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TAX, AUDIT &                                                                                          54


                                                                                                 JAARGANG 12 / 12e ANNEE
                                                                                                 APRIL /
                                                                                                 AVRIL 2017
                                                                                                 4X/JAAR / 4X/AN

  NOCLAR or how auditors deal with suspected or occurred
  breaches of the law
  NOCLAR in België: an audit is not an audit

 Limitation of benefits in international conventions
 EMIR, nouvelles obligations et missions pour les réviseurs
 Periodieke informatie – Informations périodiques

                                                                     Instituut van de Bedrijfsrevisoren
                   CENTRE D’INFORMATION DU REVISORAT D’ENTREPRISES   Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises

  Editoriaal van de Voorzitter van het IBR
  De signaalfunctie, een toegevoegde waarde van de bedrijfsrevisor
	Editorial du Président de l’IRE
	La fonction de signal, une valeur ajoutée du réviseur d’entreprises

08       “ Limitations of Benefits” (LOB) clauses as the method against treaty

19        MIR, nouvelles obligations et nouvelles missions pour les réviseurs

37       NOCLAR or How accountants deal with suspected or occurred breaches of
           the law

                                                                                   TAX AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY

52       NOCLAR in België: an audit is not an audit
                                                                                   Revue trimestrielle du Centre d’Information du
                                                                                   Révisorat d’entreprises (ICCI)

56    	Periodieke informatie IFRS – juli 2016 tot december 2016                   Abréviation recommandée : TAA
        Informations périodiques IFRS – juillet 2016 à décembre 2016               Driemaandelijks tijdschrift van het Informatie-
                                                                                   centrum voor het Bedrijfsrevisoraat (ICCI)

66Woord van de Hoofdredacteur
	Ontwerpboek XX van het Wetboek van economisch recht: de bekroning van
  een (r)evolutie!
                                                                                   Aanbevolen afkorting: TAA

                                                                                   COMITE DE REDACTION
  Mot du Rédacteur en chef                                                         REDACTIECOMITE
	Le livre XX en projet du Code de droit économique : le couronnement d’une        P.P. Berger
  (r)évolution !                                                                   D. Breesch
                                                                                   Th. Carlier
                                                                                   M. De Wolf (Hoofdredacteur/Rédacteur en
                                                                                   T. Dupont
                                                                                   P. Minne
                                                                                   L. Pinte
                                                                                   D. Schockaert
                                                                                   D. Smets
                                                                                   C. Van der Elst

                                                                                   SECRETARIAT DE REDACTION
                                                                                   E. Vanderstappen, V. Yangandi et/en
                                                                                   S. De Blauwe
                                                                                   Bd. E. Jacqmainlaan 135
                                                                                   1000 Brussel - Bruxelles

                                                                                   EDITEUR RESPONSABLE
                                                                                   VERANTWOORDELIJKE UITGEVER
                                                                                   P.P. Berger
                                                                                   Bd. E. Jacqmainlaan 135
                                                                                   1000 Bruxelles - Brussel

                                                                                   MISE EN PAGE
                                                                                   die Keure/la Charte
                                            TAX, AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY
                                            APRIL/AVRIL 2017

Editoriaal van de                           Editorial du Président
Voorzitter van het IBR                      de l’IRE

DE SIGNAALFUNCTIE,                          LA FONCTION DE
EEN TOEGEVOEGDE                             SIGNAL, UNE VALEUR
WAARDE VAN DE                               AJOUTÉE DU RÉVISEUR
BEDRIJFSREVISOR                             D’ENTREPRISES
De verantwoordelijkheden van de             Un élargissement discret, mais soutenu,
bedrijfsrevisor worden sinds enkele jaren   des responsabilités des réviseurs
discreet maar gestaag uitgebreid. Er        d’entreprises se manifeste depuis
duiken immers geregeld nieuwe situaties     quelques années avec l’apparition
op waarin de revisor een signaalfunctie     régulière de nouvelles situations dans
moet opnemen.                               lesquelles le réviseur doit assumer une
                                            fonction de signal.

De     signaalfunctie    kan     worden     La fonction de signal peut être définie
omschreven als de verplichting om een       comme étant l’obligation d’attirer
persoon of een orgaan te wijzen op een      l’attention d’une personne ou d’un
bijzondere situatie die werd vastgesteld;   organe lorsqu’une situation particulière
die functie kan worden aangevuld met        est constatée ; elle peut être complétée
een injunctierecht, dat tot een tweede      d’un pouvoir d’injonction, menant à
actie leidt – bijvoorbeeld een melding      une deuxième action – par exemple,
aan een extern orgaan – wanneer             le signalement à un organe externe –
de injunctie niet wordt                                  lorsque l’injonction n’est
nageleefd.                                               pas respectée.

De bedrijfsrevisor moet                                   La fonction de signal
die    signaalfunctie    al                               s’impose déjà, depuis
verschillende jaren op­                                   plusieurs    années,     au
nemen in vrij uiteen­                                     réviseur d’entreprises dans
lopende situaties: het                                    des situations relativement
gaat bijvoorbeeld om                                      diverses : il s’agit par
de signaalfunctie van de                                  exemple de la fonction
commissaris van entiteiten                                de signal du commissaire
die onderworpen zijn aan                                  d’entités soumises au
Instituut van de Bedrijfsrevisoren
                                                               Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises

                                       E. Jacqmainlaan 135, 1000 Brussel, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                            Bd. E. Jacqmain 135, 1000 Bruxelles, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                                                                      Koninklijk Instituut / Institut royal

het prudentieel toezicht van de NBB,              contrôle prudentiel de la BNB, des
de verplichting om elk vermoeden van              obligations d’information à la Cellule de
witwassen van geld of van financiering            Traitement des Informations Financières
van terrorisme te melden aan de Cel               de tout soupçon de blanchiment
voor Financiële Informatieverwerking,             de capitaux ou de financement du
of nog de verplichtingen die op de                terrorisme, ou encore des obligations
commissaris rusten wanneer hij ernstige           faites au commissaire lorsqu’il constate
en overeenstemmende feiten vaststelt              des faits graves et concordants
die de continuïteit van de onderneming            susceptibles de compromettre la
in het gedrang kunnen brengen.                    continuité de l’entreprise.

Recenter werden nieuwe signaalfunc­               Plus récemment, de nouvelles fonctions
ties toegewezen aan de bedrijfsrevisor:           de signal ont été attribuées au réviseur
                                                  d’entreprises :

-    in alle entiteiten waar een                  -       dans toutes les entités dans
     bedrijfsrevisor om het even                          lesquelles un réviseur d’entreprises
     welke opdracht uitoefent (en niet                    exerce une quelconque mission
     alleen in de entiteiten waar hij                     (et non uniquement dans les
     commissaris is): melding aan het                     entités dont il est commissaire) :
     bestuursorgaan van ernstige en                       signalement à l’organe de gestion
     overeenstemmende feiten die de                       des constatations des faits graves
     continuïteit van de onderneming                      et concordants susceptibles de
     in het gedrang kunnen brengen                        compromettre la continuité de
     (art. 10, vijfde lid van de wet                      l’entreprise (art. 10, al. 5 de la loi sur
     betreffende de continuïteit van de                   la continuité des entreprises) ;
-    in organisaties van openbaar                 -       dans les entités d’intérêt public
     belang en, in bepaalde gevallen,                     et, dans certains cas, dans les
     in ondernemingen die nauwe                           entreprises ayant des liens étroits
     banden hebben met die entiteit van                   avec cette entité d’intérêt public :
     openbaar belang:
     o     melding        aan         de                  o        signalement      à   l’autorité
           toezichthoudende overheid                               de supervision (BNB /
           (NBB/FSMA) van elke materiële                           FSMA) de toute violation
           inbreuk op de wettelijke                                significative des dispositions
           of        bestuursrechtelijke                           législatives,  réglementaires
           bepalingen       die,       in                          ou administratives qui fixent,
           voorkomend      geval,     de                           le cas échéant, les conditions
           voorwaarden voor toelating                              d’agrément ou qui régissent,
           regelen of die specifiek de                             de manière spécifique, la
                                            TAX, AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY
                                            APRIL/AVRIL 2017

         activiteiten van de organisatie               poursuite        des      activités,
         regelen, alsook elke materiële                ainsi que de tout risque ou
         bedreiging voor of twijfel over               doute sérieux concernant la
         de continue werking van de                    continuité de l’exploitation
         organisatie (art. 12.1, a) en                 (art. 12.1, a) et b) du règlement
         b) van de Verordening EU                      UE n° 537/2014 du 16 avril
         nr. 537/2014 van 16 april 2014                2014 relatif aux exigences
         betreffende specifieke eisen                  spécifiques applicables au
         voor de wettelijke controles                  contrôle légal des comptes
         van financiële overzichten                    des entités d’intérêt public du
         van organisaties van openbaar                 16 avril 2014) ;
    o    melding aan de toezichthou-             o     signalement à l’autorité de
         dende overheid (NBB/FSMA)                     supervision       (BNB/FSMA)
         van elke weigering om een                     de tout refus d’émettre un
         auditoordeel uit te brengen                   avis d’audit sur les états
         over de financiële overzich-                  financiers ou l’émission d’un
         ten of het afgeven van een                    avis défavorable ou d’un avis
         afkeurende verklaring of een                  assorti de réserves (art. 12.1, c)
         verklaring met voorbehoud                     du même règlement) ; et
         (art. 12.1, c) van dezelfde Ver-
         ordening); en
    o    melding aan de gecontro-                o     signalement         à      l’entité
         leerde entiteit en, indien niets              contrôlée,      et,     en     cas
         wordt ondernomen, aan de                      d’inaction, à l’autorité de
         toezichthoudende overheid                     supervision         (BNB/FSMA),
         (NBB/FSMA), van elk vermoe-                   de tout soupçon que des
         den dat onregelmatighe-                       irrégularités, y compris des
         den, waaronder fraude met                     fraudes concernant les états
         betrekking tot de financiële                  financiers de l’entité contrôlée,
         overzichten van de gecon-                     peuvent être commises ou
         troleerde organisatie, kun-                   ont été commises ;
         nen plaatsvinden of hebben
-   in alle entiteiten die door een         -    dans toutes les entités contrôlées
    commissaris worden gecontro­                 par un commissaire :
    o    melding aan de leidingge-               o     signalement aux dirigeants,
         venden en vervolgens, indien                  puis, en cas d’inaction de
         niets wordt ondernomen, aan                   ces derniers, à la FSMA, des
         de FSMA, van de schendingen                   violations de la règlementation
Instituut van de Bedrijfsrevisoren
                                                                 Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises

                                         E. Jacqmainlaan 135, 1000 Brussel, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                              Bd. E. Jacqmain 135, 1000 Bruxelles, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                                                                        Koninklijk Instituut / Institut royal

           van de EMIR-verordening (zie                              EMIR (voir l’article publié par
           artikel gepubliceerd in deze                              ailleurs dans le présent TAA)
           TAA) (art. 22bis van de wet van                           (art. 22bis de la loi du 2 août
           2 augustus 2002 betreffende                               2002 relative à la surveillance
           het toezicht op de financiële                             du secteur financier et aux
           sector en de financiële dien-                             services financiers) ; et
           sten); en
     o     melding in het commissaris-                      o        mention dans le rapport de
           verslag van eventuele materi-                             commissaire des éventuelles
           ële onzekerheden die verband                              incertitudes significatives liées
           houden met gebeurtenissen                                 à des événements ou à des
           of omstandigheden die mo-                                 circonstances qui peuvent
           gelijk aanzienlijke twijfel doen                          jeter un doute important sur
           rijzen over het vermogen                                  la capacité de la société à
           van de organisatie om haar                                poursuivre son exploitation
           bedrijfsactiviteiten voort te                             (art. 144, § 1er, 7° C. Soc.).
           zetten (art. 144, § 1, 7° W.

Aan de bedrijfsrevisor wordt dus wel                Confier au réviseur d’entreprises une
degelijk steeds vaker een signaalfunctie            fonction de signal dans les entreprises
toevertrouwd in de ondernemingen                    dans lesquelles il intervient est donc bien
waar hij optreedt.                                  une pratique qui se répand.

Deze functie, die ietwat buiten zijn                Cette pratique, qui le sort quelque peu
auditroutine valt, kan de toegevoegde               de sa routine d’audit, est de nature à
waarde van de bedrijfsrevisor verhogen;             accroître la valeur ajoutée du réviseur
we mogen ons hierover verheugen.                    d’entreprises ; il faut s’en réjouir.

Dit toont nogmaals aan dat de                       Elle démontre, une fois de plus, que
bedrijfsrevisor wordt erkend als iemand             le réviseur d’entreprises est reconnu
die op efficiënte en onafhankelijke wijze           pour exercer de manière efficace
een vertrouwensfunctie opneemt met                  et indépendante une fonction de
het oog op de goede werking van de                  confiance dans le bon fonctionnement
economie in het algemeen.                           de l’économie en général.

Maar we moeten er evenzeer voor                     Mais il faut tout autant veiller à ce que
zorgen dat het aantal signaalfuncties               le nombre de fonctions de signal soit
beperkt blijft, want de hoofdtaak van de            limité, car la fonction principale du
bedrijfsrevisor blijft het controleren van          réviseur d’entreprises est le contrôle de
financiële gegevens, en hij moet er het             données financières, et il doit pouvoir y
                                             TAX, AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY
                                             APRIL/AVRIL 2017

leeuwendeel van zijn werkzaamheden           consacrer l’essentiel de ses diligences ;
aan kunnen wijden; ook moet, tenzij          il faudra aussi privilégier, sauf cas
bij een specifiek geval zoals de             spécifique tel que la règlementation
antiwitwasreglementering,       voorrang     antiblanchiment, le signalement adressé
worden gegeven aan meldingen die in          en première instance à l’organe de
eerste instantie aan het bestuursorgaan      gestion, suivi, selon le type de situation,
worden gedaan, waarop, naargelang            d’un signalement à une autorité externe
het type situatie, bij een ontoereikende     en cas de réaction insuffisante.
reactie een melding aan een externe
autoriteit volgt.

Wegens die toename van de situaties          La multiplication des situations dans
waarin aan de bedrijfsrevisor een            lesquelles une fonction de signal est
signaalfunctie   wordt     toevertrouwd      confiée au réviseur d’entreprises amène
kunnen wij ons echter afvragen of er         cependant à s’interroger sur la nécessité
geen algemene regels moeten worden           de fixer des règles générales permettant
vastgelegd die zowel de wettelijke           de guider tant la formulation légale de
formulering van deze functie als de          cette fonction, que son exercice via, par
uitoefening ervan in goede banen kunnen      exemple, un cadre référentiel.
leiden door middel van, bijvoorbeeld,
een referentiekader.

Voor de formulering door een wetgever        Au niveau de la formulation par un
of regulator zou het nuttig zijn om de       législateur ou un régulateur, il serait utile
elementen te verduidelijken waarmee          de préciser les éléments qui doivent être
rekening moet worden gehouden; naast         pris en compte ; outre l’analyse d’impact,
de erg klassieke, maar zelden ernstig        très classique mais rarement conduite
uitgevoerde impactanalyse, denken            sérieusement, on songe notamment à la
wij onder meer aan de noodzaak om            nécessité de définir clairement l’objectif
de doelstelling van de signaalfunctie        de la fonction de signal, les faits, décisions
duidelijk te omschrijven, alsook de          ou circonstances conduisant à l’exercice
feiten, beslissingen of omstandigheden       de la fonction de signal, le type et le niveau
die leiden tot de uitoefening van            de la vigilance demandée du réviseur
de signaalfunctie, het type en het           d’entreprises pour la constatation des
niveau van waakzaamheid dat van de           faits, décisions ou circonstances devant
bedrijfsrevisor wordt gevraagd om de         conduire à l’exercice de la fonction de
feiten, beslissingen of omstandigheden       signal, etc.
vast te stellen die tot de uitoefening van
de signaalfunctie zouden moeten leiden,
Instituut van de Bedrijfsrevisoren
                                                                 Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises

                                         E. Jacqmainlaan 135, 1000 Brussel, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                              Bd. E. Jacqmain 135, 1000 Bruxelles, T (02) 512 51 36, F (02) 512 78 86
                                                                                        Koninklijk Instituut / Institut royal

Er dient ook rekening te worden                     Il conviendra également d’avoir égard à
gehouden       met     de    uitdrukkelijke         la levée explicite du secret professionnel
opheffing van het beroepsgeheim en met              et à l’immunité du déclarant lorsqu’une
de immuniteit van de melder wanneer                 autorité externe doit être informée, ainsi
een externe autoriteit moet worden                  qu’au régime de sanctions éventuelles,
ingelicht, alsook met de eventuele                  en privilégiant dans ce cas la surveillance
sanctieregeling. In dit geval moet daarbij          par l’autorité de supervision des réviseurs
de voorkeur uitgaan naar het toezicht dat           d’entreprises.
door de toezichthoudende overheid van
de bedrijfsrevisoren wordt uitgeoefend.

Wat de uitoefening van de waakzaamheid              Au niveau de l’exercice de la vigilance –
betreft – want aan de melding gaat                  car avant le signalement, il y a une phase
een waakzaamheidsfase vooraf –, en                  de vigilance –, puis du signalement, il
vervolgens van de melding, dienen we                convient de se demander si le moment
ons af te vragen of dit niet het geschikte          n’est pas venu de formuler des règles
moment is om regels of op zijn minst                ou à tout le moins des lignes directrices
richtsnoeren te formuleren die kunnen               à appliquer à toutes les situations dans
worden toegepast op alle situaties                  lesquelles doit s’exercer une fonction de
waarin een signaalfunctie moet worden               signal.

Door dergelijke normen op te stellen, kan           Une telle normalisation permettra
in het bijzonder worden bepaald welke               en particulier de préciser quelles
werkzaamheden die waakzaamheid                      diligences     requiert    la    vigilance,
vereist, hoe die werkzaamheden                      comment documenter ces diligences,
met documenten kunnen worden                        comment analyser les faits, décisions
gestaafd, hoe de feiten, beslissingen of            ou circonstances qui sont constatés ou
omstandigheden die worden vastgesteld               que l’on soupçonne d’exister, comment
of die men vermoedt, moeten worden                  documenter une telle analyse, dans
geanalyseerd, hoe een dergelijke analyse            quels délais et sous quelle forme faire
met documenten kan worden gestaafd,                 le signalement, comment, dans le cas
binnen welke termijnen en in welke                  d’un signalement « à double détente »,
vorm de melding moet gebeuren, hoe                  apprécier les décisions prises par l’organe
in het geval van een “tweetraps” melding            de gestion avant de transmettre une
de door het bestuursorgaan genomen                  information à un organe externe dans le
beslissingen moeten worden beoordeeld               cas d’une réaction insuffisante, etc.
voordat in geval van een onvoldoende
reactie informatie wordt doorgegeven
aan een extern orgaan, enz.
                                            TAX, AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY
                                            APRIL/AVRIL 2017

Het opstellen van normen gaat               Certes, toute normalisation comporte
natuurlijk wel gepaard met een aantal       son lot d’obligations et son assortiment
verplichtingen en sancties, maar draagt     de sanctions, mais, bien plus, concourt
nog meer bij tot de kwaliteit van de        à la qualité de l’accomplissement de la
uitoefening van de functie. Bovendien       fonction et permet de protéger le réviseur
bieden normen bescherming voor              d’entreprises qui aura correctement
bedrijfsrevisoren die de uitgevaardigde     suivi les règles édictées, en réduisant
regels correct hebben gevolgd, want         le pouvoir du juge ou de l’autorité de
hierdoor wordt de bevoegdheid van de        supervision de définir lui-même ou elle-
rechter of van de toezichthoudende          même, a posteriori, les circonstances et
overheid beperkt om zelf a posteriori de    les diligences d’exercice de la fonction de
omstandigheden en werkzaamheden             signal qui étaient, à son estime, requises
voor de uitoefening van de signaalfunctie   du réviseur d’entreprises.
te bepalen die volgens hem van de
bedrijfsrevisor werden vereist.

Thierry Dupont                              Thierry Dupont
Voorzitter IBR                              Président IRE


Past-President of the Belgian Section of the International Fiscal

Background                                                                 Various Committees were set up around this
                                                                           Conference and although double taxation
A.     Double Taxation Conventions as a means                              obviously was not the biggest problem that
       for avoiding double taxation                                        needed to be addressed, the League of Nations
                                                                           in 1921, made a resolution that amongst other
Since the conclusion in 1869 of the first double                           things explicitly stated that “there are grave
taxation convention (hereinafter “DTC”) (which                             objections … to existing tax systems in so far
then only contained eight articles, while current                          they compel citizens and corporations of one
treaties generally contain about 30 articles)                              country to pay taxes in more than one country
between two of the States of the German                                    in respect to the same taxable subjects ...” and
Empire (Prussia and Saxony) and the first DTC                              also that “The possibility of an international
between two independent states (Austria/                                   convention regulating the matter should be
Hungary and Prussia) in 1899, the conclusion of                            considered.”3
bilateral treaties has been the methodology to
prevent international double taxation. The basic                           As a result, four economic experts were
principles which were incorporated into these                              appointed to map the phenomenon of double
first conventions1, moreover, still form part of                           taxation and to propose remedies to it. In 1923,
the underlying principles of the current DTC’s.                            their report was submitted to the League of
The biggest development hereof, however, was
started by the League of Nations in 1920, which                            The focus of the report was that double taxation
as part of the reconstruction after the First                              was identified as “evil”5 because it had a negative
World War set up an international conference                               impact on economic relations and on the free
in Brussels to deal with the consequences of                               movement of capital, which had to be restored
the financial crisis caused by the Great War2.                             just after the First World War. Various methods

1    For a discussion of these early developments, see Christian
     Freiherr von Roenne, “The very beginning - The first tax treaties”,   3   For an overview of these developments, see Sunita Jogarajan,
     in History of Tax Treaties (Ecker & Ressler editors), Linde verlag,       “Stamp Seligman and the drafting of the 1923 Experts’ Report on
     2011, p. 17; Oser & Bräunig, “The History of German Double taxa-          Double Taxation”, World Tax Journal 2013, nr. 3.
     tion Treaties”, (Vienna 2008).                                        4   Bruins, Einaudi, Seligman & Stamp, “Report on double taxation sub-
2    League of Nations, International Conference Brussels 1920 –               mitted to the financial committee to the League of Nations”
     Proceedings of the Conference (vol 1) (Geneva, League of Nati-            (doc. E.F.S. 73.F.19); April 5, 1923, League of Nations.
     ons, 1920) p. 3.                                                      5   Idem, see Introduction, second question asked to the experts.
                                                                          TAX, AUDIT & ACCOUNTANCY
                                                                          APRIL/AVRIL 2017

were examined in order to remedy this, but the                            model Conventions also have been made.
method that was proposed in the report was a                              Belgium for instance also has such a Model
pragmatic previously agreed allocation of fiscal                          Convention since 2007, which reflects the fiscal
powers on a bilateral basis depending on the                              policy of the Belgian authorities regarding the
basis of “source of the income” or the “place of                          negotiation of DTC’s8.
residence” of the taxpayer6. It is still this method,
which is used in all DTC’s which are concluded                            Based on all these different Models there are
today.                                                                    now already over 3.000 DTC’s aiming at the
                                                                          avoidance of double taxation in force, of which
Since the choice was to conclude bilateral                                Belgium has about 1009.
agreements it also became important to get as
much consistency in such treaties as possible
and it therefore was decided to start to develop                          B.    And the fight against tax avoidance?
a “model agreement” on which individual States
could rely for their negotiations towards the                             Based on the foregoing it should be clear that
conclusion of bilateral DTC’s.                                            DTC’s were and still are intended to foster
                                                                          cross-border investments via the elimination of
As a result hereof, the preparation was started                           double taxation.
of the first “model tax treaties” (see e.g. the 1943
Mexico and 1946 London drafts prepared by the                             The fight against tax avoidance or the fight
League of Nations).                                                       against the so-called improper use of DTC’s,
                                                                          to which this contribution refers, actually
It was, however, the OECD, as successor to the                            only appeared later and has even largely been
OEEC (which after the Second World stepped                                addressed in an inconsistent manner and
in the footsteps of the League of Nations), that                          sometimes even without any legal basis or even
completed this task.                                                      contrary to the text of the treaties10.

In 1963 the first OECD Model Tax Convention                               Moreover, as DTC’s grant “direct rights”11 to
was presented. In 1977, a second Model                                    taxpayers, they can, notwithstanding that such
was released and in 1992 a third completely                               treaties are concluded between sovereign
revised Model. Since 1992 the OECD Model is                               States (and hence should in principle only apply
published in loose-leaf form and is adjusted                              between those States), rely directly before a
quasi annually. Since the first Model, it also
comes with a “Commentary” (which is now                                      p. 574; “Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in
likewise updated almost annually) to give                                    Tax Matters”, October 2013 (prepared by IBFD), E/C.18/2013/
                                                                             CRP.18; see also “UN Handbook on selected issues in adminis-
further explanations relating to its operation.                              tration of double taxation tax treaties for developing countries”,
Other Model Conventions also appeared of                                     (UN 2013).
which the UN Model focusing on developing                                 8 See
                                                                             en.pdf; For a discussion, see: J. Gombeer, “Orientations actuelles
countries is the best known7. Various national                               de la politique de la Belgique en matière de conventions préven-
                                                                             tives de la double imposition”, 68 Bulletin de la Documentation
                                                                             SPF Finances 3 (2008), 137 ; L. De Broe, “Belgium’s Tax Treaty
6   Cf. Christiana HJI Panayi, Double taxation, tax treaties, treaty         policy and the draft Belgian Model Convention”, Bulletin 2008,
    shopping and the EC, Kluwer, p. 22; Bruins, Einaudi, Seligman &          p. 322.
    Stamp, “Report on double taxation submitted to the financial          9 For a list and texts of these treaties, see: http://ccff02.minfin.
    committee to the League of Nations” (doc. E.F.S. 73.F.19); April 5,
    1923, League of Nations, para 40.                                        fadb-4d00-a0a4-da516833769b#findHighlighted.
7   For a discussion, see Stanley S. Surrey, “UN group experts and        10 Luc De Broe, International Tax Planning and Prevention of Abuse,
    the guidelines for tax treaties between developed and develo-            IBFD doctoral thesis nr. 14, chapter 4.
    ping countries”, 19 Harvard Int’l L. J. 1978; Willem Wijnen, “To-     11 F. Dumon, “De verhouding Internationaal Recht - Nationaal
    wards a new UN Model”; Bulletin 1998, p. 135; Willem Wijnen              Recht”, TBP 1981, p 14; see also Circular nr. AFZ/2004/0053 (AFZ
    & Marco Magenta, “The UN Model in Practice”, Bulletin 1997,              5/2004) d.d. 16.01.2004 (, para 24-26.

Court on the provisions of those treaties to                                    DOUBLE TAXATION TREATIES
claim the benefits of such treaties, at least if
they can “get access” to the treaty. The fact that                              WERE AND STILL ARE FIRST
treaties in many countries (including Belgium)                                  OF ALL INTENDED TO FOSTER
have precedence over internal laws12 and that
this is also confirmed by the principle of “pacta                               CROSS BORDER INVESTMENTS
sunt servanda” under international law13, further                               VIA THE ELIMINATION OF
supports this phenomenon as a State can’t just
like that enact legislation that would go against                               DOUBLE TAXATION AND
the explicit text of the treaty granting a certain                              TAXPAYERS CAN GENERALLY
benefit14. Obviously, this changes if the treaty
contains an explicit clause allowing to deny the                                DERIVE DIRECT RIGHTS FROM
treaty benefits in certain circumstances (which                                 SUCH TREATIES. THE FIGHT
is exactly what happens with LOB clauses – see
below).                                                                         AGAINST TAX AVOIDANCE
                                                                                ONLY APPEARED LATER AS A
With regard to the “access” to DTC’s, these
provide that they are applicable to “residents”15                               POTENTIAL GOAL FOR SUCH
of both Contracting States that have signed                                     TREATIES AND THIS WAS IN
the Convention. It is therefore necessary, but
also sufficient, that a taxpayer can show he is                                 MANY INSTANCES EVEN DONE
a “resident” of either of the Contracting States                                WITHOUT A LEGAL BASIS IN THE
in order to be able to get such “access” to the
treaty and to be able to claim the benefits of the                              TEXT OR CONTRARY TO THE
treaty.                                                                         TEXT OF THE TREATIES.
In order to be a resident of a Contracting State
(and thus gain access to the Conventions of
that State) there must be a “person” (= referring                         As a result, it is therefore sufficient to form a
generally to an individual or an entity) that                             company in a State (which is subject to local
“according to the law of that State” is “liable to                        corporate tax) in order to gain access to the
tax” in that State on the basis of his “domicile,                         network of DTCs of that State.
residence, place of management or any other
criterion of a similar nature”. The OECD Model                            As a result of the above, and more in particular
Convention in 1977 added to this that this had                            the existence of the advantages of DTC and the
to be on a “worldwide basis”.                                             fact that taxpayers have direct rights to these
                                                                          benefits if they are residents of those States, the
                                                                          phenomenon of “treaty shopping” developed
12 Cf. Cass. 27 mei 1971, re « Franco Suisse Le Ski », Pas. 1971, I,      whereby residents of another State than the
   886, Arr. Verbr. Cass. 1971, 959.
13 See art. 31 of the Vienna Conventions on the law of treaties, for
                                                                          one who had concluded a tax treaty, set up
   a discussion, see B. Peeters, “Over het verdrag van Wenen inzake       an intermediate company in the State with the
   verdragsrecht”, AFT 1994, p. 165; A.G. Bercerra, “The interpretati-    DTC in order to access this treaty.
   onal approaches to the Vienna convention - application to (tax)
   treaty analysis”, Bulletin 2011, nr. 10.
14 This was for instance explicitly ruled by the Belgian Supreme          The OECD gradually has started to take
   Court in the case against Art. 364bis ITC, see Cass. 5 Decem-          awareness hereof. In 1977 a first attempt to
   ber 2003, FJF 2004/64; see Luc De Broe, International Tax Plan-
   ning and Prevention of Abuse, IBFD Doctoral Series, nr. 14, 2008,
                                                                          address this issue was to adapt the Model treaty
   para. 54 p. 279); Fiskoloog Internationaal nr. 219, 28/2/2002, p. 1.   via the inclusion in Arts. 10 to 12 of the treaty
15 Cf. Art. 4 of the OECD Model Treaty.
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(dealing with withholding taxes on dividends,                                    LOB CLAUSES, WHICH ARE
interest and royalties) a clause providing that
the reduced treaty withholding tax rates would                                   THE US ANSWER TO TREATY
only be granted if payments were made to the                                     SHOPPING DENY ACCESS TO
“beneficial owner”16 of such interest, dividends
or royalties. As a result hereof it for example                                  A TREATY IF THE CONDITIONS
became impossible to claim reduced treaty                                        OF THE CLAUSE ARE NOT
withholding tax rates if one operated as a
nominee of the ultimate owner.                                                   FULFILLED, DO NOT TEST THE
                                                                                 “MOTIVES” OF THE TAXPAYER,
Various OECD studies were also devoted to the
issue of treaty shopping in the late eighties17                                  NOR WHETHER THE TAXPAYER
and in 2003 the OECD Commentaries (but                                           WILL BE EFFECTIVELY TAXED
actually not the text of the Model) were adapted
to include various proposals to fight treaty                                     IN HIS RESIDENCY STATE ON
abuses18.                                                                        HIS INCOME, BUT ASSESS VIA
As a result of these evolutions the arsenal of                                   A NUMBER OF “MECHANICAL
measures to counteract treaty shopping have                                      TESTS” IF A TAXPAYER SHOULD
become quite extensive, going from internal
anti-abuse provisions that would also find                                       GET ACCESS TO THE TREATY
their application in the application of DTC’s to                                 BECAUSE HE HAS SUFFICIENT
some specific proposals of clauses that may be
included in DTC’s19.                                                             NEXUS TO THE STATE IN WHICH
                                                                                 HE IS ESTABLISHED.
It is in this latter category that the LOB clause
should be included20.

                                                                           The LOB clause

                                                                           A.   An American invention
16 For a discussion, see F. Dierckx in Het Belgisch Nederlands
   Dubbelbelastingverdrag (2e version), (B. Peeters editor), Larcier,      The US has experienced a similar development
   2008, p. 183, 190 and legal doctrine cited.
17 See e.g. OECD, Double Taxation and the use of base companies,
                                                                           as the OECD. “First”, no attention was paid to
   1987 & OECD, Double Taxation and the use of conduit compa-              the abuse of treaties but this gradually changed
   nies, 1987.                                                             over the years. The first US Model Convention
18 Juan José Zornoza Pérez and Andres Baez, “The 2003 Revision
   to the Commentary, to the OECD Model on Tax Treaties and
                                                                           of 1976 for example contained in its Article 16
   GAAR’s : a Mistaken starting point”, in Tax Treaties : building brid-   a provision which included a “motive” test (the
   ges between law and economics (IBFD) 2010; René Matteotti,              treaty could be denied if the motive for the
   “Interpretation of Tax Treaties and domestic general anti-avoi-
   dance rules - a skeptical look at the 2003 OECD update to the
                                                                           structure was treaty shopping).
   OECD commentary”, Intertax 2005, p. 336; Brian Arnold, “Tax
   treaties and tax avoidance : the 2003 Revisions to the Commen-          However, it is mainly the effect of a “US
   tary to the OECD Model”, Bulletin 2004, p. 244; Jimenez, “The
   2003 Revision of the OECD Commentaries on the Improper
                                                                           congressional hearing” on the DTC with the
   use of tax treaties : a case for the declining effect of the OECD       Netherlands Antilles (which was mainly used
   commentaries”, Bulletin 2003, p. 17; P. G. Végh, “The 2003 OECD         by residents of other countries), that shaped
   Commentaries”, European Taxation, 2003, p. 244.
19 OECD Model Commentary, Art. 1, “improper use of the Conven-
                                                                           the current “US tax treaty policy” relating to
   tion”, para. 7 and following.                                           treaty shopping. As a result, the US published a
20 OECD Model Commentary, Art. 1, para. 20.

        LOB CLAUSES ARE OF AN                                         tests that assess whether the taxpayer can be
                                                                      granted “access” to the treaty because he either
        UNPRECEDENTED COMPLEXITY                                      has sufficient “nexus” to the country or sufficient
        AND CAN TAKE UP TO 20 %                                       “business activities” in the residency State.
        TO 25 % OF THE ENTIRE TEXT                                    “The US technical explanations” of the 2006
        OF A TAX TREATY AND THERE                                     US model even explicitly state that “the clause
                                                                      does not rely on a determination of purpose
        ARE GENERALLY SOME SEVEN                                      or intention, but instead sets forth a series of
        DIFFERENT CATEGORIES WITH                                     objective tests. A resident of a Contracting
                                                                      State that satisfies one of the tests will receive
        EACH SEVERAL SUBCATEGORIES                                    benefits regardless of its motivation in choosing
        THAT HAVE TO BE REVIEWED,                                     its particular business structure.23”
        BUT IF ONE SATISFIES THE                                      Similarly, the level of taxation in the residency
        CONDITIONS OF ONE OF THOSE                                    State is irrelevant to determine whether the
                                                                      clause has been satisfied.
        THE TREATY.                                                   The provision also does not replace the general
                                                                      rules of the DTC and the taxpayer wishing to
                                                                      invoke the treaty therefore must still first of
                                                                      all demonstrate that he is a “resident” for the
completely new US model Convention in 1981                            purposes of the Convention24.
in which Article 16 was completely rewritten
from the 1976 model and now contained a                               The taxpayer furthermore must also prove that
comprehensive LOB clause. The US Senate,                              he is the “beneficial owner” of the relevant
moreover, in 1981 refused to approve the treaty                       income (and thus is not acting as an agent or
as negotiated with Argentina because it did not                       nominee for another person).
contain an LOB clause. Such a clause was first
included in the 1989 treaty with Germany21 and                        Finally, he must prove that he satisfies at least
since then is included in all US DTC’s22. The                         one of the tests from the LOB clause proving
treaty with Belgium for example, also contains                        thereby that he is a “qualifying resident” for the
such a clause (= Art. 21 of the Treaty).                              treaty25.

                                                                      It also should be noted that the clause is “self-
B.    General principles                                              executing” in the sense that it is not subject
                                                                      to any demand or ruling request, there is also
The LOB clause is not so much a provision which                       not a form that needs to be stamped by the
ascertains via a verification of the intention of                     IRS like with our forms 276Div26 for obtaining
the investor if he is treaty shopping, but rather                     an exemption from withholding tax under our
contains both “mechanical” and “substantive”
                                                                      23 2006 US Technical explanations to the 2006 Model, Art. 22,
                                                                         p. 63.
21 Zie Reuven Avi-Yonah, “Who invented the single tax principle, an   24 Application of Art. 4 of the OECD Model.
   essay on the history of US Treaty policy”, NYULS Review, 309       25 Art. 21(1) of the Belgian-US tax treaty for instance provides that :
   (2014-2015), p. 309, 313-315; see also Jonathan Kim, “the US-         “A resident of a Contracting State shall be entitled to benefits
   West Germany Income Tax Treaty, can Art. 28’s LOB serve as a          otherwise accorded to residents of a Contracting State by this
   Model for the Treasury’s anti-treaty shopping policy ?”, in Tax       Convention only to the extent provided in this Article.”
   Lawyer, Vol. 43, nr. 4, p. 983.                                    26 h t t p s : / / e s e r v i c e s . m i n f i n . f g o v. b e / m y m i n f i n - f i n f o r m /
22 Idem, p. 316-317.                                                     AppelPdfExt?id=2599.
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treaties and there are no special obligations                             special access depending on what is acceptable
imposed on the withholding tax agents to verify                           by the Competent Authority
whether the LOB provision is satisfied27. The
taxpayer who wants to benefit from a US treaty                            Finally, the LOB clause also contains a clause to
should simply complete a form (W8ben) where                               avoid access to the Treaty in so-called “triangular
he has to tick a box stating that he satisfies the                        cases” (i.e. if an income item is allocated to a
conditions of the LOB clause. Obviously, he                               permanent establishment in a third country
must be prepared to answer any question and                               where the income would not be taxed or be
supply evidentiary documents relating to the                              taxed at a more advantageous regime versus
election, if the IRS makes an audit on the form.                          the item being held directly = directed towards
                                                                          so-called “finance branches”).

C.     Application
                                                                          Automatically approved residents
                                                                          The first category of residents that can get an
Before giving a summary of the LOB provision,                             automatic access to the treaty are:
it should be noted that LOB provisions are of
an unprecedented complexity and size. In the                              -     The individuals resident of one of the
Belgian-US DTC the single LOB provision for                                     Contracting States (Art. 21(2)(a) of the
instance takes 20 % to 25 % of the entire text                                  Treaty);
of the treaty which contains 29 articles in total.                        -     The Government of the two contracting
                                                                                States (i.e. the Contracting State, the
A lot of Articles28 and at least one doctoral                                   political subdivisions of the State or the
thesis29 have been written on LOB provisions.                                   local authority thereof). It should be
Any summary of the provision hence will                                         noted that “government entities” are not
be incomplete and one should always read                                        immediately covered by this category
carefully each LOB clause in the particular                                     (Art. 21(2)(b) of the Treaty); and
treaty that is being sought after.                                        -     Not for profit organizations as mentioned
                                                                                in Art. 4(3) of the Treaty with special rules
However, notwithstanding the above and                                          for the residence of the members or
starting from the Belgian-US tax treaty, as a                                   beneficiaries for pension funds (Art. 21(2)
summary, the “seven” large categories discussed                                 (d) of the Treaty).
below can be distinguished30.

Moreover, these categories do not yet give the                            Quoted companies
entire spectrum of the LOB clause as these
categories actually encompass ”three” different                           Quoted resident companies and 50 % or plus
groups: i.e. (i) those than can benefit from the                          subsidiaries of quoted companies can also get
entire treaty; (ii) those that can benefit from                           a direct access to the Treaty, provided they are
certain provisions; and (iii) those who get a                             regularly traded on one of the stock exchanges
                                                                          listed in the Treaty and satisfy a substance/nexus
27 See Felix Alberto Vega Borrego, Limitations of Benefits Clauses in     test relating to their substantial presence in the
   double Taxation Conventions, Kluwer, 2005, para. 393, p. 234.          country (art. 21(2)(c) of the Treaty). All of the
28 See e.g. the bibliography in the doctoral thesis cited below.
29 Felix Alberto Vega Borrego, Limitations of Benefits Clauses in         above terms in turn being further defined in the
   double Taxation Conventions, Kluwer, 2005.                             Treaty and Technical explanations to the Treaty
30 For a more extensive analysis, see A. Bax & F. Dierckx, “Limitations   and these provisions and conditions inherent
   of Benefits”, in The new Belgian-US Double Tax Treaty, (Anne
   Van de Vijver, editor), Larcier, 2009, p. 421.

in them would have to be reviewed carefully as       Although not restricted to this, this test actually
they may even differ from treaty to treaty.          wants to avoid “conduit financing structures”
                                                     whereby a resident company that would be
                                                     able to satisfy the “ownership test” would be
Resident companies (satisfying the                   financed via nonresidents that would not be
“ownership” and “base erosion” test)                 able to access the treaty in question.

A third category getting direct access, are local
resident companies provided that on at least         Resident companies (with sufficient “trade or
half of the days of the year, they are directly      business” in the residency country)
or indirectly held for at least 50 % by ultimate
beneficial owners (UBO) of the fore-mentioned        The conduct of a trade or business being able to
categories (individuals, government institutions,    form a sufficient nexus to the residency country
not for profit organizations or quoted               irrespective of the residency of the UBO’s,
companies satisfying the tests described above)      the Treaty also contains a clause whereby a
(= the “ownership test”) (Art. 21(2)(e)(i) of the    company having a (sufficient) trade or business
Treaty).                                             in the country can qualify for the Treaty and this
                                                     irrespective of for instance the residency of its
It is hereby irrelevant, in case the Belgian         shareholders.
company is held “indirectly” by the above UBO’s,
where the intermediate entities are located.         Art. 21(4) of the Treaty provides in this respect
In other words, a Belgian company even if for        that a resident of one of the Contracting States
instance held by a non EU company or even a          may get treaty benefits (for a certain item of
tax haven company which in turn is held (for at      income derived from the other contracting
least half of the days in a given year) for more     State) “if” (i) that resident is engaged in an active
than 50 % by Belgian resident individuals would      trade or business in its residence State (other
be entitled to the BE-US treaty. The rationale       than the making of investments …); (ii) the item
for this being that the reason for setting up        of income in the source State is incidental or
the intermediate company can’t be “US” treaty        connected to the trade or business in the
shopping as the Belgian individuals is able to set   residence State; and (iii) provided the trade or
up the Belgian company directly and get access       business in the residency State is substantial
to the BE-US treaty.                                 in relationship to the trade or business in the
                                                     source State.
On the other hand, “just” satisfying the above
“ownership” test is not sufficient to get the        Again, each of the above terms is then defined
automatic access as the Belgian company also         in the Treaty and Technical explanations and
would have to satisfy the “base erosion test”        has to be reviewed carefully.
(Art. 21(2)(e)(ii) of the Treaty).

This test requires that the Belgian company pays     Headquarter companies
or accrues “less” than half of its gross income
in deductible payments that would be due to          A final category that allows automatic full access
persons who are not qualifying residents of          to the Treaty are the so-called “headquarter
either contracting State (special rules applying     companies” having sufficient “nexus” to the
for at arm’s length payments for services or         country of residence (Art. 21(5) of the Treaty).
financial obligations to non-related parties).
                                                     This category, which is not present in all US
                                                     treaties, is a sort of subcategory of the active
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trade or business test in that it recognizes that a          LOB CLAUSES, WHICH HAVE
“headquarter function” (provided it has sufficient
substance and nexus to the country) can be                   BEEN A US INVENTION,
treated as some sort of active trade or business             WHICH UP TO NOW CAN
of its own allowing access to the Treaty.
                                                             GENERALLY ONLY BE FOUND
The test, which is hard to meet, is very                     IN US TREATIES, COULD VERY
mechanical and in order to satisfy this test, the
Headquarter company must:                                    WELL SPREAD OVER TO OTHER
                                                             TREATIES AS THE OECD IS
-     be subject to the ordinary taxation regime
      in its country of residence;                           NOW ALSO PROMOTING
-     carry on a substantial part of the overall             SUCH CLAUSES IN THE FIGHT
      supervision and administration of the
      group (note: financing is included herein              AGAINST TREATY SHOPPING.
      but may not be the sole activity);                     THE COMPATIBILITY OF LOB
-     belong to a group with companies
      resident in and conducting an active                   CLAUSES WITH EU LAW AND
      trade or business in at least 5 countries,             THE FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS
      which moreover generate 10 % of the
      total profits, while there may not be a                IS, HOWEVER, STILL TO BE
      country (other than the country of the                 ESTABLISHED.
      headquarter company) that generates
      50 % of the groups gross income and no
      more than 25 % of such gross receipts may
      be derived from the other Contracting            already have been accessible from the home
      State; and                                       country and hence access to the treaty can be
-     the income generated in the “other               granted to the Belgian company.
      Contracting State” must be derived in
      connection to or be incidental to an             At the same time such access is not granted
      active trade or business.                        to anyone who might be able to demonstrate
                                                       the above, but only in certain very precise
                                                       mechanical cases. The test is therefore again
Derivative benefits test                               very complex, but boils down (subject to certain
                                                       specific requirements) to granting Treaty access
The idea behind this test (Art. 21(3) of the Treaty)   to the Belgian resident company if the Belgian
is to grant treaty access to a resident company        company:
provided its non-resident shareholders are from
a country where they would have received equal         -     is held (directly or indirectly) for at least
or better treatment if the investment would                  95 % by 7 or fewer shareholders;
have been made directly from that country.             -     who are residents of the EU, Nafta or
As the non-resident shareholders would                 -     who are able to fully benefit from a
have been able to get similar (or even better)               comprehensive tax treaty in their own
treatment in the country where their residence               residency countries (i.e. they must be
is established, setting up the Belgian company               qualifying residents under their home
can again never have been made to allow “US”                 country treaty with the US); and
treaty shopping as the same treatment would

-     the treaty of the home country must grant        Moreover, in Action 6 of the OECD BEPS
      the shareholders (if they would have held        program (“preventing granting treaty benefits in
      the investment in the US directly and not        inappropriate circumstances”31) the concept of
      via Belgium) to benefit from a withholding       “treaty shopping” was recently also addressed.
      tax that is equal or lower than the one          The OECD thereby defined it as “Strategies
      provided for under the Belgian-US treaty.        through which a person who is not a resident
                                                       of a State attempts to obtain benefits that
The impact hereof is for instance that if a Belgian    a tax treaty concluded by that State grants
company holding a US company is held by an             to residents of that State, for example by
Italian shareholder it would not be possible to        establishing a letterbox company in that State”32.
benefit from the BE-US treaty on interests as the      The report moreover proposes that future treaty
withholding tax rate under the Italian-US treaty       negotiators should consider a LOB clause while
is higher than under the Belgian-US treaty. On         negotiating or renegotiating tax treaties.
the other hand, a Swedish quoted company
holding a Belgian company which would lend             Of course the above definition is far too vague
funds to the US group company would be                 since many bona fide transactions that clearly
able to benefit from the US treaty as both the         are not abusive could be included in this
Belgian-US and the Swedish-US treaty provide           definition, but the general idea of what the
for a withholding tax exemption on interest.           OECD is referring to can be inferred from this

Competent Authority approved residents                 It therefore, especially in today’s times where
                                                       multinationals’ planning activities are looked at
A final possibility, if one can’t satisfy one of the   very negatively, looks as if LOB clauses could
formal tests described above, is to apply to the       see a renewed interest.
Competent Authorities and show that one is not
shopping the Treaty. If this can be substantiated      At the same time, this could then also revive
a special ruling relating to the access of the         another question which is to know whether
Treaty can be delivered (art. 21(7) of the Treaty).    such clauses are even compatible with EU law.
                                                       This is also a highly technical and complicated
                                                       issue and a full analysis would lead too far33,
Future developments?                                   but it should be observed that such challenge,
                                                       even if successful before the European Court
Although the LOB provision, as discussed               of Justice, will likely not be very useful as the
above, is a US invention which up to now can           LOB clauses today are meant to allow the US to
generally only be found in US treaties, it could       safeguard its taxing interests and the US would
very well be that it will spread to other treaties     never accept the impact of such ECJ decision.
in the future.
Indeed, the OECD in 2003 already has inserted             oecd/taxation/preventing-the-granting-of-treaty-bene-
a US inspired LOB clause in its Commentaries to
Art. 1 of the Model as an “optional clause” that       32 OECD BEPS action nr. 6, “Preventing the granting of Treaty Be-
treaty negotiators can include in a tax treaty.           nefits in Inappropriate circumstances”, p. 9; see : http://www.
In other words, also the OECD now sees LOB                circumstances-action-6-2015-final-report_9789264241695-
clauses as an efficient method to combat treaty           en#page1.
                                                       33 See A. Bax & F. Dierckx, “Limitations of Benefits”, in The new Bel-
                                                          gian-US Double Tax Treaty, (Anne Van de Vijver, editor), Larcier,
                                                          2009, p. 421, 447 and legal doctrine cited.
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On the other hand, this could change if EU               IRS: Internal Revenue Service (USA)
member States would start to include and apply           BEPS: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (OECD)
such clauses in their respective tax treaties and        LOB: Limitations Of Benefits
it is therefore likely that we will still see a lot of   NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
developments relating to the LOB clauses.                OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-
                                                         operation and Development
                                                         OEEC: Organisation for European and
LOB clauses – abbreviations                              Economic Co-operation
                                                         UBO: Ultimate Beneficial Owner
ATAD: Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (EU)                  UN: United Nations
EU European Union                                        US: Unites States (of America)
DTC: Double Taxation Convention

 Résumé                                                   Samenvatting

 La « lutte contre les abus fiscaux », qui                De “strijd tegen belastingfraude” die
 intervient désormais dans tous les aspects               tegenwoordig alomtegenwoordig is in het
 du débat public et fait aussi partie des                 publieke debat en die ook deel uitmaakt
 développements de l’OCDE (BEPS) et de                    van de ontwikkelingen langs de kant van
 l’UE (ATAD), n’a fait son apparition que                 de OESO (BEPS) en de EU (ATAD), is in feite
 récemment dans les conventions fiscales.                 slechts een recenter fenomeen op het vlak
 Elle a longtemps été vue comme un objectif               van belastingverdragen en werd lange tijd
 de ces conventions, sans être véritablement              zelfs gezien als doel van belastingverdragen,
 intégrée dans les textes.                                hoewel het in de praktijk niet werd opgenomen
                                                          in de tekst van dergelijke verdragen.

 Les contribuables pouvaient même – et                    Belastingbetalers hadden zelfs en hebben
 peuvent encore – tirer des « droits directs »            nog steeds “directe rechten” die zij van zulke
 de ces conventions. Dans des pays comme la               verdragen kunnen afleiden en in landen
 Belgique, où les conventions internationales             zoals België waar internationale verdragen
 priment sur le droit national, ils peuvent               prevaleren op interne wetten, kunnen ze
 généralement se prévaloir des avantages                  doorgaans aanspraak maken op de voordelen
 de ces conventions, malgré les affirmations              van dergelijke verdragen, ondanks alle claims
 selon lesquelles les conventions visent à                die stellen dat de verdragen net bedoeld zijn
 lutter contre l’évasion fiscale.                         om belastingontwijking tegen te gaan.

 A la fin des années 1970, les États-Unis                 Sinds het einde van de jaren zeventig is men
 ont commencé à s’attaquer aux pratiques                  in de VS echter begonnen met het aanpakken
 visant à éluder l’impôt grâce au chalandage              van belastingontwijking via verdragshoppen
 fiscal et ont petit à petit développé « leur             en is het land er zo geleidelijk aan in geslaagd
 propre solution » pour lutter contre ces                 om een “eigen oplossing” te ontwikkelen
 techniques. À l’heure actuelle, cette solution           om verdragshoppen tegen te gaan. Alle
 est intégrée dans toutes les conventions                 huidige     VS-verdragen       bevatten     deze
 fiscales négociées par les États-Unis par le             oplossing die via een uitgebreide “limitation
 biais d’une clause générale de « limitation              of benefits”- of LOB-clausule (beperking
 des avantages » (LOB).                                   van verdragsvoordelen) werkt, die wordt

                                                     opgenomen in elk belastingverdrag waarover
                                                     de VS tegenwoordig onderhandelingen

Ces clauses de limitation des avantages sont         Dergelijke LOB-clausules zijn bijzonder
extrêmement complexes et s’appuient sur              complex en vertrouwen op “mechanische
des « tests mécaniques » visant à déterminer         tests” om na te gaan of een belastingbetaler
si un contribuable qui affirme être résident         die beweert een ingezetene te zijn van een
d’un pays partie à la convention possède             verdragland, “ook” voldoende ‘banden’ of
« aussi » un « lien » suffisant ou des « activités   “bedrijfsactiviteiten” heeft met of in het land
économiques » suffisantes dans le pays               van verblijf. Alleen wanneer dat inderdaad het
de résidence. Les États-Unis ne donneront            geval is, zal de VS toegang verlenen tot haar
accès à leur réseau de conventions que si tel        netwerk van verdragen.
est le cas.

Si, jusqu’à présent, ces clauses de limitation       Hoewel     dergelijke  LOB-clausules   tot
des avantages n’étaient présentes que                nog toe alleen in Amerikaanse verdragen
dans les conventions américaines, elles              voorkwamen, is de kans vandaag reëel dat
pourraient désormais s’étendre aussi à               we ze naar de toekomst toe ook in andere
d’autres conventions, l’OCDE ayant déclaré           verdragen zullen aantreffen, aangezien
dans son programme BEPS que les clauses              de OESO in haar BEPS-programma
LOB pourraient être un bon outil contre le           verklaard heeft dat LOB-clausules een
chalandage fiscal. Les personnes concernées          goed hulpmiddel zouden kunnen vormen
par des conventions fiscales ont donc tout           tegen verdragshoppen. Iedereen die met
intérêt à se familiariser avec ces clauses,          belastingverdragen te maken heeft, zou er
même si elles n’ont encore jamais eu affaire         bijgevolg goed aan doen om zich vertrouwd
aux conventions fiscales américaines.                te maken met dergelijke clausules, zelfs
                                                     wanneer hij tot nu toe nog niet te maken
                                                     kreeg met VS-belastingverdragen.
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