La page est créée Quentin Maurice
Sabine Lipovetsky’s involvement is illustrated by her active participation in associations and to conferences, and by her


¡ “The protection of the image of a building under French law: where judges create law”, co-written with Emmanuèle de
Dampierre, to be published in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice in August 2012
¡ « The Commission wants to create a European Electronic Signature»., May 2012. Interview of Sabine Lipovetsky
¡ “Presidential elections: will foreign media and users of social networks be sanctioned?” (“Elections présidentielles : les
médias étrangers et les utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux vont-ils être condamnés ?”), Le Journal du Net, May 2012, co-written
with Hélène Carrier
¡ “What if the presidential elections were cancelled because of Twitter?” (“Et si la présidentielle était annulée à cause de
Twitter ?”), interview published in Le Nouvel Observateur, April 2012
¡ “Sarkozy targets readers of “terrorist” and “violent” websites” (“Sarkozy cible les lecteurs des sites “terroristes” et
“violents”), interview published in Le Nouvel Observateur, March 2012
¡ “Is poker a game of chance or a game of skill?” (“Le poker est-il un jeu de hasard ou un jeu d’adresse ?”), Lexbase Hebdo
business édition, n˚274 / 23 November 2011
¡ “Let’s not hastily draw conclusions on the Toulouse court’s decision but let’s keep an eye on this case” (“Ne tirons pas de
conclusions hâtives de la décision du TGI de Toulouse mais restons attentifs à cette affaire”), interview published in eGaming
France, 29 July 2011
¡ “Liberalization of domain names - Questions to Maître Sabine Lipovetsky, Kahn & Associés, Partner and co-head of the
TIPCM department” (“La libéralisation des noms de domaine — Questions à Maître Sabine Lipovetsky, Kahn & Associés,
avocate associée, co-directrice du Département TPICM”), interview published in Revue Lexbase Edition Affaires, 27 July 2011
¡ “Prohibition of the application of the private copying remuneration scheme to products acquired for professional purposes –
Questions to Maître Sabine Lipovetsky, Kahn & Associés, Partner and co-head of the TIPCM department” (“La censure de
l’application de la rémunération pour copie privée aux produits acquis dans un but professionnel – Questions à Maître Sabine
Lipovetsky, Kahn & Associés, avocate associée, co-directrice du Département TPICM”), interview published in Revue
Lexbase Edition Affaires, 6 July 2011
¡ “Revenue recognition of computer agreements” (“La ‘Revenue Recognition’ dans les contrats informatiques”), Revue
Jurisprudence Commerciale, n°3, May-June 2010, co-written with Fabrice Perbost and Henri Alterman
¡ “A two-tier Community trademark: aesthetics at the service of luxury brands?” (“Une marque communautaire à deux
vitesses : l’esthétique au service de la marque de luxe ?”), Dalloz, May 2008
¡ “3D Community trademark: towards a quest for an identity and for aesthetics?” (“Marque communautaire 3D : vers une
quête identitaire et esthétique”), Propriété Industrielle, May 2008
¡ “Did you say ‘transformation’?” (“Vous avez dit ‘mutation’?”). Interview of Sabine Lipovetsky and Fabrice Perbost
published in Expertises des Systèmes d'Information, n° 322, February 2008
¡ “Three-Dimensional trademarks, a difficult protection in the European Community”, ITech Law eBulletin, Volume 2-issue 1,
¡ “How to best protect a product’s packaging and to take effective action against counterfeiting?” (“Comment protéger au
mieux le packaging d’un produit et lutter efficacement contre la contrefaçon ?”), (Tribune), Legal Biznext, 27 November 2007
¡ How to best protect a product’s packaging and to take effective action against counterfeiting?” (“Comment protéger au
mieux le packaging d’un produit et lutter efficacement contre la contrefaçon ?”), Le village de la Justice, 20 November 2007
¡ “Taking effective action against counterfeiting: the US example of civil damages” (“Lutte contre le contrefaçon : l'exemple
américain en matière de réparation de nature civile”), Communication Commerce Electronique, N°6, June 2006
¡ “Dematerialization of exchanges: towards the extension of the precautionary principle” (“Dématérialisation des échanges :
vers une extension du principe de precaution”), Petites Affiches, n° 253, 21 December 2005, co-written with Gérard Weisz,
consultant (Siruys Systems)
¡ “Dematerialization of exchanges: towards the extension of the precautionary principle” (“Dématérialisation des échanges :
vers une extension du principe de precaution”), Expertises des Systèmes d'Information, n° 298, December 2005, co-written
with Gérard Weisz, consultant (Siruys Systems)
¡ “Electronic document and precautionary principle” (“Ecrit électronique et principe de précaution”), 01DSI, N°1835, 11
November 2005, co-written with Gérard Weisz, consultant (Siruys Systems)

¡ “Biomedical research on humans under strict scrutiny”, CLA Bulletin - Volume 20 N° 2, 2005, co-written with Delphine
¡ “Authentic instruments dematerialize at last” (“Les actes authentiques se dématérialisent enfin”), Journal du Net, 13 May
2005, co-written with Gérard Weisz, consultant (Siruys Systems)
¡ “The scope of computing services providers’ duty to offer advice” (“Les contours de l'obligation de conseil des prestataires
informatiques “), Expertises des Systèmes d'Information, n° 290, 9 March 2005, co-written with Céline Mutz
¡ “How to secure transfers: assignment of rights and licences” (“Comment sécuriser le transfert : cession de droits et licence”),
Informatique Professionnelle (Gartner magazine), n° 232, March 2005, co-written Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Private copying: not a right, but an exception”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 19, n°3, 2004, co-writtten with
Céline Mutz
¡ “The Relaxing of ‘.fr’ Naming Policy”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 19 n°2, 2004, co-written with Céline Mutz
¡ “The Google decision”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 19 n°1, 2004, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “New case on liability of search engines”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 18, n°4, 2004, co-written with Fabrice
¡ “Freedom of speech & companysuck’s web sites”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 18, n°3, 2004, co-written with
Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Resorting to accountancy regulations in the IT sector” (“Le recours aux règles comptables dans le secteur IT”), Capital
finance, 15 December 2003, Page 8, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “New (and last?) French case on yahoo!”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 18 n°2, 2003, co-written with Fabrice
¡ “The influence of accountancy regulations on computer agreements/the Internet” (“L'influence des règles comptables sur les
contrats informatiques/ Internet”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information, n°276, December 2003, co-written with Fabrice
¡ “Referencing websites and trademark kaw: a comparative analysis of the US and France” (“Référencement de sites et droit
des marques - Analyse comparée Etats – Unis/France”), Communication Commerce électronique, October 2003, co-written
with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Revenue recognition facing reforms of corporate governance” (“La revenue recognition face aux réformes de la
gouvernance d'entreprise”), Journal du Net, September 2003, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “The protection of commercial methods by secrec” (“La protection des méthodes commerciales par le secret”), Legal Biznet,
n° 12, January 2003, p. 5, co-written Fabrice Perbost
¡ “CNIL report on spamming”, Computer Law Association Bulletin, vol. 18 n°1, 2003, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “The Brun Buisson decisions”, Computer Law Association, Volume 17, n° 4, 2002, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “The use of registered corporate names in metatags”, The World Internet Law Report, December 2002, Volume 3, Issue 12,
co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “The use of registered corporate names in metatags”, Computer Law Association, Volume 17, n°3, 2002, co-written with
Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Court ruling on spamming”, Computer Law Association, Volume 17, n°2, 2002, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Internet usage for personal purposes”, Computer Law Association, Volume 17, n°1, 2002, p. 52, co-written with Fabrice
¡ “The Toubon law facing the information technology” (“La loi Toubon confrontée aux technologies de l'information”),
Communication Commerce Electronique, n°6, 4 July 2002, co-written with Marie-laure de Cordovez
¡ “Search Engine Liability”, World Internet Law Report, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2002, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Tax authorities embrace Internet”, Computer Law Association, Volume 16, n°4, 2001, p. 145, co-written with Fabrice
¡ “The storage of dematerialized documents” (“L’archivage des documents dematerialises”), Réseaux du droit, Legal Biznet,
n° 3, Nov. - Dec. 2001, p. 4, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Information Society Law”, The Computer Law Association, Bulletin n°3, Volume 16, 2001, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Tax authorities becomes aware of the Internet” (“L’administration fiscale s’ouvre à Internet”), Réseaux du Droit, n°15, Sept.
- Oct. 2001, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “The future of the protection of personal data on the Internet” (“Le devenir de la protection des données personnelles sur
Internet”), La Gazette du Palais, n°255 to 256, 12-13 September 2001, co-written with Audrey Yayon-Dauvet
¡ “New regulations relating to e-signatures”, The Computer Law Association, Bulletin n° 2, Volume 16, 2001, co-written with
Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Search engines find their marks” (“Le moteur de recherche prend ses marques”), Le Monde Interactif, April 2001, co-
written with Fabrice Perbost

¡ “Revenue recognition of computer agreements” (“La ‘revenue recognition’ des contrats informatiques”), Les,
special issue at n°18.420, 11 June 2001, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “New regulations on electronic signature” (“La nouvelle règlementation relative à la signature électronique”), Réseaux du
Droit, n°14, May - June 2001, co-written with Fabrice Perbost
¡ “Localization of IT agreements” (“La localisation du contrat informatique”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information, n°249,
June 2001
¡ “Limited liability and warranty related provisions in IT agreements: a comparative analysis of France and the US” (“Les
clauses limitatives de responsabilité et de garantie dans les contrats informatiques : Approche comparative France/Etats-Unis”),
Petites Affiches, n°152, 1 August 2000
¡ “Liability of providers in the context of the transition to 2000: judges grant but do not yield” (“Responsabilité du fournisseur
liée au passage à l’an 2000 : les juges concèdent sans …. céder”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information, n°238, June 2000,
co-written with Audrey Yayon
¡ “Limited liability and warranty related provisions in IT agreements” (“Les clauses limitatives de responsabilité et de garantie
dans les contrats informatiques”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information, n°237, May 2000
¡ “Year 2000 and software law” (“An 2000 et droit du logiciel”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information, n°234, February 2000,
co-written with Audrey Yayon
¡ “Year 2000 and software law, a comparative analysis of France and the US: the ineluctable return to the sources” (“An 2000
et droit du logiciel en droit comparé France/Etats-Unis : l’inévitable retour aux sources”), Petites Affiches, n°14, 20 January
2000, co-written with Audrey Yayon
¡ Participation to an international and bi-monthly newsletter (“The Link”) since 2001


¡ “The Web Dictionary” (“Le dictionnaire du Web”), co-written by Sabine Lipovetsky, under the direction of Francis Balle
and Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, Dalloz


¡ Speech on “Contributory trademark infringement liability in an online world”, as part of the E-commerce workshop of the
conference organized by the ITechLaw in Washington DC in May 2012
¡ Speech on “Lessons from the European Union on trademark and keyword advertising”, as part of the conference “Building
Mega Trademarks” organized by the INTA in New Delhi on 10 February 2012
¡ Speech on “Managing paper flows and digital flows: what organisational issues?”, as part of a conference organized by the
FAN (Forum des Acteurs du Numérique) on 26 January 2012
¡ Speech on the “Dematerialization of HR documents”, as part of a workshop and debate organized by the APROGED on 19
September 2011
¡ Speech on “How to master the legal aspects and issues relating to the conservation of electronic archives in Europe” at the
Hôtel Lutétia in Paris on 24 March 2011
¡ Speech on the control of the IT tools at the European Security Meetings on 2 July 2009
¡ Speech on “Dematerialization and optimization of costs: the exemples of invoices and temporary work” at the Red’cost event
on 17 September 2008
¡ Speech on “How to protect one’s creations?” at the Beauté et Packaging event in Louviers on 11 June 2008
¡ Speech on “Advertising law in France – contractual and legal aspects”, as part of a seminar organized by the GAM
(Groupement des Annonceurs du Maroc) in Casablanca on 3 April 2008.
¡ Speech on “Videasurveillance, technogloy tools: what regulations? How to control employees?” at the European Security
Meetings on 2 April 2008
¡ Speech on “What legal strategy for your dematerialization projects?”, organized by Dématérialiser 2007 on 12 December
¡ Speech on “How to protect the packaging of a product?” at the Lux Pack event of Monaco, on 24 October 2007
¡ Speech at the BNF on regulatory compliance organized by Atos Origin on 9 November 2006
¡ Speech on the precautionary principle applied to electronic documents at the 17th Forum européen sur la Sécurité des
Systèmes d'information (EUROSEC) on 3 April 2006

¡ Speech with Gérard Weisz (Siriys Systems) on “Electronic writing and the precautionary principle, at Forum 3S (Storage,
Saving and Security) at the CNIT, in La Défense, June 2005
¡ Speech at the symposium entitled “Struggle against IP ingringement” organized by Professor Christophe Caron at the
Assemblée Nationale on 6 June 2005
¡ Conference on “The protection of software in an international context”, as part of as seminar organized by Gartner on 7 April
¡ Conference on “Search engines and trademark law: what liabilities?”, given at the Salon de l’Internet on 16 December 2004
¡ Conferences on 7 December 2004 and 7 June 2005, as part of seminars organized by Development Institute International on
“The revision of Internet law”
¡ Speech on “The new rules on e-marketing”, as part of a workshop and debate on the 2005 deadlines, organized by Internet
Agricole et Nouvelles Technologies on 25 November 2004
¡ Speech with Fabrice Perbost and in collaboration with Legato on “Electronic storage of e-mails”, as part of a BNP - Paribas
workshop on 18 November 2003
¡ Event on the topic “Regulation of the Internet and intellectual property”, organized on 18 January 2003 by the Master 2
Intellectual Property (“Master 2 Droit de la propriété intellectuelle appliquée”) at the Paris XII Créteil University
¡ Speech with Fabrice Perbost on the topic “How to master the legal aspects of internet purchasing”, as part of training entitled
“How to integrate the Internet and e-procurement to the purchaser’s job” organized by LRA on 13 June 2002
¡ APP Meeting of 28 May 2002: “Patentability of inventions implemented by a computer – reactions to the European directive
proposal”; panel on the topic “Patent protection – Copyright protection: complementarity”
¡ Speech with Fabrice Perbost on the topic “How to insure the legal protection of an e-procurement solution?”, as part of a
seminar entitled “Winning strategies of e-procurement” organized by LRA on 16 October 2001 at the “Republicans Circle”
¡ Speech on the topic “What is the scope of the liability of technical services providers provided by the LSI?”, as part of a
seminar entitled "Law on Information Society – Integrate the new legal context of your Internet activities» organized by LRA
on 12 December 2001 at the “Forum de Loire”


¡ Lectures on intellectual property and e-commerce in 2011/2012 at the ITIN (French engineering school).
¡ Lectures on the "Regulation of the Internet" every year since 2001 in the Master in Information Technology Law ("Master
Droit des nouvelles technologies") at the University of Nanterre
¡ Lectures on "Intellectual Property and Technology Law", taught in English from 2004 to 2006 in the Master 2 of Intellectual
Property Law ("Master 2 Droit de la propriété intellectuelle appliquée") directed by Professor Christophe Caron at the Paris
XII Créteil University
¡ Lecture on trademark liability of search engines in 2004 in the Master 2 of Private and Public Business Law – Intellectual
Property law (“Master 2 Droit privé et public des affaires, spécialité Droit de la propriété intellectuelle appliquée”), directed by
Professor Christophe Caron at the Paris XII Créteil University
¡ Lecture on trademark law; this lecture was given to students at the ESCEM Business School on 6 September 2003 as part of
the “Marketing and consumption” unit (6 hours)
¡ Lecture on intellectual property law (copyright/similar rights) and on consumer law; this lecture was given to students at the
ESCEM Business School on 14 - 15 May 2001, as part of the “Tourism, Leisure and Entertainments” unit (9 hours)


¡ FNTC (Fédération Nationale des Tiers de Confiance): active participation to the legal group, drafting of guides such as the
guide on electronic signature, the e-delegation and lobbying activity
¡ INTA (International Trademark Association)
¡ ITECHLAW (International Technology Law Association)
¡ APRAM (Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles) – French association for law practitioners in the
area of trademark and design law
¡ APROGED (Association des Professionnels pour l’Economie Numérique) – French association for the professionals of the
digital economy: Sabine Lipovetsky is actively participating to a group which works on the possibility to destroy, in France,
the original document when it has been digitized. The purpose of the group is to try to propose and define the legal and
technical conditions under which the digitized copy could have the same probative value as the original paper document to be
¡ AFOJEL (Association Française des Opérateurs de Jeu en Ligne) – French association representing the rights of online
gaming operators, of which Sabine Lipovetsky is one of the founders

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