FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...

La page est créée Laurent Caron
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
Technologies Futures et Emergentes
                                     Future Emerging Technologies

                                          Horizon 2020

IECB, Bordeaux, 5 février 2016
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
Technologies Futures et Emergentes
I – Contexte
                             L’esprit FET
    § FET dans H2020
                             Un programme en 3 volets

    § Un programme « ouvert » / les résultats 2014-2015 / Cartographie des
      projets / le programme de travail 2016-2017 / modalités de soumission et
                                   ESRs, une première analyse
    § Un programme thématique / les résultats 2014-2015 / le programme de
      travail 2016-2017 /

 En savoir plus
            § Le dispositif national MRSEI (ANR)
            § Liens et documents utiles
            § Le PCN FET
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
Le programme FET

Ø   Un programme initié il y a 24 ans
Ø   Géré par la DG-CONNECT
Ø   Historiquement la partie « amont » du programme TIC
Ø   Ouverture à toutes les technologies avec Horizon 2020
                               « Future and Emerging Technologies will help
                               Europe to grasp leadership early on in new
                               and emerging technology areas that promise
                               to renew       the    basis for European
                               competitiveness and growth and that will
                               make a difference for society in the decades to
                               come. »

                               è Objectif      long-terme    è     Recherche
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...

FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
FET rejoint le pilier Excellence
scientifique et s’étend à tous
les champs disciplinaires

   Mais programme toujours géré par la DG CNECT
    (Direction Générale Réseaux et Communication,
   contenu et technologies; en charge de la recherche
                      dans les TIC)
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
Le programme FET ?

Ø Projets collaboratifs uniquement : au moins 3 entités légales
  (publiques et/ou privées) dans 3 pays-membres de l’UE ou associés
  à Horizon 2020 (Israël, Suisse, Balkans etc.)

Ø 3 sous-programmes dont un programme ouvert, non thématique
  (FET Open)

Ø Recherche exploratoire mais le critère « impact » est important
FET dans Horizon 2020 - LabEx, clusters of excellence for research ...
L’esprit du programme FET
… des idées novatrices pour des technologies radicalement nouvelles

  Le programme technologies futures et émergentes (FET) a pour ambition
  de transformer l’excellence scientifique de l’Europe en un avantage

  Ce programme veut promouvoir la recherche au-delà des connaissances,
  de ce qui est accepté et largement adopté et soutiendra les idées
  visionnaires et nouvelles pour ouvrir des voies prometteuses vers des
  technologies fortes.

  La recherche financée sera interdisciplinaire et se positionnera entre défis
  scientifiques, défis sociétaux et compétitivité industrielle rapprochant la
  science et l’ingénierie.
                        Emergence                 Novateur


Vision long terme

                    Interdisciplinarité         Haut risque
La structure – Un programme en 3 volets

        Open, light and agile                       Roadmap-based research

                                Computing (HPC)
                    Future and Emerging Technologies
      Individual research                                  Common research
Un programme                       Open research
   OUVERT projects                   clusters

            Early Ideas                Incubation          Large-Scale Initiatives

         FET Open                 FET Proactive           FET Flagships

          Exploring                  Developing                 Addressing
          novel ideas             topics & communities     grand challenges
Les types d’actions du programme FET
Research and Innovation Action (RIA) = projet de recherche collaborative
   classique à Financement à 100% pour tous types de partenaires + 25% de
   coûts indirects à Entre 2 et 4 millions d’€ par consortium

Coordination and Support Action (CSA) = projets divers de soutien à la
  recherche par l’analyse d’impact, l’organisation d’événements de
  promotions, la mise en place de réseaux à un ou plusieurs partenaires
  selon l’appel à Financement à 100% pour tous types de partenaires +
  25% de coûts indirects à Entre 300 et 500 K€ sauf exception

Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) = ne concerne que les grandes
   initiatives (Flagships) –

Pas de « Innovation Actions » (IA) dans le programme FET

« Exploring novel ideas »
FET Open
    'Open is open'

FET Open est un appel blanc, «bottom-up» visant à explorer des idées
visionnaires et prometteuses susceptibles de répondre aux défis
technologiques à long terme de l’Europe. Sa souplesse autorise
l’exploration d’idées, d’approches et de concepts nouveaux et
interdisciplinaires. ”Bottom-up, but targeted - not blue sky research”
(TRL 1-3).

FET Open porte une attention particulière à l’interdisciplinarité et aux
collaborations non conventionnelles.

Ø FET Open soutient des projets collaboratifs de petite taille (entre 2 et
  4 M€/projet).
FET-Open Research and Innovation Actions
        […] Proposals are sought for collaborative
 research with all of the following characteristics
 ('FET gatekeepers'):

                                                 Long-term vision
    • Long-term vision
    • Breakthrough scientific and
      technological target          Interdisciplinary               S&T targeted

    • Novelty                                            Future and
    • Foundational                                      Technologies

    • High-risk                        Novelty                         High-Risk
    • Interdisciplinary

Modalités de soumission et d’évaluation

  Soumission / évaluation en 1 étape
§ Partie A en ligne : infos administratives
§ Partie B : document de (15+1) pages max pour FET
      Ø page de couverture (1 page)
      Ø Section 1: S&T Excellence
      Ø Section 2: Impact
      Ø Section 3: Implémentation

§ Information complémentaire
      Ø Capacité opérationnelle
          · E.g. entités légales, CV, sous-traitance, ...
      Ø Section éthique

Critères d’évaluation
Actions de Recherche et d’Innovation (RIA)

   • S/T quality weight 60%, threshold 4/5
   • Impact weight 20%, threshold 3,5/5
   • Implementation weight 20%, threshold 3/5

Actions de coordination et de soutien (CSA)
  • Excellence weight 40%, threshold 3/5
  • Impact weight 40%, threshold 3/5
  • Implementation weight 20%, threshold 3/5
FETOPEN                                          EVALUATION

Conditions for the Call – FET Open
•   Single stage procedure
•   High quality peer review by 4 expert evaluators
•   Interdisciplinary final panel review
•   Time table for evaluation and GA signature
     • Time to Inform (TTI) - outcome of the evaluation within 5 months
     • Time to Grant (TTG) - signature of the GA within 8 months
• Eligibility and admissibility conditions - parts B and C of
  the General Annexes to the Work Programme
• Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) - grant completely based
  on proposal (no negotiation)

FETOPEN                                   EVALUATION

 1 step submission and evaluation

  Proposal      Eligibility        Expert           Remote
 submission       check           selection       evaluations

 Applicant            Research Executive Agency   Quality check

                screening/       Panel review     Cross-reading
 in 5 months

FETOPEN                                   EVALUATION

Feedback to proposers - Evaluation Summary
Report (ESR)

• Collation of all evaluators' comments, per sub-criterion,
  which may be mutually contradicting (no consensus) - full
• Final score per criteria is decided by the final panel review
• Total final score for the proposal is calculated as the weighted
  sum of the final scores from the 3 evaluation criteria
• Final panel review adds also some additional comments

FETOPEN                                                         Résultats

Overview of topics covered*

*first cut-off in 2014: 640 eligible RIA proposals - 77M€ budget - success rate ~3,75%   20
Répartition thématique des propositions pour les panels*

      Cluster A: proposals mainly from Electronics, ICT,
      Systems and Communication Engineering

      Cluster B: proposals mainly from Chemistry,
      Materials, Energy and Environment

      Cluster C: mainly Physics, but also few proposals
      from Mathematics, Sociology and Economics

      Cluster D: proposals mainly from Life Sciences
                                               *Session FET-OPEN de sept.
   Mais pour l’évaluation : un seul panel, un
    seul budget et une seule liste classée
FETOPEN                                               Résultats

Summary evaluation outcome: RIA

                                  Grant requested
               Eligible   Above                             requested by
                                     by above     Retained               Success
    Cut-off   Proposals threshold                              retained
                                     threshold    Proposals               rate
               received proposals                             proposals

SEPT 2014       643       254        805 M€         24       78,1 M€      3,7%

MAR 2015        665       326        1079 M€        11        41 M€       1,7%

SEPT 2015       799                                        Max 38,5 M€   1,3%
FET OPEN : un programme très compétitif
            3,7%                      1,7%
            Cut 4,65                  Cut 4,9

           230                  315

                                                670   Main list
                                                      Below available budget
300                                                   Below threshold

           389                  344

       Sept-2014         March-2015

       78,1 M€               41 M€
FET OPEN : un programme très compétitif
              3,7%                     1,7%
              Cut 4,65                 Cut 4,9

            230                  315
61% des propositions de 09/2014 au-dessus du seuil ont resoumis
                                                       Main list en 03/2015
                          643 ou en dessous du seuil ont resoumis en 03/2015
400 des propositions inéligibles                       Below available budget
300                                                   Below threshold

             389                 344

         Sept-2014          March-2015

          78,1 M€            41 M€
Résultats CSA

                                 Soumissions : 31
FET open 2 – CSA                 Propositions éligibles : 30
Sujets : Observatory,            Propositions au-dessus du seuil : 20
Communication, Exchange,         Budget total demandé par les
Conference, Prizes, Impact
                                 propositions au-dessus du seuil : 10,8 M€
3M€                              Propositions retenues : 4
0,3 to 0,5M€ par sujet jusqu’à
1M€ pour la Conférence FET

FET open 3 – CSA
Sujets : exchange, take-up
0,3 to 0,5M€ par sujet
1,5M€ - 31/3/2015                Soumissions : 21
1,5M€ - 29/9/2015                Propositions retenues : 3
Focus sept.2014
                               Pays bénéficiaires

                  FR 2ème bénéficiaire
                                                                    669 propositions
                  taux de sélection de 7%                           2 Md€ demandés

                                                                    3037 participations par 1500
                                                                    participants dont 130 FR

                                                                    280 propositions à
                                                                    participation FR
                                                                    211 M€ demandés par FR

                                                                    28 projets retenus - 80 M€
                                                                    12 projets à participation FR
                                                                    dont 1 CSA, 13,5 M€ - 16,9%

                                            *Session FET-OPEN (RIA + CSA) de
                                            sept. 2014
Focus sept.2014
                          Principaux bénéficiaires

              17 « Private for profit » sur 141 participants

                                            *Session FET-OPEN (RIA + CSA) de
                                            sept. 2014
Focus sept.2014
                      Principaux bénéficiaires FR

         13 bénéficiaires FR dont 3 industriels (hors consultant)
         23 participations FR à 12 projets dont 6 coordinations (1 CSA)

                                         *Session FET-OPEN (RIA + CSA) de
                                         sept. 2014
FET-OPEN mars 2015
                         Focus FR

q La France est le 4ème participant (derrière UK, DE, IT) et le 5ème
  bénéficiaire (derrière DE, UK, ES, IT).

q Il y a 7 partenaires français retenus (dont 1 entreprise) qui
  participent à 5 projets.

q L'Institut Curie est le seul coordinateur FR (projet Magneuron).

q Le taux de succès (en projets) est de 1,9% (1,6% en budget).
Cartographie des résultats
Vue d’ensemble
Sept 2014 : 24 projets RIA
Mars 2015 : 11 projets RIA

                  Distribution en durée
                                                     Montant d’Aide
                                                     De 1,9 M€ à 4M€
                                                     3,4 M€ en moyenne
        36 mois     42 mois     48 mois   60 mois
Vue d’ensemble
   Sept 2014 : 24 projets RIA
   Mars 2015 : 11 projets RIA
                                                           Distribution nb partenaires


                      Public body;
     Private for
                         1; 0%
     Profit; 32;                               0
        16%                                          4       5       6       7       8   9

                                             Higher or
  Research                                  Education;
Organisation;                                119; 58%
   53; 26%

                                     TYPE DE PARTENAIRES
Overview of topics covered*

*first cut-off in 2014: 640 eligible RIA proposals - 77M€ budget - success rate ~3,75%

Vue d’ensemble
      Nanoscience,             Bio-Robotics
        Quantum                 and HCI ; 1;        Computer
        Physics,                    4%             Science, Bio-
      Astrophysics;                                informatics,
         5; 21%                                    Complexity,
                                                   Data mining;
                                                      5; 21%

 Materials,                                           Optics,
Chemistry; 6;                                      Hardware,
   25%                                               Sensors,
                                                                    Electronics, Telecom, Optics,
                                         Energy,   Devices; 3;     Hardware, Sensors, Devices; 2;
            Life Science,
                                       Transport,      12%                       18%
          Medicine, Biology,
          NeuroBio; 3; 13%
                                          1; 4%

 Sept.2014                                                                            Energy,
                                           Life Science,                          Environment; 1;
                                            Medicine,                                   9%
                       Mars.2014           NeuroBio; 8;
Vue d’ensemble
Sept 2014 : 24 projets RIA et
Mars 2015 : 11 projets RIA
                                       RÉPARTITION PAR DOMAINE
                       Nanoscience,           Bio-Robotics and HCI ;   Computer Science,
                     Quantum Physics,                1; 3%              Bio-informatics,
                    Astrophysics; 5; 14%                                Complexity, Data
                                                                         mining; 5; 14%

   Materials, Chemistry;                                                     Electronics, Telecom,
         6; 17%                                                                Optics, Hardware,
                                                                              Sensors, Devices; 5;

                                                                          Energy, Transport,
                                                                         Environment; 2; 6%

                   Life Science,
                 Medicine, Biology,
                 NeuroBio; 11; 32%
                                                      Data Learning on Manifolds and
  5     ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET    FR     DEDALE                                                2 702 398 €
            AUX ENERGIES
                                Les projetsAnretenus         Future Challenges
                                             Innovative Method for Improving
 4,9   CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY    UK   InnoSMART        the Structural Integrity using SMA     1 995 113 €
                                                          Revolutionary Technology
            ASSOCIACAO DO
         INSTITUTO SUPERIOR                         volumetric medical x-ray imaging at
 4,9                           PT     VOXEL                                                 3 996 875 €
            TECNICO PARA A                                   extremely low dose
            INVESTIGACAO E
       CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA                          Ultrashort Pulse Generation from
 4,9                           FR   ULTRAQCL                                                2 798 445 €
               RECHERCHE                            Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
          JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS                                Diamond materials for the
4,85          UNIVERSITAET     DE     DIACAT        photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to     3 872 980 €
               WUERZBURG                           fine chemicals and fuels using visible
                                    CHROMAVISI       Super-resolution visualisation and
4,85     STICHTING VU-VUMC     NL                                                           3 567 026 €
                                        ON                 manipulation of metaphase
          TECHNION ISRAEL              MRG-             Massive Reverse Genomics to
4,85                           IL                                                           3 999 661 €
            INSTITUTE OF             GRammar       Decipher Gene Regulatory Grammar
                                                     An Advanced Methodology for the
                                                       Inspection and Quantification of
 4,8   CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY    UK   CompInnova                                              2 495 863 €
                                                    Damage on Aerospace Composites
                                                       and Metals using an Innovative
                                                        INNOVATIVE AUTONOMOUS
                                                          ELECTRICAL BIOSENSOR
 4,8                           PT    Symbiotic                                              3 346 660 €
        ENGENHARIA DO PORTO                              INSIDE A PASSIVE DIRECT
                                                        METHANOL FUEL CELL FOR
                                                             SCREENING CANCER
       WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF                             NanoSmells: Artificial remote-
 4,8                           IL    NanoSmell                                              3 979 069 €
               SCIENCE                                          controlled odorants
           FOUNDATION FOR                             Laser-induced Nanostructures as
4,75        RESEARCH AND       EL   LiNaBioFluid    Biomimetic Model of Fluid Transport     2 750 812 €
        TECHNOLOGY HELLAS                                 in the Integument of Animals
        CHALMERS TEKNISKA                           Reservoir Computing with Real-time
4,75                           SE   RECORD-IT                                               4 193 148 €
            HOEGSKOLA AB                                          Data for future IT
CHALMERS TEKNISKA                         Reservoir Computing with Real-time
4,75                            SE   RECORD-IT                                             4 193 148 €
            HOEGSKOLA AB                                      Data for future IT
       UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III                        Bridging the gap: from Individual
4,75                            ES      IBSEN                                              2 663 238 €
              DE MADRID                              Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical
       CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA                          Magnetic Skyrmions for Future
4,75                            FR    MAGicSky                                             3 396 441 €
             RECHERCHE                                     Nanospintronic Devices
                                                     Noisy Electromagnetic Fields - A
 4,7                            UK     NEMF21       Technological Platform for Chip-to-    3 419 638 €
                                                      Chip Communication in the 21st
          THE UNIVERSITY OF                         Magnetically actuated bio-inspired
 4,7                            UK   ABIOMATER                                             2 978 883 €
                 EXETER                                         metamaterials
           THE CHANCELLOR,                             Quantum Controlled Ultrafast
 4,7          MASTERS AND       UK    QCUMbER          Multimode Entanglement and          3 219 722 €
           SCHOLARS OF THE                                      Measurement
               TECHNISCHE                             Exploring the Unknown through
 4,7                            NL     Phoenix                                             3 632 487 €
              UNIVERSITEIT                            Reincarnation and Co-evolution
       CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA                        Zinc Oxide For TeraHertz Cascade
 4,7                            FR     Zoterac                                             3 795 878 €
               RECHERCHE                                            Devices
               TECHNISCHE                              Towards a nuclear clock with
4,65                            AT     nuClock                                             3 970 328 €
          UNIVERSITAET WIEN                                      Thorium-229
         NATIONAL TECHNICAL                          Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated
4,65                            EL   HELENIC-REF                                           2 578 386 €
       UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS -                      Cluster concerning Renewable Fuels
                                                    Redesigning 2D Materials for the
4,65   VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO    ES      2D-INK                                             2 962 661 €
                                                   Formulation of Semiconducting Inks
          FONDATION PIERRE-                         Fabricating colloidal materials with
4,65                            FR    Microflusa                                           3 027 638 €
       GILLES DE GENNES POUR                                     microfluidics
               TECHNISCHE                            Contrast by Nuclear Quadrupole
4,65                            AT    CONQUER                                              2 488 975 €
          UNIVERSITAET GRAZ                                Enhanced Relaxation
FONDAZIONE ISTITUTO                                 PROtein SEQuencing using Optical
  5                                  IT     PROSEQO                                                  2 906 802,00 €
       ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA                                single molecule real-time detection

               AALTO-                                       Breaking the Nonuniqueness Barrier
  5                                  FI    BREAKBEN                                                  3 998 793,00 €
        KORKEAKOULUSAATIO                                    in Electromagnetic Neuroimaging

         AIT Austrian Institute of                              Molecular Analytical Robotics
4,95                                 AT        MARA                                                  3 996 478,00 €
            Technology GmbH                                                 Assays

         FONDAZIONE BRUNO                                      All Solid-State Super-Twinning
4,95                                 IT   SUPERTWIN                                                  3 925 922,00 €
               KESSLER                                                Photon Microscope

           UNIVERSITY OF
 4,9                                 UK        LIAR                    Living Architecture           3 216 555,00 €
                                                                A cell viewer: super-resolution
 4,9                                 ES     CellViewer          systems microscopy to assess         3 988 753,00 €
                                                              pluripotency and differentiation of
             MAX PLANCK
                                          FutureAgricultu   Transforming the future of agriculture
 4,9     GESELLSCHAFT ZUR            DE                                                              4 871 411,00 €
                                                 re          through synthetic photorespiration
          UNIVERSIDADE DO                                   New technological advances for the
 4,9                                 PT     GOTSolar                                                 2 993 404,00 €
                PORTO                                          third generation of Solar cells
                                                              Studying, Measuring and Altering
 4,9   STARLAB BARCELONA SL          ES    LUMINOUS          Consciousness through information       3 925 589,00 €
                                                                   theory in the electrical brain
                                                              Mass spectrometric technology for
 4,9                                 DK       MSmed              next generation proteomics in       3 672 625,00 €
                                                                         systems medicine
                                                              Hijacking cell signalling pathways
                                                               with magnetic nanoactuators for
 4,9         INSTITUT CURIE          FR   MAGNEURON                   remote-controlled stem         3 473 026,00 €
                                                             cell therapies of neurodegenerative
Le programme de travail FET 2016-2017 – En un mot

q La même structure en 3 volets
q Un nouvel instrument FET Innovation Launchpad
q Des critères d’évaluation plus différenciés entre FETOPEN et
   FET PROACT. Mêmes poids et seuils.
q Un budget en augmentation >+35% (624,5M€)
Ciblée sur FET OPEN (RIA) 154           252 M€

q Attention : des dates d’échéance différentes !
FET WP 2016-2017 - Structure et budget

q FET Open
   § FETOPEN 1 – 2016/2017 : FET-Open Research projects (RIA)
       − 84 M€ en 2016 – 11/05/2016
       − 168 M€ en 2017 – 17/01/2017 et 28/09/2017
   § FETOPEN 2 – 2016 : FET-Open Coordination and Support Actions
       − 3 M€ - 11/05/2016
       − FET Communication (16), FET Exchange (16), FET Conference (16), FET
         Innovation Greenhouse (16)
   § FETOPEN 3 – 2017 : FET-Open Coordination and Support Actions
       − 1,5 M€ - 17/01/2017
       − FET Futures (17), FET Exchange (17)
   § FETOPEN 4 – 2016/2017: FET Innovation Launchpad
       − CSA < 100 k€
       − 1,2 M€ - 28/10/2016
       − 1,8 M€ - 27/10/2017
Critères d’évaluation FETOPEN 2016-2017
       Actions de Recherche et d’Innovation (RIA)

• S/T quality weight 60%, threshold 4/5
        − Novelty of long-term vision, and clarity, ambition and concreteness of the targeted
          breakthrough towards achieving that vision.
        − Foundational character of the targeted breakthrough and novelty, nonincrementality
          and plausibility of the proposed research for achieving it.
        − Appropriateness of the research methodology and its suitability to address high
          scientific and technological risks.
        − Range and added value from interdisciplinarity, including measures for exchange,
          cross-fertilisation and synergy.
• Impact weight 20%, threshold 3,5/5
        − Importance of the new technological outcome with regards to its transformational
          impact on technology and/or society.
        − Impact on future European scientific and industrial leadership, notably from
          involvement of new and high potential actors.
        − Quality of methods and measures for achieving impact beyond the research world
          and for establishing European though leadership, as perceived by industry and society.
Critères d’évaluation 2016-2017
      Actions de Recherche et d’Innovation (RIA)

• Implementation weight 20%, threshold 3/5
       − Soundness of the workplan and clarity of intermediate targets.
       − Relevance of expertise in the consortium.
       − Appropriate allocation and justification of resources (personmonths, equipment,

 FET-Open Innovation Launchpad
 •   New topic in WP2016-17

   This topic aims at funding further innovation related work
   (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the
   original project) to verify and substantiate the innovation
   potential of ideas arising from FET funded projects and to
   support the next steps in turning them into a genuine social
   or economic innovation.
 • Coordination and Support Action, 18 months, up to 100k€
 • Single step submission, '1+7' pages, 2 deadlines

FET and innovation?


                       An innovation engine
                                              New technologies
New                                                   and their
knowledge                                          applications


 FET-Open Innovation Launchpad
 •   Scope
     •       Short and focused actions (18 months indicative, 100K€ funding)
     •       Early innovation steps to improve market- and investor-readiness
     •       Based on results from an ongoing or recently finished FET project
         •      Any FET-funded project from FP7 or H2020, ongoing or maximum 1 year from end-date of
                originating project to call deadline
         •      The link with the originating project is to be substantiated in the proposal
     •       No additional S&T research
     •       Actions not foreseen in originating project
     •       No direct link needed with originating consortium
     •       Single participant possibility
     •       Assurance on necessary intellectual property rights and agreements
             to be stated in the proposal

 FET-Open Innovation Launchpad

 •   Expected Impacts
     •   Increased innovation potential from FET projects
         (is there evidence that the chance of succeeding will be increased
         through this action?)
     •   Creation of concrete innovations (start-up or otherwise)
         (concreteness of the innovation idea to move closer to market than
         in the originating project)
     •   Stimulating entrepreneurial mindset in FET research world
         (is this providing a strong role model for going beyond the research
     •   Seeding growth and the creation of jobs
         (is there a credible pathway presented towards a more inclusive
         society, growth and jobs?)
En résumé - appels FET-Open - WP 2016-17
         Topic            Budget          Budget         Deadlines      Opening
                            2016           2017
                         (€ Million)     (€ Million)
FETOPEN-01-2016-2017    84.0                           11 May 2016   8 Dec 2015
(RIA)                                  84.0            17 Jan 2017
                                       26.5 (+57.5)    27 Sep 2017

FETOPEN-02-2016         3.0                            11 May 2016   8 Dec 2015

FETOPEN-03-2017                        1.5             17 Jan 2017   20 Sep 2016

FETOPEN-04-2016-2017    1.2                            29 Sep 2016   1 Mar 2016
(CSA - ILP)                            1.8             27 Sep 2017

                  Total: 88.2          113.8

FET-OPEN : est-ce le bon programme pour votre projet ?
• Check out LEIT and Societal Challenges workprogrammes

• FET is not ERC: collaboration, science and technology are all
  essential ingredients

• It is not because something has not been done before that it is
  sufficiently novel for FET

• FET is not long-term end of an established industry’s road-map
  (radical novelty, interdisciplinary,...)

• An exciting long-term vision is essential, but also a new and
  plausible idea on how to get there

• Writing a good FET-Open proposal is probably as hard as writing a
  good scientific publication
La structure – Un programme en 3 volets

 Open, light and agile                       Roadmap-based research

                         Computing (HPC)
             Future and Emerging Technologies
Individual research         Open research           Common research
      projects                clusters                 agendas

     Early Ideas                Incubation          Large-Scale Initiatives

  FET Open                 FET Proactive           FET Flagships

   Exploring                  Developing                 Addressing
   novel ideas             topics & communities     grand challenges
FET Proactive 2014 – Trois thématiques

 §    Global Systems Science (GSS) – 10M€

 §    Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving – 15 M€

 §    Quantum Simulation – 10M€

Budget total (2014-2015) hors HPC: 35 M€
3-4 M€ / projet
durée possible du projet jusqu’à 5 ans
 Complété par une action spéciale “Towards exascale High Performance Computing”
 FET-HPC Public-Private Partnership (ETP4HPC)
FET Proactive 2014

                                Submitted Proposals - RIA
 Topic Code                               Eligible                   %
                   Total          %                   Ineligible
                                         Proposals               ineligible
                    52          28,3%         51          1         1,9%
                    110         59,8%        108          2         1,8%
                    22          12,0%         17          5        22,7%
  TOTAL            184          100,0%       176          8        4,3%

   Total       EU Requested      Total
Participants   Contribution      SMEs
                                              %           FR 4ème participant (après
   1053         495 828 858 €     19        1,8%          DE, UK, IT) avec 85
                                                          participations (12,9%) dont
                                                          11 coordinations
FET Proactive 2014

                        Reason(s) for Ineligibility
The Part B (1-3 sections) is 19 pages long, and exceeds 16 pages limit set for the call.
The opinion of the evaluators and of the panel is that the proposal consists essentially in
the development of industrial management tool informed by AI methods and does not
address any of the three aspects of the call on "Knowing, Doing, Being: Cognition beyond
problem solving". The proposal might be worthwhile under some other program.
The part including the cover page and the sections 1, 2 and 3 is longer than 16 pages.
The opinion of the majority of experts in the panel is that the proposal content does not
sufficiently address the scope defined by the call on "Quantum Simulations". The panel via
majority vote decided that the proposal is out of scope
FET Proactive 2014 - Résultats

                         Number of Proposals                  Number
                                  Retained                       of    EU Requested
Topic Code                                            Success
             Evaluated     %        for        %              particip Contribution
                                  Funding                      ations
                51       29,0%       3       30,0%    5,9%      29      9 505 569 €
               108       61,4%       4       40,0%    3,7%      25     13 042 650 €
                17        9,7%       3       30,0%    17,6%     28      9 157 875 €
 TOTAL         176       100,0%     10       100,0%   5,7%      82     31 706 094 €

                 FR 2ème bénéficiaire (après DE) avec 11
                 participations dont 1 coordination, pour
                 un montant total de 4,75 Meuros
FET Proactive 2014
                                         Liste des projets retenus (RIA)

 DOLFINS                   Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society                      UNIVERSITAET ZUERICH                CH

                     Bringing CItizens, Models and Data together in Participatory,       DEUTSCHES FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM FUER
 CIMPLEX                                                                                                                             DE
                                  Interactive SociaL EXploratories                         KUENSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ GMBH
                 Global systems Rapid Assessment tools through Constraint FUnctional
GRACeFUL                                                                                UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA         ES
                                                                                           UNIVERSITAETSKLINIKUM HAMBURG-
  socSMCs                      Socialising Sensori-Motor Contingencies                                                               DE
                    Flora Robotica: Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids
flora robotica                                                                                  UNIVERSITAET PADERBORN               DE
                                   as Social Architectural Artifacts
                    Mind and Time: Investigation of the Temporal Traits of Human-      FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY
TIMESTORM                                                                                                                            EL
                                      Machine Convergence                                              HELLAS

  DREAM             Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines         UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6   FR

   RYSQ                             Rydberg Quantum Simulators                                     UNIVERSITAET ULM                  DE

                                                                                        LABORATORIO EUROPEO DI SPETTROSCOPIE
   QUIC                   Quantum simulations of insulators and conductors                                                           IT
                                                                                                   NON LINEARI

   AQuS                  Analog quantum simulators for many-body dynamics              RUPRECHT-KARLS-UNIVERSITAET HEIDELBERG        DE
Les thématiques Proactive –
                   Le programme de travail
Ø FET Advisory Group (FETAG)
    Provided for in the legislative text to give consistent and consolidated
    advice on relevant objectives and S&T&I priorities during the WP
    26 members selected from an open call for candidates
    Balanced composition in terms of countries, gender, stakeholders,
    disciplines, age.
    A consulter régulièrement :
Ø Comité de programme (RCP – Guillaume FUSAI, MENESR)

Ø L’exemple de FET Proactive:
Large consultation en mai 2014. 491 contributions reçues
Une analyse des retours est accessible ici:
FET PROACTIVE WP 2016-2017 - Thèmes et budget
§ FET PROACT 1 – 2016 : FET-Proactive: emerging themes and
   − Area 1 - Future technologies for societal change:
       · Being human in a technological world,
       · New science for a globalised world
   − Area 2 - Biotech for better life:
       · Intra- and inter-cell bio-nano-chem technologies,
       · Bio-electronic medicines and therapies,
       · Cognitive neuro-technologies,
   − Area 3 - Disruptive information technologies:
       · New computing paradigms and their technologies,
       · Quantum engineering,
       · Hybrid opto-electro-mechanical devices at the nano-scale,
   − Area 4 - New technologies for energy and materials:
       · Ecosystem engineering,
       · Complex bottom-up construction,
   − RIA entre 4-10 M€
   − 12/04/2016
   − Budget total de 80 M€ avec max. 20 M€ (1 et 4), 30 M€ (2 et 3)
FET WP 2016-2017 – Thèmes et budget

q FET Proactive (suite)
   § FET PROACT 2 – 2017: FET ERANET Cofund
       − 5 M€ - 24/01/2017
   § FET PROACT 3 – 2016: FET ERANET Cofund in Quantum Technologies
       − 10 M€ - 12/04/2016
Critères d’évaluation FETPROACT 2016-2017
       Actions de Recherche et d’Innovation (RIA)

• S/T quality weight 60%, threshold 4/5
        − Clarity of targeted breakthrough and its specific science and technology contribution
          towards a long-term vision.
        − Novelty ; level of ambition and foundational character.
        − Range and added value fro interdisciplinarity
        − Appropriatness of the research methods
• Impact weight 20%, threshold 3,5/5
        − Importance of the new technological outcome with regards to its transformational
          impact on technology and or society
        − Quality of measures for achieving impact on science, technology and/or society
        − Impact from empowerment of new and high potential actors towards future
          technological leadership
• Implementation weight 20%, threshold 3/5
        − Clarity of the workplan and clarity of intermediate targets
        − Relevant expertise in the consortium.
        − Appropriate allocation and justification of resources (person-months, equipment,
Journée d’information FET-OPEN et FET-PROACTIVE - 25 janvier 2015,

Le programme de travail FET 2016-2017 – En résumé
              FET-Open                                                         259,5M
              FET-Open RIA (RIA) 2016-2017                                     252M

Budget        FET-Open CSA (CSA) 2016
              FET-Open CSA (CSA) 2017
624,5M        FET Innovation Launchpad (CSA) 2016-2017 < 100K                   3M
              FET-Proactive – boosting emerging technologies                    95M

              Emerging themes and communities (RIA) 2016                        80M

              FET ERANET Cofund CHIST-ERA 2017                                  5M

              FET ERANET Cofund on quantum technologies (ERANET) 2016           10M

              FET Proactive – High Performance Computing                        85M

              Co-design of HPC systems and applications (RIA) 2016              41M

              Transition to Exascale Computing (RIA) 2017                       40M
              Exascale HPC ecosystem development (CSA) 2017                     4M

              FET-Flagships                                                    185M
              Partnering environment for FET Flagships 2016
                 - ERA-NET Cofund action (ERANET)                               8M
                 - Coordination and Support Action (CSA)                  62    1M
              Core project funding (through 'Other Actions') (RIA) 2017        176M
      § Le dispositif national MRSEI (ANR)
      § Liens et documents utiles
      § Le PCN FET
L’instrument MRSEI (ANR)
« Montage de réseaux scientifiques européens
            ou internationaux »

  Faciliter l’accès des chercheurs français aux
  programmes de financement européens (Horizon
  Renforcer le positionnement de la France à
  l’international par la coordination française de
  projets scientifiques

  Dynamiser et accompagner les chercheurs dans
  le montage de leurs projets européens ou internationaux
Mise en oeuvre

 Un montant d’aide de 30 keuros (max.) pour des
 dépenses liées au montage du réseau/projet
 (missions, workshop, prestations (
Critères d’évaluation

1. Pertinence, originalité et innovation du sujet ainsi que
   son adéquation avec l’appel européen visé

2. Qualité et crédibilité du réseau envisagé

3. Qualification du coordinateur scientifique

4. Qualité de la planification de montage du réseau

5. Impact prévisionnel de l’aide
Appel MRSEI session juillet 2015
    Ø 84 propositions ont été évaluées par le comité

                                                                Excellence'    ERC      1
      Science'avec'et'                                                         MSCA    12
                                                                               FET     12
NMP         2                                                                  Infra    4
LEIT-ICT    5          Primauté'
LEIT-Biotec 1       industrielle,'10'
PPP         1
JTI-BBI     1


           SC1 - « Santé, démographie, bien-être »                             14
           SC2 - « Sécurité alimentaire, agriculture,…, bioéconomie »           4
           SC5 - « Action pour le climat, environnement,… »                     3
           SC6 – « Sociétés inclusives, innovantes et réflexives »              9
Appel MRSEI session juillet 2015
        Ø 36 propositions retenues, soit un taux de sélection global
          de 42,8%
                10#                           Excellence#scien2fique#

                                        29#   Défis#sociétaux#


                30#                           Interna2onaux#

Ø 9 propositions FET retenues sur 12
En savoir plus sur les MRSEI

  Deuxième appel lancé le 19 novembre 2015
  Appel clos le 12 janvier 2015, 13 heures

  Page de l’appel : http://www.agence-nationale-

  Contact : Maurice Héral, Responsable du programme
            Angèla Samaan, Coordinatrice scientifique

  Adresse mail : mrsei@agencerecherche.fr

Mieux comprendre ce qui est attendu en terme d’interdisciplinarité

Quelques liens utiles
H2020 website

Participant portal

Les fiches des projets financés 2014

Contact FET                        Twitter
CNECT-FET@ec.europa.eu             @FET_EU
FET-OPEN Infoday à Bruxelles – 6 juillet 2015

Témoignage d’évaluateurs FET

WP 2016-2017

Conférence ICT 2015, 20-22 octobre 2015, Lisbonne

Journée dédiée à l’évaluation (MSCA/FET) – 3 novembre 2015
(Paris, MENESR)
PCN – Technologies Futures et Emergentes
       Guillaume Fusai, représentant Comité de programme, MENESR

      Coordination – Martine Garnier-Rizet, responsable scientifique

   Pascale Massiani, DR, Chargée de mission partenariats
   Européens, CNRS, Institut de Chimie

   Subbarao Bassava, responsable des relations internationales
                     Mariama Cottrant, chargée d’affaires,
                     Université Paris 13
                    Nicolas Lecompte, chargé d’affaires Europe

      Catherine Gilles-Pascaud, chargée de mission

      Nacer Boubenna, chargé de mission pôle relations européennes
           Catherine Marais, chargée de Mission Coopération Européenne,
           Pôle Relations Européennes
Abonnez-vous à la
Lettre d'information
et aux alertes !
ESRs, première analyse
ESRs :    première analyse
q Main list: all RIA projects
   § 24 (2014) + 11 (2015)
q Below available budget: projects with FR as
   § 30 (2014) + 30 (2015)
q Below threshold: projects with FR as coordinator
   § 44 (2014) + 31 (2015)
            Strengths                                weaknesses

Ø Clarity: Good description of the              Ø Continuation to ongoing work
  methodology, Cutting-edge                     Ø Insufficient information
  technology, with breakthrough,                Ø Many risks, not all of them with
  promising, realistically achievable,            mitigation actions
  targeted breakthrough, long term              Ø Foundational character not convincing
  vision, Ambitious and feasible, Sound and       because of the prior developments in
  timely, immediate applications, Results are     the field
  tangible and verifiable                       Ø The computational aspects are not
Ø Involvement of SMEs                             clearly described
Ø Novelty/foundational: Beyond the state        Ø Lack of precision in the description of
  of the art, potential to create a paradigm      one technical phase
  shift, several novel concepts ambitious,      Ø Lack of survey of the state of the art
  original and innovative, very challenging,    Ø Poor research methodology
  Innovative approach, strong ambition,         Ø Barely interdisciplinary
  simple and powerful                           Ø Not quantified
Ø Totally new applications,                     Ø Expensive materials in use
Ø Very risky, huge payback
Ø Interdisciplinarity: Genuine
                 Strengths                             Weaknesses
Ø High impact on European and world               Ø The technological actors are not specified,
  economy and market, Potential to be               Technological impact not clearly described
  commercialized, New technological               Ø No mention of technology transfer,
  outcome, New line of technology, final            Commercial aspects not well described,
  industrial application, Several applications,     Vague business plan,
  patents, Proof of principle, Dedicated WP       Ø Potential startup failure, No direct
  for exploitation                                  involvement of an SME, Usual academic
Ø Beneficial to the whole mankind, Multi            channels, No RTD SME or end users
  benefits to education and research,             Ø Missing screening of IP activities
  Economic and social impact, Close
                                                  Ø Dissemination prejudiced by confidentiality
  contacts with users
                                                    issues, Communication plan not well
Ø Support of research knowledge transfer            addressed, No dissemination and exploitation
  team, Market research analysis, Concise           task
  but proper measures, realistic numbers
                                                  Ø Measures towards general public could be
Ø Good dissemination and data                       improved
  management plan, New media (online
  new, RSS feed service), Popular press,
  Communication activities for the general
  public, Presentation at technical fairs,
  Creation of a MOOC, Wikipedia article,
                  Strengths                         Weaknesses

Ø Publications in high impact factor journals
Ø Involvement of a company, Startup
  participation, Involvement of a high-tech
  SME, Follow-up projects with industry
Ø Addition of postdocs, intention to hire,
  High fraction of the WP leaders are young
  researchers and female researchers,
  Gender balance is good, At least one
  young PdD researcher, Scientific work
  performed by young researchers, Young
  scientists as principal investigators, Training
  for young researchers, Woman coordinator
     Strengths                                     Weaknesses
                                         Ø Too many participants so money may
Ø Good work plan, Clear milestones,        not be sufficient, Role of the partners
  Contingency plan, Well structured,       not clearly described in the work
  clear vision                             packages, Repartition of the
                                           leadership of the WPs unequal
Ø Complementarity and expertise in the     between partners, Unclear division of
  consortium, ERC winning researcher,      tasks, Limited number of milestones,
  Experience in managing European          Resource levels not derived from
  projects                                 research objectives
                                         Ø Project management structure and
                                           decision making procedures not
Ø SME Partner
                                           sufficiently described
Ø Appropriate allocation of resources,
                                         Ø Available preliminary results too
  Justified resources
                                         Ø Lack of quantitative benchmarks
                                         Ø Risk analysis too general
                                         Ø Absence of end users, absence of
                                           industrial partner
Merci de votre attention !
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