FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

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FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers
Table of Contents

Medieval Studies                                         3

Languages & Literature                                   7

Book History & Manuscript Studies                        9

Art History                                             10

History of Architecture                                 13

Renaissance & Early Modern Studies                      15

Philosophy & Religion                                   17

History of Science                                      19

Music History                                           21

Ancient Near East & Classics                            23

Corpvs Christianorvm                                    24

Scope of this catalogue:
July 1st 2018 - November 30th 2018
As a rule, publications already mentioned in previous
Forthcoming Titles Catalogues are not repeated.
FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                The Fourth Lateran Council                                             Donner sens au nom de
                                                                and the Crusade Movement                                               personne dans le royaume
                                                                The Impact of the Council of 1215                                      anglo-saxon (Xe-XIe siècles)
Emotion and Medieval                                            on Latin Christendom and the East                                      Essai d’histoire sociale
                                                                Jessalynn Bird, Damian Smith (eds)
Textual Media                                                                                                                          Arnaud Lestremau

Mary C. Flannery (ed.)                                          The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 is often considered                 À rebours d’une tradition anglo-saxonne qui tendait
                                                                as the high water-mark for the Medieval Church with                    à réduire l’attention des linguistes, l’auteur s’attache
Text is one of the most valuable and plentiful                  its decisions affecting the cultural, social, religious and            à écrire l’histoire sociale du royaume insulaire, en
sources of information available to scholars                    intellectual history of the Later Medieval World. This                 empruntant aux méthodes de l’anthropologie,
interested in medieval emotion. The medieval                    book, is the first to deal with Fourth Lateran and the                 de l’histoire quantitative et de l’histoire des
world may have vanished centuries ago, and its                  crusades in entirety and argues for the centrality of                  représentations. En s’appuyant sur une documentation
human subjects with it, but a wealth of textual                 the council in the history of the crusades. It will be                 extrêmement variée et presque exhaustive, il montre
traces remains: sermons, romances, poems, plays,                of interest not only to scholars of the history of the                 l’ambiguïté des noms et la fluidité des usages sociaux,
treatises, songs, inscriptions, graffiti, and much              crusades but also to those interested in the history of                à mi-chemin entre enjeux individuels et structurations
more. But how is emotion communicated and                       the religious life of the Middle Ages as well to students              des groupes auxquels les habitants de l’Angleterre
shaped by these different textual forms? That                   of the particular areas and themes under discussion.                   médiévale appartenaient.
is the question at the heart of this collection of
essays, which aims to open up our sense of what
texts can contribute to the history of emotions
by considering the variety of ways that texts can               approx. 328 p., 5 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018,                        approx. 346 p., 71 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
function as vehicles — media — for emotion.                     ISBN 978-2-503-58088-3                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-57933-7
The essays in this volume examine how literary                  Hardback: approx. € 84                                                 Paperback: approx. € 80
and dramatic texts, chant, manuscript annotations,              Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, vol. 7   Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 35
and material inscriptions mediate emotion — how                 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                  Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
they bring it about, communicate it, process it,
and shape it via forms that act on various senses.
Ranging between the eighth and fifteenth centuries
and comprising contributions from scholars of
musicology, Old English and Old Norse studies,
material culture, Middle English literature, drama,
and manuscript studies, the essays contained in
this volume serve as a window onto the complex
relationship between emotions and different
textual forms.

Mary C. Flannery is a lecturer in medieval English at
the University of Lausanne.

Table of Contents:
                                                                Confraternity, Mendicant                                               La construction sociale du
                                                                Orders, and Salvation in                                               sujet exclu (IVe-XIe siècle)
                                                                the Middle Ages                                                        Discours, lieux et individus
                                                                The Contribution of the Hungarian                                      Sylvie Joye, Maria Cristina La Rocca,
                                                                                                                                       Stéphane Gioanni (éd.)
                                                                Sources (c.1270-c.1530)
                                                                Marie-Madeleine de Cevins                                              L’exclusion sociale apparaît comme un sujet
                                                                                                                                       dramatique dans les sociétés anciennes. Les
                                                                By the late Middle Ages, mendicant spiritual                           quatorze contributions rassemblées dans ce volume
                                                                confraternities had developed a poor reputation. Their                 interrogent les traces et les conséquences de
                                                                spiritual status was ill-identified. This volume draws                 l’exclusion aussi bien dans les sources textuelles
                                                                on the abundant number of letters of confraternity                     qu’archéologiques, du IVe au XIe siècle. Elles montrent
                                                                available from Hungarian sources in order to provide                   en particulier comment discours et pratiques de
                                                                a more nuanced picture of mendicant spiritual                          la justice ou des institutions chrétiennes peuvent
                                                                confraternities. It sheds new light on the links                       marquer le statut ou le corps du sujet, et comment
                                                                between the mendicants and their supports among                        celui-ci réagit face à l’exclusion, quitte à faire de celle-
                                                                the laity, and emphasises the broader significance of                  ci un élément revendiqué de son identité.
                                                                the confraternity movement in late medieval piety in
                                                                Central Europe and beyond.
approx. 315 p., 14 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-57781-4                                          approx. 375 p., 22 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                       approx. 283 p., 9 b/w ills, 7 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
Hardback: € 80                                                  ISBN 978-2-503-57871-2                                                 ISBN 978-2-503-57605-3
Series: Early European Research, vol. 13                        Hardback: € 100                                                        Paperback: approx. € 75
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                           Series: Europa Sacra, vol. 23                                          Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 33
                                                                Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                  Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018

                                                                                                                                                              FHG                                      3
FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers


                                                                                                                              Château Gaillard 28
                                                                                                                              L’environnement du château
                                                                                                                              Peter Ettel, Anne-Marie Flambard Héricher,
                                                                                                                              Kieran O’Conor

                                                                                                                              Le XXVIIIe colloque Château Gaillard s’est tenu
   Une histoire du sensible                                 Regards croisés sur                                               au mois d’août 2016 à Roscommon (Irlande). Les
                                                                                                                              contributions confirment les grandes avancées
   La perception des victimes de                            le monument médiéval                                              de la recherche européenne dans le domaine de
   catastrophe du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle                     Mélanges offerts à Claude                                         l’archéologie du milieu. Reprenant et dépassant
   Thomas Labbé (éd.)                                       Andrault-Schmitt                                                  les études récentes qui ont montré comment la
                                                                                                                              seigneurie a pu construire, avec des objectifs bien
                                                            Marcel Angheben, Pierre Martin,
   Cet ouvrage se propose de réfléchir à la                 Éric Sparhubert (éd.)
                                                                                                                              précis de valorisation du pouvoir, le paysage qui
   construction historique de la condition de victime,                                                                        entoure le château, les études qui composent cet
   en relation avec les événements traumatiques dans        Ce livre de mélanges rassemble trente-cinq                        ouvrage s’attachent également à l’implantation initiale
   l’Europe médiévale et moderne. Dans le contexte          contributions consacrées principalement à                         de la forteresse dans un paysage choisi.
   contemporain, le discours et la gestion des situations   l’architecture du quart sud-ouest de la France
   de catastrophe ou de mort de masse s’organisent          offertes en hommage à Claude-Andrault-Schmitt.
   en priorité autour de la place des victimes dans la
   fabrique événementielle. Cette attitude de la société    Claude Andrault-Schmitt a consacré la majeure                     364 p., 220 x 280 mm, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et
   contemporaine face à la dévastation, qualifiée tantôt    partie de sa carrière d’enseignant-chercheur à l’étude            Historiques Médiévales, 2018,
   de « compassionnelle », tantôt « d’humanitaire »,        des arts de l’ancien duché d’Aquitaine, en accordant              ISBN 978-2-84133-891-7
   ou bien encore de « tragique », reflète une forme        un intérêt particulier à l’architecture religieuse. Dans          Hardback: € 42,45
   de sensibilité qui définit en premier lieu la réalité    sa démarche intellectuelle, elle s’est constamment                Série: Château Gaillard. Etudes de castellologie médiévale, vol. 28
   catastrophique comme un drame.                           interrogée sur les questions d’historiographie, de                Disponible
   Une telle approche de la souffrance possède-t-           méthodologie et d’épistémologie, ce qui l’a amenée
   elle cependant une histoire ou constitue-t-elle une      à défendre plusieurs principes qui lui sont chers :
   constante anthropologique de la société occidentale ?    appliquer à l’architecture un vocabulaire adapté aux
   Quel regard les sociétés médiévales et modernes          réalités et aux usages médiévaux, se méfier des idées
   ont-elles posé sur cet aspect autant éthique que         reçues héritées de l’historiographie et des étiquettes
   social du réel ? Les essais réunis dans ce volume        – à commencer par le traditionnel clivage entre le
   proposent d’offrir quelques pistes de réflexion. À la    roman et le gothique –, aborder les rapports entre
   lecture ambiguë de la victime au Moyen Âge, entre        les formes et les différentes fonctions d’une église
   souffrance et responsabilité, la Renaissance semble      et rassembler le plus grand nombres de disciplines
   commencer à proposer une vision plus « tragique          autour d’un même édifice pour en comprendre
   » des individus souffrants. Les victimes peuvent dès     toutes les facettes : historiens, archéologues,
   lors entrer progressivement dans une politique des       spécialistes des matériaux, de l’épigraphie, de
   émotions qui triomphe au XVIIIe siècle.                  l’iconographie, musicologues.
                                                            À l’occasion de son départ à la retraite, ses collègues
   Thomas Labbé est chercheur associé à l’UMR CNRS          et ses élèves ont souhaité lui rendre hommage en
   6298 ARTeHIS, Université de Bourgogne.                   lui dédiant trente-cinq contributions reflétant ces
   Gerrit J. Schenk est professeur d’histoire médiévale à   différentes préoccupations, regroupées dans trois                 The Lands of Saint Ambrose
   l’université de Darmstadt.                               parties complémentaires : l’Aquitaine médiévale –                 Monks and Society in
                                                            Limousin, Poitou, Sud-Ouest –, les ordres réformés –
   Table des matières:                      Cîteaux, Grandmont, Fontevrault – et les arts roman
                                                                                                                              Early Medieval Milan
                                                            et gothique. Ces contributions forment ensemble                   Ross Balzaretti
                                                            un panorama très représentatif de l’état de la
                                                            recherche actuelle dans ces différents domaines et                This book is a history of Milan in the early medieval
                                                            des orientations encouragées par Claude Andrault-                 period. It investigates the political, social, and economic
                                                            Schmitt, que ce soit dans ses publications ou dans                aspects of the transformation of the Roman world in
                                                            son enseignement.                                                 one of its major centres. Its main theme is the role of
                                                                                                                              monastic communities in this transformation.The book
                                                            Table des matières:                               shows how successive generations of monks helped to
                                                                                                                              change the social organisation of the city and much of
                                                                                                                              its hinterland. This thesis challenges the views of earlier
                                                                                                                              generations of scholars who downplayed the role of
                                                                                                                              the monastery in the mechanisms of social change, in
                                                                                                                              favour of a ‘new’ mercantile class.

   approx. 236 p., 5 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,         approx. 524 p., 210 b/w ills, 45 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
   ISBN 978-2-503-57494-3                                   ISBN 978-2-503-55574-4                                            approx. x + 650 p., 17 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
   Paperback: approx. € 65                                  Paperback: approx. € 95                                           ISBN 978-2-503-50977-8
   Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 35            Série: Culture et société médiévales, vol. 33                     Hardback: € 125
   Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018                   Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018                            Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 44
                                                                                                                              Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018

FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                               ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORIES OF

                                                                 BOOK SERIES
                                                                               THE NORTH ATLANTIC WORLD

The Pre-Christian Religions
of the North
Research and Reception,Volume II:
From c. 1830 to the present
Margaret Clunies Ross

This book reveals the various ways people have
understood or reacted to Scandinavian paganism
                                                                    Environment, Colonisation,                                            Ecologies of Crusading,
from the Middle Ages to today. It establishes a                     and the Baltic Crusader                                               Colonization, and Religious
definitive survey of the current and historical uses
and interpretations of pre-Christian mythology and
                                                                    States                                                                Conversion in the
religious material, tracing the many ways in which                  Terra Sacra I                                                         Medieval Baltic
people both within and outside Scandinavia have                     Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)                                            Terra Sacra II
understood and been influenced by these religions,
                                                                                                                                          Aleksander Plukowski (ed.)
from the Christian Middle Ages to contemporary                      In the thirteenth century, crusading armies unleashed
media of all kinds. It takes up the story from c. 1830              a relentless holy war against the pagan tribal groups
                                                                                                                                          In the thirteenth century, crusading armies unleashed
down to the present day and the burgeoning of                       of the Eastern Baltic, whose territories were
                                                                                                                                          a relentless holy war against the pagan tribal groups
interest across a diversity of new and old media.                   conquered and reorganized into Christian states run
                                                                                                                                          of the Eastern Baltic, whose territories were
                                                                    by the Teutonic Order, bishops, and their cathedral
                                                                                                                                          conquered and reorganized into Christian states run
                                                                    chapters. Castles were built, towns established,
approx. 650 p., 8 b/w ills, 11 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
                                                                                                                                          by the Teutonic Order, bishops, and their cathedral
                                                                    and colonists encouraged to settle under the
ISBN 978-2-503-56880-5
                                                                                                                                          chapters. Castles were built, towns established,
                                                                    leadership of the new Christian theocracy. But the
Hardback: approx. € 130
                                                                                                                                          and colonists encouraged to settle under the
                                                                    changes introduced alongside Christianity not only
Series: The Pre-Christian Religions of the North
                                                                                                                                          leadership of the new Christian theocracy. But the
                                                                    transformed the culture of eastern Baltic societies,
                                                                                                                                          changes introduced alongside Christianity not only
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                               but also had a profound and — for the Baltic tribes,
                                                                                                                                          transformed the culture of eastern Baltic societies,
                                                                    who saw many aspects of the natural world as sacred
                                                                                                                                          but also had a profound and — for the Baltic tribes,
                                                                    — deeply significant impact on the local environment.
                                                                                                                                          who saw many aspects of the natural world as sacred
                                                                    This seminal period in the environmental history of
                                                                                                                                          — deeply significant impact on the local environment.
                                                                    north-eastern Europe has been the focus of the
                                                                                                                                          This seminal period in the environmental history of
                                                                    ERC-funded research programme, ‘The Ecology
                                                                                                                                          north-eastern Europe has been the focus of the
                                                                    of Crusading’, which explored the physical and
                                                                                                                                          ERC-funded research programme, ‘The Ecology
                                                                    conceptual ecological transformations associated
                                                                                                                                          of Crusading’, which explored the physical and
                                                                    with warfare, colonization, and religious conversion.
                                                                                                                                          conceptual ecological transformations associated
                                                                    This is the first of two Terra Sacra volumes, which
                                                                                                                                          with warfare, colonization, and religious conversion.
                                                                    share the aim of changing our understanding of the
                                                                                                                                          This second Terra Sacra volume draws together a
                                                                    environmental impact of crusading and colonization
                                                                                                                                          series of case-studies on Livonia and Prussia that
                                                                    in northeastern Europe. The present volume
                                                                                                                                          provide a unique snapshot of recent research into
                                                                    provides a detailed inter-disciplinary comparison of
                                                                                                                                          environmental change during the Baltic Crusades
                                                                    the environmental transformations associated with
                                                                                                                                          and also explore long-term trends in landscape
                                                                    the emergence of the crusader states of Livonia
                                                                                                                                          organization and environmental exploitation. The
Spazio pubblico e                                                   and Prussia. It draws on and integrates a range of
                                                                                                                                          volume covers six key themes: building-construction
                                                                    archaeological, paleoenvironmental, historical, and
spazio privato                                                      cartographic sources in order to highlight the diverse
                                                                                                                                          in the conquered territories; food supply to the
                                                                                                                                          houses of the Teutonic Order; life in the multi-cultural
Tra storia e archeologia                                            impact of colonization and landscape reorganization
                                                                                                                                          towns of the eastern Baltic; transforming the physical
(secoli VI-XI)                                                      that followed in the wake of the Baltic Crusades. The
                                                                                                                                          landscape; transforming the spiritual landscape; and
                                                                    companion Terra Sacra volume complements this
Giovanna Bianchi, Tiziana Lazzari,                                                                                                        the Baltic Ordensland in its regional context. It forms
                                                                    survey by presenting a number of case studies from
Maria Cristina La Rocca (eds)                                                                                                             a companion to Environment, Colonization, and the
                                                                    across the eastern Baltic region.
                                                                                                                                          Baltic Crusader States: Terra Sacra I.
The contributions to the present volume tackle the
issue of material and symbolic spaces in the public
and private sphere during the Late Antiquity and
Early Middle Ages through specific studies focused on
written and material sources. Texts in Italian, French
and English.

383 p., 26 b/wills, 16 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2018,               approx. 450 p., 234 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018,                     approx. 500 p., 299 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-58104-0                                              ISBN 978-2-503-55132-6                                                ISBN 978-2-503-55133-3
Paperback: € 75                                                     Hardback: approx. € 100                                               Hardback: approx. € 110
Series: Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e      Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 2   Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 3
l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, vol. 7                            Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                 Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018

                                                                                                                                                                FHG                                      5
FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                   Concepts of Ideal Rulership                                 Trust, Authority, and the
                                                                   from Antiquity to the                                       Written Word in the Royal
                                                                   Renaissance                                                 Towns of Medieval Hungary
Le peintre et la carte                                             Geert Roskam, Stefan Schorn (eds)                           Katalin Szende

Origines et essor de la vue                                        Ancient works On Kingship have received a great             This book is the first comprehensive overview of how
figurée entre Rhône et Alpes                                       deal of attention in recent scholarship, where the          written administration was established in the royal
(XIVe-XVe siècle)                                                  focus is usually on the classic texts. In this volume, we   towns of medieval Hungary. Using the conceptual
                                                                   deliberately turn to the periphery, to authors who deal     framework of trust and authority, the volume sheds
Paul Fermon
                                                                   with analogous problems in other contexts, authors          light on the growing complexity of urban society
                                                                   who also address powerful rulers or developed ideals        and the impact that the various uses of writing had
Au croisement de l’histoire de l’art, du droit et de
                                                                   of right rulership but who choose very different literary   on managing this society, both by the king and by the
la cartographie, cet ouvrage propose d’observer
                                                                   genres to do so, or works on kingship that have almost      local magistrates. The present survey and analysis of a
le développement des usages de la carte locale
                                                                   been forgotten. The selection of peripheral texts from      broad range of surviving sources reveals that trust in
et dAu croisement de l’histoire de l’art, du droit
                                                                   Antiquity to the Renaissance also reveals patterns in       administrative literacy was built up gradually, through
et de la cartographie, cet ouvrage propose
                                                                   the long evolution of the tradition.                        a series of decisive and chronologically distinct steps.
d’observer le développement des usages de
la carte locale et du plan au cours des derniers
siècles du Moyen Age et d’en analyser les causes.
L’étude s’appuie sur une centaine de cas de
figuration de territoires, de lieux ou d’édifices à
                                                                   approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                         approx. 400 p., 55 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
partir d’observations et de relevés effectués entre
                                                                   ISBN 978-2-503-58077-7                                      ISBN 978-2-503-57881-1
les années 1320 et 1514 par des peintres ou des
                                                                   Hardback: approx. € 105                                     Hardback: € 100
agents députés par l’autorité en Provence, dans
                                                                   Series: Lectio, vol. 7                                      Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 41
le Dauphiné et dans la cité pontificale d’Avignon.
                                                                   Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                       Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
Le dossier formé par ce corpus iconographique
et textuel permet de repenser la définition de
la pratique picturale de la vue à l’époque de sa
gestation et de son premier essor dans la peinture
                                                                                                                               La famille Laigu dite de Champvans, un destin nobiliaire

comme dans la cartographie. Par le prisme de la
                                                                                                                               à Rochefort (Jura) entre XIVe et XVe siècles / Gérard
vue figurée, l’ouvrage propose aussi d’interroger                                                                              PELOT, Guillaume de Vienne le Grant, le saige, seigneur
les transformations qui furent provoquées par                                                                                  de Saint-Georges et de Sainte-Croix (1362-1437) / Sylvie
l’accroissement de la place de l’image dans les                                                                                BÉPOIX, Les Chalon et la cité de Besançon au XVe siècle.
sociétés de la fin du Moyen Age, notamment dans                                                                                Les derniers feux d’une relation mouvementée / Jean-
la conduite à distance du pouvoir. L’avènement de                                                                              Marie YANTE, Les Chalon-Arlay et le contrôle du trafic
nouvelles pratiques de la vue doit en effet être                                                                               comtois (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) / Laurence DELOBETTE-
relié à celui de l’enquête qui lui est contemporain.                                                                           DELSALLE, Trois femmes du XVe siècle au château de
Ils traduisent ensemble un changement de                                                                                       Nozeroy : Jeanne de Montfaucon-Montbéliard, Éléonore
hiérarchie dans les sources légitimes, ou non, de                                                                              d’Armagnac et Catherine de Bretagne, princesses
                                                                                                                               d’Orange et dames de Chalon-Arlay / Jacques PAVIOT,
la connaissance et de l’information territoriale qui
                                                                                                                               Louis de Chalon et la marche vers Anthon / Alain
caractérise certaines des conceptions de la justice                                                                            MARCHANDISSE et Bertrand SCHNERB, Philibert
et du bon gouvernement des XIVe-XVe siècles.                       Publications du Centre Européen                             de Mollans et la confrérie de Saint-Georges (v. 1440)
                                                                   d’Etudes Bourguignonnes                                     / Georges BISCHOFF, Claude de Vaudrey, le meilleur
Agrégé d’histoire et docteur en histoire de l’École                                                                            chevalier du monde / Michael DEPRETER, Autour de
pratique des hautes études, Paul Fermon consacre                   (XIVe-XVIe s.) vol. 58 (2018)                               l’Intercursus magnus (24 février 1496). Le rôle de la
ses recherches à l’histoire de la cartographie, de                 Autour des Chalon et de la noblesse                         noblesse « bourguignonne » dans les négociations avec
la peinture et des connaissances territoriales aux                                                                             l’Angleterre / Christiane RAYNAUD, Gouvernement
derniers siècles du Moyen Age.
                                                                   en pays bourguignons (XIVe-XVIe siècles)                    de soi, stratégie familiale et service du prince : nouveaux
                                                                                                                               modèles pour la noblesse bourguignonne dans le dernier
                                                                                       Table des matières                      quart du XVe siècle / Séverine PÉGEOT, L’importance des
                                                                                                                               commanditaires dans la diffusion du gothique flamboyant
                                                                   Statuts du Centre européen d’études bourguignonnes          comtois (XVe-XVIe siècles). L’exemple des Chalon : la
                                                                   (XIVe-XVIe s.) / Liste des membres au 1er juillet 2018 /    création au service du prestige familial / Matthieu LE
                                                                   Allocution inaugurale, par S.A.S. le DUC D’ARENBERG         BRECH, La chapelle funéraire de l’abbé Amé de Chalon
                                                                   / Rapport d’activités pour 2016-2017, par Alain             († 1432) à Baume-les-Messieurs (Jura) / Nicolas BOFFY,
                                                                   MARCHANDISSE                                                Gothique de la Renaissance et première Renaissance
                                                                   Sylvie LESTRAT-LELONG, S’opposer ou s’intégrer.             en Franche-Comté. La personnalité singulière de
                                                                   La noblesse comtoise et le pouvoir ducal au temps           Ferry Carondelet (1473-1528) / Patricia GUYARD, Le
                                                                   de la première union bourguignonne (1330-1361) /            chartrier d’Arlay et les archives de la Maison de Chalon.
                                                                   Jean-Baptiste SANTAMARIA, L’entourage noble de              Esquisse d’un guide des sources en Franche-Comté pour
                                                                   Marguerite de France, comtesse de Flandre, d’Artois et de   l’historien des États bourguignons
                                                                   Bourgogne (v. 1312-1382) / Laurent OLIVIER, Au service
                                                                   du prince. Jean de Vienne face aux grandes compagnies,
approx. 500 p., 44 b/w ills, 76 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2018,                                                                 150 x 230 mm, 2018, Ref. 04011015
                                                                   des contreforts occidentaux du Jura aux côtes orientales
ISBN 978-2-503-58035-7                                             de la Turquie (1364-1366) / Sébastien DAMOISEAUX,           Paperback
Hardback: approx. € 125                                            Noblesse oblige ! La noblesse bourguignonne au service      Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Série: Terrarum Orbis, vol. 14                                     de la diplomatie de Philippe le Hardi / Rudi BEAULANT,
Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018                             La représentation de la noblesse au sein des lettres de     Multiple subscription options available.
                                                                   rémission des ducs de Bourgogne / Jacky THEUROT,            Contact:

FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                              MEDIEVAL NARRATIVES

                                                            NEW BOOK SERIES
                                                                              IN TRANSMISSION
                                                                              This series investigates the development,
                                                                              transmission, and use of narratives and
                                                                              narrative motifs in secular and vernacular
                                                                              contexts. It aims to consider the movement
                                                                              of stories and ideas, and how these narratives
                                                                              are reshaped in different media and in
                                                                              different languages and cultures throughout
                                                                              medieval Europe.
Postérités européennes                                                                                                         Richard Rolle
de Quinte-Curce                                                                                                                The Fifteenth-Century Translations
De l’humanisme aux Lumières                                                                                                    Tamás Karáth

(XIVe-XVIIIe siècle)                                                                                                           This book explores the fifteenth-century translations
Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (éd.)                                                                                             of Richard Rolle’s Latin and English writings into English
                                                                                                                               and Latin, respectively, raising questions about the
Le présent ouvrage se donne pour objet d’étude                                                                                 impact of translation on an author’s legacy through
leurs réceptions multiples du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle,                                                                           the editorial activity of his translators. The volume also
c’est-à-dire durant les siècles de leur plus grand                                                                             discusses Rolle’s sensory mysticism whilst looking into
succès, il étudie les modalités de leur transmission et                                                                        the ways in which translations of his work create a
ses acteurs, ainsi que leurs exploitations politiques,                                                                         fifteenth-century version of Rolle. The volume asks if
historiques, linguistiques, littéraires et esthétiques.                                                                        alternative and perhaps controversial portraits of the
Au-delà de ses usages scolaires, l’œuvre de Quinte-                                                                            same author arise from the translations.
Curce a en effet suscité des jugements divers et des
adaptions variées, qui interrogent le statut que les
auteurs et les peintres lui ont donné, ainsi que les
finalités de leurs appropriations.                               Medieval Romances Across
                                                                 European Borders
                                                                 Miriam Edlich-Muth (ed.)
628 p., 15 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                                                                      approx. 375 p., 8 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
                                                                 This is an international essay collection offering
ISBN 978-2-503-57825-5                                                                                                         ISBN 978-2-503-57769-2
                                                                 unique insights into how popular romances
Paperback: € 120                                                                                                               Hardback: € 90
                                                                 were adapted into different linguistic and
Série: Alexander redivivus, vol. 11                                                                                            Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 40
                                                                 cultural communities of late medieval Europe.
Disponible                                                                                                                     Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018

                                                                 They were the bestsellers of their time; in the late
                                                                 medieval period, a umber of shorter romances
                                                                 and tales, such as Floire et Blancheflor, Partonopeus
                                                                 de Blois, Valentine and Orson and many others,
                                                                 enjoyed striking popularity across different regions
                                                                 of Europe. This essay collection gathers together
                                                                 contributions from across Europe, to examine the
                                                                 complex processes by which medieval romances
                                                                 were adapted across European borders. By
                                                                 examining how the content, form and broader
                                                                 contextualisation of individual romances were
                                                                 altered by the transition from one region to
                                                                 another, the essays address the role translators,
                                                                 narrators, editors and compilers played in adapting
                                                                 the tales to different cultural and codicological
Etymology and Wordplay                                           settings. In this context, they discuss not only the          Richard Rolle’s Melody
in Medieval Literature                                           shifting plotlines of the tales, but also the points
                                                                 at which the generic features of the texts shift
                                                                                                                               of Love
Mikael Males (ed.)
                                                                 in response to changing cultural codes. In doing              A Study and Translation with
Opening with a background chapter describing
                                                                 so, they raise wider questions concerning the                 Manuscript and Musical Contexts
                                                                 links between genre, manuscript form, cultural                Andrew Albin
classical and medieval developments of etymology and
                                                                 assimilation and the popularity of certain romance
wordplay, this book presents case studies of the uses
                                                                 texts in different cultural communities.                      This work stands as the most daring literary achievement
of etymology and wordplay in a number of medieval
literatures. The articles expand their discussions                                                                             of medieval England’s most influential mystic, Richard
                                                                 Table of Contents:                            Rolle. It contains Rolle’s first public account of his
beyond strictly etymological discourse to various
aspects of medieval literature, and thereby highlight the                                                                      profoundly sensory mystical experience and provides
functions of etymological devices in various contexts,                                                                         the first full translation of this unstudied masterpiece
with significance ranging from the specific to the open-                                                                       into English, in alliterative prose that mirrors the original.
ended, from the bawdy to the sublime.                                                                                          Conceived with student and scholar alike in mind, this
                                                                                                                               multidisciplinary, multimedia project holds rewards for
                                                                                                                               researchers not only of medieval literature, but also
                                                                                                                               of medieval music, embodiment, theology, popular
                                                                                                                               spirituality, and cultural history.

                                                                 approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                           488 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2018,
approx. 300 p., 10 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                 ISBN 978-2-503-57716-6                                        ISBN 978-0-88844-212-3
ISBN 978-2-503-57575-9                                           Hardback: € 75                                                Hardback: € 85
Hardback: € 80                                                   Series: Medieval Narratives in Transmission, vol. 1           Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 212
Series: Disputatio, vol. 30                                      Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                         Available
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                                                                          North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press

                                                                                                                                                         FHG                                              7
FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

Fifteen Medieval                                                                    Bertrand Boysset. Chronique                                  Quand les Ottomans
Latin Parodies                                                                      Marie-Rose Bonnet, Patrick Gautier Dalché,
                                                                                    Philippe Rigaud (éd.)
                                                                                                                                                 firent le point
Martha Bayless (ed.)                                                                                                                             Histoire graphique, technique
The fifteen short texts edited here offer vivid
                                                                                    La chronique de Bertran Boysset, de la moyenne               et linguistique de la ponctuation
                                                                                    bourgeoisie d’Arles (v. 1350-1415), est un texte difficile   ottomane
examples of the wit and irreverence of medieval                                     à classer. C’est un témoignage exceptionnel sur la vie
Latin parody, a tradition whose humour—sometimes                                    quotidienne et sur la perception du monde d’un laïc de       Olivier Bouquet
bookish, sometimes ribald, and often both—was never                                 culture moyenne, qui veut par ses écrits se situer dans
far from the cultures of monastery, school, and court.                              le cadre plus large d’une cité autrefois prestigieuse.       La ponctuation ottomane : l’aventure des
Mock sermons, prayers, Gospel-texts, and scholastic                                 Rédigée en provençal avec quelques passages en               écritures turques, de l’Empire de Soliman le
exercises all bear witness to the wry sensibilities                                 latin, elle est transmise en trois versions, dont deux       Magnifique à la Turquie de Recep T. Erdoğan.
indulged by scholars and clerics alike in their off hours.                          autographes. On édite ici la deuxième version (Paris,
                                                                                    BnF 5728), accompagnée d’une traduction française et         À en croire les spécialistes, le turc ottoman aurait
                                                                                    d’une introduction.                                          de commun avec l’arabe de n’être doté d’aucun
                                                                                                                                                 système de ponctuation. Tardive, l’apparition de la
                                                                                                                                                 ponctuation serait le résultat de la modernisation des
                                                                                                                                                 Tanzimat (1839-1878) et le produit technologique
                                                                                                                                                 de l’imprimerie. Sa diffusion serait d’inspiration
                                                                                                                                                 étrangère et sa généralisation serait liée à l’adoption
                                                                                                                                                 des caractères latins à l’époque républicaine. L’ouvrage
130 p., 140 x 215 mm, 2018,
                                                                                    approx. 200 p., 7 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
                                                                                                                                                 remet en question ces idées reçues, au moyen de
ISBN 978-0-88844-485-1
                                                                                    ISBN 978-2-503-58053-1
                                                                                                                                                 l’exploitation d’un vaste corpus de sources manuscrites
Paperback: € 17.50
                                                                                    Paperback: € 75
                                                                                                                                                 et imprimées produites du XVe siècle à aujourd’hui. Il
Series: Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, vol. 35
                                                                                    Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 20
                                                                                                                                                 identifie des signes de ponctuation au sein d’une variété
                                                                                    Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
                                                                                                                                                 de mises en forme artistiques (calligraphie, musique)
North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press
                                                                                                                                                 et scientifiques (algèbre, géométrie). Il les repère
                                                                                                                                                 sur des supports de l’époque impériales (registres
                                                                                                                                                 administratifs, inscriptions funéraires, chroniques)
                                                                                                                                                 comme du temps présent (partitions musicales,
                                                                                                                                                 caricature, bande-dessinée). Il étudie le turc ottoman
                                                                                                                                                 à la lumière de comparaisons avec des systèmes de
                                                                                                                                                 ponctuation en usage dans l’empire (judéo-espagnol,
                                                                                                                                                 turc-arménien, grec et syriaque). Plutôt que d’opposer
                                                                                                                                                 imprimé et manuscrit, calligraphie et typographie, il
                                                                                                                                                 les aborde comme formes complémentaires d’une
                                                                                                                                                 « aventure des écritures ». Au terme d’une enquête
                                                                                                                                                 originale en histoire ottomane qui croise belles lettres,
                                                                                                                                                 sciences et arts, l’ouvrage établit les conclusions
                                                                                                                                                 suivantes : une ponctuation ottomane existait avant
                                                                                                                                                 l’apparition de l’imprimerie ; son devenir accompagna
                                                                                                                                                 la transformation de la langue turque ottomane ;
Middle and Late                                                                     Un inquisiteur non                                           hors du seul domaine des langues européennes, les
Byzantine Poetry                                                                    sanguinaire                                                  Ottomans eurent une manière bien à eux de faire
                                                                                                                                                 le point ; la ponctuation est le produit d’une histoire
Texts and Contexts                                                                  Les vies inédites de saint Pierre                            graphique, technique et linguistique riche et complexe
Andreas Rhoby, Nikolaos Zagklas (eds)                                               Martyr en français médiéval                                  ; son étude éclaire le passé des sociétés impériales,
                                                                                                                                                 le présent de la République turque et le devenir du
This book aims at a better understanding of middle                                  Le présent livre contient neuf versions de sa légende,       Moyen-Orient contemporain.
and late Byzantine poetry. It presents editions of                                  rédigées en français ancien par des auteurs anonymes.
completely unknown texts, such as a twelfth-century                                 Les textes, qui procèdent du chapitre 61 de la Légenda       Professeur à l’Université de Paris Diderot, Olivier
cycle of epigrams on John Klimax. It includes studies on                            aurea de Jacques de Voragine, n’ont jusqu’à présent          Bouquet est historien de l’Empire ottoman et de la
various types of poetry, including didactic, occasional,                            jamais été édités. Dans la majorité des cas, on a            Turquie contemporaine.
and even poetry written for liturgical purposes. By                                 affaire à des adaptations libres, parfois très libres, de
analysing these works and placing them within their                                 la vita contenue dans la Legenda aurea, pour lesquelles
literary and socio-cultural context, we can draw                                    celle-ci n’est qu’un point de départ. Il s’agit de textes
conclusions about the cultural tastes of the Byzantines                             autonomes : chacun des auteurs a exploité sa source
and acquire a more nuanced picture of middle and late                               à sa propre façon ; ce sont des jeux de la variante,
Byzantine poetry.                                                                   tellement caractéristiques de la littérature médiévale.

approx. 400 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                                 164 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                  approx. 410 p., 100 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-57886-6                                                              ISBN 978-2-503-58110-1                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58173-6
Paperback: approx. € 85                                                             Paperback: € 70                                              Paperback: approx. € 85
Series: Byzantioς. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 14           Série: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 21            Series: Miroir de l’Orient Musulman, vol. 8
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                               Disponible                                                   Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018

FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers

                                                                  L’iconographie du Roman
                                                                  d’Alexandre en prose
                                                                  Maud Pérez-Simon
                                                                                                                                            Manuscripts in the Making
Women and Jews in                                                 Les hommes du Moyen Âge avaient une grande                                Art and Science,Volume Two
the Sachsenspiegel                                                admiration pour Alexandre le Grand, roi de Macédoine.                     Stella Panayotova, Paola Ricciardi (eds)
                                                                  Le Roman d’Alexandre en prose, écrit au XIIIe
Picture-Books                                                     siècle, retrace l’épopée du conquérant, entre vérité                                            Table of Contents
Madeline H. Caviness, Charles G. Nelson                           historique et imaginaire romanesque et merveilleux.
                                                                  Parmi les seize manuscrits qui nous sont parvenus,                        Vision, Colour and Meaning
Contextual analysis of the representation of                      onze sont illustrés d’un programme iconographique                         Vision and Colour in the Works of Giotto and
women and Jews in the fourteenth-century                          variant entre 80 et 100 miniatures. Le manuscrit                          His Contemporaries — Donal Cooper / Robert
manuscripts of the German law book known                          Royal 20Bxx, conservé à la British Library, témoigne                      Grosseteste’s De iride and its Addendum in the Vatican
as the Sachsenspiegel.                                            de l’engouement persistant pour Alexandre au XVe                          Manuscript Barb. Lat. 165: Transmission, Reception,
                                                                  siècle et de la façon dont le héros était perçu comme                     Meaning — Cecilia Panti and Greti Dinkova-Bruun
A Germanist and an art historian examine the                      un chevalier médiéval, qui, au fil de sa conquête de                      / Seeing a Pink Elephant: Creating Meaning through
pictures and text in the four densely illustrated                 l’Orient, a dû affronter différents peuples inconnus et                   Colour in the Medieval Bestiary — Elizabeth Morrison
manuscripts of the Sachsenspiegel that were                       des monstres farouches.                                                   / The Colours of Fortune — Deirdre Jackson
produced in the century following its composition                                                                                           Illuminators’ Materials
by Eike von Repgow. This is the first extensive                                                                                             Recipes and Reception: Late Mediaeval English Colour.
study of these famous picture books in English.                                                                                             Recipes and Amateur Illuminators — Mark Clarke /
                                                                  approx. 200 p., 48 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
Using critical frameworks based on performative                                                                                             Looking for Lichen, Fooled by Folium and Tricked by
                                                                  ISBN 978-2-503-58004-3
and feminist theory, the authors give detailed                                                                                              Tyrian: A Brief Tour and New Research on Purple in
                                                                  Paperback: approx. € 75
consideration to the social differences reshaped                                                                                            Manuscripts — Cheryl Porter, Maurizio Aceto, Elisa
                                                                  Série: Répertoire Iconographique de la Littérature du Moyen Age, vol. 8
and maintained by text and image. Although                                                                                                  Calà, Angelo Agostino, Gaia Fenoglio, Ambra Idone
                                                                  Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018
Eike’s project, realized in the early 1220s, was                                                                                            and Monica Gulmini / Reflecting a Heavenly Light:
concerned with peaceful interaction between                                                                                                 Gold and other Metals in Medieval and Renaissance
diverse groups, including Slavic Wends as well                                                                                              Manuscript Illumination — Nancy Turner / Gold or
as Germans, and with the provision of guardians                                                                                             Brass, Silver or Tin: the Analysis of Metals in Medieval
for the young, the handicapped and the judicially                                                                                           Book Illumination — Robert Fuchs, Cologne Institute
impaired, his text is open to subversion by the                                                                                             for Conservation Sciences / Pigmenta: Materials for
images. Changing emphases in the pictures accord                                                                                            Writing, Painting and Healing — Lea Olsan / The Use
with changing attitudes to women and Jews in the                                                                                            of Copper Sulphates in Sixteenth-Century Flemish
period of production of these works, between                                                                                                Illumination: Simon Bening as a Case Study — Giulia
c. 1300 and 1360. A burgeoning book culture in                                                                                              Bertolotti and Paola Ricciardi
the fourteenth century carried Eike’s law into the                                                                                          Analytical Techniques
town halls at a time when the German cities were                                                                                            Between Tradition and Innovation: Giving Light to a
increasingly Christianized; market churches were                                                                                            Visionary Text in the Lorvão Beatus — Maria João
constructed in the judicial and economic hub even                                                                                           Melo, Maria Adelaide Miranda, Rita Castro, João Lopes
as Synagogues disappeared from town centres                                                                                                 and Jorge Sarraguça / Scientific Study of Cistercian
during the pogroms. The market complex became                                                                                               Illuminated Manuscripts: Techniques, Aesthetics and
part of the material culture of the law.                          Looking Back from the                                                     Religion — Catarina Miguel, Angela Nuñez-Gáitan,
                                                                  Invention of Printing                                                     Maria Luisa Carvalho and Cristina Barrocas-Diasa /
                                                                                                                                            Mapping and identification of the pigments used in
                                                                  Mothers and the Teaching of                                               two illuminations from the Laudario of Sant’Agnese
                                                                  Reading in the Middle Ages                                                attributed to the Master of the Dominican Effigies
                                                                  Michael Clanchy                                                           — John K. Delaney, Kathryn Dooley, Damon Conover,
                                                                                                                                            Lisha Glinsman, Giorgio Trumpy and Michelle Facini
                                                                  Michael Clanchy’s From Memory to Written Record, first                    / The Benefits of Scanning Illuminated Manuscripts
                                                                  published in 1979, has shaped the study of medieval                       with MA-XRF and MA-rFTIR — Stijn Legrand, Paola
                                                                  literacy. Apart from continuing to work on ‘pragmatic                     Ricciardi and Koen Janssens
                                                                  literacy’, he has also turned his attention to other                      Restoration and Forgery
                                                                  forms of making, keeping, and using written texts. This                   The Psalter-Hours of Isabelle of France in the
                                                                  book collates six articles since published, showing                       Nineteenth-Century — Stella Panayotova / The
                                                                  new directions in the field of medieval literacy and                      Spanish Forger Exposed: an Interdisciplinary Study
                                                                  communication.                                                            of Two of His Paintings — Christina Currie, Steven
                                                                                                                                            Saverwyns and Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
                                                                  Table of Contents:

approx. 375 p., 120 b/w ills, 45 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-1-909400-49-8                                            approx. 200 p., 49 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                         approx. 300 p., col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018,
Hardback: approx. € 150                                           ISBN 978-2-503-58083-8                                                    ISBN 978-1-912554-13-3
Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History     Hardback: approx. € 65                                                    Hardback: approx. € 135
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                             Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 40                     Series: Manuscripts in the Making, vol. 2
                                                                  Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                     Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018

                                                                                                                                                                  FHG                          9
FORTHCOMING TITLES AUTUMN 2018 - Brepols Publishers
REMINDER                                  ART HISTORY

  The Complete
  Content Cameos                                                                                                           Salvator Rosa
  Derek J. Content
                                                             Cimabue and the                                               Friendship and the Free Artist
                                                                                                                           in Seventeenth-Century Italy
  The present catalogue of the largest collection of         Franciscans                                                   Alexandra Hoare
  ancient cameos in private hands, represents forty years    Holly Flora
  of collecting these historical documents in hardstone.
                                                                                                                           This book examines the Neapolitan painter and satirist
  The increased number of published cameos has               This book offers a fresh look at the broader question         Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) from a new perspective.
  further allowed studies of the relative popularity of      of artistic change in the late thirteenth century by          Preoccupied with a performative brand of self-
  particular subjects at certain periods, of development     examining the intersection of two histories: that of          manufacture that is everywhere apparent in his work
  of style and technique, and of the popularity of some      the artist Cimabue (ca. 1240-1302), and that of the           as an artist, satirist and actor, Rosa was a key protagonist
  gem materials over time. The development of digital        Franciscan Order. While focused on the work of a              in a period of significant social change. A precursor of
  photography has enabled gem photographers to show          single artist, this study sheds new light on the religious    the modern independent artist, Rosa was also among
  undreamt-of detail, allowing much closer study of tool     motives and artistic means that fueled the period’s           the first of his generation to actively seek and in many
  marks and even individual artists’ hands.                  visual and spiritual transformations. Flora’s study reveals   ways achieve the kind of professional autonomy
                                                             that Cimabue was not just a crucial figure in processes       his predecessors desired and his successors fully
                                                             of stylistic change. He and his Franciscan patrons            accomplished. The author argues that the social bond
                                                             engaged with complicated intellectual and theological         of friendship — its rituals and discourses — was vital to
                                                             ideas about materials, memory, beauty, and experience,        both Rosa’s self-conception and his achievements.
                                                             creating innovative works of art that celebrated the
  approx. 650 p., 530 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018,         Order and enabled new modes of Christian devotion.
  ISBN 978-2-503-57896-5                                     Cimabue’s contributions to the history of art thus can
                                                                                                                           xxxiv +330 p., 210 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018,
  Paperback: approx. € 150                                   finally be recognized for their wide-ranging scope and
                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-912554-04-1
  Published outside a Series                                 impact within the rapidly-evolving religious culture of
                                                                                                                           Hardback: approx. € 125
  Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                      the late thirteenth century.
                                                                                                                           Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 9
                                                                                                                           Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
                                                             Holly Flora is Associate Professor of Art History at
                                                             Tulane University. A specialist in Italian art of the
                                                             thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, she is a recent
                                                             recipient of the Rome Prize (2010-11) and a fellowship
                                                             at Villa I Tatti (2015-16).

                                                                                  Table of Contents

                                                             Introduction: Intersecting Histories

                                                             Part I: Transformations at Assisi
                                                             Chapter 1: New Light on Cimabue’s White
                                                             Chapter 2: Sensory Engagement and Contemplative
                                                             Transformation: The Assisi Transepts
                                                             Chapter 3: The Virgin Made Church: The Marian Apse
  Fra Angelico                                               and Evangelists’ Vault at Assisi,                             The Letters of Salvator
  Renaissance Painter,                                                                                                     Rosa (1615-1673)
                                                             Part II: Art, Memory and Experience
  Dominican Friar, Mystic                                    Chapter 4: Place and Memory: The Franciscan Maestà
                                                                                                                           An Italian Transcription, English
  Timothy Verdon                                             Chapter 5: Word and Paint Made Flesh: Cimabue’s               Translation and Critical Edition
                                                             Santa Croce Crucifix                                          Alexandra Hoare
  Praised by his contemporaries, by later art historians,    Chapter 6: Pictures, Words, and the Imagination in
  and by generations of viewers, Fra Angelico’s art is       Cimabue’s Vita Christi, pp. 187-219                           These two volumes comprise the first English
  known for its exceptional combination of piety and         Epilogue: Last Transformations in Pisa                        translation and critical edition of the extant letters
  painterly skill. In this book, Monsignor Verdon explores   Appendix – Bibliography – Notes                               of the Neapolitan painter and satirist Salvator
  the spiritual and mystical foundations of the friar-
                                                                                                                           Rosa (1615-1673). Presented in a revised Italian
  painter’s work, and traces his artistic evolution from
                                                                                                                           transcription and a complete English translation,
  his early work, to the frescoes for the covent of San
                                                                                                                           the letters are accompanied by extensive historical
  Marco in Florence, his Annunciations, and the chapel
                                                                                                                           notes, a philological apparatus, a comprehensive
  for Pope Niccolò V. Lavishly illustrated with over 200
                                                                                                                           index, appendices, and photographs of the
  high-quality images, Beato Angelico illuminates Fra
  Angelico’s art and his faith.

                                                                                                                           2 vols, approx. 375 p., 225 x 300 mm, 2018,
  approx. 384 p., 247 col. ills, 280 x 390 mm, 2018,         approx. 280 p., 160 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018,            ISBN 978-1-905375-88-2
  ISBN 978-2-503-58033-3                                     ISBN 978-1-912554-01-0                                        Hardback: approx. € 175
  Hardback: approx. € 150                                    Hardback: approx. € 140                                       Series: Studies in Baroque Art, vol. 10
  Series: Arts and the Sacred, vol. 3                        Series: Renovatio Artium, vol. 4                              Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
  Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                      Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018


Velázquez: Anregungen,                                                                                                             Hypnos - Somnus: il demone
Vorschläge, Lösungen                                                                                                               custode e l’erote dormiente
Suggestions, Proposals, Solutions                                                                                                  Studio iconologico del dio del sonno
Sylvia Ferino-Pagden (ed.)
                                                                 Visual Typology in                                                dall’antichità all’epoca moderna
                                                                                                                                   Graziella Becatti
Encompassing a broad spectrum of methodological                  Early Modern Europe
approaches and aims, the scholars contributing to                Continuity and Expansion                                          Questo studio propone l’analisi, dalla sua genesi antica
this volume offer renewed perspectives on the                    Dagmar Eichberger, Shelley Perlove (eds)                          fino alle epoche moderne, delle effigi ed i contesti del
multifaceted oeuvre of Diego Velázquez. Following a                                                                                dio Hypnos/Somnus che incarna il tema del sonno
close investigation of his works, which also includes            Visual Typology in early Modern Europe: Continuity                materializzandosi in momenti significativi della cultura
the results of recent technological examinations on his          and Expansion is the first study that examines                    e della storia dell’arte. Nata come vaga immagine
paintings, the contributors to this volume offer new,            the varied manifestations of typological thinking                 della letteratura nelle prime rappresentazioni greche,
exciting findings and discussions on the inspirations,           in diverse media of the visual arts from the Late                 l’iconografia di Hypnos trova la sua forma compiuta
sources and possible intentions of Velázquez.                    Middle Ages through the seventeenth century in                    nel Somnus latino, soprattutto per mezzo di sculture
Contributions in German, English and Italian.                    Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, and France. This                 originali di prima epoca imperiale. Lo studio dei
                                                                 study counteracts the underlying misconception                    contesti letterari e filosofici evidenzia l’identità
                                                                 that typology was in decline or even ceased to                    demonica del dio che diventa un custode dell’umanità.
                                                                 exist in the sixteenth century. The studies within
                                                                 this volume offer new interpretations that redefine
                                                                 what is meant by typological thinking in the early
approx. 196 p., 11 b/w ills, 98 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018,   modern period.                                                    approx. 220 p., 190 x 255 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-58129-3                                           Typological thinking informs traditional pre-                     ISBN 978-90-74461-91-7
Paperback: approx. € 90                                          figurations, as well as more broadly associative                  Paperback: approx. € 70
Series: Museums at the Crossroads, vol. 32                       interconnections between the Old Testament,                       Series: Artes, vol. 9
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                            classical texts, and even natural history, in relation            Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
                                                                 to the New Testament. Typological thought
                                                                 permeates religious and secular visual culture
                                                                 during the period under consideration and this
                                                                 collection of essays reveals the continuing relevance
                                                                 and expansion of typological patterns for the visual
                                                                 arts, with particular emphasis on innovations in the
                                                                 sixteenth century. In the course of the sixteenth
                                                                 century typology became more complex and
                                                                 flexible, and came under the influence of the
                                                                 writings of Protestant and Catholic reformers, and
                                                                 also derived new secular and political analogies.
                                                                 Each essay offers a different interpretation of
                                                                 typological thinking. The typological manuals that
                                                                 were written in the course of the Late Middle
                                                                 Ages remain the basis for many artistic projects
Arrayed in Splendor                                              in illuminated manuscripts, stained glass windows,                Painting the Page in
                                                                 sculpture, and painting. By the sixteenth century,
Art, Fashion, and Textiles in                                    the notion of type and antitype was so well                       the Age of Print
Medieval and Early Modern Europe                                 embedded in thought that artists such as Brueghel                 Central European Manuscript
Christoph Brachmann (ed.)                                        and Lucas van Leyden implicitly evoked typological                Illumination of the Fifteenth Century
                                                                 relationships. Before the Council of Trent, more
                                                                                                                                   Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Robert Suckale,
The aim of this volume is to give an insight in the              allusive interpretations led to unorthodox pairings               Gude Suckale-Redlefsen
current state of research on art, fashion, and textiles          of images from secular and religious contexts. In the
in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Ranging from                first half of the sixteenth century new relationships             Gutenberg’s invention of printing did not replace
the twelfth to the seventeenth century, the essays of            were developed by Protestant commentators.                        the manuscript book overnight. This book gives
leading scholars in the field offer a window into the            After the Council of Trent the Catholic Church                    an overview of fifteenth-century illumination in
complexity of the textile arts, including as regards             returned to more traditional typological forms and                central Europe, from the overweening luxury of the
the medium itself: from the overpowering splendor                established new guidelines for reading devotional                 manuscripts produced at the court of Wenzel IV in
of liturgical and princely garments and the luxurious            images. Nonetheless, artists continued to pursue                  Prague in the late fourteenth century to the classical
fabrics used for them in the Middle Ages and early               unorthodox, innovative pairings.                                  texts illuminated in the context of northern European
modern period to the visual world of monumental                                                                                    humanism in the early sixteenth century.
room decorations in the form of tapestries.                      Table of Contents:

                                                                                                                                   approx. 364 p., 205 x 255 mm, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
                                                                 approx. 371 p., 130 b/w ills, 56 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2018,   Studies, 2018,
approx. 250 p., 4 b/w ills, 115 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2018,   ISBN 978-2-503-54550-9                                            ISBN 978-0-88844-208-6
ISBN 978-2-503-57965-8                                           Hardback: € 95                                                    Hardback: € 100
Paperback: approx. € 100                                         Published outside a Series                                        Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 208
Published outside a Series                                       Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                             Available
Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018                                                                                              North American customers are advised to order through University of Toronto Press

                                                                                                                                                             FHG                                             11

                    TRECENTO FORUM

                    Series editors:
                    Holly Flora, Sarah Wilkins

                    Scholars at various stages in their careers
                    discuss a wide range of topics including
                    architecture, materiality, politics, patronage,
                    and devotion, contributing to a new
                    understanding of how art was made and
                    experienced in the nodal trecento century.

                                                                      Portrait of a Family,
                                                                      Story of a Collection                                      Corpus Rubenianum
                                                                      Mark Derez, Soetkin Vanhauwaert,
                                                                      Anne Verbrugge (eds)                                       Ludwig Buchard, vol. XII
                                                                                                                                 Allegories and Subjects
                                                                      The Arenberg lineage belongs to the high nobility,
                                                                      whose estates, interests and familial connections
                                                                                                                                 from Literature
                                                                      have traditionally extended across borders. Through        Nils Büttner
                                                                      their prominent military role in European conflicts,
                                                                      the Arenbergs derived power, prowess and prestige.         Rubens had a profound impact on the visual culture
                                                                      Their royal standing was equally reflected in the          of his age. He was admired not only as a painter but
       Art and Experience                                             highly superior quality of their art collection, as they   also for his learning, for the knowledge of classical
                                                                      commissioned works from contemporaries such as             literature and imagery which he exploited so
       in Trecento Italy                                              Rubens, Van Dyck, and later Watteau. In the nineteenth     brilliantly in arresting and powerful pictures. Rubens
       Holly Flora, Sarah Wilkins (eds)                               century, the Duke of Arenberg’s newly established          was particularly drawn to allegory, to the use of
                                                                      gallery in his palace in Brussels was renowned for         personified figures, sometimes in combination with
       The age of Giotto, Dante, and Boccaccio,                       its Flemish and Dutch masters, such as Brueghel and        the gods of the ancient pantheon and certain humans
       the fourteenth century in Italy, known as the                  Jordaens, Rembrandt and Vermeer, and was explicitly        (historical individuals), to express concepts, ideals and
       Trecento, was a pivotal moment in art history                  recommended as a private museum in travel guides           even political messages. A contemporary praised him
       and in European culture. The studies in this                   of the time: Vaut le voyage! This exceptional collection   for using in his allegorical compositions ‘only symbols
       volume present new approaches to art in this                   is also indicative of the practice of collecting art and   of Antiquity, thus popularising the coins and other
       important but often neglected period of the early              promoting artists which has long been an integral part     monuments of the ancient world’, but Rubens adapted
       Renaissance. Scholars at various stages in their               of the culture of nobility.                                ancient symbolism to new effect, with the aim of
       careers discuss a wide range of topics including                                                                          creating pictures whose essential meaning would be
       architecture, materiality, politics, patronage, and            This book is available in an English, French and           the more accessible for it.
       devotion, contributing to a new understanding                  Dutch edition.
       of how art was made and experienced in this                                                                               This volume presents works that Ludwig Burchard
       nodal century.                                                                                                            (1886–1960) planned to include in his catalogue
                                                                                                                                 raisonné under the heading ‘Allegories and Subjects
                                                                                                                                 from Literature’. It features some of the artist’s most
                                                                                                                                 celebrated paintings, as well as some lesser-known or
                                                                                                                                 recently discovered items. The themes range from
                                                                                                                                 nature’s abundance to the dangers of excess, from
                                                                                                                                 human love to political expediency, triumph and
       approx. 300 p., 220 x 280 mm, 2018,
                                                                                                                                 the celebration of religion. It includes masterpieces
       ISBN 978-2-503-58195-8
                                                                                                                                 as diverse in tone as the Shivering Venus (Antwerp,
       Hardback: approx. € 125
                                                                                                                                 Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten) and the
       Series: Trecento Forum, vol. 1
                                                                                                                                 Horrors of War (Florence, Palazzo Pitti), memorably
       Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018
                                                                                                                                 described by a great historian as ‘the immortal and
                                                                                                                                 unforgettable frontispiece to the Thirty Years’ War’.

                Iconographie médiévale                                                                                           As well as an introduction to the subject, the

                                                                                                                                 catalogue provides extensive analyses of each work,
                entre Antiquité et art                                                                                           revealing Rubens’ literary and visual references. The
                roman                                                                                                            circumstances surrounding the making and display of
                                                                                                                                 every item are investigated and considered alongside
                D’acanthes et d’écailles.                                                                                        the artist’s own creative process, since knowledge of
                Recueil d’articles de                                                                                            the intended context and the early viewing conditions
                Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx                                                                                         of Rubens’ works is so important to the understanding
                                                                                                                                 of their significance. Thus particular attention is paid to
                Brigitte D’Hainaut-Zveny,
                Alain Dierkens, Constantin Pion (éd.)                                                                            provenance, not only for the works themselves, but for
                                                                                                                                 the copies made after them.
  Recueil d’articles rédigés par Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx
  tout au long de sa carrière, ce volume consacré à
  l’Iconographie médiévale entre Antiquité et art roman
  est tout à la fois un état de la recherche et un stimulant
  manuel d’initiation à l’analyse iconographique.

                                                                      384 p., 380 col. ills, 225 x 300 mm, 2018,
                                                                      English edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58115-6
  approx. 464 p., 160 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2018,                  French edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58117-0                     2 vols, approx. 650 p., 100 col. ills, 200 b/w ills, 180 x 265 mm, 2018,
  ISBN 978-2-503-57555-1                                              Dutch edition: ISBN 978-2-503-58116-3                      ISBN 978-1-912554-11-9
  Paperback: € 100                                                    Hardback: € 75                                             Hardback: approx. € 250
  Série: Les Études du RILMA, vol. 9                                  Published outside a Series                                 Series: Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Buchard, vol. 12
  Publication prévue pour l’automne 2018                              Available                                                  Publication scheduled for Autumn 2018

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