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ISBN Title Price Quantity TOTAL ABOUT THE ILO Titre Título Prix Precio Quantité Cantidad Established in 1919, and since 1946 a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has focused on workplace issues, actively seeking to create decent work for all – work which is freely chosen and performed in an environment of equity and human dignity. While promoting individual and collective rights at work, social protection and occupational safety and health, the ILO encourages social dialogue and supports an open and constructive industrial relations policy between governments, employers and workers. L’OIT L’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), fondée en 1919, institution du système des Nations Unies depuis 1946, se consacre au monde du travail. Son objectif est que chacun ait un travail décent, librement choisi et dans des conditions d’équité et de dignité. A cette fin, elle s’attache à promouvoir le respect des droits, individuels et collectifs, la protection sociale, la sécurité et la santé au travail, le dialogue social associant gouvernements, employeurs et travailleurs pour établir des relations professionnelles harmonieuses et constructives. Subtotal ACERCA DE LA OIT YES ! Please send me the following items as indicated below Sous-total (please indicate desired quantity) Fundada en 1919, y miembro de las Naciones Unidas desde 1946, la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) Subtotal ha centrado su actuación en las diversas facetas del trabajo, esforzándose activamente en crear trabajo decente OUI ! Je désire commander les articles suivants Postage and Handling (see below)* para todos, es decir, un trabajo elegido libremente y desempeñado en un entorno de equidad y dignidad humana. 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NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! World of Work Report 2012 Confronting Finance Mending the Global Better jobs for a better economy Mobilizing the 99% for economic and Economy social progress International Institute for Labour Studies Putting social justice first Edited by Nicolas Pons-Vignon and Phumzile The World of Work Report 2012 provides Ncube Juan Somavia 4 a comprehensive analysis of recent labour market and social trends, assesses risks The Global Labour Column has become a Women and men without jobs or livelihoods of social unrest and presents employment valuable source of analysis of current eco- really don’t care if their economies grow at 3, projections for the next five years. The nomic trends that affect working people 5 or 10 per cent a year, if such growth leaves them behind and without protection. They do LABOUR ISSUES report emphasizes that while employment all over the world. This anthology brings has begun to recover slowly, job quality is together critical pieces on many issues care whether their leaders and their societies deteriorating and there is a growing sense of (fiscal strategies, finance policies, social promote policies to provide jobs and justice, unfairness. Moreover, given the pressure on protection, strategies for job creation bread and dignity, and freedom to voice their governments to rein in expenditure, policy and much more), encompassing different needs, their hopes and their dreams... efforts have focused on structural reforms to regions and various perspectives. Juan Somavia boost employment creation. However, if policy Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Jawa- Juan Somavia, Director-General of the ILO, instruments are not carefully designed, they harlal Nehru University, New Delhi steps down in September 2012 after 13 could exacerbate the employment situation years in office. This book encapsulates his and aggravate further equity concerns, with The unfolding economic crisis has unequivo- cally proved that neoliberal policies were no thinking and the ILO’s major policy positions potentially long-lasting adverse consequences in response to the global jobs crisis. The for both the economy and society. better for growth than for social progress. As poverty and inequality are rising to alarming messages are consistent over the whole of The following questions are addressed: levels in Europe, the old continent seems his mandate and so pre-date and in many at a loss to respond. Political leaders seem ways predict the dire situation facing workers • To what extent has the slow recovery aggra- content to liquidate the social gains made by around the world. However, the thrust of vated social conditions, including falling workers’ struggles. A small minority, possibly the book is forward looking, not backward. incomes, deepening poverty and worsening even smaller than 1 per cent, associated with Mr Somavia focuses on the current crisis, its inequality? the financial sector, stands to benefit from resolution and how to build from it, adding a deepening of neoliberalism. a strong new voice to the debate on how to • Have countries gone too far, too fast with move forward. His central message is that fiscal consolidation? How should they sup- This new anthology of essays from the Global the current financially driven economic model port recovery while meeting fiscal goals in Labour Column explores Europe’s turmoil and is failing people, and he proposes a new the medium term? challenges the deep-rooted consequences of global model that rights today’s imbalances • What can be expected from recent labour neoliberalism in the North and the South. by adding a social pillar to global governance market reforms? It sheds light on new movements and ideas structures. which are emerging to defend and mobi- • How can investment be boosted so as to lize workers, and points to encouraging new This engaging book is essential reading for ensure a long-lasting recovery in both the policies and directions which could lay the leaders and decision-makers as well as the economy and jobs? foundations of a new order that would put general public. • What have been the barriers to imple- decent work and life at its core. A number of these come from the South, from which July 2012 menting a more job-centred and equity- Paperback – 100 pp. enhancing policy approach? Why has the the North may have much to learn. ISBN 978-92-2-126395-1 business-as-usual scenario maintained its CHF 25; USD 28; GBP 19; EUR 20 June 2012 centrality despite the increasing risk of Also available in Spanish Paperback – 130 pp. social unrest? ISBN 978-92-2-126213-8 This report calls for a carefully designed CHF 30; USD 30, GBP 18; EUR 22 policy approach that takes into consider- Also available in French and Spanish ation the urgent need to create quality jobs while at the same time laying the ground for a more productive, fairer economy and labour market. May 2012 Paperback – 120 pp. ISBN 978-92-9251-009-1 CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; EUR 35
NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! World Report Making Globalization Social Protection Floor on Child Labour 2012 Socially Sustainable for a Fair and Inclusive Economic vulnerability, social protection Edited by Marc Bacchetta and Marion Jansen Globalization and child labour Globalization is widely seen as a powerful In many ways the power of the social protec- How can we reduce child labour in the less engine that has the potential to promote tion floor lies in its simplicity. The floor is 5 favourable circumstances of a global eco- growth and development. For many years, based on the idea that everyone should enjoy nomic slowdown? This new flagship report, however, concerns have also been raised at least basic income security sufficient to the first in a series to be published annually about the effects of globalization on jobs live, guaranteed through transfers in cash LABOUR ISSUES by the ILO’s International Programme on the and wages. This has led to questions about or in kind, such as pensions for the elderly Elimination of Child Labour, brings together the social sustainability of globalization. and persons with disabilities, child benefits, research on child labour and social protec- income support benefits and/or employment This volume consists of contributions by tion, identifying policies that are designed guarantees and services for the unemployed leading academic experts who analyse the to achieve multiple social goals. Included and working poor. Together, cash and in- various channels through which globalization are analyses of national child labour trends kind transfers should ensure that everyone affects jobs and wages. Together, the nine based on the latest survey data, discussions has access to essential goods and services, chapters in this volume summarize state- of the role of poverty and economic shocks including essential health services, primary of-the-art knowledge on themes related to in rendering households vulnerable to child education, housing, water and sanitation. the social dimension of globalization. It rep- labour, and detailed consideration of income resents a step in the direction of a better This report, prepared under the guidance transfers, public employment programmes, understanding of the mechanisms through of Ms Michelle Bachelet and members of social insurance and microcredit initiatives which globalization affects workers and of the Advisory Group, shows that the exten- as they have been implemented around the the measures that governments can take to sion of social protection, drawing on social world. The report distills a broad range of give globalization a strong social dimension. protection floors, can play a pivotal role in research in economic and social policy and should be of interest to those looking for This book will be of value to all those who relieving people of poverty and deprivation. It ways to combat poverty in the present and are interested in the debate on the social sus- can in addition help people adapt their skills reduce its burden on the next generation. tainability of globalization, including workers to overcome the constraints that block their and employers, policy-makers, academics and full participation in a changing economic and October 2012 other trade and labour specialists. social environment, contributing to improved Paperback – 100 pp. human capital development and stimulating ISBN 978-92-2-126234-3 Co-published with the WTO. greater productive activity. The report also CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; EUR 35 shows how social protection has helped to Also available in French and Spanish September 2011 stabilize aggregate demand in times of crisis Paperback – xvi + 320 pp. and to increase resilience against economic ISBN 978-92-2-124583-4 shocks, contributing to accelerate recovery CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 35; EUR 42 towards more inclusive and sustainable devel- opment paths. October 2011 Paperback – 200 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-125337-2 CHF 40; USD 45; GBP 30; EUR 35 The dollar (USD) rates apply in the USA, the pound sterling (GBP) rates apply in the UK, and the euro (EUR) rates in the EU only. In all other countries the Swiss franc (CHF) rates or the equivalent in convertible currencies are applicable Prices and titles may be subject to change without notice
NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Key Indicators of the Labour Social Justice and Growth: The Spread of Precarious Market (KILM) The role of the minimum Employment: Trends, effects Seventh edition (includes trilingual wage and perspectives CD-ROM in English, French and Spanish) International Journal of Labour Research, International Journal of Labour Research, 6 Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) Vol. 4, Issue 1 Vol. 4, Issue 2 is a wide-ranging reference tool that offers the general user instant and uncomplicated This issue of the International Journal of Recent decades have been marked by the access to data and analysis on the world’s Labour Research is dedicated to campaign worldwide spread of precarious forms of and policy developments relating to the ques- employment: temporary contracts, agency LABOUR ISSUES labour markets. Harvesting information from international data repositories as well tion of minimum wages around the world, a work, and casual labour have accounted for as regional and national statistical sources, question which has drawn renewed interest a major share of job growth. Thus growth in the KILM offers data for over 200 countries in recent years as a lever not only to reduce recent times, far from favouring the develop- from 1980 up to the latest available year. poverty and inequality, but also to stimulate ment of decent work, has often fostered new the economy. The issue seeks to reflect a forms of precarity. This issue of the Inter- The 18 key labour market indicators cover variety of experiences starting with the “living national Journal of Labour Research examines employment (status, sector, hours, etc.), the wage” campaigns in the United States, policy the trends and the reasons that lie behind this lack of work and the characteristics of job- efforts to strengthen the minimum wages in expansion, as well as their effects on workers seekers, education, wages and compensation both Brazil and India, the Asia Floor Wage and various segments of the labour force such costs, labour productivity and working pov- initiative aiming to set a common real wage as youth and women and inequality. It also erty. Taken together, the indicators provide a floor in the garment industry in South-East considers the consequences of this develop- strong foundation from which to address key Asia, and the current debate on a minimum ment on workers’ capacity to organize, and questions related to productive employment wage for Europe. Finally, analysts from the what strategies trade unions can envisage and decent work. This seventh edition adds ILO provide a short and highly useful guide to reverse this trend. two new indicators, employment by occupa- on minimum wage setting methodology. tion and average monthly wages; expands November 2012 access to global and regional aggregates of June 2012 Paperback – 125 pp. key labour market indicators; and analyses Paperback – 125 pp. ISSN 2076-9806 specifically part-time work as it relates to ISSN 2076-9806 CHF 45; USD 42; GBP 27; EUR 30 gender equality. CHF 45; USD 42; GBP 27; EUR 30 Also available in French and Spanish Also available in French and Spanish With three formats available – print, inter- active software (CD-ROM) and an online database – accessing the country-level data for the 18 key labour market indicators, as well as the accompanying analysis, is now easier than ever. 2012 Paperback – x + 800 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-125377-8 CHF 275; USD 275; GBP 180; EUR 200 CD-ROM ISBN 978-92-2-025379-3 CHF 100; USD 90; GBP 60; EUR 70
RELATED TITLES The Global Crisis Social Security for Cooperating out Causes, responses Social Justice and a of Child Labour and challenges Fair Globalization 2009 − viii + 44 pp. 2011 – xx + 240 pp Report 100 VI ISBN 978-92-2-122262-0 ISBN 978-92-2-124579-7 2011 − 182 pp. CHF 15; USD 15; GBP 9; CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 25; ISBN 978-92-2-123117-2 EUR 10 EUR 35 CHF 15; USD 15; GBP 10; Available in Spanish EUR 11 Available in French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Russian and Chinese World of Work Report International Labour The Financial and 2011 Migration Economic Crisis Making markets work A rights-based approach A decent work response for jobs 2010 − 350 pp. 2009 – xx + 80 pp. 2011 – xviii + 140 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-119120-9 ISBN 978-92-9014-900-2 ISBN 978-92-9014-974-3 CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; CHF 25; USD 25; GBP 15; CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; EUR 33 EUR 16 7 EUR 35 Available in Spanish Available in French / Spanish Available in Spanish LABOUR ISSUES There Is an Alternative In Search of Decent Active Labour Market Economic policies and Work − Migrant Policies Around the labour strategies beyond Workers’ Rights World the mainstream A manual for trade Coping with the conse- Edited by N. Pons-Vignon unionists quences of globalization June 2011 – xvi + 130 pp. 2010 – viii + 136 pp. Peter Auer, Ümit Efendioğlu ISBN 978-92-2-124581-0 ISBN 978-92-2-121692-6 and Janine Leschke CHF 30, USD 30, GBP 18, CHF 35; USD 32; GBP 20; 2008 – xii + 104 pp. EUR 22 EUR 23 ISBN 978-92-2-120456-5 Available in French / Spanish Available in French / Spanish CHF 35; USD 29.95; GBP 18; EUR 25 Don’t Waste the Crisis Building Decent Critical perspectives for Societies a new economic model Rethinking the role of social Edited by Nicolas security in development Pons-Vignon Edited by Peter Townsend 2010 – xx + 96 pp. 2009 − xxii + 386 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-123442-5 ISBN 978-92-2-121995-8 CHF 30; USD 28; GBP 18; CHF 110; USD 105; GBP EUR 22 65; EUR 75 Available in Spanish World Social Security Microfinance Report 2010/11 and Public Policy Providing coverage in times Outreach, performance of crisis and beyond and efficiency 2010 – xiv + 277 pp. Edited by Bernd Balkenhol ISBN 978-92-2-123268-1 2007 – xxiii + 263 pp. CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; ISBN 978-92-2-119347-0 EUR 35 CHF 115; USD 90; GBP 55; EUR 80 Available in French / Spanish Discount for developing countries Extending Social Cooperating out Security to All of Poverty Customers from developing countries A guide through challenges The renaissance of the Afri- can benefit from special discounts and options can cooperative movement on the regular prices indicated in this 2010 − 190 pp. Edited by Patrick Develtere, catalogue and may be able to pay in ISBN 978-92-2-123064-9 Ignace Pollet and Frederick local currency through an ILO field office. CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; Wanyama Please contact your local ILO field office, EUR 35 2008 – xiv + 372 pp. distributor or bookseller (see pages 67 –71) ISBN 978-92-2-120722-1 or email us at for more CHF 35; USD 35; G BP 18; EUR 23 information.
NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Global Employment Trends Global Employment Trends Domestic Workers Across for Youth 2012 2012 the World Incorporating the most recent labour market The annual Global Employment Trends (GET) Global and regional statistics and information available, Global Employment reports provide the latest global and regional the extent of legal protection 8 Trends for Youth sets out the youth labour estimates of employment and unemployment, The adoption of new international labour market situation around the world. It shows employment by sector, vulnerable employ- standards on domestic work (Convention where progress has or has not been made, ment, labour productivity and working poverty, No. 189 and its accompanying Recommen- updates world and regional youth labour while also analysing country-level issues and dation No. 201) by the ILO at its 100th market indicators and gives detailed analyses trends in the labour market. EMPLOYMENT International Labour Conference in June of medium-term trends in youth population, 2011 represents a key milestone on the labour force, employment and unemployment. Based on the most recently available data and taking into account macroeconomic trends path to the realization of decent work for This year’s report shows that the impacts and forecasts, the GET reports seek to shed domestic workers. This publication sheds of the crisis have been disproportionately light on current labour market trends and light on the magnitude of domestic work, severe for young people around the world, challenges. The reports build on the Key a sector often “invisible” behind the doors and that those in developed economies have Indicators of the Labour Market and include of private households and unprotected by been especially hard hit. With nearly 75 mil- a consistent set of tables with regional and national legislation. lion youth unemployed worldwide, the youth global estimates of labour market indica- The volume presents national statistics and unemployment rate has remained close to the tors. Each report contains a short-term labour new global and regional estimates on the crisis peak in 2009, and medium-term pro- market outlook, focusing on unemployment, number of domestic workers. It shows that jections suggest little improvement. Particu- vulnerable employment and working poverty. domestic workers represent a significant larly worrisome is the increase in those youth share of the labour force worldwide and who have withdrawn from the workforce, and The Global Employment Trends 2012 takes stock of labour market developments and that domestic work is an important source in those who are neither in education nor of wage employment for women, especially in in employment. emerging challenges as the world continues to struggle to forge a sustainable recovery Latin America and Asia. It also examines the The report offers valuable lessons learned from the global economic and jobs crisis. extent of inclusion or exclusion of domestic from in-depth regional and gender analysis workers from key working conditions laws. In January 2012 particular, it analyses how many domestic as well as recommendations on youth employ- Paperback – 112 pp. workers are covered by working time provi- ment policies. Ideally, these will shape future ISBN 978-92-2-124924-5 sions, minimum wage legislation and mater- developments, as countries continue to pri- CHF 30; USD 35; GBP 22; EUR 25 nity protection. The results demonstrate that oritize youth in their national recovery policy Also available in French and Spanish under current national laws, substantial gaps agendas. in protection still remain. May 2012 Paperback – viii + 56 pp. The volume concludes with a summary of ISBN 978-92-2-126325-8 the main findings and a reflection on the CHF 25; USD 27; GBP 17; EUR 20 relevance of the newly adopted interna- tional standards to extend legal protection to domestic workers. February 2012 Paperback – 65 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-125273-3 CHF 35; USD 40; GBP 28; EUR 30 To place Fax: (+41) your order locally, 022 799 6938 see pages 67–71
NEW ! Working Towards Towards a Greener Economy Skills for Green Jobs: Sustainable Development The social dimensions A global view Opportunities for decent work and social International Institute for Labour Studies Synthesis report based on 21 country studies inclusion in a green economy In reaction to the deep crisis that hit the Olga Strietska-Ilina, Christine Hofmann, Mercedes A green economy is necessary if sustainable global economy in 2008, the European Com- Durán Haro and Shinyoung Jeon 9 development is to be realized. However, as mission and the ILO combined efforts to The shift to a green economy is increasing this report emphasizes, a green economy can examine policies that will lead not only to a the pace of change in labour markets and also, if accompanied by the right policy mix, quicker recovery but also to a more sustain- skill needs. This study shows that economies EMPLOYMENT create more and better jobs, lift people out of able, environmentally friendly and equitable moving towards greener production can seize poverty and promote social inclusion. In fact, global economy. This is particularly relevant the potential for job creation if they deal the growth model of the past few decades given the uneven and fragile nature of the effectively with the coming structural change has been inefficient, not only economically, recovery process across and within countries. and transformation of existing jobs. but also from environmental, employment These efforts culminated in the publication and social perspectives. It overuses natural of two Synthesis Reports. The report examines the experiences of 21 resources, is environmentally unsustainable developed and developing countries – repre- This second report aims to promote a clearer and has failed to meet the aspirations of a senting 60 per cent of the world population understanding of the nature of the green large proportion of society seeking productive, – in adjusting their training provision to meet economy and its implications for labour mar- decent work and dignified lives. new demands of a greener economy. It shows kets, especially the reallocation of jobs from that while few new occupations emerge in the A new development model – one which puts high- to low-polluting sectors. It shows that a transition to greener work, massive change people, fairness and the planet at the core double dividend in terms of increased decent occurs in existing occupations, with carbon- of policy-making – is urgently needed, and work opportunities and a greener economy intensive industries typically losing jobs. is eminently achievable. More fundamentally, is possible, provided that complementarities this report demonstrates that employment and between environmental, economic and social Successful transitions from old to new, social inclusion must be integral parts of any policies are adequately exploited. The report greener industries and occupations will sustainable development strategy and must discusses the green policy measures that EU require efficient retraining and skill upgrading. be included in policies that address climate countries are currently undertaking, with a A key element of the transformation must change and ensure the preservation of the view to identifying any gaps in the policy be training initiatives targeted to segments environment. In particular, the report assesses mix. It also presents model estimates on of the population typically at a disadvan- the sectoral, employment and income impli- the likely transmission mechanisms arising tage in the labour market. To avoid future cations of the transition to a green economy. from these measures. skill shortages, the report recommends that It highlights the necessary conditions, policy countries devise strategies based on well- November 2011 prescriptions and good practices required to informed policy decisions, social dialogue, Paperback – xvii + 102 pp. ensure that the green economy is character- and coordination among ministries and ISBN ISBN 978-92-9014-986-6 ized by gains in job quality, reductions in between employers and training providers. CHF 25; USD 28; GBP 19; EUR 20 poverty and improvements in social inclusion. October 2011 Paperback – xxix + 442 pp. June 2012 ISBN 978-92-2-125091-3 Paperback – 288 pp. CHF 60; USD 70; GBP 45; EUR 50 ISBN 978-92-2-126378-4 CHF 60; USD 65; GBP 40; EUR 50 Also available in Spanish
The Youth Employment Building a Sustainable China: From an active Crisis: Time for Action Job-rich Recovery employment policy to Report V International Institute for Labour Studies Employment Promotion Law Over the last two decades, youth unemploy- In reaction to the deep crisis that hit the Coping with economic restructuring and labour 10 ment on average has remained at three times global economy in 2008, the European Com- market adjustments that of adult unemployment, and in some mission and the ILO combined efforts to China has enjoyed spectacularly high GDP regions this proportion is now as high as five examine policies that will lead not only to a growth rates for over three decades, thanks times the adult rate. The youth employment quicker recovery but also to a more sustain- to the massive economic, social and institu- EMPLOYMENT crisis – and the unprecedented proportions it able, environmentally friendly and equitable tional reforms put in place during a period has assumed – prompted the ILO’s Governing global economy. This is particularly relevant of intensifying globalization. The reforms, Body to put this topic on the agenda of the given the uneven and fragile nature of the influenced by China’s accession bid to the 101st Session of the International Labour recovery process across and within countries. WTO, took on the challenge of developing a Conference for a general discussion. These efforts culminated in the publication socialist market economy whilst increasingly of two Synthesis Reports. Chapter 1 of this report reviews the charac- integrating it with the global economy. While teristics of the youth employment crisis in This first report examines the origins of the rapid growth and modernization were the its quantitative and qualitative dimensions deep financial and economic crisis that key considerations of the economic reforms, across different regions and countries, and hit the world economy in 2008 and that policy initiatives were put in place to bal- discusses new emerging challenges such as continues to shape labour market perform- ance the ‘opening’ of the economy with educated unemployment and the increasing ance across the globe. The report discusses domestic labour and social development. “detachment” of youth from labour markets. general lessons to be learned from financial The goal of full employment was central to Chapter 2 analyses the patterns of interven- crises as well as the role of global imbal- China’s people-oriented development strategy, tions and policies implemented by countries ances that have taken a prominent place in entailing reforms to labour policies and insti- and highlights the key lessons that can be the current crisis. The report then presents tutions that included the implementation of drawn from the global financial crisis. It global stimulus measures and assesses their an active employment policy and the subse- underscores the significance of policy coher- effectiveness, comparing them with earlier quent passing of the Employment Promotion ence and coordination at national and global examples in Argentina and the Republic of Law. Much has been written about the suc- levels and also points to a major deficiency Korea. Finally, the report provides an overview cesses of China’s growth and its economic – that of limited voice and participation by of policy measures to maintain the recovery reforms, but little is known about the concur- youth themselves in forging their present momentum in times of increasingly reduced rent social and labour market changes. This and future. Chapter 3 briefly reviews the policy space, focusing on the importance of study provides a unique account of China’s ILO’s strategy of support to constituents, and quality job creation and demand-led initia- move towards increased participation in the the main global and regional partnerships tives to build a sustainable job-rich recovery. market economy and how the Government focusing on youth employment. Chapter 4 coped with the massive labour adjustments presents the conclusions emerging from this November 2011 that came with the restructuring process. review and analysis, and points to some pos- Paperback – xvii + 98 pp. sible ways forward. ISBN 978-92-9014-984-2 November 2011 CHF 25; USD 28; GBP 19; EUR 20 Paperback – xvi + 78 pp. March 2012 ISBN 978-92-2-125442-3 Paperback − 116 pp. CHF 25; USD 28; GBP 19; EUR 20 ISBN 978-92-2-124499-8 CHF 20; USD 22; GBP 14; EUR 17 Also available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese and Russian
RELATED TITLES Assessing Green Jobs Trade and Employment Potential in Developing in the Global Crisis Countries Marion Jansen and Andrew Jarvis, Adarsh Erik von Uexkull Varma and Justin Ram NEW ! 2010 – 174 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-123334-3 2011 – x + 82 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-124571-1 CHF 25; USD 25; GBP 15; CHF 30; USD 30; GBP 20; EUR 16 EUR 22 Available in Spanish Tunisia: A new social Towards Decent Work Spain: Quality jobs in Sub-Saharan Africa for a new economy contract for fair and Monitoring MDG Studies in Growth with equitable growth employment indicators Equity Edited by Theo Sparreboom 2011 – xii + 141 pp. Studies on Growth with Equity and Alana Albee ISBN 978-92-9014-988-0 2011 – xviii + 190 pp. CHF 30; USD 28; GBP 20; 11 International Institute for Labour Studies ISBN 978-92-2-124942-9 EUR 22 It is often argued that the cost of social equity CHF 80; USD 95; GBP 60; Available in Spanish is less economic growth, highlighting the EUR 65 EMPLOYMENT supposed trade-off between these two goals. The crisis that erupted in 2008, which was Globalization and Brazil: An innovative preceded by rising social inequalities, has Informal Jobs in income-led strategy shown that this is simply not the case. In Developing Countries Studies in Growth with fact, if properly designed, equity-enhancing Equity Marc Bacchetta, Ekkehard policies can also promote prosperity and Ernst and Juana Paola 2011 – xii + 130 pp. reduce the risk of future crises. The aim of Bustamante ISBN 978-92-9-014958-3 the Studies on Growth with Equity series is 2009 – 140 pp. CHF 30; USD 28; GBP 20; to show how such policy complementarities ISBN 978-92-2-122719-9 EUR 22 can be achieved. CHF 35; USD 35; GBP 20; EUR 23 The Tunisian revolution of 2011 provides Available in French / Spanish a stark example of the limits of economic growth without social justice. The country’s Global Employment The Global Employ- strong growth performance and stable macro- Trends 2011 ment Challenge economic environment covered deeply rooted The challenge of a jobs Ajit K. Ghose, Nomaan structural imbalances such as widespread recovery Majid and Christoph Ernst inequality, high unemployment, and limited 2011 – xi + 99 pp. 2008 – xiv + 290 pp. opportunities to obtain decent work. This ISBN 978-92-2-124545-2 ISBN 978-92-2-120305-6 study puts forth a strategy to develop a more CHF 50; USD 48; GBP 30; CHF 50; USD 40; GBP 22; inclusive model of growth that centres on EUR 33 EUR 30 stronger quality job creation especially for Available in French / Spanish Available in Spanish young people, improved governance and transparency, and greater social dialogue in order to achieve a more socially and econom- Global Employment Promotion of Sustain- ically sustainable growth. Trends for Youth able Enterprises 2010 – 80 pp. Graeme Buckley, Michael June 2011 ISBN 978-92-2-123855-3 Henriques and José Manuel Paperback − xii+124 pp. CHF 40; USD 39; GBP 25; Salazar-Xirinachs ISBN 978-92-9251-000-8 EUR 28 2009 – xxxii + 258 pp. CHF 30; USD 28; GBP 20; EUR 22 ISBN 978-92-2-121200-3 Also available in French CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 25; EUR 30 Available in Spanish From the Great Job-rich Growth in Asia Recession to Labour Strategies for local employ- Market Recovery ment, skills development Issues, evidence and policy and social protection options Cristina Martinez- Edited by Iyanatul Islam and Fernandez, Kees Van Der Sher Verick Ree, Sylvain Giguère and Aurelio Parisotto 2011 – xx + 310 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-124031-0 2011 – 128 pp. CHF 110; USD 105; ISBN 978-92-2-124089-1 GBP 65; EUR 75 CHF 30; USD 33; GBP 20; Available in Spanish EUR 24
NEW ! NEW ! Effective Protection for Labour in the Global South Shaping Global Industrial Domestic Workers Challenges and alternatives for workers Relations A guide to designing labour laws Edited by Sarah Mosoetsa and Michelle Williams The impact of international framework agreements At the 100th International Labour Conference The twenty-first century has posed serious 12 in June 2011, the ILO adopted Convention challenges to workers − formal and informal, Edited by Konstantinos Papadakis No. 189 and Recommendation No. 201 on organized and unorganized − around the In recent years, many multinational enter- decent work for domestic workers. Because world. It has also brought to the fore extra- prises have adopted corporate codes of domestic workers are often excluded from the ordinarily creative responses, forcing us to conduct with social provisions. Increasingly, L A B O U R L AW A N D L A B O U R R E L AT I O N S protection of labour laws or are treated less think beyond our common understandings they are now signing international frame- favourably than other wage workers, imple- of “labour”, effective trade union strategies work agreements (IFAs) with global unions menting the basic principles embodied in and forms of power. representing workers by sector of activity. In Convention No. 189 calls for an assessment addition to regulating labour–management Challenging the global North’s dominance and strengthening of national labour laws. relations across global value chains, these in the literature, Labour in the Global South This guide is a practical tool for those presents alternative approaches as well as agreements aim to promote compliance with involved in national legislative processes creative responses to the challenges facing ILO core labour standards. Shaping Global and in the design of labour laws, including labour in the global South, in countries such Industrial Relations assesses the phenom- government officials and representatives as Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, South enon of IFAs, examining their impact around of workers’ and employers’ organizations. Africa and Uruguay. The volume devotes par- the world as well as their effectiveness in With Convention No. 189 as its underlying ticular attention to areas often neglected by fostering labour–management dialogue. framework, it provides specific guidelines organized labour: the relationship between This book brings together the contributions and complements these with examples drawn ecology, climate change and jobs; unionizing of 15 specialists, both academics and practi- from a wide range of existing national labour service work; the dynamics of trade union− tioners, covering the 80-plus IFAs that existed laws concerning domestic workers. political party alliances; gender; and new in July 2010. Particular attention is paid to forms of solidarity. It brings together a group the negotiation and implementation of IFAs, The guide’s first part discusses alternative of distinguished labour scholars and practi- approaches to regulating domestic work, the and a number of case studies illuminate the tioners who make an important contribution managerial motivation behind the adoption nature and characteristics of domestic work, through their rich empirical case studies. the forms of employment relationships that of these agreements. The authors evaluate may exist, and their implications for regula- the consequences of IFAs and assess their September 2012 potential as a model for cross-border indus- tion. Subsequent chapters focus on substan- Paperback – 200 pp. tive areas of regulation, namely, formalizing trial relations in the future. ISBN 978-92-2-126238-1 the employment relationship, working time, CHF 40; USD 45; GBP 30; EUR 35 Co-published with Palgrave Macmillan as part remuneration, fundamental principles and of the Advances in Labour Studies series. rights at work, protection from abuse and har- assment, and protection of migrant domestic September 2011 workers and child domestic workers. Hardback − xx + 308 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-124587-2 May 2012 CHF 110; USD 110; GBP 67.50; EUR 85 Paperback − 100 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-125275-7 CHF 45; USD 50; GBP 35; EUR 40 To place Fax: (+41) your order locally, 022 799 6938 see pages 67–71
Trade Unions and the The Role of Collective Regulating for Decent Work Global Crisis Bargaining in the Global New directions in labour market regulation Edited by Sangheon Lee and Deirdre McCann Labour’s visions, strategies and responses Economy Edited by Melisa Serrano, Edlira Xhafa and Michael Regulating the labour market is a distor- Negotiating for social justice Fichter tion for some, a panacea for others. This 13 Edited by Susan Hayter book provides the ingredients for those who In a context of sustained economic crisis ... wish to transcend simple positions. Draw- Susan Hayter has put together a first-rate there are no clear roadmaps for the alterna- ing on empirical, interdisciplinary and com- set of authors and chapters on the positive tive, a sustainable society that can only be parative perspectives, this unique collection L A B O U R L AW A N D L A B O U R R E L AT I O N S role collective bargaining and employee voice forged through innovative mobilization. We establishes the moral and economic case have to play in the global economy of the are fortunate, therefore, for the rich offerings for regulation, identifies the circumstances twenty-first century. Examples from numer- in this book that examine the crisis and craft that make regulation effective, and reveals ous countries illustrate how negotiation and inspiring elements of a vision for a more eco- the gap between “law on the books” and dialogue can lead to a win–win outcome of nomically and environmentally viable society. “law in action”. A significant resource for improved economic performance and en- Based on well-informed research, this fine scholars and policy-makers who are engaged hanced equality and social justice. collection of writings also points toward the Bruce Kaufman, Georgia State University, USA in thinking about regulation as part of a just innovative strategies labor unions and their regime market. allies need in the battles ahead. Participation in the global economy can con- Guy Mundlak, Tel Aviv University Lowell Turner, Cornell University, USA tribute to growth and development but, as the recent financial crisis demonstrated, such This book is an international and interdis- If the recent global economic crisis has debili- participation can also threaten employment, ciplinary response to the neoliberal ideologies tated labour in many parts of the world, many wages and labour standards. This volume that have shaped labour market regulation in segments of the trade union movement have examines the role that collective bargaining recent decades. It draws on contributions by been fighting back, combining traditional plays in ensuring that participation in the leading experts across a range of disciplines, and innovative strategies and articulating global economy is balanced, fair and just. including economics, law, political science alternatives to the dominant political and and industrial relations. International in economic models. Collective bargaining is often seen either as scope, it includes chapters on both advanced an impediment to the smooth functioning of Trade Unions and the Global Crisis offers economies and the developing world. The markets, or as ineffective. This book focuses a composite overview of the responses of volume identifies central themes in the con- on the other side of the story and demon- trade unions and other workers’ organiza- temporary regulation of labour, including the strates the positive contribution that collec- tions to neoliberal globalization in general role of empirical research in assessing and tive bargaining can make to both economic and to the recent financial crisis in particular. supporting labour market interventions, the and social goals. No one size fits all and The essays here, by trade unionists and aca- regulation of precarious work and the emer- the various contributions examine how this demics from around the world, explore the gence of new types of labour markets. Each fundamental principle and right at work is state of labour in Brazil, China, Nepal, South theme is explored through key contributions realized in different country settings and how Africa, Turkey, North America and Europe. by leading experts. The book advances the its practice can be reinforced across borders. The authors offer a rich range of short-term academic and policy debates on post-crisis The volume also highlights the numerous strategies and actions, medium- and long- labour regulation by identifying new challen- challenges in this regard and the critically term policies, and alternative visions that ges, subjects and theoretical perspectives. important role that governments play in rebal- challenge the current development paradigm. In contrast to the dominant deregulatory ap- ancing bargaining power in a global economy. This book makes a stimulating contribution proaches, it calls for labour market regulation The chapters are written in an accessible style to the continuing debate on labour’s role as to be reinvigorated. and deal with practical subjects. an economic, political and social force in Co-published with Palgrave Macmillan as part building a more democratic and just society. Co-published with Edward Elgar. of the Advances in Labour Studies series. September 2011 June 2011 July 2011 Paperback − xxxii + 257 pp. Paperback − x + 316 pp. Hardback − xvi + 364 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-124926-9 ISBN 978-92-2-124099-0 ISBN 978-92-2-124559-9 CHF 40; USD 45; GBP 30; EUR 35 CHF 50; USD 50; GBP 30; EUR 33 CHF 110; USD 110; GBP 70; EUR 75
NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! Report of the Committee of Giving Globalization Fundamental Principles Experts on the Application a Human Face and Rights at Work: of Conventions and General Survey on the fundamental From commitment to action Conventions concerning rights at work 14 Recommendations in light of the ILO Declaration on Social Recurrent discussion under the ILO Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008. Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Report III (1A) Globalization and the follow-up to the ILO Report III (1B). The Committee of Experts is an independent Declaration on Fundamental Principles body composed of legal experts charged with The General Survey seeks to give a global and Rights at Work. Report VI. L A B O U R L AW A N D L A B O U R R E L AT I O N S examining the application of ILO Conven- picture of the law and practice in member States in terms of the practical application Freedom of association and the effective rec- tions and Recommendations by ILO member ognition of the right to collective bargaining, States. This annual report of the Committee of ratified and non-ratified Conventions, describing the various positive initiatives the elimination of all forms of forced or com- is divided into the following parts. pulsory labour, the effective abolition of child undertaken in some countries, in addition The Reader’s note provides indications on to certain serious problems encountered in labour and the elimination of discrimination the Committee of Experts and the Com- the implementation of their provisions. The in respect of employment and occupation mittee on the Application of Standards of Survey covers all member States regardless are recognized by the ILO and the interna- the International Labour Conference (their of whether or not they have ratified. tional community as fundamental principles mandate, functioning and the institutional and rights at work. These four categories context in which they operate). Part I, the This General Survey covers the eight funda- of principles and rights are embedded in General Report, describes how the Com- mental Conventions: the ILO Constitution and the Declaration of mittee of Experts undertakes its work and the Philadelphia, and have been expressed and • Freedom of Association and Protection of extent to which member States have fulfilled developed in eight ILO Conventions recog- the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 their constitutional obligations in relation to nized as fundamental. (No. 87); international labour standards; it also covers This report provides a dynamic global pic- issues of general interest arising from the • Right to Organise and Collective Bargain- ture relating to the four categories of funda- Committee’s work. Part II gives observations ing Convention, 1949 (No. 98); mental principles and rights at work during concerning particular countries covering the the preceding period and to serve as a basis • Forced Labour Convention, 1930 sending of reports, the application of ratified for assessing ILO action and determining (No. 29); Conventions and the obligation to submit priorities. It is part of the challenge before instruments to the competent authorities. In • Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, the ILO and its constituents to ensure that Part III, the General Survey, the Committee of 1957 (No. 105); the crisis does not interrupt progress towards Experts examines the state of the legislation full and universal respect of fundamental and practice regarding specific areas covered • Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138); principles and rights at work and that they by certain Conventions and Recommenda- are made part of strategies to beat the crisis. tions. Published as a separate volume, this • Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, This report provides a basis to harness the year it concerns fundamental Conventions 1999 (No. 182); combined commitment of the ILO’s tripar- in light of the Declaration on Social Justice tite constituents and the Organization’s own for a Fair Globalization, 2008. Finally, an • Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 capacities to get that job done. Information document on ratifications and (No. 100); and standards-related activities, also a separate March 2012 • Discrimination (Employment and Occu- document, supplements the information in Paperback − 120 pp. pation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111). the report. ISBN 978-92-2-124507-0 March 2012 CHF 15; USD 15; GBP 10; EUR 11 March 2012 Also available in French, Spanish, German, Paperback − xviii + 400 pp. Paperback − xxxi + 1024 pp. Arabic, Chinese and Russian ISBN 978-92-2-124489-9 ISBN 978-92-2-124487-5 CHF 30; USD 33; GBP 20; EUR 25 CHF 50; USD 55; GBP 35; EUR 40 Also available in French, Spanish, German, Also available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese and Russian Arabic, Chinese and Russian
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