Case Study: The Goupil Stock Books Project - Agnès Penot, art historian Ruth Cuadra, technologist
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Case Study: The Goupil Stock Books Project Agnès Penot, art historian Ruth Cuadra, technologist UCLA Digital Art History Summer Ins>tute, July 2015
Goupil’s Gallery of paintings, 9 rue Chaptal. Wood engraving published in Le monde Illustré, 12 May 1860. Galerie de tableaux de la maison Goupil et compagnie, éditeurs d’estampes. Engraving published in L’illustration, March 10 1860, No. 889.
View of the Place de l'Opéra from the top of the Palais Garnier Photograph, ca. 1870. Goupil & Cie, Place de l’Opéra Albumen Print, 20 x 28,7 cm, Musée Goupil.
Goupil in New York Goupil & Co, 289 Broadway, ca. 1850 Knoedler & Co., 772 Broadway, New York New York Public Library Photograph, 1864 New York Public Library.
Jean-Léon Gérome, The Snake Charmer, ca. 1879 Sterling and Francine Clark Institute
William Adolphe Bouguereau, A Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros, 1880 J. Paul Getty Museum
Camille Corot, Ville d’Avray, Oil on canvas, 1870 The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Emmanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Goupil Stock Books
Goupil Stock Book No. 1
! to create digital presenta/on while maintaining integrity of content and physicality ! to expand access beyond scholars who could visit the GRI ! to complement informa/on with expanded research on ar/sts, buyers, prices, etc. ! to support addi/onal uses of the data, including flexible formats to support analysis and visualiza/on
List of Fields F001 Numéro assigné F021 (not used) F041 sale price unscramble F002 n° page F022 n° Goupil F042 lieu de vente F003 N° de ligne F023 transaction F043 nom des acquereurs F004 Notes crayon marge F024 vente posterieures F044 collection suivante F005 registre 1 1846-1861 F025 Titre de l'Oeuvre sujet F045 acquereur autorité F006 registre 2 1861-1865 F026 vente precedentes F046 prix de vente decode F007 registre 3 1866-1868 F027 artiste authorite F047 dealer's cost previous F008 registre 4 1868-1870 F028 (not used) book F009 registre 5 1870-1872 F029 (not used) F048 lieu achat F010 registre 6 1872-1873 F030 Description/genre F049 observations et notes F011 registre 7 1873-1875 F031 dimension F050 collection precedente F012 registre 8 1875-1876 F032 Nom des artistes de reference F013 registre 9 1876-1879 F033 collection posterieure F051 sans nom F014 registre 10 1877-1882 F034 Date entrée F052 collection precedente F015 registre 11 1882-1887 F035 prix d'achat source F016 registre 12 1887-1891 F036 prix de revient code F053 date sortie F017 registre 13 1891-1895 F037 prix revient decode F054 collection precedente F018 registre 14 1895-1901 F038 prix de vente en florin F055 localisation actuelle F019 registre 15 1901-1918 F039 prix de vente en $ F056 notes de editeur F020 n° registre Getty F040 Prix de vente en frs F057 working notes
Raw Data in Excel (part 1)
Raw Data in Excel (part 2)
Raw Data in Excel (part 3)
Authority Control: Terminology ! authority control: a process that organizes information by using a single, distinct name for each topic (people, places, and things) ! authority work: activities that help to achieve authority control ! authority record: place to keep info about a topic (name, subject, material type, etc.) ! authority file: collection of authority records
Authority Control: Example 2 1 3
Handling Variations in Price Information Element Contents Element Contents a Cadre (frame) code and translation n Prix (in number wriBen in the books) cadre o Other price cadre restauration & boite réparation cadre p Parquetage (parquetry) q Rachat (repurchase) b Boite (box) r Restaura/on (restora/on) c currency d Dépréciation (depreciation) code and translation restaura/on cadre s (not used because search field FCODXS is taken e Encadrement (framing) for FCODX words) f Retouche t Prix (transla/on) g Dorure (gilding) u Reproduc/on dorure v Droit de reproduc/on (copyright) dorure cadre dorure de cadre w Commission x Prix (code) h y Comments/Notes i Augmentation z Total (net) code and transla/on j Réparation k Glace (glass) 1 (not used) l (not used because it looks like “one”) 2 Notre 1/2 m Rentoilage (remounting) 3 Notre 1/3 or 2/3 rentoilage retouche 4 Notre 1/4 or 3/4
Translating Price Codes (part 1)
Translating Price Codes (part 2)
Translating Price Codes (part 3)
“Keeping it Simple” Book 10, Page 3. Abbreviated annotations indicating the various consignment locations and provenance of Herodiade by Paul Delaroche. Branch Code Transla>on O branch place de l’Opéra C headquarters rue Chaptal Bl branch boulevard Montmartre The Goupil & Cie/Boussod, Valadon & Cie Stock Books The Dieterle Family Records of French Art Galleries (1846-1986) Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, inv. 900239.
Changes Designed to Improve Searching ! Handling duplicates ! Transforming format of entry date (date d’achat par Goupil) and sale date (date de vente/sortie) to YYYY/MM/DD, ! Standardizing words for type of object (painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, etc.) ! Creating a “transaction” field so that works sold, not sold, exchanged, etc. can be identified. " a crossed-out title meant the work was “Vendu” (sold) " no sale price given meant the work was “Non vendu” (not sold)
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian
Lesson Learned by the Art Historian Evolution of Goupil Sales and Purchases (1846-1919)
Lesson Learned by the Technologist
Thank You! Agnès Penot ( Ruth Cuadra (
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