Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021

La page est créée Jonathan Gauthier
Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021
Year 9 French Project Resources
           June 2021
Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021
Question 1:                      Question 2:
What continent is France in?     How many people live in France?

            American continent
                                 a. 76 million

                                 b. 66 million
B.         African continent

                                 c. 50 million

C.         European continent

D.         Asian continent
Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021
Question 3:                       Question 4:
What is the motto of France?      What is the name of the French president?

a. Liberté, égalité, fraternité      a. Jacques Chirac

b. Vive la république!               b. Edouard Philippe

c. Vive le roi!                      c. Emmanuel Macron
Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021
Question 5:                                 Question 6:
Which one of those is a famous museum in    What is France's national animal?
Paris?                                                            A horse

                        Le Louvre

                                                                  A rooster

                        La Tour Eiffel

                                                                  A dog

                                                                  A rat
                        L’Arc de Triumphe
Year 9 French Project Resources June 2021
Question 7:                             Question 8:
How many countries border France?       What 3 colours are on the French flag?

       a.                4          a         white/blue/yellow

       b.                5          b          green/black/red

                         6          c          orange/white/green

                                    d          blue/white/red
Question 9:                           Question 10:
What is France's national flower?     What mountain range is found on the border of
                                      France and Spain?

                      The rose                  The Alps

                      The iris                  The Pyrenees

                      The carnation    c        The Vosges

                      The tulip         d       The Massif Central
Key French verbs
Match up the verbs in French and in English

        1. J’ai              a. I play
        2. Je suis           b. I have        2=
        3. Je vais           c. I eat         3=
        4. Je fais           d. I take        5=
        5. Je veux           e. I work        6=
        6. Je prends         f. I want        8=
        7. Je mange          g. I go          9=
                                              10 =
        8. Je joue           h. I learn
        9. J’apprends        i. I do
        10. Je travaille     j. I am
Guess and spell the French colours (the number of lines correspond to the number of letters missing)

   a.   O_ _ _ _ _
   b.   J _ _ _ _
   c.   V _ _ _ _ _
   d.   R _ _ _
   e.   N _ _ _
   f.   B _ _ _ _
   g.   R _ _ _ _
Reading comprehension: read the text below about Limoges and answer the questions in English

 Limoges est la capitale de la Haute-Vienne. La ville est
 située dans le centre ouest de la France et elle est très
 connue et renommée pour sa porcelaine. Limoges compte
 cent quarante milles habitants qui s’appellent les
 Limougeauds. A Limoges, il y a beaucoup de monuments
 historiques comme le pont Saint Martial qui a été
 construit par les romains au XIII siècle. Mais il y a aussi
 la Gare des Bénédictins qui est un monument extraordinaire
 qui attire tous les ans de nombreux touristes.

 1.   Where is Limoges in France?
 2.   What is Limoges famous for?
 3.   How many people live in this town? How are they called?
 4.   Give 2 pieces of information about Saint Martial.
 5.   What do the tourists like to visit in Limoges?
Cultural awareness
                               Un jour à Lyon (a day in Lyon)
1. Click on the link below and explore the city of Lyon on a virtual tour; explore the first 4 mins.
2. Use your computer mouse to navigate, right, left, up and down.
3. Answer the questions which are on the next slide in English .
Answer the questions related to the video:
1.     What is the name of the cathedral mentioned in the video?
            a.St Luke                         b. St Jacques                      c. St Jean
2. How do they call the little secret passage way linking one alley/street to another one?
            a. Une ruelle                     b. un passage                      c. un traboule
3. What does the pink tower represent?
            a. Renaissance                    b. Middle Age                      c. Louis XIV era
4. What was Lyon famous for?
            a. Silk manufactures              b. Iron manufactures               c. Cotton manufactures
5. Name the river running through Lyon
            a. La Loire                       b. La Seine                        c. la Saône
6.     When was St Vincent’s bridge first built?
            a. 1852                           b. 1832                            c. 1892
7. Originally, what was happening in La place des terreaux?
            a. Public executions              b. popular market                  c. carnavals
8. The statue on the square was sculpted by Bartholdi who was also famous for sculpting:
            a. La statue de Zeus              B. The Statue of Liberty           c. The Statue of David
9. What is an “hôtel de ville” for:
            a. to great wealthy tourists      b. an inn                          c. for administrative formalities
10. Who is the famous architect who rebuilt the town hall after the fire?
            a. Mansard                        b. Le Nôtre                        c. La Bruyère
Quiz               Language skills    Reading comprehension, slide 9
1= c                                  1. In La Haute-Vienne
2= b               Verbs, slide 7     2. China/pottery
3= a               1=b                3. 140,000 – les Limougeauds
4= c               2=j                4. It’s a bridge – Built by the
5= Le Louvre       3=g                   Romans – 13th Centuray
6= A rooster       4=i                5. The railway station
7= 6               5=f
8= d               6=d
9= the iris        7=c                Cultural Awareness
10= the Pyrenees   8=a                Slide 10-11:
                   9=h                1=c
                   10 = e             2=c
                   Colours, slide 8   3=a
                   a. ORANGE          4=a
                   b. JAUNE           5=c
                   c. VIOLET          6=b
                   d. ROSE            7=a
                   e. NOIR            8=b
                   f. BLANC           9=c
                   g. ROUGE           10 = a
Resources for French

• For the transition I would recommend:

ISBN: 1 84146 830 4                             ISBN: 9781841464367
• Essential for September:

                       ISBN: 978 1 78294 8612
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