Professor Cyril FOUILLET - Essca

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Professor Cyril FOUILLET

Main department: Management and                     Email:
corporate environment
Nationality: France


 Professor Cyril Fouillet is a specialist in emerging economies, studying financial inclusion
 issues in particular.

  - Development studies
  - Solidarity-based economy
  - Microfinance
  - Geographical economie
  - Financial inclusion

  - Macroeconomics / Microeconomics
  - Microfinance
  - Labour Economics
  - Globalization Studies - India
  - Research methodology
  - Mathematics for management
  - Research Methodology

Highest degree :
  2009        Doctorate/PhD, Economy, Economics, Solvay Brussels School of
              Economics and Management, Belgium

  2003         Master of Research in Economics, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
  2001         French Bachelor, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology, Université
               Lumière Lyon 2, France

Academic experience

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Academic experience
  Since 2018   Professor of Economics, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2017 - 2018 Associate Professor in Economics, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2011 - 2018 Head of the Economic Section, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2011 - 2016 Assistant Professor in Economics, ESSCA School of Management, France
  2010 - 2011 Consultant in rural financial services, FinAccess
  2010 - 2011 Consultant in rural financial services, Financial Sector Deepening Kenya
              (FSD Kenya)
  2009 - 2011 Post-doctorate in Development Studies, University of Oxford, United
  2009 - 2011 Junior Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  2007 - 2008 Junior Consultant, Foundation for World Agriculture and Rurality (FARM)
  2007 - 2007 Junior Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  2003 - 2007 Researcher of the social sciences department, Institut Français de
              Pondicherry, India

Editorial activities
  Active editorship with academic / professional publication
  2018 - 2019 Ad-hoc reviewer: RECMA (Revue des études coopératives mutualistes et
              associatives) ; Management International ; World Development
  2018 - 2018 Outstanding Reviewer, World Development, Elsevier, Netherlands (The)
  2017 - 2018 Ad hoc Reviewer, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine
  2017 - 2018 Ad hoc Reviewer, Revue Internationale de l'Economie Sociale - RECMA
  2017 - 2018 Ad hoc Reviewer, Revue Subsaharienne d’Economie et de Finance
  2016 - 2017 Ad hoc Reviewer, Revue d'Economie Industrielle
  2016 - 2017 Ad hoc Reviewer, World Development
  2016 - 2016 Outstanding Reviewer, World Development, Elsevier, Netherlands (The)
  2013 - 2013 Direction du supplément - The Field of Microfinance and Development:
              Showcasing India, Oxford Development Studies Journal, Oxford
              Development Studies
  Since 2009   Ad'hoc reviewer: Brussels Economic Review ; Cultures et Conflits ;
               Environmental Science and Policy ; Journal of Corporate Citizenship ;
               Journal of Economic Issues ; Management et Avenir ; Mondes en
               Développement ; Oxford Development Studies ; Oxford Development
               Studies ; Revue Internationale de l’Economie Sociale ; World
Service to the academic discipline
  Active participation in a research consortium
  Since 2009   Associate researcher, Contemporary South Asian Studies programme,
               University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  Since 2009   Member, Centre Européen de Recherche en Microfinance (CERMi, Solvay
               Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgium
  Since 2009   Member, Common Room, Wolfson College, United Kingdom

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Leadership positions in recognized academic associations/societies
  Since 2009   Member, Development Studies Association (DSA), United Kingdom
  Participation in the scientific committee of a conference
  2019 - 2019 Evaluateur, International Finance and Banking Society Annual Conference,


  2013         Projet "Spatial Complementarity of Mobile Financial Services, Business
               Correspondents and Banking Infrastructures: Accounting for Mobile
               Financial Services Ecosystems in India”, partnership Indian Institute of
               Management-Trichy, Institute for Money, Technology and Financial
               Inclusion, United States of America
  2010         British Council – Partnership Programme in Science Award (Ref: PPS
               WS02), British Council, United Kingdom
  2010         British Academy –Overseas Conference Grants, British Academy, United
  2009         Foundation Philippe Wiener-Maurice Anspach – Post-doctoral Research
               Fellowship, Foundation Philippe Wiener-Maurice Anspach
  2009         British Council – Partnership Programme in Science Award (Ref: PPS
               WS01B), British Council, United Kingdom
  2008         Poster Award, Boulder-Bergamo Forum on Access to Financial Services:
               Expanding the Rural Frontier, Boulder Bergamo Forum, Italy
  2007         Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) / Centre National de
               Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – Cooperation Travel Award, Chinese
               Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
  2004         Research Scholarship in Social Sciences, Ministère français des Affaires
               Etrangères – French Institute of Pondicherry (India) (UMIFRE 21 CNRS-
               MAEE), Institut Français
  2003         Research Scholarship Aire culturelles (MENRT), Ministry of Education and
               Research (2003), Ministry of Education and Research

Peer-reviewed Articles
  FOUILLET, C., S.MORVANT-ROUX, "L’inclusion financière au service de l’État en Inde et
  au Mexique ?", Revue Internationale de politique de développement, April 2018, vol.
  10, no. 1
  FOUILLET, C., S.MORVANT-ROUX, "Financial inclusion, a driver of state building in India
  and Mexico?", Revue Internationale de politique de développement, April 2018, vol. 10,
  no. 1
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUERIN, S.MORVANT-ROUX, J.-M.SERVET, "De gré ou de force : le
  microcrédit comme dispositif néolibéral", Revue Tiers Monde, March 2016, no. 225, pp.
  Introduction and overview", Oxford Development Studies, July 2013, vol. 41, no.
  Supplément 1, pp. 1-16

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AUGSBURG, B., C.FOUILLET, "Profit empowerment: The microfinance institution’s
  mission drift", Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, January 2010, vol.
  9, no. 3-4, pp. 327-355
  FOUILLET, C., T.PAIRAULT, "Microfinance en Chine et en Inde : une « discipline »
  diversement appropriée", Economie et Institutions, January 2010, vol. 14, pp. 117-140
  FOUILLET, C., "Microinsurance and management of climatic risks", Pravartak - The
  Journal of Insurance and Risk Management, January 2009, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 91-99
  GUERIN, I., C.FOUILLET, M.ROESCH, "La microfinance indienne : l’heure du bilan",
  Transcontinentales, January 2008, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 125-146
  GUERIN, I., C.FOUILLET, J.PALIER, "La microfinance indienne peut-elle être solidaire ?",
  Revue Tiers Monde, April 2007, vol. 2, no. 190, pp. 291-308
  FOUILLET, C., "Les risques climatiques : quel rôle pour la microassurance ?", Autrepart,
  October 2007, vol. 4, no. 44, pp. 199-212
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUERIN, S.MORVANT, M.ROESCH, J.-M.SERVET, "Le microcrédit au péril
  du néolibéralisme et de marchands d’illusions. Manifeste pour une inclusion financière
  socialement responsable", Revue du Mauss, January 2007, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 329-350
  "Microfinance : effets mitigés dans la lutte contre la pauvreté", Annuaire Suisse de
  Politique de Développement, June 2007, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 103-119
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUÉRIN, J.-M.SERVET, "Démonétisation, l'agenda caché du
  gouvernement indien" Forthcoming Outre-Terre. Revue Européenne de Géopolitique

Chapters in book
  FOUILLET, C., S.MORVANT-ROUX, "Au-delà de la microfinance, l’inclusion financière
  comme rouage de la construction de l’État" in Pour une socioéconomoie engagée.
  Monnaie, finance et alternatives., Farinet Ed., Classiques Garnier, pp. 101-126, 2018
  demand for microcredit in rural Tamil Nadu sustainable ?" in The crises of microcredit.,
  I. Guérin, M. Labie and J.-M. Servet Eds, Zed Books, pp. 73-91, 2015
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUERIN, "La microfinance en Inde : trajectoire et limites" in L'Inde : une
  géographie., Ph. Cadène and B. Dumortier (ed.), Armand Colin, pp. 319-334, 2015
  FOUILLET, C., T.PAIRAULT, "Microfinanzas en China y la India: una disciplina
  diversamente apropriada" in Las microfinanzas. Cálculos, normatividad y
  malabarismos., M. Villareal et L. Angulo Ed., CIESAS/IPN, pp. 95-113, 2013
  AUGSBURG, B., C. FOUILLET, "Profit empowerment : The microfinance institutions’s
  mission drift" in The credibility of microcredit: studies of impact and performance., D.
  Haase Ed., Brill, vol. 9, pp. 199-226, 2013
  FOUILLET, C., S.JOHNSON, "Spatial Dimensions of the Financial Sector in Kenya 2006-
  2009" in Financial inclusion in Kenya: results and analysis from FinAccess 2009., FSD
  Kenya Ed., Financial Sector Deepening Kenya, pp. 118-142, 2011
  FOUILLET, C., B. AUGSBURG, "La microfinance, un objet de pouvoir de plus ? Conflit en
  Andhra Pradesh" in Conflits et rapports sociaux en Asie du Sud., J. Baixas, L.
  Dejouhanet et P.-Y. Trouillet Eds, Editions L'Harmattan, pp. 189-203, 2010

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FOUILLET, C., "Microfinance, agriculture et analyse spatiale : le cas de l’Inde" in
  Exclusion et liens financiers., S. Morvant-Roux Ed., Economica, pp. 111-132, 2009
  FOUILLET, C., I. GUERIN, "Pluralité microfinancière et économie solidaire en Inde" in
  Produire de la richesse autrement. Usines récupérées, coopératives, micro-finance…
  les révolutions silencieuses., J. Duchatel et F. Rochat Ed., Centre Europe-Tiers Monde,
  pp. 51-56, 2008
  FOUILLET, C., J. PALIER, "Assessing the impact of microfinance in terms of
  empowerment: Issues and challenges" in Microfinance challenges: empowerment or
  disempowerment of the poor?., I. Guérin et J. Palier Ed., Institut Français de Pondichéry,
  Collection Sciences Sociales, pp. 215-238, 2007
  FOUILLET, C., "Méthodes d’évaluation en microfinance : l’économiste face à
  l’interdisciplinarité" in Pratiques de terrain et discours scientifiques en Asie du Sud., D.
  Picherit et R. Voix Ed., Centre de Sciences Humaines, pp. 72-79, 2004
  FOUILLET, C., "L’évaluation d’impact en microfinance : Proposition d’une grille de
  lecture" in Exclusions et liens financiers., I. Guérin et J.-M. Servet Ed., Economica, pp.
  561-592, 2004

Research / consulting reports
  FOUILLET, C., K.NITHYANANDA, "Spatial complementarity of mobile financial services,
  business correspondents and banking infrastructures: Accounting for mobile financial
  services ecosystems in India", Final Report, 15 pages, Institute for Money, Technology
  and Financial Inclusion, University of California, 2016
  JOHNSON, S., S.VUJIC, Y.LI, V.VANDERPUTTEN, C.FOUILLET, "Financial services, social
  networks and financial practices: Investigating use and impact", Research Report, 115
  pages, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, 2015
  JOHNSON, S., G. K.BROWN, C.FOUILLET, "The search for inclusion in Kenya’s financial
  landscape: The rift revealed", Research Report, 172 pages, FDS Kenya, 2012
  FOUILLET, C., "L'analyse spatiale du financement de l'agriculture et de la microfinance :
  le cas de l'Inde", Research Report, 48 pages, Foundation for World Agriculture and
  Rural Life, 2008

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUÉRIN, J.-M.SERVET, "Démonétisation, l’agenda caché du
  gouvernement indien", Outre-Terre, December 2018, vol. N° 54-55, no. 1, pp. 134-143
  FOUILLET, C., S.OLOFSSON, M.PAGURA, "La microassurance sécheresse", Horizons
  Bancaires, March 2007, vol. 334, pp. 71-76

Presentation at a conference with proceedings
  FOUILLET, C., A.MUSSON, "Baromètre de l’économie de l’enfant. TEK: The Economy of
  Kids" in Colloque Regards croisés, NovaChild, 2017, Angers, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Public policies, financial inclusion and inequalities : a review of recent
  trends ini India and Mexico" in 27th annual meeting of the society for the advancement
  of socio-economics, 2015, Londres, United Kingdom
  FOUILLET, C., V.NITHYANANDA , "Spatial complementarity of mobile financial services,
  business correspondents and banking infrastructures: Accounting for mobile financial
  services ecosystems in India" in IMTFI’s Fifth Annual Conference for Funded
  Researchers, 2013, Irvine, California, United States of America

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FOUILLET, C., "Le concept d’accumulation par dépossession de David Harvey appliqué
  au secteur bancaire indien" in 13th RIUESS Conference, 2013, Angers, France
  FOUILLET, C., "A political economy of the financial inclusion’s process in India, Political
  economy and the outlook for capitalism, Association for Heterodox Economics), " in
  Association Française d’Economie Politique, International Initiative for Promoting
  Political Economy, 2012, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Desigualdad especial de la distribución de la oferta financiera en la
  India, Crisis alimentaria, laboral y climática del mundo rural: retos y desafíos para las
  políticas de inclusión financiera, Senado de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos " in
  Asociación Mexicana de Uniones de Crédito del Sector Social (AMUCSS), 2012, Mexico
  FOUILLET, C., D.PICHERIT, "Fractal financial exclusion traps in India, ANR RUME Final
  Conference" in Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
  (CIESAS), 2012, Mexico City, Mexico
  FOUILLET, C., "Spatial inequalities and financial inclusion dynamics in India" in 13ème
  EADI-DSA Conference, Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty,
  2011, York, United Kingdom
  FOUILLET, C., "“Microinsurance Services for Economic Shocks and Stresses Related to
  Climate Change”" in Workshop on Microfinance and Environment: Informal and Formal
  Financing for Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation, University of Oxford, Oxford,
  2010, Oxford, United Kingdom
  FOUILLET, C., "Small business financial services in India" in Business and Society
  Research Group, University of Cambridge, 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  FOUILLET, C., "Spatial inequalities and financial inclusion dynamic’s in India:
  Liberalisation, microfinance and safety net" in Contemporary South Asia seminar,
  Queen Elizabeth House, 2010, Oxford, United Kingdom
  FOUILLET, C., "Banking sector reforms, microfinance and safety net: Evidence from
  India" in Workshop on Microfinance’s contribution to development studies? What
  interdisciplinary approaches add to microfinance understanding?, University of
  Oxford/Université libre de Bruxelles, 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium
  FOUILLET, C., "Does it matter where you live? Analysis of spatial determinants of
  financial inclusion in India" in CERMi Research Day, Centre for European Research in
  Microfinance, 2009, Mons, Belgium
  FOUILLET, C., B.AUGSBURG, "Spatial dimensions of microfinance: An Indian case" in
  First European Research Conference on Microfinance, Université libre de Bruxelles,
  2009, Bruxelles, Belgium
  FOUILLET, C., "La microfinance, un phénomène a-spatial ? Analyse économétrique de la
  distribution du Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme" in Research Day of the
  Centre for European Research in Microfinance, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2008,
  Bruxelles, Belgium
  FOUILLET, C., T.PAIRAULT, "Microfinance : une « discipline » diversement accueillie en
  Chine et en Inde" in Les mots du développement : genèse, usages et trajectoires,
  Université Paris IX – Dauphine, 2008, Paris

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FOUILLET, C., V.CHASLES, "Le microcrédit et le genre dans les campagnes indiennes" in
  Le monde rural dans les pays émergents : développement territorial et mobilités
  individuelles (Brésil, Chine, Inde), Université Lyon 3, 2008, Lyon, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Spatial analysis of agricultural finance and microfinance: the case of
  India" in Boulder Bergamo Forum On Access to Financial Services, Expanding the Rural
  Frontier, 2008, Bergamo, Italy
  FOUILLET, C., "Microfinance et credit rural en Inde" in Séminaire d’économie de la
  Chine, Centre d’études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, Ecole des hautes
  études en sciences sociales, 2008, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., "La microfinance est-elle solidaire ?" in L’économie solidaire au sud,
  réalités et politiques, 4ième Rencontre de l’Université Populaire et Citoyenne, CNAM,
  2007, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Microfinance in India: Reach and Limits" in School of Agricultural
  Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, 2007, Beijing, China
  FOUILLET, C., "Microfinance in India: Reach and Limits" in Institute of World Economics
  and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2007, Beijing, China (PRC)
  FOUILLET, C., "Evaluation du risque en microfinance et Vashtu" in Séminaire de
  l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2007,
  Bruxelles, Belgium
  FOUILLET, C., B.AUGSBURG, "The Spread of the Self-Help Groups Banking Linkage
  Programme in India" in 37ième Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association
  International, 2007, Bangor
  FOUILLET, C., "Liens entre efficacité de la microfinance et cultures locales", 2007, Paris,
  FOUILLET, C., "Spread of the SHG Banking Linkage Programme in India" in International
  Conference on Rural Finance Research: Moving Results, FAO and IFAD, 2007, Rome,
  FOUILLET, C., "Portée et limites du développement de la microfinance" in Séminaire de
  l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Innovations microfinancières et gestion du
  risque entrepreneurial, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2006, Lyon, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Couverture bancaire en Inde : l’impact de la microfinance" in Journée
  des doctorants du LPED, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, 2006, Marseille,
  FOUILLET, C., M.BASU, "The Geography of Microfinanciarization in India, 1992-2005" in
  19th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, International Studies for
  Asian Studies, 2006, Leiden, Netherlands (The)
  FOUILLET, C., "Les services microfinanciers en Inde : quelques exemples
  d’appropriation" in La microfinance pour quel développement ?, Journée d’étude sur les
  enjeux du développement durable, MSHS, 2005, Poitiers, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Les services microfinanciers en Inde : le cas de l’assurance sécheresse"
  in 5ième séminaire jeunes chercheurs, Dynamiques de transformations des sociétés et
  des espaces ruraux en Asie du Sud, Milieux, Cultures et Sociétés en Himalaya-UPR 299-
  CNRS, 2005, Villejuif, France

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FOUILLET, C., "Regard externe" in Journée de réflexion : Les effets des finances
  solidaires au Sud, Groupe de travail économie solidaire/économie populaire, CRID,
  GISEE, MES, 2005, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Technologies microfinancières : expérience indienne" in Conférence à
  l’université de Rouen, 2005, Rouen, France
  FOUILLET, C., R.RAVIKULARAMAN , "Solidarity based economy and microfinance" in
  International seminar on Emerging trends in global business: Challenges and
  opportunities of developing countries, 2005, Thanjavur, India
  FOUILLET, C., "Les défis de l’évaluation des programmes de microfinance" in Seminar
  in Development Studies, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,
  2004, Genève, Switzerland

Presentation at Other Conference
  FOUILLET, C., "La démonétisation en Inde de 2016, quelles leçons ?" in Académie
  européenne de géopolitique, 2018, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., I.GUÉRIN, S.MORVANT-ROUX, "Un monde sans cash peut-il être solidaire
  ?" in Séminaire Socioéconomie de la globalisation et du développement : du business
  social à l’économie sociale et solidaire, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,
  2017, Paris, France
  FOUILLET, C., "Beyond boarders. Perspectives on financial inclusion spatial dynamics"
  in Indian Institute of Management-Kozhikode, 2014, Kozhikode
  FOUILLET, C., "Vendée French Counterrevolution and Agrarian Structure" in Doctoral
  Seminar, Department of Sociology, South Asian University,, 2014, New Delhi, India
  FOUILLET, C., "On the safety net role of microfinance: A spatial analysis of financial
  inclusion in India" in Indian Institute of Management, 2013, Tiruchirapally, India
  FOUILLET, C., "La construction de la microfinance en Inde : quels enjeux ?" in Semaine
  autour de l’Inde, 2012, Ivry, France

Invited in Academic Conferences
  FOUILLET, C. - "De l’inclusion financière aux pratiques monétaires et financières" -
  2019, Lycée Henri Bergson, Angers, France
  FOUILLET, C. - "De la microfinance à l’inclusion financière, où se situe l’innovation
  sociale ? Forum Rise Up ! EDHEC" - 2018, Nice
  FOUILLET, C. - "Territoires, liens étatiques et inclusion: quels rôles pour les initiatives
  de l’économie sociale et solidaire ? Assises Nationales de l’Economie Sociale et
  Solidaire" - 2018, Skhirat, Morocco
  FOUILLET, C. - "Financement participatif, vers un renouveau des territoires ? DFCG
  Seminar, ESSCA School of Management" - 2018, Angers, France
  FOUILLET, C. - "De la microfinance à l’inclusion financière, quelle place pour les
  citoyens ? Assises Nationales de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire" - 2017, Casablanca,
  FOUILLET, C. - "Microfinance et innovation sociale" - 2016, Lycée Henri Bergson,
  Angers, France

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FOUILLET, C. - "Entreprise : responsabilité sociale ou responsabilité citoyenne. 2ème
  Rencontre Humanisme et Entreprise" - 2014, Humanisme et Entreprise, Angers, France

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