Fournitures Scolaires - Secondaire - Qingpu 2021-2022 - Lycée Français de ...
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Fournitures Scolaires – Secondaire – Qingpu 2021-2022 L’école fournira les fournitures scolaires suivantes : cahiers de chinois, classeurs trieurs, copies simples et doubles. La distribution de ces fournitures se fera par l’intermédiaire des enseignants en début d’année. Les élèves du collège et du lycée devront s’équiper du matériel suivant pour la rentrée des classes : Un agenda (obligatoire) Une trousse avec matériel : crayon HB, stylos à bille, critérium (0.5 ou 0.7mm), crayons de couleur, feutres fins, colle, gomme, ciseaux, surligneurs. Un feutre noir fin (ink pen) Une règle minimum 20 cm, une équerre, un compas, un rapporteur non flexible Un normographe (3e et lycée) LUTINS : Pour les élèves de tous les niveaux : 5 Lutins de 30 pochettes transparentes • Pour les élèves en 3e : 3 Lutins supplémentaires (de 40 pochettes transparentes) • Pour les élèves de la 2nde à la terminale : 2 Lutins supplémentaires (dont 1 de 40 pochettes transparentes et 1 de 60 pochettes transparentes) • Pour les élèves de SIC : 1 lutin supplémentaire de 30 ou 40 pochettes transparentes CLASSEURS : Pour les élèves de tous les niveaux : 5 Classeurs format A4, 4 anneaux ; accompagnés de pochettes plastifiées, d’intercalaires de couleur et des œillets. • Pour les élèves de 3e : 1 classeur souple + intercalaires + pochettes transparentes • Pour les élèves du lycée : un classeur souple + intercalaires + pochettes transparentes 3 cahiers de brouillon A4 Un bloc de papier millimétré (à partir de la 4e) 3 protège-cahiers A4 (21x29.7) et 3 protège-cahiers (24x32) Une blouse 100 % coton à manches longues pour les élèves de la 6e à la 2nde et pour les élèves en 1e et Terminale Spécialité SVT et/ou PC Un survêtement ou un short, un t-shirt et une paire de basket adaptée à la pratique sportive Une tenue de rechange Maillot de bain, lunettes, bonnet, serviette et produits de douche pour la piscine CALCULATRICE : • Pour les élèves du collège : une calculatrice scientifique. • Pour les élèves du lycée : une calculatrice programmable possédant la fonction : mode examen (TI-83 premium CE Texas Instruments ou Casio Graph 90+E ou Numworks). Les élèves possédant déjà une calculatrice possédant le mode examen pourront la conserver. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Un casque ou des écouteurs Une clef USB 4 GB Une flute à bec Soprano Yamaha (pour les élèves de la 6ème à la 3ème) Un Bescherelle art de conjuguer de la 6ème à la 3ème Un Bescherelle langue chinoise Un rouleau de papier non autocollant pour recouvrir les livres Un flacon de produit anti-poux (ex : Duo LP-PRO Laboratoire Terra Sante, Pouxit XF) Conseil aux terminales : se procurer les annales du BAC dès qu'elles seront parues, c’est à dire en octobre/novembre. De nombreux dictionnaires sont disponibles au 3C et en ligne. Toutefois, pour un usage à domicile, nous vous proposons ci-dessous un choix de dictionnaires (modèle à titre indicatif et selon le choix de LV) : Dictionnaire latin pour les élèves latinistes de la 3e à la terminale – Le Gaffiot version poche Hachette Dictionnaire français - Petit Larousse illustré Dictionnaire anglais (éviter dictionnaire de poche) - HARRAP’S ou COLLINS Dictionnaire de poche français-espagnol / espagnol-français LAROUSSE Dictionnaire français-allemand / allemand-français HACHETTE / LANGENSCHEIDET ou HARRAP’S (nouvelle édition). Les deux ouvrages sont valables de la 5e à Terminale. Les enseignants recommandent : le dictionnaire de poche de Langenscheidt : Taschenwörterbuch Französisch, ISBN 3-468-1159-2. Précis grammatical visant le niveau A1-B2, paru chez Pons: Grammatik kurz und bündig (Deutsch als Fremdsprache), ISBN 978-3-12-561911-1. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
FRANÇAIS En Français, les élèves vont étudier des séries, qu’ils conserveront. Il est important de vous les procurer dès la rentrée et de respecter l´édition demandée pour laquelle l’enseignant a précisé le code ISBN afin que tous les élèves puissent travailler avec les mêmes références. La liste des ouvrages sera complétée ou diffusée pour achat en début d’année par chaque professeur. La conjoncture actuelle limitant les possibilités de séjour en France cet été, nous vous conseillons les commandes sur ou Beaucoup d’œuvres étudiées étant les mêmes que cette année, vous pourrez également vous procurer les livres auprès des anciens élèves de chaque niveau. Pour tous les niveaux, nous recommandons l’achat d’un classeur, d’intercalaires et de pochettes transparentes. • Ouvrages étudiés pendant l’année scolaire TITRE ÉDITEUR CODE ISBN SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 6e Collectif, Le Roman de Renart Hatier Classiques et Cie collège 978-2218997594 Rudyard Kipling, Le Livre de la Jungle Belin – Gallimard 978-2410003796 Molière, Le Médecin malgré lui Bibliocollège 978-2013949774 SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 5e Molière, Les Fourberies de Scapin Nathan – Carrés classiques 978-2091887630 M. Morpurgo, Le Roi Arthur Gallimard Jeunesse 978-2075103824 Béatrice Nicodème, Le secret de la cathédrale Livre de poche – Jeunesse 978-2010015816 SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 4e Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (version abrégée) Hatier – Oeuvres et thèmes 978-2218954399 Pierre Corneille, Le Cid Bibliocollège 978-2011678485 Guy de Maupassant, Deux amis et autres contes Gallimard – Folio junior 978-2070626168 SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 3e Volatire, Zadig GF – Étonnants classiques 978-2218747113 Anouilh, Antigone Hatier Classiques 978-2710381419 Joseph Kessel, Les Mains du miracle Gallimard-Folio Classique 978-2070306459 Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 2nde Molière, Dom Juan Nathan - Carrés classiques Lycée 978-2091891187 Victor Hugo, Le Dernier jour d’un condamné Hatier-Classiques et Cie Lycée 978-2218959257 Emile Zola, Thérèse Raquin Gallimard – Folio Classique plus 978-2070313969 Albert Camus, L’Etranger Folio Gallimard 978-2070360024 Bertolt Brecht, La résistible ascension d’Arturo L’Arche 978-2851817938 Ui Marie Ndiaye, Papa vient manger Editions de Minuit 978-2707317988 Amélie Nothomb, Stupeur et tremblements Magnard – Classiques et 978-2210754959 contemporains SÉRIES ÉLÈVES 1ère Olympe de Gouges, Déclaration des droits de Belin-Gallimard, Classico Lycée 979-1035807221 la femme et de la citoyenne Madame de Lafayette, La Princesse de Clèves Belin-Gallimard – Classico Lycée 979-1035807146 Victor Hugo, Les Contemplations, livre I-IV Belin-Gallimard – Classico Lycée 979-1035807108 Jean-Luc Lagarce, Juste la fin du monde Les solitaires intempestifs 978-2846815017 • Lectures recommandées pour l’été 6ème Hésiode, La Théogonie, les Travaux et les Jours et autres poèmes Homère, L’Odyssée Homère, L’Iliade Virgile, Énéide Anonyme, Gilgamesh Anonyme, Les Mille et Une Nuits Lewis Carroll, Les Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles Charles Perrault, Contes de ma Mère l’Oye Pierre Gripari, La sorcière de la rue Mouffetard et autres contes de la rue Broca José Féron Romano, La bête du Gévaudan Évelyne Brisou-Pellen, Thésée, Ariane et le Minotaure Évelyne Brisou-Pellen, Romulus et Rémus, les fils de la louve Henri Winterfeld, L’affaire Caïus Richard Normandon, Le mystère de Dédale Jean-Côme Noguès, Le Faucon déniché Martin Stevens, Les ruses de la nature C. Némo, Les Aventures du jeune Jules Verne Stéphane Audeguy, Les monstres Joseph Joffo, Un sac de billes Jack London, L’Appel de la forêt et Croc-Blanc Timothée de Fombelle, Tobie Lolness et Les Yeux d’Elisha Anne Rossi, La grande rivière Annie Jay, Le fils de Molière Christophe Mauri, la série des Mathieu Hidalf Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
5ème Chrétien de Troyes, Le Conte du Graal ou le roman de Perceval Julien Gracq, Le Roi Pêcheur Anonyme, Beowulf Béroul, Tristan et Iseut Jacques de Voragine, La Légende Dorée (t-1 et 2) Christophe Colomb, La Découverte de l’Amérique Joseph Kessel, Le lion Odile Weurlersse, Le chevalier au bouclier vert Odile Weurlersse, Les chevaliers du roi Arthur Thomas Lavachery, Bjorn le Morphir Suzanne Collins & Guillaume Fournier, Hunger Games Veronica Roth & Anne Delcourt, Divergente Stephenie Meyer, Les âmes vagabondes Roald Dahl, James et la grosse pêche Maurice Leblanc, Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur Agatha Christie, Le meurtre de Roger Ackroyd Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Oscar et la dame rose Annelise Heurtier, Sweet sixteen Malala Yousafzai, Moi, Malala Pierre Mac Orlan, Les Clients du Bon Chien jaune 4ème Aloysius Bertrand, Gaspard de la nuit Prosper Mérimée, La Vénus d’Ille Edgar Allan Poe, Histoires extraordinaires Théophile Gautier, La Morte amoureuse – Avatar et autres récits fantastiques E.T.A Hoffman, Contes nocturnes Dino Buzzati, Nouvelles étranges et inquiétantes Anthony Horowitz, L’île du crâne Daniel Pennac, Au bonheur des ogres Emile Zola, Au bonheur des dames Franck Pavloff, Le squat résiste Raymond Queneau, Zazie dans le métro John Green, Nos étoiles contraires Cole Gibsen, Blacklistée Siobhan Vivian, La liste Scott Westerfeld, Uglies Kristin Cast, La Maison de la nuit Alexandre Dumas, Le Comte de Monte Cristo et Les trois mousquetaires Mary Ann Shaffer et Annie Barrows, Le cercle littéraire des amateurs d’épluchures de patates Delphine de Vigan, No et moi Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
3ème René Barjavel, La nuit des temps Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le petit prince George Orwell, La ferme des animaux George Orwell, 1984 Julien Gracq, Un balcon en forêt Émile Zola, Le Ventre de Paris Victor Hugo, L’homme qui rit Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami Romain Gary, La promesse de l’aube Aldous Huxley, Le Meilleur des mondes Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis H.G. Wells, La Machine à explorer le temps Hervé Bazin, Vipère au poing Lois Lowry, Le Passeur Jean-Claude Mourlevat, Terrienne Jean-Christophe Ruffin, Globalia Yasmina Khadra, L’attentat Laurent Gaudé, La mort du roi Tsongor Fed Uhlman, L’ami retrouvé Tahar Ben Jelloun, Mes contes de Perrault Mickaël Ollivier, Tout doit disparaître Annie Ernaux, Regarde les lumières mon amour Vincent Hein, À l’est des nuages Emmanuel Carrère, L’adversaire Joël Dicker, La vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert Stieg Larsson, Millenium 1, 2 et 3 Anna Gavalda, Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part Daphné du Maurier, Rebecca Kathrine Kressmann Taylor, Inconnu à cette adresse LYCÉE Albert Camus, La peste Daniel Arasse, On n’y voit rien. Descriptions Paul Auster, Trilogie newyorkaise Honoré de Balzac, Le Colonel Chabert Honoré de Balzac, La Peau de chagrin Honoré de Balzac, Le père Goriot Julian Barnes, Le Perroquet de Flaubert Pierre Bayard, Comment parler des livres que l’on n’a pas lus Samuel Beckett, Fin de partie Bruno Bettelheim, Psychanalyse des contes de fées Jorge Luis Borges, Fictions Italo Calvino, Le Vicomte pourfendu Truman Capote, De sang-froid : récit véridique d'un meurtre multiple et de ses conséquences Sorj Chalandon, Le Quatrième mur Albert Cohen, Belle du Seigneur Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Guy Delisle, Chroniques de Jérusalem Fiodor Dostoïevski, Crime et châtiment Alexandre Dumas, Les Trois Mousquetaires Marguerite Duras, Un Barrage contre le Pacifique Bret Easton Ellis, Lunar Park Gustave Flaubert, L’Education sentimentale Nicolas Gogol, Le Nez Witold Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke James Joyce, Les Gens de Dublin Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons dangereuses Maïlys de Kerangal, La Naissance d’un pont Franz Kafka, Le Procès Milan Kundera, La Plaisanterie Primo Lévi, Si c’est un homme Roy Lewis, Pourquoi j’ai mangé mon père Ma Jian, Nouilles chinoises Gabriel García Márquez, L’Amour au temps du choléra Gabriel García Márquez, Chronique d’une mort annoncée Haruki Murakami, La Fin des temps Amélie Nothomb, Hygiène de l’assassin Georges Perec, W ou le souvenir d’enfance Marcel Proust, « Un amour de Swann », dans Du côté de chez Swann Oliver Sacks, L’homme qui prenait sa femme pour un chapeau Nathalie Sarraute, Ouvrez Art Spiegelman, Maus Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir Michel Tournier, Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique Jules Vallès, L’Enfant Boris Vian, L’Arrache-cœur Voltaire, Candide Oscar Wilde, Le Portrait de Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
SECTION INTERNATIONALE DE CHINOIS • Ouvrages étudiés pendant l’année scolaire Les élèves vont étudier des textes préparés par leurs professeurs et/ou des extraits/ouvrages littéraires. Lorsqu’un ouvrage intégral est étudié, le département de chinois se charge de fournir un exemplaire aux élèves, qui le conserveront. • Lectures recommandées pour l’été Les ouvrages ci-dessous sont sélectionnés par les professeurs de la SIC. Il est conseillé aux élèves de SIC d’en lire au moins un. Tous les livres sont disponibles sur au moins un des 3 sites suivants : ; ; Il est préférable de respecter les éditions indiquées, sans que cela soit obligatoire. Collège Titre Auteur Editeur ISBN 苏尚耀讲孔子的故事 苏尚耀 贵州教育出版社 9787545613421 6e 江苏凤凰少年儿童出 草房子 曹文轩 9787534618727 SIC 版社 藏在地图里的古诗词 斯塔熊文化 山东省地图出版社 9787557203351 杨红樱成长三部曲(五 三班的坏小子/假小子戴 杨红樱 作家出版社 27916853 5e 安/漂亮老师) SIC 漫画三国 (全四册) 赵鹏工作室 中国少年儿童出版社 25257102 世界大人物传记(套装 韩梅梅 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 9787559441591 全 5 册)拼音版 下课去埃及 (The Egypt 济尔法·基特利·斯 Game for B2 level or 奈德 Zilpha Keatley 晨光出版社出版 9787541493409 higher) Snyder 猫王 ( for B2 level or 4e 黄春华 中国少年儿童出版社 9787500798514 higher) SIC 郑和下西洋的故事(牛 郎织女/伯牙摔琴谢知音 彩虹桥汉语分级读 华语教学出版社 9787513811934 /柳毅传书)(for B1 物 level) Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
晚上的浩浩荡荡童话 梅子涵,姚红 江苏少年儿童出版社 9787534630071 3e 给孩子的诗 北岛 中信出版集团 9787508646664 SIC 亲爱的安德烈 龙应台 广西师范大学出版社 9787549564125 Lycée Titre Auteur Editeur ISBN 活着 余华 作家出版社 9787506365437 2nde 边城 沈从文 商务印书馆 9787100123259 SIC 顾城诗选——我会像青 顾城 北京十月文艺出版社 9787530210895 草一样呼吸 棋王 树王 孩子王 阿城 人民文学出版社 9787020108954 1ère 孤独深处 郝景芳 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 9787539992761 SIC 从百草园到三味书屋 鲁迅 人民教育出版社 9787107333163 长恨歌 王安忆 人民文学出版社 9787020106684 Tle 新文学丛刊——汪曾祺 汪曾祺 北京燕山出版社 9787540247294 SIC 短篇小说选 杂的文 韩寒 天津人民出版社 9787201126517 Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
SECTION EUROPEENNE ANGLAIS (SEA), SECTION INTERNATIONALE CHINOIS (SIC), SECTION ORIENTALE CHINOIS (SOC) Collège 3e SEA et SIC Extremely Loud and ISBN: 978- Jonathan Safran Incredibly Close 0618711659 Mariner Books Foer 3e SEA et SIC Haroun and the Sea ISBN: 978- of Stories 0140157376 Penguin Books Rushdie Salman 3e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Delacorte Books for The Maze Runner 0385737944 Young Readers James Dashner ISBN: 978- Delacorte Books for 3e general The Maze Runner James Dashner 0385737944 Young Readers ISBN: 978- 3e general Crazy Rich Asians Anchor Kevin Kwan 0345803788 e 3 SIC (groupe avancé, notifié Edexcel Addison, Brunner, par Mme International GCSE ISBN: 978- Pearson Foster, O’Brien, Lorenzoni) (9-1) English 0435182564 Taylor & Tennakoon Language A 3e SIC (groupe avancé, notifié par Mme ISBN: 978- The Joy Luck Club Penguin Books Amy Tan Lorenzoni) 0143038092 3e SIC (groupe avancé, notifié The curious incident par Mme ISBN: 978- Vintage of the dog in the Mark Haddon Lorenzoni) 1400032716 Contemporaries nighttime 4e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- William Morrow Death on the Nile 0062073556 Paperbacks Agatha Christie e 4 SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- The Giver 0544336261 HMH Books Lowry 4e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Penguin (platinium The Outsiders 0142407332 edition) SE Hinton ISBN: 978- 4e general The Giver HMH Books Lowry 0544336261 Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Alex Rider : ISBN: 978- 4e general Puffin Books Anthony Horowitz Stormbreaker 0142406113 5e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Wonder 0552565974 Corgi Children's Library RJ Palacio 5e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Billy Elliot 1903434338 Gardners Books Melvin Burgess 5e SEA et SIC Kensuke's ISBN: 978- Michael Kingdom 0439591812 Scholastic Morpurgo ISBN: 978- 5e general Kensuke's Kingdom Scholastic Michael Morpurgo 0439591812 American Born ISBN: 978- 5e general Square Fish (Macmillan) Luen Yang Chinese 0312384487 6e SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Diary of a Wimpy Kid Penguin Books Jeff Kinney 0141324906 e 6 SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- The Canterville Ghost Wilder Publications Oscar Wilde 1515430636 6e SEA et SIC ISBN:978- Holes Yearling Louis Sachar 0440414803 6e general The Canterville Ghost (Black Cat A1 ISBN: 978- Black Cat Oscar Wilde version) 8877545206 ISBN: 978- 6e general Smile Scholastic Raina Telgemeier 0545132060 Lycée Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Addison, Brunner, nde ISBN: 978- 2 SEA et SIC (9– 1) English as a Pearson Foster, O’Brien, Taylor 0435188948 Second Language & Tennakoon (ESL) Student Book 2nde SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Persepolis 0375714832 Pantheon Marjane Satrapi 2nde SEA et SIC ISBN: 978- Empire of the sun 0743265232 Simon & Schuster J. G. Ballard 2nde SIC (groupe avancé, notifié par Mme ISBN: 978- Ender's Game Tor Science Fiction Orson Scott Card Lorenzoni) 0812550702 2nde general Persepolis ISBN: 978- Pantheon Marjane Satrapi 0375714832 Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
SECTION INTERNATIONALE AMERICAINE (SIA) Collège ISBN: 978- 3e SIA The Joy Luck Club Penguin Books Amy Tan 0143038092 Death and the King’s ISBN: 978- Methuen Student 3e SIA Wole Soyinka Horseman * 0413695505 Editions e 3 SIA Edexcel International ISBN: 978- Pearson Addison, Brunner, GCSE(9-1) English 0435182564 Foster, O’Brien, Language A Taylor & Tennakoon ISBN: 978- 4e SIA Animal Farm Penguin George Orwell 0141182704 ISBN: 978- Balzer & Bray/Haper 4e SIA The Hate You Give Angie Thomas 0062498533 Teen ISBN: 978- Cambridge School 4e SIA Romeo & Juliet Shakespeare 1107615403 Shakespeare ISBN: 978- 5e SIA The Hunger Games Scholastic Press Suzanne Collins 0439023528 The Diary of Anne Frank, ISBN: 978- Heinemann – Pearson Frances Goodrich 5e SIA play version* 0435233143 Education and Albert Hackett 5e SIA The AbsolutelyTrue Little Brown ISBN: 978- Diary of part-time Sherman Alexie 0316013697 Indian ISBN: 978- 6e SIA A Monster Calls Candlewick Patrick Ness 0763660659 ISBN: 978- 6e SIA Percy Jackson Puffin Rick Riordan 0141329994 ISBN: 978- 6e SIA War Horse (Playscript) Faber Drama Nick Stafford 0571240159 Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Lycée Tle SIA ISBN: 978- The Great Gatsby Simon & Schuster F. Scott Fitzgerald 0743273565 Tle SIA ISBN: 978- Cambridge School The Tempest William Shakespeare 1107615533 Shakespeare Tle SIA ISBN: 978- A Streetcar Named Desire Penguin Tennessee Williams 0141190273 ISBN: 978- 1e SIA Love in a Fallen City Penguin Classics Aileen Chang 0141189369 e 1 SIA ISBN: 978- The Handmaid’s Tale Vintage Margaret Atwood 1784874872 e 1 SIA ISBN: 978- Penguin Modern Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe 0141186887 Classics ISBN: 978- 1e SIA Intimate Apparel* Nick Hern Lynn Nottage 1848424371 1e SIA A Room of One'sOwn ISBN: 978- Collins Classics Virginia Woolf and Three Guineas 0007558063 2e SIA ISBN: 978- Edexcel International Addison, Brunner, 0435182564 GCSE(9-1) English Pearson Foster, O’Brien, Language A Taylor & Tennakoon 2e SIA ISBN: 978- Oxford School Macbeth 0198324003 Shakespeare William Shakespeare • Lectures recommandées pour l’été - pour les SIA Nous encourageons nos élèves de la section internationale à lire au moins un ouvrage en anglais pendant l’été. Voici quelques suggestions de lecture classées selon le niveau classe. 6e The Everest Files Matt Dickinson Ryan Hart is on a gap year adventure. In his own words he is 'up for anything'. A local girl begs him to investigate why her sixteen-year-old friend Kami never came back from Everest. A solo journey takes Ryan deep into the mountains where his detective work finally pays off. What emerges is a shocking story of fatal human errors, a twisting tale in which life and death decisions are distorted by ambition, ego and greed. All played out on the lethal slopes of the highest mountain in the world. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
The Tornado Chasers Ross Montgomery Owen Underwood's family move to Barrow, it's because there's nowhere safer in the Valleys - especiallywhen the threat of tornadoes and giant bears is constant. But in Barrow, safety is taken to extremes. Children have to wear bright yellow at all times and are only allowed outside to go to school. In secret, Owen and his friends form the Tornado Chasers. Their mission: to get as close to a Grade 5 tornado as possible. Whistling in the Dark Shirley Hughes Liverpool, 1940: 13 year old Joan's home is under threat from the Nazi's nightly air-raids. Joan and best friend Doreen love going to the cinema until the bombings intensify and then that becomes too dangerous, especially when a deserter is found lurking near their home. Who is he and why does he think Joan can help him? As the Blitz worsens, Joan and her friends make a discovery that will tear the whole communityapart. Grandpa’s Great Escape David Walliams Jack’s Grandpa wears his slippers to the supermarket, serves up tinned tongue for dinner and often doesn’t remember Jack’s name. But he can still take to the skies in a speeding Spitfire and save the day…A portrait of the bond between a boy and his Grandpa – this book takes readers on an incredible journey - in a high octane adventure full of comedy and heart. The Sound of Whales Kerr Thomson Three children are spending their summer on a wild Scottish island. Fraser is desperate for adventure; Hayley is fed up she’s there; while Dunny spends his days staring out to sea. He hasn't said a word in years. But everything changes with the discovery of two bodies on the beach: a whale and a man. Fraser and Hayley see a mystery-adventure to be solved, but Dunny is inconsolable. Crash Landing Zac Harrison When John Riley gets on the wrong coach, he ends up at an elite academy on an enormous space ship, where his classmates are aliens, the food is disgusting, and the penalty for failing exams is harsh. Can heshow that he deserves a place at Hyperspace High? Demolition Dad Phil Earle This is the story of Jake Biggs and his dad, George. George spends all week knocking down buildings ... and all weekend knocking down wrestlers. He's the Demolition Man, and Jake couldn't be prouder. But when Jake hears about a pro-wrestling competition in the USA, and persuades his beloved dad to apply, things don't quite turn out the way he expected... Wild Boy & the Black Terror Rob Lloyd Jones A new sensation grips London - a poisoner who strikes without a trace, leaving victims mad with terror ... and then dead. Is there a cure for the black terror? To find out, Wild Boy and Clarissa must catch thekiller. Their hunt will lead them from the city's vilest slums to its grandest palaces, and to the darkness at the heart of its very highest society. Gorilla Dawn Gill Lewis Deep in the heart of the African jungle, a baby gorilla is captured by a group of rebel soldiers. Imara and Bobo are two children also imprisoned in the rebels' camp. When they learn that the gorilla is destined to be sold into captivity, they swear to return it to the wild before it's too late. But the consequences ofgetting caught are too terrible to think about. Will the bond between the gorilla and the children give them the courage they need to escape? Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Dork Diaries : Puppy Love Rachel Renee Russell The brand NEW instalment from the internationally bestselling DORK DIARIES series. Nikki's diary isup to the month of May, and springtime is sure to bring more adorkable fun for Nikki and her friends Chloe, Zoey and Brandon! Goth Girl & the Wuthering Fright Chris Riddell People are flocking to Ghastly-Gorm Hall to compete in Lord Goth's Literary Dog Show. The esteemedjudges are in place and the contestants are all ready to win. But there's something strange going on at Ghastly-Gorm - mysterious footprints, howls in the night and some suspiciously chewed shoes. Can Ada, the Attic Club and their new friends the Vicarage sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne) work out what's goingon before the next full moon? Magnus Chase & the Sword of Summer Rick Riordan Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston. One day, he’s tracked down by a man he’s never met - the man tells him that he is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. To preventRagnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents,Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . . First Class Murder Robin Stevens Daisy and Hazel are taking a holiday on the Orient Express - and it's clear that every fellow first-class passenger has something to hide. Then, during dinner, there is a scream from inside one of the cabins.When the door is broken down, a passenger is found murdered, her stunning ruby necklace gone. Butthe killer has vanished - as if into thin air. Daisy and Hazel are faced with their first ever locked-room mystery - and with competition from several other sleuths, who are just as determined to crack the case. Pugs in the Frozen North Philip Reeve The Race to the Top of the World! It comes around once in a lifetime, and the prize? Your heart's desire. Shen and Sika can't resist the chance to win, but competition is fierce. The path to victory is littered with snow trolls, sea monsters, and a gang of hungry yetis. But Shen and Sika have somethingthe other contestants don't have. Actually, they have 66 other things; pugs to be exact. That's a 264 paw-powered sled. Let the race begin! A Greyhound of a Girl Roddy Doyle 12 year old Mary's beloved grandmother is near the end of her life. Letting go is hard - until Granny's long- dead mammy appears. Her ghost has returned to help her dying daughter say goodbye to the ones she loves. But first she needs to take them all on a road trip to the past. A perfectly-pitched, funny and tender tale about four generations of an Irish family, and the special bonds between mothers and daughters. It will entrance readers from 10 to adult. Dead to You Lisa McMann Ethan was abducted from his front garden when he was just seven years old. Now, at sixteen, he has returned to his family. It's a miracle at first. Then the tensions start to build, and his family starts falling apart all over again. If only Ethan could remember something, anything, about his life before, he'd be ableto put the pieces back together. But there's something that's keeping his memory blocked. Something unspeakable. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
5e The Mystery Garth Nix, Sean Williams Born to protect the world - or possibly blow it up! When Grandma X is put out of actionby an accident, it's up to Jack and Jaide Shield to help their father recover a lost Golden Card from Portland's strangest landmark. May Require Batteries (The World of Norm) Jonathan Meres What with overdue homework, overdue pocket money and a bag full of overduenewspapers, one thing's for sure: life for Norm isn't getting any less unfair. And did hemention the fact that he's the only kid on the planet without an Magnificat Marilyn Edwards A little cat finds refuge in the local church - and so does Ben until Magnificat is snatched. As she struggles to survive a life in the wild, Ben desperately searches forher, refusing to give up even when it looks like she’s gone forever. Pants Are Everything Mark Lowery Hilarious catastrophes befall Michael Swarbrick, again, after the disasters that befallhim in Socks are not enough. Tall Tales from Pitch End Nigel McDowell Bruno mourns the death of his Rebel father. After discovering a plot planned by the Elders, Bruno flees to the mountains where a bunch of disparate young Rebels are planning a final attack. How to be Invisible Tim Lott 13 year old Strato who suddenly finds that he can become invisible. Now, withoutbeing seen, Strato can find out about everything that is going on around him. Into That Forest Louis Nowra Hannah and Becky are sailing with Hannah’s dad when swept overboard. The girls findthemselves washed ashore in Tasmania. They survive in the bush with the help of two tigers. After the Snow S. D. Crockett 15-year-old Willo, alone in the barren landscape of a new ice age, begins a journey ofsurvival, adventure, friendship and self-discovery - with only the dog spirit inside his head to guide him. Four Children and It Jacqueline Wilson A funny, moving and heart-warming story of four children who discover a way to makewishes come true. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
The Forever Whale Sarah Lean When Hannah’s Granddad has a stroke it's like he's lost inside himself. Hannah sets outto make a film of his life and finds an extraordinary story about a whale that connectshis childhood to her own. Jimmy Coates: Blackout Joe Craig Jimmy Coates seems like an ordinary boy, but he’s not. He’s genetically engineered to grow into the perfect government assassin. Speed,strength and deadly instinct - it’s all in the blood. He has to fight not to kill, while his government fights to kill him. Black Arts The Books of Pandemonium Andrew Prentice, Jonathan Weil When Jack picks the wrong pocket at the Globe Theatre, he finds himself mixed up inan unimagined dangerous Elizabethan London. Ghosts of the Forest Steve Backshall Saving the rain forest! That’s the vital mission of Saker and his friend Sinter. The preciousforest is being cleared by loggers leaving the wild life at risk, especially the orang- utans. Race the Wind Lauren St.John Casey Blue earns her and Storm an invitation to the Kentucky Three Day Event. But herfather is arrested and she finds herself the victim of a blackmailer. To make matters worse, Storm is behaving like the wild horse he once was. Valkyrie Kate O'Hearn Freya is dreading turning fourteen - that marks the official end of her childhood andwhen she takes up full duties of a Valkyrie - a collector of souls from humanity's battlefields The Boy in the Dress David Walliams Rereleased for those who have not yet read this. Over Sea Under Stone Susan Cooper Simon, Jane and Barney Drew discover an ancient map in the attic of the Grey House,in Cornwall, where they are staying with their mysterious Great-Uncle Merry. It is the start of a quest to find a grail, that could contain - or resurrect - the powerful, age-old forces of evil in the world. And the Drews are not the only ones searching for it. Dragon Lords Rising Lucinda Hare A gnome, a girl and a dwarf fly north on an injured battledragon in the depth of winterto search for the missing Commander of the Stealth Dragon Services. Throw in a spy, an overweight dragon fledgling who’s so plump he cannot fly, and a renegade Sorcerer Warlock hot on their tail, and it seems like a quest doomed to failure from the outset.But Quenelda is no ordinary girl she is a dragon whisperer in a world at war. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
4e The Taming of the Tights Louise Rennison The hilarious escapades of Tallulah Casey as she returns to Dother Hall for a thirdsummer of drama school and – more importantly – boys! BZRK: Reloaded Michael Grant The first battle is over, but the war rages on. Sanity or madness? Truth or happiness? Love or survival? In the nano, you don't get to decide. Noah and Sadie are now trained twitchers. They know how to wire a person's brain from the inside, and how to get out alive. But they're still reeling from their first encounter with the Armstrong Twins, and there's no time for grief. Doll Bones Holly Black Twelve-year-old Zach is too old to play with toys. But even though he stops hanging out with Poppy and Alice, stops playing with his action figures, it's no good. There's one toy that still wants to play with him. A doll that's made from the bones of a deadgirl. ZOM-B Angels Darren Shan B finds refuge with Angels, a group of teenagers who are dedicated to the task of restoring order back to the living. They are led by a mysterious, kindly doctor who cananswer many of the questions that have been thrown up so far. Theodore Boone: The Activist John Grisham Though he's only 13, Theodore Boone has spent more time in the courtroom thanalmost anywhere else, and there's always a new adventure waiting. The Noble Conflict Malorie Blackman Kaspar joined the Guardians to protect against a vicious band of rebels when he has achance encounter with a rebel - a beautiful girl named Rhea. Haunted from that moment on by strange visions and memories - memories that could only belong to Rhea - he realizes he hasn't been told the truth about what the rebels really want, and what he's really fighting for. Blame my Brain: The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed Nicola Morgan During the teenage years the brain is its most radical and fundamental change since the age of two. This book explains important new findings, the discovery of mirror neurons and their effect, the need for more sleep, the urge to take risks, the differencebetween genders and the reasons behind addiction or depression. Casting Shadows Sophie Mckenzie River and Flynn have been dating for a while and have managed to make it work despite Flynn’s his hot temper Unnatural Creatures Neil Gaiman Chosen by Neil Gaiman, this beguiling collection of short stories is inhabited by anamazing menagerie of creatures from myth, legend and dark imagination. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
Shadow and Bone Leigh Bardugo The Shadow Fold, impenetrable darkness, crawling with monsters that feast on human flesh, is slowly destroying the once-great Ravka. Alina, a pale, lonely orphan, discoversa unique power. Could she be the key to the Shadow Fold and setting Ravka free? The Diaries of Bluebell Gadsby After Iris Natasha Farrant Bluebell Gadsby is 13 but that's the least of her problems, no one in the Gadsby familycan help...So Blue turns to her diary and her unique way of seeing the world through her camcorder to express herself. The Wolfstone Curse Justin Richards When Peter joins his archaeologist father in the strange village of Wolfstone, he has noidea what dark secrets the village and its manor house hold. Can Peter and Carys uncover the real truth behind the legend of the werewolf and will they survive the Wolfstone Curse? Nowhere Jon Robinson 'No one's coming for us. Not our families, not the police. No one.' Alyn, Jes, Ryan and Elsa are 3 of 100 teenagers imprisoned inside a concrete cube in the middle of a forest. But none of them remember committing any crimes. Who has put them there? What do their captors want? And how will they ever break free...? Black Tide Caroline Clough In the aftermath of the terrible Red Fever epidemic, which has wiped out much of the world's population Toby's dad and little sister have been kidnapped by the mysteriousGeneral. Toby sets out on a perilous mission to find New Caledonia and, he hopes, hisfamily. Race the Wind Lauren St.John Casey Blue's success earns her invitation to the prestigious Kentucky Three Day Event. But her father is arrested and she finds herself the victim of blackmail. To make mattersworse, Storm is behaving like the wild horse he once was. Gods and Warriors Michelle Paver Hylas couldn't take it in. Last night he and Issi had made a camp in a cave. Now his sister was missing, his dog was dead, and he was running for his life. The Black Warriors - nightmares of black rawhide armour and bronze spears - want him dead. He doesn't know why, but their pursuit will be relentless. Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
3e Tight Rope by Gillian Cross Clay by David Almond The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier Starseeker by Tim Bowler The Tulip Touch by Anne Fine Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Coram Boy by Jamila Gavin Martyn Pig by Kevin Brooks The Edge by Alan Gibbons Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy Across the Nightingale Floor by Liam Hearn Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko The Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula Le Guin Millions by Frank Cottrell Boyce Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman Junk by Melvin Burgess Abomination by Robert Swindells War of the Worlds by HG Wells Heaven’s Net is Wide by Lian Hearn Jeeves Series by PG Wodehouse Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin Day of the Triffids by John Wyndam Teacher’s Dead by Benjamin Zephaniah Dead Gorgeous by Malorie Blackman Witchchild by Celia Rees Leaving Poppy by Kate Cann The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien Breathe: A Ghost Story by Cliff McNish The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 ¾ by Sue Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Townsend Talking in Whispers by James Watson A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd The Machine Gunners by Robert Westall Before I Die by Jenny Downham Refugee Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman Secret Scribbled Notebooks by Joanne Horniman The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Blood Red Snow White by Marcus Sedgwick Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein Stuff of Nightmares by Malorie Blackman Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier Things A Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls That was Then, This is Now by SE Hinton Lycée 2nde 1e Tle THE WHALE RIDER – WITI Wolf Hall – Hilary Mantel DRACULA – BRAM STOKER IHIMAERA AMERICANAH – CHIMAMANDA The Song of Everlasting Sorrow – RED SORGHUM – MO YAN NGOZI ADICHIE Wang Anyi CATCHER IN THE RYE – J D EMPIRE OF THE SUN – J.G. BALLARD SALINGER On the Road – Jack Kerouac Campus de Qingpu Campus de Yangpu 350 Gaoguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 788 Jiang Wan Cheng Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区徐泾镇高光路 350 号 上海市杨浦区江湾城路 788 号 Tel: (86 21) 3976 0555 Tel: (86 21) 6897 6589
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