La page est créée Chantal Lemaitre

                                          Liste des publications - décembre 2018
                                              Publications’ list - December 2018*

      Encyclopédie de la gouvernance européenne, coordination avec V. Charléty, M. Mangenot, C. Mestre,
        S. Schirmann, 60 entrées publiées, rédaction de 6 entrées (agences, coopération administrative, Mieux
        légiférer, redevabilité, Eurozone, théorie de la gouvernance – approche juridique), Larcier-Bruylant,
        décembre 2017
           Encyclopedia of EU Governance, coordination with V. Charléty, M. Mangenot, C. Mestre, S. Schirmann, 60 entries
           edited, 6 entries authored (Accountability, Agencies, Administrative cooperation, Better Regulation, Eurozone, Theory
           of governance – legislative studies approach), Larcier-Bruylant, December 2017
      Rendre des comptes – Rendre compte, numéro thématique de la Revue française d’administration publique,
        2016/4, 17 articles publiés, rédaction de l’introduction et d’un article « La redevabilité des agences
        européennes de l’Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice », voir ci-dessous
           To Give Accounts - Being Accountable, thematic issue of the Revue française d’administration publique, 2016/4, 17
           articles edited, Introduction and one article authored “Accountability of EU Agencies of the Area of Freedom,
           Security and Justice”, see below
      La codification de la procédure administrative de l'Union européenne. Le modèle ReNEUAL, Herwig
         Hofmann, Jens-Peter Schneider, Jacques Ziller (eds.), co-auteur de la version française, Bruylant, 2016
           ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedures, Herwig Hofmann, Jens-Peter Schneider, Jacques Ziller
           (eds.), co-author of the French version, Bruylant, 2016
      2013 Proceedings of the Permanent Study Group “Law and Public Administration”, International Public
         Administration Review, Special Issue “Law and Public Administration”, Volume XII, Number 2−3, June 2014,
         10 articles edited. Introduction authored with D. Dragos and P. Kovac.
      2012 Proceedings of the Permanent Study Group “Law and Public Administration”, European Group for
         Public Administration, co-edited with D. Dragos and P. Willemsen, Utrecht Law Review, Special Issue on the
         Theory and Practice of Law in Public Administration and Administrative Justice, Volume 9, Issue 3, July
      2011 Proceedings of the Permanent Study Group “Law and Public Administration”, European Group for
         Public Administration, Bucarest, Economica, 2012, 9 chapters edited. Introduction authored with D.
         Dragos and P. Willemsen and one chapter authored see Book’s Chapters.
      La révision générale des politiques publiques, numéro thématique de la Revue française d’administration
         publique, coordonné avec Michel Le Clainche, n°136, 2010, 325 p., 20 articles publiés, co-rédaction de
         l’Introduction et d’un article « La révision générale des politiques publiques : objet, méthode et
         redevabilité »

    Each publication is indicated in the language in which it was published. If it is not English, a translation is provided in italic below the item.
Programmes Review in France, thematic issue of the Revue française d’administration publique, edited with Michel
     Le Clainche, n°136, 2010, 325 p., 20 papers edited, Introduction authored (with Michel Le Clainche) and one article
     authored “Programmes review in France: object, method and accountability”

  Quelle coopération douanière européenne dans un contexte de concurrence ?, Cahiers de la sécurité et
    de la justice, numéro thématique consacré à « L’Europe de la sécurité et de la justice », 38, 2017, pp. 132-
     Which intra-EU Customs Cooperation in a Competitive Context?, Cahiers de la sécurité et de la justice, thematic
     issue dedicated to « The Europe of Security and Justice », 2017, pp. 132-141
  La redevabilité des agences européennes de l’Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice, Revue
     française d’administration publique, numéro thématique consacré à « Rendre des comptes – Rendre
     compte », 2016/4, pp. 1209-1226
     Accountability of the EU Agencies Related to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Revue française
     d’administration publique, thematic issue dedicated to “Providing accounts – Being Accountable”, 2016/4, pp. 1209-
  Le champ de la participation à l’égard du “secteur public”: évolutions périlleuses et occasions
     manquées, Droit social, dossier « L’actionnariat salarié : une stratégie en quête de légitimité » coordonné
     par Fleur Laronze, n°6, juin 2014, pp. 546 ss
     Employees Ownership in Enterprises under Public Control, Droit social, thematic issue dedicated to “Employees
     Ownership: a Strategy in Search of Legitimacy”, n°6, June 2014, pp. 546 ss
  Resisting Governmental Control. How Semi-Autonomous Agencies Use Strategic Resources to
     Challenge State Coordination, International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 80, issue 1, March
     2014, pp. 170-189, authored with Sjors Overman and Sandra van Thiel
  The Fall of the French Medicines Agency after the Mediator Scandal: A Network Perspective on Agency
     Capture, NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Special issue: The Politics of Agency
     Governance, edited by K. Verhoest, S. van Thiel, G. Hajnal, K. Sarapuu, C. Hintea, Volume V, Number 2,
     Winter 2012/2013, pp. 45-65, authored with Sjors Overman.
  L’indépendance des autorités européennes de surveillance, Revue française d’administration publique,
      numéro thématique coordonné par G. Eckert, L’indépendance des autorités de régulation économiques et
      financières: une approche comparée n°143, 2012, pp. 677-692
     The Independence of European Supervisory Authorities, Revue française d’administration publique, thematic
     issue dedicated to “The Independence of Economy and Financial Regulatory Authorities” coordinated by G. Eckert,
     n°143, 2012, pp. 677-692
  La révision générale des politiques publiques: objet, méthodes et redevabilité, Revue française
     d’administration publique, numéro thématique coordonné par François Lafarge et Michel Le Clainche, La
     révision générale des politiques publiques, n°136, 2010, pp. 755-775.
     Programmes Review in France: Object, Methods and Accountability, Revue française d’administration publique,
     thematic issue dedicated to Programmes Review in France edited by François Lafarge and Michel Le Clainche, n°136,
     2010, pp. 755-775.
  Administrative cooperation between member States and implementation of EU Law, European Public
    Law, 2010, 16(4) pp. 597-616.
  La circolazione internazionale dei beni culturali, dopo le modifiche al Codice dei beni culturali, Aedon.
     Rivista di arti e diritto on line, 2009/1,
International Circulation of Cultural Goods in the New Version of the Italian Code of Cultural Goods Law,
     Aedon. Rivista di arti e diritto on line, 2009/1
  Droit administratif européen. À propos de quelques ouvrages récents, Droit administratif, 2008, étude
     n°24, pp. 28-34
     European Administrative Law. Review of Recent Books, Droit administratif, 2008, étude n°24, pp. 28-34.
  Le contrôle des décisions de l'administration en Italie, Actualité juridique. Droit administratif, 1999, pp. 678-
     Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions in Italy, Actualité juridique. Droit administratif, 1999, pp. 678-689.

  The Impact of the Better Regulation Policy on UE Delegated and Implementing Acts Rule-Making, in
     Eljalill Tauschinsky and Wolfgang Weiss (eds.), The Legislative choice between Delegated and
     Implementing Acts: Walking a Labyrinth, Edward Elgar, November 2018, pp. 65-92
  EU citizens and Public Services. The Machinery behind the Principles, in Edoardo Ongaro and Sandra
    van Thiel (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Public Management in Europe,
    December 2017, pp. 689-706,
  La politique Mieux Légiférer et la démocratie dans l’Union européenne, in Catherine Haguenau-Moizard et
     Christian Mestre (coord.), La démocratie dans l’Union européenne, Larcier-Bruylant, novembre 2017, pp.
     Better Regulation Policy and Democracy in the EU, in Catherine Haguenau-Moizard et Christian Mestre (eds.), The
     EU in Search of Democracie(s), Larcier-Bruylant, February 2018
  “The Allocation of Gambling Licences, Radio Frequencies and CO² Emission Permits in France” co-
    authored with Alexandrina Soldatenko, in Paul Adriaanse, Frank van Ommeren, Willemien den Ouden and
    Johan Wolswinkel (eds), Scarcity and the State II, Member State Reports on the Allocation of Gambling
    Licences, Radio Frequencies and CO² Emission Permits, Intersentia, 2016, pp. 9-42
  Coopération administrative entre Etats membres et Soft Law dans l’Union européenne, in J. Iliopoulos-
    Strangas et J.-F. Flauss (eds.), The Soft Law of European Organisations, Societas Iuris Publici Europaei,
    Nomos, Stämpfli, Sakkoulas, 2012, pp. 64-82.
     Administrative Cooperation between EU Member States and Horizontal Soft Law in the EU in J. Iliopoulos-
     Strangas and J.-F. Flauss (eds.), The Soft Law of European Organisations, Societas Iuris Publici Europaei, Nomos,
     Stämpfli, Sakkoulas, 2012, pp. 64-82.
  Les biens culturels en droit de l’Union européenne, in M. Cornu, J. Fromageau et C. Wallaert (coord.),
     Dictionnaire comparé du droit du patrimoine culturel, CNRS éditions, 2012, pp. 123-136.
     Cultural Goods in EU Law, in M. Cornu, J. Fromageau et C. Wallaert (eds.), Comparative Dictionary of Cultural
     Heritage Law, CNRS editions, 2012, 123-136.
  Executive agencies in France, in Bouckaert (G.), Lagreid (P.) and Verhoest (K.) eds, A Global Compendium
     of Agencification, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 98-109.
  L’influence du droit européen sur les catégories juridiques du droit de la police administrative, in J.-B.
      Auby et autres (dir.), L’influence du droit européen sur les catégories du droit public, Dalloz, 2010, pp. 705-
     The influence of EU Law on the Legal Categories of police administrative Law, in J.-B. Auby and others (eds.),
     The influence of EU Law on the Categories of Public Law, Dalloz, 2010, pp. 705-719.
  Beni culturali, in M.P. Chiti e G. Greco (dir.), Trattato di diritto amministrativo europeo, Parte speciale, tomo II,
    2a ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2007, pp. 671-708.
Cultural Goods in M.P. Chiti e G. Greco (eds.), Treaty of European Administrative Law, Parte speciale, tomo II, 2a
     ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2007, pp. 671-708.
  Cultura, in M.P. Chiti e G. Greco (dir.), Trattato di diritto amministrativo europeo, Parte speciale, tomo II, 2a
     ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2007, pp. 971-1005.
     Culture, in M.P. Chiti e G. Greco (dir.), Treaty of European Administrative Law, Parte speciale, tomo II, 2a ed., Milano,
     Giuffrè, 2007, pp. 971-1005.

  Frontex et la gestion des frontières extérieures de l’Union, in Jean Pierre Rioux et Marcel Spisser (coord.),
     La frontière, Canopé, 2016, pp. 141-163
     Frontex and the Management of EU’s External Borders, in Jean Pierre Rioux et Marcel Spisser (eds), The Border,
     Canopé, 2016, pp. 141-163
  L’accès des services répressifs des Etats membres et d’Europol à Eurodac, in Europe(s), droit(s)
     européen(s) – une passion d’universitaire Liber Amicorum en l’honneur du professeur Vlad Constantinesco,
     Bruylant, 2015, pp. 327-341.
     Access of the Member States’ Law Enforcement Authorities and of Europol to Eurodac, Liber Amicorum in
     honor of Professor Vlad Constantinesco, Bruylant, 2015, pp. 327-341
  Légitimité démocratique et « redevabilité » de la Banque centrale européenne en tant qu’autorité
     chargé de la surveillance prudentielle dans la zone euro in Christian de Boissieu, François-Gilles Le
     Theule et Paolo Bailo (coord.), Comment la régulation financière peut-elle sortir l'Europe de la crise ?, Ecole
     nationale d’administration et PUF, 2014, pp. 215-236 ISBN 978-2-11-138532-0
     Democratic Legitimacy and Accountability of the Europan Central Bank as the Authority in Charge of
     Prudential Supervision in the Eurozone in Christian de Boissieu, François-Gilles Le Theule et Paolo Bailo (eds.),
     How the Financial Regulation can get the Europe out of the Crisis?, Ecole nationale d’administration et PUF, 2014, pp.
  Les autorités européennes de surveillance, la régulation financière et l’union bancaire, A. Delion et L.
     Vidal (coord.), Annales de la régulation de l’Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne, vol. 3 La réforme des
     régulations financières, Presses de la Sorbonne, 2013, pp. 199-239. Egalement disponible à :
     European Supervisory Authorities, European Financial and Banking Regulations and European Banking
     Union, A. Delion et L. Vidal (eds), University Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne Annals of Regulation, vol. 3 The Reform of
     Financial Regulations, Presses de la Sorbonne, 2013, pp. 199-239.
  Culture, politique culturelle et droit de l’Union, in Hélène Pauliat (coord.), Culture et politiques culturelles en
     Europe : quelles valeurs à préserver en temps de crise?, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2013, pp. 35-
     Culture, Cultural Policy and EU Law in Hélène Pauliat (ed), Culture and Cultural Policies in the EU: which Values to
     be Preserved in Time of Crisis, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2013, pp. 35-48.
  EU’s Supporting Competencies and Administrative Cooperation in the TFEU, in D. Dragos, F. Lafarge
     and P. Willemsen (eds), Proceedings of the 2011 Meeting of the Permanent Study Group on Law and
     administration, European Group for Public Administration, Bucarest, Economica, 2012, pp. 27 - 47.
  La formation en Europe: dimension individuelle et adéquation à des enjeux collectifs, in H. Pauliat (dir.),
     La formation en Europe: entre performance et concurrence, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2010, pp.
     On the job training for State civil servants in Europe: individual dimension and adequacy to collective issues
     in H. Pauliat (ed.), Training in Europe: between Performance and Competition, Presses universitaires de Limoges,
     2010, pp. 17-27.
  Il codice francese del patrimonio del 2004, in M. L. Catoni (cur.), Il patrimonio culturale in Francia, Milano,
      Electa, 2007, pp. 141-170.
     The French Heritage Code of 2004, in M. L. Catoni (cur.), Heritage in France, Milano, Electa, 2007, pp. 141-170.
La protezione giuridica del patrimonio culturale in Francia dalla metà del XIX secolo fino alla legge del
     1913, in M. L. Catoni (cur.), Il patrimonio culturale in Francia (Heritage in France), Milano, Electa, 2007, pp.
     Heritage Law in France from the mid XIXth Century to the 1913 Act, in M. L. Catoni (cur.), Heritage in France,
     Milano, Electa, 2007, pp. 67-99.
  Les lois du grand-duché de Toscane relatives à l’exportation d’œuvres d’art (1737-1859): entre
     perfectionnisme législatif et intérêts économiques, avec C. Profeti, in B. Garnot (dir.), Normes
     juridiques et pratiques judiciaires du Moyen âge à l'époque contemporaine, Editions universitaires de Dijon,
     2007, pp. 347-355.
     The Great Duchy of Tuscany legislation related to the exportation of works of art (1737-1859), authored with C.
     Profeti, in B. Garnot (dir.), Legal Norms and Judiciary Practices from Middle Ages to Contemporary Area, Editions
     universitaires de Dijon, 2007, pp. 347-355
  Commento agli articoli di collegamento tra diritto italiano e diritto internazionale e communitario del
    codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio in M. Cammelli ed., Commento al Codice dei beni culturali e del
    paesaggio, Bologna, il Mulino, 2004, pp. 314-331, pp. 340-366.
     Comment on the articles of the Italian Code of Cultural Goods related to the relationship between Italian
     domestic law and community law and international law in M. Cammelli ed., Comment on the 2004 Italian Code of
     Cultural Goods, Bologna, il Mulino, 2004, pp. 314-331, pp. 340-366
  L’esportazione dei beni culturali dal territorio dell'Unione europea nel Testo Unico dei beni culturali in
     M. Cammelli ed., La nuova disciplina dei beni culturali e ambientali. Testo unico approvato con il decreto
     legislativo 29 ottobre 1999, n°490, Bologna, il Mulino, 2000, pp. 215-226, pp. 277-279, pp. 280-282.
     The export of cultural goods from the European Union in the Italian Testo unico in M. Cammelli ed., The New
     Italian Law on Cultural Goods, Bologna, il Mulino, 2000, pp. 215-226, pp. 277-279, pp. 280-282.
  Droit et financement de l'archéologie en Italie, in P.-L. Frier (dir.), Droit et financement de l'archéologie en
     Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1998, pp. 109-163
     Regulation and Funding of Archaeology in Italy, in P.-L. Frier (eds.), Regulation and Funding of Archaeology in
     Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1998, pp. 109-163.
  Archéologie et droit de l'urbanisme en Italie, in Y. Jegouzo et P.-L. Frier (dir.), Archéologie et droit de
     l'urbanisme en Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1995, pp. 143-165.
     Archaeology and Town Planning Law in Italy, in Y. Jegouzo and P.-L. Frier (eds.), Archaeology and Town Planning
     in Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1995, pp. 143-165.
  Archéologie et droit de l'urbanisme en Suède, in Y. Jegouzo et P.-L. Frier (Dir.), Archéologie et droit de
     l'urbanisme en Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1995, pp. 251-269.
     Archaeology and Town Planning Law in Sweden in Y. Jegouzo and P.-L. Frier (eds.), Archaeology and Town
     Planning Law in Europe, Paris, Sirey-Dalloz, 1995, pp. 251-269.
  Les avocats dans les cabinets ministériels à la veille de la guerre de 1914, in Le Beguec (dir.), Avocats et
     barreaux en France. L'étape des années 1910-1930, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1994, pp.
     Barristers as Ministerial Staff before the First World War, in Le Beguec (dir.), Barrister and the Bar in France. The
     Step of the Years 1910-1930, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1994, pp. 91-102.

  Bilan de la RGPP, Cahiers français, n°368, juin – juillet 2012, pp. 88-92.
     Record of Assessment of the French Programmes Review, Cahiers français, n°368, June – July 2012, pp. 88-92.
  Avec la RGPP, on a l’impression d’une démarche au coup par coup, Interview, Actualités sociales
     hebdomadaires, 13 janvier 2012, n°2741-2742, pp. 42-43.
     The French Programmes Review: a Piecemeal Approach?, Interview, Actualités sociales hebdomadaires, 13
     January 2012, n°2741-2742, pp. 42-43.
Réforme de l’Etat et RGPP: histoire, enjeux et mécanismes Regards sur l’actualité, n°360, mai 2010, pp. 1-
       State Reform and Programmes Review: History, Stakes and Mechanisms, Regards sur l’actualité, n°360, May
       2010, pp. 1-9.
    La méthode suivie par la révision générale des politiques publiques, Revue française d’administration
       publique, n°130, 2009, pp. 409-414.
       Method of the French Programmes Review, Revue française d’administration publique, n°130, 2009, pp. 409-414.
    La révision générale des politiques publiques: sa méthode et ses finalités, Cahiers français, n°346,
       septembre-octobre 2008, pp. 22-26.
       The French Programmes Review: Method and Objectives, Cahiers français, n°346, September-October 2008, pp.
    Le lancement de la révision générale des politiques publiques, Revue française d'administration publique,
       n° 124, 2007, pp. 683-696. Egalement publié in Problèmes économiques, 18 mars 2009, n°2 967, pp. 3-10.
       The Launching of the French Programmes Review, Revue française d'administration publique, n° 124, 2007, pp.
       683-696. Also published in Problèmes économiques, 18 mars 2009, n°2 967, pp. 3-10.


    The legal basis and the legal constraints of EU agencies and the transformation of the executive
       function in the EU, 2014,
    Droit européen des migrations et du statut des étrangers, Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied
       Research on International Migration, Centre Robert Schuman, Institut Universitaire européen, 2005, parties
       1/5, 2/5 and 3/5, 59 p.,
       Migration and Foreigners in EU Law, Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International
       Migration, Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute, 2005, parts 1/5, 2/5 and 3/5, 59 p.
    Droit international des migrations et du statut des étrangers, Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied
       Research on International Migration, Centre Robert Schuman, Institut Universitaire européen, 2005, 38 p.,
       Migration and Foreigners in International Law, Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on
       International Migration, Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute, 2005, 38 p.

    Chronique de l’administration européenne, partie « Institutions et structures administratives », Revue
       française d’administration publique, semestrielle, depuis 2012. Les deux dernières publiées :
       Chronicle of European Administration, part dedicated to “Institutions and administrative structures”, Revue
       française d’administration publique, biannual since 2012. Last two published:
       n°163, 2017/3, pp. 697-614
       n°165, 2018/1, pp. 198-210

  Le coût de la non-Europe dans une économie et une union monétaire incomplètes. Analyse juridique,
     Service de recherche du Parlement européen, octobre 2014, PE 536.365, pp. 8–12
       The Cost of non-Europe of an Incomplete Economic and Monetary Union, Legal Analysis, European Parliament
       Research Service, European Added Value Unit, October 2014,PE 536.365, pp. 8–12
    Legislation Related to National Security in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland (1914-
      2004), confidential report for the project Between Militancy and Accommodation: Reactions to Extremism in
      European Democracies, Oxford University, Department of Politics, Prof. G. Capoccia, 2004.
CONFERENCE PAPERS posted on the conference website or in file with the author
   Gouvernance de la réforme « Action publique 2022 », séminaire Action publique 2022, ENA, Strasbourg, 17
     décembre 2018
      Governance of the « Action publique 2022 » Reform, seminar Action publique 2022, ENA, Strasbourg, 17
      December 2018
   Des mains trop invisibles ? Coopération administrative et mise en œuvre du droit de l’UE. Proposition
      de grille d’analyse, colloque de clôture, Le futur du droit administratif, Chaire Mutation de l’action publique
      et du droit public, Sciences Po Paris, 21 et 22 juin 2018
      Too Invisible Hands? Administrative Cooperation and Implementation of EU Law. Proposal for an assessment
      grid, Closure conference “The future of administrative law”, Chaire Mutation de l’action publique et du droit public,
      Sciences Po Paris, 21 and 22 June 2018
   Lecture critique du Code des relations entre le public et l’administration, séminaire Discours
      administratifs, droit(s) et transformations sociales, CERSA (Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Science
      Administrative), université Paris II Panthéon Assas, Paris, 16 mars 2017
      Critical assessment of the French Code of the relationships between the public and the public administration,
      seminar Administrative discourses, law(s) and social transformations, CERSA, university Paris II Panthéon-Assas,
      16 March 2017
   The French Integrated Approach to the Senior Civil Servants’ Training and its Declinations in the MENA
      Region, NASPAA and Doha Institute School of Public Administration and Development Economics, Doha
      Institute, Qatar, 13-14 November 2017
   French State Administration: Difficult Reforms, delegation of the European Central Bank, EU Institutions
      and Fora Division, ENA, Strasbourg, 5 July 2017
   Managerial Accountability and Political Responsibility of the European Commission, International
     Conference, Responsible Organizations in the Global Context, Georgetown University and University of
     Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Washington DC, 15 and 16 June 2017
   The impact of the Better Regulation policy on EU delegated and implementing rule-making, Workshop
      Legislative choice between delegated and implementing acts, Deutsches Forschunginstitut für öffentliche
      Verwaltung, Deutsche Forschunsgemeinschaft, Speyer, 20 March 2017
   La politique Mieux légiférer et la démocratie dans l’Union européenne, Colloque annuel de la CEDECE,
      L’Union en quête de démocratie(s), Faculté de droit, Université de Strasbourg, 24-25 novembre 2016
      The Better Regulation Policy and the Democracy in the EU, CEDECE Annual Conference, The EU in Search of
      democracie(s), University of Strasbourg, Law Faculty, 24-25 November 2016
   La frontière douanière à l’époque des ‘chaines de valeur mondiales’, Colloque interdisciplinaire, Les
      frontières, université de Strasbourg, 6 octobre 2016
      The customs Border in the Age of ‘Global Value Chains’, University’ Interdisciplinary Conference, The Borders,
      University of Strasbourg, 6 October 2016
   An Administrative Code for the European Union? The Codification Projects of European Union Law on
      Administrative Procedure, IIAS Annual Congress, Chengdu, PR China, 20 – 23 September 2016
   La redevabilité en droit public français, colloque Rendre des comptes – Rendre compte, ENA, Strasbourg,
      31 mars – 1er avril 2016
      Accountability in French Public Law, Providing Accounts – Being Accountable, Conference, ENA, Strasbourg,
      31 Mars – 1st April 2016
   Relationships between Regulatory Authorities in the European Union: a typology, seminar: Major issues
      of Public Administration in the Smart Government Era, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul
      National University and Ritsumeikan University Osaka Umeda Campus, Osaka, 16 January 2015
   European Administrative Space and Europeanisation of Member States Public Administrations,
      Conference: Accession Process of Serbia to the EU, European Policy Center, Belgrad, 28 November 2014
   Frontex, colloque La frontière, région Alsace, Strasbourg, 19 novembre 2014
      Frontex, Conference Border Issues, Alsace Region, Strasbourg, 19 November 2014
Relationship between regulatory authorities in the EU: networks and Systems, paper presented at the
   2014 Conference, Study Group X Law and Administration, European Group of Public Administration,
   Speyer, 10-12 September 2014
Establishing Accountability of Independent Bodies at EU Level: the European Central Bank, invited
   speaker, IIAS Policy Platform on Rethinking Accountability in the Times of Proliferation of Public Actors,
   International Institute of Administrative Science 2014 Congress, Ifrane, 15 June
Accountability in French Public Law, paper presented at the International Institute of Administrative Science
   2014 Congress, Ifrane, 15 June
La légitimité démocratique des autorités indépendantes européennes, séminaire, La partie et le tout. La
   souveraineté, EHESS, Paris, 27 mai 2014,
   Democratic Legitimacy of European Independent Authorities, seminar, The Part and the Whole. Sovereignty,
   EHESS, Paris, 27 May 2014
The European Central Bank and “its Systems”: the European System of Central Banks and the
   European System of Financial Supervision, Eudem 2014 Conference on European Democracy,
   Strasbourg, 5-6 May 2014
L'actionnariat salarié au sein des entreprises publiques: une occasion manquée?, colloque,
   L'actionnariat salarié, une stratégie en quête de légitimité?, Faculté de droit, Université de Strasbourg,
   19 novembre 2013
   Employees Ownership of Undertakings under Public Control: a Missed Opportunity?, conference, Employees
   Ownership : a Strategy in Search of Legitimacy, Law Faculty, University of Strasbourg, 19 November 2013
Les actes administratifs transnationaux dans l’Union européenne, séminaire de recherche, Centre
   d’études internationales et européennes, Faculté de droit, Université de Strasbourg, 14 novembre 2013
   Transnational Administrative Acts within the EU, research seminar, Centre d’études internationales et
   européennes, Law Faculty, University of Strasbourg, 14 November 2013
De l’administration démocratique à la démocratie administrative. Approches théoriques et pratiques,
   séminaire, Participation citoyenne et engagement citoyen en France et en Allemagne : comment renforcer
   et dynamiser la nouvelle culture participative ?, Kehl, Euro Institut, 15 octobre 2013
   From Democratic Administration to Administrative Democracy. Theoretical and Practical Approaches, seminar,
   Citizen’ Participation and Engagement in France and in Germany: How to Reinforce and Stimulate the New
   Participative Culture?, Kehl, Euro Institut, 15 October 2013
Le bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile, Journée d’études sur le droit d’asile, Faculté de droit,
   Université de Strasbourg, 27 juin 2013
   The European Asylum Support Office, conference: EU Asylum Law, Law Faculty, University of Strasbourg,
   27 June 2013
Vers une Union bancaire, table ronde, La crise de la zone euro et le processus d’intégration européenne,
   Faculté de droit, Université du Luxembourg, 3 juin 2013
   Toward an European Banking Union, round table, The Eurozone Crisis and the Process of European Integration,
   Law Faculty, University of Luxembourg, 3 June 2013
Trasferimento internazionale di rifiuti pericolosi e gestione del rischio tra Stati coinvolti, convegno, Il
   diritto del rischio ambientale, Università LUM Jean Monnet, Bari, Trani, 10 maggio 2013
   International Transfers of Hazardous Waste and Risk Management between Concerned States, conference, The
   Law of Environmental Risk, University LUM Jean Monnet, Bari, Trani, 10 May 2013
Alternative disputes resolutions in administrative matters: the case of France, seminar, Alternative
   disputes resolutions in administrative matters. A comparative approach, 11-12 October 2012, University of
   Cluj Napoca.
EU influence on public administration organisation of Member States The case of domestic agencies
  and the principle of institutional and procedural autonomy, Annual Conference, Study Group X “Law
  and Administration”, European Group of Public Administration, Bergen, 5-7 September 2012.
The Fall of the French Drug Agency, 5th Trans European Dialogue, The Politics of Agency Governance,
   Corvinus      University,     Budapest,   3       February   2012
L’indépendance des autorités européennes de régulation, colloque, L’indépendance des autorités de
    régulation économique et financière, université de Strasbourg et ENA, 2 février 2012.
   The Independence of the European Supervisory Authorities, conference: The Independence of Economic and
   Financial Regulatory Authorities, University of Strasbourg and ENA, 2 February 2012.
CO² Emission Permits, Experts Meeting, The Allocation of Limited Authorisations and Grants, University of
  Leiden, 19 - 20 January 2012
Le cadre des politiques publiques territoriales en Europe, Conférence Europa 2011, Existe-t-il un modèle
   européen d’administration locale?, Limoges, 26 novembre 2011.
   Which Territorial Framework for the Implementation of Public Policies in Europe?, Europa Conference 2011,
   Does a European model of local administration exist?, Limoges, 26 November 2011.
La sécurité des marchandises et les nouvelles compétences des administrations douanières et
   vétérinaires de l’UE, conférence La sécurité en crise(s), Université de Strasbourg, 6 et 7 octobre 2011
   Security of Goods and New Competencies of the Customs and Veterinary Authorities in the EU, conference:
   Security in Crisis, University of Strasbourg, 6 and 7 October 2011
Administrative cooperation in the EU treaties, Annual Conference, Study Group X “Law and Administration”,
  European Group of Public Administration, Bucharest, 7-10 September 2011, http://egpa-
French Autonomous Public Bodies and their Relationship with the State, High-level Conference for
   Invited Practitioners, Policy-makers and Researchers: Structuring Government in the 21st Century:
   Managing and Controlling Public Agencies at National and EU-level in Times of Crisis,
   Cost action ISO0601, Brussels, 27 May 2011
Supervision of State Executive Agencies by Parent Ministries in France: Legal Tools and Managerial
  Tools, 4th Trans European Dialogue, Law and Public management, Vienna, Austria Federal Chancellery, 10
  February 2011.
Le critère esthétique dans les premières lois de protection de la nature en France et en Italie, Colloque
   Une protection de la nature à la française?, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 22-24 septembre 2010.
   Aesthetic Criteria in Early Legislations Related to the Conservation of Nature in Italy and France, Conference: A
   French Approach to Nature Conservation?, University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 22-24 September 2010.
Enforcement of Administrative Decisions between Member States under EU Law. From Exequatur to
   Automaticity?, Annual Conference, Study Group X “Law and Administration”, European Group of Public
   Administration, Toulouse, 7-10 September 2010
Administrative Cooperation between Member States and Horizontal Soft Law, Annual Conference,
  Societas iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE), The Soft Law of the European Organisations, Strasbourg, 10-12
  June 2010
La création d’une intégration économique entre partenaires très hétérogènes: le cas de la zone euro-
   méditerranéenne, avec Damien Feraille, Colloque Les intégrations régionales, une approche comparative,
   Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée et Ecole supérieure de commerce international, 29 may 2010
   Creation of an Integrated Economic zone between Highly Heterogeneous Partners: the Case of the
   Euromediterranean Zone, co-authored with Damien Feraille, Conference: Regional Integration : a Comparative
   Approach, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée and Ecole supérieure de commerce international, 29 May 2010
France and the Executive Agency Model, Meeting of the Comparative Research into Current Trends in
   Public Sector Organisation Network (Cost action ISO0601), Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 28
   May 2010
La révision générale des politiques publiques, audition par le Conseil économique, social et
  environnemental, section des économies régionales et de l’aménagement du territoire, 31 mars 2010
   The French Programmes Review, Hearing by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, 31 March 2010
La participation aux décisions en droit de l’Union européenne, Colloque, Vers une démocratie
   administrative ? Des administrés aux citoyens, Université de Strasbourg et Ecole nationale d’administration,
   19 mars 2010
   Participation in Decision Making Process under EU Law, Conference: Toward a Administrative Democracy?,
   University of Strasbourg and Ecole nationale d’administration, 19 March 2010
Legal Basis and Legal Constrains of EU Agencies, Meeting of the Comparative Research into Current
   Trends in Public Sector Organisation network (Cost action ISO0601), sub research project: Aunomy,
   Sterring and control, performance of EU Agencies, Katholieke universiteit Leuven, Institut voor de Overheid,
   11 March 2010
Gli atti amministrativi transnationali, seminario del dottorato di ricerca in diritto amministrativo coordinato dal
    prof. Ignazio M. Marino, Università di Catania, 25 Gennaio 2010
   Transnational Administrative Acts, seminar of the European PhD in Administrative Law coordinated by prof. Ignazio
   M. Marino, University of Catania, 25 January 2010
Collaborazione tra pubbliche amministrazioni nel trattato di Lisbona, convegno, Riflettori sull'Europa,
   Università di Firenze e James Madison University, 3 dicembre 2009
   Cooperation between Public Administrations in the Lisbon Treaty, Conference : Spotlight on Europe, Università di
   Firenze and James Madison University, 3 December 2009
Culture et politique culturelle européenne, Conférence Europa 2009, Université de Limoges, 20 novembre
   Culture and European Cultural Policy, 2009 Europa Conference, University of Limoges, 20 November 2009
Implementation of EU Policies through National Administrations Networks, Annual Conference, Study
   Group X “Law and Administration”, European Group of Public Administration, Malta, 2-4 September 2009.
Shared Administration and Common Trainings for Civil Servants in the Mediterranean Area, seminar,
   Administrative Culture in the Mediterranean Area, Italian High School of Public Administration, Arcireale, 26
   May 2009.
La formation continue des agents de l’Etat en Europe : dimension individuelle et adéquation à des
   enjeux collectifs, Conférence Europa 2008, Université de Limoges, 27 novembre 2008.
   On the Job Training of State Civil Servants in Europe: Individual Dimension and Adequacy to Collective
   Issues, 2008 Europa Conference, University of Limoges, 27 November 2008.
Implementation of EU Visas, Asylum and Immigration Policies: New Patterns of Administrative
   Organization and Administrative Law for the EU Member States, Annual Conference, Study Group X
   “Law and Administration”, European Group of Public Administration, Rotterdam, 3-5 September 2008.

Trends in XXIth Century Governance in France, conference, The future of innovation : 21st century Model of
   Governance, Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kennedy School of Governement,
   Harvard University, Boston, 31 March - 2 April 2008
Programme Review in France, seminar, Administrative Innovation, International Context and Economic
   Growth, Formez, Spisa, Bologna, 15 janvier 2008.
La cooperazione amministrativa nella Unione Europea, convegno, La cooperazione amministrativa nel
   Trattato di Lisbona e la mobilità internazionale dei dirigenti pubblici, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica
   Amministrazone, Roma, 28 gennaio 2008.
   Administrative Cooperation in the EU, conference, Administrative Cooperation in the Lisbon Treaty and
   International Mobility of Public Managers, Italian High School of Public Administration, Rome, 28 January 2008.
La procédure de fabrication des normes au sein des agences européennes, séminaire Droit administratif
     comparé, européen et global, Chaire Mutation de l’action et du droit public, Sciences Po, Paris, 9 novembre
     Regulation Making Process in European Agencies, seminar Comparative, European and Global Administrative Law,
     Chair on the Mutation of Public Action and Public Law, Sciences Po, Paris, 9 November 2007
  Design of Common Trainings for Civil Servants in Charge of Implementation of European Policies,
     conference, The European Dimension of Administrative Culture, German Section of the International
     Institute of Administrative Sciences, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 15-16 may 2007.
  Les Etats membres de l’UE et les dérogations à la libre circulation : l’exemple de la circulation des
     personnes aux frontières intérieures, colloque, Les nouvelles frontières de l'Europe, Ecole nationale
     d’administration, Strasbourg, 23-25 novembre 2006.
     EU Member States and Derogations to Free Movement: the Case of the Movement of Persons at the EU’
     Internal Borders, conference, The new Frontiers of Europe, ENA, Strasbourg, 23-25 November 2006.
  European Transnational Administrative Acts, Annual Conference, Study Group X “Law and Administration”,
     European Group of Public Administration, Milan, 6-9 September 2006.
  Landscapes in International Law and European Law, in M. Sassatelli ed., Landscape as Heritage:
     Negociating European Cultural Identity, EUI Working Papers RSCAS n°2006/05.
  Mediterranean Heritage. The ‘Mediterranean Interest’ Criteria for Zones and Coasts Protection in the
    Barcelona Conventions Framework, Workshop, Mediterranean Programme, Robert Schuman Centre for
    Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 18 March 2005.
  La tutela dei paesaggi nel diritto internazionale e nel diritto della UE, convegni, La tutela dei paesaggi nel
     Codice italiano dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, università di Firenze, 1 luglio 2004 e università di Brescia,
     12 novembre 2004.
     Protection of Landscapes in International Law and European Law, conferences, Protection of Landscapes in The
     Italian Code of Cultural Goods and Landascape), university of Florence, 1st July 2004 and university of Brescia, 12
     November 2004.

   For the Revue française d’administration publique
      Castiello d’Antonio (A.) dir., La formazione del personnale pubblico. Modelli innovativi per amministrazioni
      di eccellenza, 2011 (RFAP, 2013, 146, pp. 550-551)
      Ongaro (E.), Public Management Reform and Modernisation. Trajectories of Administrative Change in
        Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain, E. Elgar, 2009
      Tosatti (G.), Storia del ministero dell’Interno. Dall’Unità alla regionalizzazione, il Mulino, 2009
      Mordacq (F.), La réforme de l’Etat par l’audit, LGDJ Lextenso, 2009
      Cannac (Y.) et Trosa (S.) dir., La réforme dont l’État a besoin. Pour un management par la confiance et la
        responsabilité, Dunod, 2007
      Hofman (H.) et Türk (A.) ed., EU Administrative Governance, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006
      Trosa (S.), Vers un management post bureaucratique. La réforme de l’État, une réforme de la société,
        L’Harmattan, 2006
   100 Titres sur l’Europe (Hundred Titles on Europe), Paris, Ministère des affaires étrangères, 2005 (A
    Collection of Book Reviews, ten realized)
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