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A French Experience of Smart Cities Les villes intelligentes : expériences françaises /// L’Association des Maires de Grandes Villes /// VIVAPOLIS est la marque ombrelle visant de France (AMGVF), créée en 1974, est une à fédérer les acteurs français – publics et pri- association pluripolitique qui regroupe 92 vés – qui veulent promouvoir, à l’international, villes et intercommunalités. Elle pour objectif une ambition partagée d’un développement de promouvoir la dimension urbaine dans la urbain durable. Cette démarche est collective- société française en lien avec les institutions ment développée et soutenue par les pouvoirs Novembre 2015 - Graphisme : Bertrand Dubois (bertrandd.ultra-book.com) européennes voire internationales. Espace de publics français et par des fédérations profes- dialogue et d’échanges, elle fait entendre sa sionnelles du secteur privé. voix sur les principales décisions publiques. contact@vivapolis.com Au 1er janvier 2016, l’AMGVF fusionne avec www.vivapolis.fr l’ACUF pour donner naissance à une association unique représentant les élus urbains. /// VIVAPOLIS is the collective brand that feder- http://grandesvilles.org/ ates and promotes abroad the french players – both public and private – in the field of sustaina- /// The French Association of Large-City Mayors ble cities. This approach is collectively supported (AMGVF) was founded in 1974. It is a pluripolitical by the government and by private sector repre- association that federates 92 cities and city group- sentatives. ings. It aims at promoting the urban dimension contact@vivapolis.com in French society, with a keen interest in the Euro- www.vivapolis.com pean and international institutions. The AMGVF is a place for dialogue and exchanges, with a view to be heard on all main public decisions. As of the 1st of January 2016, the AMGVF grows up to better represent all urban elected representatives. http://grandesvilles.org/
INTRODUCTION T he introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into urban territories paves the L’ introduction des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’espace urbain ouvre la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités, de nouvelles manières way for new functionalities and new ways of managing, governing and experiencing cities. Today, projects are emerging in France which demonstrate the interest cities de gérer, de gouverner et de vivre la ville. Des projets have in these new systems. But they are also proof of the se développent aujourd’hui en France qui témoignent dynamism and expertise that French companies have de l’intérêt des villes pour ces nouveaux dispositifs mais developed in recent years. aussi du dynamisme et de l’expertise des entreprises There is not one single pattern of a smart city. Each city françaises. implements the proposed projects according to its local S’il n’existe pas de modèle de la ville intelligente, chaque context, its own needs, priorities, resources and above all ville développant ses projets en fonction du contexte in conjunction with its visions for the future. Nevertheless, local, de ses besoins, de ses priorités, de ses ressources one can point out two main characteristics. On one hand, et surtout de la vision qu’elle a de son devenir, deux implementing ICTs enables a systemic approach which caractéristiques principales se dégagent. D’une part goes beyond traditional silos approaches (energy, build- les technologies de l’information et de la communi- ing,transport, street lighting, streets..). Data sharing, syn- cation favorisent une approche systémique de la ville ergies between infrastructure networks favour integration dépassant les approches traditionnelles par silos (éner- between different components or urban management, gie, bâtiment, transport, éclairage public, voirie…). La optimizing city management and a better delivery of mutualisation des données, l’intégration des réseaux et urban services; on the other hand, these systems place the des flux permettent d’optimiser la gestion urbaine et users at the very core of the projects. Consciously or not, d’améliorer la qualité des services rendus aux usagers. citizens become providers of data, enabling bottom-up D’autre part, elles mettent l’usager au cœur des dispo- approaches and promoting shared governance. sitifs. Consciemment ou non, l’individu devient produc- Althought ICTs are a strong component; the future of smart teur de données, favorisant ainsi les approches « bottom cities relies on the ability of each city to become smart, by up » et des modes de gouvernance plus participatifs. experiencing new forms of governance, by favouring the Pour autant, l’avenir de la « smart city » n’est pas lié aux adoption of new systems by users, by identifying viable technologies mais à la capacité qu’aura la ville de deve- economic models which will support its development, and nir intelligente en mettant en place de nouvelles formes by controlling the use of data. Above all, the term smart de gouvernance, en favorisant l’appropriation par les city refers to the smartness of its city makers. usagers de ces nouveaux dispositifs , en identifiant des modèles économiques viables et en contrôlant l’usage qui sera fait des données. La ville intelligente c’est d’abord et avant tout l’intelligence de ceux qui font la ville. /// Smart cities are liveable and sustainable cities based on integrated management and shared governance that may be /// Les villes intelligentes sont added by ICTs. des villes vivables et durables, fondées sur une gestion intégrée et une gouvernance partagée que facilite le déploiement des technologies de l’information et de la communication.
Villes et entreprises ensemble au service de la ville intelligente L e numérique bouleverse en profondeur la manière dont nous administrons nos villes, la manière dont nous communiquons avec nos concitoyens, la manière, Cities and companies together for the smart city aussi, dont nous rêvons la ville de demain. T Outil d’aménagement du territoire comme de he digital revolution deeply unsettles the way we l’amélioration du service rendu au citoyen, le numérique administer our cities. It challenges the way we interact nous permet en effet de développer la smart city with our fellow citizens, and overthrows the way we d’aujourd’hui, où se croisent réseaux électriques dreamt tomorrow’s city. intelligents, projets de rénovation énergétique et contrôle des consommations, mais aussi celle de The digitalization of our world is a tool for urban planning demain, quand le citoyen sera beaucoup plus impliqué as well as a way to improve the service offered to our dans la définition des politiques publiques pour inhabitants. It allows us to develop today’s smart city, imaginer avec les pouvoirs publics et les entreprises les when smart electrical networks –smart grids– interact composantes de leur ville. with energetic renovation projects and a better control of our energy consumption, and it paves the way for Au-delà de la propriété, l’usage sera au cœur de toutes tomorrow’s city, when citizens will be much more involved les interactions entre ces trois acteurs : les données in the making of public policies so as to imagine, together de tous et de tout devront être maîtrisées, certes pour with local authorities and private companies, the many optimiser la gestion de la ville, mais aussi et peut-être components of their city. surtout pour que les citoyens puissent choisir ce qu’ils en font. Use, rather than property, will be at the heart of all interactions between these three partners: everybody’s L’Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France data and everything’s data will have to be monitored not (AMGVF) est moteur de la réflexion actuelle sur ce rôle only to optimize the management of the city, but also, croisé des entreprises et des villes au service des citoyens more importantly, so that the citizens may choose what qui les habitent. Elle est fière de pouvoir montrer ici la they do with it. diversité et l’originalité des solutions mises en œuvre dans les grandes villes de France, dans une démarche The French Association of Large-City Mayors is a leader in qui intègre les décideurs politiques et les entreprises the current reflection on the crossed role of local authorities de toutes tailles, du grand groupe mondial à la start- and private companies at the service of the citizens. The up. De la mobilité à la maîtrise des consommations mayors of France’s larger cities are proud to showcase en passant par l’information des citoyens, nombreux the diversity and the originality of the solutions they have sont les thèmes abordés et diverses sont les idées et implemented in their cities, in a process that binds the leurs concrétisations que mettent en avant nos villes public decision to companies of all sizes, world-leading et leurs partenaires. Dans le monde interconnecté que groups and startups together. Transport and mobility, nous voyons se développer autour de nous, ils sont une control of energy consumption, citizen information and illustration française de l’excellence et de l’exemplarité decision part taking are but a few of the themes brought que nos villes peuvent offrir à leurs homologues forward by our cities and their partners. In our emerging internationales. connected world, they are an exemplary demonstration of French excellence. Jean-Luc Moudenc Maire de Toulouse Jean-Luc Moudenc Président de l’AMGVF Mayor of Toulouse President of the French Association of Large-City Mayors
Les villes intelligentes : un enjeu en France et à l’international L e numérique sera sans aucun doute au cœur de la transformation des villes du monde entier dans les prochaines décennies. Et pour cause, les possibilités offertes par son utilisation sont gigantesques ! De l’optimisation du pilotage des infrastructures urbaines Smart cities: à la facilitation de l’implication des citoyens dans le développement de la ville, les exemples ne manquent a challenge in France and abroad pas. Et les enjeux sont énormes tant en France qu’à l’étranger, en particulier dans les pays émergents qui vont concentrer l’essentiel de la croissance urbaine mondiale. W ithout a doubt, digital technologies will be at the heart of urban transformations worldwide in the next decades. Clearly, they announce great opportunities : from optimizing urban infrastructure management to Pour autant, l’engouement général autour de ces leveraging citizens empowerment, examples are easy technologies ne saurait faire oublier que leur utilisation to find. Stakes are major, in France as much as abroad. doit se faire au service des femmes et des hommes Developing countries, concentrating most of the global qui vivent la ville au quotidien, avec une réelle prise urban growth, have much to gain from a larger inclusion en compte des questions environnementales et of digital technologies in urban management. climatiques. Les solutions à déployer dépendent ainsi du contexte géographique, culturel, économique et Yet the general craze about digital technologies must doivent s’appuyer sur une gouvernance forte, associant not make us forget that they must first and foremost be l’ensemble des acteurs publics et privés. C’est dans cette used for women and men who live in cities, combined optique que Vivapolis, dans le cadre de sa mission de with a true concern for environmental and climatic promotion à l’international des savoir-faire français en issues. Finding relevant solutions to deploy then depends matière de développement urbain durable, entend on geographical, cultural and economical contexts. développer son action. Solid urban governance, associating both public and private players, is also key in developing an efficient and Cette publication, réalisée en partenariat avec l’AMGVF, inclusive approach to smart cities. Vivapolis, as part of présente des projets innovants et intégrés menés par its mission to promote French know-hows in the field of des villes françaises, accompagnées par des entreprises sustainable cities abroad, intends to develop its actions françaises de toutes tailles et de tous les secteurs, car in this perspective. pour être pertinents à l’international, les savoir-faire français doivent d’abord démontrer leur cohérence et This booklet, elaborated in partnership with the leur efficacité sur le territoire national ! association of France’s large cities mayors, presents innovating projects led by French cities, accompanied by Michèle PAPPALARDO French companies of all sizes and all sectors. In order to Fédératrice du « mieux vivre en ville » auprès du be relevant abroad, French players must first demonstrate secrétaire d’Etat au commerce extérieur et du ministre their efficiency on the national territory. des affaires étrangères, co-animatrice de Vivapolis Michèle PAPPALARDO Co-coordinator of Vivapolis, special delegate for sustainable cities for the French minister of foreign affairs and the minister of foreign trade
Grenoble Grenoble and its Metropolis: Working On Transition ! Wonderful and fragile, the Alps are the sentinels of Eu- Assets rope for climate deregulation. Situated in the heart of The Grenoble metropolis, which aggregates 49 towns mountains, Grenoble takes up the challenge of transition for a population of 450,000 inhabitants, boasts a and creates tomorrow’s liveable and sustainable city. strong capacity of scientific innovation: Grenoble is becoming a key-actor for transition at the Universities ranked among the best ones, especially European scale, mobilizing the whole of the territory’s in the scientific fields: Grenoble INP – 1st French engi- diverse assets. neering school ; Joseph Fourier University – 5th French university; Grenoble Management school – among the 25 best universities in Europe. The highest density of research jobs in France Various prices awarded with 25,000 researchers and with great national (CEA, to GRENOBLE CNRS…) and international (ESRF, ILL…) research centers. Quality of research in Grenoble made it possi- 2d city at the European competition ble for 5 researchers from Grenoble to win Nobel prices. I capital (2014) Two clusters: Tenerrdis (new energy) and Minalogic L eader of the French Championship (micro and nanotechnologies). In 2014 Grenoble has of Renewables Energies (2014) been certified French Tech through Digital Grenoble. 2d sustainable city of France (Terra Grenoble places its innovation skills at the service of éco, 2014) sustainable and solidary housing (ecocity and ecodis- Winner of « Rubans du tricts: Caserne de Bonne, Bouchayer-viallet, Presqu’île), développement durable » of social and educative action (organic food at school (2013/2015) for the ambitious cafeterias, « jeunes en montagne » program), of new and visionary politics « Grenoble modes of transport (tram, bike-friendly avenues, pedes- Facteur 4 » (2013) trianization, etc.) and of participatory democracy (par- Winner of national Label for ticipatory budgets, open data, etc.). both Eco-districts of Bonne and Bouchayer-Viallet (French Ministry The collective smartness of Territories and Housing Equality, 2013) Bolstered by its great tradition of anticipation and in- novation, Grenoble moves up another step today: to Planning project for the banks gather all talents that set Grenoble in motion, the city of the Isère river gets the jury’s special price during the competition develops its anticipation and sharing platform Greno- organized by the SNBPE Syndicate ble, City of tomorrow. (2013) Demographic evolution, energy transition, sustainable urban planning, « soft » modes of transport, new solidari- ties, citizen involvement, resource scarcity, digital boom:
in all promising fields, Grenoble takes on the challenge king and living together are getting invented. Working with confidence and collective smartness. Inhabitants, on transition means pushing good initiatives through a students, sportsmen, researchers, cultural, scientific and network aiming at the common good. economic partners, tomorrow’s Grenoble starts today to The world of yesterday has disappeared, the new world build itself, thanks to the energies of all! isn’t here yet and it’s now up to everyone, together, to It’s here, in cities, where more than half of the world po- pave the way! pulation now lives, that new ways of exchanging, wor- VivaCité a collaborative energy data management programme and tool dedicated to the Smart City Sponsored by GEG and Atos Worldgrid, VivaCité is a ground-breaking collaborative energy data management programme and tool in France, resulting from: 2015 © GEG, Département communication. Crédit photo : Fotolia. L’énergie est notre avenir. Économisons-la ! a joint building initiative between the city of Grenoble and Grenoble Alpes Métropole; the voluntary participation of the citizens of Grenoble. This integrated data platform based on real-time energy and water flows simplifies decision-taking and assessment of actions related to controlling consumption, and to energy management and planning in the territory. It features special interfaces for the city’s decision-makers, building managers and citizens. Between now and 2019, the aims will be to: integrate this platform in the geographical and energy information systems run by the city of Grenoble and Grenoble Alpes Métropole; make this data available in Open Data mode; envisage the possibility of incorporating data from other urban utilities. ABC Grenoble Habitat Bouygues Construction, Grenoble Habitat, Valode & Pistre architectes and the City of Grenoble are engaged in an experimental project to achieve a self sufficient building. The ABC concept aims to deploy uses and technologies permitting to achieve self-suffi- ciency in water and in energy of a building as well as to optimize waste management at the scale of a building or a neighborhood. It integrates new architectural and technical solutions, optimizes the building process, and introduces a vision based on “living better together” in harmony with the environment: sobriety, self-con- sumption, energy needs covered by renewable energies, improvement of waste sorting and recycling in situ, shared spac- es, accessibility for inhabitants, etc. The project is based on ambitious objectives and aims at self sufficiency levels, never before achieved in a context of collective housing in urban centres.
ISSY-les-moulineaux Issy: a smarty city at the gates of Paris Located in the south west of Paris, the city of Issy- les-Moulineaux is recognized for developing an ICT Key figures leading approach from the early 90’s. Following this strategy, the city shifted from a post industrial to a dig- 66,166 inhabitants (2014) ital-oriented city showing high indicators of wealth. 72,000 jobs (60% ICT related) 4,055 companies (40% ICT Thanks to an accurate economic development ap- related) proach, Issy hosts various innovative international 00% schools with fiber-optic or 1 groups such as Microsoft or Cisco, as well as many VNI access start-ups skilled on ICT, Internet-Of-Things and Robot- ics such as EMBIX, Aldebaran and Withings. 95% of households connected to internet Issy is a rare example of a city counting more jobs than 100% of household with fiber-optic citizens, 60% of the jobs being ICT-related. The city 150 Wi-Fi access points shows an internet penetration rate of 95% with a de- 10 twinned cities and 3 partners veloped ADSL and optical fiber network infrastructure cities covering 100% of buildings and a great number of in- novative services, from e-enrollment to electoral polls to smart phones applications for parking fees. As a consequence, Issy is one of the French Smartest Cities which leading role in digital innovation is inter- nationally recognized: it was endorsed in the “Top 7 Intelligent communities of the year” in 2007, 2009 and 2011 and its mayor was awarded “Visionary 2009” by the Intelligent Community Forum. In 2014, Issy was selected as one of the 15 smartest cities in Europe in a study published by the European commission and a Chinese ministry. Issy is also intensively involved in cooperation and experience sharing with other cities by participating to various innovative E.U. projects such as RADICAL, Open Transport Net and European Cloud Marketplace for Intelligent Mobility but also for its important twin- ing and partnership network.
IssyGrid® 1st French Smart Grids A milestone of Issy is the Digital Fort’s Eco-district, a new living space built on the location of an old fort. The Fort is now an innovative district combining technology (smart accommodations equipped with very high speed internet, intranet, sensors...), innovative environmental protection systems (geothermal energy, air-powered waste col- lection...), with 1,623 homes, 1,500 sqm of business, public leisure facilities (a nursery, 2 new scholar groups built in wood and straw, a brand new Feng Shui swimming pool....). The eco-district is connected to the IssyGrid® project, the very first district level EMBIX. smart grid in France. From 2012, this project was conducted through a public pri- Within IssyGrid®, EMBIX and its partners pro- vate partnership including big companies, SMEs and start-ups such as Bouygues, pose a multi-energy analysis centre. EMBIX Total, Microsoft, EDF, Alstom, Schneider Electric, Navidis, Sevil, IJenko and EMBIX integrated Urban Power™ solution acquires that collaborates with the City of Issy-les-Moulineaux and the Urban Community. real-time energy measurements from different sources which are used to do real time energy This system, both digital and environmental friendly, pursues three goals: monitoring. • consume better while including new uses of energy consumption such as At Fort d’Issy, EMBIX collects energy related electric vehicle charge; data from apartments and developed a tool to • better integrate local production of renewable energy; visualize energy consumption. • reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by avoiding energy consumption peaks. The grid manages the production of renewable energy but also its consumption and storage to ensure the best and smartest energy management at the district level. It aims to pave the way for tomorrow’s energy management. Thanks to last generation smart meters and the IT platform, it is now possible to analyze energy production and con- sumption within the district. Smart meters collect all the production and consumption data. This data is used to do real time monitoring and an analysis of usage in order to advice users. Working in close collaboration with the electricity dis- tribution network, this unique and smart system advices and encourages consumers, to consume at “the right time” and reduce energy consumption peaks. Smart street lighting was installed and an electric distribution station balances energy consumption, production and storage in connection with the regional office of the grid management agency. The battery storage solution is environmental friendly as it uses recycled batteries from electric vehicles. As a modern district loaded with history, the Fort digital paths were developed to allow everyone to discover the story of the place. The digital culture center “Le Temps Des Cerises” is the heart of the event where people discover Fort d’Issy history with the robot NAO as a tour guide, testing Google Glasses or through an interactive application with multimedia contents using augmented reality or 3D technology. Next step: Open data and smart mobility Following its innovative strategy, Issy is involved into Engie, Caisse des depot and Cisco which includes sever- Smart Mobility projects to develop new citizens-cen- al start ups as Be Park, Mapool, Citygoo, Opendatasoft, tered services. As the city is located in a highly frequent- Paybyphone... The project’s goal is to use digital technol- ed intersection of transports with an increase of traf- ogies to improve city travels especially with the further fic jam, a large use of public transports and a parking development of the “Grand Paris” project which aims at finding issue, it decided to invest in Smart Mobility and connecting better Paris with its suburbs and improving Open Data to face these challenges. The city started to local travels within the Parisian area. The consortium aims create an Open data portal as a source of information to develop a multimodal planner in order to allow its and a fuel for the development of applications. users to always find the best solution to move and park. In parallel, the city tests transports-related applications: Zenbus, a bus tracking application to follow the buses in Useful links real time; Pathtopark, an application predicting on avail- http://www.issy.com/ able street parking and ECIM, an application offering the https://data.issy.com/ possibility to display different transport-related informa- http://issygrid.com/ tion and pay for car park in a unique digital space. The city is now involved into the development and management of a new project, SO Mobility, as part of a public-private consortium managed by Bouygues, Colas,
LA Métropole de Lyon Well-being born of a Smart City To face the challenges posed by increasing urbaniza- Adopting new technologies tion, the Métropole de Lyon (1.3 million people) has to create a new urban experience created an ambitious, innovative Smart City program Technology, digital, and data are what fuel all our Smart to support and streamline the changes the city must City projects. The Métropole de Lyon is founded on the make while ensuring better quality of life for Lyon resi- belief that new technologies can reinvent the urban dents. This initiative helps key economic and innovation experience and create new ways of experiencing and entities foster the growth and reinvention of economic living in the city. growth sectors. By making people and innovation central to our Smart The program, buoyed by the involvement of a hundred City practices, the Métropole de Lyon is founded on community-supported private and public partners, en- everyone’s ability to become a local actor and provides compasses some forty projects focusing on the themes of the tools needed to discover, invent, suggest, test, and new mobility, digital services, energies-smart grids, water develop innovative solutions. management, and optimal conditions for innovation. With the city serving as a living lab, the Métropole de A leading-edge strategy Lyon encourages and supports innovation-centered Since January 1, 2015, the Métropole de Lyon has been projects (technological, use-oriented, organizational, embracing new capacities and facilities. Services for the economic) that generate lasting value for the area while elderly and persons with disabilities, health, employ- enhancing citizen well-being. ment, social inclusion, education, culture, and sports and recreation have become a part of the Smart City commitment. This expanded scope of action makes it The program foundations possible to form synergies between the social and sol- The local populations as the core of the strategy, idarity realms, urban issues and economics, making it benefitting directly from the program’s concrete pro- clearer than ever that citizens have a leading role in this jects; effort. Lyon is pursuing an approach firmly rooted in a comprehensive approach uniting all the city’s partnerships, relying on close public/private collabora- realms of expertise (urban, social, economic, transpor- tion. With projects that are both efficient and effective, tation, environment) and embodying its vision for the with innovation that truly serves the population, today’s territory; Lyon is a veritable playground for growing and living in- a collaborative project involving a variety of region- telligently and harmoniously. al public and private entities: businesses, citizens, aca- demic and institutional partners, and more; experimentation as a foundation of the innovation process. These experiments, performed under real-life conditions, make it possible to trial through actual use, test innovative solutions, and build new business models.
TUBÀ The new Urban Experimentation site celebrates its first anniversary The TUBÀ, which opened in November 2014 in the midst of the Lyon Part-Dieu district, is a unique testing ground for urban service uses that call upon or generate public and private digital data. It fosters innovation, incubation, and devel- opment of innovative projects for better city living in the future. /// Citizens made central to the city’s production system At the TUBÀ, the city’s citizens are an essential link in the creative process and are a key thread in the very fabric of the city. Feedback on product and service tests, along with their expressed requirements and desires, means that the new services being designed are tailored to user needs. /// Data: the TUBÀ’s raw material Every day, increasing amounts of data are produced. Mastering, processing, and translating these data form a formida- ble catalyst for growth. Creation of the TUBÀ is meeting this challenge by integrating the Métropole de Lyon’s innova- tive strategy on data: OpenData, user licenses, networking local actors, mixing public data from the data.grandlyon.fr data platform and private data from major groups – everything possible is done to nourish this promising ecosystem. /// TUBÀ: agility that benefits the region The TUBÀ is about agility. It is the perfect place to innovate, brainstorm, create, and co-design innovative products. Being centered on services to citizens, it provides a platform for exploring and testing product or service prototypes with and for urban users. /// TUBÀ: partners committed to building the city of tomorrow The TUBÀ supports its public and private partners working on designing and testing of the city of tomorrow. Brain- storming, dialogue, and the cross-pollination of skills and expertise between startups, SMEs, companies, major groups, institutions, and experts make it possible to combine, identify, and develop new urban services. Philippe Lagrange, Président of the TUBÀ TUBÀ is 1 year old! Deputy Director, General Management, Veolia France Opened in November 2014 765 visitors to the Lab In the face of digital, economic, and societal 35 events created challenges, we must explore collaborative forms of innovation in which startups and SMEs contribute new 56 delegation and company tours services, and large enterprises to help them expand and 53 startup meetings export abroad. Veolia has already had the opportunity 978 members in the TUBÀ to test new ideas, develop applications, and trial new community services at the TUBÀ, such as a service that helps control water, gas, and electricity costs in social housing. In 25 public and private partners partnership with Bouygues Immobilier and Sopra-Steria, involved in projects we’ll also be supporting and fast-tracking startups as they create new products and services for improving resi- dents’ well-being. These are truly collaborative innovations!
MONtpellier Méditerranée Métrople Montpellier Smart City: a global and sustainable approach What’s special about the Smart City concept as imple- Public and private investments, including more than mented by Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is the M€4 supplied by the City over a period of 3 years. scope of its development possibilities thanks to data linkage. Data from urban services which, until now were To support its strategy, Montpellier brings compartmentalised, is cross-referenced for the benefit of together complementary players: users, operators, businesses and the environment. To do Institutional: the city, the SERM planning authorities, this, Montpellier relies on the amazing innovation poten- the state, ADEME (the French Environment and Energy tial of its local economy, awarded the French Tech label Management Agency), and the CDC (Caisse des dépôts in 2014. This region is among the first to really try out the et consignations Entreprises). resilient smart city concept by building one of the few Eu- Operational: utilities operators. ropean projects with a global and sustainable approach. Research and innovation: Montpellier Universities, IDATE, Eau et Derbi competitivity hubs, and the French South Digital and SWELIA clusters. Smart City: Economic players: IBM, Transdev, Predict Services, the strategy of a pioneering region Synox, Cityway, Egis, Eseco Systems, Veolia, Tom Tom, Mecatran and M2OCity. For a long time, Montpellier has been famous for its cut- ting edge status, thanks especially to its BIC (Business Innovation Center), elected the best world incubator by Challenges for the city? the American NBIA association, and, according to the Advantages for citizens? UBI ranking index, the only French city to feature in the world’s TOP 10 best incubators. In this context, in-depth With this project, Montpellier has set some ambitious public/private and multiservices research and devel- goals, the first being to support economic growth by opment programmes started in 2012 resulting in the supplying companies with a full set of data for designing Smart City project, thus seeding the city of tomorrow. new services and for laying the foundations for lifestyle evolution. Furthermore, to test their innovations, the Montpellier came up with a methodology to City provides an outstanding environment for experi- promote synergies involving: mentation in the form of the Ecocité, a major develop- Research and development contracts, innovation ment site spanning 2,500 hectares from Montpellier to partnerships, Calls for Ideas and the Big Data Challenge, the sea. A common, overall view of this information that with a view to creating the necessary tools, knowledge, involves citizens must contribute to coordinating and services and technologies. optimising the different city services, with a view to A multiservices data exchange platform and an preserving natural resources and strengthening the Open Innovation approach to stimulate teamwork be- region’s appeal. tween decision-makers and start-ups.
Data convergence for innovation: building concept means that comfort and energy Convergence and data cross-referencing from consumption is optimised both in summer and winter. different sources (water, energy and risk management, In addition, heating and air-conditioning are over 80% mobility and transport, commerce, etc.) to give birth to renewable energy-based, while a portion of electricity new services and prospective potential. production is co-generated using wood. A distributed Processing and enriching this data for use by the smart system facilitates digital data exchange for city’s utilities operators, businesses and users. optimised energy and transport management for users. Promoting “open” innovation for developing break- In September 2015, building work also started in the through applications. Eurêka district. Spanning 40 hectares, this district will be connected, interdependent and sustainable and Breakthrough projects currently underway in two will comprise housing, businesses and shops. Its special pilot districts: feature revolves around making “Vital Ageing” a reality by Inaugurated in June 2015, the La Mantilla district is taking into account lifestyle changes, while overcoming one of the largest pilot sites (32,000 m2) including shops, the hydraulic problem and protecting biodiversity. See office space, housing and gardens. This ultra efficient you in 2018 for delivery of the first sites. Focus on experiments currently underway Currently, three major projects based on data gathered from the EcoCité site are in test phase: these projects involve transport and mobility, hydraulic network, as well as risk and emergency management. This research, experimenta- tion and coordination work will continue with a view to breathing life into new city services in the context of a call for ideas launched by the City and the State’s Big Data challenge. www.entreprendre-montpellier.com /// Risk management with Predict Predict proposes decision-making support services for managing hydro-meteorological risks such as flooding, storms, heavy snowfall or submersion due to rising sea-levels. Initially designed to meet the needs of towns and cities, the services have been adapted to provide at-risk businesses and citizens with solutions. Use of these new technologies via a smartphone application, means that warning services can be integrated into Smart City projects like the one in Montpellier. www.predictservices.com > La Vigie, nerve centre /// Connecting Objects with Synox Synox, a computing company specialised in the Internet of Things, is supporting cities in their transformation, by empowering them to receive and utilize large volumes of data. Actively involved in Smart City projects, Synox’s mission is to contribute to developing services using new technologies for interactive urban displays, dynamic car-sharing, remote energy management for buildings, connected parking, etc. www.synox-group.com > SoDRIVE, dynamic car-sharing /// Mobility with Cityway Cityway is a company dedicated to innovation serving mobility (information, sales and operational). For Montpellier, it has designed a smartphone-based itinerary calculator integrating all transport modes (public, car, bike hire and parking), as well as predictive information (including parking and self-service bike hire) – a real experimental break- through. This predictive multimodal GPS will be tested by 500 panellists at the end of 2015, with an impact study on behaviour. www.cityway.fr > SmartMoov, a predictive multimodal GPS application
Mulhouse “Wifilib”, matrix of the Smart City strategy of Mulhouse Mulhouse is the second largest city in Alsace after Stras- This is the purpose of the singular partnership in place bourg. It has a population of 115,000 at the centre of an since 2014 between the city of Mulhouse and the oper- urban conurbation of about 270,000 inhabitants. As a ator Afone. Together, they have deployed a free and border town between France, Germany (Baden-Würt- high-speed linear public Wi-Fi network. temberg) and Switzerland (Canton of Basel), she inherits a true entrepreneurial dynamism linked to the develop- ment of textile, chemical and mechanical industries. “Wifilib”, the first free and high-speed linear public Faced with the decline of these traditional industries, Wi-Fi network Mulhouse opted for an economic renaissance based on digital innovation and more extensive involvement of This Wi-Fi network works through the terminals which its citizens in the decision-making process. are connected to the digital network of the City. They Drawing up its Smart City strategy, Mulhouse aims to are established in dense urban areas (such as the his- use digital applications as a key-factor of the transfor- toric city centre, shopping streets, business parks, the mation of its internal organization but also of its flag- station, major tourist and cultural sites). Each terminal ship companies through the program “Campus Industry has a capacity of 300-500 connections simultaneously. 4.0”. Moreover, innovation should also act as a genu- Spaced 300 to 500 meters apart according to the type ine lever for inclusion to give all citizens easy access to of the field, they offer a network that allows the user to urban digital services. remain permanently connected and to receive an ongo- ing experience (unlike “hotspots” which allow only an intermittent connection with low Wi-Fi coverage). Connectivity, prerequisite for a Smart City Each user can log in by filling out his profile on Wifilib. com or through the downloaded application. This reg- The first challenge for a Smart City is, of course, connec- istration is only necessary for the first use. Upon sub- tivity. There is no digital service without an efficient tel- sequent login, the device automatically identifies and ecommunications network, accessible at low cost and connects to the “Wifilib” network in a transparent way. easy to use. The citizens have become mobile users: the The business model is original: the use of “Wifilib” is free growing rate of equipment and the increase in Smart- but the user receives information or advertising every phone apps and mobile services requires cities to multi- 30 minutes. If he does not want to receive advertising, ply Wi-Fi access points. he can subscribe for a cost between € 1.99 per day to Mulhouse has initiated an innovative approach: from € 3.99 per month. the use, testing the gradual deployment of a network with an operator who uses the city as a laboratory for experimentation, providing an Internet connection to as many people as possible by limiting the geograph- ical interruption.
2014/2015: Network deployment and testing phase their habits of connection. The processing of such data as well as data flows linked to the transport of informa- Officially launched on Sept. 22, 2014, “Wifilib” has tion type MtoM (parking, sound level meter, intelligent reached cruising speed with 9000 users and an aver- video), offers great opportunities for advertisers of the age of 30 new registrations per day; that means 1800 local advertising network that will be implemented soon. people online every day. The citizens of Mulhouse have “Wifilib” takes also part in a call for projects launched by adopted this device that is the integral part of all major Engie, which has developed in Mulhouse a real “dash- events organized by the City. Several communication board” of urban data named Cit’Ease. It offers startups campaigns to targeted audiences were organized, espe- to develop new urban services from these devices. cially during the traditional Christmas market which In addition to launching the local advertising network, attracts nearly a million visitors every year. 2016 will also be the year of the university “conquest”. Tourists are particularly targeted by “Wifilib”. The exist- After providing the university campus named “La Fond- ence of a free and good quality Wi-Fi network is a real erie”, “Wifilib” should be deployed on the larger campus asset because they can share photos and videos on of “Illberg” where a learning center should be installed social networks without paying roaming fees. This con- soon. The teaching sites are a natural part of the priv- tributes to giving enhanced international visibility to ileged partners for “Wifilib” which has developed a Mulhouse. “Wifischool” in view of the plan “Digital technology at In order to promote the existence of the network, infor- school.” Mulhouse experiments that device as part of a mation boards coupled with the application of mobility 100% connected school, equipped since October 2015, IRI (“Itineraries intelligent networks”) have been fitted where students and teachers have access to the Micro- on main points of presence of terminals. soft Education resources. Since the launch of this initiative in Mulhouse, several 2015/2016: the age of data and connected objects cities have chosen “Wifilib”, each with a specific eco- nomic model adapted to its territory. So we find now Over and above the obvious benefit for the user and for on the “Wifilib” map the cities of Angers, Nantes, Tou- the City (network deployed as part of an innovation part- louse, Strasbourg, Nice, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Paris, nership with controlled costs, possibility to grow local Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Reims and Amiens. And for each information), the existence of such a network allows also user, the advantage to benefit from automatic connec- a predictive approach of data collection to understand tion regardless of the city where the first registration is the behavior of citizens, their way of digital consumption, made. A good example of interoperability... Key figures Launch: September, 22, 2014 Number of users in 2015: 9,000 E very day: 30 new registrations, 1,800 people online Highlighting on events A potential of 2.5 million tourists
NANTES Nantes, the metropolis where anything is possible Nantes is a surprising city. It is a port city open to the Nantes’ version of the smart city outside world, blending cultural influences, drawing together the stakeholders in the knowledge economy Nantes’ version of the smart city is a team effort, ground- and encouraging social, economic and environmental ed in the values of equality and solidarity; innovation. it puts smart technologies to work for everyone. Nantes is the capital of France’s Grand Ouest region and stands out for its quality of life and its creativity. It was With its creative, multifaceted approach, Nantes uses among the first cities to invent innovative urban servic- digital technology to work towards a new, more collab- es and new forms of regional cooperation. orative organisation. Digital technology makes it easier for local stakeholders to network and cooperate. Nantes is striving to be a smart city in every sense of the term, a city where innovation –whether in technology, the Key facts economy or society– is everywhere, by everyone and for everyone. 600,000 inhabitants “ The loopiest city in France” Innovation and digital technology are helping to tackle according to the Sunday Times three of Nantes’ major challenges: Awarded the French Tech label To boost employment and support economic devel- opment. 1st French city to be elected European Green Capital in 2013 To enhance the city and make it easier. To amplify the energy and ecological transition. Fastest growing pool of digital jobs (2009-2014, excluding Paris) 20,861 jobs in the digital industry Nantes Métropole, ready to try new ideas in 2014 Nantes chairs Eurocities, Nantes’ project entails getting the business community, a network of 130 major European the voluntary sector, academics and the population to cities network and share ideas in order to foster innovation and come up with new solutions for the future. Nantes Métropole encourages productive friction by relying on the existing networks. By bringing together creatives, startuppers, makers, researchers and students in the same location, Nantes’ digital and creative ecosystem is helping to develop an urban area of a totally new kind with a very distinctive image on the international stage.
Three emblematic projects: Clinical care, research and higher education activities will all be located on the same site. This will make it pos- The Quartier de la Création creative district, launched sible to deliver the highest possible quality of service in 2011, is an ambitious brownfield redevelopment pro- and develop an excellence cluster for training, research ject designed to form a European excellence cluster in and business operations. the cultural and creative industries. In 2017, 26,000 m² of industrial wasteland will become a city within the city. The former Alstom workshops (the «Halles») will become An easy city home to a host of stakeholders: the Nantes Métropole École supérieure des Beaux Arts (fine arts school), #Nant- The city’s inhabitants are at the heart of Nantes’ smart esTech’s flagship headquarters, the university cluster ded- city project. Nantes Métropole wants to make new tech- icated to digital cultures, and a business centre extending nology and digital culture accessible for all of the city’s over more than 6,000 m2. The district is also intended to people by setting up efficient infrastructures and con- serve as a living lab for trying out new applications such ducting an educational and mediation programme for as connected devices and a smart district. everyone. The Jules Verne Technological Research Institute, created in 2012, is dedicated to manufacturing. It tar- In Nantes, digital technology is intended to streamline gets four industries –aeronautical engineering, energy, dialogue with citizens and make life easier for users. shipbuilding and land transport– and has a specific Two major projects are planned for 2015: focus on disruptive technology. It aims to become a The local community platform, nantesco.fr, will go world-class campus for innovation in technology with- live in late 2015. The site is intended as an enhanced cit- in 10 years. Industrial companies, training institutions, izenship tool, helping to streamline dialogue between laboratories, and facilities for producing prototypes and the city’s inhabitants and the local authority outside the industrial demonstrators are all located on this one site. plenary bodies, and reconcile inhabitants’ personal con- The hospital of the future: this 10-hectare project straints and their desire to get involved. is the largest of its type in France. Slated for delivery “Nantes dans ma poche”, an application designed to in 2023-2026, this hospital of the future will be digital, simplify the task of getting around Nantes on a day- eco-responsible and designed for future expansion. to-day basis. Nantes dans ma poche A customisable multi-service app What did my child eat at the school canteen? Is my favourite swimming pool open? How many parking spaces left in my car park? Are there any traffic jams? How long till my bus comes?... The app caters for the everyday requirements of people on the move in Nantes. /// User-centred services Customisable: users can choose and configure the services they need. User-centred content: Nantes Métropole puts user satisfaction first, so doesn’t confine the app to its own services: nu- merous partner APIs are also included. User friendliness: the data is delivered live, on-demand and with a single tap. /// A scalable, collaborative approach Nantes initially brought out a pilot version, which was downloaded 20,000 times. User testing sessions were organised and an online survey was run to assess the pilot app and get Version 1 ready for early 2016. A number of services will be added: they were designed in liaison with a user panel, through an open innovation collabo- ration between Orange and various start-ups. The Orange platform has considerable potential for subsequent development, as many of the modules it contains can be activated if necessary (push delivery, NFC contactless technology, etc.).
NORMANDY FRENCH TECH CAEN – ROUEN – LE HAVRE 3 OF THE BEST 3 cities 3 areas of digital 3 projects Caen – Rouen – Le Havre innovation SoyHuce – Keyveo – R-City City – Factory – Port A united, creative and enterprising Normandy COOPERATE, TRANSFORM, ELEVATE « It is the use Normandy French Tech, labeled in June 2015, is the dynamic digital acceleration of 3 agglomerations in a that gives values and sense shared regional project. Normandy is a specific territory to technology. » regarding experimentation and attractiveness. Indeed, the dynamic involved around several Living-labs. These labs are open innovation laboratories, where innova- tive tools and uses are created specifically for user’s ex- A dynamic and digital pectations and needs. environment 10,690 employees thanks to the That digital development is based on the strong indus- digital ecosystem (numbers from trial base associated to the territory (ports, automobile CCI Normandy 2013). sectors, aerospace and space, agribusiness, pharma- A total of 42 million euros raised by ceutical, petrochemistry, energetics and logistics), and digital companies from 2010. contributes to the territory’s economic change. This Almost 150 events and animations new digital industrialization considerably rethink value in 2014. chains and production lines, transforms industries and Almost 20% of French delegation creates new opportunities. in Las Vegas CES in January 2015 were from Normandy.
Companies realisation from Normandy for Smart Cities /// SoyHuce Is it possible to imagine a smartcity without « smart citizen »? No! To SoyHuce, citizen implication in city’s life is one of the keys of urban life improvement… City2Gether is an application with different communication levels: • The citizen in the heart of his city’s concerns Citizen can inform communities (deterioration, infrastructures issues, advice and improvement…) and can be notified of the community’s answer. • Improved use of public utilities Community can alert citizen about environment problems or other risks (pollution, heat wave, flood…). Citizen can subscribe to different city servic- es: bookmobile crossing, monsters, selective collecting… www.soyhuce.fr /// Keyveo Experts 3D/4D, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Mobile Applica- tions, Html5/WEBGL Real time 3D model: Eco-district “Flaubert” Flaubert’s bridge – Sud III Rouen Metropolis – MEDDE Date: August 2014 – March 2015 Virtual Visit and online public concertation of big projects of Le Havre Date: January – July 2015 This application allows citizens to give advices about Le Havre big projects and visit the city in 3D: native or tourists, prepare your trip before coming. (European project). www.keyveo.com /// R-city R-city, intelligent network of smart city, was created to address the needs of the virtual city, in an innovative and sustainable way: The only R-city exploitation network is based on a broadband connection infrastructure, reliable and secure, interoperability and mobility in order to satisfy all needs of residents, tourists, technical services, transports users… R-city embeds every applications related to Smart Grids, like collect, real time measure (Smart Metering) of environment and consummation data in order to increase communities energetics efficient. First realisations have been done in Le Havre, Deauville, Fréjus and Montivil- liers. Other projects are being done on national territory. www.r-city.eu
PARIS Smart and Sustainable Paris: urban intelligence for climate change Paris did not wait until the 21st century to become a Food alone represents 40% of our carbon footprint. To smart city: its organization, its density, its architecture, limit the inward and outward flows, Paris’ target for 2020 its multiple inventors and philosophers all contributed is to add 30ha of urban agriculture to feed the city. More- to make it a hub of urban ingenuity throughout the cen- over Parisians remain too often exposed to very bad turies. Paris has inspired a number of cities around the air quality and the rise of e-commerce (+25% per year) world: its sewerage system, its Haussmanian buildings, increases significantly the number of delivery rounds. its electricity network, its metro and its recent mobility Paris wishes to develop large-scale non-polluting trans- innovations of Vélib’ and Autolib’ are all references in port, as electric-powered transport, soft-transport modes their respective fields. (on foot and cycling), fluvial and railway freight. The glob- al goal is to move away from diesel by 2020 and reduce nitrogen oxide levels by an additional 40%, fine particles The method chosen to go further today as a Smart City by 28% and very fine particles by 40%. is Open Innovation: it replaces humans at the heart of the system by letting them understand and claim own- ership of the material and data flows crossing the city. Digital and technological opportunities leading to Paris’ Smart City Committee of Partners is one of the better urban processes measures taken to accomplish this challenge: regular meetings with all external and internal stakeholders ICT, Internet and social networks are transforming our will let us work together on thematic subgroups (ener- ways of life, travel, consumption and production: third gy transition, waste, vegetation, urban logistics, etc.). places, co-working spaces, telecommuting and 3D Moreover, 2015 is a key year for Paris: as the host of the printers all illustrate this transformation. While function- UN COP21, sharing environmental ambitions with all al zoning becomes obsolete, mixed-business districts cities all over the world will be a unique opportunity to and hybrid buildings are increasingly common. Starting make the Smart and Sustainable City ambition real. from challenges, Paris will take into account the digital and technological opportunities to create a Smart and Sustainable city. Environmental challenges for the Paris of tomorrow First of all, digital technology is part of basic city infra- structures for the deployment of new tools serving a In Paris, the definition of a Smart and Sustainable City Smart and Sustainable city. The growing presence of is primarily based on challenges. In a context of global sensors (Internet of Things) helps collect data to the urban growth, cities are both the place where problems structuring of smart networks. Thus ICT, on building and lie and where solutions are to be found. By 2020, the network level, will help to reduce our energy depend- Parisian energy consumption needs to be reduced by ence and consumption. In mobility and public space, 25%, renewable energy must increase dramatically and digital opportunities give rise to new real-time applica- new circular economy’s processes will be adopted. tions for journey optimization and new planning issues
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