Body Counts Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspective / La quantification medicale, perspectives historiques et sociologiques

La page est créée Baptiste Barthelemy
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                                            Foreword                     iii

                                 Body Counts
               Medical Quantification in Historical and
                       Sociological Perspective /
               La quantification medicale, perspectives
                      historiques et sociologiques
                                      edited by
                    g é r a r d j o r l a n d , a n n i c k o pi n el,
                               a n d g e o r ge wei sz

                                  Published for / publié pour
                                      Fondation merieux

                                            by / par

                              McGill-Queen’s University Press
                           Montreal & Kingston • London • Ithaca
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              © McGill-Queen’s University Press 2005
                isbn 0-7735-2829-6 (cloth)
                isbn 0-7735-2925-x (paper)

                Legal deposit second quarter 2005
                Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

                Printed in Canada on acid-free paper that is 100% ancient forest free (100% post-
                consumer recycled), processed chlorine free.

                McGill-Queen’s University Press acknowledges the support of the Canada Council
                for the Arts for its publishing program. It also acknowledges the financial support
                of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development
                Program (bpidp) for its publishing activities.

                Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
                  Body counts : medical quantification in historical and sociological perspective = la
                quantification médicale, perspectives historiques et sociologiques / edited by Gérard
                Jorland, Annick Opinel and George Weisz.
                Text in English and French.
                Proceedings of the symposium La quantification dans les sciences médicales et de
                la santé: perspective historique, held at Musée Claude-Bernard, in Saint-Julien-en-
                Beaujolais, France, Oct. 24–26, 2002.
                Includes index.
                isbn 0-7735-2829-6 (bound).—isbn 0-7735-2925-x (pbk.)
                   1. Medical statistics—History—Congresses. 2. Epidemiology—Statistical meth-
                ods—History—Congresses. 3. Medical instruments and apparatus—History—Con-
                gresses. I. Jorland, Gérard II. Opinel, Annick III. Weisz, George IV. Fonda-
                tion Marcel-Mérieux V. Title: Quantification médicale, perspectives historiques et
                ra407.b62 2005          610’.9       c2004-906136-4E

                Catalogage avant publication de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
                  Body counts : medical quantification in historical and sociological perspective = la
                quantification médicale, perspectives historiques et sociologiques / edited by Gérard
                Jorland, Annick Opinel and George Weisz.
                Textes en anglais et en français.
                Compte-rendu du symposium La quantification dans les sciences médicales et de la
                santé: perspective historique, présentée au Musée Claude-Bernard, in Saint-Julien-
                en-Beaujolais, France, Oct. 24–26, 2002.
                Comprend un index.
                isbn 0-7735-2829-6 (relié).—isbn 0-7735-2925-x (br.)
                   1. Statistique médicale—Histoire—Congrès. 2. Épidémiologie—Méthodes
                statistiques—Histoire—Congrès. 3. Médicine—Appareils et instruments—Histoire—
                Congrès. I. Jorland, Gérard II. Opinel, Annick III. Weisz, George IV. Fonda-
                tion Marcel-Mérieux V. Titre: Quantification médicale, perspectives historiques et
                ra407.b62 2005          610’.9       c2004-906136-4f

                Typeset in 10/12 Baskerville by True to Type
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                                             Foreword                            v


                   Contributors   ix
               1   Introduction: Who Counts?
                   Gérard Jorland and George Weisz 3

                   part one       medic al arithmetic
               2   Quantifying Experience and Beating Biases: A New Culture
                   in Eighteenth-Century British Clinical Medicine
                   Ulrich Tröhler 19
               3   When the State Counts Lives:
                   Eighteenth-Century Quarrels over Inoculation
                   Harry M. Marks 51
               4   Quantifying Infant Mortality in England and France, 1750–1800
                   Andrea Rusnock 65

                   part two       quantific ation and instr umentation
               5   Medical Statistics at the Paris School: What Was at Stake?
                   Ann F. La Berge 89
               6   Standardizing Body Temperature: Quantification in Hospitals
                   and Daily Life, 1850–1900
                   Volker Hess 109
               7   Les multiples usages de la quantification en médecine :
                   Le cas du diabète sucré
                   Christiane Sinding 127
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              vi                                 Contents

                   8   “Measures, Instruments, Methods, and Results”:
                       Jozefa Joteyko on Social Reforms and Physiological Measures
                       Ilana Löwy 145
                   9   The Production of Biomedical Measures:
                       Three Platforms for Quantifying Cancer Pathology
                       Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio 173

                       part three statistics and the
                       underdetermination of theories
              10       La sous-détermination des théories médicales par les
                       statistiques: le cas Semmelweis
                       Gérard Jorland 205
              11       Epidemiology in Transition:
                       Tobacco and Lung Cancer in the 1950s
                       Mark Parascandola 226

                       part four reducing uncertainty and
                       the politics of health
              12       William Farr and Quantification in Nineteenth-Century English
                       Public Health
                       Michael Donnelly 251
              13       La santé publique et ses instruments de mesure :
                       Des barèmes évaluatifs américains aux indices numériques
                       de la Société des Nations, 1915–1955
                       Lion Murard 266
              14       Statistical Theory Was Not the Reason That Randomization Was
                       Used in the British Medical Research Council’s Clinical Trial of
                       Streptomycin for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
                       Iain Chalmers 309
              15       Exigence scientifique et isolement institutionnel : L’essor con-
                       trarié de l’épidémiologie française dans la seconde moitié du
                       XXe siècle
                       Luc Berlivet 335
              16       L’infléchissement du travail politique autour des essais con-
                       trôlés : L’épidémie de sida à la fin du XXe siècle
                       Nicolas Dodier 359
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                                            Contents                            vii

                   part five     afterthoughts
              17   From Clinical Counting to Evidence-Based Medicine
                   George Weisz 377
              18   Medical Quantification: Science, Regulation, and the State
                   Theodore M. Porter 394

                   Index 403
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