François Osiurak - Troubles Praxiques chez l'Adulte : Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation - Les Samedis de ...

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François Osiurak - Troubles Praxiques chez l'Adulte : Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation - Les Samedis de ...
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte :
Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation

                  François Osiurak
  Laboratoire d’Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs, Université de Lyon
                Institut Universitaire de France, Paris

        Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21 Novembre 2015      1
François Osiurak - Troubles Praxiques chez l'Adulte : Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation - Les Samedis de ...
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

- Osiurak, F. (sous presse). Apraxie et troubles d’utilisation d’outils. Presses Universitaires de France. (devrait paraître aux alentours de juin 2016)

Articles (revue de littérature/article théorique)
Général et accessible (en en français!)
- Lesourd, M., Le Gall, D., Baumard, J., Croisile, B., Jarry, C., & Osiurak, F. (2013). Apraxie et maladie d’Alzheimer. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 5, 213-222.

- Le Gall, D., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Osiurak, F. (2012). Les apraxies: Synthèse et nouvelles perspectives. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 4, 174-185.

Moins accessible selon moi (et en anglais)
- Osiurak, F. (2014). What neuropsychology tells us about human tool use? The four constraints theory (4CT): Mechanics, space, time, and effort.

     Neuropsychology Review, 24, 88-115.

- Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2011). Re-examining the gesture engram hypothesis: New perspectives on apraxia of tool use. Neuropsychologia, 49,


- Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2010). Grasping the affordances, understanding the reasoning: Toward a dialectical theory of human tool use.

     Psychological Review, 117, 517-540.

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François Osiurak - Troubles Praxiques chez l'Adulte : Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation - Les Samedis de ...
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
  François Osiurak

                                                                                   (Liepmann, 1908, 1920)

                                             !                                 !

                                                                                   (Heilman et al., 1982)

(Geschwind, 1975)

                                             !                                 !

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François Osiurak - Troubles Praxiques chez l'Adulte : Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation - Les Samedis de ...
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                   Entrée auditive/verbale       Entrée visuelle/objet    Entrée visuelle/geste

                      Analyse auditive            Analyse visuelle          Analyse visuelle

                                              Système de reconnaissance
                                                     des objets

                     Lexique d’entrée                                       Lexique d’action
                      phonologique                                              d’entrée
                          Lexique                                           Lexique d’action
                      de sortie verbale                                         de sortie

                    Buffer phonologique                                   Patrons d’innervation

                     Systèmes moteurs                                      Systèmes moteurs

                                             (Rothi et al., 1991)

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François Osiurak


              • Utilisation d’outils
              • Apraxie motrice
              • Imitation de postures non symboliques

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

Utilisation d’outils non spécifique à l’Homme

  ✓ Manipulations objet-objet (McGrew, 1992)
  ✓ Utilisation d’un outil pour en créer un autre (Gibson, 1993)
  ✓ Outils complexes (Johnson-Frey, 2007)
  ✓ Evolution cumulative culturelle (Tomasello et al., 2005)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                                       Energie mécanique                           Type de relation
                                          Goldenberg (2013)                          Osiurak (2014)

                   (1)                 De la main à l’outil

                   (2)                  De l’outil à l’objet

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

     L’approche centrée sur la manipulation

                   Gestum ago, ergo instrumentis munio*

                                                                       * Je gesticule, donc j’outille

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                              L’approche centrée sur la manipulation

                   (1)            ✓ Sens commun : Travail manuel versus intellectuel

                                  ✓ Méta-théorie : Mémoire procédurale versus déclarative

                                  ✓ Cognition incarnée

                                  ✓ Apraxie : Désordres des mouvements volontaires

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                                                                                                                                             ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE
                                                                                                                                                                 published: 23 April 2014
                                                                                                                                                          doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00333

                                      The left inferior parietal lobe represents stored
                                      hand-postures for object use and action prediction
                                      Michiel van Elk *

                   (1)                Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

                                      Edited by:                              Action semantics enables us to plan actions with objects and to predict others’
                                      François Osiurak, Université de         object-directed actions as well. Previous studies have suggested that action semantics are
                                      Lyon, France
                                                                              represented in a fronto-parietal action network that has also been implicated to play a role
                                      Reviewed by:
                                                                              in action observation. In the present fMRI study it was investigated how activity within this
                                      Fausto Caruana, Italian Institute of
                                      Technology, Italy                       network changes as a function of the predictability of an action involving multiple objects
                                      François Osiurak, Université de         and requiring the use of action semantics. Participants performed an action prediction
                                      Lyon, France                            task in which they were required to anticipate the use of a centrally presented object that
                                      Michiel van Elk, Department of
                                      Psychology, University of
                                                                                                                           Connaissances sur la
                                                                              could be moved to an associated target object (e.g., hammer—nail). The availability of actor
                                                                              information (i.e., presenting a hand grasping the central object) and the number of possible
                                      Amsterdam, Weesperplein 4,              target objects (i.e., 0, 1, or 2 target objects) were independently manipulated, resulting in
                                      1018 XA Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                      e-mail:                                                                 manipulation
                                                                              different levels of predictability. It was found that making an action prediction based on
                                                                              actor information resulted in an increased activation in the extrastriate body area (EBA)
                                                                              and the fronto-parietal action observation network (AON). Predicting actions involving a
                                                                                                                           (Buxbaum, 2001 ; Rothi et al., 1991)
                                                                              target object resulted in increased activation in the bilateral IPL and frontal motor areas.
                                                                              Within the AON, activity in the left inferior parietal lobe (IPL) and the left premotor cortex
                                                                              (PMC) increased as a function of the level of action predictability. Together these findings
                                                                              suggest that the left IPL represents stored hand-postures that can be used for planning

                                                                                                                       ✓ Egocentrique
                                                                              object-directed actions and for predicting other’s actions as well.

                                                                              Keywords: fMRI, objects, action prediction, action semantics, inferior parietal lobe

                                                                                                                       ✓ Utilisation d’outils familiers
                                                                                                      impairment in accessing manipulation knowledge about objects
                                  Imagine yourself sitting in a restaurant at a romantic dinner with (i.e., knowing how to apply a correct hand posture for interacting
                                  your partner. If your partner would lift a bottle of wine you would with objects; cf. Heilman et al., 1982).
                                  likely infer that he wants to pour you a glass of wine. Upon offer-    Behavioral studies and neuroimaging studies have underlined
                                  ing your glass, you expect him to pour wine and to subsequently the importance of motor-related knowledge for successful object
                                  put the bottle back in the wine cooler. You would be quite sur- interaction. Several behavioral studies have shown for instance
                                  prised if your partner would pour wine in the wine cooler instead. that the mere observation of objects automatically results in the
                         Les   Samedis
                                  As this de    Neuropsychologie,
                                           example                              Nice,actions
                                                     illustrates, many of our everyday    21 rely
                                                                                               Novembre       2015
                                                                                                  on activation  of the motor programs associated with using these                          10
                                  the use of action semantic knowledge about objects, specifying objects (Klatzky et al., 1989; Ellis and Tucker, 2000; Tucker and
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                   Les avancées récentes

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak
                                                            473                                     G[ Goldenberg and S[ Hagmann:Tool use in apraxia


                                             Outils familiers                                          Outils nouveaux                                                                                  Lien

     Goldenberg & Hagmann (1998)                HG < HD                                                           HG < HD                                                                                *

         Hartmann et al. (2005)                 HG < HD                                                           HG < HD                                                                                *

       Goldenberg & Spatt (2009)              HG seulement                                                 HG seulement                                                                                  *

                                                            Fig[ 0[ Three items of the novel tool test[ The left side of each row shows the array presented to the patient for tool selection and the

          Osiurak et al. (2009)                 HG < HD                                                           HG < HD
                                                                                                         right side\ the use of the correctly selected tool[

                                                            P ⇡ 9[90#[ While LBD patients made signi_cantly more                   underlying poor scores on novel tool application in LBD
                                                            errors than RBD patients on novel tool selection                       and RBD patients[ The errors of LBD patients mostly
          Osiurak et al. (2013)                 HG < HD     "z ⌧2[4\ P ⇡ 9[990#\ there was no signi_cant di}erence
                                                            between both groups of brain damaged patients on novel
                                                                                                                  HG < HD          concerned the principle of the tool!object interaction[ For
                                                                                                                                   example\ they would press the outer side of a hook against
                                                            tool application "z ⌧0[4\ P 9[0#[ Observation of the                   a ring instead of inserting its tip into the opening of the
                                                            patients| performance suggested di}erent types of errors               ring[ By contrast\ the di.culties of the RBD patients

           Jarry et al. (2013)                  HG < HD                                                           HG < HD                                                                                *

                                 Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21 Novembre 2015                                                                                                                       12
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from at Bibliotheques de l'Universite L
François Osiurak

              doi:10.1093/brain/awp080                                                                   Brain 2009: 132; 1645–1655                                                                      | 1645


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from at Bi
              The neural basis of tool use
              G. Goldenberg1,2 and J. Spatt3

              1 Klinik für Neuropsychologie, Klinikum Bogenhausen, München, Germany

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from at Bibliotheques de l'Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 o
              2 Klinik für Neurologie, Technische Universität München, Germany
              3 Krankenhaus Hietzing mit Neurologischem Zentrum Rosenhügel, Wien, Austria
                                    Outils familiers
              Correspondence to: Prof. Dr Georg Goldenberg,                              Outils nouveaux
              Klinik für Neuropsychologie,
              Klinikum Bogenhausen,
              Englschalkingerstrasse 77,
              81925 München, Germany

              Misuse of tools and objects by patients with left brain damage is generally recognized as a manifestation of apraxia, caused by
              parietal lobe damage. The use of tools and objects can, however, be subdivided in several components. The purpose of our
              study was to find out which of these are dependent on parietal lobe function. Thirty-eight patients with left brain damage and
              aphasia were examined using tests to assess the retrieval of functional knowledge from semantic memory (Functional
              Associations), mechanical problem solving (Novel Tools) and use of everyday tools and objects (Common Tools). Voxel-wise
              analysis of magnetic resonance images revealed two regions where lesions had a significant impact on the test results. One
              extended rostrally from the central region and ventrally through the middle frontal cortex to the dorsal margin of the inferior
              frontal gyrus. The other reached dorsally and caudally from the supramarginal gyrus, through the inferior, to superior parietal
              lobe. Whereas the frontal lesions had an adverse influence on all experimental tests as well as on the subtests of the Aachen
              Aphasia test, parietal lesions impaired Novel and Common Tools, but did not have an adverse effect on the Functional
              Associates. An association between Functional Associations and temporal lesions became apparent when patients with only
              a selective deficit in the test were considered, but did not show up in the whole group analysis. The parietal influence was as
              strong for the selection as for the use of either novel or common tools, although choice of appropriate manual configuration and
              movements was more important for use than for selection. We conclude that the contribution of the parietal lobe to tool use
              concerns general principles of tool use rather than knowledge about the prototypical use of common tools and objects, and the
                                  Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21 Novembre 2015
              comprehension of mechanical interactions of the tool with other tools, recipients or material rather than the selection of grip
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                                        Lien avec régions (pré)frontales/
                                             syndrome dysexécutif

                               ✓ Patients HG :
                                      Absence de lien entre lésions frontales et résolution de problèmes
    ??                                mécaniques
                                      (Goldenberg & Hagmann, 1998)

                               ✓ Patients HG :
                                      Absence de lien entre TOL et résolution de problèmes mécaniques
                                      (Hartmann et al., 2005 ; Jarry et al., 2013)

                               ✓ Patients dysexécutifs :
                                      Résolution de problèmes mécaniques relativement bien préservée
                                      (Goldenberg et al., 2007)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

     L’approche centrée sur le raisonnement

                   Instrumentis munio, ergo gestum ago*

                                                                       * J’outille, donc je gesticule

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                                L’approche centrée sur le raisonnement
                                Osiurak (2014), Osiurak et al. (2010, 2011)

                                   ✓ Connaissances mécaniques
                                   ✓ Allocentrique
                                   ✓ Cortex pariétal inférieur gauche (IPL)

                                                                         « Ce n’est pas parce que nous ne
                                                  IPL                    sommes pas capables d’expliquer
                   (2)                                                   explicitement ce que nous faisons que
                                                                         nous ne comprenons pas ce que nous
                                                                         faisons ! ».

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

                                       «There is no need for additional manipulation
                                       knowledge specifying the configuration and
                                       movement of the hand » (Goldenberg, 2013)


                                Hypothèse de reconstruction
                              Osiurak (2014) ; Osiurak et al. (2010, 2011)
                               Connaissances mécaniques (IPL gauche)
                                         ➤ Outil-Objet (2)
                              Système de production (SPL bilatéral/IPS)
                                          ➤ Main-Objet (1)

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François Osiurak

                                                                             (Vingerhoets, 2014)

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François Osiurak

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François Osiurak

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François Osiurak



                                                                             Appréhension catégorielle
                                                                             (Goldenberg, 2009, 2013)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

          Quid de la mémoire sémantique ?

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

    Patient FB, lésions bitemporales causées par une encéphalite herpétique, avec
    déficit sémantique (Sirigu et al., 1991)

                   « When asked to identify a nail clipper: It can attch
                   several sheets of paper together. You turn the piece
                   on the top and tip it back (makes the precise
                   movement sequence). You press and it maintains
                   them ».

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

    Patiente MJC, lésions bitemporales polaires caussées par un TC, avec déficit
    sémantique (Osiurak et al., 2008)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

    Patiente MJC, lésions bitemporales polaires caussées par un TC, avec déficit
    sémantique (Osiurak et al., 2008)

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François Osiurak

    5 patients avec lésions temporales polaires (4HE et 1 DS) (Silveri & Ciccarelli, 2009)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

    9 patients avec démence sémantique (Hodges et al., 2000)

                                                           473                                     G[ Goldenberg and S[ Hagmann:Tool use in apraxia

                                                           Fig[ 0[ Three items of the novel tool test[ The left side of each row shows the array presented to the patient for tool selection and the
                                                                                                        right side\ the use of the correctly selected tool[

                                                           P ⇡ 9[90#[ While LBD patients made signi_cantly more                   underlying poor scores on novel tool application in LBD
                                                           errors than RBD patients on novel tool selection                       and RBD patients[ The errors of LBD patients mostly
                                                           "z ⌧2[4\ P ⇡ 9[990#\ there was no signi_cant di}erence                 concerned the principle of the tool!object interaction[ For
                                                           between both groups of brain damaged patients on novel                 example\ they would press the outer side of a hook against
                         Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21 Novembre 2015
                                                           tool application "z ⌧0[4\ P 9[0#[ Observation of the
                                                           patients| performance suggested di}erent types of errors
                                                                                                                                  a ring instead of inserting its tip into the opening of the
                                                                                                                                  ring[ By contrast\ the di.culties of the RBD patients                27
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

    9 patients avec démence sémantique (Hodges et al., 2000)






                                                      0"   20"   40"      60"   80"   100"

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François Osiurak

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak


              • Utilisation d’outils
              • Apraxie motrice
              • Imitation de postures non symboliques

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

Apraxie motrice/mélo-cinétique

  S’observe :
    ✓ Pianotage digital (1-2-1-5) (++)

    ✓ Paume-Tranche-Poing (+/-)

    ✓ Maniement d’objets en main (++++)

    * Constance des troubles entre les épreuves
    * Aide de la modalité visuelle pour compenser les difficultés proprioceptives
    * Caractéristique des patients DCB

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François Osiurak


              • Utilisation d’outils
              • Apraxie motrice
              • Imitation de postures non symboliques

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

Imitation de postures non symboliques
                                     G[ Goldenber` : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 448 455                                           450

 Plusieurs types :

      ✓ Postures digitales

      ✓ Postures unimanuelles


      ✓ Postures bimanuelles                                                                                                                                80

                                                              a                             b

                                                                                                                                        Success rate (%)

 Fig[ 1[ Two items of the matching test[ Patients had to indicate which of the four pictures corresponds to the picture on top[                             40           Fig[ 1[ Two items of the matching t

                                                       Les Samedis
                                                           c       de Neuropsychologie,
                                                                            d           Nice,
                                                                                           e 21 Novembre 201520                                                                                   33
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

Imitation de postures bimanuelles





         a                              b

                                                                                                                       Success rate (%)
  a                 b

                                                                          Success rate (%)

         (Yamagushi et al., 2010)                                                             40

         c                              d e                         e                         20                                              20
  c                 d
                                                                                                   ’Fox’                                               ’Fox’
                                                                                                   ’Pigeon’                                            ’Pigeon’
                                                                                                   0       0.5    1                       2        3
                                                                                                                                                       0       0.5    1    2   3
                                                                           i                                     CDR
                                                                                                                        i                                            CDR

  f                     g                       h
         f                                  g                       h
             Fig. 1. Hand-gesture demonstration, error responses, and the success rate of the YFPIT according to the CDR.
             Examiner’s demonstration
                                Fig. 1. of ‘fox’ (a) and ‘pigeon’
                                        Hand-gesture              (b). Subjects’error
                                                            demonstration,       typicalresponses,
                                                                                         error patterns
                                                                                                     andof the
                                                                                                                        ), dorsum-
                                                                                                                              of the YFPIT according to the CDR.
             dorsum (d), and palm-dorsum (e). f Error pattern with downward direction of arms. g, h Error patterns com-
             mon in CDR 3. i TheExaminer’s     demonstration
                                    success rate   of ‘fox’ startedofto‘fox’ (a) and
                                                                         decrease    ‘pigeon’
                                                                                  at CDR        (b). Subjects’
                                                                                            3, while            typical
                                                                                                     that of ‘pigeon’   error patterns
                                                                                                                      decreased   at    of palm-palm (c), dorsum-
             CDR 0.5.           dorsum (d), and palm-dorsum (e). f Error pattern with downward direction of arms. g, h Error patterns com-
                                mon Les
                                     in CDR  3. i Thede
                                         Samedis      success rate of ‘fox’ startedNice,
                                                        Neuropsychologie,           to decrease at CDR 3, while
                                                                                          21 Novembre      2015that of ‘pigeon’ decreased at                                       34
                                CDR 0.5.
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
François Osiurak

Imitation de postures bimanuelles

                                    (Lesourd et al., 2013)

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Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte:66Modèles Théoriques    et Evaluation
                                                  G. GOLDENBERG

François Osiurak                                                                                                                                                                 RESULTS
                                                                                                                                  N o significant differences on any measure were found between controls who had used their
                                                                                                                               left hand and those who had used their right hand. These two groups were therefore brought

Imitation de postures unimanuelles                                                                                             together to make one control group.
                                                                                                                                  Figure 2 shows the scores on imitiation of meaningless gestures. In controls, there was a
                                    THE HUMAN BODY IN IDEOMOTOR APRAXIA                                                  65

                                                                                                                                                      ii     LBD
                                                                                                                                            22        r - - - I RBD
                              Fig. 1. Ten meaningless gestures of the hand for imitation.
                                                                                                                                      .~    14
 mannikin", that is, if the patient manipulated the mannikin's left hand, the examiner demonstrated with the left hand                fl_   12
 and vice versa. The gestures used, the course of examination and the criteria for scoring were the same as with the
 imitation on one's own body. To ensure understanding of the instruction, imitation of a gesture not used in the                            10
 examination was demonstrated in the instruction, and if the first item of the examination was failed on both trials,
 correct performance of this gesture was demonstrated too.
              Deux mécanismes potentiels
 Manipulation of beads
    Patients were asked to take with one hand three beads from three vertical rods and to stick them on three other
                              (Goldenberg, 1995, 1997)
 rods. They were not allowed to collect and transpose the beads one after another, but had to collect all three beads in

                                                                                                                                                                                 .1,.,I                       .LL
 the hand before beginning to stick them on the target rods. The rods were aligned in a frontal plane. Patients who
 used their left hand moved the beads from the left set of three sticks to the right one, and vice versa. Between trials,
 the hand rested on a mark in front of the middle of the device. After two successful practice trials, 10 trials were run,                   2
 and the time from leaving the starting point until the delivery of the last bead was measured with a stopwatch. I f a
 bead fell out of the hand, the trial was repeated. The mean time of the 10 trials was taken for the statistical evaluation.
                                                                                                                                             0       I I          I
       Connaissances topographiques sur le corps
    In this task, manual dexterity is challenged when one bead has to be transferred between hand and rod while at the
 same time one or two beads are carried within the hand. The hand has to be divided into two functional                                          0    2 3 ¢ 5           6    7   8   9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 compartments, one for carrying beads and one for moving beads from and to the rod and the beads have to be moved
                        (+ IPL)
 between these two compartments. As a further difficulty, the boring of the beads has to be aligned exactly with the
 position and the direction of the rod when the bead is stuck on the rod.                                                                                              Score for i m i t a t i o n on the own body
 Block design                                                                                                                                                         Fig. 2. Results of apraxia testing.
   The W A I S - - R subtest block design was administered in the usual way. As a modification, testing was not
 interrupted when the prescribed time limits had expired. If a patient arrived at the correct solution after that time.
                Schéma dynamique du corps (+ SPL)
 one point was subtracted from the m i n u m u m score. Raw scores were used for statistical evaluation.

 Token-test                                                                                                            clear ceiling effect. Ninety per cent of the control patients obtained the maximum score of 20
   All patients with left hemisphere damage were administered the G e r m a n version of the Token Test [16]. The raw
 number of correct responses was scored.                                                                               and only one control scored as low as 2 points below the maximum. The distribution of
 Procedure of testing                                                                                                  scores of RBD patients had a similar but somewhat less steep bias and the worst score was 16.
    Patients with brain damage used the hand ipsilateral to the lesion for imitation of gestures, pantomime of object
 use and manipulation of beads. They moved the same hand of the mannikin, but were allowed to use both of their
                                                                                                                       Patients with L B D can be divided into two groups: 20 of them scored within a range of 17-20,
 hands for the manipulation of the mannikin if this was not prevented by hemiplegia. Controls used either the right or
 the left hand for all tests including the manipulation of the mannikin.
                                                                                                                       that is, as well as RBD patients and very similar to controls, while 15 scored between 2 and
                                                                                                                       14. The latter group was considered as being apractic, and further comparisons were
 Subjects                                                                    Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie,                          Nice, 21 Novembre 2015                                                36
    Eighty-five right-handed subjects were examined. There were 35 patients with left brain damage (LBD), 20           conducted between apractic patients, LBD patients without apraxia. RBD patients, and
 patients with right brain damage (RBD), and 30 controls without any evidence for brain damage. All patients with
Troubles Praxiques chez l’Adulte: Modèles Théoriques et Evaluation
       François Osiurak

       Imitation de postures digitales
 451                                                 G[ Goldenber` : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 448 455
` : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 448 455                           450

 2[ Results

     Demographic\ clinical and radiological data of all sub!
jects are displayed on Table 0[ Aphasia was classi_ed as
global in 01 LBD patients\ Broca in four\ Wernicke in
nine\ amnesic in six and as transcortical\ conduction or
non!classi_able in four[ There were no signi_cant di}er!
ences of age or gender distribution\ and the two patient
groups did not di}er with respect to the aetiology of the
     Mean timeTraitement since CVA was            Visuo-spatial
                                                     signi_cantly longer in LBD
than in RBD patients                    "t"26[2# 2[42\
                                    (Goldenberg,            1999)P ⇡ 9[90#[ In RBD
patients there were signi_cant correlations of time since
CVA to imitation of _nger postures "r 9[32\ P ⇡ 9[94#                                           Fig[ 2[ Results "mean\ standard error of the mean# of experimental tests[
                Proche d’une apraxie visuo-constructive?
and matching of hand postures "r 9[27\ P ⇡ 9[94#[ In
LBD patients all correlations between time since CVA
                   Hémisphère droit fortement impliqué
and test scores were close to zero "r between ⌧9[04 9[01#[                                      mode of testing "F"1\69# 4[0\ P ⇡ 9[90# and with body
On ANCOVAs comparing imitation of _nger postures                                                part "F"1\69# 28[4\ P ⇡ 9[990#\ whereas neither the
and matching of hand positions between LBD and RBD                                              interaction between mode of testing and body part
patients\ the covariance of time since CVA was not sig!
ad to indicate which of the four pictures corresponds to the picture on top[
                                                                                                "F"0\69# 1[9\ P 9[0# nor the three!way interaction
ni_cant "F "0\42# ⇡ 0\ P 9[2#[ The proportion of insular                                        "F"1\69# 1[7\ P 9[94# were signi_cant[
lesions was higher in LBD thanLesinSamedis                                   RBD depatients        One!factorial
                                                                                    Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21        ANOVAs
                                                                                                                 Novembre   2015    with Tukey post!hoc tests37
"chi1 3[0\ P ⇡ 9[94#\ but there were no signi_cant                                              "P ⇡ 9[94# were applied to analyse the group e}ects for
Merci pour votre attention

Les Samedis de Neuropsychologie, Nice, 21 Novembre 2015   38
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