Résumé Trimestriel des opérations


Résumé Trimestriel des opérations
                      (AU 31 MARS 2016)

 Quarterly Operational Summary
                   (AS OF 30 MARCH 2016)


    1.   Les renseignements contenus dans la présente publication concernent les projets, présentés par les Pays Membres
         Régionaux (PMR), en faveur desquels un financement a été approuvé par les Conseils d'Administration du Groupe de la
         Banque pendant les six derniers mois et ceux qui sont envisagés pour être soumis à l'approbation du Conseil pendant les
         six prochains mois.

    2.   De nouveaux projets y sont inscrits lorsque la Banque est convaincue qu'ils méritent d'être financés. Des projets déjà
         publiés dans ce rapport peuvent également être retirés lorsqu'il a été décidé de ne plus les traiter.

    3.   Si l'emprunteur est le gouvernement d'un pays, le nom et l'adresse du département, du ministère ou de l'organe chargé de
         la mise en œuvre du projet sont indiqués. Lorsque l'emprunteur est autre que le gouvernement, son nom est indiqué en
         lettres capitales.

    4.   Les titres et les descriptions des projets sont provisoires. La lettre (N) placée devant le titre du projet signifie que ce
         dernier est nouveau dans la présente publication. La lettre (R) indique que le projet a été révisé depuis la dernière

    5.   Les détails concernant chaque projet indiqué dans la présente publication s'inspirent des données disponibles à la fin du
         trimestre considéré. Ces données sont mises à jour chaque trimestre au fur et à mesure du traitement du projet.

    6.   Le montant probable du prêt est provisoire sous réserve d'une révision après l'évaluation du projet.

    7.   Le terme "Groupe de la Banque" comprend la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), le Fonds Africain de
         Développement (FAD) et le Fonds Spécial du Nigéria (FSN). Le montant probable du prêt est libellé en 1): UC.
         F.A.T signifie Fonds d'Assistance Technique (dans le cadre du FAD).

    8.   Toute demande de renseignements concernant tel ou tel projet doit être adressée à l'organe d'exécution dans le PMR
         emprunteur et non à la Banque.

    9.   Pour toute information supplémentaire, veuillez contacter le

    1.   The information provided in this publication relates to projects in Regional Member Countries (RMCs), for which financing
         has been approved by the Boards of Directors of the Bank Group during the last six months and those which are expected
         to be submitted to the Boards for approval during the next six months.

    2.   New projects are listed in the publication after the Bank is satisfied that they are suitable for possible financing. Approved
         projects will be deleted from this document after two subsequent publications. Projects may also be dropped if a decision
         is made not to proceed with further processing.

    3.   If the Government of a borrowing country is the borrower, the name and address of the Department, Ministry or Agency
         which is expected to implement the project are given. If the Government is not the borrower, the borrower's name is given
         in capital letters.

    4.   The titles and descriptions of projects are tentative. The letter (N) before the project title refers to a new listing in this issue
         of the publication. The letter (R) indicates that the project has been revised since the last publication.

    5.   Details relating to each project shown in this issue of the publication are based on information available at the end of the
         quarter under reference. The information will be updated quarterly as project processing advances.

    6.   The amount of the probable loan is tentative and is subject to review after project appraisal.

    7.   Reference to "Bank Group" in this publication refers to the African Development Bank (ADB), African Development Fund
         (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). Probable loan is expressed in 1): UA -                "TAF"      refers    to
         Technical Assistance Fund loans under ADF.

    8.   All enquiries regarding information on any project should be referred to the Executing Agency in the borrowing RMC and
         not to the Bank.

    9.   For further information please contact the Division Chief in charge of the country


Procurement & Fiduciary Services Department (ORPF)
African Development Bank (www.afdb.org)
Headquarters – Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)
5 Avenue Joseph Anoma
01 B.P. 1387, Abidjan 01
Côte d'Ivoire
Tel.: +225 - 2020 4444
Fax: +225 - 2021 7753
Email: procurementpolicy@afdb.org

1/ Bank Unit of Account (UA) = 1.38 United States Dollars (USD) as at 31 March 2016.
                                       DE LA BANQUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT (BAD)
                                         DU FONDS AFRICAIN DE DEVELOPPEMENT (FAD)
                                             ET DU FONDS SPECIAL DU NIGERIA (FSN)
                                                      (AU 31 MARS 2016)

                                                THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)
                                                THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (ADF)
                                                  AND THE NIGERIA TRUST FUND (NTF)
                                                        (AS OF 31 MARCH 2016)

                                                                            TABLE DES MATIERES

                                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


  T U N I S I E............................................................................................................................................................................. 1

  E G Y P T ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

  M A R O C ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

  A L G E R I E ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11

  R E G I O N A L .................................................................................................................................................................... 12


  S O M A L I A ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13

  E R I T R E A ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14

  U G A N D A ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14

  K E N Y A ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

  S U D A N ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18

  S E Y C H E L L E S ........................................................................................................................................................... 19

  T A N Z A N I A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20

  E T H I O P I A...................................................................................................................................................................... 22

  R W A N D A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23

  D J I B O U T I ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24

  C O M O R E S ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 25


  Z A M B I A ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30

  M O Z A M B I Q U E ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
A N G O L A ........................................................................................................................................................................... 32

  S O U T H A F R I C A ...................................................................................................................................................... 34

  M A L A W I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35

  M A U R I T I U S ................................................................................................................................................................. 37

  S A O T O M E & P R I N C I P E ............................................................................................................................. 37

  N A M I B I A......................................................................................................................................................................... 38

  Z I M B A B W E .................................................................................................................................................................. 40

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 42

  R E G I O N A L .................................................................................................................................................................... 44


  REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO (RDC) ........................................................................................................... 48

  M A D A G A S C A R ......................................................................................................................................................... 49

  R E P U B L I Q U E C E N T R A F R I C A I N E ............................................................................................ 52

  T C H A D ................................................................................................................................................................................ 53


  G U I N E E B I S S A U .................................................................................................................................................. 59

  G H A N A................................................................................................................................................................................ 60

  B E N I N .................................................................................................................................................................................. 62

  N I G E R I A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 64

  C O T E D’I V O I R E ....................................................................................................................................................... 68

  M A L I ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 69

  G A M B I A ............................................................................................................................................................................ 70

  S E N E G A L ........................................................................................................................................................................ 71

  S I E R R A L E O N E ...................................................................................................................................................... 72

  T O G O ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 73

  N I G E R .................................................................................................................................................................................. 74

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 74

  R E G I O N A L .................................................................................................................................................................... 77

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L P A N A F R I C A N .............................................................................................. 78

                                                                              Directeur/Director: J. KOLSTER

                                                                                  Tel. 00216 71 10 2065

                                                     probable &
                                                      source de                                                                                            Service de
               Organe d’éxécution                   financement                                                                                           consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME

                Executing Agency                                                                                                                          Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                     Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                                  Financing source
                                                    (Million UA)

                                                                                  T U N I S I E

                                                                     Projet de développement du réseau de transport et de distribution de gaz
Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz                        L’objectif global du projet est de développer le réseau de transport et de
(STEG)                                                               distribution du gaz naturel dans les zones défavorisées de la région Ouest et
19 rue Belhassane Ben Chaabane – El Omrane                           contribuer ainsi à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations de 19      Services de       Approuvé en avril
Tunis                                              38, 52 (BAD)      communes à travers un accès fiable et sécurisé au gaz naturel. Le projet a pour    consultants non   2015
Tél : 71 959 933 ; Fax : 71 959 806                                  objectif spécifique le raccordement de 19 communes au réseau de gaz naturel        requis
E-mail : mrhellal@steg.com.tn                                        devant permettre l’accès au gaz naturel de 13 450 ménages. Le projet comprend
Chef de projet : M. Riadh HELLAL                                     quatre composantes : 1. Réseau de transport de gaz ; 2. Réseau de distribution
                                                                     de gaz ; 3. Mesures de mitigation environnementale et sociale et 4. Gestion du
                                                                     projet. (catégorie environnementale I).

Ministère de l’Equipement, de l’Habitat et de
l’Aménagement du Territoire                                          Projet de modernisation des infrastructures routières (PMIR)
                                                   111,62 (BAD)
Direction Général des ponts et chaussées (DGPC)                                                                                                         Services de
                                                   35,75 (AGTF)      Le but du PMIR est d’améliorer la qualité du réseau routier classé et les                            Approuvé en
Avenue HABIB CHRITA - cité- jardins- 1002 -                                                                                                             consultants
                                                  0,93 (FAT/PRI)     conditions de circulation des usagers dans les zones ciblées. Son objectif                           octobre 2015
Tunis- Belvédère                                                     sectoriel est de contribuer à la promotion d’un système de transport efficace et   requis
Tél : +216 71 842 481 ; Fax : +216 71 787 062                        de qualité de façon à soutenir la croissance et créer les conditions favorables
E-mail : slah.zouari@mehat.gov.tn                                    pour une meilleure compétitivité des exportations. Le projet comprend trois (3)

                                                     probable &
                                                      source de                                                                                           Service de
               Organe d’éxécution                   financement                                                                                          consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME

               Executing Agency                                                                                                                          Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                     Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                                  Financing source
                                                    (Million UA)
Contact : Mr. Slah ZOUARI
                                                                     composantes : 1. Travaux routiers, 2. Assistance Technique, 3. Gestion de
                                                                     Projet. (catégorie environnementale I).

Ministère du développement, de l’investissement                      Projet d'appui au développement régional et à la création d'emplois
et de la coopération internationale (MDICI)                          (PADRCE)
140, Avenue de la Liberté
1002 Tunis Belvédère – Tunisie                                       Le PADRCE vise à contribuer à la croissance accélérée et inclusive en Tunisie     Services de
                                                                                                                                                                         Approuvé en
Tél : (+216) 71 848 344 poste 1132                144,330 (BAD)      à travers le développement régional et la mise en place d’un environnement        consultants non
                                                                                                                                                                         novembre 2015
Fax : (+216) 71 799 069                                              propice à la création d’emploi. Les deux piliers d’action retenus dans le cadre   requis
E-mail : habib.haouala@mdci.gov.tn                                   de cette opération sont axés sur : 1. le développement régional et 2. le
Contact : Mr. Habib HAOUALA (Directeur)                              développement des compétences, l’amélioration de la qualité de la main-
                                                                     d’œuvre et du dialogue social. (catégorie environnementale III).

                                                                                    E G Y P T

Egyptian Agency Of Partnership For                                   Support to Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development for
Development (EAPD),                                                  Enhancing Egypt-COMESA Trade and Investment Project
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Maspero, Cairo, Egypt                                                The overall objective of the project is to enhance Egyptian trade and             Consultancy
                                                   1,200 (MIC-                                                                                                           Approved in April
Tel: +202 2574 8112                                                  investment flows from/to Africa.        The project includes the following        services
                                                      TAF)                                                                                                               2015
 Fax :+202 2574 5303                                                 component: 1. Development of an Egypt-Africa Trade and Investment                 required
Email : naglan.naguib@eapd.gov.eg,                                   Information Portal: facilitate and boost Egypt-Africa trade and investment; 2.
Mohamed.Khalil@eapd.gov.eg                                           Capacity-building of EAPD and Egyptian official; 3. Egypt-Africa Investment
nagnaguib2010@gmail.com                                              Forum; 4. Marketing and Investment Promotion and 5. Project Management.

                                               probable &
                                                source de                                                                                           Service de
              Organe d’éxécution              financement                                                                                          consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                          PROJET ou PROGRAMME

               Executing Agency                                                                                                                   Consultants    Stage of Processing
                                               Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                            Financing source
                                              (Million UA)

                                                               Strengthening the Institute of National Planning Project
Institute Of National Planning
                                                               The overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of INP to become a leading
Salah Salem Street
                                                               planning institution to deliver quality services on development and planning      Consultancy
Po. Box. 11765, Nasr City, Cairo             1,200 (MIC-                                                                                                         Approved in May
                                                               issues both nationally and regionally. The project is structured into four main   services
Mr. Khalid ATTIA, Project Coordinator           TAF)                                                                                                             2015
                                                               components (1) provision of hard infrastructure, (2) strategic positioning; (3)   required
Tel: +202 2263 4040
                                                               capacity building and enhancing educational environment; (4) project
Fax: +202 2263 4747
                                                               management. The first two components are directly related to the first outcome
                                                               while the latter two are related to the second outcome.

                                                               Sharm El-Sheikh Airport Development Project – Revised

                                                               The project will contribute towards increasing Egypt’s airport capacities, and
                                                               removing an infrastructure bottleneck at Sharm El-Sheikh airport by providing
Egyptian Airports Company (EAC)
                                             63,80 (ADB)       additional capacity there. At the sector level, it aims at improving the
Airport Road (In front of Civil Aviation                       competitiveness of air transport in the country. The project includes the
Authority)                                                                                                                                       Consultancy
                                                               following components: 1. Construction of a new terminal building, with all its
Cairo                                       35,50 (AGTF)                                                                                         services        Approved in May
                                                               associated facilities. This will be the third terminal building in Sharm El-
Telephone: +202 22691029 / 1 / 6                               Sheikh Airport; 2. Construction of airfield works, including a new 3,600 m        required        2015
Facsimile number: +202 22683763               1,20 (MIC-       runway, taxiway system, aprons, service roads, and ancillary buildings; 3.
Electronic mail address: a_eltanboly@eac-        TAF)          Construction of a control tower with all associated facilities and systems; 4.
Mr. Aymaan El Tanboly: Project’ Manager                        Installation of electrical and navigation systems; 5. Developing supporting
                                                               infrastructure; 6. Project Supervision and management, including consulting
                                                               services and 7. Establishing an Airports Centre of Excellence (Environmental
                                                               Category I).

                                                  probable &
                                                   source de                                                                                              Service de
               Organe d’éxécution                financement                                                                                             consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                              PROJET ou PROGRAMME

               Executing Agency                                                                                                                         Consultants    Stage of Processing
                                                  Amount &                                    PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                               Financing source
                                                 (Million UA)

                                                                  National Drainage Programme (NDP)

                                                                  The National Drainage Programme aims to optimize the benefits of irrigation
The Egyptian Public Authority for Drainage                        by draining excess irrigation water from agricultural land in order to reduce
Projects (EPADP)                                                                                                                                       Consultancy
                                                                  water logging and consequent soil salinity, in addition to making more land
13 Giza St. , Postal code: 12211 Giza, Egypt                                                                                                           services        Approved in June
                                                39,60 (ADB)       available for cultivation. This is expected to result in higher crop yields in the
Tel: (202) 35722303 – 35735031,                                   target areas, higher farm incomes, and increased food security and poverty
                                                                                                                                                       required        2015
Fax: (202)35702303
E-mail: ndp2@link.net,                                            reduction in general. The project has three components; (I) Construction and
                                                                  Rehabilitation of Subsurface and Surface Drainage, (II) Strengthening EPADP
Web site: epadp.org.eg
                                                                  Capacity for Operation and Maintenance, and (III) Project Management and
                                                                  Institutional Development Assistance. (Environmental category II)

                                                                  Modernization of the Egyptian Central Bank Clearing and Settlement
                                                                  Depository System for Government Securities Project
Central Bank Of Egypt (CBE)
54 Gomhoria Str. Cairo , Egypt
                                                 0,89 (MIC-                                                                                            Consultancy
Contact Person: Salwa Kamal Ayoub                                 The proposed project consists in providing necessary IT infrastructure and                           Approved in July
                                                    TAF)                                                                                               services
Senior Project Manager                                            capacity to the Central Bank of Egypt in order to establish a liquid reference                       2015
 Telephone:+202 27701755                                          benchmark on the short end, building up to the long end of the yield curve to
E-mail: Salwa.Ayoub@cbe.org.eg                                    enable higher volumes of trading on the secondary market in a transparent and
                                                                  efficient manner through the centralization of CSD functions. The project is
                                                                  structured into two main components: (i) IT financial Infrastructure elements
                                                                  and (ii) Project Management.

                                                  probable &
                                                   source de                                                                                           Service de
               Organe d’éxécution                financement                                                                                          consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                             PROJET ou PROGRAMME

                Executing Agency                                                                                                                      Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                  Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                               Financing source
                                                 (Million UA)

Ministry of International Cooperation (MoIC)                      Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to the Victims of the Floods
8, Adly St, Cairo
EGYPT                                                             The objective of the proposed Bank emergency humanitarian relief assistance       Consultancy
                                                 0,72 (ADB)                                                                                                         Approved in
Tel. No. 02 239 12815                                             for Egypt is to alleviate human suffering caused by loss of lives, assets and     services
Email: mgamaleldin62@gmail.com                                                                                                                                      November 2015
                                                                  property due to unprecedented floods in the affected areas. The project has       required
                                                                  three Components: 1. Disbursement of in kind support to victims (food,
                                                                  blankets, etc.); 2. Emergency pumping, clearance and sanitization of sewage
                                                                  systems and 3. Project Management.

                                                                  Economic Governance and Energy Support Program
Ministry of International Cooperation (MoIC)
8, Adly St, Cairo                                                 The purpose of the project is to promote inclusive and resilient growth through
EGYPT                                                                                                                                               Consultancy
                                                 364 (ADB)        fiscal consolidation; improved governance, efficiency and private sector                          Approved in
Tel. No. 02 239 12815                                                                                                                               services not
                                                                  engagement in the energy sector; and improved business environment.. The                          December 2015
Email: mgamaleldin62@gmail.com                                                                                                                      required
                                                                  package of reforms under the proposed program is organised around three
                                                                  complementary components: 1. advancing Fiscal Consolidation; 2. ensuring
                                                                  Sustainable Energy Supply and 3. Enhancing the Business Environment.
                                                                  (Environmental category III).

                                                                  Damanhour Combined Cycle Power Plant

                                                                  The main objective of the Damanhour power plant project is to support socio-
Holding Egyptian Electricity Company            98,05 (ADB)
                                                                  economic development in Egypt over the medium-term with expected GDP
                                                                                                                                                                    Board presentation
                                                                  growth of about 5 – 6% by expanding the power infrastructure thus improving
                                                                                                                                                                    scheduled      for
                                                                  the security and reliability of power supply to all economic sectors. The
                                                                                                                                                                    September 2016
                                                                  project involves s three components: (i) Construction of 2x900 MW combined-

                        probable &
                         source de                                                                                         Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement                                                                                        consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                   PROJET ou PROGRAMME

Executing Agency                                                                                                          Consultants   Stage of Processing
                        Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                     Financing source
                       (Million UA)

                                        cycle power generation facility; (ii) Environmental Monitoring; (iii) Insurance
                                        during project construction and (iv) Project management and engineering
                                        services. (Environmental category I).

                                        Neoen Egypt Solar project

                                        The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce carbon
                                        emissions; it will improve socio-economic development by improving
                                        standards of living and there are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during
                                                                                                                                        Board presentation
                                        construction phase and up to 30 during operations. The project is a proposed
   SPV - Cairo        10,58 (ADB)                                                                                                       scheduled for July
                                        25 MW solar photovoltaic project to be implemented under the Egyptian Solar
                                        PV FiT Program. The plant will be constructed on a 50 hectare site at Benban,
                                        40km north of Aswan, where the direct solar radiation is 2280 kWh/m2. The
                                        project site is on unoccupied and un-vegetated desert land free from existing
                                        structures, is not prone to external shading and is relatively flat.

                                        Shapoorji Pallonji Energy Egypt SAE

                                        The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce carbon
                                                                                                                                        Board presentation
                                        emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during construction
  SPV – Cairo                                                                                                                           scheduled for July
                                        phase and up to 30 during operations. The Shapoorji Pallonji Project entails
                                        the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a turnkey solar PV
                                        project with a nominal capacity of 50 MW, and will be located in Benban,

                        probable &
                         source de                                                                                         Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement                                                                                        consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                   PROJET ou PROGRAMME

Executing Agency                                                                                                          Consultants   Stage of Processing
                        Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                     Financing source
                       (Million UA)

                                        Delta for Renewable Energy Project

                                        The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce carbon
                                        emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during construction
                                        phase and up to 30 during operations. I is a design, construction and operation
                                        of a 50 MW solar power project to be implemented under the Egyptian Solar
                                                                                                                                        Board presentation
                                        Photovoltaic Feed-in Tariff (“FiT”) Program, an initiative where the
   SPV - Cairo        14,11 (ADB)                                                                                                       scheduled for July
                                        Government of Egypt (“GoE”) seeks to implement 2,300 MW of Solar PV
                                        projects. The project will be constructed in Benban, 40km north of Aswan, and
                                        where the direct solar radiation is 2,280 kWh/m2. The Egyptian Electricity
                                        Transmission Company (“EETC”) will construct the required substations and
                                        transmission lines with interconnection cost of EGP 0.53m per MW. Financial
                                        close is expected in Q3 2016, and construction is expected to last
                                        approximately one year.

                                        Alcazar Energy Egypt Solar One

                                        The Project involves the development, construction, operation and maintenance
                                        of a 50MW solar photovoltaic (“PV)” power plant and is being developed by                       Board presentation
   SPV - Cairo        14,11 (ADB)       Alcazar Energy Partners Limited and Enerpal International S.L.U. This facility                  scheduled for July
                                        is located in the Benban Solar Park, which is 40 km north of Aswan, Egypt.                      2016
                                        The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce carbon
                                        emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during construction
                                        phase and up to 30 during operations.

                                                probable &
                                                 source de                                                                                            Service de
                Organe d’éxécution             financement                                                                                           consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                           PROJET ou PROGRAMME

                 Executing Agency                                                                                                                    Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                Amount &                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                             Financing source
                                               (Million UA)

                                                                               M A R O C

                                                                Programme d’Appui à la Compétitivité de l’Economie Marocaine

                                                                The programme is designed around two main thrusts: (i) support the authorities
                                                                in implementing reforms to lift constraints on private investment as identified    Services de
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances –                       in the Growth Diagnosis and related mostly to the legal framework for              consultants non
Direction de la Trésorerie et des Finances                      business, integration of the informal sector, facilitation of procedures and the   requis            Approuvé        en
                                                80 (BAD)
Externes (DTFE)                                                 fight against corruption; (ii) help the State to better play its role as public                      Juillet 2015
                                                                authority and major economic actor vis-à-vis the private sector. PACEM
                                                                comprises two complementary components: (I) Improve the private investment
                                                                climate; and (II) Improve public investment efficiency (Environmental
                                                                Category III)

                                                                Programme D'appui Au Plan Maroc Vert 2 (Papmv-2)
Ministère de l’agriculture - Direction des
                                                                Le but du programme est de contribuer au renforcement de la compétitivité du
Stratégies et des Statistiques (DSS)          95,00 (BAD)                                                                                          Services de       Approuvé        en
                                                                secteur agricole pour une croissance économique inclusive et verte à travers
                                                                l’amélioration du climat des affaires et la gestion durable des ressources         consultants non   octobre 2015
                                                                naturelles. Le programme comporte deux composantes : 1. promotion d’une            requis
                                                                gouvernance verte du secteur agricole et 2. Développement inclusif des chaînes
                                                                de valeur dans le secteur agricole. (catégorie environnementale : III)

                                               probable &
                                                source de                                                                                               Service de
              Organe d’éxécution              financement                                                                                              consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                           PROJET ou PROGRAMME

              Executing Agency                                                                                                                         Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                               Amount &                                    PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                            Financing source
                                              (Million UA)

                                                               Projet de construction du complexe portuaire Nador West Med

                                                               Ce projet a pour objectif la construction, l'amélioration et la modernisation des
SNWM - Société Anonyme                                         infrastructures et services de transport pour améliorer la compétitivité              Services de
Tel : +212(0)-537-657586                     90,16 (BAD)       logistique de l'économie nationale. Plus précisément, il vise à: (i) aider à          consultants non   Approuvé en
Email nwm@nadorwestmed.ma                                      éliminer les disparités régionales, en particulier en accélérant et le renforcement   requis            septembre 2015
                                                               du développement économique et social de la Région de l'Oriental grâce à
                                                               l'amélioration de son attractivité et de création de richesses et d'emplois; (ii)
                                                               renforcer les services portuaires du Maroc dans la région de la Méditerranée
                                                               occidentale et de profiter de sa position géostratégique sur le détroit de
                                                               Gibraltar pour attirer une partie des activités de transport maritime mondial; et
                                                               (iii) garantir l'approvisionnement en produits énergétiques au Maroc en créant
                                                               un second pôle, notamment en augmentant les capacités d'accueil et de
                                                               stockage dans la zone du projet. Le présent projet s’articule autour des trois
                                                               composantes suivantes : (i) construction des infrastructures portuaires ; (ii)
                                                               mesures sociales d’accompagnement et appui aux femmes et aux jeunes ; et
                                                               (iii) gestion du projet. (Catégorie environnementale I).

                                                               Projet de renforcement de l’infrastructure ferroviaire

                                                               L’objectif sectoriel du projet est de contribuer à l’augmentation de l’offre de
                                                               transport ferroviaire entre Casablanca et Marrakech et l’amélioration de la           Services de
                                             80,00 (BAD)                                                                                                               Approuvé en
Office National Des Chemins de Fer (ONCF)                      capacité d’accueil ainsi que de la qualité du service offert dans les gares entre     consultants non
                                                                                                                                                                       Janvier 2016
                                                               Tanger et Casablanca, pour répondre aux besoins des trafics de marchandises et        requis
                                                               de voyageurs à l’horizon 2020. Le projet s’articule autour des trois
                                                               composantes suivantes : (i) construction des infrastructures ferroviaires ; (ii)
                                                               aménagements connexes ; et (iii) gestion du projet. (Catégorie
                                                               environnementale I).

                                             probable &
                                              source de                                                                                             Service de
               Organe d’éxécution           financement                                                                                            consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                         PROJET ou PROGRAMME

               Executing Agency                                                                                                                    Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                             Amount &                                 PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                          Financing source
                                            (Million UA)

                                                             13ème projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable et assainissement

                                                             Le projet permettra de satisfaire les besoins en eau potable de plusieurs
                                                             agglomérations (Bouznika, Ben Slimane, Youssoufia et Safi) et d’améliorer la
                                                                                                                                                 Services de
ONEE – Branche Eau                                           qualité d’eau (aération artificielle et ozonation) et les performances des                            Présentation au
                                            68,5 (BAD)       systèmes d’AEP existants (diminuer les pertes, optimiser l’exploitation, …).                          Conseil en
                                                             Les différentes composantes du projet sont les suivantes : 1. Renforcement de                         juin 2016
                                                             l’approvisionnement en eau potable des agglomérations urbaines ; 2.
                                                             Amélioration de la qualité d’eau au niveau du complexe de Bouregreg ; 3.
                                                             Amélioration des performances des systèmes d’AEP existants et 4. Appui
                                                             technique & gestion du projet. (Catégorie environnementale II).

                                                             Programme d’appui à la gouvernance de la protection sociale (PAGPS)

                                                             L’objectif du PAGPS est d’améliorer la protection sociale des Marocains, en
                                                             particulier celle des femmes et des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité. Pour
                                                                                                                                                 Services de       Présentation au
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances    95,00 (BAD)       atteindre cet objectif, le programme se concentre d’une part sur (i) le
                                                                                                                                                 consultants non   Conseil en
Direction du Budget                                          renforcement du dispositif de gouvernance de la protection sociale et
                                                                                                                                                 requis            juin 2016
                                                             l’optimisation de l’utilisation des ressources, et d’autre part, sur (ii)
                                                             l’amélioration de la couverture de la protection sociale et de la qualité des
                                                             services. (Catégorie environnementale III)

                                                         probable &
                                                          source de                                                                                               Service de
                Organe d’éxécution                      financement                                                                                              consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                                     PROJET ou PROGRAMME

                Executing Agency                                                                                                                                 Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                         Amount &                                  PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                                      Financing source
                                                        (Million UA)

                                                                                     A L G E R I E

Ministère de l’Industrie et des Mines                                    Projet d’appui au développement de la PME (PAD-PME)
Direction Générale de la Petite et Moyenne
                                                                         L’objectif global du projet est de contribuer à l’amélioration du climat des
                                                      0,792 (BAD-        investissements en Algérie, et ce à travers, la modernisation du cadre d’appui
À l'attention : Melle BALI Mouna, Chef d’études       FPRI)              au développement de la PME et le renforcement du dialogue public-privé. Les           Services de
à la DGPME                                                               principaux résultats attendus sont : (i) une amélioration du taux                     consultants
Coordonatrice du Projet PAD-PME                                          d’investissement privé par rapport au PIB ; (ii) une augmentation de nombre           requis          Approuvé en
02, rue Ahmed Bey, Immeuble le Colisée                                   d’entreprises créées ; (iii) davantage d’emplois créés dans les PME privées. Le                       février 2015
Bougara, El Biar 16000 Alger-Algérie.                                    projet a quatre composantes : 1. mission d’assistance technique ; 2. audits
LD :+213 21230648 ;:+213 21239500                                        externes ; 3. services d’un consultant individuel et 4. moyens logistiques (salle
                                                                         de cours, restauration et autres …) pour la tenue des séminaires de formation.
Fax :+213 21230588 ; +213 21 239500
E-mail: mounabali001@gmail.com

                                                                         Mic - Etude sur la croissance inclusive et l’emploi
Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité                      Les objectifs du Projet sont de : i) disposer d’un état des lieux exhaustif
Sociale à travers : Sous-direction des Programmes                        renseignant sur la qualité de la croissance et son l’impact de l’emploi; (ii) avoir
de Promotion de l’Emploi et de l’Insertion                               une meilleure visibilité sur facteurs déterminants susceptibles de rendre la
“SDPPEI”                                                                 croissance beaucoup plus créatrice d’emploi en particulier pour les jeunes et les
À l'attention : Mr. Ghanem BELHAOUA                                      femmes; (iii) élaborer une cartographie de la main-d’œuvre, avec une
                                                                         segmentation des profils fortement demandés ou peu demandés dans le futur ;
Adresse: 44, Rue Mohamed Belouizdad, Sidi              0,554 (MICF)                                                                                            Services de     Approuvé en
                                                                         et (iv) anticiper sur les réformes majeures à conduire dans le secteur du
M’Hamed,                                                                 développement des compétences et la formation en lien avec le marché du               consultants     février 2015
16600, Alger, Algérie                                                    travail, d’une part, tout en initiant des mesures urgentes en termes de               requis
Tel: (00213) 21 66 13 59                                                 diversification de l’économie, d’autre part. Les composantes sont : 1. services
Fax: (00213) 21 66 54 98                                                 de consultant pour la mission d’étude sur la croissance inclusive et l’emploi ; 2.
E-mail: belhaouaghanem@gmail.com                                         services d’un Consultant individuel, pour apporter l’appui nécessaire à
                                                                         l’Organe d’exécution dans la coordination et le suivi des différentes étapes du
                                                                         Projet ; et 3. services du cabinet chargé des audits externes

                                                  probable &
                                                   source de                                                                                             Service de
             Organe d’éxécution                  financement                                                                                            consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                              PROJET ou PROGRAMME

              Executing Agency                                                                                                                          Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                  Amount &                                 PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                               Financing source
                                                 (Million UA)

Agence Nationale des ressources hydrauliques                      Assistance technique pour l'élaboration d'un SIG au profit de l’ANRH
ANRH)                                                             Les principaux objectifs sont : la structuration de toutes les données relatives
À l'attention : [Mme Harbili Karima chef de                       aux ressources en eau dans un référentiel unique permettant l’échange des
département programmation et informatique]                        informations, l’adaptation de l’organisation actuelle de l’ANRH pour assurer le     Services de
                                                                  bon fonctionnement de la base d’informations, la mise en place d’un SIG pour                        Approuvé en mai
40, Avenue Mohammedi Bir Mourad Rais                                                                                                                  consultants
                                                0,75 (MICF)       faciliter aux décideurs et gestionnaires des ressources en eau les actions et les                   2015
16000, Alger Algérie                                                                                                                                  requis
Tel: [+ 213 21 56 15 46]                                          interventions ; et le lancement et la mise en œuvre du SIG. Le projet comporte
                                                                  les composantes suivantes : 1. Les services d’un consultant (cabinet) pour la
Fax: [+ 213 21 54 25 42]
                                                                  mission de mise ne place d’un SIG ; 2. Les services d’un consultant individuel en
E-mail: dpi@anrh.dz                                               appui au suivi du projet ; et 3. Les services de cabinet d’audit

                                                                            R E G I O N A L

                                                                  Banco Santander
                                                                                                                                                      Consultancy     Approved in April
Banco Santander S.A. (“Santander”)              28,99 (ADB)       Budget Support (Environmental Category 3)                                           Services        2015


                                                                             Directeur/Director: G. NEGATU
                                                                                    Tel 00254 8232

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                              consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                             Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                            (Million UA)

                                                                                S O M A L I A

                                              Humanitarian Relief Assistance to Victims of Drought
                                                                                                                                                                      Approved in
World Food                                                                                                                                                            February 2015
                            0,77 (SRF)        The objective of this programme is to contribute to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS)         Consultancy
Programme (WFP)
                                              and United Nation’s efforts in providing urgent food aid distributions and deliveries of food to    services required
                                              drought affected families in the affected areas. The programme has two components: 1. Purchase,
                                              delivery, and activity management of Sorghum and 2. WFP Administrative fee.

                                              Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants and Youth at Risk Project

                                              The overall development objective of the project is to promote sustainable reintegration of youth
Ministry of Labour and                        at risk including ex-combatants. The specific objective is to equip these youth with the needed                            Approved in
                             3,00 (TSF)
Social Affairs                                social and livelihoods skills for sustainable reintegration into society and help enhance                                  January 2016
                                              government’s capacity for tackling youth unemployment. The three components are: 1: Social
                                              and economic reintegration of the target youth; 2: Capacity building for youth empowerment; 3:
                                              Project Management. (Environmental Category III).

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                                   Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                                 consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                            Amount &                                                                                                                   Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                                Service
                           (Million UA)

                                                                                E R I T R E A

                                             Skills Development for Employability and Entrepreneurship Project

                                             The development objective of the project is to enhance human resources development with a
                                             gender perspective through skilled labor force in order to support inclusive economic growth. The                          Approved in March
                           13,50 (ADF)                                                                                                              Consultancy
Ministry of Education                        specific objective of the project is to contribute to increased access, improved quality and equity                        2015
                                                                                                                                                    services required
                                             of technical vocational education and training. To achieve this objective, the project will have the
                                             following components: 1. Improving access and increasing equity in enrolment in TVET; 2.
                                             Capacity building, curriculum development, and quality assurance of TVET and 3. Project
                                             Management. (Environmental category II).

                                                                                 U G A N D A

                                             Water Supply and Sanitation Programme - Additional activities

Ministry of Water and                        The objective of the Programme is to support the Government efforts to achieve sustainable
Environment                                  provision of safe water and hygienic sanitation, based on management responsibility and                                    Approved in
P.O. Box 20026.            5, 94 (GEF)       ownership by the users, to 77% of the population in rural areas and 90% of the small towns’            Consultancy
                                                                                                                                                    services required   March 2015
Kampala - Uganda                             population by the year 2015. The additional funding is to benefit people in mountain catchment
Tel: +256 414 505942                         regions of Bududa, Lirima, Bukwo Gravity flow schemes and drought/flood prone districts of
Email: mwe@mwe.go.ug
                                             Soroti, Bukedea, Budaka, Pallisa, Kumi, Butaleja, Otuke,Apac and Katakwi districts. The overall
                                             Sector Programme has three components: 1. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS); 2.
                                             Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation (STWSS) and 3. Sector Programme Support (SPS).
                                             Activities to be carried out with the additional financing are: 1. Building resilience to climate

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                              consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                            Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                           (Million UA)

                                             change in flood -prone areas of Mount Elgon; 2. Ensuring climate-resilient sanitation in flood-
                                             prone peri-urban areas; 3. Ensuring access to water for production as an adaptation in drought-
                                             prone areas and 4. Knowledge management and Monitoring and Evaluation. (Environmental
                                             Category II).

Rural Electrification
Agency (REA)
Plot 10 Windsor Loop,                        Rural Electricity Access Project
Kololo, 2nd Floor,
House of Hope              71,05 (ADB)       The overarching goal of the proposed project is to support the long-term and short-term                                 Approved in
P.O Box 317                                  development strategy and plan of the Government of Uganda (GoU). The four components of the                             September 2015
Kampala, Uganda          8, 95 (EU-AITF)                                                                                                         services required
                                             Project are: 1. Construction of distribution networks; 2. Project administration and management;
Tel: +256-312-318100                         3. Technical assistance and capacity building and 4. Implementation ESMF/ESMP and ARAP.
Fax: +256-414-346013                         (Environmental Category II).
email: rea@rea.or.ug

                                             Farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation Programme - Project 2 (FIEFOC2)
Ministry of Water and
P.O. Box 20026.                              The project objective is to improve household incomes, food security, and climate resilience
                        55,34 (ADB)          through sustainable natural resources management and agricultural enterprise development. The       Consultancy            Approved in
Kampala - Uganda
                                                                                                                                                 services required      January 2016
Tel: +256 414 505942                         Project has four components: 1. Agriculture Infrastructure Development; 2. Agribusiness
Email: mwe@mwe.go.ug                         Development; 3. Integrated Natural Resources Management and 4. Project Management.
                                             (Environmental Category II).

Ministry of Water and
Environment                                  Water Supply and Sanitation Programme - Phase II
P.O. Box 20026.                                                                                                                                  Consultancy         Approved in
                        65,80 (ADF)
Kampala - Uganda                                                                                                                                 services required   February 2016
                                             The purpose of the Programme is to contribute to improved health and welfare of the population
Tel: +256 414 505942                         through provision of safe water and sanitation services. The three components of the Project are:
Email: mwe@mwe.go.ug

                          Montant probable &
                              source de                                                                                                               Service de
  Organe d’éxécution        financement/                                                                                                             consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                              Amount &                                                                                                               Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                           Financing source                                                                                                            Service
                             (Million UA)

                                               1. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation; 2. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation and 3. Sector
                                               Program Support SPS. (Environmental Category II)

                                                                                    K E N Y A

Kenya National
Highways Authority
(KeNHA) BlueShield                             Mombasa-Mariakani Highway Project
Towers, Hospital Road,
Upper Hill | P.O. Box                          The objective of the Project is to improve transport of import and export goods and passengers
49712 - 00100 Nairobi.                         traffic along the Northern Corridor. The Project will also contribute towards restoring the road
                            80, 00 (ADF)                                                                                                          Consultancy         Approved in March
Kenya.                                         network and improving economic and social welfare of people living in urban, peri-urban and
                                                                                                                                                  services required   2015
Telephone: +254 020                            rural areas along the project road. The Project has four components: 1. Road construction civil
8013842 | 020 4954000                          works; 2. Consulting Services and training; 3. Institutional Support and 4. Compensation and
| Cell: +254 0731                              resettlement. (Environmental Category I).
330336 | 0700 423606
Email: dg@kenha.co.ke
Ministry of Education
Science and Technology                         Technical Vocational Education and Training for Relevant Skills Development Phase II
(MoEST) Jogoo House B,                         (TVET)
Harambee Avenue
P.O BOX 9583-00200                                                                                                                                                    Approved in July
                            41, 00 (ADF)       The overall development objective of the project, in line with the Kenya TVET Act, 2013 is to        Consultancy
Nairobi, Kenya                                                                                                                                                        2015
                                               increase access and equity, improve quality and relevance of TVET education and training. The      services required
Tel: +254-020-3318581
Fax: +254-020-251991                           specific objective of the project is to equip youth, at least 50% of them women, with relevant
Email:                                         TVET skills for the immediate and emerging labor market needs. The expected project outcome
info@scienceandtechnolo                        is increased skilled and employable youths. The project’s has three components: 1. Improve
gy.go.ke                                       Access, Quality and Relevance of TVET; 2. Equip Vulnerable Youth with Relevant TVET Skills

                              Montant probable &
                                  source de                                                                                                                  Service de
  Organe d’éxécution            financement/                                                                                                                consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                      PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                                  Amount &                                                                                                                  Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                                  PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                               Financing source                                                                                                               Service
                                 (Million UA)
Website: ww.education.go.ke
                                                    and work experience and 3. MoEST institutional support and Project Management.
                                                   (Environmental Category II).

Ministry of Agriculture
Livestock and Fisheries                            Small Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP)
Cathedral Road,
Nairobi                                            The purpose of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction by ensuring increased agricultural
P. O. Box 34188-00100                              productivity and incomes and food security among beneficiaries in eleven counties. The project                            Approved in
                                 28,31 (ADB)       has four main components which include: (i) Irrigation and Water Infrastructure Development;            Consultancy
Kenya                                                                                                                                                                        November 2015
                                                   (ii) Access to Markets and Strengthening Value Chains; (iii) Institutional Strengthening and          services required
E-mail: info@kilimo.go.ke      16,32 (GAFSP)
Telephone: +254-20-                                Capacity Development; and (iv) Project Coordination and Management. (Environmental
2718870                                            Category II).

                                                   Chase Bank Limited

                                                   The overarching objective of this project is to stimulate economic growth by facilitating access to     Consultancy       Approved in
Chase Bank                       35,62 (ADB)       credit to SMEs in order to enhance the productive capacity of these enterprises. To achieve this
                                                                                                                                                         services required   October 2015
                                                   objective, it is proposed to extend a line of credit to a sound financial intermediary with
                                                   significant experience in the Kenyan SME space.

Kenya National
Highways Authority
(KeNHA)                                            Sirari Corridor Accessibility and Road Safety Improvement Project: Isebania-Kisii-Ahero
BlueShield Towers,                                 (A1) Road Rehabilitation
Hospital Road, Upper            165,06 (ADB)                                                                                                             Consultancy         Approved in March
Hill | P.O. Box 49712 -                            Development objectives of the Project are to promote inter-regional and domestic trade and in         services required   2016
00100 Nairobi. Kenya.          7,88 (EU-AITF)      doing so, contribute to the Government of Kenya (GoK) socio-economic development and
Telephone: +254 020                                poverty reduction efforts by improving access to markets and enhancing transport efficiency.
8013842 | 020 4954000                              The specific objective is to improve regional transport connectivity by expanding and improving

                            Montant probable &
                                source de                                                                                                                 Service de
  Organe d’éxécution          financement/                                                                                                               consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                    PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                                Amount &                                                                                                                 Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                                PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                             Financing source                                                                                                              Service
                               (Million UA)

 Cell: +254 0731
330336 | 0700 423606                             road infrastructure (both trunk road and feeder roads) in order to facilitate freight and safe
Email:                                           passenger transport along the Sirari Corridor (Tanzania-Kenya-South Sudan), and within the Lake
dg@kenha.co.ke                                   Victoria basin. The five (5) project components are: 1. Rehabilitation of trunk and feeder roads;
                                                 2. Project Management; 3. Technical Assistance to the Sector; 4. Road Safety Intervention and 5.
.ke                                              Compensation and Resettlement. (Environmental Category I).

                                                                                       S U D A N

                                                 Building Capacity for Inclusive Service Delivery Project
Ministry of Welfare                                                                                                                                                       Approved in March
                              27, 99 (ADF)       The overall development objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction, economic     Consultancy
and Social Security                                                                                                                                                       2015
                                                 and social progression in Sudan. Project components are: 1. Strengthening governance and             services required
                                                 institutional capacity; 2. Building human resources capacity; 3. Developing sustainable safety net
                                                 and 4. Project management. (Environmental Category III).

                                                 Capacity Building for Improved Quality of the Education System and Skills Development

                                                 The project’s development objective is to enhance skills development and the use of technology
Federal Ministry       of                        to improve education and training delivery. The specific objective of the project is to build        Consultancy         Approved in May
General Education              15, 30 (TSF)      capacity within the education and training sector in order to internalize the major management       services required   2015
                                                 and training functions to deliver quality skills needed in the Sudanese economy. The Project has
                                                 three components: 1. Support to Capacity Building for Improved Quality Education; 2. Improving
                                                 the Teaching and Training Conditions in the TVE Institutions and 3. Project Management.
                                                 (Environmental Category II).

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                                    Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                                  consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                            Amount &                                                                                                                    Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                                 Service
                           (Million UA)

                                             Good Governance and Women Economic Empowerment Project

Ministry of Welfare                          The overall development objective of the project is to promote good governance and foster
                                                                                                                                                     Consultancy         Board presentation
                                             inclusive growth by enhancing implementation of policies, strengthening institutions and building
and Social Security        16,20 (ADF)                                                                                                                                   scheduled for
                                             capacities to increase the participation of women in economic activities in Sudan. The project has      services required
(MoWSS)                                                                                                                                                                  March 2016
                                             four components,: (i) Support to Policy Implementation and Good Governance; (ii) Business and
                                             Skills Development; (iii) Institutional Capacity Building; and iv) Project Management.
                                             (Environmental Category III).

                                             Water Sector Reforms and Institutional Capacity Development Program

Ministry of Water          15,00 (ADF)       The overall objective of the program is to contribute to building a resilient and sustainable water
Resources, Irrigation                        and sanitation sector that meets the needs of all users or beneficiaries in the targeted areas in the   Consultancy         Approved in
and Electricity         0,64 (RWSSI-TF)      medium to long term, as well as to provide water supply and sanitation infrastructure in targeted       services required   September 2015
                                             areas with a view to contribute to peace building, improving livelihoods and building resilience
                                             against climate variability and change. The programme has four components: 1. Water Sector
                                             Policy and Institutional Reforms; 2. Capacity Development, 3. Water and Sanitation for
                                             Resilience and Stability and 4. Programme Management. (Environmental Category II).

                                                                           S E Y C H E L L E S

                                             Mahe Sustainable Water Augmentation Project

                          14, 93 (ADB)       The development objective of the project is to contribute to economic development through                                   Approved in April
Public Utilities                             improving water supply capacity and resilience against climate variability and change. The              Consultancy
Corporation (PUC)       1, 200 (MIC-TAF)     Project comprises four components: 1. Raising of the La Gogue Dam; 2. La Gogue Water                    services required
                                             Treatment Plant; 3. Institutional and Capacity Building Support and 4. Project Management.
                                             (Environmental Category II).
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