Herramientas complementarias y otras referencias de manuales de capacitación
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Iniciativa Conjunta Sobre Migración y Desarrollo (ICMD) Herramientas complementarias y otras referencias de manuales de capacitación
Herramientas complementarias y otras referencias de manuales de capacitación
Complementary tools and other training manual references Références à des outils complémentaires et autres manuels de formation Herramientas complementarias y otras referencias de manuales de capacitación Theme Author Type Title Link Languages Thème Auteur Type Titre Lien Langues Tema Autor Tipo Título Enlace Idiomas General M&D / M&D général / M&D general http://www.migration4de- velopment.org/sites/default/ Joint Migration and Migration for Development: A bottom files/jmdi_august_2011_hand- Development Initiative Training Manual up approach – A handbook for practi- book_migration_for_develop- EN (JMDI) tioners and policymakers ment_0_0.pdf Initiative Conjointe pour la Manuel de Migration et Développement : une http://www.migration4devel- Migration et le Développe- formation approche issue de la base – Un manuel opment.org/sites/default/files/ FR ment (ICMD) pour les praticiens et les décideurs icmd_manuel_migration_et_de- politiques velopment_aout_2011_0_1.pdf Iniciativa Conjunta de Migración y Desarrollo Manual de Migración y Desarrollo: un enfoque des- (ICMD) capacitación de la base – Un manual para profesio- http://www.migration4devel- ES nales y encargados de formular políticas opment.org/sites/default/files/ migracion_y_dearrollo_un_en- foque_desde_la_base_2.pdf 1
Joint Migration and Development Initiative E-learning Course on Running your M&D course http://www.migration4develop- EN (JMDI) course successfully ment.org/elearning/ Mainstreaming Migration into De- http://www.un.org/esa/popula- Global Migration Group velopment Planning: A handbook for Training Manual tion/meetings/ninthcoord2011/ EN (GMG) policy-makers and practitioners mainstreamingmigration.pdf EN International Organization International Migration and Develop- http://publications.iom. Training Manual for Migration (IOM) ment Training Modules – Facilitator’s int/bookstore/index.php?- Guide main_page=product_in- Organisation Internationale fo&cPath=47&products_ FR Manuel de pour les Migrations (OIM) Migrations internationales et développe- id=1070 formation ment – Modules de Formation German Federal Ministry for http://www.giz.de/expertise/ Economic Development and Migration Tools. Options for Sustaina- Training Manual downloads/giz2012-en-mi- EN Cooperation (BMZ) bility tos-gesamt.pdf 2
http://www. Monographie vallée du fleuve – Sénégal migration4development.org/ sites/migration4development. FR org/files/2014_mig_et_dl_ monographie_valle_du_fleuve_ sngal_etude_afd_vf.pdf http://www. Rapport d’enquêtes – Constats migration4development.org/ sites/migration4development. org/files/2012_ investissementsproductifs_ FR rapport_denquetes_constats_ finale.pdf Agence Française de http://www. Développement (AFD) migration4development.org/ sites/migration4development. FR Matériel Manuel d’accompagnement – Guide La dimension locale de la org/files/2012_ de services financiers – Vademecum dialectique Migration et investissementsproductifs_ juridique développement : manuel_daccompagnement-_ Le cas France ‐ Sénégal finale.pdf http://www. Catalogue de projets migration4development.org/ sites/migration4development. org/files/2012_ FR investissementsproductifs_ catalogue_de_projets_finale. pdf http://www. migration4development.org/ sites/migration4development. Rapport final org/files/2014_etude_afd_mig_ FR et_dl_senegal-france_grdr-ifan_ rapport_global_vf.pdf 3
UN Habitat Training Manual Promoting Local Economic Development http://mirror.unhabitat.org/ EN Local Economic Development / Développement économique local / Desarrollo through Strategic Planning: The Local pmss/listItemDetails.aspx?pu- Economic Development (LED) series blicationID=2319&AspxAutoDe- Volume 2 - Manual: LED concepts and a tectCookieSupport=1 10-step planning process ONU Habitat Manuel de Promouvoir le développement formation économique local par la planification http://mirror.unhabitat.org/ stratégique : La Série Développement pmss/(X(1)S(mcu4dxrf3t- FR Economique Local (DEL) fea0jxwpxpgbmr))/listItemDe- económico local Volume 2 – Manuel : concepts DEL et tails.aspx?publicationID=2624 processus de planification en 10 étapes International Training Centre Self-learning Introduction to Value Chain https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ EN of the ILO (ITCILO) course Development course/view.php?id=59 International Training Centre Self-learning FORMALISATION OF INFORMAL https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ EN of the ILO (ITCILO) course ECONOMY: Introduction to concepts of course/view.php?id=37 informality and transition to formality International Training Centre Mass Open Crowdfunding for Development https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ EN of the ILO (ITCILO) Online Course mod/page/view.php?id=2475 (MOOC) 4
International Labour Organ- Virtual Library / LED Knowledge : The global ressource http://www.ledknowledge.org/ EN isation (ILO), LEED, OECD, Training Tools site for local economic development index.php?mod=doc&idC=1,29 International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) Organisation Internationale Bibliothèque LED Knowledge : Le site global pour le http://www.ledknowledge.org/ FR du Travail (OIT), LEED, OCDE, virtuelle / Outils développement économique local index.php?lang=FR Centre International de For- de formation mation de l’OIT (CIF-OIT) International Training Centre E-learning My.Coop – Managing your agricultural http://moodle.itcilo.org/my- EN of the ILO (ITC-ILO) Training cooperative coop/?lang=en Centre International de Formation en My.Coop – Gérer votre coopérative http://moodle.itcilo.org/mycoo- FR Formation de l’OIT (CIF-OIT) ligne agricole p/?lang=fr Centro Internacional de Formación en My.Coop – Cómo Gestionar su http://moodle.itcilo.org/mycoo- ES Formación de la OIT (CIF- línea cooperativa agrícola p/?lang=es OIT) 5
United Nations Development Virtual library with publications in http://issuu.com/artpublica- EN Programme – ART Initiative Virtual Library English, French and Spanish on Local tions (Articulation of Territorial Governance and Local Economic Networks) Development Local Governance / Gouvernance locale / Gobernancia local Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement – Bibliothèque Bibliothèque virtuelle contenant des http://issuu.com/artpublica- FR Initiative ART (Articulation virtuelle publications sur le développement tions des Réseaux Territoriaux) économique local Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo – Iniciativa ART (Articulación de Redes Territoriales) Biblioteca Biblioteca virtual de publicaciones sobre http://issuu.com/artpublica- ES virtual el desarrollo económico local tions http://www.scribd.com/ doc/192730300/Program- Programming Sustainable Local United Nations Development Training Manual ming-Sustainable-Local-Devel- Development: A handbook for Easter EN Programme (UNDP) opment-A-Handbook-for-East- Europe and Central Asia ern-Europe-and-Central-Asia http://www.scribd.com/ United Nations Development Training Tool Self-Assessing Sustainable Local Devel- doc/192730866/Self-assess- Programme (UNDP) opment: A tool for Eastern Europe and ing-Sustainable-Local-Devel- EN Central Asia opment-A-Tool-for-Eastern-Eu- rope-and-Central-Asia 6
Engaging Diaspora / Impliquer la diaspora / http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/ Migration Policy Institute Training Manual Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diaspora_Handbook_EN_For_Web_28May2013. EN and International Diasporas in Development: A handbook pdf Organization for Migration for policymakers and practitioners in (IOM) home and host countries Involucrar a la diáspora http://publications.iom.int/ Migration Policy Institute et Manuel de Comment associer les diasporas au bookstore/index.php?main_ Organisation Internationale formation développement : Manuel à l’usage des page=redirect&action=url&goto=publications. FR pour les Migrations (OIM) décideurs et praticiens dans les pays iom.int%2Fbookstore%2Ffree%2FDiaspora_ Handbook+_FR_For_Web_28May2013.pdz d’origine et d’accueil Migration Policy Institute y Manual de Hoja de ruta para la participación de las http://publications.iom.int/ bookstore/index.php?main_ Organización Internacional capacitación diásporas en el desarrollo: Un manual page=redirect&action=url&goto=publications. ES para las Migraciones (OIM) para políticos y profesionales de los iom.int%2Fbookstore%2Ffree%2FDiaspora_ países de origen y de acogida Handbook_SP Organization for Security http://www.osce.org/files/do- Labour Migration / Migration de main-d’œuvre / and Co-opeation in Europe Handbook on Establishing Effective cuments/c/9/19242.pdf (OSCE), International Labour Migration Policies in Countries of Training Manual EN Organization for Migration Origin and Destination (IOM), and International Labour Office (ILO) Handbook on Establishing Effective Training Manual http://www.osce.org/ Migraciones laborales Labour Migration Policies in Countries of eea/29630?download=true EN Organisation pour la Origin and Destination – Mediterranean sécurité et la coopération edition en Europe (OSCE), Manuel de Organisation Internationale Manuel pour l’établissement de formation pour les Migrations (OIM), politiques de migration de main-d’œuvre http://www.osce.org/fr/secre- FR Organisation Internationale efficaces – Édition méditerranéenne tariat/29632?download=true du Travail (OIT) Labour migration policy and manage- http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/ International Labour Office ment: Training Modules groups/public/---asia/---ro- Training Manual EN (ILO) bangkok/documents/publica- tion/wcms_bk_pb_202_en.pdf 7
Protecting Migrant Workers: Governance http://digitalcommons.ilr. International Labour Office Training Manual of Labour Migration in Asia and the cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent. EN (ILO) Pacific cgi?article=1056&context=intl&sei International Labour Office Practical Guide ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour http://www.ilo.org/global/ EN (ILO) Migration : Non-binding principles and topics/labour-migration/ guidelines for a rights-based approach to publications/WCMS_178672/ labour migration lang--en/index.htm Organisation Internationale Guide pratique Cadre multilatéral de l’OIT pour les http://www.ilo.org/global/ FR du Travail (OIT) migrations de main-d’œuvre : Principes topics/labour-migration/ et lignes directrices non contraignants publications/WCMS_178675/ pour une approche lang--fr/index.htm des migrations de main-d’œuvre fondée sur les droits Organización Internacional Guía práctica Marco multilateral de la OIT para las http://www.ilo.org/global/ ES del Trabajo (OIT) migraciones laborales : Principios y topics/labour-migration/ directrices no vinculantes para un publications/WCMS_178678/ enfoque de las migraciones laborales lang--es/index.htm basado en los derechos 8
http://apmigration.ilo.org/ resources/be-informed-your- ticket-to-decent-work-and- International Labour Be informed! Your ticket to decent work safe-migration-a-catalogue-of- Practical Guide EN Organisation (ILO) and safe migration selected-services-for-health- professionals-skilled-and-other- migrants Building Financial capability for the Transferts de fonds, inclusion et éducation financières / Remesas, inclusión y http://www.iom.md/ International Organization Vulnerable Households: A manual for Training Manual materials/15_build_fin_cap_ EN for Migration (IOM) Individual Training/Counselling Session eng.pdf International Fund for Remittances, Financial Inclusion and Literacy / http://www.ifad.org/ Agricultural Development Remittances: strategic and operational Practical Guide ruralfinance/pub/remittances. EN (IFAD) considerations pdf educación financieras http://www.thedialogue.org/ PublicationFiles/Mining%20 Remittance%20Data-%20 Mining Remittance Data: Practical Practical%20Considerations%20 USAID Practical Guide Considerations on Survey Design and EN on%20Surveys%20and%20 Administration Administration-USAID%2009.08. pdf 9
http://www.imf.org/external/ International Transactions in np/sta/bop/2008/rcg/pdf/ International Monetary Fund Practical Guide Remittances: Guide for compilers and guide.pdf (IMF) EN users Transactions internationales liées aux http://www.imf.org/external/ Fonds Monétaire Guide pratique transferts de fonds : Guide pour les french/np/sta/bop/2009/rcg/ International (FMI) FR statisticiens et les utilisateurs pdf/guidef.pdf Transacciones internacionales de remesas : Guía para compiladores y http://www.imf.org/external/ Fondo Monetario ES Guía práctica usuarios spanish/np/sta/bop/2009/rcg/ Internacional (FMI) pdf/guides.pdf http://www. German Federal Ministry for FReDI: Financial Literacy for Remittances migration4development.org/ Economic Development and Training Manual and Diaspora Investments: A Handbook sites/m4d.emakina-eu.net/files/ EN Cooperation (BMZ) on Methods for Project Design giz_fredi_financial_literacy_for_ remittances_and_diaspora.pdf Budget Smart – Financial Education for http://www.ilo.org/asia/ International Labour Office Migrant Workers and their families: A whatwedo/publications/ (ILO) Training Manual EN training manual WCMS_171658/lang--en/index. htm http://www.ilo.org/asia/ International Labour Office Money and Migration: Smart guide for whatwedo/publications/ (ILO) Practical guide EN migrant workers WCMS_171656/lang--en/index. htm 10
Modules include: Making business support accessible to all; Understanding Best Form: Boosting business; Starting up in business; / Entreprenariat / Entrepreneurship Emprendimiento E-learning http://web.spi.pt/bestform/ Entrepreneurship Tools for Working with clients; Finance for EN courses interactive_tool/ Migrants Business Advisers; Spreadsheet for Business. http://www.ilo.org/dyn/ Business for Social Good practice Good practice guide: Global Migration migpractice/docs/173/Guide. EN Responsibility (BSR) guide (on hiring migrant workers) pdf Migrants’ Rights / Droits des migrants / Derechos de los y las International Commission Practitioners’ Migration and International Human http://www.refworld.org/ for Jurists (ICJ) EN Guide Rights Law pdfid/4dcbac872.pdf International Training Centre Self-learning Introduction to International Labour https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ EN of the ILO (ITCILO) course Standards course/view.php?id=12 migrantes Centre International de Cours d’auto- Introduction aux Normes Internationales https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ FR Formation de l’OIT (CIF-OIT) apprentissage du Travail course/view.php?id=76 Centro Internacional de Módulo de Introducción a las Normas Formación de la OIT (CIF- autoaprendi- Internacionales del Trabajo https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ ES OIT) zaje course/view.php?id=40 Various course on human rights and e.g. Human Rights Education E-learning migration and asylum, Humanitarian Associates (HREA) http://www.hrea.org/learn/ EN courses Law, Governance etc. 11
Office of the High Reference Frequently Asked Questions on the http://www.ohchr.org/ EN Commissioner for Human Human Rights Based Approach to Documents/Publications/ Rights (OCHCR) Development FAQen.pdf Haut-Commissariat aux Référence Questions fréquentes au sujet d’une https://undg.org/wp-content/ droits de l’Homme (HCDH) approche de la coopération pour le uploads/2014/08/FAQfr.pdf FR développement fondée sur les droits de l’homme Oficina del Alto Comisionado Referencia Preguntas frecuentes sobre el enfoque https://undg.org/wp-content/ para los Derechos Humanos de derechos humanos en la cooperación uploads/2014/08/4.4-OHCHR- ES (ACNUDH) para el desarrollo Preguntas-fruqentes-FAQ-sp-1. pdf Office of the High Practitioners’ Portal on Human Rights Portal http://hrbaportal.org/ EN Commissioner for Human Based Approaches to Programming Rights (OCHCR) Haut-Commissariat aux Portail des praticiens pour des droits de l’Homme (HCDH) approches fondées sur les droits dans la Portail http://hrbaportal.org/ FR programmation Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos Portal de los practicantes para enfoques (ACNUDH) basados en los derechos humanos en la Portal http://hrbaportal.org/ ES programación Office of the High http://www.ohchr.org/ Commissioner for Human Mainstreaming Human Rights into Reference Documents/Publications/ EN Rights (OCHCR) Development: stories from the field InterAgencypublication.pdf 12
Office of the High http://www.ohchr.org/ Commissioner for Human Good governance practices for the Reference Documents/Publications/ EN Rights (OCHCR) protection of human rights GoodGovernance.pdf https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=- j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja &uact=8&ved=0CDgQFjAD&url=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww.un.am%2Fup%2Flibrary%2F- Search%2520of%2520Decent%2520Work_eng. In search of decent work. Migrant pdf&ei=EcyCVYm3IoGqUJTDgxg&usg=AFQjCN- International Labour Training manual workers’ rights: A manual for trade G7Ivv06Eb1kci842XlmKS2em8gig&sig2=CH2b- EN dr-B6I6lqogbvUTycg&bvm=bv.96041959,d.d24 Organisation (ILO) unionists http://courses.itcilo.org/A157612/lectures/ Organisation Internationale Manuel de En quête d’un travail décent. Les droits en-quete-dun-travail-decent-les-droits-des-tra- FR du Travail (OIT) formation des travailleurs migrants. Manuel à vailleurs-migrants l’usage des syndicalistes https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=- j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&- En busca de trabajo decente. Los cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCo- Organización Internacional Manual de derechos de los trabajadores y QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ilo. ES org%2Fdyn%2Fmigpractice%2Fdocs%2F323%2F- del Trabajo (OIT) capacitación trabajadoras migrantes: un manual para Manual.pdf&ei=_-iCVfPMHMzaUbSbgegF&us- sindicalistas g=AFQjCNEDE2yUqSprtpy876ycRytDU4B- ZBg&sig2=Cew-yCI_B1cQHoHRyaFKFw&b- vm=bv.96041959,d.d24 intégration / Inclusión social, diversidad, Inclusion sociale, diversité, (ré) The International Training Resource Social Inclusion, Diversity, (Re) EUMIA – European Migrant Integration Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), platform/ http://www.eu-mia.eu/ Academy University of Oxford Com- toolkit EN (re)integración pas, Fieri Integration / World Bank Group and Open data for resilience initiative: http://www.opencitiesproject. Global Facility for Disaster Practical guide Planning and open cities mapping org/OpenCities_Book_LoRes. EN Reduction and Recovery project pdf (GFDRR) 13
Building Inter-cultural cities Strategies http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/ with Citizens: The Community Based cultureheritage/culture/Cities/ Intercultural Cities Training Manual EN Results Accountability Approach Publication/Handbook-design- ing.pdf Eurocities Training Toolkit Integrating Cities – Mixities: Toolkit on http://www.integratingcities. migrant integration eu/integrating-cities/resources/ EN MIXITIES%20Toolkits Eurocities Boîte à outils de Integrating Cities – Mixities: Boîte à http://www.integratingcities. formation outils sur l’intégration des migrants eu/integrating-cities/resources/ FR MIXITIES%20Toolkits Eurocities Kit de Integrating Cities – Mixities: Guía http://www.integratingcities. herramientas orientativa sobre la integración de los y eu/integrating-cities/resources/ ES de formación las migrantes MIXITIES%20Toolkits Eurocities Training Toolkit ImpleMentoring Toolkit http://www.integratingcities. eu/integrating-cities/resources/ EN implementoring_toolkits 14
Cities Alliance Resource Various resources on Urban Planning http://www.citiesalliance. EN Library org/knowledge_ search?title=&term_node_ tid_depth=All&term_node_ tid_depth_1=All&field_ca_ pub_country_value_many_ to_one=All&field_ca_pub_ language_value_many_to_ one=All&field_ca_pub_regions_ value_many_to_one=All Cities Alliance Bibliothèque de Diverses ressources sur la planification http://www.citiesalliance. FR ressources urbaine org/knowledge_ search?title=&term_node_ tid_depth=All&term_node_ tid_depth_1=All&field_ca_ pub_country_value_many_ to_one=All&field_ca_pub_ language_value_many_to_ one=French&field_ca_pub_ regions_value_many_to_ one=All Cities Alliance Biblioteca de Varios recursos en planificación urbana http://www.citiesalliance. ES recursos org/knowledge_ search?title=&term_node_ tid_depth=All&term_node_ tid_depth_1=All&field_ca_ pub_country_value_many_ to_one=All&field_ca_pub_ language_value_many_to_ one=Spanish&field_ca_pub_ regions_value_many_to_ one=All 15
Cities of Migration Resource Good Ideas Index http://citiesofmigration.ca/e- EN platform – library/ Various tools and resources Good ideas in Integration http://citiesofmigration.ca/ EN on migrants’ good-ideas-in-integration/ integration Conversations in Integration http://citiesofmigration.ca/ EN conversations-in-integration/ Cities of Migration Plateforme de Index des bonnes idées http://citiesofmigration.ca/ FR ressources – bibliotheque/?lang=fr Divers outils sur l’intégration des Bonnes idées dans l’intégration http://citiesofmigration. FR migrants ca/bonnes-idees-en- integration/?lang=fr Cities of Migration Plataforma de http://citiesofmigration.ca/ ES Indice de Buenas Ideas recursos –Varios biblioteca-electronica/?lang=es recursos sobre la integración de los y las Buenas Ideas en Integración http://citiesofmigration. ES migrantes ca/buenas-ideas-en- integracion/?lang=es https://www.iom.int/files/live/ International Organization Best Practices in Pre-Departure sites/iom/files/What-We-Do/ for Migration (IOM) Practical Guide EN Orientation Programmes docs/Best-Practices-in-Migrant- Training.pdf 16
International Training Centre Training Manuel Promoting the integration of migrant http://courses.itcilo.org/ of the ILO (ITCILO) domestic workers in Europe C405225/course_image_ EN view?set_language=en Centre International de Manuel de Promouvoir l’intégration des travailleurs http://courses.itcilo.org/ Formation de l’OIT (CIF-OIT) formation domestiques migrants en Europe C405225/course_image_ FR view?set_language=fr Centro Internacional de Manual de Promover la integración de las http://courses.itcilo.org/ Formación de la OIT (CIF- capacitación trabajadoras y los trabajadores C405225/course_image_ ES OIT) domésticos migrantes en Europa view?set_language=es Gender Based Approach / Approche de genre / Enfoque de UN Women Training Manual Resources and tools for capacity http://www.unwomen. development on Gender Mainstreaming org/~/media/Headquarters/ within the United Nations System Attachments/Sections/ EN How%20We%20Work/ UNSystemCoordination/UN- UN Women Training Manual Gender on the move: Working on the SWAP-Framework-Dec-2012.pdf Migration-Development Nexus from a Gender Perspective http://www.unwomen. org/~/media/Headquarters/ género Attachments/Sections/ EN Library/Publications/ ONU Mujeres Manual de Género en marcha: Trabajando el nexo GenderOnTheMove_low2b%20 capacitación migración-desarrollo pdf.pdf desde una perspectiva de género http://www.unwomen. org/~/media/headquarters/ ES attachments/sections/ library/publications/2013/12/ generoenmarcha_low%20pdf. pdf 17
https://shop.gc21-eacademy. German Development E-learning Gender Mainstreaming org/Education-and-Gender/ Agency (GIZ) course EN Gender-Mainstreaming-oxid-1. html https://trainingcentre. UN Women E-learning I Know Gender: An Introduction to unwomen.org/course/ EN course Gender Equality for UN Staff description.php?id=2 ONU Femmes Cours e-learning Je connais le Genre: Une introduction à https://trainingcentre. l’égalité des genres pour le personnel de unwomen.org/course/ FR l’ONU description.php?id=2&lang=fr ONU Mujeres Curso e-learning Conozco Género: Una introducción a la igualdad de género para el personal de https://trainingcentre. ES la ONU unwomen.org/course/ description.php?id=2&lang=es International Labour Office Guide Gender Mainstreaming in Local http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/ EN (ILO) Economic Development Strategies groups/public/@ed_emp/@ emp_ent/@led/documents/ publication/wcms_141223.pdf Organización Internacional Guía Guía para la incorporación de la http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/ ES del Trabajo (OIT) perspectiva de género en las estrategias groups/public/---dgreports/--- de desarrollo económico local gender/documents/publication/ wcms_145711.pdf International Labour Office Guide Practical Guide on Maximising the EN http://labordoc.ilo.org/ (ILO) Contribution of Women Migrant record/459811/holdings Workers to Development 18
TransRe: environment, Resource Various publications related to http://www.transre.org/en/ EN migration and resilienc Library environment and migation publications/publications/ Environment / Environnement / Ambiente Environmental Migration Portal Knowledge platform on People on the http://environmentalmigration. EN Portal Move in a Changing Climate iom.int Portail de la migration Portail Plateforme d’information sur la mobilité http://environmentalmigration. FR environnementale humaine face au changement climatique iom.int/fr Portal de la migración Portal Plataforma de información sobre las http://environmentalmigration. ES ambiental personas en movimiento debido al iom.int/es cambio climático 19
Training and Support Training Toolkit Improving Access to Health Care for http://www.ts4se-health-resources.org.uk/ EN 4 Services and Exiles Migrants: A toolkit Migrants Health / Santé des migrants / Salud de los y las migrantes Cooperative, (TS4SE) International Organization Training Manual International Migration, Health and http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/ EN for Migration (IOM), Human Rights Migration/WHO_IOM_UNOHCHRPublication.pdf World Health Organization (WHO), Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Manuel de Migration internationale, santé et droits http://publications.iom.int/ FR Organisation Internationale formation de l’homme bookstore/index.php?main_ pour les Migrations (OIM), page=redirect&action=url&goto=publications. Organisation Mondiale iom.int%2Fbookstore%2Ffree%2FIOM_ de la Santé (OMS), Haut- UNHCHR_FR_web.pdf Commissariat des droits de l’Homme (HCDH) Organización Internacional Manual de Migración Internacional, Salud y http://publications.iom.int/ para las Migraciones (OIM), capacitación Derechos Humanos bookstore/index.php?main_ ES Organización Mundial de page=redirect&action=url&goto=publications. la Salud (OMS), Oficina iom.int%2Fbookstore%2Ffree%2FIOM_ del Alto Comisionado para UNHCHR_SP.pdf los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) 20
UN United Nations Economic Migration Data Données sur la migration/ Datos sobre International Migration Statistics: http://www.escwa.un.org/ and Social Commission for Training Toolkit Meeting the International information/publications/edit/ EN Western Asia (ESCWA) Recommendations upload/sd-09-TP3.pdf Guide on developing an international http://www.ilo.org/asia/ labour migration statistics database in International Labour Office Practical Guide whatwedo/publications/ ASEAN: Towards more effective data EN (ILO) WCMS_374212/lang--en/index. migración collection and sharing htm United Nations High Reference and Good Practices for Urban Refugees da- Commissioner for Refugees http://www.urbangoodpractic- good practice tabase to support professionals working EN (UNHCR) es.org/ portal with urban refugees United Nations Economic Statistics on International Migration http://www.unece.org/filead- Commission for Europe Guide A Practical Guide for Countries of East- min/DAM/stats/publications/ (UNECE) EN ern Europe and International_Migration_Practi- United Nations Population Central Asia cal_Guide_ENG.pdf Fund (UNFPA) 21
The UN Refugee Agency Training manual Handbook for Planning and Imple- http://www.refworld.org/do- EN (UNHCR) menting Development Assistance for cid/428076704.html Refugees (DAR) Programmes Forced Migration / Migration forcée / Migración L’Agence des Nations Unies Manuel de Manuel relatif à la planification http://www.refworld.org/ pour les réfugiés (UNHCR) formation et à la mise en œuvre des Programmes cgi-bin/texis/vtx/rwmain/ FR d’aide au dévelop-pement pour les opendocpdf.pdf?reldoc=y&do- réfugiés (DAR) cid=50a626a42 Solutions Alliance: Ending displacement together - with the main goal of pro- United Nations High moting and enabling the transition for Initiative/portal http://www.endingdisplace- Commissioner for Refugees displaced persons away from depen- EN good practices ment.org/ (UNHCR) dency towards increased self-resilience, self-reliance and development. Provides information and lessons learnt. Self-learning More than just a roof : an introduction https://ecampus.itcilo.org/ Global Shelter Cluster EN course to shelter programming course/view.php?id=109 22
http://www.migration4development.org/ Producto hecho de papel fabricado por UMP premiado con la etiqueta ecológica de la Unión Europea N° reg. FR/011/002
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