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New releases on Olympism and sport Nouvelles parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport July – August 2021 (Issues 7-8) Find 171 new releases on Olympism and sport, of which 116 are accessible online. Retrouvez 171 dernières parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport, dont 116 sont accessibles en ligne.
New releases Issue 7-8 CONTENT | CONTENU 1. COVID-19 5 2. The Olympic Games | Les Jeux Olympiques 7 2.1 Future host elections | Élection des futurs hôtes 8 2.2 Olympic Summer Games | Jeux Olympiques d’été 8 2.2.1 Brisbane 2032 8 2.2.2 Paris 2024 9 2.2.3 Tokyo 2020 10 2.2.4 Rio 2016 27 2.2.5 London 2012 | Londres 2012 28 2.2.6 Beijing 2008 29 2.2.7 Barcelona 1992 | Barcelone 1992 29 2.2.8 Mexico 1968 30 2.2.9 Tokyo 1964 31 2.3 Olympic Winter Games | Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 31 2.3.1 Beijing 2022 31 2.3.2 Sochi 2014 | Sotchi 2014 32 2.3.3 Vancouver 2010 32 2.4 Sustainability and legacy | Durabilité et héritage 33 2.5 History of the OG | Histoire des JO 37 3. The International Olympic Committee | Le Comité International Olympique 40 3.1 Olympic marketing | Marketing olympique 40 3.2 Olympic Solidarity | Solidarité Olympique 41 3.3 Presidents and members | Présidents et membres 42 4. The Olympic Movement | Le Mouvement olympique 43 4.1 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) | Comités Nationaux Olympiques (CNOs) 43 4.1.1 Cuba 43 4.1.2 India | Inde 44 4.1.3 Indonesia | Indonésie 44 4.1.4 Japan | Japon 45 4.1.5 Mexico | Mexique 46 4.1.6 Russia | Russie 46 4.1.7 Turkey | Turquie 47 4.1.8 United States | Etats-Unis 47 4.2 Olympism | Olympisme 48 4.3 Paralympic Games and Paralympic Movement | Jeux Paralympiques et Mouvement Paralympique 51 5. The athletes | Les athlètes 53 5.1 Anti-doping | Anti-dopage 53 5.2 Career | Carrière 55 5.3 Medicine and health | Médecine et santé 55 5.4 Olympians | Olympiens 57 5.5 Performance 59 The Olympic Studies Centre 2
New releases Issue 7-8 5.6 Psychology | Psychologie 60 5.7 Training | Entraînement 61 6. The Olympic sports | Les sports Olympiques 62 6.1 Summer sports | Sports d’été 62 6.1.1 Athletics | Athlétisme 62 6.1.2 Cycling | Cyclisme 64 6.1.3 Gymnastics | Gymnastique 64 6.1.4 Martial arts | Arts martiaux 65 6.1.5 Sport climbing | Escalade 66 6.1.6 Swimming | Natation 66 7. Sport economics and management | Économie et gestion du sport 68 7.1 Economics | Economie 68 7.2 Management | Gestion 69 8. Sport law and ethics | Droit et éthique du sport 70 9. Sport and society | Sport et société 73 9.1 Art and architecture | Art et architecture 73 9.2 Development and peace through sport | Développement et paix par le sport 75 9.3 Media | Médias 76 9.4 Politics | Politique 77 9.5 Promotion of gender equality in sport | Promotion de l’égalité femmes-hommes dans le sport 79 9.6 Sociology | Sociologie 80 9.7 Statistics | Statistiques 81 9.8 Technology | Technologie 82 9.9 Youth and education | Jeunesse et éducation 82 The abstracts mainly come from the publishers. Les résumés proviennent principalement des éditeurs. The Olympic Studies Centre 3
New releases Issue 7-8 Discover the Olympic World Library Our library catalogue and information portal entirely dedicated to Olympic knowledge. Visit and sign up to be alerted regularly on new resources available. Interested in loaning a publication (nationally or internationally)? Write to us now at Découvrez l’Olympic World Library Notre catalogue de bibliothèque et portail d’information entièrement consacré à la connaissance olympique. Visitez et inscrivez-vous à notre alerte pour être régulièrement informé des dernières publications en date. Intéressé(e) à emprunter un ouvrage (en Suisse ou à l’étranger) ? Ecrivez-nous maintenant à The Olympic Studies Centre 4
New releases Issue 7-8 1. COVID-19 LE REPORT DES JO DE TOKYO 2020: DES Article CONFLITS D’AMENAG EMENT A LA CRISE SANITAIRE Raphaël Languillon-Aussel. In: Métropolitiques, 4 février 2021, pp. 1-7. Conséquence de la pandémie du Covid-19, les Jeux olympiques de Tokyo 2020 ont été reportés à l’été 2021. Au-delà de la crise sanitaire, Raphaël Languillon-Aussel décrypte les dessous de ces JO, au cœur de multiples conflits et enjeux. READ MORE PREPARING ATHLETES AND STAFF FOR THE FIRST Article 'PANDEMIC' OLYMPIC GAMES Marco Cardinale. In: The journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, vol. 61, no. 8, August 2021, pp. 1061-1072. The aim of this paper was to consider the various challenges posed by the COVID pandemic and to provide information for coaching support staff to improve the preparation for Tokyo Olympics as well as consider the possible performance implications of this unique Olympic edition. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 5
New releases Issue 7-8 “A BLANK SLATE”: PREPARING FOR TO KYO 2021 Article DURING COVID-19 Nick Wadsworth, Adam Hargreaves. In: Case studies in sport and exercise psychology, vol. 5, no S1, pp. 1-7. This article presents a case study of an applied consultancy experience with WL, an Olympic athlete preparing for Tokyo 2021. WL sought psychological support after decreases in performance and well-being forced them to consider their future as an athlete. COVID-19 and the lockdown of the United Kingdom were highly influential to the consultancy process, providing WL with the opportunity to explore their identity in the absence of sport. WL framed their emergence from the lockdown as a “Blank Slate,” which was a critical moment allowing them to “find themselves on and off the mat.” The sport psychologist’s existential philosophy is presented and discussed in detail. Furthermore, reflections are provided by WL’s strength and conditioning coach about the referral process and by WL themself about the efficacy of the interventions. The importance of supporting both the person and the performer when working with aspiring Olympic athletes is also discussed. IMPACTS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SPORTS INDUSTRY IN THE PO ST-COVID-19 ERA Armand Faganel, Igor Rižnar, Arne Baruca. Hershey, 2021, 301 p. "Impacts and implications for the sports industry in the post-COVID-19 era" explores the changes that have been and will continue to be created by the unexpected disruptions that occurred as a result of the pandemic within the sports industry, fans consumption, and recreational habits. The chapters explore the status of sports after the pandemic, paths to recovery, and the future of sports, along with the many impacts and issues that have arisen due to changes in the industry necessitated by COVID-19. Covering important topics such as mental health, impacts on athletes and coaches, the market value for professional sports, consumer behavior during COVID-19, and the changes in marketing, tourism, and business, this book is ideally intended for sports managers, marketers, broadcasting agencies, media specialists, brand managers, fitness professionals, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the impacts on the sports industry and the outlook for sports in the post- COVID-19 era. MA 30011 The Olympic Studies Centre 6
New releases Issue 7-8 2 . T H E O LY M P I C G A M E S | L E S J E U X O LY M P I Q U E S OLYMPIC SUMMER G AMES PO STERS FRO M ATHENS 1896 TO TOKYO 2020 The Olympic Studies Centre. 2021, 1 vol. The posters produced for the Olympic Games are one of the facets of their visual identity. Making use of all styles and techniques, they never cease to surprise and evolve. Through this document you can obtain an overview of the various posters produced by the OCOGs for each edition of the Games. EXISTS ALSO IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 7
New releases Issue 7-8 2.1 FUTURE HOST ELECTIONS | ÉLECTION DES FUTURS HÔTES IMAG INING LEGACY : DEVELOPMENT, Doctoral thesis RESISTANCE, AND IMAGE- MAKING IN BO STON AND LOS ANG ELES'S O LYMPIC BIDS Samuel Maron. Northeastern University, 2021, 166 p. This dissertation examines the role of spectacle events in global cities and the elite-driven transformation of the Olympic Games into producers of the urban image, with implications for determining who has the power to envision the urban future. While the spectacle of the Olympic Games is not new, its purpose was reimagined in the era of urban neoliberalization. The International Olympic Committee presented the Games as an opportunity for the development of the host city, a change made in response to extravagant costs, terrorism and political crises, and the eyes sores of white elephant stadiums. Using historical archival research, document analysis of bidding materials and newspaper articles, and interviews with key informants, the author shows how elite business and political leaders in Boston and Los Angeles positioned their city's Olympic bids as a solver of urban problems, and how activists opposed this Olympic future. The author shows the roots of these changes using a historical analysis of the bid for the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games and then draw on a contemporary case studies of Boston's defeated bid and Los Angeles's successful one for the 2024 Olympic Games (Los Angeles was ultimately awarded the 2028 edition in a fluke rule change by the IOC). MA 30021 2.2 OLYMPIC SUMMER GAMES | JEUX OLYMPIQUES D’ÉTÉ 2.2.1 BRISBANE 2032 BRISBANE 2032 O LYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES : PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS : SUMMARY REPO RT KPMG. 2021, 27 p. This summary report provides a high-level analysis of the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of hosting a 2032 Games in Queensland. The analysis considers impacts over a 20 year time period including the 10 years leading up to the Games, the Games event, and the 10 years port the Games (i.e. 2022 to 2042). READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 8
New releases Issue 7-8 2 . 2 . 2 PA R I S 2 0 2 4 FIERS DE PRENDRE LE RELAIS : DOSSIER DE PRÉSENTATION DES JEUX OLYMPIQUES DE PARIS 2024 Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024. 2021, 46 p. Ce document présente l'état de l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Il présente les terrains de compétition, les nouveaux sports olympiques, le rôle des spectateurs, l'étude des cérémonies dans la ville, l'image des Jeux, etc. READ MORE L'ÉTÉ DE PARIS SERA SPORTIF : #LESJ EUXENSEMBLE Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024. 2021, 15 p. Ce document présente le programme sportif de Paris à l'été 2021 en vue de l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques de 2024. Il présente le programme de la journée olympique du 23 juin, les événements autour des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020, le programme d'encouragement à la natation proposé aux jeunes. READ MORE LES SITES DE COMPÉTITION OLYMPIQUES ET PARALYMPIQUES DES JEUX DE PARIS 2024 Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024. 2021, 47 p. Ce document présente les fiches techniques de tous les lieux de compétitions dans lesquels se dérouleront les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris en 2024. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 9
New releases Issue 7-8 JEUX OLYMPIQUES & PARALYMPIQUES 2024 : COMMENT MOBILISER LES TERRITOIRES FRANÇAIS AUTOUR DU PROJ ET PARIS 2024 ? Think Tank Sport et Citoyenneté. Sport et Citoyenneté, 2021, 71 p. Que ce soit en termes de développement économique, d’aménagement du territoire, de cohésion sociale, de développement durable ou encore au niveau du développement des pratiques sportives, les enjeux autour de l’accueil des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques 2024 sont multiples. L’Île- de-France et la ville de Paris sont prioritairement concernées par ces défis. Mais l’ambition du Comité d’organisation est de renforcer cet impact et de faire de cet événement les Jeux de la France dans son ensemble. C’est notamment l’objectif du label « Terre de Jeux 2024 », qui permet aujourd’hui à l’ensemble des territoires français, de la plus petite commune à la plus grande région, de s’inscrire dans cette dynamique. Mais comment les territoires s’engagent-ils dans cette démarche ? Quels sont les bénéfices attendus, en matière d’attractivité, d’engagement, de cohésion sociale ? Quelles sont les actions déjà mises en place ? Pour quels impacts et quel héritage ? Ce sont ces questions que cet ouvrage se propose d’aborder. Il est le fruit d’un projet pédagogique conduit par les étudiants du Mastère Spécialisé « Management responsable des organisations sportives (MS MOS) d’Audencia (promotion 2020/2021) et encadré par le Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté. READ MORE 2.2.3 TOKYO 2020 URBAN TRANSLATION AND THE 2020 TOKYO Chapter GAMES Patrick Heinrich. In: Tong King Lee, The Routledge handbook of translation and the city, Routledge, 2021, pp. 131-145. Language planning for the 2020 Games is ambitious. It aims to create a public sphere that is accessible to all, regardless of their linguistic background or possible linguistic and sensory disabilities. It aims to be kotoba no baria furī (linguistically free of barriers). This chapter presents a brief portrayal of the city of Tokyo, before turning to language planning for the 2020 Games. The author then discusses the contradictions that emerge between ecology and planning and its implications for Tokyo’s diverse public as a process of urban translation. The Olympic Studies Centre 10
New releases Issue 7-8 POLÍTICA, BIOSSEGURANÇA, JOGOS OLÍMPICO S E Article PARALÍMPICOS TÓQ UIO 2020 Matheus Jancy Bezerra Dantas… [et al.]. In: Research, society and development, vol. 10, no. 8, 2021, pp. 1-10. As Olimpíadas e as Paralimpíadas são bem esperados por todos. É simplesmente o maior evento esportivo do mundo, que reúne milhares de atletas de centenas de países diferentes e foi completamente atingido pela pandemia da COVID-19. Ninguém contava que ações biológicas, SARS-CoV-2, poderiam modificar todo o cenárioesportivo mundial. Dessa maneira, o estudo se propôs discutir sobre política, biossegurança e a realização dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos. Apesar das campanhas de vacinação o mundo ainda não está livre da pandemia da COVID-19. Tóquio encontra-se em estado de emergência atualmente em vigor. Ao final dos Jogos, o que será mais impactante, o maior acesso à vacinação pelos países ricos, que devem deter o maior número de medalhas, ou as intervenções políticas por instituições que têm interesses comerciais em Tóquio 2020? READ MORE BUILDING THE LEGACY : BEYO ND 2020 Coordination Section, General Coordination Division, Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2021, 43 p. In 2021, Tokyo will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games for the second time. The pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented yearlong postponement of the Games, but the city is working hard to make the most of this invaluable “Plus One” opportunity to host an event that is safe and secure for all. Tokyo has implemented an impressive array of initiatives both tangible and intangible in preparation for the Games, using them as a springboard to push the city’s legacy forward and enrich the lives of its people for years to come. This document details those nine sustainable and development goals. READ MORE GUÍA DE REDACCIÓN : JUEGO S OLÍMPICO S TOKYO 2020 FundéuRAE. 2021, 106 p. Con motivo de los Juegos Olímpicos que se celebran en Tokio del 23 de julio al 8 de agosto del 2021, la FundéuRAE, con el apoyo de Bridgestone, ha elaborado una guía lingüística destinada a periodistas y medios de comunicación. En ella se recogen y se explican palabras relacionadas con este acontecimiento deportivo y con cada una de sus especialidades, con el objetivo de ofrecer consejos y claves de redacción para elaborar la cobertura informativa de esta cita Olímpica. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 11
New releases Issue 7-8 COMMERCIAL O PPORTUNITIES FOR PARTICIPANTS : ILLUSTRATIVE GUIDANCE FOR NON-OLYMPIC PARTNERS : RESCHEDULED OLYMPIC G AMES TOKYO 2020 - IN 2021 International Olympic Committee. 2021, 12 p. This document contains information on how non-Olympic partners can engage in and benefit from commercial activities around the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. This document supplements, and should be read in conjunction with the "Commercial opportunities for participants during the rescheduled Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (in 2021)". READ MORE COMMERCIAL O PPORTUNITIES FOR PARTICIPANTS DURING THE RESCHEDULED OLYMPIC G AMES TOKYO 2020 (IN 2021) International Olympic Committee. 2021, 9 p. This document sets out the key principles of use of participants’ images for advertising that are applicable to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, further to Bye-law 3 to Rule 40 of the Olympic charter. It seeks to clarify what is possible during the Games period and put participants in a better position to work with their sponsors in a manner consistent with their rights and responsibilities under the Athletes’ declaration and the Olympic charter. READ MORE IOC MARKETING : MEDIA G UIDE : O LYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020 International Olympic Committee. 2021, 60 p. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is entirely privately funded and therefore operates Olympic marketing programmes to attract commercial partners, which are crucial to the continued success of the Olympic Games and the operations of every organisation within the Olympic Movement. This guide provides medias with an overview of the IOC Olympic marketing policies, including broadcasting, Olympic partnerships, fan engagement, licensing and merchandise, and the Olympic brand. READ MORE MEDIA GUIDE : OLYMPIC G AMES TO KYO 2020 Olympic Broadcasting Services. 2021, 61 p. As host broadcaster of the Olympic Games, Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) acts as the storytellers of the Games, delivering the images and sounds that captivate billions of viewers worldwide. This media guide has been produced to provide an in-depth overview of who OBS is, what OBS does, and how OBS helps the rights holding broadcasters (RHBs) deliver the best coverage of the Games possible to their audiences, with a particular focus on its work for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 12
New releases Issue 7-8 OLYMPIC AGORA : PRESS KIT The Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage. 2021, 28 p. This press kit presents the “Olympic Agora”, a cultural hub to open ahead of Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, featuring a series of art installations, exhibitions and digital programmes celebrating Olympism. READ MORE SPO RT X MANG A : CELEBRATE TOKYO 2020 ONLINE AND AT THE OLYMPIC MUSEUM! : FROM 18.03 UNTIL 21.11.2021 : VISIT GUIDE The Olympic Museum, Culture and Education Programmes Unit. The Olympic Museum, 2021, 13 p. This visit guide is part of a set of documents for teachers to help them prepare for a visit to The Olympic Museum with their class. It presents the new temporary exhibition. It presents the various exhibition spaces devoted to the Olympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020 in 2021 and provides a summary of their content. To complete the visit of the exhibition, two multimedia workshops allow to approach the Olympic Games and Tokyo 2020 in a dynamic and participative way. In order to continue studying the theme of the exhibition, the “Experiencing & Discovering the Olympic Games: Special Tokyo 2020” kit provides an overview of this new edition of the Olympic Summer Games, as well as a set of activities to carry out in class. EXISTS ALSO IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE SUSTAINABILITY PRE-GAMES REPORT : TO KYO 2020 The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, 2020-2021 This report is intended to give readers a complete picture of the sustainability of the Tokyo 2020 Games. It details activities related to operational readiness, and places the Games within the context of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement and global trends. It covers a wide variety of topics, an indication of the comprehensiveness of our endeavours, the breadth of our partnerships, and the size of our collective impact. The update, published in June 2021, highlights three priorities: ensuring the safety of the Games vis-à-vis COVID-19, promoting gender equality and addressing climate change. It also highlights ways in which the Games organisation has been adapted to the unprecedented postponement. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 13
New releases Issue 7-8 TOKYO 2020 G UIDEBOOK The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 2017-2021. These guidebooks present all you need to know about the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. It contains a Games overview, a list of the Olympic and Paralympic sports, information on the venues, and evokes the questions of legacy, volunteers and participation programmes. They are updated regularly. EXISTS ALSO IN JAPANESE VERSION. READ MORE TOKYO 2020 LEG ACY REPORTING FRAMEWORK : CASE STUDIES The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 2021, 264 p. The Tokyo 2020 Games have been postponed one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to lead the Games to success, the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games collaborated with related organizations and implement necessary measures against infection diseases, including the establishment of an environment from athletes’ entry into Japan and departing from Japan and awareness-raising on behavioral patterns based on basic rules. In addition, in order to ensure the safety and security of all visitors to the Tokyo 2020 Games, the OCOG identified the risks from the perspectives of infection diseases control, security measures, cybersecurity, and disaster response, formulate guidelines for handling various situations and conduct practical training. In addition, they established a crisis management system for safety and security that unites public and private sectors by strengthening cooperation with related organizations such as the national government and the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee and clarifying the division of roles. Also, the City Operation Center was set up during the Games to support smooth Games operation and alleviate the impact on the life of Tokyo residents. This report presents all these elements. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 14
New releases Issue 7-8 I N T E R N AT I O N A L F E D E R AT I O N S G U I D E S | G U I D E S D E S F É D É R AT I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L E S FE I FEI REGULATIONS FO R EQUESTRIAN EVENTS AT THE O LYMPIC G AMES : TOKYO 2020 Fédération Equestre Internationale. 2021, 72 p. This publication from the Fédération Equestre Internationale provides all the regulations for equestrian events at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE MEDIA TOOLKIT : TO KYO 2020 : G AMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD FEI. 2021, 33 p. This toolkit, published by the Fédération Equestre Internationale, provides information about equestrian at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, such as : the venues, the competition schedule, facts and figures, etc. READ MORE FI B A 3X3 MEDIA G UIDE : TOKYO 2020 FIBA. 2021, 62 p. This official publication of the International Basketball Federation, presents all the teams participating at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games new competition, the 3x3 basketball tournament (women and men), including statistics. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 15
New releases Issue 7-8 MEN'S BASKETBALL OLYMPIC TOURNAMENT MEDIA GUIDE : TOKYO 2020 FIBA. 2021, 105 p. This official publication of the Fédération Internationale de Basketball presents all the men's teams participating at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games basketball tournament, including statistics. READ MORE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL OLYMPIC TOURNAMENT MEDIA GUIDE : TOKYO 2020 FIBA. 2021, 105 p. This official publication of the Fédération Internationale de Basketball presents all the women's teams participating at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games basketball tournament, including statistics. READ MORE FI E FENCING PRESS KIT : TOKYO 2020 : TO KYO LOVES FENCING International Fencing Federation. 2021, 19 p. This press kit, published by the International Fencing Federation, provides information about the Olympic history of fencing. It also contains information about fencing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, such as : the venue, the events, the competitions, the athletes and the officials. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 16
New releases Issue 7-8 ICF MEDIA GUIDE - CANO E SLALO M : CANO E SLALOM AT THE KASAI CANO E SLALO M CENTRE, JULY 25- 30, 2021 International Canoe Federation. 2021, 24 p. This publication from the International Canoe Federation provides all the information related to the athletes selected for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo and all the information about the canoeing competitions. READ MORE IG F IGF OLYMPIC GO LF REGULATIONS : GAMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD - TOKYO 2020 International Golf Federation. 2021, 90 p. This publication from the International Golf Federation references all the regulations that are related to golf competitions for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE IGF OLYMPIC GO LF REGULATIONS : ADDENDUM COVID- 19 International Golf Federation. 2021, 4 p. This publication provides all covid-19 related regulations for the golf competitions at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 17
New releases Issue 7-8 IHF TOKYO 2020 MEDIA KIT : TO KYO 2020 HOCKEY INVITES International Hockey Federation. 2021, 74 p. This media kit, published by the International Hockey Federation, provides information about the Olympic history of hockey. It also contains information about hockey at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, such as : the venue, the events, the competitions, the athletes and the officials. READ MORE IO C BO XI NG TA S K F O RC E IOC BO XING TASK FO RCE : MEDIA GUIDE : OLYMPIC G AMES TOKYO 2020 IOC Boxing Task Force. 2021, 60 p. The IOC Boxing Task Force (BTF) was created by the IOC Executive Board in June 2019. This was in line with the decision at the 134th IOC Session to keep boxing on the sports programme for Tokyo 2020, but to suspend IOC recognition of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) due to concerns over finance, governance, ethics, and refereeing and judging. The IOC Executive Board gave the BTF the mandate to organise and deliver the Olympic boxing qualifying events and the Olympic boxing tournament at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. This document details the achievements of the BTF. READ MORE ITTF TOKYO 2020 O LYMPIC GAMES TABLE TENNIS MEDIA GUIDE : 24TH JULY - 6TH AUG UST 2021 : TOKYO METROPO LITAN G AMNASIUM International Table Tennis Federation. 2021, 59 p. This media guide, published by the International Table Tennis Federation, offers a general overview of the history of table tennis (facts and figures), biographies of competitors and schedule of the competitions at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 18
New releases Issue 7-8 ITF OLYMPIC TENNIS EVENT TOKYO 2020 : REGULATIO NS International Tennis Federation. 2021, 66 p. Published by the International Tennis Federation in accordance with the International Olympic Committee, these regulations cover the 2020 Olympic tennis event in Tokyo, Japan. This document contains the regulations on: the Olympic tennis event, the competitors, the competition and the technical organization. READ MORE UI P M MODERN PENTATHLO N AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES TOKYO 2020 : 05-07 AUGUST 2021 UIPM World Pentathlon. 2021, 42 p. This publication from the UIPM World Pentathlon provides all the information linked to the history of pentathlon, the competition format for Tokyo 2020 and the athletes selected for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE WO RL D A TH L ETI C S ATHLETICS STATISTICS BOOK : G AMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD TO KYO 2020 World Athletics. 2021, 466 p. This document, published on the occasion of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, contains many facts and figures about athletics at the Olympic Games, from 1896 to 2016, such as: Olympic records, competing countries, medal tables, best national placings, results of all Olympic finals, etc. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 19
New releases Issue 7-8 WO RL D B A S E B A LL S O FT BA L L CO NF ED E R AT IO N TOKYO 2020 O LYMPIC GAMES MEDIA GUIDE : SOFTBALL 21-27 JULY : BASEBALL 28 JULY - 7 AUGUST World Baseball Softball Confederation. 2021, 81 p. This media guide, published by the World Baseball Softball Confederation, offers a general overview of the history of softball and baseball, including facts and figures. It also presents the schedule of the competitions and the teams participating at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE WO RL D RO W ING TOKYO 2020 WORLD ROWING MEDIA GUIDE : OLYMPIC RO WING REGATTA 23- 30 JULY 2021 : PARALYMPIC ROWING REG ATTA 27- 29 AUGUST 2021 World Rowing. 2021, 101 p. The World Rowing communications team has produced this media guide to help the journalists get the most out of their time covering the Olympic rowing regatta. It is packed with information about the sport of rowing and aims to aid those unfamiliar with this sport as well as those who are experienced rowing specialists. It provides information about rowing, the programme, the athletes and the best times. READ MORE WO RL D RU G B Y RUGBY SEVENS : MEDIA G UIDE : TO KYO 2020 World Rugby. 2021, 51 p. This media guide published by World Rugby, provides information and facts and figures about rugby sevens. It also presents the Olympic tournaments that will be held during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, including the programme and a description of each team participating (men and women). READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 20
New releases Issue 7-8 WO RL D TR I ATH LO N MEDIA GUIDE : TOKYO 2020 : BE YOUR EXTRAORDINARY World Triathlon. 2021, 155 p. This media guide published by the World Triathlon, provides information and facts and figures about the Olympic competitions of triathlon at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. It also presents each athlete taking part in the Olympic competitions in Tokyo 2020. READ MORE TEAM GUIDES | GUIDES D’ÉQUIPE AR G ENT IN A | A RG EN TIN E GUÍA OFICIAL DE LA DELEG ACIÓN ARG ENTINA : TOKYO 2020 Comité Olímpico Argentino. 2021, 1 vol. Guide of the Argentinian Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE AU S TR I A | A UT RI CH E OLYMPIC TEAM AUSTRIA : OLYMPIC GUIDE TOKIO 2020 : 23- 07. - 08.08.2021 Österreichisches Olympisches Comité, 2021, 135 p. Guide of the Austrian Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 21
New releases Issue 7-8 B E LG I UM | B E LG IQ U E PARALYMPIC TEAM BELGIUM GUIDE : TO KYO 24 AUG. - 5 SEPT. Belgian Paralympic Committee. 2021, 55 p. Guide of the Belgian Paralympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE TEAM BELGIUM : OLYMPIC G AMES TOKYO 2020 BOIC, 2021, 27 p. Guide of the Belgian Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE BR A ZI L | BR É S IL TEAM BRAZIL GUIDE : OLYMPIC G AMES TO KYO 2020 Comitê Olímpico do Brasil. 2021, 1 vol. Guide of the Brazilian Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 22
New releases Issue 7-8 CRO AT I A | C RO AT IE HRVATSKA OLIMPIJ SKA DELEGACIJA : TO KYO 2020 : 23. SRPNJA - 8. KOLOVOZA 2021 Hrvatski Olimpijski Odbor. 2021, 66 p. Guide of the Croatian Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE CZ EC H R E PU B LI C | R É PU B LI Q U E TC H ÈQ U E CZECH TEAM : TO KYO 2020 Czech Olympic Committee. 2021, 390 p. Guide of the Czech Republic Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE FIN L AN D | F IN L AN D E KISAO PAS : TOKION KESÄOLYMPIALAISET 23.7. - 8-8-2021 Toimitus Urheilumuseon Tietopalvelu. Suomen Olympiakomitea, 2021, 126 p. This guide starts with general information about Japan and Tokyo. Then, the main part of the publication is dedicated to each Olympic sports, with very detailed facts and figures regarding the participation of Finnish athletes at the Olympic Summer Games, from 1896 to 2016. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 23
New releases Issue 7-8 TEAM FINLAND : G AMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD TOKYO 2020 Sports Museum of Finland. Finish Olympic Committee, 2021, 65 p. Guide of the Finnish Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE FR AN C E GUIDE DE L'ATHLÈTES ET DE LA DÉLÉG ATION FRANÇAISE : J EUX O LYMPIQUES DE TO KYO 23 JUILLET - 8 AO ÛT 2021 : NO US SO MMES L'ÉQUIPE DE FRANCE CNOSF. 2021, 65 p. Cette publication est destinée aux athlètes français participants aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020. Elle contient entre autres les chapitres suivants : tenues officielles, images des participants aux Jeux Olympiques, COVID-19, médical, protéger contre le harcèlement et les abus dans le sport, les règles des Jeux, droits et recours, informations sur le Japon, retour de Tokyo. READ MORE GUIDE DE L'ÉQUIPE DE FRANCE : JEUX OLYMPIQ UES DE TO KYO 23 JUILLET - 8 AO ÛT 2021 : NOUS SOMMES L'ÉQ UIPE DE FRANCE CNOSF. 2021, 425 p. Guide de l'équipe de France Olympique qui a participé aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 24
New releases Issue 7-8 G R E AT B RIT A IN | G R AN D E B R ET AG NE TEAM G B HANDBOO K : TOKYO 2020 OLYMPIC GAMES : JULY 23 - AUGUST 08 British Olympic Association. 2021, 194 p. Guide of the British Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE G R E EC E | G R ÈC E HELLENIC OLYMPIC TEAM : XXXII O LYMPIC GAMES 2020 : TO KYO - JAPAN 23 JULY - 8 AUGUST 2021 Hellenic Olympic Committee. 2021, 126 p. Guide of the Hellenic Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE IR E L AN D | I RL A ND E TEAM IRELAND : GUIDE TO TO KYO 2020 Olympic Federation of Ireland. 2021, 1 vol. Guide of the Irish Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 25
New releases Issue 7-8 MO R O C CO | MA RO C DÉLÉG ATION MAROCAINE POUR LES J EUX OLYMPIQ UES DE TO KYO 2020 : GUIDE D'INFORMATIO N Comité National Olympique Marocain. 2021, 125 p. Guide de la délégation Olympique marocaine qui a pris part aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020. READ MORE PO L AN D | PO L O G N E POLSKA REPREZENTACJA OLIMPIJSKA : IGRZYSKA XXXII OLIMPIADY TOKIO 2020 2021, 1 vol. Guide of the Polish Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE PO RTU G A L EQUIPA PO RTUGAL : JOGOS OLÌMPICOS TÓQUIO 2020 : 23 DE JULHO A 08 DE AGO STO DE 2021 TÓQUIO (JAPÃO) Comité Olìmpico de Portugal. 2021, 132 p. Guia da delegação olímpica portuguesa que participou nos Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio 2020. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 26
New releases Issue 7-8 S W ED E N | SU È D E SWEDISH OLYMPIC TEAM : MEDIA GUIDE TOKYO 2020 Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté. 2021, 72 p. Guide of the Swedish Olympic team that took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE V EN E ZU E L A GUÍA DE MEDIO S : TO KYO 2020 : DELEG ACIÓN VENEZUELA EN JUEG OS OLÍMPICO S TOKYO 2020 Comité Olímpico Venezolano. 2021, 73 p. Guide of the Venezuelan Olympic team who took part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. READ MORE 2.2.4 RIO 2016 O FINANCIAMENTO FEDERAL DO ESPORTE DE Article ALTO RENDIMENTO NO CICLO OLÍMPICO E PARALÍMPICO RIO 2016 Fernando Henrique Silva Carneiro… [et al.]. In: Revista brasileira de ciências do esporte, 2021, vol. 43, e031919, pp. 1-8. O objetivo foi analisar o financiamento e o gasto público federal do Esporte de Alto Rendimento (EAR) no Ciclo Rio 2016. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, a partir da análise dos documentos coletados no Portal Transparência no Esporte e no Portal da Legislação do Governo Federal. No Ciclo Rio 2016, o Governo Federal criou diferentes dispositivos políticos e legais que buscaram alçar o Brasil à potência esportiva; eles refletiram diretamente sobre o financiamento federal do EAR. Os principais recursos do EAR do Ciclo Rio 2016 foram de patrocínio das estatais federais, concursos prognósticos e loterias para entidades esportivas, Lei de Incentivo ao Esporte e recursos do Ministério do Esporte. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 27
New releases Issue 7-8 THE LEG ACY OF MEG A EVENTS : URBAN TRANSFORMATIO NS AND CITIZENSHIP IN RIO DE JANEIRO Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro... [et al.]. Springer, 2020, 192 p. This edited volume offers a critical reflection on the failed experiment to redevelop the city of Rio de Janeiro according to the neoliberal strategy of entrepreneurial urban governance and mercantile regulatory transformations, which were leveraged by mega-sporting events. The case of Rio de Janeiro is presented as an example of a failing global strategy for urban redevelopment, entrepreneurial urban governance and the realization of mega-events. This book aims to present the real and critical state of the legacies of such mega-events. It shows how instead of the promised economic redemption, Rio is experiencing a severe economic, political and social crisis, handling three observation perspectives: the first is the description of urban transformations and mega events, assessing the contradictions in the model for the intended urban development and taking into account historical factors both at local and national level; the second restricts on neighborhoods as case studies representing an ensign of a neoliberal urban transformation's results; the third links city and citizenship focusing tensions and inconsistencies and opening up a perspective on the importance of fostering the concept of citizenship, including actions, movements and initiatives that express the resistance and struggles around a possible new destination for Rio de Janeiro. READ MORE 2.2.5 LONDON 2012 | LONDRES 2012 BEYOND THE HO ST NATION: AN INVESTIG ATION Article OF TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECTS IN THE ‘HOMETO WNS’ OF CANADIAN ATHLETES WHO COMPETED AT THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES Luke Potwarka… [et al.]. In: European sport management quarterly, Ahead of print, 17 June 2021, pp. 1-20. Can evidence of trickle-down-effects be observed among youth living in the hometowns of Canadian athletes that competed and/or won medals at the London 2012 Olympic Games? For this study Leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) rates of male and female youth were extracted from the Canadian Community Health Survey (n > 1,000,000) for 110 health regions during the pre-Olympic (2009/2010), Olympic (2011/2012), and post-Olympic (2013/2014) year periods. The health regions were treated as panel units and, beyond Canadian athletes and medallists, the panel data analysis incorporated population size and previous Olympic hosting as control variables in the model. READ MORE (AVAILABLE ON SITE) The Olympic Studies Centre 28
New releases Issue 7-8 2.2.6 BEIJING 2008 CHINA'S 'CIVILO LYMPIC' PERFO RMANCES AND Article (RE)GAINED GLO BAL VISIBILITY: FANTASISING ABO UT A NEW BRAND CHINA THROUGH O LYMPIC PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Giovanna Puppin. In: Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie orientale, vol. 57, June 2021, pp. 475-501. This article investigates how China fantasised about itself and the Beijing 2008 Olympics through the award-winning TV public service announcements (PSAs) of the Beijing Opera Series, with a focus on visibility. By drawing on theories of the spectacle, the author performs a semiotic analysis of the most recurrent signs, organising them according to the main themes that emerge. The theatre stage – which represents the Olympic stage – is closely linked to China’s dream of owning the Games and its desire for global visibility. READ MORE 2.2.7 BARCELONA 1992 | BARCELONE 1992 25 DE JULIO DE 1992 : LA VUELTA AL MUNDO DE ESPAÑA Jordi Canal. Taurus, 2021, 255 p. Los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 92 fueron considerados por muchos los mejores de la historia, y pusieron fin a casi un siglo de retraimiento e invisibilidad de España. Los esfuerzos por reintegrar el país al mundo, el inicio del final de los gobiernos socialistas, la remodelación de Barcelona -y de Sevilla, con la Expo-, el dominio del pujolismo en Cataluña, sus grietas sociales y el camino al provincianismo, y, evidentemente, el propio desarrollo de este momento histórico a partir de los cinco personajes que presidían la tribuna principal del Estadio Olímpico de Montjuic (Maragall, Pujol, González, Samaranch y Juan Carlos I) forman parte del amplio mosaico que ofrece este volumen. MA 30020 The Olympic Studies Centre 29
New releases Issue 7-8 2.2.8 MEXICO 1968 IRISH JOURNALISTS AND THE 1968 MEXICO CITY Article OLYMPICS Stephen D. Allen. In: Studi irlandesi, a journal of Irish studies, vol. 11, 2021, pp. 91-108. This article examines how Irish journalists depicted Mexico City as a suitable host for the 1968 Olympic Games. Mexican elites believed the event would attract foreign investment and tourists but faced an uphill battle as many European observers criticized the city as undeserving. Irish journalists often presented images of Mexico that were impacted by Ireland’s own struggles of achieving sporting modernity and its sense of global importance as a white European nation. The image that emerged portrayed Mexico as rich in history and sporting infrastructure, but also mired in disorganization, superstition, and violence. These negative images may have propelled journalist and president of the Olympic Committee of Ireland, Lord Killanin, to the International Olympic Committee presidency. READ MORE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT INVO LVEMENT IN Article CALG ARY’S FAILED 1968 WINTER OLYMPIC BID Heather L. Dichter. In: The international journal of the history of sport, Ahead of print, 27 June 2021, pp. 1-21. In the early 1960s the Canadian government in Ottawa saw international events, including major sporting events, as a way to bolster Canada’s position globally. To support Calgary’s bid for the 1968 Olympic Winter Games, the Canadian federal government formed an interdepartmental committee to work with the Calgary Olympic Development Association to try to improve the Canadian city’s chance of winning the Olympic Games. The inclusion of sites within Banff National Park for some of the proposed competition venues required federal government involvement, but John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson’s governments became even more involved in the bid process than was typical at the time because of the importance with which they viewed the Olympic Games to their broader public diplomacy efforts. The extensive work to support Calgary’s (ultimately unsuccessful) 1968 Olympic Winter Games bid foreshadowed the importance of federal government involvement in the bidding stages and not just their involvement in the organizing of the Olympic Games themselves. The Olympic Studies Centre 30
New releases Issue 7-8 2.2.9 TOKYO 1964 [KINKYUJITAI] : [TO KYO 1964] Shinichi Fuma. Mizuki Shorin, 2021, 301 p. This book relates the events leading up to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo 1964 (political instabilities in Asia, troubles with the torch relay, boycott by Indonesia, North Korea, Cholera outbreak near Tokyo, heavy rain on the eve of the opening ceremony, etc.). Japanese version. MA 29984 2.3 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES | JEUX OLYMPIQUES D’HIVER 2.3.1 BEIJING 2022 LEG ACY REPO RT OF OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER G AMES : BEIJING 2022 ( PRE-GAMES) Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2021, 108 p. Prepared according to IOC's requirements, this is an annual legacy report for the year of 2020 which summarizes and highlights all essential legacy outcomes and achievements since Beijing's successful candidature in 2015. READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 31
New releases Issue 7-8 2.3.2 SOCHI 2014 | SOTCHI 2014 SECURITY OF THE 2014 WINTER OLYMPICS IN Article SOCHI Adam Radomyski. In: Safety & defense, vol. 7, no. 1, June 2021, pp. 93-106. Given the fact that major sporting events such as the Olympic Games attract attention all over the world, the aspect of their security has become even more important, especially after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Organizers of this type of mass sports event treat the issue of safety as top priority. The paper examines the empirical data from scientific publications, press releases and formal government documents that pertain to Russia's preparation to properly secure the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics in terms of security. The aim of this article was to identify the threats to the Winter Olympics in Sochi and to characterize the security system organized by Russia against this background. READ MORE 2 . 3 . 3 VA N C O U V E R 2 0 1 0 HOSTING THE 2010 VANCOUVER O LYMPIC GAMES Article AND WELLBEING AMO NG CANADIAN YOUTH Georgia Teare… [et al.]. In: European sport management quarterly, Ahead of print, 18 June 2021, pp. 1-22. Although research traction is increasing, intangible social impacts are still difficult to measure and relatively under-researched compared to their tangible economic counterparts. Thus, the current study examines the question: what were the associations between hosting the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, social wellbeing (i.e. sense of belonging), and subjective wellbeing (i.e. life satisfaction) among Canadian youth? READ MORE The Olympic Studies Centre 32
New releases Issue 7-8 2.4 SUSTAINABILITY AND LEGACY | DURABILITÉ ET HÉRITAGE CAN INTERNATIONAL SPO RTS MEGA EVENTS BE Article CONSIDERED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY INTERVENTIONS? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF LARGE- SCALE POPULATION STUDIES Michael Annear… [et al.]. In: Sport in society: cultures, commerce, media, politics, Ahead of print, 2 August 2021, pp. 1- 18. Amidst ongoing debate about the viability of physical activity legacies associated with hosting international sports mega events, this systematic review explores quantitative evidence from population studies that utilize repeated measures. This review is guided by the PRISMA protocol and includes article quality evaluation techniques from health intervention research. READ MORE (AVAILABLE ON SITE) AN EVIDENCE-BASED ASSESSMENT OF THE Article IMPACT OF THE OLYMPIC G AMES ON POPULATION LEVELS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Adrian E. Bauman… [et al.]. In: The lancet, vol. 398, no. 10298, 31 July–6 August 2021, pp. 456-464. Pre-Olympic Games predictions commonly include an increase in population-based physical activity in the host city, as often stated in the bid, but the post-Olympic Games effects on physical activity have not been summarised. In this paper, the authors aim to do the following: examine mentions of a physical activity legacy in pre-Olympic bid documentation; analyse existing physical activity surveillance data collected before, during, and after the Olympic Games in hosting areas around the world; and evaluate Google Trends data surrounding the London 2012 Olympic Games as a case study of community interest in the topic of exercise during the time of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Studies Centre 33
New releases Issue 7-8 URBANIZATION EFFECT OF MEGA SPORTING Article EVENTS USING SENTINEL- 2 SATELLITE IMAGES: THE CASE OF THE PYEONGCHANG O LYMPICS Jinwoo Doa, Sangho Ahnb, Juyoung Kang. In: Sustainable cities and society, vol. 74, November 2021, 103158. This study attempts to understand the impact of mega sporting events on local economies by identifying and comparing the urbanization and economic effects of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. However, for an accurate evaluation of the effects of hosting the Winter Olympics, it is necessary to consider not only the ripple effect on the local economy but also the increased potential for urban growth from the expansion of social overhead capital. This study calculates the urbanization index and land cover ratio using Sentinel-2 satellite images to examine the urbanization from infrastructure construction for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. It additionally analyzes the changes in land price and tax revenue during this period to understand the economic effects of the Olympics, and verifies the correlation between urbanization and economic indicators. The study is unique in that it analyzes the impact of a national event on local communities using satellite image data and presents a comprehensive methodology to understand urban sustainability by monitoring urban changes. WHO BENEFITTED FROM THE PYEONGCHANG Article OLYMPIC ANNOUNCEMENT? EVIDENCE FROM THE SOUTH KOREAN STO CK MARKET Ted Hayduk, III. In: Journal of sports economics, Ahead of print, July 2021. Understanding the market effects of Olympic host announcements is popular in academic research. Contrary to prior studies, announcing PyeongChang as the 2018 host had a positive effect on South Korea's Stock Market, with conservative estimates suggesting a peak of +3.8% during the 15 trading days post announcement (an increase equivalent to $34.962 billion). The degree to which firms benefitted varied by industry and lifecycle stage. Older and lower-growth financial and information technology firms saw larger abnormal returns compared to other firms. These findings suggest that academics and investors pay greater attention to idiosyncratic price adjustments to systematic market shocks. The Olympic Studies Centre 34
New releases Issue 7-8 CURRENT TRENDS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF Article SPO RTS INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL O LYMPIC MOVEMENT Vladimir Kalmanovich… [et al.]. In: E3S Web of Conferences 274, vol. 274, 2021, 2nd International Scientific Conference on Socio-Technical Construction and Civil Engineering (STCCE – 2021), 09004, pp. 1-7. The study aims to assess current trends in the construction of sports infrastructure, considering the development and improvement vectors of the Olympic Movement. READ MORE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND O LYMPIC Article GAMES: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW Eduardo Russo, Ariane Roder Figueira. In: Journal of convention & event tourism, Ahead of print, 12 July 2021. Motivated by the urban transformations observed in cities that hosted the Olympic Games in the recent years, this article aims to map and analyze the scientific publications that linked mega sporting events to foreign direct investment in different times and realities in order to understand the positive and negative impact that such a conjuncture causes on the business environment with different challenges and opportunities for the companies located in these regions. The authors believe that although the Olympic Games were chosen to represent this study, its results and propositions can be applied to other mega event contexts occurring in either developed or emerging locations. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF MASS SPORT Article PARTICIPATION LEG ACIES FRO M LARG E-SCALE SPO RT EVENTS: A CO NCEPTUAL PAPER Alana Thomson, Kristine Toohey, Simon Darcy. In: Journal of sport management, Ahead of print, 31 December 2021. In this conceptual paper, the authors explore, through a political economy lens, differences between the political economies of sports and sport events pertaining to mass sport participation legacies. The authors focus on the mesolevel and consider how divergences in political economy elements—structure and context, stakeholders and ideas/incentives, and bargaining processes—influence the likelihood of mass sport participation legacies from large-scale sport events. The authors suggest a need for event legacy stakeholders to engage more meaningfully with the complexities surrounding securing mass sport participation legacies. In addition, they provide pragmatic, actionable implications for policy and practice to assist stakeholders in addressing the challenges they face to maximize legacy outcomes. The Olympic Studies Centre 35
New releases Issue 7-8 SUSTAINABLE SOURCING GUIDELINES FOR BRANDING AND SIGNAGE MATERIALS International Olympic Committee. 2021, 10 p. These guidelines are a joint publication by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and The Ocean Race. They are intended to be used by professionals in charge of designing and procuring branding and signage materials for events. The content can be used, for example, to brief suppliers or to define sustainability requirements in calls for tenders or in contractual agreements. The guidelines have been developed using the detailed information contained in the “Environmental impact evaluation of branding and signage materials for events” IOC-UEFA report, and in consultation with a group of event organisers and signage specialists coordinated by The Ocean Race. READ MORE SPO RT AND ENVIRO NMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY : RESEARCH AND STRATEGIC MANAG EMENT Greg Dingle... [et al.]. Routledge, 2021, 278 p. Drawing on recent work in sport studies, business and management, health, science, and law, this book offers a critical examination of the latest published research on sport and environmental sustainability. It examines how strategic management, policy and education influence the relationship between sport and the natural environment, and how the transmission and advancement of knowledge via research journals can, and should, have an impact on policy and practice. Covering sport at all levels, from professional to non-profit, and across all sectors of sport management, from marketing and events to facilities and communications, "Sport and environmental sustainability" makes a powerful argument for an awareness of, and need for, environmental sustainability in sport. Chapters outline the research and methods used, expose gaps in the literature and encourage opportunities for future inter-disciplinary research. Topics include sport and climate change, sport and safeguarding air and water quality, education for sustainability, and sport policy. This is an invaluable resource for researchers in sport and environmental sustainability, and academics working in sport management, business, recreation and leisure studies, and sustainability programs, as well as sport policymakers, and industry practitioners. MA 30013 The Olympic Studies Centre 36
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