COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2018-2019 - Brepols Publishers
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CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2018-2019 Table of Contents Corpus Christianorum – Series Latina 2 Corpus Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis 4 Corpus Christianorum – Series Graeca 8 Corpus Christianorum – Lingua Patrum 9 Corpus Christianorum – Claves 10 Corpus Christianorum – Claves - Subsidia 11 Corpus Christianorum – Autographa Medii Aevi 12 Corpus Christianorum – Lexica Latina Medii Aevi 13 Corpus Christianorum in Translation 14 Scholars Version 16 Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 17 Sacris Erudiri 18 Library of Latin Texs 19 Order Form 20 This catalogue includes new and forthcoming titles from April 2018 to March 2019 , together with reminders of titles that had not yet been printed at the time of the foregoing catalogue. An up-to-date overview of all published volumes of Corpus Christianorum can be consulted on B
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES LATINA The Series Latina comprises critical editions of all the Latin texts from the first eight centuries of the Christian era. Taking into account the most recent patristic research and studies, each critical edition is provided with full critical and source apparatus and preceded by an introduction, the most important part of which is the description of the manuscript tradition. Braulio Caesaraugustanus, Le corpus épistolaire de Braulion de Saragosse trinitaire, la virginité de Marie, et l’incarnation Isidorus Hispalensis est le plus important de l’Espagne wisigo- et résurrection de Jesus-Christ, et les signa- thique. Il comporte non seulement plusieurs taires s’engagent à transmettre la foi chrétienne Epistulae, Confessio uel lettres de cet évêque, mais aussi d’autres à leurs descendants. Elle est éditée ici de façon professio Iudaeorum écrites par personnages éminents de l’époque, vraiment critique pour la première fois. ciuitatis Toletanae comme rois, évêques, abbés et nobles wisi- goths. En plus de ce corpus, dont on ne Ruth Miguel Franco, connaît qu’un seul manuscrit, on a conservé Jose Carlos Martín-Iglesias (eds) d’autres lettres de cet auteur envoyées à Isidore Ruth Miguel Franco, enseignant-cher- cclxi+171 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, de Séville et transmises, en compagnie des cheur à l’Université des Îles Baléares, est auteur ISBN 978-2-503-58239-9 réponses de ce dernier, par les manuscrits des de plusieurs éditions et traductions de textes Hardback: € 250 Étymologies d’Isidore, comme une sorte d’in- latins du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance. Elle Series: CCSL, vol. 114B troduction à cette encyclopédie lors de la revi- a beaucoup travaillé aussi sur les chartes de Available sion effectuée par Braulion lui-même. Toutes l’Espagne médiévale. ces lettres sont éditées et étudiées dans ce volume avec la lettre-préface des Étymologies. José Carlos Martín-Iglesias, maître Une autre œuvre qu’on peut aussi attribuer É tude et édition critique du corpus épis- vraisemblablement à Braulion est la profession de conférences à l’Université de Salamanque, est l’auteur d’une dizaine de livres et d’une tolaire de Braulion de Saragosse (y compris de foi catholique signée en 637 et dirigée au centaine d’articles sur la littérature latine de les lettres échangées avec Isidore de Séville) VIe Concile de Tolède par les Juifs de cette ville l’Espagne tardo-antique et médiévale depuis le et de la profession de foi des Juifs de Tolède qui, baptisés après avoir abjuré du judaïsme, IVe au XV e siècle. composée vraisemblablement par ce même avaient retourné néanmoins à son ancienne auteur. foi. Cette profession de foi comporte un credo REMINDER the fact that the most recent one, published by which Jerome drew in writing his commentar- Marc Adriaen in 1969 (CCSL 76A), is based ies, confirming that he proceeded eclectically Hieronymus Stridonensis on a single new manuscript and thus does not in relying on his predecessors, Origen in par- provide a sufficiently reliable text. Although ticular. Commentarius in Abacuc the collation of the manuscripts selected for Sincero Mantelli (ed.) the present edition has not allowed for a com- plete stemmatic reconstruction of the manu- cxxi + 114 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, script tradition, it has nevertheless given rise to ISBN 978-2-503-57955-9 significant progress in the establishment of the Hardback: € 150 text. As was pointed out by Yves-Marie Duval Sincero Mantelli (Parma, 1978), Catho- Series: CCSL, vol. 76-76A bis 1 lic priest of the Diocese of Parma, teaches in the introduction to his edition of Jerome’s Available Patrology and History of the Church at the commentary on Jonah (SC 323), the pres- ent edition will therefore provide a valuable Faculty of Theology of Emilia Romagna contribution to a comprehensive and reliable (FTER: Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Modena- The need for a new critical text of Jerome’s critical edition of Jerome’s commentaries on Parma). His main research fields are Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and History of the commentary on the prophet Abacuc derives the twelve minor prophets, and to the study of not only from the fact that older critical edi- Jerome’s exegesis in general. The preparation of Church of Parma. tions (at least five have been produced) do this new edition has furthermore made it pos- not meet present-day standards, but also from sible to identify more precisely the sources on 2 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES LATINA
REMINDER Shortly after the death of Egypt’s most famous Evagrius’s translation based on 28 manuscripts hermit in 356, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote dating from the ninth to the eleventh century. the Life of Antony, a text that had an immedi- Athanasius Alexandrinus, ate as well as enduring influence on monastic Evagrius Antiochenus, life and thought. While Athanasius’s vivid Anonymus description of the life of Antony the Great Vitae Antonii Versiones initiated the genre of the saint’s life in Chris- Pascal Bertrand completed a Ph.D.thesis tian literature, his inclusion of many of his own latinae theological ideas also provides insight into the focused on the manuscript tradition of the Latin Lois Gandt, turbulent doctrinal disputes of the fourth cen- Vita Antonii and the reception of this text from Pascal H.E. Bertrand (eds) tury. The significance of the Life of Antony is the fourth until the eleventh century. His research demonstrated by the fact that it was translated interests include hagiography (Latin and medi- approx. 500 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, into Latin twice within two decades after its eval Dutch) and church history. ISBN 978-2-503-57748-7 composition. The first version, prepared by an Hardback: approx. € 260 Lois Gandt completed her Ph.D. in Theol- anonymous translator shortly after Athanasius Series: CCSL, vol. 170 completed his Greek text, provides a literal ogy at Fordham University in 2008, with Publication scheduled for January 2019 translation that is extant in only one complete a specialization in Patristics. Her research manuscript. The literary translation prepared interests include the development of early asceti- by Evagrius of Antioch in 373 was rapidly cism and monasticism, and the transmission of T he two ancient Latin translations of and widely transmitted throughout the Latin West. New editions of both translations are the spirituality of the desert elders to the West. the Life of Antony. presented in this volume, with the edition of CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES LATINA 3
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALISS T he Continuatio Mediaevalis assembles Christian texts from the Carolingian era to the end of the Middle Ages. It also includes works absent from Migne’s Patrologia Latina or published elsewhere in a deficient way. Iohannes Scottus Eriugena J ohn Scottus Eriugena’s poetry reflects not Michael Herren is a specialist in early Carmina only his central philosophical and theological medieval Latin literature. He has produced ideas, but also his literary education and his life Michael Herren (ed.) at the court of Charles the Bald. This corpus of critical editions/translations of the Hisperica Eriugena’s poetry includes recent discoveries Famina, Aldhelm’s prose writings, and the approx. 250 p., 4 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-55174-6 of new items. Works laid under contribution Cosmography of Aethicus Ister. He is also the Hardback: approx. € 135 by the poet have also been expanded. founding editor of The Journal of Medieval Series: CCCM, vol. 167 Latin. Publication scheduled for March 2019 Humbertus de Romanis Le volume offre une édition critique de la somme de la prédication des croisades par le De predicatione crucis dominicain Humbert de Romans, rédigée vers Valentin Portnykh a fait ses études aux Valentin Portnykh, 1266-1268. Il s’agit d’un “manuel” pour les pré- Universités de Novossibirsk (Russie) et de Christine Vande Veire (eds) dicateurs destiné à accompagner la propagande Lumière Lyon 2, où il a obtenu le doctorat des croisades en Palestine. Le texte semble avoir sous la direction du Professeur Nicole Bériou. lxxiii + 200 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, été répandu à l’époque. Nous en disposons de ISBN 978-2-503-57563-6 Il enseigne actuellement à l’Université de 23 manuscrits. Il n’est pas exclu qu’il ait été uti- Novossibirsk. Ses recherches portent sur les Hardback: € 185 lisé pendant les guerres saintes du quinzième croisades en Terre sainte, notamment sur leurs Series: CCCM, vol. 279 Available siècle contre les Turcs et les Hussites. aspects idéologiques. Ce traité n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une édition critique. Les historiens des croisades l’ont tou- jours cité d’après l’incunable de 1495. Ce texte nous renseigne sur la prédication des croisades sur lesquelles nous avons peu de sources. Nicolaus de Aquaevilla T his work presents a semi-critical edition of the model sermon collection Sermones Eva Odelman obtained a PhD from Sermones moralissimi moralissimi de tempore by the French Franciscan Stockholm University where she was Assistant Eva Odelman (ed.) Nicolaus de Aquaevilla, who lived in the late Professor from 1976, then Professor from thirteenth century. It contains sixty sermons 2000 on. She was editor of the Glossarium lvii + 702 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, for the ordinary Sundays and the great Chris- mediae Latinitatis Sueciae 1974–2009 and ISBN 978-2-503-57567-4 tological feasts. Model sermons pose edito- participated in various projects at Stockholm Hardback: € 395 rial problems due to their large size and fluid and Uppsala universities since 1973, e.g. in the Series: CCCM, vol. 283 character as well as the large number of textual Corpus Troporum project and two projects Available witnesses. The aim is to find a pragmatic meth- on medieval model sermons. She has edited od to publish one influential version, and the numerous medieval texts from Sweden and was edition is thus based on an incunable, printed researcher in the Ars Edendi programme at shortly before 1480. Variants from three man- Stockholm University (2008-2015). uscripts are recorded in the critical apparatus. 4 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS
Iosephus Scottus plus écrasante que personne en Occident tirer du texte. La langue souple et élégante Epitome explanationum n’était plus capable de vérifier ses dires concer- témoigne de la maîtrise du latin qu’avaient in Isaiam beati Hieronymi nant les versions grecques et le texte hébreu acquise les érudits formés à l’école anglo- de l’Ancien Testament, a découragé toute saxonne. presbyteri concurrence. On s’est contenté d’en tirer des Roger Gryson (ed.) abrégés destinés aux nombreux lecteurs que la longueur de l’ouvrage et son caractère très 505 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, Monseigneur Roger Gryson, professeur technique ne pouvaient manquer de découra- ISBN 978-2-503-57592-6 émérite à l’Université catholique de Louvain, Hardback: € 265 ger ou de rebuter. Parmi ces abrégés, plusieurs, ancien directeur du Vetus Latina Institut de Series: CCCM, vol. 284 comme celui de Corbie ou celui de Florus, se Beuron, est connu notamment par ses travaux Available contentent de mettre bout à bout des passages sur l’histoire des institutions ecclésiastiques préalablement délimités dans un manuscrit dans l’antiquité, l’arianisme latin et la critique complet. Celui de Joseph le Scot, disciple textuelle de la Bible latine. Il a édité entre autres d’Alcuin, est le plus achevé de tous. Avec E dition princeps de l’abrégé du com- beaucoup d’intelligence, l’auteur sait aller à les anciennes versions latines du livre d’Isaïe et de l’Apocalypse johannique, ainsi que le com- mentaire de Jérôme sur Isaïe. l’essentiel et condenser en peu de mots le pro- mentaire de Jérôme sur Isaïe et la plupart des pos de son modèle, en élaguant les considéra- commentaires latins de l’Apocalypse antérieurs Pendant plus de quatre siècles, le prestige de tions purement techniques et en mettant en à l’époque carolingienne. saint Jérôme et l’érudition dont il fait preuve valeur, à côté de l’interprétation historique, les dans ses commentaires des prophètes, d’autant enseignements d’ordre spirituel que l’on peut Servatus Lupus abbas This volume unites four works on the doc- development of Lupus’s research and think- ing in his several contributions. Ferrariensis trine of predestination penned by Lupus of Ferrières during the predestination contest Opuscula de that unfolded in the Carolingian kingdoms praedestinatione of the mid-ninth century. While Lupus Jeremy Thompson received his PhD has earned a reputation among students from the University of Chicago in 2014. He Jeremy Thompson (ed.) of medieval manuscripts and learning as studies medieval intellectual history. He has approx. 250 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2019, a collector of books and as a scholar of the held post-doctoral fellowships from the Scaliger ISBN 978-2-503-58039-5 classics, this critical edition reveals Lupus’s Institute at the University of Leiden and from Hardback: approx. € 135 work as a theologian and polemicist. His the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. Series: CCCM, vol. 289B “dossier” comprises two letters, a treatise- Beginning April 2018 he will hold an Publication scheduled for March 2019 précis and a florilegium of patristic sources. Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the The introduction of this edition situates the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen- works in their historical, material and intel- Nürnberg. lectual contexts. It traces, furthermore, the Anonymus In 1239 Pope Gregory IX wrote to Kings the long history of Christian-Jewish intel- and Bishops across Europe urging them to lectual encounters. Extractiones de Talmud seize and examine the manuscripts of the secundum ordinem Talmud in their dominions, as a result of sequentialem which a process against the Talmud took Ulisse Cecini, place in Paris in 1240. Though the Talmud went up in flames at the Place de la Grève Ulisse Cecini is a Latin philologist Óscar Luis de la Cruz Palma (eds) currently active as a postdoctoral researcher in 1241/42, the controversy on the Talmud cx+712 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2019, continued over the following years, since at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ISBN 978-2-503-58228-3 Gregory’s successor, Pope Innocent IV, He obtained his PhD at the University Hardback: € 420 called for a revision of its condemnation. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, with a thesis on Series: CCCM, vol. 291 At the centre of this revision are the Extrac- Latin Qur’ān translations in the 12th and Publication scheduled for March 2019 tiones de Talmud, a translation of hundreds 13th centuries. His research interests are the of Talmudic passages prepared during the relations between Christians, Muslims and years 1244/45 for Odo of Châteauroux, Jews in the Middle Ages, translations from P repared in Paris in 1244/45, the Legate of the Apostolic See, that served as Arabic/Hebrew into Latin, and translation theories and interreligious cultural transfer Extractiones de Talmud offer the first the basis of his final condemnation of the substantial translation of hundreds of Talmud in May 1248. This is the first edition in the Middle Ages. Talmudic passages from Hebrew and of the Latin Talmud, which is a milestone in Aramaic into Latin. CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS 5
Heymericus de Campo Sein besonders neuplatonisches Denken hat zu einem fruchtbaren Austausch mit Tractatus de philosophica Nikolaus von Kues (1401-1464) beigetragen. María Cecilia Rusconi ist Professorin der Philosophie des Mittelalters an der interpretatione sacrae Als Beispiel dieses Austauschs befinden Universität Lanús (UNLA) in Buenos Scripturae sich drei Handschriften Heymerics mit Aires. Sie war Stipendiatin am Institut für meist unedierten Werken in der Bibliothek María Cecilia Rusconi, Cusanus-Forschung an der Universität Trier des Cusanus-Hospitals in Kues; es sind die Klaus Reinhardt † (eds) Codices 24, 105 und 106. Während der letzte und am Thomas-Institut an der Universität Köln. Sie hat verschiedene Veröffentlichungen xliii + 178 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat, da er von über Erkenntnistheorie des Mittelalters mit ISBN 978-2-503-58130-9 Cusanus mit zahlreichen Bemerkungen ver- Schwerpunkt auf Nikolaus Cusanus und Hardback: € 140 sehen wurde, haben die Codices 24 und 105 Heymericus de Campo. Series: CCCM, vol. 292A weniger Beachtung gefunden. Insbesondere Available wurde der Cod. Cus. 24 lange Zeit von den Klaus Reinhardt († 2014) war Ordinarius Bibliographen Heymerics ganz übersehen. für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte an der Das Werk De philosophica interpretatione Theologischen Fakultät Trier und Direktor Sacrae Scripturae befindet sich in einer einzigen H eymericus de Campo gehört zu den Hanschrift, Cod. Cus. 24 der Bibliothek des des Instituts für Cusanus-Forschung. Er hat bedeutende Monographien, Editionen und bedeutenderen Philosophen und Theologen St. Nikolaus-Hospitals in Bernkastel-Kues, eine Vielzahl von Artikeln über die Geschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Er war Professor der f. 1ra-29va, worauf die vorliegende Edition ba- der Bibelinterpretation und über das Werk des Theologie in Köln und in Löwen und Ver- siert. Es handelt sich einscheinend, zumindest Nikolaus Cusanus und Heymericus de Campo treter der Kölner Universität auf dem Konzil bei den ersten Stücken, um Vorlesungen, mit veröffentlicht. von Basel. In Köln war er der Hauptvertreter denen Heymericus seine Lehrtätigkeit an der der scola Albertistarum (Bursa Laurentiana). Universität Löwen eröffnete. Grammatici Hibernici I l s’agit de la première édition imprimée d’un Carolini aevi V traité sur le verbe latin composé probablement au cours du 8e siècle. Ce texte, d’auteur ano- Liber de verbo nyme, nous est connu par un unique manus- Cécile Conduché, ancienne élève de crit originaire de la France du nord, Paris, BnF l’École normale supérieure (Paris), agrégée Cécile Conduché (ed.) latin 7491. Ce traité complète notre connais- de grammaire (2004), docteur en langue 264 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, sance d’un groupe de grammaires latines et littérature latines (Lille, 2012), est ISBN 978-2-503-57986-3 (Ars ambrosiana, Anonymus ad Cuimnanum, actuellement pensionnaire de la Fondation Hardback: € 160 Malsachanus) liées aux milieux lettrés irlan- Thiers (CNRS – Histoire des théories Series: CCCM, vol. 40E linguistiques). dais à l’orée de la renaissance carolingienne. Available L’édition de ce traité est essentielle pour com- prendre l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la constellation d’opuscules scolaires qui a constitué le support concret de la renovatio studiorum carolingienne. Chronica Hispana saeculi del rey Alfonso VI, si bien dicha biografía pa- Salustio, de Eginardo, de Thegano de Trier; y rece quedar inconclusa. Su autor, animado por algo no menos importante: desde muy pronto XII, Pars III el motivo tradicional de escribir para que los su obra dio fruto, pues fue recogida en párraf- Historia Silensis hechos del pasado no caigan en el olvido y fer- os las más de las veces literales por la Chronica Juan A. Estévez Sola (ed.) viente seguidor de la restauración neogótica, Naierensis (CCCM, LXXIA), la Historia tran- quiso narrar los gesta del rey remontándose slationis Sancti Isidori (CCCM, LXXIII), y por 265 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, hasta época visigoda mas de una manera muy el Chronicon Mundi de Lucas de Tuy (CCCM, ISBN 978-2-503-57804-0 peculiar: relatar los antecendentes maternos LXXIV). Todo ello la convierten en un texto Hardback: € 160 y paternos del rey. Sin embargo el texto fue fascinante. Series: CCCM, vol. 71B llenándose de problemas: primero saber si Publication scheduled for October 2018 llegó a culminar su obra o si nos ha llegado mutilada; en segundo lugar saber cómo llegó Juan A. Estévez Sola es Catedrático de a insertarse en ella el Cronicón de Sampiro; en U na edición largo tiempo esperada. tercer lugar sacar todo el partido a los manu- Filología Latina de la Universidad de Huelva y a lo largo de toda su trayectoria se ha venido scritos que nos han transmitido la obra y que dedicando principalmente a la edición de textos La así llamada habitualmente Historia Silensis son todos tardíos, del siglo XV en adelante, y hispanolatinos medievales (CCCM LXXIA; es un relato historiográfico hispanolatino de con corrupciones por doquier; y así sucesiva- LXXIIC; LXXIII), a la crítica textual y al principios del siglo XII vinculado al reino de mente. Su autor, no obstante, fue una persona estudio de manuscritos. León cuyo propósito inicial era contar la vida culta: conocía muy bien la obra histórica de 6 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS
ONOMASTICON CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS A dalboldus Traiectensis 171 Adelmannus Leodiensis 171 Gillebertus 171A Giraldus Floriacensis 171A N icolaus de Aquaevilla 283 Nicolaus Maniacoria 262 Ademarus Cabannensis 129, 245, 245A Gislebertus Trudonensis 257A Adso Dervensis 45, 198 Aelredus Rievallensis 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3, 3A Glosa super Graecismum Eberhardi Bethuniensis 225 Glosae in regula Sancti Benedicti abbatis ad usum Smaragdi abbatis O pera de computo s. XII 272 Oratio S. Brandani 47 Agnellus Ravennas 199 Sancti Michaelis 282 Agobardus Lugdunensis 52 Glossa ordinaria in Canticum Canticorum 170.22 Oswaldus de Corda 179 Alcuinus Eboracensis 249 Glossae aeui Carolini in libros I-II Martiani Capellae De nuptiis Otfridus Wizemburgensis 200 Alexander Essebiensis 188, 188A Philologiae et Mercurii 237 Alexander Neckam 221, 227 Ambrosius Autpertus 27, 27A, 27B Glossae biblicae 189A, 189B Gozechinus 62 P ascasius Radbertus 16, 56, 56A, 56B, 56C, 85, 94, 96, 97 Paulinus Aquileiensis 95 Andreas a S. Victore 53, 53A, 53B, 53E, 53F, 53G Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi 40, 40A, 40B, 40C, 40D, 40E Petrus Abaelardus 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 190, 206, 206A Anonymus Bonnensis 171 Magister Gregorius 171 Petrus de Alliaco 258 Anonymus Einsiedlensis 171 Guibertus Gemblacensis 66, 66A Petrus Blesensis 128, 171, 194 Anonymus Erfurtensis 171 Guibertus Tornacensis 242 Petrus Cantor 196, 196A, 196B Anonymus in Matthaeum 159 Guillelmus Alvernus 230, 230A, 230B, 230C Petrus Cellensis 54 Anselmus Laudunensis 267 Guillelmus de Conchis 152, 158, 203 Petrus Comestor 191 Arnoldus Gheyloven Roterdamus 212 Guillelmus Durantus 140, 140A, 140B Petrus Damiani 57 Arnoldus Leodiensis 160 Guillelmus de Luxi 219 Petrus Iohannis Oliui 233, 275 Ars Laureshamensis 40A Guillelmus Petrus de Calciata 73 Petrus Marsilii 273 Ascelinus Carnotensis 171 Guillelmus a S. Theodorico 86, 87, 88, 89, 89A, 89B Petrus Pictaviensis 51 Guitbertus abbas Novigenti 127, 127A, 171 Petrus Pictor 25 B alduinus de Forda 99 Bartholomaeus Exoniensis 157 H aymo Autissiodorensis 135C, 135E Petrus de S. Audemaro 25 Petrus Venerabilis 10, 58, 83 Beatus Liebanensis 58 Heiricus Autissiodorensis 116, 116A, 116B Polythecon 93 Benedictus Anianensis 168, 168A Henricus a S. Victore 30 Prefatio de Almaria 71 Beringerius Turonensis 84, 84A, 171 Herbertus Turritanus 277 Psalterium adbreviatum Vercellense 47 Bernoldus Constantiensis 171 Herimannus abbas 236 Psalterium Suthantoniense 240 Bovo Corbeiensis 171 Hermannus de Runa 64 Burchardus abbas Bellevallis 62 Hermannus Werdinensis 204 Hermes Trismegistus 142, 143A, 144, 144C R abanus Maurus 44, 100, 174, 174A Radulfus Ardens 241 C aesarius Heisterbacensis 171 Carmen Campidoctoris 71 Heymericus de Campo 292A Hieronymus de Moravia 250 Radulfus phisicus 171A Radulphus Cadomensis 231 Hieronymus de Praga 222 Raimundus Lullus 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 75, 76, 77, 78, Christanus Campililiensis 19A, 19B Hildebertus Cenomanensis 209 Christianus Stabulensis 224 79, 80, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 180A, 180B, 180C, 181, 182, Hildegardis Bingensis 43, 43A, 90, 91, 91A, 91B, 92, 226, 226A 183, 184, 185, 213, 214, 215, 246, 247, 248, 264, 265, 266 Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris 71 Historia Compostellana 70 Chronica Adephonsi III 65 Rainherus Paderbornensis 272 Historia Roderici vel Gesta Roderici Campidocti 71 Ratherius Veronensis 46, 46A Chronica Albeldensis 65 Historia Silensis 71B Chronica Byzantia Arabica 65 Reference Bible – Das Bibelwerk 173 Historia translationis S. Isidori 73 Reimbaldus Leodiensis 4 Chronica Hispana 65, 71, 71A, 73 Homiletica Vadstenensia 229 Chronica Latina Regum Castellae 73 Remigius Autissiodorensis 136, 171 Homiliarium Veronense 186 Reynardus Vulpes 171A Chronica Muzarabica 65 Hugo Pictaviensis 42 Chronica Naierensis 71A Robertus Grosseteste 130, 268 Hugo de Miromari 234 Rodericus Ximenius de Rada 72, 72A, 72B, 72C Claudius Taurinensis 263 Hugo de Sancto Victore 176, 176A, 177, 178, 269, 276 Collectaneum exemplorum et uisionum Clarevallense 208 Rodulfus Trudonensis 257, 257A Humbertus de Romanis 218, 279 Rogerus Herefordensis 272 Collectio canonum in V libris 6 I Collectio exemplorum Cisterciensis 243 Rudolfus de Liebegg 55 Commentaria in Ruth 81 acobus de Vitriaco 171, 252, 255, 279 Rupertus Tuitienis 7, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29 Conradus Eberbacensis 138 Iohannes Beleth 41, 41A Conradus de Mure 210 Constitutiones canonicorum regularium ordinis Arroasiensis 20 Iohannes de Caulibus 153 Iohannes de Forda 17, 18 S aewulf 139 Salimbene de Adam 125, 125A Consuetudines canonicorum regularium Springiersbacenses-Rodenses 48 Iohannes Duns Scotus 287 Scripta medii aevi de vita Isidori 281 Constitutiones quae uocantur Ordinis Praemonstratensis 216 Iohannes Hus 205, 211, 222, 238, 239, 239A, 253, 261, 271, 274 Scriptores Ordinis Grandimontensis 8 Iohannes Rusbrochius 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107A, Sedulius Scottus 40B, 40C, 67 + suppl., 117 D ionysius Cartusiensis 121, 121A Donatus ortigraphus 40D 108, 109, 110, 172, 207 Iohannes Saresberiensis 98, 118 Sermones anonymi codd. S. Vict. Paris. exarati 30 Sermones in dormitionem Mariae 154 Iohannes Scottus (Eriugena) 31, 50, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166 Sicardus Cremonensis 228 E terius Oxomensis 59 Excerpta isagogarum et categoriarum 120 Iohannes Soreth 259 Iohannes Wirziburgensis 139 Iosephus Scottus 284 Sigo abbas 171 Smaragdus 68 Speculum virginum 5 Excidii Aconis gestorum collectio 202 L Stephanus de Borbone 124, 124A, 124B Explanationes fidei aevi Carolini 254 anfrancus 171 Expositiones Pauli epistularum ad Romanos, Galathas et Ephesios 151 Expositiones Psalmorum duae sicut in codice Liber de gratia Noui Testamenti 195 + suppl. Liber de uerbo 40E T estimonia orationis christianae antiquioris 47 Teterius Nivernensis 171 Rothomagensi 24 asseruantur 256 Liber ordinis S. Victoris Parisiensis 61 Extractiones de Talmud 291 Thadeus 202 Liber prefigurationum Christi et Ecclesie 195 + suppl. Theodericus 139 F lorus Lugdunensis 193, 193A, 193B, 220B, 260 Folchinus de Borfonibus 201 Liber Quare 60 Liber sacramentorum excarsus 47 Liber sacramentorum Romane ecclesiae ordine exscarpsus 47 Thiofridus Epternacensis 133 Thomas de Chobham 82, 82A, 82B Thomas Gallus 223, 223A Frechulfus Lexoviensis 169, 169A Liudprandus Cremonensis 156 Thomas Migerius 77 Frowinus abbas Montis Angelorum 134 Logica antiquioris mediae aetatis 120 G Lucas Tudensis 74, 74A V incentius Belvacensis 137 albertus notarius Brugensis 131 Galterus a S. Victore 30 Garnerius de Rupeforti 232 M agister Cunestabulus 272 Margareta Porete 69 Vitae S. Katharinae 119, 119A Vita S. Arnulfi ep. Suessionensis 285 Vita S. Hildegardis 126 Gerardus Cameracensis 270 Martianus Capella 237 Gerardus Magnus 172, 192, 235, 235A Gerardus Moresenus seu Csanadensis 49 Metamorphosis Golie 171A Metrum de vita et miraculis et obitu S. Martini 171A Monumenta Arroasiensia 175 W alterus Tervanensis 217 Wilhelmus Iordani 207 Gerlacus Peters 155 Germanus Parisiensis episcopus 187 Monumenta Vizeliacensia 42 + suppl. Willelmus Meldunensis 244 Gesta abbatum Trudonensium 257, 257A Muretach 40 Willelmus Tyrensis 63, 63A CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS 7
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECAS T he Series Graeca has been set up with the explicit aim of filling the gaps in the Patrologia Graeca and redoing editions published elsewhere in a deficient way. Priority is given to post-Nicene authors, thus completing the Berlin corpus. The works of Gregory of Nazianzus are published in the subseries Corpus Nazianzenum. Greek translations of and Byzantine commentaries on the works of Thomas Aquinas will be published in the subseries Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus. Basilius Minimus Au lendemain de la mort de l’empereur Julien exégétique du texte de Grégoire, mais égale- en 363, Grégoire de Nazianze, encore jeune ment sur la culture de son époque. Ce volume Commentarii in prêtre, publia deux Invectives contre Julien propose, à la suite des travaux entamés en 2001 Gregorii Nazianzeni (Or. 4 et 5) pour dénoncer l’apostasie de l’empe- par Thomas Schmidt (CCSG 46 / CCCN 13), Orationes IV et V reur, ternir sa mémoire et enseigner aux chré- la première édition critique et traduction tiens les leçons à tirer de cet événement. Ces en langue moderne des Commentaires aux Gaelle Rioual (ed.) discours comptent parmi ses premiers d’une Discours 4 et 5. approx. xcv + 160 p., 1 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm, longue carrière au service de l’Église. Devenu 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-58341-9 le Théologien par excellence, sa voix continua Hardback: approx. € 160 de résonner pendant des siècles et marqua pro- Series: CCSG, vol. 90 fondément la culture byzantine. À l’époque où Gaëlle Rioual a soutenu en 2017 une Publication scheduled for March 2019 Basile le Minime écrivait ses Commentaires aux thèse de doctorat en cotutelle à l’Université Discours de Grégoire de Nazianze, l’empereur Laval (Québec, Canada) et à l’Université Constantin VII Porphyrogénète – à qui Basile de Fribourg (Suisse) sur les Commentaires É dition critique, traduite et annotée avait dédié son travail – se glorifiait d’avoir été aux Discours 4 et 5 de Basile le Minime. Elle travaille actuellement avec Paul-Hubert des Commentaires de Basile le Minime « nourri du lait de [ses] paroles théologiques ». (Xe siècle) aux Discours 4 et 5 de Grégoire Dans ce contexte, Basile contribua à la posté- Poirier, au sein du Groupe de recherche sur de Nazianze. rité de ce père de l’Église en œuvrant, par ses le christianisme et l’Antiquité tardive, à la scholies, à rendre cet auteur accessible à un préparation d’une édition de la paraphrase des plus large public. Son travail jette un éclai- Actes de Thomas par Nicétas de Thessalonique. rage intéressant non seulement sur l’histoire REMINDER The Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine with a philological introduction which studies anthology dated to the ninth or tenth century. the manuscript tradition and the relationship Anonymus It deals with subjects ranging from the creation of the manuscripts, explains the orthographi- of angels to sin and virtues. Although it is an cal peculiarities of the tradition, defines the Florilegium important document, it has only recently ratio edendi and discusses the most relevant Coislinianum A received full attention from the scholarly textual corruptions of the archetype. Tomás Fernández (ed.) community. The present edition is the editio cxlii + 188 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, princeps of the first book of the Florilegium ISBN 978-2-503-40661-9 Coislinianum. It is part of a much larger Tomás Fernández studied Classics at Hardback: € 200 collaborative project, in the context of which a Buenos Aires, where he graduated in 2006. Series: CCSG, vol. 66 research team, based at KU Leuven, is currently After a short stay in Paris, he began his Available studying and editing diverse sections of this doctorate at KU Leuven, where he successfully florilegium. defended his dissertation in 2010. Since 2011, The critical text presented here is based upon a F irst critical edition of the first and detailed examination of all the known witnesses he is a full-time researcher of the Argentinian Research Council (Conicet). longest book of an important Byzan- of the florilegium, and has been thoroughly tine anthology. compared with its sources. It is supplemented 8 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECA
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM LINGVA PATRVM L ingua Patrum is a series of monographs on linguistic and stylistic phenomena in the writings of early Christian and medieval authors. Las palabras del paisaje y This volume brings together 13 studies in con- indeed is what all the contributors have done: el paisaje en las palabras de trastive lexicography by specialists of the Latin they have examined in detail the space that was Middle Ages and of mediaeval lexicography pictured in words in the mediaeval Latin sources la Edad Media in the Iberian world. All of these contribu- from Spain, as well as the very words by which Estudios de lexicografía tions focus on one thematic connection: the this is done. Thus, this collective volume aims to latina medieval hispana landscape on the one hand, and the Latin (and contribute to a better knowledge of the medi- Romance) words that describe it on the other. aeval Latin (and Romance) vocabulary, and to Estrella Perez Rodriguez (ed.) This thematic connection is investigated from a closer acquaintance with the mediaeval land- 423 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, various points of view, and on the basis of vari- scape, through the (sometimes evasive) words ISBN 978-2-503-58097-5 ous mediaeval Latin sources from Spain: the and concepts that name it. Hardback: € 175 charters from Asturias-León, Navarre, Catalonia, Series: CCLP, vol. 11 etc., the Papal Bulls for Spanish institutions, Available and a number of other specific works. The term Estrella Perez Rodriguez is professor at ‘landscape’ is defined broadly: it can be territory, the University of Valladolid (Spain) and direc- in the sense of a political area but also of a natu- tor of the research project Lexicon Latinitatis ral or geographical space; it can be a place that Medii Aevi Castellae et Legionis. She has C ollective work of contrastive lexi- belongs to someone and that may have been published different works on Medieval Latin, cography that brings together thir- enclosed or demarcated in some way; it can be such as the critical editions of the Verbiginale, teen essays by outstanding mediaeval a rural area or an urban space; furthermore, it a grammar poem writen in the 13th century for scholars from the Iberian peninsula can be the space perceived or subjectively felt by the old University of Palencia, and the Vita which study the landscape (in a broad those who live in it or look at it; in this landscape, Didaci, a poem about the founder of the Santa sense) and the words – mainly Latin, the labour, economic activities, constructions María de Benevivere cloister. She is co-author but also Romance –, that describe it or destructive practices of man can be present, of the Lexicon Latinitatis regni Legionis from different mediaeval Latin sources moulding and transforming it; moreover, the (Brepols 2010). from Spain. term ‘landscape’ implies observation, and this Table of Contents Antoni Biosca i Bas, Cuatro paisajes de Pascual Martínez Sopena, Palabras para Estrella Pérez Rodríguez, La descripción la crónica de Pere Marsili: Salou, Valencia, delimitar y describir espacios y paisajes. de los lindes: estudio de los verbos usados en los Xàtiva y Mallorca León en los siglos X-XII diplomas asturleoneses (s. VIII-1230) Santiago Domínguez Sánchez, Juan Francisco Mesa Sanz, Léxico de la albufera Pere J. Quetglas Nicolau & Ana Gómez ¿Ausencia total o presencia velada del paisaje de valencia. Paisaje natural y humano Rabal, El paisaje inexistente en la documentación pontificia medieval? Alberto Montaner Frutos, Locus horroris: Carlos Manuel Reglero de la Fuente, Antonia Fornés Pallicer & Mercé Puig Las palabras y el concepto Ecclesiae y monasteria en la documentación Rodríguez-Escalona, Paisajes literarios en latina de León: un paisaje monumental José Ramón Morala Rodríguez, Léxico la Cataluña altomedieval agrícola: la configuración del paisaje rural en Rodrigo Furtado, El léxico del paisaje en la edad media los Chronica Albeldensia Maurilio Pérez González, Léxico de las vías Guadalupe Lopetegui Semperena, de comunicación en la diplomática medieval Anotaciones sobre el léxico relativo al paisaje asturleonesa en documentos altomedievales navarros CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM LINGVA PATRVM 9
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CLAVES Clavis Patrum La section sur les Conciles a intégré les vo- Le second reprend les auteurs utilisés dans les lumes de la deuxième série des ACO, mais elle chaînes ; pour chaque Père, sont indiquées Graecorum, IV. a aussi pris en compte les études des dernières les chaînes qui les citent et, si possible, même Concilia. Catenae décennies, lesquelles ont notamment amélioré l’œuvre citée (au moyen du numéro que porte Deuxième édition, revue la chronologie, perfectionné les listes de par- celle-ci dans les autres tomes de la Clavis). ticipants et progressé dans l’intelligence du et mise à jour genre littéraire des Actes conciliaires. Maurits Geerard, Jacques Noret Quant à la partie sur les chaînes exégétiques, elle a été considérablement modifiée. Les xxx + 430 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018, études des chaînes, notamment pour la ISBN 978-2-503-57963-4 Hardback: € 180 Genèse et l’Exode, pour les psaumes, pour Series: CPG, vol. 4 Job, pour le Cantique, les Proverbes et l’Ecclé- Available siaste, ont obligé à une refonte complète des Maurice Geerard (Zomergem, 1919 – sections correspondantes. Les traductions Bruges, 1999) élabora en 14 ans (1969-1983) de chaînes en copte, en arabe, en arménien, un répertoire complet, numéroté, des œuvres en slavon, ont continué à être découvertes et T he Greek Clavis, much in the same étudiées. L’étude d’un caténiste très érudit des patristiques grecques du Ier au VIIIe siècle, avec les références de base sur leurs éditions, way as its Latin equivalent, aims to in- environs de 1100, Nicétas d’Héraclée, auteur traductions anciennes, datation, authenticité, form the user on the whole range of de chaînes sur les psaumes, Job, Matthieu, etc. ; le 4e tome en est ici mis à jour. Dès 1974, Greek patristic texts, their editions, Luc, Jean et l’épître aux Hébreux, a nettement M. Geerard avait en effet demandé son aide and their authenticity. progressé. à Jacques Noret pour tenir le répertoire à Deux index nouveaux enrichissent aussi le jour, et en 1998, ils produisirent ensemble un Trente-sept ans après la première édition, et volume. Le premier reprend les numéros Supplementum. 19 ans après la parution d’un supplément des textes répertoriés dans les t. I à III dont à l’ensemble de la Clavis qui a relativement la notice a reçu quelque complément dans peu enrichi le t. IV, ce tome est ici mis à jour. la section sur les conciles du présent volume. 10 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CLAVES
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CLAVES – SVBSIDIA Clavis Historicorum The Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris, tool for scholars working on the history of part of the Brepols series of Claves, is an historiography, Late Antiquity and Patristics, Antiquitatis Posterioris inventory of all attested works of historio- and it will facilitate further research on the Peter Van Nuffelen, Lieve Van Hoof graphy from Late Antiquity (300-800 AD), genre. in whatever state of preservation. It offers full approx. 700 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-55295-8 coverage of works written in Latin, Greek, Hardback: € 250 Syriac, Armenian, Georgian and Coptic, Series: CCCS whilst also including Jewish and Persian works. Publication scheduled for February 2019 Containing information on author and work, Peter Van Nuffelen is Research Professor it provides guidance on authorship, social and of Ancient History in the Department of religious context, genre, sources, manuscript History of Ghent University. tradition, and editions and translations. A T his volume inventorises the whole substantial introduction discusses genres in late ancient historiography, and numerous Lieve Van Hoof is Research Professor of Ancient History in the same department. historiographical production of Late Antiquity. indices facilitate the use of the Clavis. In this way, the CHAP will be an essential research CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CLAVES - SVBSIDIA 11
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM AVTOGRAPHA MEDII AEVIS This series proposes to bring to the attention of scholars a range of medieval Latin texts which are preserved in manuscripts written personally by the author (autographs) or directly under his supervision (ideographs), and are of particular significance within their genre. REMINDER involvement in those practices. They also attest biography and musical activities, the study ex- the introduction to the scriptorium at Saint amines in detail the four surviving manuscripts Ademarus Cabannensis Martial by Adémar of accurately heighting the in which Adémar inscribed musical notation, musicus et cantor neumes (symbols of musical notation) above and then the notation itself. The study closes the text to which the melody is sung. Each pitch, with a consideration of Adémar’s contribu- James Grier therefore, receives a distinct position along the tions to musical literacy through his introduc- 213 p., 41 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2018, vertical axis of writing. This procedure shows tion of accurate heighting. ISBN 978-2-503-52395-8 the exact musical interval between notes, and Hardback: € 180 expedites the reading and learning of the melo- Series: CCAMA, vol. 7 dies. It remains today the standard conven- Available tion for indicating pitch in modern Western James Grier, Professor of Music History notation. at the University of Western Ontario, is The importance of this technique is impos- the author of The Critical Editing of sible to overstate, because Western music and Music (1996), The Musical World of a A démar de Chabannes (989-1034), monk its notation place higher importance on pitch Medieval Monk: Adémar de Chabannes at the abbey of Saint Cybard in Angoulême, than many other elements, such as rhythm and in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine (2006), historian, homilist, polemicist and musician timbre. Therefore heighting, the device by and numerous articles on music and liturgy extraordinaire, left behind some 451 folios of which notation precisely communicates pitch, in medieval Aquitaine, as well as studies of music with notation in his own hand. These holds a central place in the development of the music of Joseph Haydn, Bob Dylan and documents constitute the earliest identifi- the musical language. In contrast, most of the Roger McGuinn, and Frank Zappa. His able musical autographs by several centu- notational dialects that appear in early music critical edition of the music copied in the hand ries. They provide essential data not only for manuscripts from the medieval West use, to a of Adémar de Chabannes appeared in Corpus musical practices at Saint Martial, where greater or lesser degree, the vertical placement Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis Adémar contributed to their production, but of signs to indicate melodic direction rather (Brepols, 2012). also for Adémar’s personal and professional than pitch. After an overview of Adémar’s 12 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM AVTOGRAPHA MEDII AEVI
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM LEXICA LATINA MEDII AEVIS The Lexica Latina Medii Aevi focuses on Latin-vernacular dictionaries. It offers researchers the opportunity to study the vocabulary of medieval Latin and its vernacular equivalents. The current work is centred on Latin-French dictionaries or glossaries. Founded in 1994 by Brian Merrilees and Jacques Monfrin, the series is now directed by Anne Grondeux and Franck Cinato. De Origine Scoticae De Origine Scoticae Linguae (also known as discussing sources. The introduction analyses O’Mulconry’s Glossary) is a text originating the structure and contents, origins and devel- Linguae (O’Mulconry’s in seventh-century Ireland that provides ety- opment, linguistic issues, and relationships Glossary): An early Irish mologies for c. 880 Irish words, mostly from to other texts. The text is edited here along linguistic tract, edited with Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Its Latin prologue with a shorter related glossary of 232 entries, a related glossary, Irsan declares its affiliation to the Graeco-Roman entitled Irsan, which has material in common linguistic tradition, claiming an origin for the with it and sheds further light on its develop- Pádraic Moran (ed.) Irish language in the Greek dialects Attic, ment. Doric and Aeolic. The glossary attests to the approx. 575 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2019, ISBN 978-2-503-58179-8 transmission and reception of the Latin gram- Hardback: approx. € 250 matical tradition in Ireland and shines light in Series: CC Lexica Latina Medii Aevi, vol. 7 particular on the Irish knowledge of Greek Pádraic Moran is a Lecturer in Classics at Publication scheduled for March 2019 and Hebrew. The text also represents a mile- the National University of Ireland, Galway. stone in the history of European linguistics, as His research interests include ancient and the earliest systematic lexical study of a Euro- medieval education, especially grammar and pean vernacular language. rhetoric; transmission of learning in glosses, T he earliest lexical study of a Euro- The glossary was published once before, by Whitley Stokes in 1898. This edition provides glossaries and scholia; and the knowledge of pean vernacular language. Greek and Hebrew in the early medieval West. the first translation and textual commentary, clarifying the sense of difficult entries and CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM LEXICA LATINA MEDII AEVI 13
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION The series Corpus Christianorum in Translation provides modern translations of patristic and medieval Greek and Latin texts that have been edited in one of the Corpus Christianorum series (Series Latina, Series Graeca and Continuatio Mediaevalis). These translations, which are published independently from the critical editions, are intended to render the texts edited in Corpus Christianorum accessible to those who do not have the opportunity to read them in the original language. For those conversant with the original language, the translations can serve as a tool for quick reference and an aid in interpreting the Greek or Latin text. Giovanni Scoto Eriugena di pensatore e di esegeta. Le due opere, di for- Mediaevalis con il titolo Iohannis Scoti seu tuna diversa (diffusissima la poetica Omelia, Eriugenae Homilia super ‘In principio erat verbum’ ‘Omelia’ e ‘Commento’ sul bozza incompiuta il Commento), a una lettura et Commentarius in Evangelium Iohannis (CCCM vangelo di Giovanni congiunta permettono di scoprire man mano, 166), a cura di Édouard A. Jeauneau. I rimandi Giovanni Mandolino (ed.) lemma dopo lemma, la fisionomia intellettuale alle pagine corrispondenti dell’edizione sono di questo maestro irlandese del IX secolo: l’e- forniti a margine di questa traduzione. 210 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, spressività del poeta, l’attenzione del filologo e ISBN 978-2-503-57969-6 traduttore dal greco, la sottigliezza speculativa Paperback: € 40 del filosofo e la fantasia dell’esegeta concorro- Series: CCT, vol. 31 Available no al fascino multiforme di queste pagine. Vi si ritrovano tutti gli elementi principali della sintesi teologico-filosofica di Eriugena, ope- rata a partire dai Padri della Chiesa sia greci D ue testi esegetici caratteristici del che latini, con le sue tesi a volte ardite, sempre Giovanni Mandolino, laureatosi nel 2016 all’Università di Pisa, è stato allievo pensiero di un intellettuale di spicco suggestive: la progressione della rivelazione della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa ed è dell’età carolingia. divina, la natura simbolica del cosmo e del te- sto sacro, il problema della visione di Dio e la attualmente dottorando in storia della filosofia divinizzazione dell’uomo. araba medievale presso l’Università di Padova. Composti da Giovanni Scoto Eriugena forse verso la fine della sua vita, l’Omelia e il Com- La versione latina originale del testo proposto mento sul vangelo di Giovanni costituiscono in traduzione in questo volume è pubblicata una testimonianza preziosa della sua attività nella collana Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Hériman de Tournai L e Liber de Restauratione monasterii Sancti à travers les siècles, pour l’œuvre d’Hériman – La restauration de Martini Tornacensis (La restauration du monastère est dû au contenu historique mais aussi au style narratif de l’auteur. La présente traduc- Saint-Martin de Tournai Saint-Martin de Tournai ed. R.B.C. Huygens, tion s’est efforcée de serrer au plus près le CCCM 236) est avant tout un témoignage Paul Selvais concret sur l’époque et la société dans laquelle texte original. approx. 175 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019, l’auteur a vécu : Hériman d’Osmont dit de ISBN 978-2-503-58059-3 Tournai nous narre les événements qu’ont Paperback: approx. € 40 connus la ville de Tournai, le comté de Flandre, Série: CCT, vol. 32 le royaume de France et la chrétienté au XIIème Après des humanités classiques, Paul Selvais Publication prévue pour février 2019 siècle. C’est aussi son histoire et celle de sa s’oriente vers des études de droit, d’histoire et famille. d’histoire de l’art à l’Université. Il consacre sa Le succès quasi millénaire du livre de La vie professionnelle à la fonction publique et à Restauration – les nombreuses copies manus- l’enseignement supérieur. crites, les éditions imprimées, les études qui lui sont consacrées avèrent un intérêt constant, 14 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN THIS SERIES. These and other titles available. Translations from John of Salisbury Hermann de Reun SERIES LATINA Metalogicon Sermons J. B. Hall (trans.), Pierre-Yves Emery (trad.) Rustico J. Haseldine (intro.) 757 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 25, PB, Contro gli Acefali 369 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55145-6, € 90 S. Petri (trad.) ISBN 978-2-503-53398-8, € 60 252 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 17, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55107-4, € 50 Pietro Comestore William of Malmesbury La Genesi Himnodia hispánica On Lamentations Gaia Lazzarini (trad.) José Castro Sánchez (trad.) M. Winterbottom (trans.) 454 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, CCT 30, PB 410 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 13, PB, ISBN: 978-2-503-57596-4, € 65 604 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 19, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55274-3, € 90 ISBN 978-2-503-54849-4, € 60 Novatian William Durand On the Trinity, Rationale IV. Translations from Letters to Cyprian On the Mass and Each SERIES GRAECA of Carthage, Ethical Action Pertaining to it Treatises T. M. Thibodeau (trans.) Anastasios of Sinai J. L. Papandrea (trans.) 525 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 14, PB, Questions and Answers 216 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 22, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54879-1, € 70 J. A. Munitiz (trans.) ISBN 978-2-503-54491-5, € 50 264 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 7, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53512-8, € 50 Jakob von Vitry Liturgica Das Leben der Maria The Gothic Missal von Oignies Mönch Markos Els Rose (trad.) I. Geyer (Übers.) Asketische Schriften 373 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 27, PB ISBN: 978-2-503-53397-1, € 50 223 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 18, PB, Florilegium und ISBN 978-2-503-55108-1, € 50 drei Traktate P. Roelli (Übers.) Escritos medievales en honor Aelred de Rievaulx 229 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 15, PB, del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla Sermons. ISBN 978-2-503-53396-4, € 50 José Carlos Martín-Iglesias (trad.) La collection de Reading 359 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 29, PB ISBN: 978-2-503-57609-1, € 60 (sermons 85-182) Theognostos Gaëtane de Briey, Treasury Gaetano Raciti (trad.), J. A. Munitiz (trans.) Xavier Morales (intro.) Translations from 310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 16, PB, CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS 2 vol., 886 p., 156 x 234 mm., 2015, ISBN 978-2-503-55106-7, € 50 CCT 20, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55206-4, € 90 Sicard von Cremona Titus de Bostra Mitralis. Der Gottesdienst William Durand Contre les manichéens der Kirche Rationale V. Paul-Hubert Poirier, L. Weinrich (Übers.) On the Divine Offices Agathe Roman, 810 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 9, PB, T. M. Thibodeau (trans.) Thomas Schmidt (trad.) ISBN 978-2-503-53400-8, € 90 228 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 23, PB, 483 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 21, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55550-8, € 50 ISBN 978-2-503-55017-6, € 60 Johannes Beleth Summe der kirchlichen Guiberto di Nogent Theodore Metochites Offizien Le reliquie dei santi Poems L. Weinrich (Übers.) Matteo Salaroli (trad.) Ioannis D. Polemis 336 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2012, CCT 11, PB, 178 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 24, PB, 377 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 26, PB ISBN 978-2-503-54334-5, € 60 ISBN 978-2-503-55584-3, € 35 ISBN: 978-2-503-57039-6, € 50 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION 15
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