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Étude d'impact sur l'environnement et le milieu social (Directive : 3214-14-062) Lithium Guo AO :Projet Moblan Lithium H357755 Volume 3 - Annexes Relevé des frayères (Hatch, 2019) (Document Hatch : H357755-00000-200-066-0011) H357755-00000-123-066-0003, Rév. 0, Vol. 3 – Annexe XXII © Hatch 2019 Tous droits réservés, y compris les droits relatifs à l’utilisation de ce document et de son contenu.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Sommaire exécutif RELEVÉ DES FRAYÈRES Rapports d’inventaire biologique Moblan Lithium CONTEXTE Cette étude fait suite au rapport Relevés ichtyologiques (Hatch 2018) dans lequel sont étudiés les habitats et communautés de poissons présents dans les plans d’eau au site du projet minier Moblan Lithium. Pour les détails additionnels concernant le contexte et la description de la zone à l’étude, vous pouvez vous reporter à ce dernier. Les relevés dont il est question dans le présent rapport ont été élaborés pour confirmer et caractériser l'utilisation pour le frai par l'omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) de l'habitat potentiel précédemment identifié pour le cours d'eau sans nom # 5. Ces informations contribueront à l’étude d’impact sur l’environnement du projet Moblan Lithium. MÉTHODOLOGIE Tous les relevés ichtyologiques ont été réalisés en partenariat avec EnviroCree Ltd, située dans la municipalité de Mistissini. L'intégration de professionnels de la communauté Crie est un atout étant donné leur connaissance du territoire et de l’utilisation historique des ressources halieutiques dans la région du lac Moblan. Afin de maximiser les chances d'obtenir des résultats, la période post-fraie a été ciblée. Le frai à lieu lorsque la température de l'eau est comprise entre 6 et 11 °C, les femelles pondent de 100 à 5000 œufs dont le diamètre varie entre 3,5 et 5 mm. Pour faciliter le relevé ichtyologique, un permis de gestion de la faune (SEG) a été obtenu du ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (n ° 2018-10-09-182-10-G-P). Le SEG est disponible à l'annexe A. La sélection des cours d'eau est basée sur les caractérisations effectuées à l'été 2018 lors des inventaires ichtyologiques (Hatch, 2018). Des critères de substrats, de vitesse du courant, de profondeur d'eau, de propreté du substrat et de qualité physico-chimique de l'eau ont été utilisés pour évaluer le potentiel de frai. La présence de l'espèce cible et son stade de maturité ont été pris en compte dans la sélection. RÉSULTATS ET CONCLUSION Les relevés ont confirmé la présence d'œufs d'ombles de fontaine à deux endroits dans le cours d'eau #5, qui était précédemment identifié comme ayant un potentiel élevé. Les caractéristiques physiques et chimiques du cours d'eau, et plus particulièrement les zones de fraie, semblent convenir à l'incubation des œufs et devraient permettre une fraie réussie. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page ii Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Les résultats de cet inventaire suggèrent que les cours d’eau qui composent ce système hydrologique sont susceptibles d’offrir un excellent potentiel pour le frai de l'omble de fontaine et de répondre à leurs besoins en termes de croissance, reproduction, alevinage et hivernage. Il est également probable que ces cours d'eau offrent un bon potentiel pour le frai pour d’autres espèces dans les lacs et les étangs de la zone d'étude, ce qui en fait un élément essentiel pour les communautés ichtyologiques. L'omble de fontaine est une espèce commerciale, récréative et de subsistance pour les autochtones partout au Canada, ce qui en fera une espèce clé dans le cadre des discussions avec Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) et le ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP). D'après les résultats de cet inventaire, le cours d’eau sans nom # 5 ainsi que toutes les eaux qui composent ce système hydrologique et qui répondent à la définition d'un plan d'eau devraient être considérés comme un habitat du poisson. Toute modification ou destruction de ces habitats nécessitera probablement l'approbation du MPO. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page iii Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1 2. Spawning Ichthyological survey methodology .............................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Selection of water bodies ........................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Habitat characterization ............................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.1 Water quality ................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.2 Fish egg identification ................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Characteristics of fishing gear ................................................................................................... 2-3 2.4 Weather Conditions ................................................................................................................... 2-3 3. Survey Results ................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Unnamed Stream #5 .................................................................................................................. 3-1 4. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 4-3 5. Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................... 5-1 List of Tables Table 2-1 : Location of the Unnamed watercourse #5 segment ................................................................ 2-2 Table 2-2 : Meteorological observation ...................................................................................................... 2-3 Table 3-1 Physicochemical characteristics of Unnamed Stream #5 ......................................................... 3-2 Table 3-2 Fish habitat characterization of the Unnamed stream #5 ......................................................... 3-2 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Kick net ......................................................................................................................... 2-3 Figure B-1 Aerial view of spawning sites of Unnamed stream #5 ..................................................... 2 List of Photos Photo 1 Brook trout eggs (Salvelinus fontinalis) ........................................................................................ 3-1 Photo 2 Confirmed spawning site .............................................................................................................. 3-1 Photo 3 Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) egg ......................................................................................... C-1 Photo 4 Measuring a brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) egg .................................................................... C-2 Photo 5 Upstream view of Unnamed stream #5 from Unnamed pond #6 ................................................ C-3 Photo 6 Spawning site of Unnamed stream #5......................................................................................... C-4 List of Appendices Appendix A: Wildlife Management Permit (SEG) Appendix B: Aerial view of the waterbodies Appendix C: Photos taken at the site H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page iv Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READER This report was prepared by Hatch Ltd. (“Hatch”) for the exclusive use of Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. (the “Client”) for the sole purpose of assisting the management of the Client to make decisions with respect to the Lake Moblan Site (the “Site”), and must not be used for any other purpose, or provided to, relied upon or used by any other person. Any use of or reliance upon this report by another person is done at their sole risk and Hatch does not accept any responsibility or liability in connection with that person’s use or reliance. This report contains the opinion of Hatch using its professional judgment and reasonable care based upon observations of the condition of the Site made at the time of preparation of this report, and information made available to Hatch by the Client or by certain other parties on behalf of the Client (the “Client or Other Information”). The use of or reliance upon this report by the Client is subject to the following: (1) This report is to be read in the context of and subject to the terms of the relevant Purchase Order No. 3464-18-2330 between Hatch and the Client (the “Agreement”), including any methodologies, procedures, techniques, assumptions and other relevant terms or conditions specified in the Agreement. (2) This report is meant to be read as a whole, and sections or parts of the report must not be read or relied upon out of context. (3) Unless expressly stated otherwise in this report, Hatch has not verified the accuracy, completeness or validity of the Client or Other Information, makes no representation regarding the accuracy of such information and does not accept any responsibility or liability in connection with the Client or Other Information. (4) The condition, stability and safety of the Structure may change over time (or may have already changed) due to natural forces or human intervention, and Hatch does not accept any responsibility for the impact that such changes may have on the accuracy or validity of the opinions, conclusions and recommendations set out in this report. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page v Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Working team Hatch Ltd. Name Role Management Marie-Christine Patoine, ing. M.Sc.A ESIA Manager Elyse Hamel, ing. M.Env. Project lead Kathleen Vukovics, B.A. Environmental surveys lead Field surveys Jean Novotni, biol. Aquatic surveys lead Romy Bacon Savard, M.Sc.A. Aquatic surveys Mapping Sladjana Pavlovic, M.Sc. GIS EnviroCree Name Role Management Jim MacLeod Logistical support Field surveys Jaimee MacLeod (intern) Aquatic surveys H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page vi Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project 1. Introduction This survey is a follow-up to Hatch’s 2018 Ichthyological survey report that studied existing fish habitats and communities in the water bodies surrounding the Moblan Lithium site. For the background of this study and the description of the area, you can refer to the Ichthyological survey report (Hatch, 2018). The surveys discussed in this report were designed to confirm and characterize spawning use by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) for the previously identified potential habitat within unnamed stream #5. All fishery surveys were carried out in partnership with EnviroCree Ltd. located in the municipality of Mistissinni. The integration of professionals from the Cree community is an asset because of their knowledge of the territory and the historic usage of fisheries resources in the Lac Moblan area. 2. Spawning Ichthyological survey methodology To maximize the chances of obtaining results, the post-spawning period was targeted. Spawning occurs when the water temperature is between 6 and 11 °C (Bujold & Vachon, 2016). The females will lay from 100 to 5000 eggs ranging between 3.5 and 5 mm in diameter, both number and size of eggs are dependent on the size of the female. Females reach sexual maturity around 3 years of age. Nearing spawning the female digs in the gravel a nest or redd wihtin the sands and gravels where the externally fertilized eggs are deposited. Once fertilized, the eggs are covered by the female and are left unguarded for incubation. The incubation time varies according to the temperature and oxygen concentration of the water. Upon reaching maturity the eggs emerge as fry from the substrate after they have resorbed their yolk sacks (Scott & Crossman, 1974). Water temperatures were reported to below 2°C in similar streams in the region at the end of the October triggering the investigation to occur as eggs would have been expected to be deposited. The use of a spoon shaped, 500 µm mesh kick net, specially designed to extract fish eggs buried in the substrate, was used. The collection consists of gently disturbing the substrate upstream of the net while simultaneously using the flow and net to collect substrate and any deposited eggs in to the net. To facilitate the fisheries investigation, a wildlife management permit (SEG) was obtained from the Ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) (#2018-10-09-182-10-G-P). The SEG is available in Appendix A. 2.1 Selection of water bodies The selection of the watercourses was based on the characterizations carried out in the summer of 2018 during the ichthyological inventories (Hatch, 2018). A criteria of substrates, H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page 2-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project stream gradient, current velocity, water depth, substrate cleanliness and physicochemical water quality were used to assess the spawning potential. In addition, the presence of the target species and its maturity stage were considered in the selection. In additional to Unnamed Stream # 5 meeting physical and chemical requirements the observation of juveniles in the downstream, near unnamed pond #6, indicated successful spawning within the tributary in 2017, further confirming the potential for brook trout spawning in the unnamed stream #5. The location of the selected stream segment is presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 : Location of the Unnamed watercourse #5 segment Waterbody Latitude Longitude UTM (18U) Start Start Start 505242 E 50.726242 -74.925734 5619385N Unnamed watercourse #5 End End End 50.726807 -74.925351 505269 E 5619448 N 2.2 Habitat characterization 2.2.1 Water quality Surface water quality characteristics were recorded for each spawning site using a YSI Pro Plus multi-parameter probe. The YSI Pro Plus was equipped with temperature (°C), conductivity (µs/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L) and pH probes. 2.2.2 Fish egg identification Egg identification was based on diameter, period of the capture and the potential presence of other species. Egg measurements were made using a millimetric ruler. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page 2-2 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project 2.3 Characteristics of fishing gear The kick net used had an opening of 30 by 35 cm and a depth of 30 cm with a handle of 100 cm. The mesh size of the Nitex® net was 500 µm, See Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 Kick net 2.4 Weather Conditions The survey was post-spawning as previously mentioned when waters were reported to be
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project 3. Survey Results 3.1 Unnamed Stream #5 Unnamed stream #5 is characterized as a permanent stream with headwaters at an altitude of 468 meters above sea level (masl) dropping to an elevation of 444 masl. Stream #5 originates at the outflow of pond #2 and continues towards and through unnamed pond #6 before ultimately discharging into Tortigny Lake. The physicochemical characteristics of the unnamed stream #5 are suitable aquatic life. An aerial view of the water body is presented in Appendix A. In the previous study Brook trout were captured in the watercourse immediately downstream of Pond #2 via minnow trapping and electrofishing (Hatch, 2018). The habitat surrounding the fish capture location is characterized by gravel and sand substrates with clear water with in- stream cover by woody debris. Juvenile brook trout, about 100 individuals, were observed in the downstream section of the stream where it flows into Unnamed pond #6. Visual post spawn surveys identified two potential spawning sites in the downstream section of the unnamed stream #5 adjacent to the unnamed pond #6. These sites were confirmed as spawning sites through egg collections using a kick net. Photo 1 Brook trout eggs (Salvelinus fontinalis) Photo 2 Confirmed spawning site Physicochemical measurements of the water at the two spawning locations, indicated adequate pH and an optimal dissolved oxygen concentration (Morin, 2012). Combining the physical and physicochemical conditions, it is anticipated these sites will be successful incubating the brook trout eggs and complete the spawning cycle. Table 3-1 outlines both the physical and physicochemical characteristics at each confirmed spawning location, while Table 3-2 provides an overview of the entire surveyed section. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page 3-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Table 3-1 Physicochemical characteristics of Unnamed Stream #5 R[\JHQ PJ/ *URXQGZDWHU 7HPSHUDWXUH PHDVXUHPHQW &RQGXFWLYLW\ 'LVVROYHG 8SZHOOLQJ 'HSWKRI w6FP
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project 4. Conclusion The surveys confirmed egg deposition of brook trout at two locations within the stream previously identified as having high potential. Both physical and chemical characteristics of the stream and more specifically the spawning areas appear suitable for egg incubation and is expected to result in a successful spawn. The results of this survey suggest that all the waterways that make up this hydrological system are likely to offer excellent potential for brook trout spawning and to support their needs in terms of growth, reproduction, rearing and wintering. It also likely these streams provide spawning opportunities for populations within the lakes and ponds of the study area making them a vital component to the overall fish community. Brook trout are an important commercial, recreational and aboriginal (CRA) species throughout Canada as such will be a key species for discussion with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP). DFO defines fish habitat as “spawning grounds and any other areas, including nursery, rearing, food supply and migration areas, on which fish depend directly or indirectly in order to carry out their life processes;” Based on the results of this survey Unnamed Stream #5 as well any connecting waters meeting the definition of a waterbody, should be considered fish habitat. Moving forward any alteration or destruction of these habitats will likely require DFO approval. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page 4-3 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project 5. Bibliography Bujold, J.-N., & Vachon, M. (2016). Guide d’identification de frayères à omble de fontaine dans les cours d’eau. Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. Hatch. (2018). Report - Ichthyological surveys - H357755-00000-200-066-0001, Rev. A. Montréal: Hatch. Morin, R. (2012). « Qualité de l’eau requise pour l’élevage des salmonidés ». Document d’information DADD-14. 25 p. Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation. Scott, W., & Crossman, E. (1974). Poisson d'eau douce du Canada, Bulletin 184. Ottawa: Office des recherches sur les pêcheries du Canada. H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page 5-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Appendix A Wildlife Management Permit (SEG) H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page A-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page A-2 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page A-3 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Appendix B Aerial view of the waterbodies H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page B-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page B-2 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, Figure including B-1 all rights relating Aerialto view the use of ofthis document or its spawning contents. sites of Unnamed stream #5
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Appendix C Photos taken at the site H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page C-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Photo 3 Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) egg H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page C-1 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Photo 4 Measuring a brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) egg H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page C-2 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Photo 5 Upstream view of Unnamed stream #5 from Unnamed pond #6 H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page C-3 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Guo Ao Lithium Ltd. Project Management Report Biological Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Environment Sustainability and Community Interface Management H357755 Aquatic Surveys of Moblan Lithium Project Photo 6 Spawning site of Unnamed stream #5 H357755-00000-200-066-0011, Rev. 0, Page C-4 Ver: 04.03 © Hatch 2019 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
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