AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global

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AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
AC News
Audit Committee Institute
Numéro 54 / T3 2016
AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
Chère lectrice, cher lecteur

Le 17 juin 2016, l’Assemblée fédérale (chambres réunies) a adopté la loi finale
relative à la troisième réforme de l’imposition des entreprises (RIE III). Celle-ci
vise à préserver et à renforcer l’attractivité de la place économique suisse
tout en tenant compte des exigences internationales. Stefan Kuhn et Oliver
Eichenberger vous présentent un aperçu des principaux aspects de cette
importante réforme.                                                                   Philipp Hallauer
                                                                                      Responsable du
La récente étude de KPMG «Seeking Value through Internal Audit» analyse               KPMG’s Audit
les attentes du Conseil d’administration et du management envers la révision          Committee Institute
interne. Dans un environnement de plus en plus volatile, la révision interne
doit dépasser le cadre de ses activités traditionnelles afin de contribuer à
assurer la continuité de l’entreprise à long terme. Luka Zupan résume les
principales conclusions de l’étude.

L’examen approfondi du travail de l’organe de révision par le Comité d’audit
revêt une importance croissante. D’une part, il sert les intérêts des action-
naires, qui doivent disposer de rapports financiers fiables. D’autre part, il
permet de plus en plus aux cabinets d’audit de se différencier non pas
principalement en termes de prix, mais aussi et surtout en termes de qualité.         Hélène Béguin
Philipp Hallauer explique comment le Comité d’audit peut assumer sa                   Membre du
responsabilité à cet égard.                                                           Conseil d’administration
                                                                                      KPMG Holding AG
Ces dernières années, le professeur Reto Eberle et Daniel Lengauer ont
étudié en profondeur pour le Commentaire zurichois les dispositions légales
concernant la révision en Suisse. Dans leur article, ils présentent des
conclusions importantes pour le Comité d’audit.

La réforme de l’audit au niveau de l’UE est entrée en vigueur le 17 juin 2016.
Le moment est donc venu d’examiner une nouvelle fois les principales
conséquences de cette réforme pour les entreprises suisses. Manuela Stefani
et Philipp Hallauer montrent en quoi les nouvelles règles pourraient impacter
les groupes suisses actifs au niveau international.

L’IFRS 9, la nouvelle norme comptable relative aux instruments financiers,
devra être appliquée à partir du 1er janvier 2018. A première vue, les
changements semblent peu étendus. Laura Galbiati montre toutefois qu’il
existe des différences notables par rapport à l’IAS 39 existante et qu’il
convient de se pencher dès aujourd’hui sur la mise en œuvre de l’IFRS 9.

Nous vous souhaitons une agréable et intéressante lecture et un très bel été.

Avec nos meilleures salutations

Philipp Hallauer               Hélène Béguin
AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
Gestion des risques et conformité
 4 La dernière ligne droite
   Troisième réforme de l’imposition des entreprises (RIE III)
   Internal audit and audit committee

 8 Effectively managing the expectations of the audit
   committee from an internal audit perspective

Gouvernance d’entreprise
 12Internal audit
   Audit Committee Handbook Chapter 5 – Part 2

 19Evaluation de la qualité de la révision
   par le Comité d’audit

22 L’organe de révision et le Comité d’audit
   Dernières conclusions tirées du Commentaire zurichois

26 EU Audit Reform and its impact on
   Swiss entities

30 Aligning talent and strategy for a
   future-ready board

Reporting financier
33 IFRS 9
   (Financial Instruments) for corporates
AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
Audit Committee News
            Numéro 54 / T3 2016 / Gestion des risques et conformité

           La dernière
           ligne droite
            Troisième réforme de l’imposition des
            entreprises (RIE III)

            Depuis 2007, la Suisse subit une pression internatio-
            nale croissante concernant l’imposition privilégiée
            des sociétés holdings, des sociétés mixtes et des
            sociétés de domicile. Cette pression est exercée
            notamment par l’Union européenne et l’OCDE (voir à
            cet égard l’article paru dans l’AC News 48 / T1 2015).
            Pour y répondre, la Confédération et les cantons ont
            entrepris de remanier la législation fiscale suisse.

Audit Committee News / Numéro 54 / T3 2016
AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
En juin 2015, le Conseil fédéral a soumis au Parlement le             par des tiers à l’étranger (comme le souhaite le Conseil na-
message relatif à la «loi fédérale sur l’amélioration des condi-      tional, contrairement au Conseil des Etats) n’a toujours pas
tions fiscales en vue de renforcer la compétitivité du site en-       été tranchée.
trepreneurial suisse». Le Conseil des Etats a rendu une pre-
mière décision au cours de la session d’hiver 2015. Le                Règles générales relatives à la déclaration des réserves
Conseil national en a fait de même au cours de la session de          latentes
printemps 2016. Dans le cadre de la procédure actuelle vi-            La réglementation prévue, avec un traitement cohérent des
sant à éliminer les divergences entre les deux chambres, le           arrivées et des départs depuis/vers l’étranger, offre une sé-
Conseil des Etats a confirmé sa position le 30 mai 2016.              curité de planification aux contribuables et aux autorités.
Avec l’introduction d’un impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des in-
térêts, il subsiste donc une différence importante, qui devrait       Règles transitoires concernant les réserves latentes en cas
être résolue au cours du mois de juin. Le délai référendaire          de changement de statut / «step-up»
courra ensuite pour une durée de 100 jours.                           Le mécanisme du «step-up» a pour but que les réserves
                                                                      latentes issues des statuts fiscaux cantonaux existants bé-
Efforts visant à maintenir la compétitivité de la place               néficiant d’un taux d’imposition inférieur (p. ex. 0% pour
économique suisse                                                     une société holding au niveau cantonal) soient également
L’objectif de la RIE III est de renforcer l’attractivité fiscale de   imposées à un taux inférieur au lieu du taux ordinaire plus
la Suisse, de favoriser l’acceptation internationale des princi-      élevé.
pales caractéristiques du régime suisse d’imposition des
entreprises et de garantir des recettes fiscales suffisantes          La disposition transitoire prévue dans la loi sur l’harmonisa-
afin de financer les activités publiques.                             tion fiscale permet aux entreprises d’être (toujours) impo-
                                                                      sées à un taux inférieur (à un taux spécial devant être déter-
Il s’agit plus particulièrement d’assurer la sécurité juridique       miné par les cantons) pendant une période de cinq ans au
et la sécurité des investissements et d’accroître la compéti-         maximum, pour autant que leurs bénéfices au cours de
tivité du système fiscal suisse. Les statuts fiscaux spéciaux         cette période reposent sur la réalisation des réserves
(à imposition privilégiée), dont bénéficient les sociétés hol-        latentes existantes lors du changement de statut. Par rap-
dings, les sociétés mixtes et les sociétés de domicile / d’ad-        port à la déclaration des réserves latentes fiscalement
ministration, ainsi que la pratique fiscale relative aux socié-       neutre ou à imposition privilégiée («step-up») discutée pré-
tés principales et aux succursales financières («Swiss                cédemment, cette règle présente l’avantage que les valeurs
Finance Branch») doivent être abolis. Diverses mesures de             fiscales ne subissent pas de véritables changements et que,
remplacement doivent en atténuer les effets.                          par conséquent, aucun impôt latent ne doit être pris en
                                                                      compte. L’inconvénient réside toutefois dans le fait que l’ef-
Eléments largement incontestés de la réforme                          fet est limité à cinq ans au maximum.
Introduction d’une «patent box» au niveau cantonal
La «patent box» proposée a pour but de soutenir les inves-            Dans certains cas, il peut donc s’avérer judicieux de détermi-
tissements en Suisse via une incitation à conserver les bre-          ner si un changement anticipé de statut au profit d’une impo-
vets existants (de même que les droits similaires tels que            sition ordinaire avec un mécanisme de «step-up» anticipé
les inventions vraisemblablement non brevetées des petites            (c.-à-d. avant la mise en œuvre de la RIE III) est possible.
et moyennes entreprises ainsi que les logiciels), à mettre au         Cette possibilité doit être étudiée avec le canton concerné,
point des produits innovateurs et brevetés et à créer en              des discussions importantes sur la péréquation financière in-
Suisse des postes de travail liés au développement et à               tercantonale étant par ailleurs encore en cours. Un tel méca-
forte valeur ajoutée. La «patent box» comprend l’imposition           nisme de «step-up» anticipé présenterait l’avantage que les
réduite (90% au maximum, selon le Conseil des Etats) des              valeurs fiscales augmentées pourraient, selon la catégorie
revenus des droits de propriété intellectuelle et des droits          d’actifs concernée, être amorties avec effet sur le bénéfice
similaires au niveau cantonal.                                        au cours d’une période plus longue (généralement, dix ans
                                                                      au maximum) et qu’il serait ainsi possible de bénéficier plus
Introduction facultative d’un encouragement fiscal en amont           longtemps de cet effet (réduction de la charge fiscale) qu’en
de la R&D                                                             vertu de la règle transitoire. L’inconvénient réside toutefois
Les cantons doivent obtenir la possibilité de prévoir des dé-         dans le fait que, selon la norme comptable applicable, des
ductions accrues au profit de la recherche et du développe-           impôts latents sur les valeurs fiscales augmentées doivent
ment (R&D). Des dépenses de R&D déductibles à plus de                 être imputés, une augmentation du taux d’imposition effectif
100% (150% au maximum selon le Conseil des Etats) de la               ne pouvant alors pas être amortie sur plusieurs années.
base imposable seraient ainsi autorisées. Il reste encore à
décider si une définition uniforme des activités éligibles doit       Limitation des déductions
être donnée par la Confédération ou si les cantons doivent            Les deux chambres du Parlement s’accordent sur le fait qu’il
bénéficier d’une marge de manœuvre en la matière. Par ail-            doit y avoir une limitation globale de toutes les mesures fis-
leurs, la question de savoir si les cantons peuvent autoriser         cales (réduction de 80% au maximum du bénéfice impo-
la déduction équivalente ou réduite des dépenses de R&D               sable avant la déduction et la prise en considération des me-

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sures correspondantes et avant la compensation des pertes,           estimé sur le tonnage net. Alors que le Conseil national sou-
sans tenir compte du rendement net des participations), ce           haite introduire cette méthode de calcul du bénéfice, le
qui offre une sécurité de planification accrue aux cantons.          Conseil des Etats a décidé de continuer à promouvoir cette
                                                                     mesure dans le cadre d’un projet séparé et exige le lance-
Allègements relatifs à l’impôt sur le capital                        ment d’une procédure de consultation ordinaire.
En raison de la suppression également attendue des taux
d’imposition réduits sur le capital pour les sociétés à statut       Autres mesures
privilégié, les cantons doivent avoir la possibilité d’introduire    La suppression du droit de timbre d’émission sur les capitaux
des allègements relatifs à l’impôt sur le capital pour les par-      propres a été retirée de l’ensemble de la réforme et doit dé-
ticipations et les brevets (y c. les droits similaires) ainsi que,   sormais être traitée dans le cadre d’un projet séparé. D’autres
le cas échéant, les prêts de groupe.                                 mesures telles que la compensation illimitée des pertes ou la
                                                                     compensation des pertes finales au sein du groupe ont été
Réduction générale des taux cantonaux d’imposition des               (pour le moment) totalement abandonnées. Tel est également
bénéfices                                                            le cas des mesures de compensation financière évoquées
Les cantons décident eux-mêmes de réduire leurs taux                 plus haut, comme l’introduction de l’imposition des gains en
d’imposition aux niveaux cantonal et communal. Cette me-             capital sur les titres de la fortune privée.
sure est saluée par la Confédération et encouragée notam-
ment via une augmentation de la part cantonale au revenu             Perspectives
de l’impôt fédéral direct. Certains cantons ont déjà commu-          La RIE III se trouve dans la dernière ligne droite. Le Conseil
niqué leurs nouveaux taux effectifs d’imposition sur les bé-         national et le Conseil des Etats sont d’accord sur un grand
néfices (p. ex. Genève: 13%, Zoug: 12%, Tessin: environ              nombre de mesures. Il subsiste toutefois une divergence
17.5%) ou pris une décision dans ce sens, à l’instar du can-         importante concernant l’introduction d’un impôt sur le béné-
ton de Vaud, qui a décidé dans le cadre d’une votation popu-         fice corrigé des intérêts et éventuellement concernant
laire de réduire son taux d’imposition au taux effectif de           l’adaptation de la procédure d’imposition partielle. A ce
13.8%. Le canton de Zurich n’a pas encore fait part de ses           stade, cela signifie que soit les deux mesures seront intro-
intentions concrètes à cet égard.                                    duites soit aucune des deux mesures ne sera introduite. A
                                                                     l’issue de la procédure actuelle visant à éliminer les diver-
Eléments de la réforme discutés dans le cadre de la                  gences entre le Conseil des Etats et le Conseil national, les
procédure d’élimination des divergences                              votations finales devraient avoir lieu au mois de juin. Pour
Impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des intérêts                           l’heure, une mise en œuvre par la Confédération et les can-
L’introduction d’un impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des intérêts       tons n’est pas attendue avant 2019. Si un référendum est
constitue une autre mesure proposée par le Conseil natio-            lancé, un retard d’un ou deux ans n’est pas exclu.
nal. L’impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des intérêts définit une
«charge d’intérêt» supplémentaire qui peut être déduite du           En corrélation avec la RIE III, d’autres évolutions d’origine
bénéfice en raison de l’existence de capitaux propres supé-          extérieure visant à accroître la transparence sont observées
rieurs à la moyenne. Cette mesure serait prévue au niveau            dans le paysage fiscal suisse. Citons par exemple l’échange
de l’impôt fédéral direct et éventuellement, à titre facultatif,     spontané de renseignements concernant les rulings fiscaux.
au niveau cantonal. Etant donné que la Commission écono-             Celui-ci vise à transmettre spontanément les informations
mique du Conseil national ne s’est pas ralliée à la position         relatives aux entreprises dans le cadre des rulings fiscaux
du Conseil des Etats concernant l’adaptation de la procé-            en vigueur (p. ex. rulings concernant les statuts fiscaux privi-
dure d’imposition partielle aux fins de la compensation fi-          légiés). Ces informations (récapitulation des contenus visés
nancière, le Conseil des Etats a rejeté une nouvelle fois l’im-      par le ruling) sont communiquées lorsque l’Etat transmet-
pôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des intérêts. Par conséquent, le         teur présume un intérêt possible d’un autre Etat (corres-
Conseil national doit maintenant décider s’il souhaite trouver       pond à la norme de l’OCDE). L’échange spontané de rensei-
un compromis à ce sujet.                                             gnements commencera en principe le 1er janvier 2018. Il est
                                                                     toutefois possible que le Conseil fédéral convienne avec
Adaptation de la procédure d’imposition partielle                    certains Etats de l’appliquer dès 2017.
A titre de compensation financière, la Commission écono-
mique du Conseil des Etats souhaite – comme condition pour           Mentionnons également le «country-by-country reporting»
approuver l’introduction d’un impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé          (CbCR), c’est-à-dire l’échange de rapports pays par pays.
des intérêts – relever l’imposition partielle des dividendes is-     Le CbCR favorise le flux d’informations des groupes affi-
sus des participations éligibles, introduite dans le cadre de la     chant un chiffre d’affaires annuel consolidé supérieur à
RIE II, à un minimum de 60% (au niveau cantonal). Cette me-          EUR 750 millions et la communication aux administrations
sure a toutefois été rejetée jusqu’ici par les deux chambres.        fiscales des contre-valeurs en monnaie nationale ainsi que
                                                                     l’échange d’informations entre les administrations fiscales.
Introduction d’une taxe au tonnage                                   A ce jour, 31 Etats ont signé l’accord visant à créer la trans-
La taxe au tonnage définit un calcul spécial du bénéfice des         parence concernant les multinationales. Les rapports in-
entreprises de transport maritime sur la base du bénéfice            diquent en particulier aux administrations fiscales dans

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quels pays des bénéfices sont réalisés et des impôts payés,

                                                                                                                        RIE I I finale
ainsi que les montants correspondants. L’échange du pre-
mier CbCR (obligatoire) concernant l’exercice 2018 aura lieu
le 30 juin 2020. La transmission des informations et l’éta-
blissement du CbCR devraient commencer après l’entrée
en vigueur de la loi fédérale (au plus tard le 1er janvier 2018).                                                       Alors que l’article ci-dessus avait déjà été finalisé, les
En raison des obligations de transmission existantes pour                                                               chambres sont parvenues à un compromis. L’Assemblée
les sociétés de groupe étrangères à l’étranger, l’échange vo-                                                           fédérale (chambres réunies) a ensuite adopté la loi finale
lontaire des rapports en Suisse, basé sur les conventions de                                                            lors de la votation du 17 juin 2016. La loi finale comprend
double imposition respectives, doit déjà être possible pour                                                             notamment les éléments suivants:
les exercices 2016/17.                                                                                                  • Introduction d’une «patent box» au niveau cantonal
                                                                                                                           (allègement de 90% au maximum)
Mesures à prendre                                                                                                       • Possibilité de déductions accrues (150% au maxi-
Même si les statuts fiscaux privilégiés ne seront vraisembla-                                                              mum) au niveau cantonal au titre des dépenses de
blement pas abolis avant 2019 dans le cadre de la RIE III, il                                                              R&D en Suisse, les dépenses justifiées étant définies
se peut que les entreprises bénéficiant de tels statuts fis-                                                               par le Conseil fédéral
caux soient également concernées de manière anticipée et                                                                • Règles générales relatives à la déclaration des ré-
directe par les développements juridiques en raison de l’ef-                                                               serves latentes
fet précoce des mesures de transparence décidées au ni-                                                                 • Règles transitoires concernant les réserves latentes
veau international.                                                                                                        en cas de changement de statut
                                                                                                                        • Introduction d’un impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des in-
Au vu du plan d’action de l’OCDE concernant l’érosion de la                                                                térêts au niveau fédéral
base d’imposition et le transfert de bénéfices (BEPS; Base                                                              • Possibilité pour les cantons d’introduire le bénéfice
Erosion and Profit Shifting), qui lutte contre la planification                                                            corrigé des intérêts au niveau cantonal si le canton
fiscale agressive (p. ex. en cas d’utilisation abusive des la-                                                             concerné prévoit une imposition partielle d’au moins
cunes existantes du système), il est plus que jamais recom-                                                                60% des dividendes issus des participations éligibles
mandé au Conseil d’administration de se pencher sur la                                                                     détenues dans la fortune privée
question de la planification fiscale. Celui-ci doit notamment                                                           • Limitation globale à 80% au maximum (au niveau
examiner l’application des règles fiscales spéciales qui se-                                                               cantonal) des réductions au titre de la «patent box»,
ront bientôt abolies ainsi que les nouvelles mesures fiscales                                                              de l’impôt sur le bénéfice corrigé des intérêts et des
prévues. Les structures existantes doivent être revues régu-                                                               déductions accrues au titre de la R&D ainsi que des
lièrement en fonction de l’évolution internationale.                                                                       amortissements sur les réserves latentes identifiés
                                                                                                                           en cas de changement de statut
                                                                                                                        • Allègements possibles pour les cantons concernant
                                                                                                                           l’impôt sur le capital pour les participations et les bre-
                                                                                                                           vets (y c. les droits similaires) ainsi que les prêts à
                                                                                                                           des sociétés de groupe

                                                                                                                        L’introduction d’une taxe au tonnage et la suppression
                         Stefan Kuhn                                                                                    du droit de timbre d’émission sur les capitaux propres
                         Head of Corporate Tax                                                                          seront traitées dans le cadre d’un projet séparé.

                         Olivier Eichenberger
                         Corporate Tax

L’information contenue ici est de nature générale et ne prétend en aucun cas s’appliquer à la situation d’une personne physique ou morale quelconque. Même si nous mettons tout en œuvre pour fournir une information pré-
cise en temps opportun, nous ne pouvons pas garantir que cette information est fidèle à la réalité au moment où elle est reçue ou qu’elle continuera de l’être à l’avenir. Cette information ne saurait être exploitée sans un
conseil professionnel basé sur une analyse approfondie de la situation en question. Les prescriptions réglementaires relatives à l’indépendance de l’auditeur déterminent l’étendue de la collaboration avec les clients d’audit.

© 2016 KPMG SA est une filiale de KPMG Holding SA, elle-même membre du réseau KPMG d’entreprises indépendantes rattachées à KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), une personne morale suisse. Tous
droits réservés.

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AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
Audit Committee News
            Edition 54 / Q3 2016 / Risk Management & Compliance

           Internal audit
           and audit
            Effectively managing the expectations of the audit
            committee from an internal audit perspective

            The recent study of KPMG1 offers insights into
            what members of Executive Management and the
            Board of Directors including the audit committees
            are expecting from the internal audit function and to
            what extent these expectations are met.

                Seeking Value through Internal Audit, KPMG Study 2016

Audit Committee News / Edition 54 / Q3 2016
AC News Audit Committee Institute - Global
By conducting more than 400 interviews with audit                  very transparent and clear to the firm but will matter in the
committee chairs (AC head) and Chief Financial Officers            near future.
(CFO), the findings of the KPMG study “Seeking Value
through internal audit” call attention to a general “value         As a result, the assurance provided by IA should not only
gap” between what the AC heads and CFOs identify as                focus on assessing the design and effectiveness of the
priorities and what they are receiving from their internal         current corporate governance frameworks and control-
audit functions (IA) in the form of IA reports and additional      portfolios, such as Internal Control Systems (ICS) or SOX-
insights. This gap predominantly exists in the following           404, but also talk about additional considerations that can
areas:                                                             be important to stakeholders when reflecting on the future
• assessing and managing key risks of the firm;                    success and development of the organization.
• providing insights into emerging risks that can threaten
   operations in the future; and                                   Such reflections and insights can for example include
• providing insights into how the organization is focusing on      the following matters:
   generating sustainable profits.                                 • Effectiveness on how the firm’s strategy is being rolled-
                                                                     out by the auditees and if they are on track.
In general, the interviewed stakeholders consider the              • How goals are being met in relation to generating
ground-level risk assessment of IA to be, at best, adequate.         sustainable revenue streams.
In other words “the job gets done”. However if it comes to         • How processes are aligned within the organization in
more comprehensive detection and response to emerging                terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
risks, only one in ten respondents believes that this is           • Efficiency and effectiveness of the alignment to the
addressed satisfactorily by their IA function. Particularly, the     functionalities of the IT-systems.
respondents mention that IA functions do not provide               • How potentials for cost-saving are identified, followed-up
enough of a “surprise” effect; that being things which are           and put into practice.
new to the stakeholders and which they have not                    • To what extent modern tools such as mass-data-analysis
considered to be of relevance so far.                                are being used to gather better insights and provide a
                                                                     more comprehensive view on relevant topics, e.g.
Look beyond existing risk paths                                      workflows that require a lot of manual intervention.
This leaves a great opportunity for additional value to be         • How key projects are progressing and to what extent they
provided by the IA function as part of its assurance                 are meeting the desired objectives.
assignment. IA needs to become more proactive in                   • What the auditee’s performance is compared to similar
identifying and mitigating the current key risks of the              functions within the organization.
organization. It should also more prominently outline              • What type of risks are being bottom-up fed into the
possible opportunities and dangers that might not yet be             organization and could become key risks in the future.

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More effective coordination between assurance                                  To facilitate this collaboration, greater efficiency and
functions                                                                      effectiveness is required. This is where technology comes
In this context the survey shows that nearly half of the                       into play.
companies currently track risk through a compliance
function, half as many through their legal function and only                   Use of technology to enable fresh perspectives
nine percent through an Enterprise Risk Management                             It’s no longer useful to use phrases like “technology is the
Function. Stakeholder responses also indicated that they                       future”. If companies are not fully integrating technological
care more about how IA was responding to risk, especially                      advancements in every aspect of the business, no degree
emerging risk, than about what function was accountable                        of strategic prowess is going to make a measurable impact.
for risk tracking.                                                             How IA is conducting its audits is no exception to this
                                                                               matter. The full potential of data analytics has been recently
This suggests that a stronger alignment of IA with other                       outlined in a 2015 KPMG study.2
assurance functions within the organization, as for example
Compliance, Legal or Risk Management, is needed when it                        The study points out how interpreting data patterns will be
comes down to developing the strategic audit plan and                          an effective key differentiator for organizations in the future
preparing the scope of specific audits.                                        and how a good Data & Analytics (D&A) strategy has the
                                                                               potential to improve the financial performance. This is done
Although remaining independent from the organization, by                       by creating value through tapping on the unused growth
not taking on managerial ownership for managing risk, IA                       potential, controlling key risks and optimizing performance.
should seek to get more preliminary insights and                               Currently, more than 63 percent of companies actually use
intelligence from the other risk tracking and facilitating                     some sort of D&A technology. However, the approach is
functions.                                                                     mostly isolated or specifically focusing on ad-hoc instances
                                                                               only. This rather statistic method in using data analytics will
In other words, a combined assurance view should be                            drop to less than 50 percent in the next three years, while
emphasized by the assurance functions. This would allow                        the use of enterprise-wide risk-focused D&A capabilities will
the stakeholders to have a more comprehensive, overall
view on the current corporate governance state of the
organization and to understand if key risks are adequately
addressed in terms of monitoring and auditing.                                 2
                                                                                    Clarity on Data Analytics, KPMG Publication 2015

Where do companies address their enterprise-wide risk?

                                                                   Legal function                                                  ERM

                 45%                                                     26%
     Compliance function

Source: Seeking value through Internal Audit, KPMG International, 2016

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jump from 35 percent to 47 percent. This enterprise-wide

risk-focused D&A promises to have a more holistic
perspective on risks and allows for a common understanding
across the various assurance functions regarding, for
example, the magnitude of a specific risk or issue.
                                                                                                                            With the global economy being in a decade of
KPMG believes that if the IA function gave way to operating                                                                 challenges and uncertainties, the key stakeholders of
through an integrated, organization-wide technology                                                                         organizations are seeking an approach to IA that
platform, then the incorporation of risk assessment, D&A,                                                                   goes beyond reviewing past activities. They want an
knowledge and experience would advance the potential of                                                                     IA function that is insightful, forward-looking, and
IA to deliver significant benefits and added-value not only for                                                             which is not afraid to go beyond preserving current
the stakeholders, but for the whole organization.                                                                           assets, instead focuses on creating value on a
                                                                                                                            departmental, divisional, or organizational level.
The potential for making value real through technology is
enormous, especially if IA were able to integrate a higher                                                                  To meet these expectations, IA leaders must strive to
percentage of data analytics procedures into its audit                                                                      migrate to more advanced stages of maturity. This
approach. An integrated approach to using D&A throughout                                                                    includes evolving the basic auditing processes and
the audit process (for example, analytics-driven continuous                                                                 skills towards an approach of creating value and
auditing, dynamic audit planning, audit scoping and                                                                         bringing insights for an organization. At the same time,
planning, audit execution and reporting) would provide                                                                      IA leaders should implement stronger use of company-
greater insights and value.                                                                                                 wide data mining and analysis tools and a more
                                                                                                                            effective and efficient coordination and cooperation
Particular examples of such benefits would be a more                                                                        with other assurance functions within the organization.
effective monitoring of risk indicators that could lead to the                                                              The skill sets and competencies of the IA team may
identification of emerging risks, assessing adequate risk                                                                   have to be adapted to enable the IA function to deliver
coverage and facilitating data-driven decisions that provide                                                                the expected value to its stakeholders.
actionable insights into the strategic drivers of the business.
All in all, a holistically integrated technology platform would
optimize both business performance and the risk mitigation                                                            3
                                                                                                                          Pulse of the Profession Survey, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) 2013
process of the organization.                                                                                          4
                                                                                                                          Transforming Internal Audit Through Critical Thinking, KPMG Publication 2014

IA profile demands wider skill sets
As for the existing desire to move toward such a technology-
enabled approach, when asked about the key skills needed
in IA, the respondents concluded that technology
(62 percent) is second only to communication (67 percent)
in importance, while critical thinking and judgment ranked
third (52 percent).

This confirms the trends already outlined in a study by the
Institute of Internal Audit (IIA)3 in 2013 when analytical and
critical thinking combined with good communication skills                                                                                       Luka Zupan
and strong data mining skills were captured as the top skills                                                                                   Head Internal Audit, Risk & Compliance (IARCS)
desired from internal auditors.4                                                                                                      

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be
no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received, or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough
examination of the particular situation. The scope of any potential collaboration with audit clients is defined by regulatory requirements governing auditor independence.

© 2016 KPMG AG is a subsidiary of KPMG Holding AG, which is a member of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss legal entity. All rights reserved.

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Audit Committee News
            Edition 54 / Q3 2016 / Corporate Governance

            Audit Committee Handbook
            Chapter 5 – Part 2

            This chapter is the second part of the chapter
            covered in the Audit Committee News – Edition 53.

Audit Committee News / Edition 54 / Q3 2016
Oversight of the internal audit function                          committee is essential. The committee should have
In providing oversight over the internal audit function, the      processes in place to facilitate confidential exchanges with
audit committee should, inter alia:                               the internal auditor, with regular meetings scheduled
• ensure that the internal auditor has direct access to the       between the audit committee and the head of internal audit.
   board chairman and to the audit committee and is               Many audit committee chairs go further and maintain
   accountable to the audit committee;                            informal contact with the internal auditor between meetings.
• review and assess the annual internal audit work plan;
• receive a report on the results of the internal auditors        The audit committee should also do its utmost to ensure
   work on a periodic basis;                                      that internal audit has:
• review and monitor management’s responsiveness to the           • sufficient status, respect and support within the
   internal auditor’s findings and recommendations;                 institution;
• meet with the head of internal audit at least once a year       • unrestricted access to all records, assets, personnel and
   without the presence of management; and                          premises;
• monitor and assess the role and effectiveness of the            • authorisation to obtain whatever information and
   internal audit function in the overall context of the            explanations are considered necessary by the head of
   company’s risk management system.                                internal audit; and
                                                                  • adequate human and other resources to perform its work
Ensuring internal audit has direct access to the audit              effectively.
A significant challenge for internal audit lies in                Assessing the annual internal audit work plan
understanding its responsibility to both the audit committee      The internal auditor should prepare an audit plan based on
and management. The internal auditor is “employed” by             the organisation’s assurance needs. This plan should address
management and yet reviews management’s conduct. In               how all the organisation’s key systems and processes will be
addition, the internal auditor reports to the audit committee     audited during the audit cycle, together with the resources
and yet is not line-managed on a day-to-day basis by the          to be applied – normally expressed in “man days”. Areas of
audit committee (although the committee has a significant         greater risk might be addressed at the beginning of the audit
role in appointing the internal auditor).                         cycle and then revisited later in the cycle.

Falling into a detailed, and not terribly helpful, analysis of    As an audit plan is unlikely to cover all areas of risk within a
“straight line” versus “dotted line” reporting is all too easy.   single year, the plan for any given year should place its work
The fundamental point is that internal audit has, for all         in the context of work done in the preceding year and
practical purposes, a dual reporting relationship where the       projected for the succeeding year. The audit committee and
head of internal audit reports to executive management            management may take a different view of timing and
(ideally the CEO) for assistance in establishing direction,       priorities, which should be resolved through discussion.
support, and administrative matters; and to the audit
committee for strategic direction, reinforcement, and             Assurance mapping
accountability.                                                   The audit committee should review the risk map and audit
                                                                  plan to satisfy itself that appropriate audit coverage will be
Normally, the audit committee would approve the internal          devoted to all the organisation’s assurance needs. If internal
audit terms of reference; approve the audit function’s risk       audit is not covering a particular risk area – or not covering it
assessment, audit plan, and budget; receive reports from          in sufficient depth – then other means of assurance should
the head of internal audit on the results of internal audit       be in place, whether that be assurance from the business
activities or other matters that the head of internal audit       operations, head office functions or other independent
determines necessary; approve the appointment, removal,           assurance providers.
evaluation, and compensation of the head of internal audit;
and determine whether there are scope or budgetary                When the audit committee is satisfied with the audit plan, it
limitations that impede the internal audit function in carrying   should recommend the plan to the board for approval, if its
out its work. By contrast, the administrative reporting line to   terms of reference so require. Once the plan has been
the CEO would typically include budgeting and                     approved, the audit committee should monitor the auditor’s
management accounting; human resource administration;             progress against it during the year.
internal communications; and internal administrative matters
such as expense approvals, leave approvals and logistics.         Internal auditors may carry out additional work at the
                                                                  request of management (including investigations), provided
The precise reporting arrangements may differ from                such work does not compromise the objectivity of the audit
organisation to organisation; however, it is important that       service or achievement of the audit plan. The audit
internal audit always retain a degree of independence from        committee should satisfy itself that the objectivity of
management so that it can carry out its duties objectively.       internal audit has not been affected by the extent and nature
For this reason a clear line of responsibility to the audit       of other work carried out.

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Internal audit reports and monitoring management’s               agreed audit recommendations. An implementation plan
response                                                         detailing the recommendation, the required action, priority,
While internal audit reports to management (preferably the       person responsible and timescale is a good method of
CEO) on a day-to-day basis, audit committees have a              fulfilling this objective.
responsibility for oversight and therefore need to determine
appropriate communication channels and reporting                 Internal audit should have a systematic process of follow-up
arrangements with internal audit. Some audit committees          to obtain appropriate assurance that management has taken
want to see every audit report, some a summary of every          timely and effective action. It should promptly advise the
report, and others a periodic summary. Progress reports,         audit committee of its findings and further action required.
comparing audit activity against the audit plan, are also
useful.                                                          The board, advised by the audit committee, should
                                                                 ultimately be responsible for either ensuring that
It is important that the audit committee considers significant   management takes prompt and effective action on those
individual audit findings or recommendations, though it          audit reports which call for it; or recognising and accepting
need not be concerned with more detailed findings unless         the risks of management not taking action.
the committee considers it valuable to do so. It is good
practice for internal auditors to prioritise their findings
against agreed standards. This indicates the importance of
each audit recommendation and the urgency of any required

The audit committee should concentrate on gaining
assurance that the organisation’s risk management, control
and governance arrangements are adequate and effective.
For this purpose, the committee should ensure that there is
an adequate system to monitor the implementation of

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What is internal
    audit telling the audit
    An audit committee might reasonably question what              The underlying cause of such wording might be that
    assurance it’s receiving when confronted with audit            people are afraid of bringing bad news either to the audit
    reports drafted along the following lines:                     committee or, more likely, they’re afraid of trying to get it
                                                                   past the executive team.
    “Significant improvements have been made in this area
    in the last 12 months. However, the management                 “Wider variations in base rate and potential dynamic
    agenda reflects a number of issues whose resolution             margin shifts to reflect market positioning would mean
    would enable further, necessary improvements to be             that the business would be more exposed to rate
    made.”                                                         increases than decreases”.

    This is compromise wording. Such reports are not               This is preventative wording. Many audit committee
    uncommon. However, if an audit committee ever                  members might legitimately have a problem
    receives a summary like this, it may legitimately ask          understanding what this means; yet all it is saying is that
    itself what on earth it means. For example: having done        the business in question is vulnerable to a rise in interest
    extensive testing and comparison to best practice, the         rates. Preventative wording is designed to prevent the
    internal auditor wants to say, “the management of              reader understanding the issue. Can it really have any
    controls in this area is poor”. However, management            other purpose?
    believe (say) that the area in question was poorly
    managed some time ago, but a lot of work has been              Internal audit does not want the audit committee to
    done during the year and therefore there is no value in        understand because they might ask difficult,
    internal audit raising issues that they are already both       inconvenient questions that will be embarrassing or
    aware of, and dealing with (albeit slowly). They will          maybe just tedious to answer. Or maybe, no one can do
    express incredulity that internal audit should want to         anything about the issue anyway so why make trouble?
    make a fuss about a well-known issue. Hence the                Whatever the motivation, whether it is conscious or
    compromise wording: carefully crafted to maintain pride        subconscious, internal audit are reporting to the audit
    on both sides.                                                 committee in a way designed to elicit a reduced reaction.
                                                                   Preventative wording is extremely dangerous and audit
    The audit committee might reasonably conclude that the         committees should be alert to it.
    head of internal audit is too weak, or too junior, or too
    bullied and does not feel able to say what he or she           “In the last six months, we have issued 74 reports of
    really thinks.                                                 which 27 were rated as significant. These are split by
                                                                   division in the table below. A further chart showing traffic
    “Whilst a number of improvements have been made in             light ratings etc., etc”.
    this area, further change is required if its management is
    to become world-class.”                                        This is death by statistics. An audit committee can look
                                                                   at all of this information yet be unable to draw a single,
    This is told you so wording. It means that if controls fail,   meaningful insight from any of it. Of course, this form of
    some financial catastrophe looms and the audit                 reporting can be valuable where internal audit is doing
    committee turns to the head of internal audit and asks,        standard processes at multiple locations, such as retail
    “Why wasn’t I warned?” she or he can reply, “I told you        store audits. But, where one piece of work is not directly
    so. We reported it to you. Wasn’t it clear? You could have     comparable with another, it is just filler. The underlying
    asked for more details if you had any questions or even        cause is that the internal audit function wants to
    requested the full report.”                                    demonstrate progress but has no idea how to
                                                                   demonstrate value.

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“In camera” meetings with the head of internal audit

                                                                 The audit committee
Many audit committees want to meet the head of internal
audit in a private session where management is not
present. This approach allows the audit committee to ask

                                                                 may want to ask
questions on matters that might not have been specifically
addressed by the internal audit function’s formal work
programme – nevertheless, the head of internal audit might,

                                                                 questions around
as a result of his work, have valuable views and opinions.
A private session allows the head of internal audit to provide
candid, often confidential, comments to the audit

committee on such matters.

Typically there should be few items to discuss. Ideally all

                                                                 attitudes and
key matters relating to internal audit should have been
addressed in a candid and robust manner by management,
the audit committee and the head of internal audit during

                                                                 resources, such as:
the formal audit committee meeting. The audit committee
can use the private session as a follow-up if members were
not satisfied with the answers given at the audit committee
meeting or if they thought discussions had been too
guarded or uneasy. However, such matters should have             • How strong is the relationship between the internal
been fully aired at the audit committee meeting and                audit function and management/operations?
generally should not need to be readdressed in the private       • Does internal audit receive appropriate cooperation
session.                                                           from operational and head office management?
                                                                 • Have any requests for information been denied or
The private session should focus on areas where the head           otherwise obstructed?
of internal audit can provide additional, candid, and often      • Is the internal audit function subject to undue
confidential, comments to the audit committee on other             pressure from any source?
matters. The private session gives the audit committee an        • How constructive is the relationship between the
opportunity to explore such matters in a frank and open            internal audit function and external audit?
forum. In addition, the audit committee may have more            • What is management’s attitude towards risk
knowledge than the head of internal audit on other matters,        management and internal controls?
and this session allows the audit committee an opportunity       • Are adequate people and other resources devoted to
to air such issues.                                                key areas of the business and control functions?

Overall, private sessions can play an important role in the
development of a trusting and respectful relationship
between the audit committee and the head of internal audit.

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Assessing the internal audit function’s performance               work plan, receive periodic reports on the results of the
The audit committee should monitor the performance and            internal auditor’s work and monitor management’s
effectiveness of internal audit on an annual basis. This          responsiveness to the internal auditor’s findings and
should include any matters affecting the audit function’s         recommendations.
independence and objectivity.
                                                                  When agreeing appropriate performance measures for
Self-assessment by the head of internal audit is a useful         internal audit, the audit committee should recognise that
assessment tool, but it should not be the sole means of           such measures need to be adapted to each organisation’s
assessing the effectiveness of internal audit. The audit          circumstances. The following diagram illustrates some of
committee should draw its own conclusions based on its            the more common measures used to monitor the
experience and contact with internal audit as well as the         performance of internal audit.
views of others such as the CFO, divisional heads and
external audit. In evaluating the work of internal audit, the     The key steps in a typical internal audit annual cycle are
audit committee should review the annual internal audit           discussed at Appendix 1.

                                        • Access to suitably
                                          skilled resources       • Budget approved for
                                          when required             each review prior to
                                        • Qualifications of the     commencement
                                          team                    • Unbudgeted costs
                                        • Number of training        not incurred without
                                          days completed            approval
                                        • Actual vs budgeted      • Monthly actual vs
                                          headcount                 budgeted costs

                                        People                    Finance
                                        Quality                   Efficiency
                                        • Auditee satisfaction    • Number of reports
                                          review                    issued per auditor
                                        • Annual client           • Percentage of audit
                                          satisfaction review       vs non-audit work
                                        • Number of iterations    • Timeliness of key
                                          of internal audit         deliverables e.g.,
                                          reports                   TOR, draft report,
                                        • External reviews          final report
                                                                  • Use of appropriate
                                                                    enabling technologies

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Appendix 1
      The key steps in an annual cycle
      Produce the annual                   • Create an annual internal audit plan for                                     Exit meeting                         • Prior to formal reporting, an exit meeting
      work                                   approval by the audit committee,                                                                                    should be held with the relevant
      programme                              typically as part of an indicative 3 or                                                                             business sponsor and other employees
                                             5 year plan linked to a wider risk/audit                                                                            as agreed
                                             universe                                                                                                          • The purpose of the meeting is to:
                                           • Identify resource requirements,                                                                                     – confirm that expectations have been
                                             including relevant subject matter and                                                                                 met;
                                             industry experience to add value to the                                                                             – highlight and re-confirm the findings of
                                             process, and associated budgets                                                                                       the review;
                                           • Agree the timeline for performing                                                                                   – validate the findings; and
                                             individual assignments in the agreed                                                                                – where appropriate, obtain
                                             plan                                                                                                                  management’s acceptance and
                                           • Additional reviews may be required: the                                                                               support for the recommendations
                                             approach needs to be nimble to respond                                                                                made, including their commitment to
                                             to the needs of the audit committee and                                                                               actions with clear dates for
                                             the executive team                                                                                                    implementation
                                           • Consideration should also be given at
                                             this stage to the interaction with risk
                                             management activities and the specific                                       Reporting                            • Prepare a draft report to be issued to
                                             linkage of risk and assurance                                                                                       management within an agreed number
                                                                                                                                                                 of working days of completion of each
                                                                                                                                                                 audit and finalise the report, again within
      Plan individual                      • For each allocated audit assignment,                                                                                an agreed time frame of receipt of
      assignments                            terms of reference should be agreed in                                                                              management responses
                                             advance                                                                                                           • Report in accordance with standard
                                           • Staff requirements should be confirmed                                                                              template
                                             and communicated to the team                                                                                      • Determine who should attend and
                                             reasonably far in advance of the work to                                                                            present at stakeholder and audit
                                             help continuity                                                                                                     committee meetings
                                           • Planning meetings with the nominated
                                             business sponsor and business process
                                             owners, information gathering and                                            Issue resolution                     • Following the issue of final reports,
                                             briefing of team members prior to each                                       tracking                               monitor agreed upon management
                                             assignment                                                                                                          action plans and subsequent reporting
                                                                                                                                                                 to senior management and the audit
      Perform fieldwork                     • Fieldwork should commence with an                                                                                 • Clear protocols for follow up work as
                                             opening meeting involving all relevant                                                                              and when needed
                                             team members so that:
                                             – expectations are understood; and
                                             – the objectives, scope, techniques and                                      Overall                              • Defined audit charter
                                                emphasis of the review are clear.                                         considerations                       • A defined strategy
                                           • A “no surprises” approach is                                                                                      • An ongoing awareness of key business
                                             fundamental. The nominated business                                                                                 risks and how this drives audit
                                             sponsor should be informed of issues as                                                                           • Clear role defined on related activities
                                             they arise                                                                                                          e.g., investigations/ad hoc assignments
                                           • Ways of working should be defined and                                                                             • Agreed communication protocols
                                             consistently applied and measured                                                                                 • Clear business case/cost analysis and
                                             (including the business responsibilities)                                                                           monitoring
                                           • Variations to timelines or budgets                                                                                • Ways of working protocols
                                             should be monitored and flagged as                                                                                 • KPIs to track progress and delivery
                                             soon as they are identified to key                                                                                • Stakeholder satisfaction surveys

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be
no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received, or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough
examination of the particular situation. The scope of any potential collaboration with audit clients is defined by regulatory requirements governing auditor independence.

© 2016 KPMG AG is a subsidiary of KPMG Holding AG, which is a member of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss legal entity. All rights reserved.

Audit Committee News / numéro
                       Edition 54
                                54/ /Q3
                                     T3 2016                                                                                                                                                                                      18
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