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APPEL D’OFFRES INTERNE: UBFC JUNIOR FELLOWSHIPS WP 2 RECHERCHE LOT DE TRAVAIL ISITE-BFC (I) ENCOURAGER L'EXECLLENCE ET L'INTERNATIONALISATION DE LA RECHERCHE EN BFC TYPE D'ACTION UBFC JUNIOR FELLOWSHIP OUVERTURE DE L'APPEL D'OFFRES 15 septembre 2016 à 12:00 ECHEANCE DE L'APPEL D'OFFRES 4 novembre 2016 à 12:00 Canevas ci-joint complété et envoyé au format pdf comme pièce jointe d'un courrier électronique adressé à avant l'échéance précisée ci-dessus. Afin de faciliter l'évaluation du projet par des experts internationaux, la rédaction se fera en anglais. Dans ce canevas, les indications sur les nombres de pages sont à comprendre comme des maxima de nombres de pages - figures et tableaux inclus, instructions en rouge éliminées - formatées comme suit : MODE DE SOUMISSION Corps de texte : police de caractères calibri ; minimum 11 points ; espacement simple ; marges (gauche, droite, haut, bas) de 2 cm minimum. Titres des sections de niveau 1 (Titre 1) : minimum 13 points. Titres des sections de niveau 2(Titre 2) : minimum 12 points. Pour les titres de sections, il est recommandé d'utiliser les styles définis dans le canevas ci-joint. Les Fellowships UBFC Junior seront octroyés pour promouvoir des jeunes er chercheurs ayant soutenu leur thèse de doctorat dans les 10 ans avant le 1 janvier 2016, déjà recrutés en tant que maîtres de conférence ou à un poste équivalent (rang B, avec affectation dans un laboratoire de BFC) par un partenaire du consortium ISITE-BFC, et qui possèdent le potentiel susceptible de leur valoir l’obtention d’une subvention ERC au cours de la période du Fellowship qui leur aura été accordé. Les lauréats seront donc tenus de se porter candidats aux subventions de l’ERC. Les subventions des Fellowships UBFC Juniors seront provisionnées pour une période de trois ans. Cet appel d'offres est restreint aux disciplines scientifiques des trois domaines de recherche intense ISITE-BFC qui sont définies par les mots clés suivants : CONTEXTE ET OBJECTIF Matériaux avancés, ondes et systèmes intelligents ◦ Matériaux et processus avancés : (nano)matériaux et composites, chimie durable, films minces structurés, surfaces fonctionnalisées, fabrication des micro/nanomatériaux, métaux pour composants de l'industrie nucléaire. ◦ Systèmes intelligents intégrés et composants sous-jacents : micro/nanotechnologies/robotique, (nano)photonique non linéaire, nouveaux paradigmes informatiques, phononique, composants temps- fréquence, capteurs. ◦ Énergie à hydrogène, cogénération d’énergie électrique et thermique : matériaux et systèmes de génération d’électricité (stationnaires, transports, micro-réseaux), systèmes de conversion électrique et thermique.
Territoires, Environnement, Aliments ◦ Territoires durables – Complexité et processus de transition : territoires en évolution ; aménagement du territoire ; systèmes démographiques ; changements à long terme ; coopération économique et sociale. ◦ « Livelisystem » et processus de transformation environnementale, agro-écologie : services éco-systémiques ; systèmes de culture ; politiques environnementales ; dynamique environnementale ; systèmes socio-écologiques. ◦ Innovation au sein de chaînes alimentaires intégrées – production et comportements : production agroalimentaire ; produits alimentaires innovants ; comportements et aliments ; terroirs, qualité et savoir- faire. Soins individualisés et intégrés 1. Santé : pharmaco-imagerie, théranostique, lipoprotéines, immunologie, inflammation, oncologie, oncogénétique, lipides, troubles génétiques et du développement. 2. Technologies des systèmes intelligents innovantes : distribution de médicaments, micro-laboratoires sur puces (« lab-on-chip »), nouvelles sondes d’imagerie. 3. Sciences cognitives : stimulation cognitive, réhabilitation, plasticité neuronale, ergonomie, réalité virtuelle. 4. Sciences humaines et sociales : commerce et économie, communication, éthique médicale, sociologie. Originalité et potentiel novateur du projet de recherche ; Réalisations antérieures du candidat (publications, conférences invitées, PRINCIPAUX CRITERES D'EVALUATION demandes de financement présentées avec succès), évaluées en rapport DES PROJETS SOUMIS avec le seuil de compétitivité de la discipline qu’il faut atteindre pour obtenir une subvention ERC. DUREE MAXIMALE DU FINANCEMENT 36 mois ISITE-BFC MONTANT MAXIMAL DU FINANCEMENT 180 k€ ISITE-BFC Rapport tous les mois sous forme de trois diapositives préformatées. La dernière diapositive devra comporter la liste des difficultés rencontrées PROCEDURES DE SUIVI DES PROJETS afin d'aiguiller les mesures appropriées de soutien au projet. RETENUS Evaluation « go / no go » après 18 mois sur des critères mesurant la mise en œuvre du projet. Il est recommandé de prendre connaissance des directives générales s'appliquant à tous les AUTRES DIRECTIVES appels d'offres ISITE-BFC & la FAQ prochainement accessibles via . 2 / 10
WP 2 RECHERCHE ISITE-BFC WORK PACKAGE (I) ENCOURAGER L’EXCELLENCE ET L’INTERNATIONALISATION DE LA RECHERCHE EN BFC ACTION UBFC JUNIOR FELLOWSHIP PROJECT TITLE PROJECT IS LINKED TO ADVANCED MATERIALS, TERRITORIES, COMPREHENSIVE 4 [DELETE INAPPROPRIATE FIELD(S) ] 1 2 3 OTHER WAVES, SMART SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT, FOOD INDIVIDUAL CARE PROJECT DURATION (MONTHS) REQUESTED ISITE-BFC FUNDING (K€) NAME: FIRST NAME : COORDINATOR E-MAIL : PHONE : Section Max. Mark Project Mark 1 Project concept 5 2 Project objective 3 State of Art/ Position relatively to similar actions 5 4 Expected impact 3 5 CV of project leader 5 6 Work plan & deliverables 2 7 Project budget Ethical or security issues: TOTAL 20 YES / NO 1 Keywords : Advanced materials & processes: (nano)materials & composites, durable chemistry, structured thin films, functional surfaces, micro/nano-material processing, nuclear component metals. Integrated smart systems & underlying components: micro/nano-techs/robotics, nonlinear (nano)photonics, new computing paradigms, phononics, time&frequency components, sensors. Hydrogen energy, electric & thermal energy cogeneration: power generation materials & systems (stationary, transportation, microgrids), electrical and thermal energy conversion systems. 1. 2 Keywords : Sustainable territories: complexity & transitions: evolving territories; land use; peopling systems; long term changes; economical & social cooperation. “Livelisystem” & environmental change processes, agroecology: ecosystem services; cropping systems; environmental policies; landscape dynamics ; social-ecological systems. Innovation in integrated food chains: production & behaviours: agrifood production; innovative food products; behaviours & food; terroirs, quality & know-how. 3 Keywords : Health: pharmaco-imaging, theranostic, lipoprotein, immunology, inflammation, cancer, oncogenetic, lipids, genetic and developmental disorders. Innovative smart systems technologies: drug delivery, lab-on-a-chip, new imaging probes. Cognitive sciences: cognitive stimulation, rehabilitation, neural plasticity, ergonomics, virtual reality. Human & Social sciences: business & economics, communication, medical ethics, sociology. 4 Any other field not covered by keywords of footnotes 1,2 and 3. 3 / 10
1. PROJECT CONCEPT (5 PAGES) Describe the overall concept and the ambition of the project as well as the main ideas, models and hypothesis underlying the concept. 2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES (2 PAGES) Describe the project objectives which should be clear and measurable in some way (s) to be defined in this section. The objectives should be realistic, thereby meaning achievable within the duration of the project. References to the work schedule (section 6.3) are recommended. 3. POSITIONING RELATIVELY TO STATE OF THE ART AND/OR RELATIVELY TO SIMILAR ACTIONS (3 PAGES) For research or development projects: describe the state of the art (with references to measurable data and competitors) of the research field addressed by the project and how the project targets are beyond the state of the art or proposes alternatives to the state of the art. Are they cooperation perspectives with some organization, company or academic players (worldwide) mentioned in the state of the art analysis? For other types of projects: identify similar actions in BFC, France and/or in Europe. How is the proposed action going to be original, competing or cooperating with these similar actions? 4. EXPECTED IMPACT (3 PAGES) Describe the impact of the project among one or several of the following categories which are most relevant to the proposed action: Production of new knowledge: What is the breakthroughing nature of the concepts and/or objectives of the project? Innovation potential: What are the potential applications that could benefit of the project results or how could new knowledge be integrated in applications? Effect on BFC companies: Explain how the proposed action will strengthen the competitiveness or growth of BFC companies by developing innovations meeting the market needs. Using the European Technological Readiness Level (TRL) scale5, provide an assessment of the TRL at project start and targeted by the most relevant deliverables of the project (References to the work schedule -section 6.3- are recommended). Which main principles will rule the management of Intellectual Property Rights between companies and ISITE-BFC partner(s)? Partnership with companies outside BFC: Explain how the proposed action links the BFC players with companies outside BFC. What are the benefits of the link (of any kind, e.g. amount of contracts, staff recruited in BFC, funding or co-funding of investments, reputation/position on international scene, etc)? Using the European Technological Readiness Level (TRL) scale5, provide an assessment of the TRL at project start and targeted by the most relevant deliverables of the project (References to the work schedule -section 6.3- are recommended). Which main principles will rule the management of 5 trl_en.pdf
Intellectual Property Rights between companies and ISITE-BFC partner(s)? Effect on the High Education & Research (HER) in BFC, e.g.: Improvement of the cooperation between any subset of ISITE-BFC partners; increasing the long lasting critical mass of coordinated (management & steering) BFC resources (human resources, equipments/facilities) devoted to some focused activities addressed by the proposed action; improvement of the international visibility/reputation of the BFC HER players involved in the project; improvement of the training/research/innovation reputation/position of the target university UBFC. Improvement of the quality of a subset of the training activities of one or several UBFC members. Any other environmental or social impacts not already introduced above. IMPORTANT: The impact description should be kept reasonable and credible: limit the impact description to these categories which will be most probable at the end of the project. Impacting all categories is not expected and is not a selection criterion. For projects linked to “Advanced Materials, Waves & Smart Systems”1, to “Territories, Environment, Food” 2 or to “Comprehensive Individual Care”3, for each of the above impact categories you selected, explain how the project is contributing to the broad scientific objectives cast in the ISITE- BFC project6. 5. SHORT CV & RELEVANT EXPERIENCE OF THE PROJECT LEADER (1 PAGE) Provide a short CV of the project leader with emphasis on features that are most relevant to lead the proposed project. 6 The ISITE-BFC broad scientific objectives may be found in sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 of the document “I-SITE BFC: mode d’emploi & outils”, available here 5 / 10
6. WORK PLAN & DELIVERABLES The work plan must be organized in Work Packages (WP), each WP is broken down in Tasks (see table of section 6.3 below). A deliverable must be associated to each task. A deliverable is a well identifiable distinct output of the project work, meaningful in terms of the project objective(s). It might be a report describing results or any document relevant to demonstrate the progress of the project, a software, etc. For the sake of readability, it is strongly advised that, if relevant, at least two WP's appear distinctly: A WP dealing with all matters related to project management, steering and reporting. A WP dealing with all matters related to communication (papers, video, web pages, etc), dissemination (conferences, public events, press releases, interviews, etc), exploitation (patents, tests by end users, etc) or training activities. 6.1. Overall strategy (3 pages) Present the overall structure of the work plan. Explain what are the WP and/or tasks interdependencies (e.g. in terms of execution timing, technical prerequisites, legal or statutory constraints, achieved deliverable, etc)? 6.2. Possible difficulties & contingency plan (1 page) Provide a list of the most critical steps of the project. For each of them, explain why there is a risk that they could not be achieved and which contingency plan (“plan B”) could then be deployed. 6.3. Work schedule (no page limit) PROJECT WP WP OBJECTIVE TASK N° SHORT TASK DESCRIPTION TASK DELIVERABLE MONTH … … 1.1 ... ... 1 1.2 ... 2.1 2 2.2 ... ... 6 / 10
7. PROJECT BUDGET (NO PAGE LIMIT) 7.1 Cofinancing (No page limit) SOURCE OF COFINANCING OBTAINED / FILED / PLANNED TYPE OF COST AMOUNT (K€) Date Date Date Date TOTAL STAFF INVOLVED IN THE ACTION PERSON-MONTHS 7 EMPLOYER FACULTY/DPT 9 NAME FIRST NAME 8 LABORATORY GRADE DEDICATED TO THE ACRONYM ACRONYM 10 ACTION 1 2 3 4 5 . . . . . . TOTAL PM 0 7 List all participants starting with the coordinator. Include also support & technical staff. 8 Use one of the following acronyms: UB, UFC, UTBM, ENSMM, Agrosup, ESC, ENSAM, CNRS, INRA, INSERM, CEA, CGFL, CHU-Besançon, CHU-Dijon, EFS. 9 Needed to estimate the cofinancing of the action to be reported to ANR. Use french acronym: MCF, CR, PR, DR, Tech, AI, IE, IR. 10 Needed to estimate the cofinancing of the action to be reported to ANR. 7 / 10
7.1. Requested PIA funding (No page limit) REQUESTED ISITE-BFC FUNDING CONSUMABLES COST (K€) ... ... EQUIPMENT ... ... STAFF PERSON MONTHS ... ... TOTAL 8 / 10
8. REFERENCE SECTION 8.1. State of the art bibliography (No page limit) [1] Entry [2] Entry [...] ... 8.2. List of publications of participants to the project (maximum 10 relevant to the project) PARTICIPANT 1 (1) Entry (2) Entry (...) … PARTICIPANT 2 (1) Entry (2) Entry (...) ... 8.3. Lists of any other relevant data (No page limit) 9 / 10
9. ETHICAL & SECURITY ISSUES (NO PAGE LIMIT) 9.1 Does your project raise any ethical issue? Yes/No 9.1.1 If the answer to 9.1. is “yes”, explain the nature of the ethical issues 9.1.2 If the answer to 9.1. is “yes”, explain how ethical issues are addressed and/or comply with regulations 9.2 Does your project raise any security issue? Yes/No 9.2.1 If the answer to 9.1. is “yes”, explain the nature of the security issues 9.2.2 If the answer to 9.1. is “yes”, explain how security issues are addressed and/or comply with regulations 10 / 10
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