Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

La page est créée Jérôme Lambert
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

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                          Mot-clé "pacte de stabilité"

                      84 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 14-07-2022
Economic Dialogues and Exchanges of Views with Member States under the European Semester Cycles
- State of play May 2022
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 20-05-2022
                 Auteur HAGELSTAM Kajus
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé base juridique | budget de l'État | disparité économique | macroéconomie | pacte de stabilité | politique budgétaire |
                        règlement (UE) | surveillance multilatérale | zone euro | État membre UE
               Résumé This table provides a regular update on Member States invited for an Economic Dialogue in the competent Committee
                        of the European Parliament and an overview of the respective legal base.
               Briefing EN

Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact under pandemic times
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    08-12-2021
                 Auteur    ANGERER Jost
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé    maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | prévision économique | rapport | épidémie
               Résumé      This document provides an overview of key developments under the preventive and corrective arms of the Stability
                           and Growth Pact on the basis of the latest Commission and Council decisions and recommendations in the framework
                           of the Stability and Growth Pact and the latest European Commission economic forecasts. This document is regularly
    Analyse approfondie EN

Euro Area fiscal policies and capacity in post-pandemic times
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeM. CHANG
      Domaine politiqueAffaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-cléchômage partiel | dette publique | gouvernance économique (UE) | instrument financier de l'UE | maladie à coronavirus
                       | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | rapport de recherche | reprise économique | zone euro | épidémie | équilibre
               Résumé This paper situates the EU’s fiscal response to the pandemic (suspending the Stability and Growth Pact, creating the
                       SURE and Recovery and Resilience Facility) within longstanding debates on reforming EU fiscal governance and
                       offers recommendations on the way forward, specifically the SGP reforms needed prior to returning to its rules and
                       creating a budget with a stabilisation capacity.
                 Étude EN

Euro area fiscal policies and capacity in post-pandemic times
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeR. Marimon, A. Wicht
      Domaine politiqueAffaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clédette publique | euro-émission | fonds (UE) | intérêt | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale |
                       politique monétaire unique | rapport de recherche | zone euro | épidémie | équilibre budgétaire
               Résumé The main legacy of the post-Covid-19-crisis euro area fiscal framework should be the development of a unique
                       integrated fiscal policy and of a permanent and independent Fiscal Fund to implement it. To arrive at this conclusion,
                       we analyse the challenges and build on current research on the optimal design of a fiscal fund. We characterise the
                       fiscal policy, and the development of the Fund, together with the role and form that the Stability and Growth Pact can
                       take in the new fiscal framework.
                 Étude EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            1
Economic Dialogue with the European Commission - 28 June 2021
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 24-06-2021
                         OVIDIU IONUT | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé Commission européenne | dette publique | gouvernance économique (UE) | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité |
                         rapport de recherche | reprise économique | semestre européen | épidémie | équilibre budgétaire | État membre UE
               Résumé Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioners Schmit and Gentiloni have been invited to an Economic
                         Dialogue on the 2021 European Semester package, in line with the relevant EU law. This briefing note covers the main
                         elements of the Semester Package, the latest developments under the Semester surveillance framework, the state-of-
                         play on the recovery and resilience plans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and on-going work to strengthen
                         the governance and the resilience of Economic and Monetary Union.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Country-Specific Recommendations for 2019 and 2020 - A tabular comparison and an overview of
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 06-05-2021
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé ajustement structurel | conséquence économique | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | politique budgétaire |
                        recommandation (UE) | reprise économique | semestre européen | épidémie | État membre UE
                Résumé This document presents: • The 2019 Country-Specific Recommendations proposed by the European Commission on
                        5 June 2019 and adopted by the Council on 9 July 2019 and • The European Commission’s assessments of the
                        implementation of the 2018 Country-Specific Recommendations based on its Country Reports published on 27
                        February 2019. • The 2018 Country-Specific Recommendations proposed by the European Commission on 23 May
                        2018 and adopted by the Council on 13 July 2018
                  Étude EN

Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact under pandemic times
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    22-03-2021
                 Auteur    ANGERER Jost
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé    dette publique | finances publiques | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | épidémie | État membre UE
               Résumé      This document provides an overview of key developments under the preventive and corrective arms of the Stability
                           and Growth Pact on the basis of the latest Council decisions and recommendations in the framework of the Stability
                           and Growth Pact and the latest European Commission economic forecast. This document is regularly updated.
                 Briefing EN

Economic Dialogue with the European Commission on EU Fiscal Surveillance
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 01-03-2021
                         ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé dette publique | gestion de crise | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | prévision économique |
                         reprise économique | récession économique | semestre européen | épidémie
               Résumé Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to an Economic Dialogue on the fiscal part
                         of the European Semester autumn package adopted by the Commission in November 2020. The fiscal elements of the
                         package include the Commission Opinions on euro area 2021 Draft Budgetary Plans, the fiscal policy recommendation
                         for the euro area and some elements of the 2021 Alert Mechanism Report. In March 2020, the general escape clause
                         of the Stability and Growth Pact was activated and the Commission and the Council are expected to reassess its
                         duration soon. The Commission has announced that it will publish on 3 March guidance for the related discussions
                         (“One year since the outbreak of COVID-19: fiscal policy response”).
    Analyse approfondie EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            2
Balanced Withdrawal of Policy Support to Avoid Cliff Effects
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 01-03-2021
         Auteur externe Klaus-Jürgen GERN
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus | Questions financières et bancaires
                Mot-clé analyse économique | chômage partiel | emprunt public | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | politique monétaire |
                        politique économique | reprise économique | récession économique | surveillance financière
               Résumé The COVID-19 crisis has triggered unprecedented concerted economic policy response. The paper investigates
                        potential cliff effects that may arise from the temporary nature of the measures adopted and their different phase-out
                        schedules. It finds that the concern that premature policy tightening could jeopardise the recovery are overblown. The
                        major challenges for economic policy lie in the medium term.
                        This paper was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of
                        the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on
                        18 March 2021.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Background Reader on the European Semester - Winter Edition 2021
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 18-02-2021
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé ajustement structurel | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | politique de l'emploi | programme de stabilité |
                        reprise économique | semestre européen | épidémie
                Résumé This fifth edition of the background reader on the European Semester, prepared by the Economic Governance Support
                        Unit (EGOV) in the Directorate for Economic and Scientific Policies of the European Parliament, provides an overview
                        of publications related to the European Semester from a parliamentary perspective. It aims at further increasing the
                        links between Members of the European Parliament and national Parliaments, notably during inter-parliamentary
                  Étude EN

Introduction to the fiscal framework of the EU: The Maastricht Treaty, the Treaty on Stability, Coordination
and Governance, and the Stability and Growth Pact
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 08-02-2021
                 Auteur DELIVORIAS Angelos
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé critère de convergence | croissance économique | gouvernance économique (UE) | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale
                        | traité sur l'Union européenne | traité sur la stabilité, la coordination et la gouvernance
                Résumé Almost 30 years ago, the Maastricht Treaty laid the basis for economic and monetary union (EMU). Its fiscal provisions
                        have been further developed by subsequent primary and secondary legislation – in particular, the Stability and Growth
                        Pact with its preventive and corrective arms, and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in EMU. These
                        instruments together constitute the fiscal framework of the European Union. In early 2020, the European Commission
                        launched a review of the EU's economic governance, seeking in particular to establish how effective the surveillance
                        provisions have been in achieving their objectives. This paper aims to provide an introduction to the Union's economic
                        governance, starting from a brief overview of the economic literature, and concluding with a look at possible
                        developments that might follow from the review, not least examining the various calls for its amendment that have
                        been put on the table. While the Commission's review has been put to one side while the immediate issues of the
                        coronavirus pandemic are addressed, the economic consequences of the pandemic are themselves changing the
                        context for the review.
                  Étude EN

Thematic Digest: “When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?”
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  03-02-2021
                 Auteur  ANGERER Jost | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique  Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé  conséquence économique | déficit budgétaire | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | produit
                         intérieur brut | programme de stabilité | récession économique | épidémie
                Résumé This note presents summaries of four papers on the conditions and timing for the future deactivation of the general
                         escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact, which is in force since March 2020. The papers, written by external
                         experts, were requested by the ECON Committee of the European Parliament.
                Briefing EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            3
When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 15-01-2021
         Auteur externe Philippe MARTIN, Xavier RAGOT
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé commission PE | dette publique | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | produit intérieur brut | rapport de
                        recherche | reprise économique | récession économique | épidémie | État membre UE
               Résumé The unprecedented level of economic uncertainty requires clarifying the European fiscal rules. To avoid repeating the
                        mistakes of the last crisis, the deactivation of the General Escape Clause should be state-dependent, not time-
                        dependent and should take place only when 1) a reform of the SGP has been agreed upon, 2) the EU has returned to
                        its pre-crisis level in terms of GDP per capita or employment. The state-dependent strategy should also apply at the
                        country level.
    Analyse approfondie EN

When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
     Type de publication
                       Analyse approfondie
         Auteur externeLuisa LAMBERTINI
      Domaine politiqueAffaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clécommission PE | conséquence économique | dette publique | Eurogroupe (zone euro) | intérêt | maladie à coronavirus
                       | pacte de stabilité | rapport de recherche | épidémie
                Résumé This paper analyses the conditions under which to lift the SGP general escape clause (GEC). It is advisable that the
                       timing for lifting the GEC be Member State-specific and contingent to the Member State’s return to its pre-Covid-19
                       output gap or real GDP level. Medium-Term Budgetary Objectives should be redesigned to take into account the debt-
                       to-GDP level and the interest rate-growth differential. Maintaining government debt yields at low levels after the
                       pandemic would make debt reduction less costly in terms of output.
    Analyse approfondie EN

When and How to Deactivate the SGP General Escape Clause?
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 11-12-2020
         Auteur externe Klaus-Jürgen GERN
                         Stefan KOOTHS
                         Ulrich STOLZENBURG
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé convergence économique | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | plan anticrise | politique fiscale | programme de
                         stabilité | récession économique | stabilité financière | surveillance financière | épidémie
               Résumé Based on a brief assessment of the current EU fiscal framework, the paper discusses when and how fiscal surveillance
                         should be enacted again, and investigates possible options for reform. The general escape clause should be lifted as
                         soon as epidemiological conditions allow for economic activity to normalise, probably by 2022. We propose a transitory
                         arrangement if the discussion on a broader reform of the fiscal framework remains inconclusive while the general
                         escape clause is in force.
    Analyse approfondie EN

When and how to deactivate the SGP general escape clause?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 25-11-2020
         Auteur externe Erik JONES
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé conséquence économique | convergence économique | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | plan anticrise |
                        programme de stabilité | reprise économique | récession économique | stabilité financière | surveillance financière |
               Résumé This paper provides a framework for considering when and how to deactivate the general escape clause of the Stability
                        and Growth Pact (SGP). That framework takes into account the goals of the SGP, the desire to avoid pro-cyclical
                        policy influences that might stifle Europe’s economic recovery, and the necessity not to endanger fiscal sustainability in
                        the medium term. The framework also considers the variation in performance across countries and the indicators that
                        might be used to map transitional arrangements.
    Analyse approfondie EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                           4
What role for the European Semester in the recovery plan?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 15-10-2020
         Auteur externe Jacob Funk KIRKEGAARD
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé Chine | commission PE | conséquence économique | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | reprise économique |
                        récession économique | semestre européen | épidémie
               Résumé This briefing paper argues that the political imperative to ensure that the economic stimulus from the EU’s new
                        commonly funded facilities is provided expeditiously will prevail against desires to create a robust governance
                        framework for these funds within the European Semester process. The pandemic-related suspension of the Stability
                        and Growth Pact creates a need to reform the Pact ahead of its future reintroduction. This presents an opportunity to
                        incorporate more of the Semester’s reform implementation agenda directly into the Pact’s policy prescriptions.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Thematic Digest on EU Economic Governance Review
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    08-10-2020
                 Auteur    BOLDI DONELLA
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé    gouvernance économique (UE) | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | surveillance financière | économie verte
               Résumé      This document presents the summaries of some papers in the area of EU economic governance, recently published by
                           the European Parliament upon a request of the Economic and Monetary Committee (ECON).
                           The thematic papers presented in this digest provides hopefully information and suggestions which will be useful for
                           the on-going debate among policy makers, namely on the review of the EU legal framework for economic governance.
                           They are written by external experts and supervised by the Economic Governance Support Unit.
                 Briefing EN

The role of fiscal rules in relation with the green economy
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 03-09-2020
         Auteur externe Carlo Cottarelli
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé adaptation au changement climatique | balance déficitaire | dette publique | développement durable | investissement
                        public | pacte de stabilité | programme de stabilité | réduction des émissions de gaz | stratégie européenne pour la
                        croissance | économie verte
               Résumé This paper discusses the analytical basis for facilitating green public investment under the Stability and Growth Pact
                        fiscal rules. It concludes that additional public debt created by deficit-financed green public investment is likely to
                        increase fiscal sustainability risks. However, such additional risks could be justified to avoid the economic damages
                        (which would also have long run consequences for public finances) arising in the absence of sufficient green public
                        investment. Tre trade off could be improved if green public investment were financed through EU debt.
    Analyse approfondie EN

How to make the European Semester more effective and legitimate?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 24-07-2020
         Auteur externe Päivi LEINO-SANDBERG, Fernando LOSADA FRAGA
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé convergence économique | coopération économique | gouvernance économique (UE) | macroéconomie | pacte de
                        stabilité | politique budgétaire | sanction (UE) | semestre européen | stratégie européenne pour la croissance
               Résumé The Commission has launched an assessment and revision of the so-called six-pack and two-pack legislative
                        packages. This paper assesses the successes and shortcomings of the European Semester with a focus on
                        legitimacy, effectiveness and ownership. It argues that in order to address these problems, the framework should be
                        redesigned from a new starting point, which builds on existing divisions of competence and clear decision making
                        structures. This would help to restore the honesty and credibility of the Semester, which should be geared at
                        supporting accountability at the national level.
    Analyse approfondie EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            5
The role of cohesion policy in tackling the socio-economic fallout from coronavirus
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 06-07-2020
                 Auteur MARGARAS Vasileios
      Domaine politique Coronavirus | Développement régional
                Mot-clé cadre financier pluriannuel | Chine | cohésion économique et sociale | conséquence économique | débat parlementaire
                        | Fonds structurels et d'investissement européens | impact social | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité |
                        Parlement européen | épidémie
               Résumé The Committee on Regional Development has tabled a question to the European Commission on the role of cohesion
                        policy in tackling the socio-economic fallout from Covid-19. The Commission is due to respond during a debate at
                        Parliament's July plenary session.
                En bref EN

The ‘general escape clause’ within the Stability and Growth Pact: Fiscal flexibility for severe economic
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 27-03-2020
                 Auteur DELIVORIAS Angelos
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus
                Mot-clé intervention financière | maladie à coronavirus | pacte de stabilité | récession économique | stabilité financière |
               Résumé An important element of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic will come from European Union (EU) Member States
                        in the form of fiscal intervention. At the same time, Member States are constrained by the fiscal rules in place at both
                        EU and national level. The Stability and Growth Pact contains two clauses allowing Member States to undertake
                        appropriate budgetary measures, within the Pact, in the face of exceptional circumstances. The first is known as the
                        'unusual events clause', while the second is termed the 'general escape clause'. In essence, the clauses allow
                        deviation from parts of the Stability and Growth Pact's preventive or corrective arms, either because an unusual event
                        outside the control of one or more Member States has a major impact on the financial position of the general
                        government, or because the euro area or the Union as a whole faces a severe economic downturn. As the current
                        crisis is outside governments' control, with a major impact on public finances, the European Commission noted that it
                        could apply the unusual events clause. However, it also noted that the magnitude of the fiscal effort necessary to
                        protect European citizens and businesses from the effects of the pandemic, and to support the economy in the
                        aftermath, requires the use of more far-reaching flexibility under the Pact. For this reason, the Commission has
                        proposed to activate the general escape clause. With the Council having endorsed the Commission communication, a
                        deviation from the medium-term budgetary objective or from the appropriate adjustment path towards it may be
                        allowed for Member States, during both the assessment and the implementation of Stability or Convergence
                        Programmes. In the corrective arm of the Pact, the clause will allow an extension of the deadline for the Member
                        States to correct their excessive deficits under the excessive deficit procedure, provided those Member States take
                        effective action as recommended by the Council.
               Briefing EN

Outcome of the video-conference call of EU Heads of State or Government on10 March 2020
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 13-03-2020
                 Auteur BACIAN Izabela Cristina
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Environnement | Santé publique
                Mot-clé aide de l'État | aviation civile | Chine | conséquence économique | maladie à coronavirus | matériel médical | pacte de
                        stabilité | petites et moyennes entreprises | recherche médicale | téléconférence | vaccin | épidémie
               Résumé Given the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak and the potential EU-wide ramifications,
                        Heads of State or Government of the 27 EU Member States welcomed the initiative to hold a special meeting by video-
                        conference on 10 March 2020. European Council President Charles Michel expressed his sympathy for all those
                        citizens affected by the disease and, in particular, for Italy, the country most affected so far. The Member States
                        discussed the COVID-19 outbreak and agreed on four lines of action to contain the spread of the disease. The
                        President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Central Bank, Christine
                        Lagarde, the President of the Eurogroup, Mario Centeno, and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
                        and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, also took part in the discussion.
                En bref EN

14-07-2022                                    Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                           6
The role of national fiscal bodies - State of play (January 2020)
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 16-01-2020
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost | SABOL MAJA
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé budget de l'État | contrôle budgétaire | contrôle financier | convergence économique | instance de contrôle | pacte de
                        stabilité | politique fiscale | programme de stabilité | vérification des comptes
                Résumé This briefing provides an overview of the advisory role played by independent national fiscal bodies in the preparations
                        of the budgets of the EU Member States. The briefing is updated regularly.
                        The objective of the analysis is twofold:
                        1) to give an overview of the set-up and functioning of these independent fiscal bodies based on the most recent
                        assessments by the European Commission.
                        2) to give an overview of the extent to which the latest Stability or Convergence Programmes and the Draft Budgetary
                        Plans contain information about the involvement of independent national fiscal bodies in the preparation of these
                  Étude EN

Introduction to the European Semester: Coordinating and monitoring economic and fiscal policies in the
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    11-12-2019
                 Auteur    DELIVORIAS Angelos | SCHEINERT CHRISTIAN
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé    convergence économique | pacte de stabilité | politique sociale | politique structurelle | semestre européen | stratégie
                           européenne pour la croissance
               Résumé The European Semester is a framework for the coordination of economic policies across the European Union that was
                        established after the European sovereign debt crisis. This paper aims to provide a simple but comprehensive
                        introduction, explaining the main steps of the Semester from November to July each year. It also provides a short
                        review of the academic and institutional debates around the Semester, before closing with the priorities in the relevant
                        areas identified by the new European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Linking cohesion policy and the European Semester: Partnership and multi-level governance to boost
investment and structural reforms
     Type de publicationÉtude
                   Date 06-12-2019
                 Auteur SCHEINERT CHRISTIAN | VAN LIEROP Christiaan
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé cohésion économique et sociale | pacte de stabilité | politique monétaire | politique régionale de l'UE | politique
                        structurelle | semestre européen | stratégie européenne pour la croissance
                Résumé Multi-level governance requires the involvement of all levels of government, central, regional and local, in decision-
                        making. Obstacles to appropriate and adequate involvement may lead to infringements of the principles of subsidiarity.
                        However, under the cycle of EU economic and fiscal policy coordination known as the European Semester, local and
                        regional administrations are considered to be 'stakeholders' – that is, they are not categorised as part of general
                        government. Recent extension of the European Semester to aspects of cohesion policy may consequently strengthen
                        a top-down policy approach. A Code of Conduct, such as that proposed by the European Committee of the Regions,
                        may help correct this imbalance.
                  Étude EN

Commitments made at the hearing of Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Executive Vice-President-designate - An
Economy that Works for People
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  22-11-2019
      Domaine politique  Affaires économiques et monétaires | Emploi | Fiscalité | Politique sociale | Questions financières et bancaires
                Mot-clé  audition publique | commissaire européen | développement durable | gouvernance économique (UE) | interpellation
                         parlementaire | pacte de stabilité | services financiers | stabilité financière | union des marchés des capitaux | économie
                         numérique | économie verte | égalité de traitement
                Résumé The commissioner-designate, Valdis Dombrovskis, appeared before the European Parliament on 08 October 2019 to
                         answer questions from MEPs in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Employment
                         and Social Affairs. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document.
                Briefing EN

14-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                               7
Commitments made at the hearing of Paolo GENTILONI, Commissioner-designate - Economy
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 22-11-2019
                 Auteur VERBEKEN Dirk | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Budget | Fiscalité | Marché intérieur et union douanière | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé assurance chômage | audition publique | commerce électronique | commissaire européen | impôt sur les sociétés |
                        nomination des membres | pacte de stabilité | Parlement européen | question orale | redevance environnementale |
                        taxation de l’économie numérique | union douanière
               Résumé The commissioner-designate, Paolo Gentiloni, appeared before the European Parliament on 03 October 2019 to
                        answer questions from MEPs in the Committees on Economic and Monetary Affairs and on Budgets. During the
                        hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his
                        portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European
                        Commission and include economic and financial affairs, fair and effective taxation and a strong and modern Customs
               Briefing EN

Structural Budget Balances in EU Member States - November 2019
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    14-11-2019
                 Auteur    ANGERER Jost | HAGELSTAM Kajus
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé    pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | union économique et monétaire | État membre UE
               Résumé      Structural budget balances play an important role in the fiscal policy frameworks of the EU both as part of the
                           application of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) and in the implementation of the balanced budget rule by the
                           contracting parties of the intergovernmental Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the EMU (the fiscal
                           section of the Treaty is called “Fiscal Compact”).
                           This document provides a short overview of the concept and application of the structural balance rule(s) in the EU. It
                           will be regularly updated, in particular, the Annex that shows progress made (based on the latest Commission forecast)
                           by Member States in reaching their structural budget commitments under the preventive arm of the SGP.
                Briefing EN

Member States with Excessive Macroeconomic Imbalances
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 07-11-2019
                 Auteur ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé allégement de la dette | assistance macrofinancière | dette publique | déficit budgétaire | pacte de stabilité | semestre
                        européen | État membre UE
               Résumé This note provides an overview of the surveillance of the three Member States that have been assessed as
                        experiencing excessive macroeconomic imbalances in the context of the 2019 European Semester cycle and
                        according to the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP). Separate notes describe the state of play of the MIP
                        implementation and the MIP procedure.
               Briefing EN

The European Semester for economic policy coordination: A reflection paper
     Type de publication
      Domaine politiqueAffaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-cléEurogroupe (zone euro) | gouvernance économique (UE) | pacte de stabilité | rapport de recherche | semestre
                       européen | équilibre budgétaire | État membre UE | États-Unis
               Résumé This paper provides an overview of the current EU economic governance framework, in particular of the so-called EU
                       ‘rules- based’ surveillance framework of national budgetary, economic and social policies. It raises some broad
                       questions on the lessons learned and proposes some reflections for the future.
                       This document was prepared by the Economic Governance Support Unit of the European Parliament and the opinions
                       expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the
                       European Parliament.
                 Étude EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              8
An overview of the Stability and Growth Pact - September 2019
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 10-09-2019
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé dette publique | déficit budgétaire | pacte de stabilité | politique budgétaire | politique fiscale | politique structurelle |
                        sanction (UE) | surveillance multilatérale
               Résumé The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) is the legal framework (based on primary and secondary EU law) that seeks to
                        ensure sustainable public finances in the interest of the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It
                        consists of two main building blocks: the preventive arm and the corrective arm. Stylised overviews, including on
                        flexibility provisions (endorsed by the Council) within the existing rules of the SGP, are provided in the annexes.
                        The main sources used in this briefing are primary Union law (Articles 121 and 126 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
                        the European Union), secondary Union law (the amended Regulations (EC) 1466/97 and 1467/97 as well as the
                        Regulation (EU) No 1173/2011), the Code of Conduction on the implementation of the SGP and the Commission
                        Communication entitled ‘Making the best use of flexibility within the existing rules of the SGP’.
               Briefing EN

Les politiques de l’Union – Au service des citoyens: Politique économique
     Type de publicationBriefing
                   Date 28-06-2019
                 Auteur DELIVORIAS Angelos | DOBREVA Alina
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé macroéconomie | Mécanisme européen de stabilité | pacte de stabilité | politique économique | programme de stabilité
                        | récession économique | semestre européen | zone euro
               Résumé Bien qu’elle relève de la responsabilité de chaque État membre, la politique économique fait généralement l’objet
                        d’une coordination multilatérale entre les différents pays de l’Union européenne. La crise financière mondiale et la
                        crise de la dette souveraine européenne ont mis ce cadre à rude épreuve. C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la
                        reprise dans l’Union a été plus lente qu’aux États-Unis et ne s’est pas opérée de manière homogène dans tous les
                        États membres. En outre, la reprise s’est principalement fondée sur des politiques budgétaires et monétaires
                        accommodantes, qui n’occultent que partiellement les signes sous-jacents de la fragilité budgétaire ou financière de
                        certains pays. Pour remédier à la situation, les institutions européennes ont lancé un double processus en 2011. Des
                        initiatives ont été prises pour renforcer le cadre actuel de la gouvernance économique et faciliter la surveillance des
                        banques de la zone euro. Parallèlement, des discussions ont débuté sur de possibles pistes pour réduire les
                        divergences économiques entre les États membres, favoriser la réduction des risques et le partage des risques,
                        accroître la transparence du processus de gouvernance et garantir la responsabilité démocratique. Dans le domaine
                        de la responsabilité démocratique, plusieurs initiatives – qui ne nécessitaient aucune modification des traités de
                        l’Union – ont été lancées entre 2015 et 2017. À l’été 2017, les échanges de vues sur l’approfondissement du cadre
                        politique de l’Union économique et monétaire se sont intensifiés. Cette procédure, préconisée dans le rapport des cinq
                        présidents (rédigé par les présidents des principales institutions européennes) et qui devrait s’achever à l’horizon
                        2025, est désormais examinée à l’échelle des États membres. L’état d’avancement actuel de ces travaux témoigne de
                        deux principales préférences stratégiques, qui scindent les États membres en deux groupes: d’une part, ceux qui
                        donnent la priorité aux mesures de partage des risques (comme la France) et, d’autre part, ceux qui prônent
                        davantage d’initiatives de réduction des risques (tels que l’Allemagne). En raison de cette absence de consensus, le
                        Conseil européen a été jusqu’à présent dans l’incapacité de trouver une solution. Le présent document est une mise à
                        jour d’une note plus ancienne, publiée avant les élections européennes de 2019.
               Briefing DE, EN, FR
             Multimédia EU policies – Delivering for citizens: Economic policy

Euro Area Scrutiny: External expertise on economic governance issues during the 8th Parliamentary term
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 24-06-2019
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé convergence économique | dette publique | Fonds monétaire européen | gouvernance économique (UE) | pacte de
                        stabilité | politique économique | réforme économique | semestre européen | système bancaire | zone euro | État
                        membre UE | États-Unis
               Résumé This document provides the summaries of all external experts papers published during the 8th parliamentary term
                        (2014-2019) by the Economic Governance Support Unit, aimed at supporting the scrutiny work on the functioning of
                        the Euro Area, especially in view of the bi-annual Economic Dialogues with the President of the Eurogroup.
    Analyse approfondie EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                   9
Thematic overview: Member States whose 2019 DBPs are "at risk of non-compliance" with the Stability
and Growth Pact
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 07-12-2018
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé assistance macrofinancière | concours à la balance des paiements | convergence économique | disparité économique |
                        déficit budgétaire | macroéconomie | pacte de stabilité | pays participant | réforme économique | statistique
                        économique | équilibre budgétaire | État membre UE
               Résumé This briefing gives an overview of recent European Commission (COM) opinions on the budgetary situation of five
                        Member States (Belgium, Spain, France, Portugal and Slovenia) whose 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) are
                        assessed to be “at risk of non-compliance” with their obligations under the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) and of one
                        country (Italy) whose 2019 DBP is considered to be in particularly serious non-compliance with its obligations under
                        the SGP. This briefing will be updated as further assessments by the COM become available during spring 2019.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Thematic Digest: Economic Governance
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    20-09-2018
                 Auteur    CIUCCI MATTEO
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires
                Mot-clé    analyse économique | financement du budget | macroéconomie | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | État membre UE
               Résumé      The Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV) provides expertise to support the European Parliament and its
                           relevant committees and bodies, notably in their scrutiny-related activities on the economic governance and banking
                           union frameworks.
                Briefing EN

Research for REGI Committee - Conditionalities in Cohesion Policy
     Type de publication
         Auteur externeViorica VIȚĂ
      Domaine politiqueDéveloppement régional | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique
                Mot-clécontrôle de l'UE | gouvernance | pacte de stabilité | répartition du financement de l'UE | semestre européen |
                       suspension de l'aide | transparence du processus décisionnel | État de droit | État membre UE
               Résumé This study discusses the evolution and experience of conditionalities in Cohesion policy and draws relevant policy
                       recommendations on its future development in the light of the 2021-27 legislative proposals of the European
                       Commission, including the proposal on a rule of law conditionality.
                 Étude EN

How could the Stability and Growth Pact be simplified?
     Type de publicationEn bref
                   Date 25-04-2018
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost | HRADISKY Martin | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé gouvernance | gouvernance économique (UE) | macroéconomie | pacte de stabilité | réforme institutionnelle |
                        transparence du processus décisionnel | zone euro
               Résumé This note provides a summary of three external papers requested by the ECON Committee in the context of the
                        Parliament scrutiny activities of the Euro area.
                        The main objective of these papers is to advance proposals on how the fiscal rules of the Stability and Growth Pact
                        could be simplified, in order to enhance its credibility, transparency and enforceability, while allowing some room for
                        Several EU insitutions have recognised the complexity of the SGP and the consequent need for simplification: some
                        relevant positions are reported in this note as well.
                En bref EN

14-07-2022                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                            10
How could the Stability and Growth Pact be simplified?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 23-04-2018
         Auteur externe Carlo Cotterelli
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé allégement de la dette | gouvernance | gouvernance économique (UE) | institution de l'Union européenne |
                        macroéconomie | pacte de stabilité | réforme institutionnelle | transparence du processus décisionnel | zone euro | État
                        membre UE
               Résumé The complexity of the SGP, which may have contributed to its limited effectiveness, reflects largely the conflict
                        between the need to make the original SGP rules more stringent and the desire to allow flexibility with respect to
                        various country circumstances. Now that the effects of the largest economic shock since the 1930s are fading away, a
                        major simplification of the system could be achieved by removing some margins of flexibility, while possibly relaxing
                        some of the SGP long-term parameters. The coexistence of the MTO rule and the expenditure benchmark could also
                        be reconsidered. A more radical solution would involve shifting to a single rule in which an “operational target” would
                        respond to deviations of public debt from its long-term objective.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Thematic overview: Member States whose 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans are "at risk of non-compliance"
with the Stability and Growth Pact
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    24-01-2018
                 Auteur    ANGERER Jost | JAPUNČIĆ TEA
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé    budget de l'État | contrôle de l'UE | pacte de stabilité | projet de budget | prévision économique | zone euro | équilibre
                           budgétaire | État membre UE
               Résumé This briefing gives an overview of recent European Commission (COM) assessments of the budgetary situation of six
                        Member States (Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Slovenia) whose 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) are
                        considered to be “at risk of non-compliance” with their obligations under the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). This
                        briefing will be updated as further assessments by the COM become available during spring 2018.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Economic Dialogue with the Commission on 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 24-11-2017
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost | CIUCCI MATTEO | JAPUNČIĆ TEA
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé budget de l'État | contrôle de l'UE | dette publique | déficit budgétaire | pacte de stabilité | projet de budget | prévision
                        économique | zone euro | équilibre budgétaire
               Résumé ECON on 27 November 2017
                        Vice-president Dombrovskis and Commissioner Moscovici have been invited to an Economic Dialogue on the
                        European Commission Opinions on the 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans of the Euro Area Member States based on Articles
                        7 and 15 of EU Regulation 473/2013.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Key features of 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    20-11-2017
                 Auteur    ANGERER Jost | JAPUNČIĆ TEA
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé    déficit budgétaire | pacte de stabilité | prévision à court terme | statistique de l'UE | zone euro | État membre UE
               Résumé      This document compares key features of the 2018 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBP) with the autumn 2017 forecasts by the
                           European Commission (EC) and key features included in the 2017 Stability Programmes (SP) with the spring 2017
                           forecasts by the EC. While blue cells indicate that the Member State is more optimistic than the EC forecast, grey cells
                           indicate that the Member State is less optimistic than the EC forecast. An overview comparing these figures with the
                           required fiscal efforts and the medium-term budgetary objectives in structural terms (MTO) as included in the latest
                           Council decisions/recommendations is provided in a separate EGOV table.
                 Briefing EN

14-07-2022                                        Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                                11
How to further strengthen the European Semester?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 20-11-2017
         Auteur externe X. Ragot
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé administration publique | analyse économique | finances publiques | gouvernance économique (UE) | macroéconomie |
                        marché du travail | pacte de stabilité | politique de l'éducation | politique sociale | politique structurelle | semestre
                        européen | statistique de l'UE | traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE | union économique et monétaire | État membre UE
               Résumé The economic governance of the European Monetary Union is yearly organized during the so-called European
                        Semester. The improvement of the European Semester is an on-going process, and some recent propositions must be
                        positively acknowledged. Still, the European Semester and Country Specific recommendations don’t focus enough on
                        issues with clear spill-overs on other countries. This Briefing Paper argues for a systematic discussion of a nominal
                        stance at the European level, based on wage and price analysis. It would monitor price and wage developments to
                        avoid nominal and current account divergences or deflationary convergence. Seven suggestions are provided to
                        improve the European Semester and European Economic Governance.
    Analyse approfondie EN

How to further strengthen the European Semester?
     Type de publicationAnalyse approfondie
                   Date 20-11-2017
         Auteur externe C.Alcidi, D.Gros
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires | Semestre européen
                Mot-clé administration publique | analyse économique | gouvernance économique (UE) | macroéconomie | marché du travail |
                        pacte de stabilité | politique de l'éducation | politique sociale | politique structurelle | semestre européen | statistique de
                        l'UE | traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE | union économique et monétaire | zone euro | État membre UE
               Résumé The emphasis of the European Semester should shift from economic policy coordination – intended as the process
                        through which Member States commit to common rules and recommendations adopted by the Council of the European
                        Union under the surveillance of the European Commission – to a stronger national ownership. Coordination of national
                        policies may be essential at times of crisis, when cross-country spillover effects tend to be large, but it may not be very
                        effective when economic conditions return to normal, as spillovers tend to be small and the incentives for governments
                        to coordinate lessen. Stronger national ownership should lead to better enforcement of commonly agreed rules,
                        regardless of economic conditions and should take away the perception that rules are hierarchically imposed. National
                        ownership could be improved by involving the national fiscal councils and the national productivity boards explicitly in
                        the elaboration of EU? recommendations for national governments. This should be done without increasing the
                        complexity of an already complicated EU governance system of governance or damaging their reputation as
                        independent bodies.
                        Reforms aiming to improve the structural functioning of the EU’s economies are of critical importance for Member
                        States, yet the reasons why specific reforms should be embedded in the Semester are not always clear. Moreover,
                        strengthening the Semester by further linking the EU budget to reforms undertaken in the Member States is fine in
                        theory but very difficult in practice. Reforms cannot be ‘bought’ as such and it would be extremely difficult to measure
                        the implementation of the CSRs precisely enough to make implementation a condition for funds.
                        The role of the Commission should remain predominant in fostering coordination in case of economic crisis and in
                        providing technical support for reforms whenever needed.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Looking at US experience in view of deepening EMU
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  24-10-2017
                 Auteur  DELIVORIAS Angelos
      Domaine politique  Affaires économiques et monétaires
                Mot-clé  analyse économique | approfondissement de l'Union européenne | convergence économique | macroéconomie |
                         marché des capitaux | pacte de stabilité | politique fiscale | risque financier | union bancaire de l’UE | union
                         économique et monétaire | États-Unis
                Résumé Although the fiscal frameworks of the United States of America and the European Union were set up during different
                         historic periods, had different economic drivers and are at different stages of development, the euro area can learn
                         from the US experience. For instance, recent research suggests that one useful element might be to earmark revenue,
                         i.e. to pre-identify sources of revenue to be directed to fund those policies that are better dealt with at EU level, so that
                         there is a direct link between revenue collected and issues solved. 'Trust fund' structures of this type can be financed
                         by means of explicit user fees (e.g. for visas), fees on related use items (e.g. air or sea fare tickets) or broad-based
                         taxes (e.g. income, payroll or consumption tax).
                         Other research in this area focuses on the factors behind the contrasting experiences of the United States and the
                         euro area during the financial crisis as regards consumption smoothing or resilience to shocks. Research shows that
                         the role of automatic stabilisation in US fiscal policy, including that of unemployment insurance, has been overstated
                         and that other factors should be taken into account to explain the United States' resilience during the crisis. When it
                         comes to resilience to shocks, the contrasting experience of the euro area cannot meanwhile be attributed wholly to
                         the fact that market-based risk-sharing is higher in the United States, but weight must also be given to measures, such
                         as the interventions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect deposits, or ad hoc policy interventions by
                         the Federal Reserve and Congress, such as the action plan to avoid the default of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
                Briefing EN

14-07-2022                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE                                                              12
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