” The publication of the draft model data protection
clauses - one on standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors located in the EU,
and the other on the transfer of personal data to third countries - is the beginning of a process
towards their adoption. The draft clauses have been sent to the European Data Protection Board and
the European Data Protection Supervisor for their opinion. After taking these opinions into account,
as well as the outcome of the four-week public consultation, the final clauses will be adopted by the
Commission, after having obtained the green light from Member States' representatives in the so-
called comitology procedure. The updated clauses will be complemented by the guidance prepared
by the European Data Protection Board and which was published on Wednesday. (For more
information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko +32 229 63444; Jördis
Ferroli + 32 229 92729)

Publication of latest agri-food trade figures: EU27 agri-food trade sustains growth
The latest monthly report on agri-food trade published today shows that EU agri-food trade remained
strong during January to July 2020, compared to the same period last year. EU27 exports for
January-July 2020 reached a total value of €105.5 billion (an increase of 2.1% compared to the same
period in 2019), while EU27 imports attained a value of €72.6 billion (an increase of 1.7%). As a
result, for the first seven months of 2020, the agri-food export surplus stood at €32.9 billion, an
increase of 3% compared to the corresponding period in 2019. China continued to be the largest
destination of growth for EU agri-food exports. Increased sales of pig meat, wheat, offal meat, and
infant food propelled a growth of €2.55 billion compared to the same period last year. EU exports,
such as barley and wheat, also performed strongly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
region, most prominently in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Algeria. The value of EU agri-food exports
also rose in Switzerland and Ukraine. The value of agri-food imports from the UK fell by €927 million
and the value of EU27 exports to the United Kingdom fell by €359 million. Spirits and liqueurs, pasta
and pastry, and chocolate and confectionary were amongst the main product categories that
experienced declines. The strongest growths in export values were recorded in the cases of pig meat
and wheat, followed by coarse grains, rapeseed and sunflower oils. The full report is available online
and further information on the agri-food policy can be found here. (For more information: Miriam
Garcia Ferrer – Tel.: +32 229 99075; Thérèse Lerebours – Tel.: +32 229 13963)

Une Union de l'égalité: la Commission présente sa toute première stratégie en faveur de
l'égalité des personnes LGBTIQ dans l'UE
Hier, la Commission européenne a présenté la toute première stratégie de l'UE en faveur de l'égalité
des personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, transgenres, non binaires, intersexuées et queer
(LGBTIQ), telle qu'annoncée par la présidente von der Leyen dans son discours sur l'état de l'Union
2020. Si des progrès sur la voie de l'égalité des personnes LGBTIQ ont été observés dans l'UE ces
dernières années, la discrimination à l'égard des personnes LGBTIQ persiste, 43 % d'entre elles
ayant le sentiment de faire l'objet d'une discrimination. La crise de la COVID-19 n'a fait qu'exacerber
cette situation. La stratégie s'attaque aux inégalités et aux problèmes qui touchent les personnes
LGBTIQ en définissant des actions ciblées, dont des mesures juridiques et des mesures de
financement, à mener au cours des cinq prochaines années. La stratégie propose d'allonger la liste
des infractions pénales de l'UE pour y intégrer les crimes de haine, y compris les discours haineux et
les crimes de haine à caractère homophobe et de faire avancer la législation sur la reconnaissance
mutuelle de la parentalité dans les situations transfrontières, entre autres. Plus d'informations dans
le communiqué de presse et la fiche d'information. La stratégie a été présentée hier lors d'une
conférence de presse par la vice-présidente Vera Jourová et la commissaire Helena Dalli. Les
discours de la vice-présidente et de la commissaire sont disponibles en ligne. (Pour plus
d'informations : Christian Wigand — Tél.: + 32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko — Tél.: + 32 229
63444; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.: + 32 460 79 55 48)

Recycling ships in safe and environmentally sound way: Commission updates list of
European ship recycling facilities
The Commission has today published the 7 th edition of the European List of Ship Recycling Facilities,
adding several new yards to the List. These notably include two European yards (one each in
Denmark and Norway), and two more yards in Turkey. Ship-owners of EU-flagged vessels will now
have a wider range of choices to get their vessels dismantled in the future. With the new update, 43
yards are now listed, including 34 yards in Europe, 8 yards in Turkey and 1 yard in the U.S. Several
yards on the European List are also capable of recycling large vessels. European ship owners own
35% of the world fleet. Since 31 December 2018, the EU Ship Recycling Regulation requires all large
sea-going vessels sailing under an EU Member State flag to use an approved ship recycling facility
included in the European List. With the adoption of the updated List, the European Commission has
taken an important step to help ensure that ships are recycled in facilities that are safe for workers
and environmentally sound. The register is regularly updated to add further compliant facilities or to
remove facilities which have ceased to comply. To be included, any ship recycling facility,
irrespective of its location, has to comply with a number of safety and environmental requirements.
For facilities located in the EU, it is for the competent national authorities in the Member States
concerned to check that all the relevant conditions are met, and to then inform the Commission that
the facility in question should be listed. Ship recycling facilities located in third countries and
intending to recycle ships flying a flag of a Member State have to apply to the Commission to be
included in the European List. More information is available here. (For more information: Vivian
Loonela - Tel.: +32 229 66712; Daniela Stoycheva – Tel.: +32 229 53664)

La Commission approuve deux nouvelles appellations d'origine protégée de vins de Hongrie
et d'Italie
La Commission européenne a approuvé la demande d'inscription des vins « Soltvadkerti » de Hongrie
et « Friuli »/ « Friuli Venezia Giulia »/ « Furlanija »/ « Furlanija Julijska Krajina » d'Italie dans le
registre des appellations d'origine protégée (AOP). Les vins « Soltvadkerti » sont produits dans la
zone située entre les fleuves Danube et Tisza, caractérisée par une faible altitude et des sols
sablonneux. Grâce aux conditions environnementales locales, au cépage utilisé et à l'expertise des
habitants, la production des vins «Soltvadkerti» a connu une croissance substantielle. Localement,
les habitants et les vignerons veillent à ce que la production de raisin ainsi que les traditions
associées perdurent et à ce que la bonne réputation des vins «Soltvadkerti» soit préservée. Les
domaines viticoles familiaux de la zone sont devenus la force motrice de cette production. Les vins «
Friuli »/ « Friuli Venezia Giulia »/ « Furlanija »/ « Furlanija Julijska Krajina » proviennent de la région
du Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, au nord-est de l'Italie où la culture de la vigne joue un rôle majeur
incontestable depuis l'Antiquité. Les vins « Friuli »/ « Friuli Venezia Giulia »/ « Furlanija »/ «
Furlanija Julijska Krajina » présentent des caractéristiques spécifiques, à savoir un sol riche en
microéléments ce qui a une incidence sur les caractéristiques du bouquet aromatique. Pour ces
raisons, il est possible de déceler un fil conducteur dans les arômes des vins « Friuli »/ « Friuli
Venezia Giulia »/ « Furlanija »/ « Furlanija Julijska Krajina ». Ces deux nouvelles appellations vont
rejoindre les 1174 appellations d'origine protégées vinicoles déjà enregistrées dont la liste est
disponible dans la base de données eAmbrosia. Pour plus d'informations, voir aussi les pages sur la
politique de qualité. (Pour plus d'informations: Miriam Garcia Ferrer – Tél.: +32 229 99075; Thérèse
Lerebours – Tél.: +32 229 13963)

State aid: Commission approves German nation-wide scheme to support deployment of
Gigabit networks in Germany
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a German scheme to support the
deployment of very high capacity broadband networks offering Gigabit speeds in Germany.The new
networks will be capable of offering speeds of 1 Gigabit per second (“Gbps”) symmetric (upload and
download), which are significantly higher compared to those that users in the target areas currently
have. The German Gigabit scheme will therefore bring about a significant improvement in
connectivity (a “step change”). In order to prioritise areas which are most in need, with respect to
the connection of households, Germany will follow a two-step approach when providing support
under the scheme. In a first step, Germany will focus on the support on the deployment of the
relevant Gigabit infrastructure to serve households that have access to speeds of less than 100
Megabit per second (“Mbps”). In a second step, which will begin as of 2023, support will also be
available for the deployment of Gigabit infrastructure for households that already have access to
speeds of 100 Mbps, but not to a network which already provides very high speeds up to 1 Gigabit.
This two-step approach ensures that the support is channelled first to the most under-supplied areas
and that private investment is not crowded out, while at the same time providing households with
the connectivity they need in a timely manner. The scheme is in line with the strategic objectives of
the Commission's 2016 Gigabit Communication as it enables public investment in areas where the
targets set out in the Communication are not yet met and no sufficient infrastructure is planned by
private investors. The aid will be awarded based on open, transparent and non-discriminatory
tenders, with all technologies being able to compete for provision of the service. On this basis, the
Commission has approved the German Gigabit scheme under the Broadband State aid Guidelines.
Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "Europe's digital
transformation depends on high quality networks. These are crucial for connecting the regions in the
European Union and contribute to a more competitive and sustainable social market economy. The
Commission strongly supports the deployment of Gigabit infrastructure in Europe. The German
scheme will allow a real step change for very high speed connectivity in Germany. It will ensure that
public money is channelled into the areas that are most in need of better connectivity, while at the
same time fostering investment from private operators.” The full press release is available online.
(For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

State aid: Commission approves prolongation of Polish scheme to support SMEs in difficulty
The European Commission has found the prolongation and modification of an existing aid scheme for
the rescue and restructuring of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in financial difficulty in
Poland, to be in line with EU State aid rules. The original scheme was approved by the Commission
on 12 November 2015 and was set to expire at the end of 2020 (SA.43594). The prolonged scheme
will run until 2026, subject to adapting to any future change in the relevant State aid rules, and will
be open to SMEs active in all sectors of the economy except the steel, coal and financial sectors.
Poland notified the following modifications to the original scheme: (i) an increase in the overall
budget from approximately €173 million (PLN 765 million) to approximately €881 million (PLN 3891
million); (ii) the extension of the scheme to deferrals and waivers of certain administrative fines,
which are a new form of restructuring aid; and (iii) the temporary adaptation of the conditions for
granting rescue and restructuring aid to the circumstances brought about by the coronavirus
outbreak. The Commission assessed the notified measure under its 2014 Guidelines on rescue and
restructuring, which allow companies in difficulty to receive State aid under certain clear conditions.
The Commission found that the support will contribute to economic development in Poland, without
unduly distorting competition in the Single Market. The scheme also requires potential beneficiaries
of restructuring aid to present a sound restructuring plan ensuring their long-term viability, and to
make a significant own contribution to the restructuring costs. On this basis, the Commission
concluded that the modified scheme is compatible with EU State aid rules. The decision will be
published under the case number SA.58255 in the State Aid Register on the
Commission's competition website. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024;
Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

Aides d'État: la Commission autorise un prêt néerlandais de 6,5 millions d'euros pour
l'entreprise pharmaceutique InnoGenerics dans le contexte de la pandémie du coronavirus
La Commission européenne a autorisé un prêt néerlandais à hauteur de 6,5 millions d'euros pour
soutenir la production de médicaments génériques dans le contexte de la pandémie du coronavirus.
A cause des pénuries de liquidités liées à la pandémie du coronavirus, les Pays-Bas accorderont un
prêt à InnoGenerics, afin de s'assurer qu'elle dispose de suffisamment liquidité pour reprendre,
maintenir et développer les activités de l'usine de production de médicaments génériques Apotex
Leiden. La Commission a estimé que la mesure est conforme aux conditions énoncées dans
l'encadrement temporaire. En particulier, i) la mesure ne peut être accordée que jusqu'à la fin de
2020; ii) le montant du prêt est limité aux investissements et fonds de roulement dont InnoGenerics
a indiqué avoir besoin au cours des 18 prochains mois, sur la base d'un plan de liquidité détaillé; iii)
la durée du prêt est limitée à six ans; et iv) le taux d'intérêt est supérieur à la rémunération
minimale requise par l'encadrement temporaire. La Commission a donc conclu que la mesure était
nécessaire, appropriée et proportionnée pour remédier à une perturbation grave de l'économie des
Pays-Bas, conformément à l'article 107(3)(b) du TFUE et aux conditions énoncées dans
l'encadrement temporaire. De plus amples informations sur l'encadrement temporaire et les autres
mesures prises par la Commission pour faire face aux conséquences économiques de la pandémie du
coronavirus sont disponibles ici. La version non confidentielle de la décision sera publiée sous le
numéro SA.59021 dans le registre des aides d'État sur le site web de la Commission consacré à la
concurrence, dès que d'éventuels problèmes de confidentialité auront été résolus. (Pour plus
d'informations: Arianna Podesta — Tél. + 32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti — Tél.: + 32 229 55344;
Maria Tsoni — Tél.: + 32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves €665 million Greek scheme to protect primary residences
of vulnerable borrowers affected by coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has found a €665 million Greek scheme to support households that have
been affected by the coronavirus outbreak to be in line with EU State aid rules. The current scheme
will assist those households in repaying their mortgage loans, which are at risk of losing their
primary residence following the coronavirus outbreak. Similar to a scheme that was approved by the
Commission on 19 September 2019, the current scheme targets non-performing loans but
additionally covers borrowers with performing loans. The State subsidy is for a maximum duration of
nine months and has limitations as regards the amount. Eligible for the scheme are homeowners
affected by the coronavirus outbreak, who need to fulfil certain criteria in terms of income, wealth
and the value of their primary residence. The Commission did not have to assess the direct support
to the homeowners. Many of them do not fall under State aid control as they are considered natural
persons or if they do (for example if they are self-employed), the amount granted would be
significantly below the notification threshold. At the same time, the Commission found that the grant
to the homeowners will provide an indirect advantage to the banks that issued the loans. Where
homeowners with performing loans receive the subsidy, the Commission has assessed the indirect
advantage as compatible in analogy with section 3.1 of the Temporary Framework (under Article
107(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)), which allows grants below
EUR 800.000 per beneficiary on a temporary basis. The grants are subject to a few conditions,
including safeguards that banks do not receive an undue indirect advantage. For homeowner's non-
performing loans, the Commission made an assessment similar to that of September 2019 under the
Articles 107(2)(a) and 107(3)(c) TFEU. The Commission's assessment further showed that the
indirect aid would not create undue distortions of competition because the aid is limited to what is
necessary to achieve its objective of ensuring that borrowers do not lose their primary residence.
Moreover, since the scheme supports homeowners with loans at any bank operating in Greece, it is
non-discriminatory among banks. More information on the Temporary Framework and other actions
taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found
here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number
SA.58555 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website. (For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32
229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves amended Danish support for companies affected by
coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, amended Danish support for
companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. This follows a Danish scheme that the Commission
approved in July under case number SA. 57930. The additional support consists in the following: (i)
a new scheme with an estimated budget of DKK 600 million (approximately €80 million) for the
provision of limited amounts of aid to suppliers of companies prohibited from operating and suppliers
of private events cancelled due to governmental restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
The support, which will take the form of direct grants, is intended to cover the liquidity shortages of
the beneficiaries in the period from 1 September 2020 until 31 January 2021; (ii) the prolongation
until January 2021 of the scheme approved in July, as well as an increase in budget of DKK 1 billion
(approximately €142 million). The Commission found that the new scheme is in line with the
conditions of the Temporary Framework, in particular the aid per company will not exceed €800,000.
The Commission found that this scheme is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a
serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the
conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. The Commission also found that the modifications
of the scheme approved in July are in line with Article 107(2)(b) TFEU. On this basis, the
Commission approved the measures under EU State aid rules. More information on the actions taken
by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here.
The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.59091
and SA.59055 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any
confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229
87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of three US Gulf Coast Terminals by BlackRock and
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of three
US Gulf Coast Terminals, currently belonging to the Dow Chemical Company of the US by Koninklijke
Vopak N.V. (‘Vopak') of the Netherlands and BlackRock Alternatives Management, LLC (‘BAM') of the
US. The three US Gulf Coast Terminals consist of the marine and terminal operations and related
assets which provide tank storage services for chemicals and refined products for the US Gulf Coast.
Vopak is active in the storage and handling of various oil, chemicals, edible oils and natural gas-
related products. It is active worldwide and operates terminals in Asia, Europe, the Middle East,
North and South America and Africa. BAM is an investment management company which offers
portfolio construction, asset management and investment advisory services. It is an indirectly wholly
owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., active in the provision of global investment management, risk
management and advisory services to institutional and retail clients around the world. The
Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, because
of its limited impact on the market. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger
review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the
public case register under the case number M.9999. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.
+32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis engages with civil society on EU trade policy
Executive Vice-President and Trade Commissioner, Valdis Dombrovskis, is today hosting
discussions with civil society on the ongoing Trade Policy Review. The views of civil society are
essential for the European Commission in developing a bespoke EU trade policy approach for the
post-coronavirus world. In the same context, the European Commission has launched a public
consultation on the Trade Policy Review which will end on 15 November 2020, followed by the
presentation of a new strategy in early 2021. This virtual meeting is part of an ongoing process of
Civil Society Dialogues on EU trade policy. Some 230 participants from a broad range of civil society
organisations have successfully registered for today's event and will be putting their questions to
Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis. You will find more information here. (For more information:
Miriam Garcia Ferrer – Tel.: +32 229 99075; Sophie Dirven – Tel.: +32 229 67228)

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