Born 1991
Toulouse, France
+33(0)6 19 48 09 86
                                                                     Research blog:

December 6, 2022: Ph.D in Contemporary History (Intellectual and Literary history, Women and Gender studies),
university of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, FRAMESPA.
Title: “Dear Simone de Beauvoir”. Voices and Writings of “Ordinary” Women. Contribution to a History of the Letter
to the Writer (1949-1970) / “Chère Simone de Beauvoir”: voix et écritures de femmes “ordinaires”. Contribution à
une histoire de la lettre à l’écrivain·e (1949-1970)
Supervisors: Sylvie Chaperon and Martine Reid.
Jury: Claire Blandin (University of Paris 13 – Sorbonne Nord), Jacques Cantier (University of Toulouse), Yannick
Chevalier (University of Lyon), Judith G. Coffin (University of Austin, Texas), Jean-Louis Jeannelle (Sorbonne
University), Sylvie Chaperon (University of Toulouse), Martine Reid (University of Lille).
Research funded by the University of Toulouse, France.

2015: Graduate student (Master 2nd year), History of Modern and Contemporary Civilizations, University of
Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
Master’s Thesis: “I am grateful that you exist…”. Female Readers Writing to Simone de Beauvoir (1944-1961) / “Je
vous suis reconnaissante d’exister…” Lettres de lectrices à Simone de Beauvoir (1944-1961)
Under the supervision of Sylvie Chaperon. With distinction.

2014: Graduate student (Master 1st year), History of Modern and Contemporary Civilizations, University of
Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France.
Master’s thesis: Shame and The Second Sex. French Intellectuals and Sex (1949-1951) / La réception du Deuxième
Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir à l’épreuve de la honte. Le discours des intellectuels français sur la sexualité (1949-1951)
Under the supervision of Sylvie Chaperon. With distinction.

2011-2013: Undergraduate student (Licence, 3 years), History, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France.

2009-2010: Preparatory class for the “Grandes Écoles” (Hypokhâgne), Lycée Saint Sernin, Toulouse, France.

2009: High School diploma (Baccalauréat). With distinction. Toulouse, France.

    -   Researcher (“ingénieure de recherche”) in Contemporary History at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès.
           o In charge of setting up a national (ANR) and international (ERC) scientific project on the history of
               sexology in Europe and Latin America (bibliographical research, search for funding, search for

-   Lecturer in Contemporary history to the Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France, and to the
       University du Temps Libre in Agen, France.
   -   Pedagogical Expert (“ingénieure pédagogique”) to ARPÈGE, network in Gender Studies at the University
       of Toulouse, France.

   - Pedagogical Expert (“ingénieure pédagogique”) to the ARPÈGE, network in Gender Studies at the University
       of Toulouse, France.

   -   Lecturer to the Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France.

   - Lecturer in Contemporary history to the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès and to the Toulouse Institute of
       Political Studies (IEP), France.

   - Lecturer in Contemporary history to the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès and to the Toulouse Institute of
       Political Studies (IEP), France.

   - Lecturer in Contemporary history to the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France.

   - Lecturer in Contemporary history to the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France.

   - Ph.D Candidate in Contemporary history at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès (FRAMESPA) and the
       University of Lille (ALITHILA).

                                   TEACHING EXPERIENCE
I taught 589hours: 449hours in undergrad, graduate programs and to non-traditional students (workers and
retirees); and more than 140hours in high school.

   - Lecturer to the Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France
           o History of the sense of belonging
                 § Fourth-year students. I was the only teacher and created the syllabus for the entire class

   -   Lecturer to the University du Temps Libre, Agen, France
          o European Political, Social and Cultural history (19th century)
                  § Workers and Retirees. I was the only teacher and created the syllabus for the entire class

   -   Pedagogical Expert (“ingénieure pédagogique”) to the ARPÈGE network in Gender Studies at the University
       of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
           o Guiding Graduate Students through their education in Gender Studies at the University of Toulouse
           o Grading their work
                  § Fourth and Fifth-year students (from September through June)

   -   Teacher to the Airbus high school in Toulouse, France
          o Teacher of French and History

§   Last year students. I was the only teacher of five classes (140 hours)

   - Pedagogical Expert (“ingénieure pédagogique”) to the ARPÈGE network in Gender Studies at the University
       of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
           o Guiding Graduate Students through their education in Gender Studies at the University of Toulouse
           o Grading their work
                  § Fourth and Fifth-year students (from September through June)

   -   Lecturer to The Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France
          o History of the feminist ideas (20th century)
                  § Fourth-year students. I was responsible for teaching French feminist ideas from 1945 to the
                      1970s. (6hours)

2020-2021: Lecturer in Contemporary history to the University of Toulouse and to The Toulouse Institute of
Political Studies (IEP), France
    - European Political, Social and Cultural history (19-20th centuries)
             o First-year students. The syllabus was already conceived. (96hours)

   -   Gender and Women’s history (20th century)
          o Fourth and fifth-year students. I taught two sessions for which I created the content. (6hours)

2019-2020: Lecturer to the University of Toulouse and to The Toulouse Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France
   - Two classes in European Political, Social and Cultural history (19-20th centuries)
           o First-year students. The syllabus was already conceived. (64hours)
           o First-year students. I was the only teacher and responsible for the syllabus of this entire class

   -   Gender and Women’s history (20th century)
          o Fourth and Fifth-year students. I taught two sessions for which I created the content (6hours)

   -   Social Sciences and Current Events
          o Third-year students. I was part of a team of four professors and we created the syllabus together.

2017-2018: Lecturer to the University of Toulouse, France
   - European Political history (19th century)
           o First-year students. The syllabus was already conceived. (64hours)

2016-2017: Lecturer to the University of Toulouse, France
   - European Political history (19th century)
           o First-year students. The syllabus was already conceived. (64hours)


[Forthcoming Spring 2023] With Sylvie Chaperon, “Une ‘suprême diversion’ ? Le Deuxième Sexe dans la Guerre
froide, Europe 1949-1989”, Clio, Femmes, Genre, Histoire, n°57.

[Forthcoming 2023] “Lecture”, in Christine Bard and Sylvie Chaperon (ed.), Dictionnaire des féministes. France
XVIIIe-XXIe, 2nd Ed, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2023.

[Forthcoming 2023] With Alexandre Antolin, “‘Je suis fière d’apprendre que vous commencez à parler de mes livres’
Étude génétique de la préface à La Bâtarde par Simone de Beauvoir”, in Jean-Marc Hovasse and Véronique Montémont
(ed.), Témoin de leur temps. 2- Socialibités littéraires, publisher unknown.

[Forthcoming 2023] “Beauvoir et Leduc ou la naissance du mentorat et du marrainage littéraires beauvoiriens”, Roman
20-50. Special Issue on Violette Leduc coordinated by Alexandre Antolin, Florence de Chalonge and Florence

With Sylvie Chaperon, interview with Michèle Le Dœuff, “Michèle Le Dœuff : pionnière des études beauvoiriennes”,
Simone de Beauvoir Studies, vol. 31, n°2, July 2021, p. 296-316.

With Sylvie Chaperon, “Editor’s introduction” to the special issue “Translating and reading The Second Sex globally”
/ “Traduire et lire Le Deuxième Sexe à l’échelle globale”, Simone de Beauvoir Studies, vol. 31, n°2, July 2021, p. 173-

“Simone de Beauvoir et ses lectrices : hypothèse d’une influence réciproque (1949-1971)”, Simone de Beauvoir
Studies, vol. 31, n°1, August 2020, p. 225-251.

“Blossom et Simone de Beauvoir : l’écriture à tout prix”, postface in Blossom Margaret Douthat, Un amour de la route.
Lettres à Simone de Beauvoir août-octobre 1958, Paris, éditions du Mauconduit, 2020, p. 239-251.

“Paroles de femmes. Les lectrices de La Femme rompue (1967-1968)”, Cahiers Sens Public, n°25-26, 2019/3, p. 115-

“‘Vous êtes descendue d'un piédestal’. Une appropriation collective des Mémoires de Simone de Beauvoir par ses
lectrices”, Littérature, 2018/3, n° 191, p. 68-82.

“‘Vous ne me connaissez pas mais ne jetez pas tout de suite ma lettre’. Le courrier des lecteurs et lectrices de Simone
de Beauvoir", in Françoise Blum (ed.), Genre de l'archive. Constitution et transmission des mémoires militantes, Paris,
Codhos, 2017, p. 93-108.

“Les féministes et leurs archives”, in Françoise Blum (ed.), Genre de l'archive. Constitution et transmission des
mémoires militantes, Paris, Codhos, 2017, p. 73-83.

“‘Merci pour le message d'espoir’: Ces femmes qui écrivaient à Simone de Beauvoir”, published under the title “Dans
des millions de cœurs”, Le Magazine Littéraire, April 2016, p. 79.


With Sylvie Chaperon, Lire et traduire Le Deuxième Sexe à l’échelle globale / Reading and Translating The Second
Sex Globally, Simone de Beauvoir Studies, special issue, n°31, vol. 2, July 2021.

With Sylvie Chaperon and Justine Zeller, Les années 1968, la décennie féministe et homosexuelle en région, Les
Cahiers de Framespa [Online], n°29, 2018,


Margaret A. Simons, “Richard Wright, Simone de Beauvoir, et Le Deuxième Sexe”, Simone de Beauvoir studies, vol.
31, n°1, 2020, p. 23-46. Translated from English: “Richard Wright, Simone de Beauvoir, and The Second Sex”, in
Margaret A. Simons, Beauvoir and The Second Sex: Feminism, Race, and the Origin of Existentialism, Lanham (Md.),
Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers, 1999, p. 167-184.

Several translations (from English into French, and from French into English) for the academic blog “Chère Simone
de Beauvoir”:

Book Reviews

“Judith G. Coffin, Sex, Love, and Letters. Writing Simone de Beauvoir”, La Revue Culturelle [Online], 2022,

“Kate Kirkpatrick, Becoming Beauvoir”,            Clio.   Femmes,     Genre,    Histoire   [Online],   n°54,   2021.

“Collectif, Avec Simone de Beauvoir, 2 vols., Cahiers Sens Public”, Bulletin de l’association Archives du Féminisme,
December 2020. And online:

“Accompagner et renouveler l’historiographie du féminisme”, Mondes Sociaux, [Online], March 2019,

“Beauvoirian disturbances: review of a French workshop”, for the International Simone de Beauvoir society
Newsletter, January 2018,

“Christine Bard, Sylvie Chaperon (ed.), Dictionnaire des féministes”, Les Cahiers de Framespa, [Online], December

With Justine Zeller, “Colloque international ‘Sexologie européenne, approches historiques et sociales’”, Cahiers de
Framespa [On line], 22 | 2016,

“Sandra Reineke, Beauvoir and her Sisters. The Politics of Women's Bodies in France”, Clio. Femmes, Genre,
Histoire [Online], n°43, 2016,

[Forthcoming] “‘I offer this book to Simone de Beauvoir who gave me a leg up’: Simone de Beauvoir and her female
aspiring writers”, 2023 Conference of the Society for French Studies, Newcastle, June 26-28, 2023.

[Forthcoming] With Sylvie Chaperon, “La réception du Deuxième Sexe dans l’Europe de la Guerre froide”, séminaire
Circulations internationales et (sorties de) Guerre froide, EHESS, April 11, 2023.

“Simone de Beauvoir sous les feux médiatiques: réconcilier visibilité médiatique et légitimité intellectuelle”,
International Colloquium online, Representation and Reception of French and Francophone Women Writers in the
Media (C19th-21st) / Représentation et réception médiatiques d’écrivaines de langue française (19e-21e siècles),
University of Maryland, November 11-12, 2021.

“La philosophie beauvoirienne et les femmes ordinaires (1949-2021)”, workshop Un enseignement philosophique pour
les filles et par les femmes?, organized by Christine Détrez, Louise Ferté and Thibaud Trochu, École Nationale
Supérieure (ENS) in Lyon, France, October 19, 2021.

“Simone de Beauvoir, an international influence », virtual round table “Debate: de Beauvoir, the Feminist Icon”,
organized by The French Institute in India, June 30, 2021,

“Les intellectuel·les et le consentement dans les années 1970”, reading group on Le Consentement by Vanessa
Springora, 38th annual 20th & 21st-century French & francophone studies international colloquium, Georgetown
University, virtual colloquium, March 10-13, 2021.

“Écrire la liberté sexuelle en 1958 : Lettres de Blossom à Simone de Beauvoir”, Dire, écrire, vivre sa sexualité (XXe
siècle). Des archives publiques aux archives de l’intime, University of Lille (France), December 10, 2020.

“Le Deuxième Sexe, les intellectuel·les franç et la honte de la sexualité”, Masters seminar : “Actualité de la
recherche en histoire du genre”, Université of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, November 9, 2020.
“Simone de Beauvoir and her readers”, paper presented and conversation with Judith G. Coffin, The Beauvoir Webinar
Series – The international Simone de Beauvoir Society, October 16, 2020.

“Women’s and Gender Studies: Why They are Vital”, Webinar Gender and Development, Quezon City University -
The Philippines, August 18, 2020.

Round table discussion on “writing in common”, co-organized by Sylvie Mouysset and Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe,
Histoire à venir, Théâtre Garonne, Toulouse, May 26, 2019.

“Les lettres de lectrices de Simone de Beauvoir : faire de l'histoire des femmes ‘par le bas’”, Masters seminar :
“Actualité de la recherche en histoire du genre”, Université of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, April 9, 2019.

“Réceptions de Simone de Beauvoir par ses publics : lettres reçues”, Conference Simone de Beauvoir. Le devenir d’une
féministe aux aguets, Cercle Condorcet, Auxerre, March 9, 2019.

“L’historien·ne et l’intimité : voyage dans la correspondance entre Simone de Beauvoir et des femmes ‘ordinaires’”,
Archives et intimité seminar, Paris, February 22, 2019.

“Du côté des lectrices. Réception et appropriation féministes de Simone de Beauvoir et de son œuvre en France (1949-
1970)”, Conference Les réceptions contemporaines de Simone de Beauvoir. France, Italie, Espagne. 1968-2018,
University of Nice, December 3-4, 2018.

“Un ‘amour-idolâtrie’. Lettres de Joanne à Simone de Beauvoir”, Autobiographie et correspondances Seminar, ITEM,
ENS, November 24, 2018.

“Simone de Beauvoir and her female readers: from the fifties to nowadays”, Forum Simone de Beauvoir today,
University of Paris 7 – Diderot, October 11, 2018.

“Un rayonnement dans la francophonie : lettres à Simone de Beauvoir”, panel Les ailleurs francophones de Simone de
Beauvoir, Congrès International des Études Féministes dans la Francophonie, University of Paris Nanterre, August 27,

“L’ face aux archives de l’intime : expérience d’une doctorante”, workshop EFiGiES Archives, mémoires
et transmission du féminisme et LGBTQ+, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, May 22, 2018.

“Le Deuxième Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir à l’épreuve de la honte sociale de la sexualité”, Seminar Genre et
mobilisations collectives, EHESS Paris, December 1, 2017.

“Les lettres de lectrices de Simone de Beauvoir : un laboratoire d’observation privilégié”, Workshop "Perturbation ma
sœur" Actualité de la pensée beauvoirienne, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, November 20, 2017.

“’Je suis l'ombre qui aime la lumière’. Violette Leduc et Simone de Beauvoir : proposition d'analyse d'une amitié
littéraire à partir de la correspondance”, Workshop Violette Leduc ou la remise en cause des normes : de l'après-guerre
aux années 68. University of Lille, October 20, 2017.

With Karine Bastide, “Conférence autour d'une correspondance inédite de Simone de Beauvoir”, workshop Grande
collecte d'archives de femmes, Archives of Rhône and Lyon, March 8, 2017. link:

“La lettre à l'écrivain·e à la croisée de l'histoire et des études littéraires : l'exemple du courrier des lectrices de Simone
de Beauvoir”, doctoral seminar "Penser le genre", University of Lille 3, January 27, 2017.

“De ‘l'écœurante apologie de l'inversion sexuelle et de l'avortement’ à la bible des femmes et du féminisme : Parcours
du Deuxième Sexe”, public class for the association Nantes-Histoire, Nantes, January 9, 2017.

“’Si j'en suis arrivée là, c'est grâce à vous’. Écritures des femmes et des hommes ordinaires : le lectorat de Simone de
Beauvoir”. Présentation d'une recherche, La littérature, Summer School of the GEDI (Genre et Discriminations
Sexistes et Homophobes), June 8-11, 2016.

“La naissance d'une Ariane moderne : réception, influence et appropriations de Simone de Beauvoir par les femmes
(1949-1962)”, La littérature comme medium : écriture et traduction à la lumière de la réflexion sur le genre, Festival
Jeunes Chercheurs dans la Cité), Lille, Maison européenne des sciences de l’Homme et de la société, April 23, 2016.

“Simone de Beauvoir et Le Deuxième Sexe”, Conference, Noisy-le-Sec public library, March 12, 2016.

“Les lectrices de Simone de Beauvoir se racontent. Pour une histoire sociale des représentations à la croisée de l'intime
et du social : la lettre à l'écrivain·e”, Les SHS face au foisonnement biographique. Innovations méthodologiques et
diversité des méthodes, International Colloquium EHESS Paris, March 9-11, 2016.

“Les féministes et leurs archives. Constituer un témoignage : Simone de Beauvoir et son courrier des lecteurs et
lectrices”, Le genre de l'archive ? Constitution et transmission des mémoires militantes, workshop, Centre d'histoire
sociale du XXe siècle, Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne, February 11, 2016.

“Discours, sexualité et honte. Les intellectuel·les français·es face au Deuxième Sexe (1949-1951) ”, Nouvelles
approches, nouvelles histoires ? Représentations - mémoires - acteurs, Young Researchers’ Colloquium, University of
Toulouse Jean Jaurès, January 15-16, 2015.

                           SCHOLARLY EVENTS ORGANIZED
[Forthcoming] The Beauvoir Webinar Series 2023: 7 sessions.

With Gina Opiniano for the International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “How to be Authentic. S. de Beauvoir and the
Quest for Fulfillment, by Skye Cleary – book discussion”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, September 26, 2022.

With Gina Opiniano for the International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “Writing Simone de Beauvoir’s life – round
table”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, May 13, 2022.

With Gina Opiniano for the International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “We Are not Born Submissive, by Manon Garcia
– book discussion”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, February 21, 2022.

[Forthcoming January 7, 2022] With Gina Opiniano for the International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “On
Inseparables the new novel by Simone de beauvoir”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, January 7, 2022. Link:

With Gina Opiniano for The International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “Presentation of the special issue ‘Translating
and Reading The Second Sex globally’”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, November 19, 2021. Link:

With Gina Opiniano for The International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “Beauvoir in Time, by Meryl Altman – book
discussion”, The Beauvoir Webinar Series, February 5, 2021. Link:

With Gina Opiniano for The International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “Beauvoir, Sexism and Racism”, The Beauvoir
Webinar Series, January 8, 2021. Link:

With Gina Opiniano for The International Simone de Beauvoir Society, “Beauvoir and her readers”, The Beauvoir
Webinar Series, October 16, 2020. Link:

With Alexandre Antolin et Sébastien Landrieux, Dire, écrire, vivre sa sexualité (XXe siècle). Des archives publiques
aux archives de l’intime, University of Lille, December 10, 2020.

With Sylvie Chaperon, Marine Gilis, Camille Morin, Mathias Quéré and Justine Zeller, “Nos luttes changent la vie
entière. 50 ans de Mouvement de Libération des Femmes” - Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Mouvement
de Libération des Femmes. Toulouse, November 6-7, 2020.

As a member of Arpège-EFiGiES, Critiques féministes des savoirs : créations, militantismes, recherches, Colloquium,
University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, May 17, 2018.

With Sylvie Chaperon and Justine Zeller, “Perturbation ma soeur”. Actualité de la pensée beauvoirienne, workshop,
University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, November 20, 2017.

As a member of Arpège-EFiGiES, Critiques féministes des savoirs : corps et santé, Colloquium, University of
Toulouse Jean Jaurès, March, 29th and 30th 2017.

With Sylvie Chaperon and Justine Zeller, Aux marges de la capitale ? Mouvements féministes et homosexuels en
régions, workshop, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, December 15, 2016. (proceedings published).

As a member of Arpège-EFiGiES, Rhétoriques antiféministes : entre recherche et pratiques, workshop, University of
Toulouse Jean Jaurès, May 3-4, 2016.

                                      RELATED EXPERIENCE
(2020-2023) Communication Coordinator of The International Simone de Beauvoir Society and co-creator of the
Beauvoir Webinar Series (2020- ):

(2021- ) Representative of the Women&Gender history division of the research unit Framespa’s website.

(2021- ) Member of Les Jaseuses, French association of feminist and queer researchers:

(2019-2020) Elected Student member of the steering committee of The International Simone de Beauvoir Society –
Conference coordinator for the Washington Conference (June 3-5, 2019) and for the Cleveland Conference (April 2020
- cancelled due to Covid19). Link:

(2019-2020) Co-director of the brochure “Faire des Etudes Féministes et de Genre en France” (Pursuing Feminist and
Gender studies in France):

(2015-2018) Member of Arpège-EFiGiES Toulouse, PhD students research group in Gender studies, Toulouse

(2016-2019) Member of the board of EFiGiES, French national association of junior researchers in Gender studies

(2015- ) Editor of three research blogs on the international academic platform Hypotheses:

    -   Since 2015, creator and editor of the research blog, Chère Simone de Beauvoir, that publishes articles by many
    -   Since 2021, editor of the research blog of the international research network European Sexologies:
    -   2018-2019, editor of the research blog of the academic and feminist association EFiGiES: https://efigies-
    -   2015-2018, editor of the research blog of the academic and feminist Arpège-EFiGiES: https://efigies-

“‘Du bist der Stern der Hoffnung, der durch die Grenzen leuchtet’. Briefe an Simone de Beauvoir von ihren
Leserinnen”, (written in anglais, translated into German). Article for the catalog of the exhibition dedicated to Simone
de Beauvoir and The Second Sex by the Bundeskunsthalle Museum, Bonn, Germany: SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR. UND
„DAS ANDERE GESCHLECHT“ (March 4 – October 18, 2022).

“Regards croisés sur l’œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir”, round table with Geneviève Fraisse. L’Espace Simone de
Beauvoir fête ses 30 ans d’engagement, Nantes, June 18, 2022.

Moderation of a round table on Impatiente. Une exploration féministe du cancer du sein, with author anthrolopologist
Mounia El Kotni at Terra Nova book shop, Toulouse, February 10, 2022.

Moderation of a round table on Feu ! Abécédaire des feminisms presents, with authors philosophers Elsa Dorlin and
Manon Labry at Terra Nova book shop, Toulouse, December 2, 2021.

Participation as a historian in the TV show “Rembobina” dedicated to the influence of Simone de Beauvoir,
presented by Patrick Cohen, broadcasted on LCP, November 21, 2021.

With Adèle Cassigneul, debate on the screening of a movie adapted from Annie Ernaux’s book, L’Événement (film
director: Audrey Diwan), Utopia Theater, Tournefeuille (Toulouse), France, November 24, 2021.

Moderation of a round table on feminist translation and publishing with author Noémie Grunenwald and the editors
of Blast Editions at Terra Nova book shop, Toulouse, October 21, 2021.

“Comment Simone de Beauvoir a écrit Le Deuxième Sexe", interview for France Culture (French national radio),
May 17, 2021. Link:

Consulted by a producer (Alexia Klingler) for the documentary “Simone de Beauvoir: l’aventure d’être soi”, Public
Sénat, April 2021. Link:

With Justine Zeller, interview about the colloquium on the 50th anniversary of MLF (Mouvement de Libération des
femmes), Radio program “Et Alors ?", Radio Occitania, October 28, 2020. Link:

“Mad Men et l’histoire des femmes et du genre”, Interviewed by Nicolas Charles, podcast Histoire en Séries, May
30, 2020. Link : andéos

“Le Deuxième Sexe et le féminisme. Pointer la domination masculine", radio program “LSD – La Série
Documentaire", France Culture, (French national radio), March 18, 2020. Link:

Consulted by a journalist (Clément Arbrun) who then wrote: “Il faut (vraiment) en finir avec cette idée de la ‘femme
forte’", Cheek Magazine, May 24, 2019. Link:

Numerous publications (articles, reviews, etc.) on the research blog “Chère Simone de Beauvoir”. Average of 4000
visits per month. Link:

French: native language
English: fluent

Spanish: read

Italian: read

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