Bibliography of additional selected key publications on the history of the European oil and gas industry
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Downloaded from by guest on February 13, 2020 Bibliography of additional selected key publications on the history of the European oil and gas industry FRANCESCO GERALI1,2, JONATHAN CRAIG3*, FIONA MACAULAY4 & RASOUL SORKHABI5 1 The University of Oklahoma School of Law, Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, Energy Center, 300 Timberdell Road, Norman, OK 73019-5081, USA 2 The University of Western Australia, FABLE, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia 3 Eni Upstream & Technical Services, Via Emilia 1, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy 4 Echo Energy plc, 40 George Street, London W1U 7DW, UK 5 Energy & Geoscience Institute, University of Utah, 423 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA *Correspondence: Abel, F. 1876. Report to the Secretary of State for Mineralogy & Mining Law, from the Earliest the Home Department on the Subject of the Times to the 16th Century. The Mining Magazine, Testing of Petroleum. HMSO, London. London. Abel, F. & Redwood, B. 1884. Petroleum testing in Aikin, A. 1811. Observations on the Wrekin, and on tropical climates with Abel’s apparatus. Chemical the great coal-field of Shropshire. Geological News, 49, 196. Society of London Transactions, 1, 191–212, Abel, F. & Redwood, B. 1892. Report of Frederick Abel and Boverton Redwood on the ‘Proposed Alberg, M. 1929. Le pétrole en Pologne. Agence transport of petroleum in tank steamships through Générale de Librarie, Paris. the Suez Canal’. Worral & Robey, London. Albrecht, M. 1874. Das Paraffin und de Mineralole. Abich, H. 1879. Ueber die Producktivitat und die E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart, geotektonischen Verhaltnisse der kaspischen Germany. Naphtaregion. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich Königli- Albritton, C.C., Jr. (ed.) 1963. The Fabric of Geol- chen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 29, 165–189. ogy. Addison-Wesley, Reading. Academia Romana (ed.) 1998. Dicționarul explica- Allest, J.D. 1887. Le Chauffage des Torpilleurs au tiv al limbii române, ediția a II-a. Academia moyen des hydrocarbures liquides. Annales de Română, Institutul de Lingvistică ‘Iorgu Iordan. Génie Civile, XI, 344–348, 362–363, 397–402. Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucharest. Andes, L. 1920. Praktisches rezeptbuch fur die Academy of Sciences of Azerbaigian Institute of gesamte. Fett, ol, seifen und schmiermittel industrie. Geography 1957. Mineral Resources of Azer- Buchhandlung Schulze & Co., Leipzig, Germany. baydzhan [in Russian]; English translation. The Andouin, P. 1868. Application des hydrocarbures American Geological Institute’s International liquides (petrole, goudron, huile lourde) a l’obten- Geology Review, 1, 80–85. tion des hautes temperatures et au chauffage des Agout, M. 1949. Bibliographie des livres, thèses et machines a vapeur. Annales de Chimie Physique, conférences relatifs a l’industrie du pétrole. Stan- Series 4, XI, 30–40. dard Francaise des Petroles, Paris. André, R. 1910. L’industrie et le commerce du pét- Agricola, G., Hoover, H. & Hoover, L.H. 1912. role en France. Rousseau, Paris. Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica, Translation Angeli, L. 1795. De’Bollitori di Bergullo e suoi fan- from the 1st Latin Edition of 1556, with ghi. Imola. Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Angenot, C. 1885. Leçons sur le pétrole et ses Appendices Upon the Development of Mining dérivés donnees a l’Institut Superieur de Com- Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, merce. S.N., Paris. From: CRAIG, J., GERALI, F., MACAULAY, F. & SORKHABI, R. (eds) 2018. History of the European Oil and Gas Industry. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 465, 453–462. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
Downloaded from by guest on February 13, 2020 454 F. GERALI ET AL. Angermann, C. 1889. Die Naphtafelder in Wietrzno. Brennstoff-Geologie; Heft 7. Ferdinand Enke, Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich Königlichen Geologi- Stuttgart, Germany. schen Reichsanstalt, 39, 281–288. Bergman, T. 1784. Manuel du minéralogiste, ou Anon 1863. The Oil Industry in Rumania. Meridiane sciagraphie du règne minéral, distribué d’après Publishing House, Bucharest. l’analyse chimique. Chez Cuchet, Paris. Anon 1914. Zakon o povlasticama koja se daju Berthelot, M. 1866. Sur l’origine des carbures g. J. Kocare-u, industrija lcu iz Haga, holand- [hydrocarbonés] et des combustibles mineraux. skom podatku, za eksploataciju petrolejska maj- Annales de Chimie et des Physique, 4th séries, dana ‘Smrdež’. Drž. Štamp, Cetińe. 9, 481–483. Archiac, Vicomte d’ 1847. Histoire des progrès de Berthelot, C. 1935. L’industrie des combustibles sol- la géologie de 1834 a 1845. Société Géologique ides et gazeux. Fasc 1 des monographies de la de France, Paris. Revue de Chimie Industrielle. Gauthier-Villars, Ariosto, F. 1690. De oleo Montis Zibinii seu petrolio Paris. agri mutinensis. Libellus e Manuscriptis membra- Bérenger, H. 1920. Le petrole et la France. E. Flam- nis editus ab Oligerus Jacobaeo. Hafniae, Literis marion, Paris. Reg. Maj.& Univ. Typogr Joh. Phil. Bocken- Bianconi, G. 1840. Storia Naturale dei Terreni hoffer, Copenhagen. Ardenti, dei Vulcani Fangosi, delle Sorgenti Bachmayer, F. 1957. Erdol in Osterreich. Natur und Infiammabili, dei Pozzi Idropici, e degli Altri Technik, Wien. Fenomeni Geologici Operati dal Gas Idrogene e Bailey, N. (ed.) 1730. Dictionaium Britannicum: or, dell’Origine del Detto Gas del Dott. Giuseppe A More Compleat Universal Etymological English Bianconi. Marsigli, Bologna, Italy. Dictionary than any Extant. T. Cox, London. Bini, E. 1973. La potente benzina italiana: Guerra Balfour, A.J., Société des Nations & Conférence Fredda e consumi di massa tra Italia, Stati Uniti économique internationale 1927. Situation e Terzo mondo (1945–73). Carocci, Roma. mondiale en ce qui concerne le pétrole brut et Bolton, E.R. & Pelly, R.G. 1924. Oil, Fats, Waxes ses dérivés, 1922–26. Société des Nations, and Resins. E. Benn Ltd, London. Genève. Bonand, de R. 1921. Le petrole: origine, gisements, Banca di Piacenza 1999. Dall’Oglio di Sasso alla commerce, succedanes. Librairie Polytechnique Supercortemaggiore. In Relazioni e Bilancio Ch. Beranger, Paris. 1998. Corporate Technical Report, Piacenza. Bonarelli, L. 2001. Guido Bonarelli. La vita e Barnett, D.W. 1864. Mr. Barnett’s Report to the l’opera scientifica. Associazione Pionieri e Veter- Directors Wallachian Petroleum Company Lim- ani Agip. Eni, Roma. ited. By the Company, London. Bondaroy Fougeroux, de A.D. 1770. Second Baron, C. 1934. Au pays de l’or noir. Mémoire sur le Pétrole et sur des vapeurs inflam- Bakou-Grozny-le pétrole russe. Liège, Paris. mables, connues das quelques parties de l’Italie. Barrabe L. & Schneegans D. 1935. Rapport d’en- Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences semble sur le gisement pétrolifère de Gabian. Paris, 91, 23–39. Annales de l’Office National des combustibles Bossi, L. 1817. Spiegazione di alcuni vocaboli liquides No. 4 ( juillet–août) et No. 5 (septembre– geologici, litologici, mineralogici, per ordine octobre). d’alfabeto. Tipografia Sonzogno e comp., Beaujeu-Garnier, J. 1952. La France et le pétrole. Milano, Italy. L’information Géographique, 16, no. 2, 65–71. Boussingault, J.B. 1883. Sur la composition des sub- Beeby-Thompson, A. 1910. Petroleum Mining and stances minérales combustibles. Annales de Chi- Oil-Field Development: A Guide to Exploration mie Physique, Series 5, XXIX, 363–392. of Petroleum Lands, and a Study of the Engi- Brantly, J.E. 1971. History of Oil Well Drilling. Gulf neering Problems Connected with the Winning Publishing Company, Houston, TX, USA. of Petroleum. Crosby Lockwood and Son, Bremner, D. 1869. The Industries of Scotland: Their London. Rise, Progress, and Present Condition. A. & Beeby-Thompson, A. 1916. Oil-Field Development C. Black, Edinburgh. and Petroleum Mining, A Practical Guide to the Brusa, A. 1961. Gli idrocarburi in Italia: saggio Exploration Of Petroleum Lands, and a Study of geografico di un mercato. M. Bozzi, Genova, the Engineering Problems Connected with the Italy. Winning Of Petroleum, Including Notes on Petro- Buzatu, Gh. 2011. A History of Romanian Oil, Vol- leum Legislation and Customs and a Discussion umes I & II. Mica Valahie Publishing House, of the Origin of Petroleum. Van Nostrand, Bucharest. New York. Calmel, A. 1901. Le Transport du petrole. Bentz, A., Herrmann, R. & Kraiss, A. 1931. Journal du Pétrole, 1, 3–5, 21–23, 40–41, 55– Deutsches Erdöl. Schriften aus dem Gebiet der 56, 71–73.
Downloaded from by guest on February 13, 2020 BIBLIOGRAPHY 455 Camerana, E. 1924. Utilizzazione dei gas naturali. North Sea. In: Hepple, P. (ed.) The Exploration Stabilimento topografico per l’amministrazione for Petroleum in Europe and North Africa. The dello Stato, Roma. Institute of Petroleum, London, 231–250. Camerana, E. 1924. L’olio di asfalto. Stabilimento City of Modena 1865. Instruzione popolare sulla tipografico per l’amministrazione dello Stato, vendita e sull’uso del petrolio/compilata dal Roma. sig. professore Manzini, per incarico del Consi- Canning, S., Kelvin, W.T. & Redwood B. 1888. glio Provinciale Sanitario, approvata e mandata Priestman’s Petroleum Engine and Eteve’s Pat- a divulgarsi per le stampe dalla Deputazione Pro- ent Petroleum Engine. Promotional leaflets. Gate- vinciale nella sua seduta delli 22 aprile 1865. Tip. house & Co., London. Moneti, Modena, Italy. Capacci, C. 1896. Perizia extra giudiziale nella Clarke, W.B. 1866. On the occurrence and geologi- Causa tra Il Sig. Giorgio Arimondi e il Sig. cal position of oil-bearing deposits in New South Conte Enrico Sergardi. Tipografia Luigi Niccolai, Wales. Geological Society of London Quarterly Firenze, Italy. Journal, 22, 439–448, Capacci, C. 1905. Deuxième Congrèsse internatio- GSL.JGS.1866.022.01-02.31. nale du pétrole. Aperçu sur les gisements pétroli- Clowes, F. & Redwood, B. 1896. Detection and fères de la province de Bologne (Italie). The Measurement of Inflammable Gas and Vapour Congress, Liegi. in the Air; with a Chapter on the Detection and Capellini, G. 1864. Report on the Petroleum Dis- Measurement of Petroleum Vapour. Crosby tricts in Wallachia, Belonging to the Wallachian Lockwood, London. Petroleum Company, Limited. By the Company, Coles, E. (ed.) 1713. An English Dictionary, London. Explaining the Difficult Terms that are used in Capellini, G. 1866. Petrolio di Tocco e Bitumi di Divinity, Husbandry, Physic, Philosophy, Law, Letto Manopello. Regia Accademia delle Scienze Navigation, Mathematics, and Other Arts and di Torino, Série I, III. Sciences. Printed by F. Collins for R. Bonwick, Capellini, G. 1868. Giacimenti Petroliferi di Valac- London. chia e loro Rapporti coi Terreni Terziari dell’Italia Comitato Scientifico del Museo del Petrolio di Val- Centrale. Memorie della Regia Accademia delle lezza 1993. Museo del petrolio di Vallezza. Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, 3rd Series, 7, Studi Propedeutici. Centro stampa AGIP, San 156–202. Donato Milanese, Italy. Caracristi, C.F.Z. 1900. The World’s production of Cook, E.E. 1965. Geophysical operations in the petroleum. Mining Industry, 8, 454–466. North Sea. Geophysics, 30, 495–510. Casali, A. 1874. Il petrolio e suoi derivati. Tipografia Coquand, H. 1867. Sur les gites de petrole de la e litografia A. Cappelli, Modena, Italy. Valachie et de la Moldavie et sur l’âge des terrains Cayeux, L. 1916. Introduction à l’étude pétrographi- qui les contiennent. Société Géologique de que des roches sédimentaires. Mémoires pour ser- France Bulletin, 2nd séries, 24, 505–569. vir à l’explication de la carte géologique détaille Corporate Author 1916. Koninklijke metaalwaren- de la France. fabrieken J.N. Daalderop en Zonen, Tiel, (Hol- Chadinoff, C.I. 1936. Exposé de la situation actuelle land): [verlichtingsartikelen, gas en petroleum, du pétrole brut. J. Mersch, Paris. no. 7]. Koninklijke Metaalwarenfabrieken J.N. Chambers, E. (ed.) 1748–49. Dizionario Universale Daalderop en Zonen, Tiel. delle Arti e delle Scienze. (9 vols). Presso Giamba- Cortesi, G. 1819. Saggi geologici degli Stati di Parma tista Pasquali, Venezia, Italy. e Piacenza. Dai Torchj del Majno, Piacenza. Chambre syndicale de l’industrie des pétroles (Paris) Courau, R. 1921. Technique des petroles. Doin, 1892. Démonstration de l’écart compensateur Paris. nécessaire à l’industrie du pétrole en France. Coustau, H., Gautier, J., Kulbicki, G. & Winnock, J. Kugelmann, Paris. E. 1969. Hydrocarbon distribution in the Aqui- Chambrier, P. de 1919. Historique de Pechelbronn, taine basin of SW France. In: Hepple, P. (ed.) 1498–1918. Attinger Freres, Paris. The Exploration for Petroleum in Europe and Charrin, V. 1921. Les innovations alsaciennes dans North Africa. The Institute of Petroleum, London, la technique du petrole. Dunot, Paris. 73–85. Chartrou, J.J. 1931. Petroles naturels et artificiels. Croker, T.H. (ed.) 1764–66. The Complete Diction- A. Colin, Paris. ary of Arts and Sciences, in which the Whole Chivot-Naudé, L. 1866. Rapport sur l’huile de pet- Circle of Human Learning is Explained, and the role. Ses proprietes et ses Applications. L’Inven- Difficulties Attending the Acquisition of Every tion, 20, 43–52. Art, Whether Liberal or Mechanical, are Christian, H.E., Jr. 1969. Some observation on the Removed. 3 vol. Printed for the authors, and initiation of salt structures of the southern British sold by J. Wilson & J. Fell; J. Fletcher & Co.;
Downloaded from by guest on February 13, 2020 456 F. GERALI ET AL. J. Coote; Mess. Fletcher & Hodson, Cambridge; Wirt- schaftsbetrieb. (4 vols). Hirzel, Leipzig, and W. Smith & Co. Dublin, London. Germany. Cunningham-Craig, E.H. 1912. Oil-Finding; An Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi 2002. Glossario dell’in- Introduction to the Geological Study of Petro- dustria petrolifera. Eni, Roma. leum. E. Arnold, London. Ferrier, R. 1982. The History of the British Petro- Cunningham-Craig, E.H. 1917. Oil-Finding: An leum Company. Cambridge University Press, Introduction to the Geological Study of Petro- Cambridge. leum. E. Arnold, London. Filjak, R., Pletikapic, Z., Nikolis, D. & Aksin, Dabrowski S. 1982. Jan Jozef Ignacy Lukasiewicz, V. 1969. Geology of petroleum and natural gas 1822–82. Interpress, Buffalo, NY, USA. from the Neocene complex and its basement in Dalton, L.V. 1909. A sketch of the geology of the the southern part of the Pannonian basin, Yugo- Baku and European oil-fields. Economic Geol- slavia. In: Hepple, P. (ed.) The Exploration for ogy, 4, 89–117. Petroleum in Europe and North Africa. The Insti- Dank, V. & Kokai, J. 1969. Oil and gas exploration tute of Petroleum, London, 113–130. in Hungary. In: Hepple, P. (ed.) The Exploration Fitz, J. 1907. Das Rohol als Heizmaterial fur Loco- for Petroleum in Europe and North Africa. The motiven. Naptha, 15, 485–488. Institute of Petroleum, London, 131–145. Flannery, J.F. 1902. On liquid fuels for ships. Trans- Degousèe, J.M.A. & Laurent, C.A. 1861. Guide du actions of the Institute of Naval Architect, 44, sondeur; ou, Traité théoriques et pratique des 53–75. sondages. Garnier Fréres, Paris. Fonvielle, W. & Harlow, J.G., Sr 1888. Le pétrole Deterding, S.H. 1934. An International Oil Man. (Bibliothèque des merveilles). Librairie Hachette, Ivor Nicholson & Watson, London. Paris. Draghicenu, M.M. 1890. Erlauterungen zur geolo- Forbes, R.J. 1948. Short History of the Art of Distil- gischen Uebersichtskarte des Konigreiches lation: From the Beginnings up to the Death of Rumanien. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich Königlichen Cellier Blumenthal. E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 20, 399–420. Netherlands. Dunstan, A.E. 1922. The Petroleum Industry. A Brief Forbes, R.J. 1959. More Studies in Early Petroleum Survey of the Technology of Petroleum, Based History. E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. upon a Course of Lectures Given by Members of Frank, A.F. 2005. Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity the Institution of Petroleum Technologists on the in Austrian Galicia. Harvard University Press, Occasion of the Petroleum Exhibition, Crystal London. Palace, 1920. Institution of Petroleum Technolo- Frederick, M. (ed.) 1866. The Statesman’s Year- gists, London. Book. Macmillan & Co., London. Dunstan, A.E., Brooks, B.T. & Benjamin, T. 1938. Froom, G.B. 1897. Oil burners as used on the River The Science of Petroleum: A Comprehensive Volga. Transactions of the Institute of Marine Treatise of the Principles and Practice of the Engineers, 9, 50. Production, Refining, Transport and Distribution Gehrke, F. 1906. Die neuere Entwicklung des of Mineral Oil. Oxford University Press, London. Petroleumhandels in Deutschland. H. Laupp, Dupaigne, A. 1872. Le Pétrole, son histoire, sa Tübingen, Germany. nature, ses usages et ses dangers, par Albert Gerali, F. 2010. Geology and oil exploration; the Dupaigne. Palmé, Paris. studies of Giovanni Capellini in Romania. Oil- Dücker, F.F. 1880. Petroleum and Asphalt, Rock- Industry History, 10(1), 121–131. Salt &c., in Germany. Escherich, Bückeburg, Gesner, A. 1861. A Practical Treatise on Coal, Germany. Petroleum, and Other Distilled Oils. Bailliere Edeleanu, L. & Ministère de l’industrie et du com- Brothers, New York; H. Bailliere, London. merce 1912. Fabrication du petrole brut: Les Golubyatnikov, D. 1906. La Region naphtifere de propiétés du pétrole brut par L. Edeleanu. Inde- Berekei. Russia Geological Committee Bulletin, pendenţa, Bucarest. 25, 361–412. Eldridge, G. 1892. On the weak points in steamers Goodenough, W.J. 1903. Memorandum regarding carrying oil in bulk. Transactions of the Institute fuel oil aboard ship. Marine Engineering, 8, 4–6. of Naval Architect, XX, 88–103. Gorgoni, C. 2003. Le salse di Nirano e le altre salse Engler, C. 1888. Zur Bildung des Erdols. Berichte emiliane – I segreti di un fenomeno tra mito e der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 21, realtà. Comune di Fiorano Modenese. Tip. 1816. ABC, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy. Engler, K. 1887. Die deutschen erdöle. Druck von Gortani, M. 1937. Problemi aperti alla ricerca di L. Simion, Berlin. petrolio in Italia: comunicazione presentata al Engler, K. & Hofer, H. 1913. Das Erdol, seine IIo Congresso Mondiale del Petrolio di Parigi Physik, Chemie, Geologic, Technologie und sein per conto dell’Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli
Downloaded from by guest on February 13, 2020 BIBLIOGRAPHY 457 (A.G.I.P.). Anonima Tipografica Editrice Laziale, Holub, L., Švajgl, O., Nevosad, M., Soukup, A. & Roma. Kopal, R. 2005. The Century of Petrol. The His- Goubkin, I.M. 1904. Principaux resultats des travaux tory of the Refining Industry in the Czech Lands. geologiques effectues en 1903 dans le Péninsule The Ceská Rafinérská, Prague. d’Apscheron. Russia Geological Committee Bul- Huguenet, I. & Giuseppe, F. 1856. Asfalto. Consider- letin, 23, 289–330. azioni Generali sull’Origine e Formazione degli Goubkin, I.M. 1934. Tectonics of the South-Eastern Asfalti e del Loro Uso come Cemento Naturale Caucasus and Its Relation to the Productive Oil Applicati ai Lavori di Utilità Pubblica e Privata Fields. U.S.S.R. State Scientific-Technical Pub- Arricchita di Note ed Accresciute di un Appendice lishing Office for Mining, Geology, and Oil sugli Asfalti del Regno di Napoli. Stabilimeto tipog- Industry, Leningrad, Moscow. rafico di Vincenzo Priggiobba, Napoli, Italy. Graf, G.E. 1925. Erdöl, Erdölkapitalismus und Hynek, C. E. 1906. Ueber die Petroleumindustrie Erdölpolitik. Urania, Jena, Germany. und der Petroleumhandel: mit besonderer Ber- Grigoras, N. & Constantinescu, N. 1969. Geological ücksichtigung der rumänischen Oelfelder. Segall activity for oil and gas in the Socialist Republic of & Marcu, Botosani, Romania. Rumania. In: Heppel, P. (ed.) The Exploration for Imperial Institute of HM’s Petroleum Department & Petroleum in Europe and North Africa. The Insti- Cronshaw, H.B. 1921. Petroleum. John Murray, tute of Petroleum, London, 147–159. London. Groves, C.E., Thorp, W. et al. 1895. Chemical Tech- International Petroleum Congress 1905. Compte nology; or Chemistry in its Applications to Arts rendu memoires, 2me Congres International du and Manufactures. P. Blakison, Philadelphia, Petrole: Sous le haut patronage du Gouvernment PA, USA. Belge, Liege, 1905. Meert & Cie, Bruxelles. Grzybowski, J. 1920. The geology of Polish oil International Petroleum Congress 1910. Compte fields. Petroleum World, 17, 389–390. Rendu. 3rd International Petroleum Congress, Harper, L. 1872. A Geological Report on Most 1907, Bucharest. Important Petroleum Lands Situated in the Janoschek, R. & Gotzinger, K.G.H. 1969. Explora- Royal Prussian Province of Hannover in North- tion for oil and gas in Austria. In: Hepple, Germany and on Petroleum in General. Weissen- P. (ed.) The Exploration for Petroleum in Europe bruch, Brussels. and North Africa. The Institute of Petroleum, Harris, J. (ed.) 1704. Lexicon Technicum, or, an Uni- London, 161–180. versal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: Jauch, L. 1921. Le petrole et son industrie. Challa- Explaining Not Only the Terms of Art, But the mel, Paris. Arts Themselves. (2 vols). Printed for Dan Jefferys, T. (ed.) 1754. A New and Complete Dic- Brown, Tim Goodwin, John Wahler, The New- tionary of Arts and Sciences: Comprehending burugh, John Newbolson, London. All the Branches of Useful Knowledge, With Harris, W.J. 1970. The French oil industry. Petro- Accurate Descriptions as Well of the Various leum Review, 24, 248–250. Machines, Instruments, to Oils, Figures, and Hassmann, H. 1950. Erdöl in Deutschland: Schemes Necessary for Illustrating Them. Printed Geschichte, Gebiete, Probleme. Industrieverlag for W. Owen, London. von Hernhaussen, Hamburg, Germany. Jervis, G. 1873. I tesori sotterranei dell’Italia, parte Heck, P. 1907. Die deutsche Erdölindustrie. Aach- II. Loescher, Torino, Italy. ener Verlags und Druckerei-Gesellschaft m.b.H, Jimenez, M. 1840. Tratado de Farmacia Esperimen- Aachen, Germany. tal. Imprenta de Don Narciso Sanchiz, Madrid. Heise, G., Schmidt, W. & Friedrich, E. 1927. Erdöl Johnston, F. 1839. On the origin of petroleum, and und Benzin: Produktion, Handel und Konsum. on the nature of the petroleum from Whitehaven. Columbus, Berlin. British Association for the Advancement of Sci- Henry, J.D. 1914. History and Romance of the ence Repertoire, 8th Meeting, 7, 60. Petroleum Industry. Bradbury, Agnew & Com- Jung, J. 1935. Principes de geologie du petrole. pany Ltd, London. Librairie Polytechnique Ch. Beranger, Paris. Hicks, J.A., Berry, A.G.V. & Redwood, B. 1918. Jung, J. 1938. Historique des recherches de pétrole The Laboratory Book of Mineral Oil Testing. en Limagne. Revue du Science Naturelle d’Au- Charles Griffin & Co., London. vergne, IV, 129–135. Himus, G.W. 1932. Fuel Testing: Laboratory Meth- Jung, J. 1946. Géologie de l’Auvergne et de ses con- ods in Fuel Technology. L. Hill, London. fins bourbonnais et limousins. Mémoire de la Hinde, M. (ed.) 1770–71. A New Royal and Univer- Carte Géologique de France, 11. Société Geologi- sal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences or Complete que de France, Paris. System of Human Knowledge. (2 vols). Printed Kalichevsky, V. 1938. The Amazing Petroleum for J. Cooke, London. Industry. Chapman & Hall, London.
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