AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF FRENCH - 89e Congrès annuel Hilton Hotel Austin, Texas
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AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF FRENCH 89e Congrès annuel Hilton Hotel Austin, Texas du 3 au 6 juillet 2016 “En avant vers les nouvelles frontières du français”
Remerciements L’AATF exprime sa profonde reconnaissance aux personnes et aux organismes suivants qui ont contribué au succès de notre quatre-vingt-neuvième congrès annuel à Austin. Sans leur aide et leur soutien précieux, nous n’aurions jamais pu mener à bien l’organisation de ce congrès. Les Sponsors Embassy of France, Vista Higher Learning, Language & Friendship, Sojourner Tours, Concordia Language Villages, Webster University (MO), et nos remerciements aussi à Maria Beauséjour, Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec, Karl Cogard, Ambassade de France aux USA, Jessica Fertinel, Consulat de France à Houston, Brian Kennelly, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (CA), Janel Lafond-Paquin , Director of the AATF Future Leaders Program, William Rivers, Joint National Committee for Languages/National Council for Languages and International Studies, Julien Suaudeau, Conférencier d’honneur. Personnel de l’AATF: Lindsey Gibson, Christy Brown et Denise Sandlin. Photo credit: Ed Schipul, “Congress Street Bridge and Austin at Sunset” 2 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader
Table des Matières Remerciements ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Dédicace ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Sponsors ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Présentation du congrès .............................................................................................................................. 7 Conseil d’administration de l’AATF . ......................................................................................................... 8 Leadership Fellows .........................................................................................................................................11 Horaire du congrès ......................................................................................................................................12 Commissions nationales de l’AATF. .........................................................................................................13 Points forts du congrès ...............................................................................................................................15 Sessions d’exposants ...................................................................................................................................16 Ateliers ..............................................................................................................................................................18 Liste des annonceurs ...................................................................................................................................19 Plan des salles de réunion . ........................................................................................................................20 Séance d’ouverture .....................................................................................................................................21 Programme dimanche 3 juillet .........................................................................................................................22 lundi 4 juillet ...................................................................................................................................25 mardi 5 juillet .................................................................................................................................39 mercredi 6 juillet ............................................................................................................................48 Index des sujets .............................................................................................................................................50 Lauréate de du Language Matters Award 2016 ..................................................................................51 Lauréates de l’AATF Ludwig Excellence in Teaching Award 2016 ...................................................51 Lauréat de l’Outstanding Chapter Officer 2016 ....................................................................................52 2016 Exemplary Programs .........................................................................................................................53 Plan du salon des expositions ..................................................................................................................54 Liste des exposants ......................................................................................................................................55 Index des intervenants .. .............................................................................................................................57 Thèmes du congrès ......................................................................................................................................59 Congrès de l’AATF ge 20 Au ena s 07 wa ity 12 nt hia n O e 20 Bato kee ue tin is 20 Sag rlea 20 Liè Rou 20 New enc 20 Mil ec C 17 sti y 20 Mo elp M Lou 20 Chi éal 20 Phi se iq 20 Pro o u 20 Qu ta g Jo 14 vid 20 Sai n r 11 lad n 06 eb 13 ca 09 ge 05 an 16 u 18 nt 20 San ar 20 Atl 08 04 15 10 20 3
DÉDICACE Le programme du congrès à Austin est dédié à l’ancien Secrétaire général de l’AATF, Fred Jenkins, disparu le 3 mars 2016. Il a servi l’assocation de de 1997 à 2003. Pro- fesseur à l’Université de l’Illinois à Urbana-Champaign, il s’est dévoué corps et âme à l’AATF. Fred était un vrai gentilhomme, calme, efficace et engagé. 5
SPONSORS DU CONGRÈS Ambassade de France 4101 Reservoir Road NW Washington, DC 20007 Téléphone: (202) 944-6000 Web: Vista Higher Learning 500 Boylston Street, Suite 620 Boston, MA 02116 Téléphone: (617) 728-9318 Télécopieur: (617) 426-5215 Web: Language and Friendship 8011 34th Avenue South, Suite 250 Bloomington, MN 55425 Téléphone: (952) 841-9898 Télécopieur: (952) 841-9919 Courriel: Web: Sojourner Tours 1610 South Elm Street Georgetown, TX 78626 Web: Concordia Language Villages 901 8th Street South Moorhead, MN 56562 Téléphone: (218) 299-3092 Télécopieur: (218) 299-3807 Courriel: Web: 6
American Association of Teachers of French Publisher of the French Review and National Bulletin Founder of the Société honoraire de français Sponsor of the Grand Concours Présidente Catherine Daniélou Secrétaire générale Jayne Abrate University of Alabama at 302 North Granite Street Birmingham Marion, IL 62959-2346 Birmingham, AL 35294-1260 Télécopier: (815) 310-5754 [] [] le 10 juin 2016 Chères/chers congressistes, C’est avec grand plaisir et enthousiasme que cette année nous vous accueillons à Aus- tin, au Texas. Austin est une ville à échelle humaine, dynamique, ambitieuse, pleine d’éner- gie et de créativité. Dévouée à la haute technologie, centrée sur les médias interactifs, musicale, universitaire, elle puise son énergie dans son esprit innovateur, sans a priori. Nous espérons que dans ce contexte notre congrès, la camaraderie de ce moment unique, notre programme, cette ville, vous insuffleront tous une énergie renouvelée, des idées originales, des réflexions de qualité. Vous aurez avec nous l’occasion de découvrir des interventions variées, sur des sujets de pédagogie, sur la promotion de cultures ou de littératures franco- phones, ou sur l’utilisation de la technologie. Julien Suaudeau, célèbre romancier contem- porain français, nous honore de sa présence. Il parlera d’un sujet difficile mais nécessaire à aborder, la société française d’aujourd’hui et le terrorisme. Nous le remercions chaleureuse- ment d’avoir accepté d’animer la séance d’ouverture, ne la manquez pas. Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude aux sponsors qui nous sou- tiennent: l’Ambassade de France à Washington, Vista Higher Learning, Language and Frien- dship, Sojourner Tours, Concordia Language Villages et Webster University. Nous voudrions aussi souligner la participation de William Rivers, Secrétaire général de JCNL/NCLIS. Enfin, un grand merci à Betty Clough ainsi qu’à Marie Schein, Déléguée régionale pour la Région VII, ainsi que ses collègues texanes, dont l’aide fut la bienvenue pour assurer à nos congres- sistes un accueil chaleureux et des activités en ville intéressantes. Vous trouverez à travers ce programme de brefs descriptifs de faits qui témoignent des liens entre la francophonie et le Texas. Nous espérons qu’ils vous inviteront à explorer ce grand état, dont l’histoire a commencé avec la France et ou les richesses artistiques sont nombreuses et importantes. Enfin, nous témoignons notre reconnaissance aux organismes et associations qui ont bien voulu exposer et parrainer certaines activités. Nous vous invitons d’ailleurs à visiter les stands des exposants qui vous proposeront des documents et des services susceptibles de vous intéresser. Nous vous souhaitons, à toutes et à tous, un excellent congrès et espérons vous revoir à Saint Louis l’année prochaine! E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 7
2016 AATF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Catherine Danié- of the 2015 CSCTFL Founders Award. E-mail: lou (Ph.D. Michigan State) is [abrate@] Associate Professor and Asso- Vice-President Madeline ciate Dean at the University Turan (M.A. Long Island of Alabama at Birming- University) is Adjunct ham. She specializes in Lecturer at SUNY Stony 17th-century French lit- Brook. She taught in the erature and also likes Sachem Schools (NY). to teach advanced She has served as grammar, French a board member history, and con- and on numer- temporary French ous committees, culture. She has been including advocacy, active with state language for the New York State As- teaching organizations and enjoys sociation of Foreign Language working with K-12 teachers in immer- Teachers. She is a frequent presenter sion workshop settings. E-mail: [danielou@ on the use of song in the classroom. E-mail:] [] Past-President Mary Helen Kashuba, SSJ, Vice-President Rita Davis was born in (D.M.L. Middlebury) is Professor of French and Clermont-Ferrand, France. Russian at Chestnut Hill College (PA).She served She has taught Middle and as AATF Vice- President and Upper School French for Regional Representative and 30 years at the Agnes has been local French Con- Irwin School (PA) and is test Administrator since currently coordinator 1978. She was also a of the French pro- member of the Board gram. She serves of Directors of ACTFL, as a consultant Northeast Confer- to the College ence, and PSMLA. Board and has She received the presented numer- Lindback, Lud- ous workshops. She has wig, and PSMLA served as an AP Exam Reader Awards for excellent and Table Leader. Rita also served teaching and has published as Co-President of the Philadelphia AATF several articles and presents fre- Chapter. E-mail: [] quently at conferences. She is an Passionate about teaching French to people Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques. E- of all ages, Vice-President mail: [] Karen Campbell Kue- Jayne Abrate (Ph.D. Purdue), Executive Di- bler currently consults rector since 1997, taught at for elementary French the university level in Mis- language instruction souri for 15 years and has programs, serves as a presented and published Dance Integration widely on French culture Specialist in an el- and cultural pedagogy, ementary school, Québécois culture and and is a faculty literature, and the member at use of technology Towson Uni- in the classroom. versity (MD). Karen She is an Of- presents her research ficier dans l’Ordre and experiences at local, des Palmes académiques, a regional, national, and international Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et conferences. E-mail: [kkcdanser@verizon. des Lettres, the 2006 recipient of the net] ACTFL Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture, and the recipient 8
The Editor in Chief of the Lisa Narug, Director of French Review Edward Ous- the National French Con- selin (Ph.D. Ohio State Uni- test, has been involved versity) taught French at with Le Grand Concours the Institut de Touraine. since 1991 when she He now teaches French “temporarily” filled in film and culture at as National Awards Western Washing- Chair. She was ton University. A National Chair frequent contributor to for Computer the French Review, he served Operations as Review Editor for Creative Works. and Assistant Di- He is a Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes rector. She has a degree académiques. E-mail: [edward.ousselin@wwu. from the University of Illinois edu] and worked at AATF National Head- The Managing Editor of quarters for 6 years. She worked at various the French Review Nathalie nonprofit associations before returning as Direc- Degroult (Ph.D. University tor. E-mail: [] at Albany), a French native, Region I (New England) is Associate Professor Representative Margarita of French at Siena Dempsey currently teaches College (NY) where French and Spanish at she teaches courses Smithfield High School in language, film, (RI) and is Adjunct in- literature, and structor at Bryant Col- culture. She special- lege. She has served izes in contemporary on the board of French Cinema and is a regular the Rhode Island presenter on the use of film in the Foreign Language classroom. Nathalie served as Review Association and the Rhode Editor for Creative Works for the French Review. Island AATF Chapter. In 2013, E-mail: [] she was Northeast Conference Teacher New Editor of the AATF of the Year (TOY), one of five ACTFL TOY National Bulletin, Me- finalists. E-mail: [] gan Diercks (M.A. Region II (New York & New University of North Jersey) Representative Abbe Texas) is an Adjunct Guillet is French teacher Faculty member at at Baldwinsville (NY) Colorado School Schools. She has served of Mines and previously as a chapter the Grand officer and regional Concours Ad- representative. She ministrator for has studied in the CO/WY Chapter. France and Sen- She taught high school for egal, and is a AP ten years in North Texas, where reader and Test Devel- she also served as Vice-President of opment Committee member. that chapter for seven years. Megan has She is a Chevalier dans l’Ordre des presented at several AATF conventions and was Palmes académiques. E-mail: [anguillet@ a Future Leader in 2015. E-mail:[mmediercks.]] 9
Region III (Mid-Atlantic) rep- is currently the chair of the chapter’s Advocacy resentative Christine Gaudry Committee and serves as immediate past-pres- (Ph.D. UNC at Chapel Hill), a ident. Eileen is a member of the committee that French native, is Associate created the French Advocacy Wiki. She taught at Professor of French and Niles North & Niles West High Schools in Skokie, Chair of Foreign Lan- IL. E-mail: [] guages at Millersville Region VII (South Central) University (PA). She Representative Marie-Luce served as Chapter Schein (Ph.D., University of President and has been North Texas) is Instructor of active in the AATF, ACTFL, French at Texas Christian Northeast Conference, PSMLA, and University. She has been several other organizations. She is cur- President of the North rently working on a book on Georges Simenon. Texas AATF Chapter E-mail: [] and Chair of the Region IV Representative AATF Commission Deanna Scheffer will com- on Cultural Com- plete the unexpired term petence. Her interests in- of her predecessor. She clude French and Francophone teaches at St. Augustine cultures and literatures, Technology, High School (FL) and and Service-Learning. E-mail: [m.schein@ has served the AATF] as National French Region VIII (Southwest) Contest Adminis- Representative Ryan Rocque trator and three has worked for 11 years terms as Chapter as a French teacher at President. She was also Lakeridge Jr. High School AATF Outstanding Chapter Oficer. (UT). He has served She serves as a Table Leader for the AP on the community French Language and Culture Exam and is an council, served as AP Consultant and Consultant Mentor. She is a President of the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques. Utah AATF Chapter, and E-mail: []. has worked with teachers Region V (East Central) Rep- across the state and nation. E-mail: resentative Dan Noren (D.M.L. [] Middlebury) is Professor of Region IX (Northwest) French at Ferris State Uni- Representative Catherine versity (MI) where he has Ousselin obtained her taught since 1985. He is B.A. and M.A in French currently President of Language and Literature the Michigan AATF from the University of Chapter and was Kansas. She currently elected Vice-President teaches French II-AP of the Michigan World at Mount Vernon Language Association (MWLA). High School (WA). His specialty is la Francophonie, and he Catherine is Chair of has conducted numerous study programs the AATF Commission on to France and Martinique. E-mail: [danieldoren@ Technology, the AATF Social Media] Manager, and a technology intergration Region VI (West Central) specialist for World Languages. She is also Representative Eileen Wal- an active member of ACTFL, NNELL, IALLT, and voord (M.A. Montclair State ASCD. E-mail: []. University, NJ) is a member of the Chicago/Northern Illinois AATF Chapter and served two consecutive terms as both program chair and president. She 10
JNCL/NCLIS Future Leaders Fellowship JNCL/NCLIS is comprised of more Program than 100 associations of language pro- En 2011 l’AATF a entrepris un programme fessionals who have joined together to de formation pour les futurs leaders des develop and lobby for language policy chapitres de l’AATF. Cette année marque alors issues. The member organizations of the le cinquième volet de ce programme qui, nous Joint National Committee for Languages l’espérons, continuera longtemps. La directrice (JNCL) and the National Council for du programme est Janel Lafond-Paquin , Languages and International Studies (NCLIS) are united in their belief that all Rogers High School (RI). Vous verrez à travers le Americans must have the opportunity programme les noms des participants, de 2011 à to learn and use English and at least one 2016, suivis d’un . other language. Language and interna- tional education are clearly in the public Classe de 2016 interest. Knowledge of other languages Nancy Aykanian, Eastern Massachusetts increases intellectual abilities and Barbara Brousseau, Alabama provides a window of understanding Susan Brown, North Carolina to other cultures. Language education Pierre Dairon, Ohio and international studies lack adequate Nathalie Gorey, Maine support and recognition as essential Erin Gibbons, Chicago/Northern Illinois components of today’s school curricu- Audra Merfeld-Langston, Greater Saint Louis lum. Only with language competence can Americans hope to conduct effective Margaret Newcomb, Washington/Alaska/British trade policy, expand international trade, Columbia/Alberta ensure the integrity of national defense, Uriel Ornelas, San Diego enhance international communication Deena Sellers, Metropolitan New York and diplomacy, and develop a truly Heidi Trude, Virginia broad-based education for all citizens. Web site: []. Communiqué de presse Passez au stand de l’AATF vous faire prendre en photo avec un des officiers de l’association. Ensuite nous préparerons un communiqué de presse concernant Convention Credit votre participation au congrès que nous We are again pleased to offer one vous enverrons avec la photo au mois de graduate credit for attending the conven- septembre. Distribuez-en des copies à vos tion through Webster University in St. administrateurs et à votre journal local Louis, Missouri. Contact the registration pour témoigner de vos activités profes- desk for on-site registration. sionnelles. Une fiche d’inscription était incluse dans votre mallette. ADVOCACY • Information about the most effective way to advocate for foreign language programs • Links for language-related Congressional testi- mony • Federal government grant opportunities Check out the JNCL-NCLIS Web site at E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 11
89e Congrès annuel de l’AATF Horaire du congrès vendredi 1er juillet 8h00-16h00 Ouverture des inscriptions 8h00-17h00 Réunion du Conseil d’admi- (Salon A Foyer) nistration de l’AATF (Salle 8h00-16h00 Sessions 400) 8h00-16h00 Ouverture des expositions 8h00-17h00 Future Leaders Fellowship (Salon H) Program (Salle 402) 10h00-10h30 Pause-café et visite des expositions (Salon H) samedi 2 juillet 11h45-13h00 Pause déjeuner et visite des 8h00-17h00 Réunion du Conseil d’admi- expositions (Salon H) nistration de l’AATF (Salle Déjeuner des Présidents de 400) Commission (par invitation) 8h00-17h00 Future Leaders Fellowship 15h15-16h00 Pause-café, visite des expo- Program (Salle 402) sitions et première tombola 19h00-21h00 Ouverture des inscriptions sponsorisées par Language (Salon A Foyer) and Friendship (Salon H) dimanche 3 juillet mardi 5 juillet 8h00-16h30 Ouverture des inscriptions 8h00-16h00 Ouverture des inscriptions (Salon A Foyer) (Salon A Foyer) 9h00-11h30 Séance d’ouverture (Salles 8h00-16h00 Sessions 400-402) 9h00-12h00 Ouverture des expositions 12h00-13h30 Déjeuner de bienvenue (Salon H) (Salon FG), co-sponsorisé 10h30-11h30 Pause-café, visite des expo- par l’AATF et l’Ambassade sitions et tombola (Salon H) de France 11h30-13h00 Déjeuner de la French 13h30-16h30 Ateliers (pré-inscription) Review (par invitation) 16h00-19h00 Réception et ouverture des 13h30-16h00 Assemblée des délégués de expositions sponsorisées l’AATF (Salle 400) par l’AATF (Salon H) 19h00-21h30 Banquet d’honneur (Salon G) En soirée Gala des Palmes acadé- miques (par invitation) mercredi 6 juillet 8h00-11h45 Ouverture des inscriptions lundi 4 juillet (Salon A Foyer) 7h00-8h00 Petit Déjeuner des Adminis- 8h00-11h00 Sessions trateurs du Grand Concours 13h30 Excursion: La Belle: 17th- (par invitation) Century Shipwreck and 7h00-8h00 Petit Déjeuner de la Société Blanton Art Museum honoraire de français (par invitation) Convention Credit We are again pleased to offer one Évaluations graduate credit for attending the conven- des sessions tion through Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact the registration desk for on-site registration. 12
AATF 2016 National Commissions Commission on Advocacy Commission on French for Busi- Kathy Stein-Smith [2017] ness and Economic Purposes Fairleigh-Dickinson University Deb Reisinger [2015] 1000 River Road 06 Languages Building Teaneck, NJ 07666 Duke University [] Durham, NC 27708-0257 E-mail: debsreis@gmail. com] Commission for the Promotion of French Justin Frieman , Chair [2016] Commission on Cinema Adlai E. Stevenson High Joyce Beckwith, Co- School Chair [2016] 1 Stevenson Drive E-mail: [mmejoyob@aol. Lincolnshire, IL 60069 com] E-mail: [justinfrieman@yahoo. com] Commission on Cinema Dolliann Hurtig, Co-Chair [2016] Louisiana Tech University Commission on High Schools P.O. Box 3178 Anne Jensen , Chair [2017] Ruston, LA 71272 Henry M. Gunn High School E-mail: [] 780 Arastradero Road Palo Alto, CA 94306 E-mail: [annejensen@att. net] Commission on Cultural Competence Marie Schein, Co-Chair [2018] Commission on Middle Texas Christian University Schools 2800 South University Drive Janel Lafond-Paquin , Fort Worth, TX 76129 Chair [2018] E-mail: [] Rogers High School 15 Wickham Road Newport, RI 02840 E-mail: [madamep51@hotmail. Commission on FLES* com] Karen Campbell Kuebler, Commission on Student Stan- Chair [2017] dards 709 Sudbrook Road Rebecca Fox, Chair [2015] Pikesville, MD 21208 George Mason University E-mail: [kkcdanser@ 4400 University Drive] Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Commission on At-Risk, High Needs, Minority, E-mail: [] and Immigrant Populations Margarita Levasseur, Chair [2017] Bloom Township School District 100 West 10th Street, Chi- SAINT LOUIS cago Heights, IL 60411 CONVENTION E-mail: [margarita.levasseur@] July 16-19, 2017 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 13
Commission on Technology AATF Materials Catherine Ousselin, Chair Promotion of French [2016] Mount Vernon High School Cuisiner et apprendre le français: 34 classic 314 North 9th Street French recipes in English and in French with Mount Vernon, WA 98273 activities, exercises, and reading texts. 178 pp. E-mail: [catherineku72 @ Making Global Connections Using French] Language and Culture: manual produced by the AATF Commission on Student Standards. 187 pp. Commission on Universities Parlez-vous...? Posters: This series of six color Scott Sheridan, Chair [2017] posters promotes French on the theme Parlez- Illinois Wesleyan University vous...? The six themes include cuisine, histoire, 1312 Park Street civilisation, sports, sciences, français. Includes Bloomington, IL 62701 123-page study guide organized according to E-mail: [] the six themes, revised 2012 L’Année en français: Un Calendrier perpétuel. A project of the AATF FLES* Commission revised Commission on Profession- and expanded in 2013. Every day marked by the al Teacher Standards birth or death of a famous person or by some Adina Alexandru , other event. Complete index. Teacher’s Guide. Chair [2017] Designed for Francophiles of all ages. Southington Public Schools Color Notecards: 12 blank notecards featur- 720 Pleasant Street ing 6 different color designs from winners of Southington, CT 06489 AATF Poster Contests, with envelopes. [] Convention attendees can re- SAINT LOUIS ceive a 15% discount on most AATF CONVENTION materials ordered and paid for during the convention. Stop by the July 16-19, 2017 AATF exhibit booth to place your order. Prices will increase in the fall. ALLONS AU CINÉMA: PROMOTING FRENCH THROUGH FILM Fourteen French and Francophone films are presented with vocabulary and activities for the classroom at both sec- ondary and post-secondary levels. ________ Allons au cinéma Vol. 1 x $25 = Total ________ Allons au cinéma Vol. 2 x $25 = Total ________ Allons au cinéma Vol. 1 & 2 x $40 = Total Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________________________ Tel: ____________________ E-mail: ____________________Mail to: AATF, 302 N. Granite St., Carbondale, IL 62959-2346, Available at the AATF Booth! 14 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader
Points forts du congrès le dimanche 3 juilet 12h00-13h30 history, mythology, production process, health Salon FG benefits, and learn the art of tasting olive oil as Déjeuner de bienvenue well as its culinary uses. An olive oil sommelier- Welcome Luncheon where members can in-training will guide you through a tasting to meet others from their region. Cost: $55 per experience the amazing difference that certi- person. Buffet Menu: Vegetable antipasto, fied, high-quality Ultra Premium extra virgin Pork picatta, Chicken in Roasted Tomato Sauce, olive oils can make. You will sample oils and see Spinach Tortellini, Cannoli (spouses/guests how they are scored at the tasting competitions. welcome). You’ll experience flavors ranging from intense le dimanche 3 juillet 16h00-19h00 and robust to mild, creamy, and buttery and Salon H learn to taste the differences in olive oil qual- Ouverture des expositions ity. In addition, you’ll discover the mysteries of balsamic vinegar and taste the top of the range Exhibit Opening Reception where attendees which is aged following the most ancient reci- can get a first look at what our exhibitors have pes from Modena. Cheese, prosciutto, baguette, to offer. marcona almonds, veggies, and a large scoop of le lundi 4 juillet 11h15 Mexican vanilla ice cream from Amy’s Ice Cream Salle 400 is included! Chilled water will be served but you Dictée are welcome to purchase a bottle of wine before the class. ($60 per person; space is limited; pre- Participez à cette activité annuelle où les registration required). congressistes peuvent s’exercer à la dictée, cette épreuve bien française. Organisée par Catherine Wednesday, July 6 (1:30 p.m.) La Belle: 17th- Daniélou, Présidente de l’AATF. Century Shipwreck and Blanton Art Museum: le jeudi 5 juillet 19h00-21h30 Head to the Texas History Museum to learn Salon G about the period when the French Royal Flag flew over Texas. You’ll have a privately guided Banquet d’honneur tour of the La Belle shipwreck led by Toni Turner, Awards Banquet AATF Award recipients the coauthor of A Watery Grave. She will tell will be honored at our Awards Banquet. Cash you not only about the history of the ship and bar. Dinner Menu: Concassé of Tomato with stories about its French passengers but also Spring Greens, Herb Roasted Chicken, Chocolate marvel you with details about the excavation Marquise. Cost: $75 per person (spouses/guests and unique preservation process. welcome). Immediately afterward, the group will take a short walk across the street to the Blanton Art Excursions Museum. You’ll step on the University of Texas Monday, July 4 and Tuesday, July 5 (4:00 campus to view one of the largest university p.m.): French Cheese 101: A private Antonelli’s collections of fine art in the U.S. You’ll get an French Cheese Guided Tasting is an experience overview of the Museum’s permanent collec- that is sure to linger on your palate long after tion during your guided visit. Your tour will you head home. Over the course of this survey inspiring artworks spanning the Italian two-hour tasting, Antonelli’s cheese monger Renaissance to the cutting-edge contemporary will regale you with stories of the French pro- art of North America and Latin America. The ducers, tidbits about history, geography, with a drawing and print exhibits will be of particular bit of science! We will lead you through a tast- interest because they include French works. The ing of seven French cheeses, as well as bread, prints reflect the history, characteristics, and olives, nuts, and other accompaniments. We’ll processes of the medium from the Renaissance also bring out a number of additional pairings to the present day, featuring examples of major like jams and mustards, depending on that eve- masters from Dürer and Rembrandt through ning’s cheese selection. Of course, there will be Goya and Picasso and the museum’s collec- time at the end for you to mix and mingle. tion of 1,500 drawings contain contemporary Cost includes wine. ($60 per person; space is Latin American drawings and Renaissance and limited; pre-registration required) Baroque (Italian, French, and Central European) drawings. Cost: $50 per person; space is limited; Monday, July 4 and Tuesday, July 5 (4:00 pre-registration required. p.m.): Olive Oil 101: You’ll explore olive oil’s E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 15
Sessions d’exposants le lundi 4 juillet le lundu 4 juillet Heure: 8h00-9h15 Heure: 13h00-14h00 Salle 408 Salle 408 E204: Open Educational Resources and E234: Tools for Those End of Course Exams: Practices for Language Learning Think, Pair, Share Together About Using Intervenante: Patricia Kyle, COERLL University of THÈMES Texas at Austin Intervenante: Deanna Scheffer, Vista Higher Participants will explore open educational Learning, St. Augustine High School (FL) resources (OER) for language learning that are available for teaching French language, for The presenter has used THÈMES for the past discovering French and Francophone cultures, year, written a new syllabus with it as a primary and for teaching other languages and cultures. tool and is a Trainer for the publisher. She will Participants also find out more about how they present the text format and suggest strategies can use open educational resources to enrich for the classroom. In addition, she will facilitate the learning of French at the K-16 levels, learn a discussion/collaboration on pacing to meet how to search for existing OER, and get ideas various student and student community needs, on ways to use OER to support their language as well as discussion about preparing students instruction. for various end of course exams like the AICE, IB and AP exams. Animatrice: Marie Schein, Texas Christian Uni- versity, Déléguée régionale de l’AATF pour le Animatrice: Madeline Turan, Stony Brook Univer- Centre-sud sity (NY), Vice-Présidente de l’AATF Public: général Public: secondaire le lundi 4 juillet le lundi 4 juillet Heure: 14h15-15h15 Heure: 13h00-14h00 Salle 404 Salle 404 E242: Le Cinéma, un support motivant pour E232: Nouveaux outils pour le réseau des les jeunes professeurs de français aux États-Unis Intervenante: Nadine Vallejos, France Langue Intervenants: Karl Cogard, Ambassade de France Le cinéma représente une mine de ressourc- aux USA, Jessica Fertinel, Consulat de France es pour la classe de français. Dans un climat dé- à Houston tendu, mais sérieux, il favorise la motivation des Cet atelier présentera deux nouveaux élèves et encourage leur participation. Il permet outils pour la promotion et la diffusion de s’ouvrir à la culture française, de découvrir de l’enseignement du français (du pre-k à la «vraie» vie, d’introduire du français contem- l’université): le premier est une campagne porain dans la classe, de développer les compé- publicitaire offerte gratuitement par l’Institut tences de compréhension et d’expression, de français et adaptable selon le contexte de cha- susciter l’imagination et la créativité des élèves. cun et le second se nomme IF-profs et est une à partir d’un film sorti en France en novembre plateforme collaborative lancée l’an passé pour 2014, nous expérimenterons différentes activi- les professeurs de français dans le monde: les tés pédagogiques, à différents niveaux. États-Unis y sont attendus avec impatience! Animatrice: Abbe Guillet, Déléguée régionale de Animatrice: Mary Helen Kashuba, SSJ, Chestnut l’AATF pour le New York et le New Jersey (NY) Hill College (PA), Présidente honoraire de l’AATF Public: général Public: général 16
Sessions d’exposants le mardi 5 juillet Heure: 8h00-9h15 Salle 410 Saviez-vous que... E304: Étudier le FLE dans la province de Qué- l’architecte Renzo Piano a dessiné à bec, Canada la fois le Centre George Pompidou à Intervenante: Solange Moreau, Université du Paris et le musée abritant la Collec- Québec à Chicoutimi, Association québécoise tion John et Dominique de Menil à des écoles de français langue étrangère Houston, TX? L’Association québécoise des écoles de français langue étrangère (AQEFLE) regroupe cinq universités et quatre collèges qui se con- sacrent à l’enseignement du FLE depuis plus de Expositions quarante ans. L’AQEFLE s’est donné pour mission Prenez quelques minutes pour visiter de faire du Québec une destination privilégiée les expositions. Vous y trouverez des pour l’apprentissage du français. Les écoles renseignements concernant une variété membres de l’AQEFLE offrent une gamme com- de produits et de services qui pourraient plète de services de formation: cours et pro- vous être utiles. Pensez à remercier les grammes universitaires, accueil d’étudiants de exposants d’avoir soutenu notre congrès. niveau secondaire, programmes d’immersion de printemps et d’été, pour adultes et adolescents. Animatrice: Ann Sunderland, Présidente honoraire VISIT THE EXHIBITOR WEB PAGE de l’AATF (MO) Public: général ÉTUDIANTS SANS FRONTIÈRES NEW VOLUME IN THIS SERIES ON SERVICE LEARNING VOL. 1: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in French VOL. 2: Integrating Service-Learning and Volunteer Opportunities into French Study Abroad Pro- grams. A Guide for Educators and Students of French ________ VOL. 1: Concepts & Models x $25 = Total ______________ ________ VOL. 2: Integrating Service-Learning x $25 = Total ______________ ________ Both volumes x $40 = Total ______________ Total enclosed: ___________________ Name: _________________________________________________ _______ Address: _______________________________________________ _______ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ ______ Tel: ___________________Mail to: AATF, 302 N. Granite St., Marion, IL 62959. 17
Ateliers (pré-inscription obligatoire) le dimanche 3 juillet Schools , Nathalie Degroult, Siena College, Heure: 13h30-16h30, Salle 404 Michèle Bissière, UNC – Charlotte, Michael W101: Improving Student Performance on Foster, William Jewell College, Fawzia Ah- the AP French Language and Culture Exam mad, Regis University, Jody Ballah, University of Cincinnati – Blue Ash, Marcelline Block, LIM Intervenant: Brian Kennelly, California Polytech- College, Adela Lechintan-Siefer, Ohio State nic State University University, E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta Univer- What does the free-response section of the sity, Susan Meyers, William Jewell College 2016 AP French Language and Culture exam The editors will be joined by several con- reveal about student performance? What were tributing authors who will present clips from the typical student errors? With which skills and a variety of Francophone films followed by content did students struggle the most? And an interactive discussion of relevant themes, how to better position students for success on appropriate levels to maximize student involve- future exams? ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) ment, cultural, linguistic, and historical connec- le dimanche 3 juillet tions. Authors will discuss activities and projects Heure: 13h30-16h3, Salle 406 devised to strengthen oral and written profi- W102: Le Petit Prince revisité! ciency. Participants will receive a copy of the new volume. ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) Intervenante: Janel Lafond-Paquin , Rogers le dimanche 3 juillet High School (RI) Heure: 13h30-16h30, Salle 410 Le Petit Prince est de retour! Venez à cet atelier W104: Réussir une classe inversée pour voir ce que vous pouvez faire avec ce livre charmant! De nombreuses activités seront Intervenante: Erin Gibbons , Barrington High présentées, et vous aurez l’occasion de les School (IL) essayer avant de les utiliser dans votre propre Allons à la rencontre de nos élèves là où ils salle de classe! Un dossier complet pour tout le sont: sur Internet! Vous vous intéressez à l’idée monde! ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) d’une classe inversée mais quelque chose vous le dimanche 3 juillet bloque? Venez apprendre les “pourquoi” et les Heure: 13h30-16h30, Salle 412 “comment” d’une professeur expérimentée W105: Thinking About Syncing? Technology dans cette approche. Des outils et des straté- Tools for Listening and Speaking gies pratiques qui s’adapteront facilement dans n’importe quel cours y seront présentés. Intervenante: Catherine Ousselin , Mount L’intervenante vous conduira étape par étape Vernon High School (WA) dans la création d’une démarche pédagogique This workshop will guide participants inversée qui vous conviendra. Apportez votre through easy-to-use free technology tools that appareil numérique. ($30; pré-inscription can used at any level to foster meaningful and obligatoire) authentic language learning in all three modes le dimanche 3 juillet of communication. Participants will consider, Heure: 13h30-16h30, Salle 415AB share, and develop thematic units that integrate W106: Advocating for French content, pedagogical knowledge, and technol- ogy using an ACTFL-created template. Working Intervenants: Bill Rivers, Secrétaire géréral du from the perspectives of the supporting Stan- Joint National Committee for Languages/ dards and AP themes through thoughtful inte- National Council for Languages and Interna- gration of technology, participants will engage tional Studies (DC), Jayne Abrate, Secrétaire in an investigation of Web and mobile tools us- générale de l’AATF (IL) ing the TPACK and SAMR technology integration The speakers will present scenarios and models. ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) strategies for defending the study of French le dimanche 3 juillet and foreign languages at the local, state, and Heure: 13h30-16h30, Salle 408 national levels. Teachers must not only work to preserve existing programs but to support W103: The AATF Commission on Cinema foreign language study in general and to create Presents Volume II of Allons au cinéma a political and economic climate which supports Intervenants: Dolliann Hurtig, Louisiana Tech, the study of multiple languages. ($30; pré- Joyce Beckwith, Wilmington, MA Public inscription obligatoire) 18
Liste d’annonceurs Center for Open Educational Resources & Sojourner Tours 63 Language Learning 61 E-mail: Adresse: 158 West 21st Street, Stop B3500 Web: Mezes Hall, Room 2.302 Austin, TX 78712 Vista Higher Learning 56 Courriel: 500 Boylston Street, Suite 620 Web: Boston, MA 02116 Language and Friendship 60 Téléphone: 617-728-9318 8011 34th Avenue South #250 Télécopieur: 617-426-5215 Bloomington, MN 55425 E-mail: E-mail: Web: Web: Vistas in Education 58 Liverpool University Press 58 1422 West Lake Street 4 Cambridge Street Minneapolis, MN 55408 Liverpool L69 7ZU United Kingdom E-mail: Web: Web: FIND IT ON-LINE Communiqué de presse Here are some useful links to frequently requested items: Passez au stand de l’AATF vous faire prendre en photo avec un des officiers de • AATF Convention Information [www. l’association. Ensuite nous préparerons] un communiqué de presse concernant • Chapter News & Officers [www. votre participation au congrès que nous] vous enverrons avec la photo au mois de • Advocacy Information [http://www. septembre. Distribuez-en des copies à vos] administrateurs et à votre journal local pour témoigner de vos activités profes- • AATF Promotional and Pedagogical Mate- sionnelles. Une fiche d’inscription était rials [] incluse dans votre mallette. • Commission Reports [www.frenchteach-] • French Cultural Service Offices [www. Gala des Palmes] académiques • Quebec Délégations [ L’AMOPA tiendra son souper annuel portail/quebec/international/usa/delega- dimanche soir le 3 juillet lors du congrès tions/] de l’AATF. Ouvert à tous ceux qui ont • If you can’t find what you want on the reçu l’Ordre des Palmes académiques AATF Web site, click on Headquarters. (pré-inscription obligatoire). CELEBRATE NATIONAL FRENCH WEEK NOVEMBER 4-10, 2016 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 19
Plan des salles de réunion 20
Programme - dimanche 3 juillet 8h00-16h30 Ouverture des inscriptions Salon A Foyer Séance d’ouverture 9h00-11h30 Salle 400-402 VIVRE AVEC LA TERREUR: LA FRANCE AVANT ET APRÈS LES ATTAQUES DE 2015 Conférencier d’honneur: Julien Suaudeau Le 13 novembre restera toujours gravé dans nos esprits. Today we continue to struggle as we remember what took place on that late fall Friday evening in Paris, and face the fear of ter- rorist attacks on our doorsteps. How did the French live before November, and how do they face the violence of our world today? What understanding do French people draw from what happened? How deeply can we search for understanding as we know the November terrorists were of French and European descent? What is the place of not just Islam but also class strug- gle, economic depression in French society nowadays? What is French society today? Julien Suaudeau will share with us his perspective as a French novelist. The author of two acclaimed novels (Dawa, 2014; and Le Français, 2015) Julien Suaudeau was born in 1975. He grew up in the small city of Evreux, was an amateur boxer, studied at Sci- ences Po, started his career as a consultant for the French Embassy in Azerbaijan. From film critic he then became a documentary filmmaker. His first feature documentary, Il était une fois en Côte d’Ivoire (2004), aired in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Canada, followed by two others, Derrière les cordes, American Dreamers, as well as three short fiction films, Zé, Une pierre au coeur, and Un an et un jour. Today Julien Suaudeau lives in Philadelphia with his wife and children. Amazingly, he is one of our own, a colleague currently teaching French. He finds time to write everyday, standing as one of France’s most prominent contemporary literary voices. Without a doubt this keynote address will be a unique and powerful moment, and our time with him will allow us to reach a better and clearer understanding of identity construction, in- equalities and socio-economic realities, the fluidity of French culture, and the world and French society seen through the eyes of a novelist. 21
Déjeuner de bienvenue Réception et ouverture du dimanche 3 juillet Salon des expositions Heure: 11h30-13h30 Salon FG dimanche 3 juillet Le premier jour du congrès, Heure: 16h00-19h00 venez rencontrer les autres con- Salon H gressistes à ce repas amical où les délégués régionaux vous accueil- L’AATF vous convie à une réception leront. Co-sponsorisé par l’AATF et lors de l’ouverture du Salon des ex- l’Ambassade de France. posants. Venez déguster un verre Pré-inscription obligatoire. de vin et visiter les kiosques. Programme - dimanche 3 juillet Atelier Atelier Heure: 13h30-16h30 Heure: 13h30-16h30 Salle 406 Salle 404 W102: Le Petit Prince revisité! W101: Improving Student Performance on the AP French Language and Intervenante: Janel Lafond-Paquin , Culture Exam Rogers High School (RI), Présidente de la Commission de l'AATF sur les Collèges Intervenant: Brian Kennelly, California Polytechnic State University Le Petit Prince est de retour! Venez à cet A atelier pour voir ce que vous pouvez faire What does the free-response section of avec ce livre charmant! De nombreuses A the 2016 AP French Language and Culture activités seront présentées, et vous aurez exam reveal about student performance? l’occasion de les essayer avant de les uti- What were the typical student errors? liser dans votre propre salle de classe! Un With which skills and content did students dossier complet pour tout le monde! ($30; struggle the most? And how to better pré-inscription obligatoire) position students for success on future exams? ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) Animatrice: Abbe Guillet, Déléguée régio- nale de l'AATF pour le New York et le New Animatrice: Tamara Andrews, Johnston Jersey Middle School (IA) Public: général Public: secondaire universitaire 22 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader
dimanche 3 juillet 2016 Atelier Atelier Heure: 13h30-16h30 Heure: 13h30-16h30 Salle 408 Salle 410 W103: The AATF Commission on Cin- W104: Réussir une classe inversée ema Presents Volume II of Allons au cinéma Intervenante: Erin Gibbons , Barrington High School (IL) Intervenants: Dolliann Hurtig, Louisiana Tech University, Co-Présidente de la Com- Allons à la rencontre de nos élèves mission, Joyce Beckwith, Wilmington, là où ils sont: sur Internet! Vous vous MA Public Schools (ret), Co-Présidente intéressez à l’idée d’une classe inversée de la Commission, Nathalie Degroult, mais quelque chose vous bloque? Venez A Siena College (NY), Rédactrice gérante apprendre les “pourquoi” et les “comment” de la French Review, Michèle Bissière, d’une professeur expérimentée dans cette University of North Carolina – Charlotte, approche. Des outils et des stratégies pra- Michael Foster, William Jewell College tiques qui s’adapteront facilement dans (MO), Fawzia Ahmad, Regis University n’importe quel cours y seront présentés. (CO), Jody Ballah, University of Cincin- Je vous conduirai étape par étape dans la nati – Blue Ash (OH), Marcelline Block, création d’une démarche pédagogique LIM College (NY), Adela Lechintan- inversée qui vous conviendra. Apportez Siefer, Ohio State University, E. Nicole votre appareil numérique. ($30; pré- Meyer, Augusta University (GA), Susan inscription obligatoire) Meyers, William Jewell College (MO) Animatrice: Mary Helen Kashuba, SSJ, Chest- The editors of the recently published nut Hill College (PA), Présidente honoraire Volume II of Allons au Cinéma: Promoting de l'AATF French through Films will be joined by sev- Public: général A eral contributing authors who will present clips from a variety of Francophone films followed by an interactive discussion of relevant themes, appropriate levels to maximize student involvement, cultural, linguistic, and historical connections. SOCIÉTÉ HONORAIRE Authors will discuss activities and projects DE FRANÇAIS ON THE devised to strengthen oral and written proficiency. Participants will receive a WEB The Société honoraire de français now has complimentary copy of the new volume. information up on the Web site at [www. ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) ]. You will see the link to Public: général information about starting a chapter, including the form, a sample constitution, suggestions for initiation ceremonies and the form to report new student initiates and information on order- JEUNES AMIS DU FRANÇAIS ing supplies. Charters and materials can now Now you can recognize the academic be ordered through our on-line store. We hope excellence of your elementary and middle this will facilitate your communication with the school students with a chapter of the Executive Secretary Christy Brown who can be Jeunes Amis du Français. Sister organiza- reached at AATF Société Honoraire de Français, tion to the Société Honoraire du Français, 302 North Granite Street, Marion, IL 62959-2346; it was formed in 2015. Sponsors can Telephone: (607) 821-2120: Fax: (815) 310-5754; chose the academic option for regular or e-mail: [shf@frenchteachers. org]. If you do not immersion programs or the cultural op- currently have a chapter of the Société Honoraire tion for more exploratory programs. For at your high school, start one this year! more information: [www.frenchteachers. org/jaf ] E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader 23
dimanche 3 juillet 2016 Atelier Atelier Heure: 13h30-16h30 Heure: 13h30-16h30 Salle 412 Salle 415AB W105: Thinking About Syncing? W106: Advocating for French Technology Tools for Listening and Speaking Intervenants: Bill Rivers, Secrétaire géréral du Joint National Committee for Lan- Intervenante: Catherine Ousselin , guages/National Council for Languages Mount Vernon High School (WA), Prési- and International Studies (DC), Jayne dente de la Commission de l'AATF sur la Abrate, Secrétaire générale de l'AATF (IL) Technologie The speakers will present scenarios A This AATF Technology Commission in- and strategies for defending the study teractive workshop will guide participants of French and foreign languages at the through easy-to-use and free technology local, state, and national levels. Teachers tools that can used at any level to fos- must not only work to preserve existing A ter meaningful and authentic language programs but to support foreign language learning in all three modes of communi- study in general and to create a political cation. Participants will consider, share, and economic climate which supports the and develop thematic units that integrate study of multiple languages. ($30; pré- content, pedagogical knowledge, and inscription obligatoire) technology using an ACTFL-created unit template. Working from the perspectives Public: général of the supporting National and Common Core Standards and AP themes through thoughtful integration of technology, par- ticipants will engage in an investigation Réception et of Web and mobile tools using the TPACK ouverture du and SAMR technology integration models. ($30; pré-inscription obligatoire) Salon des expositions Animatrice: Rita Davis, Agnes Irwin School dimanche 3 juillet (PA), Vice-Présidente de l'AATF Heure: 16h00-19h00 Public: général Salon H L’AATF vous convie à une réception lors de l’ouverture du Salon des ex- posants. Venez déguster un verre Follow us on Twitter! de vin et visiter les kiosques. Tweet your convention experi- ences #aatf16 The AATF has a Facebook Page. VISIT THE EXHIBITOR WEB PAGE Become a fan! 24 E=Exposant, C=Commission, =National Board, =Honorary, =Leader
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