La page est créée Philippe Guillet
     Filière FAVA-Multi

Pathogenic FBN1 Genetic Variation and Aortic Dissection in Patients With Marfan Syndrome
Olivier Milleron, Florence Arnoult, Gabriel Delorme, Delphine Detaint, Quentin Pellenc, Richard
Raffoul, Maria Tchitchinadze, Maud Langeois, Celine Guien, Christophe Beroud, Jacques
Ropers, Nadine Hanna, Pauline Arnaud, Laurent Gouya, Catherine Boileau, Guillaume Jondeau

Incidence of cardiovascular events and risk markers in a prospective study of children
diagnosed with Marfan syndrome
Sebastien Hascoet, Thomas Edouard, Julie Plaisancie, Florence Arnoult, Olivier
Milleron, Chantal Stheneur, Bertrand Chevallier, Cécile Zordan, Sylvie Odent, Laurence
Bal, Laurence Faivre, Bruno Leheup, Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets, Philippe
Acar, Jean Ferrieres, Guillaume Jondeau, Yves Dulac

European reference network for rare vascular diseases (VASCERN) consensus statement for
the screening and management of patients with pathogenic ACTA2 variants ?
Ingrid M B H van de Laar, Eloisa Arbustini, Bart Loeys, Erik Björck, Lise Murphy, Maarten
Groenink, Marlies Kempers, Janneke Timmermans, Jolien Roos-Hesselink, Kalman
Benke, Guglielmina Pepe, Barbara Mulder, Zoltan Szabolcs , Gisela Teixidó-Turà, Leema
Robert, Yaso Emmanuel, Arturo Evangelista, Alessandro Pini, Yskert von Kodolitsch, Guillaume
Jondeau, Julie De Backer
• 1306 MFS patients, 18 years at least (18-89 years)
   • 999 included, 674 families
Hascoët et al. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases
                                                113, 2020, 40-49

Objectifs: étudier l’incidence et les marqueurs de risque
d’événements cardiovasculaires des enfants avec syndrome
de Marfan

Méthodes: 462 patients de la base de données
multicentrique Marfan diagnostiqués pendant l’enfance

Critère de Jugement principal: survenue d’ événements:
- Décès
- Dissection
- Chirurgie prophylactique de l’aorte
Population: base de données multicentrique

• 462 enfants (1993-2013)
• Garçons: 52%
• Age médian au diagnostic: 10,3 (5,6-14) ans
• Suivi médian : 5,4 ans (2-11,2)
• Mutation génétique: 74,5%
• Dilatation aortique: 77,4%
   ü Z-score sinus Valsalva > 3: 37%
   ü Z-score sinus Valsalva > 3 avant 16 ans: 27,3%
• Bétabloquants: 75%
Evénements cardiovasculaires: 35/462 (7,6%)
Evénements cardiovasculaires < 19 ans : 19/203: 9,4% (5,7-14,2)
- Dissection type A: 2 (15.0 - 15.9 ans)
- Décès: 3 (3,4 - 16,5 - 18,2 ans)
- Chirurgie aortique prophylactique: 15 (2,4-18 ans)

Evénements cardiovasculaires < 16 ans : 11/269: 4,1% (2,1-7,2)
• Les événements cardio-vasculaires chez les enfants ayant
  un syndrome de Marfan sont essentiellement les
  chirurgies prophylactiques de la racine aortique.
• Les dissections aortiques sont exceptionnellement
  observées chez l’enfant.
• Le Z-score du sinus de Valsalva est un marqueur fort
  prédictif de la survenue d’événements cardio-vasculaires.

Efficacy and Safety of a 0.1% Tacrolimus Nasal Ointment as a Treatment for Epistaxis in
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-
Controlled, MulLcenter Trial
Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Anne-Emmanuelle Fargeton, Vincent Grobost, Sophie Rivière, Marjolaine
Beaudoin, Evelyne Decullier, Lorraine Bernard, ValenYne Bréant,
BeZna Colombet, Pierre Philouze, Sabine Bailly, Frédéric Faure and Ruben Hermann

Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pregnancy: a review of the literature
Dupuis O, Delagrange L, Dupuis-Girod S. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020 Jan

Future treatments for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Robert F, Desroches-Castan A, Bailly S, Dupuis-Girod S, Feige JJ.Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020 Jan


Applications nasales
        pendant 6 semaines

- 5 case series
- 31 case reports
- 1577 pregnancies in 630 women with HHT.
- Overall maternal death rate estimated at 1.0% of pregnancies in the case series and 2 maternal deaths occurred in
  31 pregnancy case reports.
- Severe maternal complications occurred in 2.7 to 6.8% of pregnancies in the case series. Severe complications
  occurred mostly in the second and third trimester in non-diagnosed and non-screened HHT patients.
- most frequent complications related to PAVMs (haemothorax (n = 10), haemoptysis (n = 4), and severe hypoxaemia
  (n = 3)).
- Complications were related to hepatic arteriovenous malformations (HAVMs) in 8 cases (acutely decompensated
  heart failure due to hepatic involvement (n = 1), dyspnoea related to heart failure (n = 5), and hepatobiliary
  necrosis (n = 2)).
* HHT mutations lead to inhibition of the pro-angiogenic pathways (VEGF)

    ALK1/RII*                                               VEGFR2

                                               PI3K          PLCg          src
   Smad 1/5/9
                         PTEN                  AKT           ERK      P38 MAPK

                                            EC survival              EC migraLon
                                          EC permeability

 ANGPT2,   VEGFR1, …                                  EC proliferation
HHT anti-angiogenic treatments        Anti-VEGF


  ALK1/RII*                                                VEGFR2

                                              PI3K          PLCg          src
 Smad 1/5/9
                         PTEN                 AKT           ERK      P38 MAPK

                                           EC survival              EC migration
                                         EC permeability

ANGPT2,   VEGFR1, …                                  EC proliferation
Future HHT treatments                     Anti-ANGPT2                     AnL-VEGF
                 *                                     ANGPT2                       VEGF


                      Sirolimus                                                         VEGFR2-TKI
      ALK1/RII*                                                            VEGFR2

                                              Inhibitor       PI3K           PLCg           src
     Smad 1/5/9
                                  PTEN                        AKT             ERK       P38 MAPK

                                                          EC survival                   EC migration
                                                        EC permeability

    ANGPT2,   VEGFR1, …                                                EC proliferation
                                         Robert F, et al., Future treatments for HHT.
                                         Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020

Syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos vasculaire
Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with a propensity to arterial events: A new report on a
French family with a COL1A1 p.(Arg312Cys) variant
Salma Adham, Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Etienne Charpentier, Jean-Michaël Mazzella, Xavier
Jeunemaitre, Anne Legrand

Malformations lymphatiques et lymphœdème primaire
Clinical and Scintigraphic Predictors of Primary Lower Limb Lymphedema-Volume
Reduction During Complete Decongestive Physical Therapy
Stéphane Vignes, Laura Simon, Bani Benoughidane, Magali Simon, Caroline Fourgeaud

Out-of-pocket payments, vertical equity and unmet medical needs in France: A national
multicenter prospective study on lymphedema
Gregoire Mercier, Jenica Pastor, Valerie Clément, Ulysse Rodts, Christine Moffat, Isabelle

Cas Clinique
COL1A1 p.Arg312Cys
Les syndromes d’Ehlers-Danlos

u   SED vasculaire
    u   COL3A1
    u   Dissections/ruptures artérielles, perforation colique, rupture utérine T3,
u   SED classique
    u   COL5A1 (90%), COL5A2
    u   Hyper extensibilité cutanée, cicatrices atrophiques, hyperlaxité
Phénotypes frontières

u   Hyperlaxité articulaire, fragilité cutanée, fragilité artérielle
u   Existence de complications artérielles dans des sous-types de SED non vasculaire
u   Dans le SEDv, peu de complications articulaires et cutanées comparativement au
u   Variant COL1A1 p.Arg312Cys Malfait et al. 2007
Arbre généalogique

                      †64y                      87y                                                †58y     81y

                         I-1                          I-2                                             I-3     I-4

   67y      66y                    61y                      59y                 57y

     II-1     II-2                     II-3                   II-4                II-5

   41y                   †23y                 23y           29y       33y                29y

    III-1                      III-5            III-6         III-7     III-8              III-9
Hallux valgus opéré, recurvatum des genoux et
pigmentation hémo-sidérémique
Déchaussement dentaire
Hyperextensibilité et
transparence cutanée
Complications artérielles
Complications artérielles
Diagnostic moléculaire

u   Sanger
    u   COL3A1 c.3818A>G, p.Lys1273Arg
    u   Propeptide C-terminal
u   Ségrégation familiale
    u   Co-ségrégation avec le phénotype obstétrical de sa sœur
    u   Absence de co-segregation avec les signes mineurs de la
        mère (I:2)
u   Panel de gènes
    u   COL3A1, COL1A1, COL1A2, COL5A1, COL5A2, FBN1,
        SMAD3, TGFß2, TGFßR1 et TGFßR2
    u   COL1A1 c.934C>T, p.Arg312Cys
Ségrégation familiale

                                                                                                                                  COL1A1 c.934C>T, p.Arg312Cys
                                                                                                                                 COL3A1 c.3818A>G, p.Lys1273Arg

                             †64y                      87y                                                      †58y     81y                                      I-2
                                                                   COL3A1 +/+
                                                                   COL1A1 +/-

                                I-1                          I-2                                                   I-3     I-4

67y              66y                      61y                       59y                      57y
         COL3A1 +/-                                  COL3A1 +/-                COL3A1 +/+
         COL1A1 +/+                                  COL1A1 +/-                COL1A1 +/+
  II-1                II-2                    II-3                     II-4                    II-5

41y                             †23y                 23y             29y          33y                 29y

 III-1                                III-5            III-6           III-7         III-8              III-9

u   Fréquence en population générale
    u   Critère majeur pour l’interprétation des variations
    u   GnomAD
        u   COL1A1 c.934C>T, p.Arg312Cys à Absent
        u   COL3A1 c.3818A>G, p.Lys1273Arg à Européens: 2,7x10-4 et total: 1,2x10-4
    u   Seuils proposés – littérature
        u   0,01% Kobayashi et al. Genome Medicine 2017
        u   2x10-5 (prévalance 1/50.000) Whiffin et al. Genet Med 2017
    u   COL3A1 c.3818A>G, p.Lys1273Arg
        u   Reclassé bénin (ACMG)
            u   Fréquence supérieure à celle attendee
            u   Autre variation pathogène identifiée
            u   Variation classée 1x bénigne – ClinVar

        u   Rôle modificateur?

u   Ségrégation familiale incomplète
u   Expression cellulaires des collagènes I et III

u   3e cas décrit de complication artérielle porteur du variant
    COL1A1 p.Arg312Cys
    u   Hétérogénéité inter et intra familiale

u   Panel incluant COL1A1
    u   Complication artérielle + phénotype classique et COL3A1 négatif
    u   Phénotype classique atténué et COL5A1/A2 négatifs
    u   Diagnostics difficiles
Prévalence des complications artérielles dans le
 SEDv, le SEDc et chez les patients COL1A1

Types de SED          Prévalence                   Référence

                                                   Frank et al 2015; Shalhub et al
SEDv                  72%                          2014

                                                   Ritelli et al 2013; Symoens et al
SEDc                  0 to 2.15% (0/40 and 2/93)   2012

                                                   Gaines et al 2015; Malfait et al
COL1A1 p.Arg312Cys    21.4% (3/14)                 2007; and current case report

u   Pas de guidelines à ce jour
u   Prise en charge comme SED vasculaire si complication
    artérielle ?
u   Intérêt de bilans artériels en l’absence de complication
    artérielle ?
u   Céliprolol ?

Syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos vasculaire
Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with a propensity to arterial events: A new report on a
French family with a COL1A1 p.(Arg312Cys) variant
Salma Adham, Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Etienne Charpentier, Jean-Michaël Mazzella, Xavier
Jeunemaitre, Anne Legrand

Malformations lymphatiques et lymphœdème primaire
Clinical and Scintigraphic Predictors of Primary Lower Limb Lymphedema-Volume
Reduction During Complete Decongestive Physical Therapy
Stéphane Vignes, Laura Simon, Bani Benoughidane, Magali Simon, Caroline Fourgeaud

Out-of-pocket payments, vertical equity and unmet medical needs in France: A national
multicenter prospective study on lymphedema
Gregoire Mercier, Jenica Pastor, Valerie Clément, Ulysse Rodts, Christine Moffat, Isabelle

Original Research                                                                                      Lymphology, Hôpital Cogna

                                                                                                                                               p.com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5/766/5707306 by bibliotheque interuniv
 sufficiency, heart failure,    hypoprotidemiaHôpital Cognacq-Jay.   etc.)—ruled                                     Caroline Four
                    S. Vignes, MD, Department of
ut by physical examination                       and Scintigraphic
                                     and complementary
                    Lymphology, Hôpital Cognacq-Jay, 15,                                            [Vignes S, Simon L, Benough
                                  S, Simon L,
                    rue Eugène-Millon, 75015 Paris,
                                                       of Benoughidane
                                                              Primary LowerB,                       Limb
xplorations, such as ultrasound,              computed-tomography
                    France. Address all correspondence to
                    Dr Vignes at:                                                                   Simon M, Fourgeaud C. Clin
                      Simon Lymphedema-Volume
                                        Fourgeaud      (Fig.C.     1).Clinical andscintigraphic predictors of p

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5/766/5707306 by bibliotheque interuniversitaire de medecine use
 an, or magnetic resonance
                    L. Simon, MD, Department of

                      scintigraphic                    DuringofComplete
                    Lymphology, Hôpital Cognacq-Jay.
                    B. Benoughidane, MD, Department of                       primary lower limb lymphedema-vol                             Background
                    Lymphology, Hôpital Cognacq-Jay.

or this study, all consecutive Decongestive
                      lower limb       patients                 Physicalin
                    M. Simon, MD, Department of
                    Lymphology, Hôpital Cognacq-Jay.
                                                                                         our reduction               curative      treatm
                                                                                                                          during complete
epartment for unilateral      primary
                                               lower limb lymphedema
                               Stéphane Vignes, Laura Simon, Bani Benoughidane, Magali Simon,
                    C. Fourgeaud, MD, Department of
                                         Fourgeaud complete
                    Lymphology, Hôpital Cognacq-Jay.
                                                                                                    decongestive     volume,       where
                                                                                                                             physical therap
 uppl. Fig. 1, available at https://academic.oup.com/ptj)
                    [Vignes S, Simon L, Benoughidane B,

                               Background. physical                 therapy.             Phys       Ther.       2020;100:766–772.]
                    Simon M, Fourgeaud C. Clinical and
                                               Primary lower limb lymphedema
                    scintigraphic predictors of primary                          is a chronic debilitating disorder without
 Primary Lymphedema-Volume Reduction
etween January 2009 andvolume,   December               2017 and treated
                               curative treatment. The initial treatment phase is dedicated to reducing lymphedema

                    lower limb lymphedema-volume

                      Ther. 2020;100:766–772.]                                                      © 2020 American Physical T
                                        whereas the second aims to stabilize that volume.
                    reduction during complete

 ith complete decongestive          physical therapy were
                    decongestive physical therapy. Phys
                    Ther. 2020;100:766–772.]                                                                                               T
                                                            Objective. The objective of this study was to analyze clinical and lymphoscintigraphic

                                                            characteristics during complete decongestive physical therapy as predictors of primary
 cluded. Stemmer’s©sign
                                              unilateral lowerFig.
                    © 2020 American Physical Therapy

                                                     American             2,Physical
                                                                 limb lymphedema-volume                at
                                                                                               reduction.              Association
                    Published Ahead of Print:
                                              Design. This  considered                to bestudy included 222 consecutive patients
                                              ( January 2009–January 2017; median age: 45.8 years) with lymphedema affecting theunilateral                 lowe
                      January 16, 2020                            observational, retrospective

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-a
                                              lower limb, who received complete decongestive physical therapyPublished   for the first time in aAhead of Print:
                    Accepted: November 18, 2019                                                                                            entire
athognomonic of lymphedema,
                    Submitted: January 24, 2019
                                                               was        required
                                              specialized lymphedema management center.
                                                                                                 for     all
atients; it is not seen                 in lower            limb                                                            January 16, 2020
                                   Published  Methods.       Complete edema
                                                         Ahead            of   Print:
                                                                         decongestive    of other
                                                                                      physical    therapy consisted of low-stretch bandaging,

                                              manual lymph drainage, exercises, and skin care for all patients. Lymphoscintigraphy

                                       January 16, 2020
                                              preceded treatment.                                                                          Design.
                                                                                                                       Accepted: November 18,                Thi20
                                              Results. Median lymphedema evolution was 73 months, and median           Submitted:
                                                                                                                            excess volume was January 24, 2019
                                              34%. Median (interquartile range) lymphedema volumes were 2845 (1038–3487) mL (                January 2009–
ecause no specific definition      Accepted:  and 1276November
                                                          for lower limb lymphedema 18,
                                                           (601–2195) mL after a median       of2019
                                                                                                 11 days of complete decongestive physical

                                                                                                                  we increased lower                 limb, wh
                                              therapy, with 34% median reduction. Multivariate analyses retained age, body mass

xists using differences            Submitted:
                                          in index
                                                       >40 kg/m            2
                                                                   , and previous
                                                                                    or2019  volumes,
                                                         reduction. For each additional
                                                                                              as independently associated with lymphedema
                                                                                           year   of age, volume reduction                0.16%.

referred using the volumethatdifference
                                              Unexpectedly, log-transformed initial lymphedema volumes indicated a negative impact,
                                                    is, 4.95%, for each log-unit                   the
                                                                                 gain. Patients with
                                                                                                                                          specialized lym
                                                                                                       previous cellulitis episode(s) obtained
                                              6.9% and those with BMI >40 kg/m 17.1% higher lymphedema volume reductions. Lower
 fected and normal lower limb                   limbs.           For upper
                                                     lymphoscintigraphy    was available limb
                                                                                          for 150 (67.6%) patients. Having dermal back flow
                                              was associated with greater lymphedema volume reduction than not (respectively, 39% vs
 mphedema               after breast cancer
 ct patients with primary lower limb lymphedema
                                                              treatment, Armer and
                                                  treated for the first time with complete decongestive therapy.


 ewart analyzed all the published             Limitations. This study was retrospective, and only 67.6% of patients underwent
                                              lymphoscintigraphy.    definitions and                                                                            Co
curative treatment. The initial treatment phase is dedicated to reducing lymphedema
        volume, whereas the second aims to stabilize that volume.

        Objective. The objective of this study was to analyze clinical and lymphoscintigraphic
        characteristics during complete decongestive physical therapy as predictors of primary
        unilateral lower limb lymphedema-volume reduction.
                                       Predictors of Primary Lymphedema-Volume Reduction
        Design. This observational, retrospective study included 222 consecutive patients
rcises, and  skin care,2009–January
         ( January      as               Table 1.
                                        2017;    median age: 45.8 years) with lymphedema affecting the entire
 nternational consensus guidelines.18    Characteristics of the 222 Patients at Inclusiona
         lower limb,
 e was conducted            who received complete decongestive physical therapy for the first time in a
                    by a physical
                                                    Characteristic                    Value
  lymphatic                lymphedema
              techniques who    also      management             center.
multilayer-bandaging technique and

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5
                                          Age, y                                  45.8 [32–60.4]
h session lasted 30 minutes, and          BMI, kg/m2
        Methods.             Complete
 was covered with foam (N/N) or         decongestive
                                            40 kg/m
              and breathing        2 , and previous
                              exercises,         Right side cellulitis, as independently           105 (47.3) associated with lymphedema
andages in place to enhance                      Volume, mL                                    2003 [1038–3487]
         volume       reduction.
eripheral to central compartments.
                                       For each        additional           year     of    age,      volume reduction increased 0.16%.
                                                 Excess volume, %                                32.4 [16.2–51]
muscle groups:                  log-transformed
                   each articulation  of                   initial lymphedema volumes indicated a negative impact,
                                                 ≥1 past cellulitis episode(s)                       91 (41)
         that is,
 ck (smoothly   raise4.95%,
                      shoulders for each log-unit gain. Patients with previous cellulitis episode(s) obtained
 them back down, and forward in a           a
                                              Results are expressed2 as n (%) or median [interquartile range], unless stated
         6.9%    and    those    with
otion; flex elbows without and with      BMI   >40 kg/m
                                            otherwise.   BMI = body 17.1%
                                                                      mass index.higher lymphedema volume reductions. Lower
 aw elbows       lymphoscintigraphy
              back  squeezing the              was available for 150 (67.6%) patients. Having dermal back flow
 er; form a fist, then slowly and
com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5/766/5707306 by bibliotheque interuniversitaire de medecin
                          Lymphoscintigraphie MI
ower limb lymphedema treated for the first time with complete decongestive therapy.

 rds the ankle (below
nee). Lymphedema
) was calculated for
  truncated cone, also
+ Cc + c2 )/12π ,
 erence of the top of
e base of the cone.15
has demonstrated
  hich remains the
were measured at
 congestive physical
  ed as the difference
olume (LLV ) and the
pressed as the
HLV ] × 100].
nd after the intensive      Figure 2.
                            Lower limb lymphoscintigraphy: (A) normal; (B) left unilateral pri-
                            mary lymphedema with diminished inguinal lymph-node uptake
                            (triangle); (C) right unilateral primary lymphedema with complete
                            absence of inguinal lymph-node uptake; (D) left unilateral primary
al, but                     lymphedema with dermal backflow in the calf (asterisk) and con-
on of the diagnosis.        tralateral popliteal node visualization (arrow).
s always done in the
Résultats (1)
Predictors of Primary Lymphedema-Volume Reduction

Table 2.
Multivariate Analysis of Predictors of Lymphedema Volume Reduction After Complete Decongestive Physical Therapya

                           Parameter                                 Estimate            Standard Error      T                P

                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5/766/
     Age, per year gain                                                0.16                   0.07          2.09             .038
     BMI >40 kg/m                                                      17.1                   6.68          2.57             .01
     Past cellulitis                                                    6.9                   2.85          2.41             .017
     Log initial lymphedema volume, per log-unit gain                  –4.95                  1.50          −3.30            .001
    BMI = body mass index.
    To meet the basic assumptions of the linear regression, log-transformation was applied.

Table 3.
Lymphoscintigraphic Characteristics of the 150 Patients Tested

                 Characteristic                  Lymphedematous Limb                          Normal Limb             P
     Inguinal lymph node uptake
       Normal, n (%)                                       8 (5.3)                             142 (94.7)
aded from https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-abstract/100/5/766/5707306 by bibliotheque interuniversitaire de medecine use
     Past cellulitis                                                    6.9                   2.85                  2.41                    .017
     Log initial lymphedema volume, per log-unit gain                  –4.95                  1.50                  −3.30                   .001
    BMI = body mass index.

                                                           Résultats (2)
    To meet the basic assumptions of the linear regression, log-transformation was applied.

Table 3.
Lymphoscintigraphic Characteristics of the 150 Patients Tested

                 Characteristic                  Lymphedematous Limb                          Normal Limb                             P
     Inguinal lymph node uptake
       Normal, n (%)                                       8 (5.3)                             142 (94.7)                          40 kg/m2 as independently
Conclusions (1)
1. Facteurs cliniques associés à
   une perte de volume
  – IMC > 40
  – ↑ âge
  – antécédents d’érysipèle
  – + le volume initial ↑ - le
     traitement est efficace
Conclusions (2)
2. Facteurs scintigraphiques
  – utile au Dg
  – utile car prédictifs de la
     réponse au traitement
     dermal backflow, logique
     car reflux sous-dermique
     accessible au traitement
Presence of direct vertebrobasilar perforator feeders in posterior fossa arteriovenous
malformations and association with poor outcomes after endovascular treatment
Etienne Lefevre, Thomas Robert, Simon Escalard, Robert Fahed, Stanislas Smajda,
Gabriele Ciccio, Jean-Philippe Desilles, Mikael Mazighi , Raphaël Blanc, Michel Piotin

MAV et fistule durale médullaires concomittantes: une forme méconnue de lésions
Alexis Guédon, Stéphanie Condette-Auliac, Arturo Consoli, Federico Di Maria, Oguzhan
Coskun, Georges Rodesch

Concomitant conus medullaris arteriovenous shunts and sacral dural arteriovenous
fistulas: pathophysiological links related to the venous drainage of the lesions in a series
of five cases
Andrea Rosi, Arturo Consoli, Stéphanie Condette-Auliac, Oguzhan Coskun, Federico Di
Maria, Georges Rodesch

La présence d’afférences vertebro-basilaires directes dans les
malformations artério-veineuses de fosse postérieure (PFAVMs)
est prédictif de détérioration neurologique et de faible taux
d’occlusion après un traitement endovasculaire.
E T I E N N E L E F E V R E ; T H O MA S R O B E R T ; S I MO N E S C A L A R D ; R O B E R T F A H E D ; R A P H A Ë L B L A N C ; MI C H E L
Conflit d’intérêt

  o Aucun conflit d’intérêt avec cette présentation.
Grading system for arteriovenous malformations

                Size of the A VM. The size of the AVM is deter-
             mined by measuring on angiograms the largest diameter
             of the nidus o f the malformation. When magnified

             angiographic views are considered, a correction for                 the4. Carotid angiograms, lateral view (left) and antero-
             magnification factor is required. The size of theformation    posterior
                                                                             AVM view       (right), showing a Grade II arteriovenous mal-
    FIG. 2. Carotid angiograms, lateral view (left) and antero-                         (AVM). The AVM is less than 3 cm (small: 1
             is determined
 posterior view   (right), showingto be    smallI arteriovenous
                                      a Grade      (< 3 cm), medium
                                                                  mal-     (3 to 6located in the dominant hemisphere adjacent to the
 formation cm),
             (AVM).  or This
                                (> 6iscm),    and 3the
                                        less than     cm AVM      is scoredreceptive
                                                          in diameter       appro- language area (Wernicke's area) (eloquent: 1 point),
 (small: 1 point),
             priately.located in the anterior frontal lobe (non-           and has exclusively superficial venous drainage (arrow) (su-
 eloquent: 0 points), and drains through cortical veins (arrows)           perficial drainage: 0 points).
                The size
 (superficial drainage:      of the malformation is responsible for much
                          0 points).
            of the technical difficulty in removing AVM's. The
            larger an AVM, the larger the a m o u n t of normal adja-
            cent neural tissue that is exposed to injury during
                                                                           categories (Table 1). The grade o f the lesion is derived
            microsurgicalTABLE    resection
                                          1    o f the nidus. Large AVM's
                                                                           by s u m m i n g the points assigned for each category. The
  Determination            longer operating
                    of arteriovenous  malformationtime,   thereby
                                                      (A VM)  grade*increasing   the
                                                                           lowest grade possible is G r a d e I; such a lesion would be
            risk of anesthesia-related complications. Furthermore,         small (1 point), located in a n o n - e l o q u e n t region such
            the       Feature of size encompasses
                   criterion                         Points Assigned
                                                             several of theas other
                                                                              the anterior frontal lobe (0 points), a n d have exclu-
          size of AVM factors that determine the degree of surgical        sively superficial drainage (0 points) (Figs. 2 and 3).
             small (< 3 cm)In general the size of an1 AVM determines,
            difficulty.                                                    Complete surgical excision o f such an A V M would
             medium (3-6 cm)                                2
            or   is closely
             large (> 6 cm)    related   to, the   number   3 of  feeding arteries,
                                                                           present relatively m i n o r technical difficulties and would
            the amount
          eloquence           of flow,
                      of adjacent brain and the degree of steal.           entail very little risk o f resultant m o r b i d i t y or mortality.
               non-eloquent                               0
                  Pattern of Venous Drainage. 1The course The
               eloquent                                                       of thehighest grade within this scheme is G r a d e V; an
                                                                             A V M o f this type would be larger t h a n 6 c m (3 points),
            pattern         veins
                    of venous       is determined from the angiogram. The
                           only                           0                  located within or immediately adjacent to eloquent
              venous                 is considered superficial    if all thebrain
                                                                               drain-(1 point), and a portion o f the drainage would
               deep                                        1
              age from the AVM is through the cortical venous                e m psys-
                                                                                  t y into the deep venous system (1 point) (Figs. 7
     * Grade = [size] + [eloquence] + [venous drainage]; that is (1, 2,
              tem.    The    venous
  or 3) + (0 or 1) + (0 or 1).
                                        pattern is considered      deep   if  any   or
            all of the drainage is through deep veins (such as
           internal cerebral veins, basal veins, or precentral cere-
Spetzler RF,bellar
                     NA. In the posterior
                          A proposed       fossa,
                                      grading     only cerebellar
                                               system             hemi-
                                                       for arteriovenous
malformations.       veins that 1986;65(4):476-483
                 J Neurosurg.    drain directly into the straight sinus
           or transverse sinus are considered to be superficial veins.
               Clearly, the pattern o f venous drainage is closely
           related to the surgical accessibility of an AVM. Deep
           venous drainage, no matter how small, further compli-                               FIG. 1. The anatomic areas considered neurologically el-
           cates AVM excision. Often the vast majority of an                                oquent for the purposes of the grading system are indicated.
                                                                                            The deep eloquent areas (hypothalamus, thalamus, brain
           AVM will have been separated from the surrounding                                stem, and cerebellar peduncles) are highlighted in the upper
           brain when the small arterialized subependymal veins                             image. The eloquent regions of the cerebral cortex (sensori-
           of the deep component are encountered. These veins                               motor areas, language areas, and primary visual area) are
                                                                                            identified on the lower image.
Contexte : PFAVMs

   o Risque hémorragique plus élevé
   o Hémorragies plus graves
   o Traitement dangereux et controversé

   o Objectifs :
     o Evaluer les effets du traitement endovasculaire des PFAVMs
     o Identifier les sous-groupes qui semblent bénéficier du traitement
o Etude Monocentrique Rétrospective
o Relecture des angiographies
o Caractéristiques angio-architecturales

o Détérioration neurologique : mRS shift > 0
o Echec de traitement : occlusion incomplète
Résultats (2)
Angioarchitecture                       Completely obliterated   Not completely obliterated   UNAJUSTED (OR)          P

                             Location :

                             -            Eloquent areas                                             26 (57.8%)                 19 (42.2%)

Résultats (3)
                                                                                                                                                      2.42 (1.04-5.80)      0.04
                             -            Non-eloquent areas                                         43 (76.8%)                 13 (23.2%)

                             Arterial feeders

                             -            Vertebral & basilar direct perforators feeders             1 (12.5%)                  6 (87.5%)
                                                                                                                                                     15.69 (2.52-304.03)    0.01
                             -            Absence of Vertebral or Basilar direct perforators
                                                                                                     68 (72.3%)                 26 (27.7%)

                             -            ≤ 2 arterial feeders                                       46 (75.4%)                 15 (24.6%)
                                                                                                                                                      2.27 (0.97-5.40)      NS
                             -            > 2 arterial feeders                                       23 (57.5%)                 17 (42.5%)

• Facteurs prédictifs d’un   Venous drainage

                             -            Deep                                                       33 (56.9%)                 25 (43.1%)

  faible taux d’occlusion
                                                                                                                                                      3.85 (1.56-11.1)     0.006
                             -            Superficial                                                36 (83.7%)                 7 (17.3%)

  angiographique après
                             -            Single                                                     40 (76.9%)                 12 (23.1%)
                                                                                                                                                      2.30 (0.98-5.56)      NS
                             -            Multiple                                                   29 (59.2%)                 20 (40.8%)

  traitement                 Size

                             -            < 3 cm                                                     54 (75%)                   18 (25%)

                                                                                                                                                      2.78 (1.14-7.14)     0.025
                             -            3-6 cm                                                     15 (51.7%)                 14 (48.3%)

                             Associated aneurysms

                             -            Prenidal                                                   22 (75.9%)                 7 (24.1%)             0.60 (0.21-1.54)      NS

                             -            Intranidal                                                 13 (72.2%)                 5 (27.8%)             0.80 (0.24-2.38)      NS

                             Spetzler & Martin (SM) grade

                             -            Low SM grade (1 & 2)                                       49 (83%)                   10 (17%)
                                                                                                                                                      5.39 (2.22-13.89)    0.0003
                             -            High SM grade (3 & 4)                                      20 (47.6%)                 22 (52.4%)
Angioarchitecture                       Completely obliterated   Not completely obliterated    UNAJUSTED (OR)         P

                             Location :

                             -            Eloquent areas                                             26 (57.8%)                 19 (42.2%)

Résultats (3)
                                                                                                                                                      2.42 (1.04-5.80)      0.04
                             -            Non-eloquent areas                                         43 (76.8%)                 13 (23.2%)

                             Arterial feeders

                             -            Vertebral & basilar direct perforators feeders             1 (12.5%)                  6 (87.5%)
                                                                                                                                                     15.69 (2.52-304.03)    0.01
                             -            Absence of Vertebral or Basilar direct perforators
                                                                                                     68 (72.3%)                 26 (27.7%)

                             -            ≤ 2 arterial feeders                                       46 (75.4%)                 15 (24.6%)
                                                                                                                                                      2.27 (0.97-5.40)      NS
                             -            > 2 arterial feeders                                       23 (57.5%)                 17 (42.5%)

• Facteurs prédictifs d’un   Venous drainage

                             -            Deep                                                       33 (56.9%)                 25 (43.1%)

  faible taux d’occlusion
                                                                                                                                                      3.85 (1.56-11.1)     0.006
                             -            Superficial                                                36 (83.7%)                 7 (17.3%)

  angiographique après
                             -            Single                                                     40 (76.9%)                 12 (23.1%)
                                                                                                                                                      2.30 (0.98-5.56)      NS
                             -            Multiple                                                   29 (59.2%)                 20 (40.8%)

  traitement                 Size

                             -            < 3 cm                                                     54 (75%)                   18 (25%)

                                                                                                                                                      2.78 (1.14-7.14)     0.025
                             -            3-6 cm                                                     15 (51.7%)                 14 (48.3%)

                             Associated aneurysms

                             -            Prenidal                                                   22 (75.9%)                 7 (24.1%)             0.60 (0.21-1.54)      NS

                             -            Intranidal                                                 13 (72.2%)                 5 (27.8%)             0.80 (0.24-2.38)      NS

                             Spetzler & Martin (SM) grade

                             -            Low SM grade (1 & 2)                                       49 (83%)                   10 (17%)
                                                                                                                                                      5.39 (2.22-13.89)    0.0003
                             -            High SM grade (3 & 4)                                      20 (47.6%)                 22 (52.4%)
Good neurological outcome   Bad neurological outcome after
                                              Angioarchitecture                                                                                     OR             p
                                                                                      after treatment                  treatment

                           Location :

                           -            Eloquent areas                                  31 (68.9%)                     14 (31.1%)
                                                                                                                                              2.71 (1.04-7.50)    0.05

Résultats (4)
                           -            Non-eloquent areas                              48 (85.7%)                     8 (14.3%)

                           Arterial feeders

                           -            Vertebral & basilar direct perforators
                                                                                         3 (42.9%)                     4 (57.1%)
                                                                                                                                              5.63 (1.15-30.76)   0.03
                           -            Absence of Vertebral or Basilar direct
                                                                                        76 (80.9%)                     18 (19.1%)
                                        perforators feeders

                           -            ≤ 2 arterial feeders                            48 (78.7%)                     13 (21.3%)
                                                                                                                                              1.07 (0.39-2.79)    NS
                           -            > 2 arterial feeders                            31 (77.5%)                     9 (22.5%)

                           Venous drainage

• Facteurs prédictifs de   -            Deep                                            42 (72.4%)                     16 (27.6%)
                                                                                                                                              2.35 (0.87-7.12)    NS

                           -            Superficial                                      37 (86%)                       6 (14%)

                           -            Single                                          43 (82.7%)                     9 (17.3%)
                                                                                                                                              1.73 (0.67-4.63)    NS

  neurologique après
                           -            Multiple                                        36 (73.5%)                     13 (26.5%)


  traitement               -

                                        < 3 cm

                                        3-6 cm
                                                                                        57 (79.2%)

                                                                                        22 (75.9%)
                                                                                                                       15 (20.8%)

                                                                                                                       7 (24.1%)
                                                                                                                                              1.21 (0.41-3.29)    NS

  endovasculaire           Associated aneurysms

                           -            Prenidal                                        23 (79.3%)                     6 (20.7%)              0.91 (0.30-2.53)    NS

                           -            Intranidal                                      14 (77.8%)                     4 (22.2%)              1.03 (0.27-3.30)    NS

                           Spetzler & Martin (SM) grade

                           -            Low SM grade (1 & 2)                            50 (84.7%)                     9 (15.3%)
                                                                                                                                              2.49 (0.96-6.73)    NS
                           -            High SM grade (3 & 4)                            29 (69%)                      13 (31%)
Good neurological outcome   Bad neurological outcome after
                                              Angioarchitecture                                                                                     OR             p
                                                                                      after treatment                  treatment

                           Location :

                           -            Eloquent areas                                  31 (68.9%)                     14 (31.1%)
                                                                                                                                              2.71 (1.04-7.50)    0.05

Résultats (4)
                           -            Non-eloquent areas                              48 (85.7%)                     8 (14.3%)

                           Arterial feeders

                           -            Vertebral & basilar direct perforators
                                                                                         3 (42.9%)                     4 (57.1%)
                                                                                                                                              5.63 (1.15-30.76)   0.03
                           -            Absence of Vertebral or Basilar direct
                                                                                        76 (80.9%)                     18 (19.1%)
                                        perforators feeders

                           -            ≤ 2 arterial feeders                            48 (78.7%)                     13 (21.3%)
                                                                                                                                              1.07 (0.39-2.79)    NS
                           -            > 2 arterial feeders                            31 (77.5%)                     9 (22.5%)

                           Venous drainage

• Facteurs prédictifs de   -            Deep                                            42 (72.4%)                     16 (27.6%)
                                                                                                                                              2.35 (0.87-7.12)    NS

                           -            Superficial                                      37 (86%)                       6 (14%)

                           -            Single                                          43 (82.7%)                     9 (17.3%)
                                                                                                                                              1.73 (0.67-4.63)    NS

  neurologique après
                           -            Multiple                                        36 (73.5%)                     13 (26.5%)


  traitement               -

                                        < 3 cm

                                        3-6 cm
                                                                                        57 (79.2%)

                                                                                        22 (75.9%)
                                                                                                                       15 (20.8%)

                                                                                                                       7 (24.1%)
                                                                                                                                              1.21 (0.41-3.29)    NS

  endovasculaire           Associated aneurysms

                           -            Prenidal                                        23 (79.3%)                     6 (20.7%)              0.91 (0.30-2.53)    NS

                           -            Intranidal                                      14 (77.8%)                     4 (22.2%)              1.03 (0.27-3.30)    NS

                           Spetzler & Martin (SM) grade

                           -            Low SM grade (1 & 2)                            50 (84.7%)                     9 (15.3%)
                                                                                                                                              2.49 (0.96-6.73)    NS
                           -            High SM grade (3 & 4)                            29 (69%)                      13 (31%)

 o Confirmation de la classification de Spetzler & Martin et applicabilité aux
 PFAVMs traitées en endovasculaire

 o Première description d’un critère prédictif d’échec du traitement
 endovasculaire des PFAVMs (présence d’afférence vertebro-basilaire directe)
Merci de votre attention…
Article(s) « de l’année »
           CRMR constitutif AVANCE MAVs médullaires adultes et enfants (FOR)
                                         Hôpital Foch
Concomitant conus medullaris arteriovenous shunts and sacral dural arteriovenous fistulas:
Pathophysiological links related to the venous drainage of the lesions in a series of five cases
          Rosi A, Consoli A, Condette-Auliac S, Coskun O, Di Maria F, Rodesch G
                                   J Neurointerv Surg, 2018

    Primary conus medullaris arteriovenous shunt and secondary lumbo-sacral epidural
                arteriovenous fistula: one malformation can hide another
         Guedon A, Condette-Auliac S, Consoli A, Di Maria F, Coskun O, Rodesch G
                                    J Neuroradiol 2019
6 patients
MAVs cône terminal
Association fistules durales
F 23 ans
2011 steppage                  Aggravation depuis 1 an
      tr sensitifs MIG         Paraparésie
      dls lombaires            Tr sphinctériens

IRM suspicion MAV Méd

2012 Foch
     4 sessions E° /18 mois

     Régression symptômes
     amélioration clinique
     (spasticité MIG +/-)

Décision de suivi…
Mais pas de recontact
MAVs médullaires multiples rares
Habituellement génétiques non héréditaires (métamériques)
Fistules durales lombo-sacrées rares (4% localisations habituelles). Homme >50 ans

6 cas: patients jeunes (3 H / 3F)
       lien entre MAVs cône et fistules durales par l’intermédiaire veine de draînage
       Susceptibilité personnelle du patient? Histologie?
       Sac dural plus fin dans la région lombo sacrée. Plus grand nombre de veines radiculaires fibrotiques.
       Biologie? DM et veines lombosacrées plus susceptibles à cascade PP HTV->angiogenèse

Fistules durales sont acquises, créées par angiogenèse induite par thrombose et hypertension veineuse, avec
élargissement de microshunts artérioveineux physiologiques

Importance d’un suivi clinique et radiologique précis.
IRM et ARM pour le suivi et en cas de modification de symptomatologie
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