NIGERIA Sénégal - The Gambia Mines : or, bauxite et diamant - CBL-ACP
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NIGERIA Sénégal - The Gambia Mines : or, bauxite et diamant © Céline Bacho BELGIUM I LUXEMBOURG I AFRICA I CARRIBEAN I PACIFIC Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et d’Agriculture I Belgique, Luxembourg, Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique Kamer van Koophandel, Nijverheid en Landbouw I België, Luxemburg, Afrika, Caraiben, Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture I Belgium, Luxembourg, Africa, Carribean, Pacific 52e année I Trimestriel I Octobre, Novembre, Décembre 2017
Octobre I Novembre I Décembre 2017 GLOBAL TRADE FINANCE summary Attijariwafa bank CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE, D’INDUSTRIE ET D’AGRICULTURE ASBL KAMER VAN la banque de référence KOOPHANDEL, NIJVERHEID EDITORIAL 2 EN LANDBOUW VZW Guy Bultynck - Chairman, CBL-ACP dans l’accompagnement des entreprises CHAMBER OF FOCUS | NIGERIA en afrique COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE NPO Improving the trade relations between Nigeria and Belgium 4 Ambassador Nonye Udo SECRETARIAT Rue Montoyerstraat 24 B5 In synergy with nature and people 6 1000 Brussels SIAT - Publireportage T +32 2 512 99 50 F +32 2 512 28 29 Nigeria, Regaining Growth through Untapped Potential 9 SÉNÉGAL ADVISORS Le Plan Sénégal Émergent: résultats & perspectives 16 Henri CHALON, Paul FRIX, Josyane HOUART , Jacques NYSSEN, THE GAMBIA Guy PHILIPS, Jorge SANTOS, Solange PITROIPA The Smiling Coast of Africa 20 MANAGING DIRECTOR TOURISME Jacques EVRARD The Gambia ... a niche destination in International Tourism 22 EXECUTIVE MANAGER Corine COURBET MINES MANAGER Or, bauxite et diamant 24 Didier VERHELST Legal Division DEPUTY MANAGER La Blockchain, un enjeu de taille pour l’Afrique 30 Jennifer LEFEBURE CBL-ACP RESPONSIBLE OF THE MAGAZINE Financial Division Michael STENGER Belgian Grants by Belgian Finexpo 32 Avenue Huart-Hamoir 48 1030 Brussels Agenda / Events 34 T +32 2 242 05 10 New Members 36 ADRESSE : 6-8 rue Chauchat ADRESSE : - 75009 Paris Picture cover 6-8 rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris Visual composition by Céline Bacho CHIEF EDITOR Responsible of the publications Pour plus d’informations, Gauthier DEMARET Mr. Michael Stenger, Avenue Huart Hamoir, 48 B-1030 Bruxelles +32 (0) 2 250 02 32(1) SALES & ADVERTISEMENTS VIP MEMBERS Édition Octobre 2017 Nada NEBBOU ou connectez-vous sur : @ GRAPHIC DESIGN Denis VAN MOORSEL, Céline BACHO (1) 0,005€ TTC/min. (2) Coût de connexion selon le fournisseur d’accès. © This content is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the formal authorisation of the editor. Attijariwafa bank Europe - Succursale de Belgique - 128-130, boulevard Maurice Lemonnier, 1000 Bruxelles Swift WAFABEBB - TVA BE 0884.276.150 BTW. RPM BRUXELLES - RPR BRUSSEL. Tél. : + 32 2 250 02 32 – Fax : + 32 2 502 96 61 -
2 3 de milliers d’organisations caritatives que l’Occident en général et should have attained more substantial and sustained growth than Nochtans beschikt het continent over een dynamische private l’Europe en particulier ont déversées sur le Continent. En générant it has. Then why is it that every time an improvement is lurking sector, heeft het een bevolking die bulkt van ondernemingszin en plein de condescendance, ces flux d’aides ont surtout oblitéré around the corner it simply fails to materialize? heeft het een overschot aan grondstoffen; kortom troeven bij de toute initiative créatrice de la part des africains. vleet. Alleszins redenen genoeg waarom het een meer substantiële One of the mechanisms behind this inertia probably has to do en duurzame groei had kunnen of had moeten scoren dan het Comment s’étonner dès lors que depuis les années 70 le reve- with decades of “good” intentions, i.e. state-to-state development daadwerkelijk deed. Waarom blijft de omzetting in realiteit dan ÉDITORIAL nu national dont disposent les africains est systématiquement aid, support (not to use the word “intervention”) from major uit, telkens wanneer een verbetering in de steigers lijkt te staan? inférieur à la production intérieure de leur pays. Ceci démontre institutions, or actions by thousands of charity organisations qu’une partie non négligeable du capital local est, en échange des heaped upon the Continent by the West in general and Europe in Een van de oorzaken achter deze inertie heeft allicht te ma- aides reprises plus haut, possédée par des étrangers entraînant particular. This condescending influx of aid has, above all, numbed ken met de decennialange “goede bedoelingen”, die door de de facto sur place des appels récurrents et presque irrépressibles the creative spirit of the Africans. Westerse wereld, in het bijzonder Europa, over het continent d’expropriation. Il est aisé de comprendre que ces menaces de werden uitgestrooid. Denk maar aan intergouvernementele confiscation répétées sont une entrave majeure à toute croissance No wonder that ever since the seventies the national revenue of ontwikkelingshulp, de steun (om het woord “inmenging” niet te économique. Il en résulte que les Etats sombrent souvent dans the African countries has systematically been lower than their gebruiken) van belangrijke instellingen of de acties van duizenden d’interminables alternances de gouvernements, les uns prônant domestic production. This proves that a significant part of the liefdadigheidsorganisaties. Deze wat neerbuigende influx van la nationalisation des avoirs étrangers, les autres protégeant les local capital is in foreign hands in exchange for the aid mentioned steun heeft boven alles geresulteerd in het afbotten van de propriétaires et leurs intérêts locaux. above, which de facto and in situ leads to reiterating and traditionele ondernemingsgeest van de Afrikanen. hardly suppressible foreign calls for expropriation. It isn’t hard Nous pouvons trouver d’autres causes à une croissance écono- tounderstand that these repeated threats of confiscation are a major Het hoeft dan ook niemand te verbazen dat het binnenlandse mique restreinte, comme certaines spécialisations issues des obstacle to any economic growth. As a result, countries often inkomen van de Afrikaanse staten sinds de jaren ’70 altijd en options coloniales qui ne sont plus porteuses aujourd’hui, mais il succumb to endless changes of government, some administrations systematisch lager lag dan hun nationale productie. Dit toont n’est pas nécessaire de les énumérer toutes pour se rendre compte calling for nationalizing foreign assets, others protecting them. aan dat, in ruil voor de hierboven vermelde hulp en steun, een qu’il est grand temps de revoir notre copie ; il est grand temps de belangrijk deel van het lokale potentieel in buitenlandse handen reconsidérer nos postulats de base ; il est grand temps d’arrêter We can still find other reasons behind the limited economic growth zit wat dan weer de facto herhaalde en nauwelijks aanvechtbare de vouloir sauver l’Afrique ! L’Afrique est parfaitement capable related to the colonial past and hence no longer in play, but it claims voor onteigeningen met zich meebrengt. Begrijpelijker- de se sauver elle-même. Pour autant que le reste de la planète is not necessary to list them here for us to realize it is high time wijs vormen deze terugkerende dreigingen tot confiscatie een traite avec elle d’égale à égale, ce Continent dispose, quoiqu’on to change track, it is high time to reconsider our basic premises, sterke rem op elke economische groei. Het gevolg is dat staten en dise, et quelle que soit la ‘confusion’ entretenue à son sujet, it is high time to stop wanting to save Africa! Africa is perfectly wegzinken in een carrousel van regeringen, waarvan sommige des moyens de cette politique. capable of saving itself! As long as the rest of the planet treats buitenlandse bezittingen willen nationaliseren, terwijl andere the Continent on a basis of equality, Africa possesses the means vreemde eigenaren en hun lokale belangen net willen beschermen. GUY BULTYNCK A l’instar des pays asiatiques qui ont connu une trajectoire de to do so, whatever is said and whatever the “confusion” on the Chairman, CBL-ACP rattrapage par rapport aux pays plus développés, sans investis- subject may be. We kunnen nog andere redenen vinden waarom de economische sements étrangers massifs, en finançant eux-mêmes les capitaux groei beperkt blijft, die eigen zijn aan de genomen opties in het physiques et humains et en relevant leurs niveaux d’éducation Following the example of the Asian countries, who caught up with koloniale verleden en daarom thans niet meer relevant. Het is et de formation, l’Afrique peut elle aussi prendre la voie d’une more developed countries without massive foreign investment echter niet nodig ze allemaal op te sommen, om te beseffen dat Arrêtons de vouloir sauver l’Afrique croissance économique à long terme. Le Botswana est là pour but by auto-financing their physical and human potential and by het hoog tijd wordt om het geweer van schouder te veranderen; appuyer cette affirmation. La culture entrepreneuriale est bien raising their education levels, why would Africa not be able to do het is hoog tijd om onze uitgangspermissies te herzien; het is hoog Décembre, le mois des bilans ! Sans s’appesantir sur le passé vivante en Afrique. À nous d’aller à sa rencontre pour, ensemble the same and take the road to long term economic growth, as tijd om te stoppen met Afrika te willen redden! Afrika is perfect ni souligner le poids des périls de l’économie mondiale sur les et en partenaires co-responsables, créer le monde de demain. for instance Botswana currently exemplifies? The entrepreneurial in staat zichzelf te redden. Zolang de rest van de planeet op voet performances de la zone ACP en général et celles de l’Afrique en C’est ce que je vous souhaite pour 2018. frame of mind is alive and kicking in Africa, it’s up to us to go and van gelijkheid met het continent omgaat, beschikt Afrika over de particulier, l’année 2017 a, malgré une reprise fragile en fin d’année, find it to create the world of tomorrow, together and in partnership. middelen om daarin te slagen, wat men ook zegt en ongeacht prolongé la morosité qui prévalait déjà les années précédentes. That is my wish for all of you come 2018! de “verwarring” die erover wordt gezaaid. Let’s Stop Wanting to Save Africa Cependant disposant d’un secteur privé dynamique, d’une popu- Het dient maar het voorbeeld te volgen van de Aziatische landen, lation douée d’un esprit d’entreprise et de ressources naturelles December, time to take stock! Without dwelling on the past too Laat ons stoppen met Afrika te willen die hun achterstand op de meer ontwikkelde landen wisten te abondantes, ce Continent a des atouts certains et aurait pu, aurait much or underlining the heavy burden placed on the performances dichten zonder massale buitenlandse investeringen, maar eerder dû développer une croissance plus alerte et plus soutenue. Alors of the ACP countries in general and those of Africa in particular redden via eigen kapitaalinjecties in hun materieel en menselijk poten- depuis le temps que l’on y perçoit une éventuelle embellie il n’est by the perils of the global economy, it is safe to say that 2017 tieel en dankzij het opkrikken van het onderwijs en de vorming. pas innocent de se demander ce qui manque pour déclencher has – notwithstanding a brief and fragile upward curve at the December, tijd om de balans op te maken! Zonder al te veel bij Waarom kan Afrika niet dezelfde weg bewandelen naar duurzame ce renouveau. end of the year- prolonged the bleak outlook already prevailing het verleden te willen stilstaan of te veel nadruk te willen leggen economische groei, zoals Botswana op dit ogenblik trouwens in previous years. op de valkuilen van de wereldeconomie voor de prestaties van de al bewijst? Het ondernemingsklimaat is “alive and kicking” in Une des raisons de cette inertie est probablement initiée par ACP-zone in het algemeen en Afrika in het bijzonder, mag gerust Afrika, het is aan ons om het te ontdekken, zodat we samen en des décennies de ‘bonnes’ intentions, que ce soit par l’aide au Yet the Continent has a dynamic private sector at its disposal, gesteld worden dat 2017, ondanks een voorzichtige heropleving in medeverantwoordelijke partnerships kunnen timmeren aan de développement d’Etat à Etat, par le support (pour ne pas dire : a population with an entrepreneurial talent, and an abundance of op het einde van het jaar, het sombere beeld van de voorgaande wereld van morgen. Dat wens ik u toe voor 2018! par l’intervention) de grandes institutions ou encore par l’action raw materials; in short, assets aplenty – which is why it could have, jaren heeft verlengd.
4 5 NIGERIA NIGERIA IMPROVING THE TRADE RELATIONS © shutterstock BETWEEN NIGERIA AND BELGIUM 6. The construction and energy industries are equally 10. To begin to address this critical issue, the Embassy H.E. NONYE UDO of particular importance for their multiplier effects on the of Nigeria in Brussels, has taken deliberate strategic steps to AMBASSADOR OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA TO economy which in turn impacts the general livelihood of explain and showcase Nigeria to the Belgian business com- THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG the populace. These sectors have close relationships with munity. Exposure to and interactions with Nigerian business AND THE EUROPEAN UNION other segments of development such as, transportation, entrepreneurs will bridge the gap, facilitate dialogue which industrialisation, agriculture, financial, etc. However, these would be important steps towards increased access into important areas remain largely untapped. Nigeria welcomes the Belgian market for Nigerian businesses. Undoubtedly, investments from Belgian companies in this regard. Belgium is a household name in Nigeria as many used motor vehicles and spare parts imported from Europe through the 7. Nigeria’s population is a growing population with Port of Antwerp have become synonymous with quality and the youth constituting the largest demography. There is, are preferred to those produced elsewhere. consequently, a budding cinema culture in Nigeria with many of the cinemas showing almost fifty percent local mo- 11. To help accelerate the laudable objective of improved Trade between Nigeria and Belgium has over the years and the Belgian Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Centre vies. The Nigerian movie industry fondly called Nollywood is access of Nigerian products, it would be necessary to provide continued to blossom albeit to the advantage of Belgium (APEC). APEC has been a useful partner in the ongoing reputed to be the third largest movie industry in the world. technical assistance to both Nigerian farmers and businesses as it maintains a lead in business transactions and balance efforts towards the diversification of the Nigerian economy Nollywood on an annual basis produces movies of global to help them produce, preserve and transport their goods to of trade between our two countries. Nigerian entrepreneurs, to enable the country fully tap its huge economic potentials, standard sometimes in collaboration with Hollywood movie Europe in the internationally acceptable standards. Already though hampered by the challenges of compliance with and increase its internally generated revenue. production houses. Nigerian farmers are adopting new techniques in farming stringent European Union food safety standards for mostly to enable them meet up with global standards. We are en- agricultural produce they export to Belgium, have steadily 4. Nigeria’s major export to Belgium is crude oil. The 8. It was estimated that Nollywood contributed about couraged that these improvements have already started maintained interest in the Belgian market. Cognisant that overt dependence of the Nigerian economy on the exporta- 1.4% of Nigeria’s GDP ($7.2bn) in 2016 and the industry is gaining international recognition. A Nigerian female farmer the potentials for the export of agricultural food produce tion of crude oil as well as the instability in the international projected to increase to about $8.5bn in 2018. The industry Ms. Evelyn Nwaru Ifebuchi was recently invited to Brussels to Belgium are huge, relevant government agencies are price of crude oil left the Nigerian economy in a less than and the rising cinema culture in Nigeria requires increased and received one of the two 2016 Oxfam Female Food Hero determined to put in place the required checks as well as satisfactory state prompting President Muhammadu Buhari investment for larger financial benefits to accrue to the Award. There is nonetheless, ample room for improvement build capacity of small and medium scale entrepreneurs to to commence an aggressive drive to diversify the economy. players in the industry. Government on its part through a in this area for sustainable development. More importantly, meet the expectations of the European market. Similarly, with the resurgence of mineral commodity prices, multi stakeholder National Joint Action to Tackle Piracy, has there is the need to build the production value chain and Government has been exploring the option of mineral ex- commenced an aggressive anti-piracy campaign to effec- transfer technology from Belgium to Nigeria. 2. It is equally important and worthy to note that a ploration to generate revenue to meet the needs for food tively address the problem of piracy which had negatively number of Belgian companies are collaborating with some security and job creation amongst others. Diversification impacted the industry. This approach to tackling piracy has 12. The journey has begun and we are calling on the Nigerian entrepreneurs in the production of palm oil, carpet activities necessitated the development of policy frameworks started yielding tangible results. The success of Nollywood Belgian businesses to partner with Nigeria to build thriving making, banking and financial services as well as in the pro- to ensure the efficient and effective utilization of the nation’s in spite of the problem of piracy shows how profitable the industries, and businesses in all areas of the Nigerian eco- duction of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. There are resources to improve the economy. industry is for prospective investors. nomy. Our commitment is to go on the journey with you. As currently over forty Belgian firms investing in Nigeria. These a first step, I am collaborating with the CBL/ACP to organise include OK Free Trade Zone, presently engaged in building 5. In continuation of these efforts, in July 2016, Pre- 9. Since my assumption of duties as the Ambassador a business luncheon where top Nigerian business persons of a new modern and deeper port in collaboration with sident Muhammadu Buhari established the Presidential En- of Nigeria to Belgium, I have embarked on an extensive study would participate and exchange views, experiences and the governments of Lagos Ogun, Osun and Ondo States; abling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) to address of the Belgian economic and business community with a ideas with their Belgian counterparts on doing business in Dredging Environmental and Marine Engineering (DEME) identified governance issues that hitherto hindered the ease view to understanding the reasons for the low penetration Nigeria. The Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria Investment which secured a 15 year maintenance contract for Onne and of doing business in Nigeria. This council, headed by the Vice of Nigerian Businesses in Belgium. This is to expand the Promotion Commission would also provide detailed expla- Bonny Ports among others, as well as Sluys International President, H.E. Prof. Yemi Osibanjo (SAN), in only one year, number of items that could be exported from Nigeria to nations on policy guarantees important to foreign investors Belgium, which deals in production of beverages. has successfully moved Nigeria up on the ladder of Ease of Belgium and Luxembourg on the one hand, and generally as well as explain the efforts of the Nigerian Government Doing Business index by 24 points according on the World open up the areas where we could partner for beneficial in creating an enabling environment for local and foreign 3. In the area of capacity building, there is an excellent Bank’s index of the ease of doing business. economic activities. businesses. It is expected that this meeting would lead to a relationship between the Nigerian Port Authority (NPA) Belgian business Mission to Nigeria in 2018.
6 7 NIGERIA NIGERIA Growing area of business Mr Vandebeeck. “We already have seven greenhouses and highly speculative and volatile. To handle this uncertainty, nurseries and have planted several hundred hectares of rubber SIAT’s strategy is to keep two thirds of the portfolio for palm The group currently owns and manages 40,000 hectares of clones in our countries of concentration, which will contribute oil and only one third for rubber. oil palm plantations, 22,000 hectares of rubber plantations important improvements for the group in the future. The high and a cattle ranch with nearly 6,000 animals and is steadily potential of our newly cloned planting materials will enable The third business pillar - elite plantlets - will in the future IN SYNERGY WITH expanding its operations base. us to increase substantially the present yields per hectare, as become more important. “How our business as a provider of well as to provide a steady flow of high quality young plantlets high quality planting material will develop remains yet to be “We have been investing in new planting area extension both all year-round, that will be specifically calibrated for each of seen, but I have a very good feeling about this,” affirmed Mr NATURE AND in Asia but primarily in West Africa. Asia is an interesting and our customers.” Vandebeeck. “Demand is increasing and prospects are very growing market for us, but our true ‘home’ is Africa,” admitted good. I believe that in some 10 or 15 years, this may become Mr Vandebeeck. “However, we are now in the process of Changing environment our core business.” PEOPLE completing an acquisition in Indonesia and that will become a new area of concentration.” In total, the SIAT Group employs in excess of 15,000 people of The CEO also highlighted another significant change, related all grades, levels and professions and maintains close contacts to the diminishing forest areas and the willingness of govern- But it is not only crop growing that is the group’s main field with world-class universities and research institutes in order ments to address this issue. of interest. In 2013, SIAT acquired Deroose Plants, expanding to have access to the latest technological developments. its operational activities to the USA and China. The invest- However, Mr Vandebeeck confirmed that human resources “From a position of a purely agroindustry company, we will ment was aimed at supporting the research and development remain the biggest challenge. To address this issue, the group have to evolve into becoming an agroforestry company. Sus- programme for rubber, oil palm and cocoa clones of Deroose opened the SIAT Academy in Brussels several years ago, provi- tainable forest management is a top priority for SIAT now. We PUBLIREPORTAGE SIAT Plants, hence improving the quality of planting material for ding both practical and academic skills development courses. are developing a model whereby stakeholders will be offered the SIAT Group’s estates. As an international bio-technology a combination of industrial crops together with forestry crops, enterprise and one of the top suppliers of young plant brome- Mr Vandebeeck explained that the future will bring some with an inclusive approach. This is where the future is. liads globally, growing between 200 and 300 varieties, SIAT changes to the group’s focus. Both key commodities - palm oil and rubber - have different market developments. Palm “The emphasis on the environment, biodiversity and sustai- oil, as a food item, is a very stable commodity the price of nability will become even greater and SIAT will develop in which is steadily rising, and there the only challenge for future line with this direction and with the aim to be ‘Sustainable Belgium’s SIAT Group is a group of agro-industrial com- growth is the availability of land. Rubber prices, on the other in all Terms’.” panies, specialised in the establishment and management hand, are dictated by the world markets and as such can be of oil palm and rubber plantations, that works across the This article was published on December 5, 2017 in the magazine allied processing and downstream industries. Roma- « Inside Industry » ( Elele 2017 Oil Palm planting, Nigeria na Moares spoke to CEO Pierre Vandebeeck about the group’s redirected focus and its bold plans for the future. SIAT (Société d’Investissement pour l’Agriculture Tropicale) is a well-established group focused on the investment and management of agro-industrial ventures in the tropics with its head office in Brussels. A family-run business, the current Chairman and CEO, Pierre Vandebeeck founded SIAT in 1991. Over the years, the group has evolved into a large organisa- tion, currently active in Nigeria, Ghana, Gabon, Côte d’Ivoire and Cambodia and is expanding further. Environmental sustainability and responsibility form the group’s key guiding ethos. In fact, SIAT is one of the foun- Tissues culture lab ©DRP ding members of RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), can now expand its business to include high yielding planting which was formed in 2004 to regulate the palm oil industry material, further strengthened by the very recent acquisition and to ensure that its impact on the environment is managed of young plant supplier Exotic Plant. The Group Deroose carefully. SIAT firmly believes in environmentally responsible Plants and Exotic Plant will work together in supplying the management. All factory waste from the oil mills is recycled highest quality young tree crops plantlets worldwide. SIAT into the plantation or used as fuel to generate green process is the first company in the world to succeed in developing steam and electricity. The company also assists communities a successful tissue-culture protocol for rubber trees, with a and provides its workers with education and infrastructure proprietary technology and increasing the yield of the trees. and social developments such as roads, potable water and electricity, as well as quality schooling and Medicare. This “In the future the group will have high quality planting ma- creates stability and commitment which, in turn, provides terial for its own plantations but also for trading these high security for the group’s investments. value plantlets globally with selected agribusinesses,” said
8 9 KEY FACTS NIGERIA NIGER CAPITAL TCHAD Abuja The port city of Lagos on May 20, 2016. ©shutterstock ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL CAPITAL BENIN Lagos CURRENCY NORTH CAMEROON Naira (1 € = 423,99 NGN) Savannah FORM OF STATE GULF Federation of states OF SOUTH GUINEA TERRITORY Petrolium fields GDP (2016) 405,1 milliards USD COAST Tropical forest NUMBER OF PORTS 12 NEIGHBOURS Cameroon, Benin, Niger, Tchad. NUMBER OF STATES 36 -PRESIDENT- -OFFICIAL LANGUAGE- -VICE-PRESIDENT- -POPULATION- Regaining Growth through Untapped Potential H.E-MUHAMMADU ENGLISH OLUYEMI 186 million Read this article in French/Dutch on BUHARI OLULEKE inhabitants OSINBAJO (More than 250 ethnicities) Since its independence in 1960 from the United Kingdom, Key Assets Nigeria’s economy base transitioned from agriculture to crude oil and gas. After five years of strong economic Between 2011 and 2015, Nigeria’s GDP saw average growth of 4.8% MAIN RELIGION 11th PRODUCER IN THE WORLD growth, Africa’s largest economy faced a recession in 2016. per annum, mainly based on high oil prices. Nigeria is ranked the Islam Oil However, during the 2nd quarter of 2017, Nigeria technically largest oil producing country in Africa, and is ranked 11th worldwide. came out of a recession, with a GDP growth driven mainly Nigerian oil, called Bonny Light, is of very high quality. Production by the strong performance of the agricultural sector and a averages 1.8 mbd, a substantial amount of which is being processed 100% rebound in oil & gas production. The country faces many in the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. Although it accounted for only challenges but also offers many opportunities. 10% of GDP, it represented 94% of export earnings, and 62% of gov- ernment revenue over the period of 2011-2015. This led to a strong Nigeria is ranked the largest oil producing country in Africa, and is decline in foreign exchange reserves and a strong depreciation of ranked 11th worldwide. Nigerian oil, called Bonny Light, is of very the Naira, losing half of its value against the dollar. Consequently, high quality. Production averages 1.8 mbd, a substantial amount of foreign investment also declined sharply, from USD 8.9 billion in MILLION BARRELS PER DAY >2000 which is being processed in the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. Com- 2011 to USD 3.1 in 2015, and unemployment increased dramatically, 1500-2000 bined, crude oil & natural gas make up at least 75% of government leaving the country’s economy in turmoil. 0% 1000-1500 revenue and about 90% of total export revenue. The Nigerian 500-1000 ISLAM CHRISTIANITY TRADITIONAL 100-500 government is actively encouraging diversification of the economy The Nigerian economy went into recession in 2016, due to declining 50% 40% CULT
10 11 NIGERIA NIGERIA 2nd quarter of 2017, Nigeria technically came out of a recession, at the heart of the economy. This implies a stronger focus on The Importance of Agriculture sectors – policies for 11 major products, new markets, domestic with a GDP growth heading for a 2% rise by the end of 2017, driven education and health, meaning Nigeria will have to bridge the sourcing, export incentives & funding and export projects and in- mainly by the strong performance of the agricultural sector and current skill gap, which implies that it should provide adequate The potential for improvement in agriculture is tremendous in Africa vestment in each state. a rebound in oil & gas production. Foreign reserves are rising and and specific education. and Nigeria is no exception. In recent years, growth has shown a trade is improving, but unemployment and food prices are also on staggering improvement, with 4.88% in the third trimester of 2016. Incentives for Investors the increase, and with a population growth rate of 2.7%, income A Competitive Economy If economic growth is important, food security is an even more per capita will actually decline further in 2017. important matter. Less dependency on imports, more jobs and While the plan holds much good news for the Nigerian economy, To have a more competitive economy, there is need for serious inclusive growth are the key factors to engage fully in agriculture. it also includes a simplification of doing business which many The economy is expected to continue to grow by 2.6% in 2018 investment in the infrastructures. Roads, rails, power, ports and investors will appreciate. and by 3.1% in 2019. While oil exports have risen, the non-oil sec- connectivity need to be addressed in this order. The plan counts Energy self-sufficiency tors should also recover. This growth could be overshadowed by on public private partnership arrangements to address this vast The following are some of the elements that will be facilitated instability in the Niger Delta, a weak fiscal position and foreign array of works to be carried out. Three objectives have been defined to pave the way for energy or reformed: exchange distortions. sufficiency. The first is to increase oil production to 2.2 million Earning a spot in the top 100 of the World Bank’s Doing Business barrels per day (mbpd) in the short term and to 2.5 mbpd by 2020. - entry and exit of goods The Urge to Diversify report is the target set by the presidency. This should allow government revenues to increase by 800 billion Naira. The second is to expand the power sector infrastructure to - 3-day deadlines for pre-ship inspection to issue clear certificates In 2015, President Buhari was elected and began implementing Nigeria is ranked 145th on 190 in the Doing Business Index 2018 be able to supply 10 GW of operation power capacity, which is of inspection economic policy reforms to address the macroeconomic challenges of the World Bank, a substantial improvement compared to key to the development of the business environment. Finally, the and structural imbalances. As the country realised its dependency its 2016 ranking, mainly due to improvement in administrative third objective is to boost local refining for self-sufficiency. Instead - facilitation of entry and exit of people on oil, the government sought to diversify by using the money procedures. Major obstacles to doing business remain the of exporting crude oil, business could refine the oil locally, reducing gained from oil to achieve this. Aware of the need to create better allocation of property permits, electricity supply and import/ imports by 60% by 2018. Of course, that is on the condition that all - e-visa application-on-arrival procedures no later than 2018 infrastructure, roads and invest in agriculture, it devised a first export constraints1. infrastructure works are carried out. strategy followed by a five-year plan. -clear information on the immigration website with regard to visa In 2016, faced with a major recession and an import addiction Revitalizing Industries and permit instructions Thus, in 2016, the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) was of wealthy Nigerians, the Nigerian government introduced very launched with the aim of restoring macroeconomic stability, growth strict limitations on foreign exchange, which had very detrimental The plan aims to accelerate the National Industrial Revolution Plan, -improve the ranking in the World Bank’s Doing Business so as and diversification of the economy, competitiveness & business effects on the industrial activities of foreign companies, i.e. designed to accelerate the build-up of industrial capacity within to make the top 100 environment, as well as governance and security. problems to import spare parts and to export benefits. Nigeria. It aims to develop four industry groups where Nigeria already holds a competitive edge: Agribusiness and agro-allied, solid -clarify the documentation needed for small businesses Following the SIP, the Nigerian Economic Recovery and Growth Since the beginning of 2017, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has minerals and metals, oil and gas-related industries and construction, Plan (ERGP) 2017- 2020 was launched. The plan has five key narrowed the number of rates to 3 key windows; the limitations light manufacturing and services. -clear set of guidelines for small businesses offering services to objectives – stabilising the macro-economic environment, achie- are still in place but have been eased in practice, and exchange the government ving agriculture and food security, ensuring energy sufficiency rates have remained almost stable since then, at a rate that The Zero Oil Initiative aims to boost the supply of foreign exchange (power and oil products, improving transport infrastructure and corresponds to approximately 70% of devaluation compared to through non-oil sectors by driving growth in five areas: export © shutterstock driving industrialisation by focusing on Small and Medium Sized July 2015. Enterprises – that are tied into already crafted, longer-term growth plans for the Nigerian economy. The introduction of the Investors and Exporters Forex window spurred forex inflows to the stock market, which had a positive The ERGP outlines various plans all of which have the same goal: impact on foreign reserves. To create 7% growth by 2020 and 15 million new jobs. The plan lays out all the different phases to create a better economy and restore growth. It is precise and ambitious but has a very narrow New technologies and digital-led strategies for growth are also included in the growth and recovery plan. The Smart Nigeria The ERGP outlines various plans all of which have the same goal : To create 7% growth timeframe. Digital Economy Project aims to increase the contribution of the sector to the GDP. This initiative will be reinforced by expanding What’s different? broadband coverage, increasing e-government and establishing ICT cluster. This also includes building skills through education The authorities have set up a delivery unit within the Presidency that and training. by 2020 and 15 million new jobs. will monitor all the ERGP priorities. Oil production will not only be increased but also privatised. Its revenues will be used to diversify Macro-Economic Stability the economy, creating multiple engines of growth. Previous strate- gies will be strengthened so as to address the challenges of each One of the priorities to establish a stable macro-economic environ- sector and help them grow. There will be a stronger collaboration ment is to control inflation, which rose from 9.6% in 2015 to 18.55% between the public and private sector through partnerships. Finally, for 2016; have stable exchange rates and sustainable fiscal and budget and planning ministries have been merged to improve external balances. Alignment of trade, fiscal and monetary policies monitoring and implementation. will be crucial to achieving this. Of course, non-oil revenues must be increased and accelerated to diminish dependency and cost-cutting Focus on the Nigerian People measures will be taken. For example, the increase in the VAT rate for Social programme, job creation and youth empowerment will luxury items from 5 to 15% will allow 350 billion to be raised annually, allow economic growth to be inclusive and put the human factor from 2018 onwards. 1 Stéphane De Loecker, Belgian Ambassador to Nigeria
12 13 NIGERIA NIGERIA IMF Backing Trade between Belgium and Nigeria Trade between Belgium and Nigeria sector as well as in the agribusiness, in particular in the field of palm oil production and processing, with the first Belgian invest- In total, the government has laid out 60 strategies to transform Bilateral trade relations between Belgium and Nigeria have existed In 2016 Belgium accounted for 21.1% of all exports from the EU to ment going back more than 30 years. the economy, each with a clear plan and budget. The plan was since Nigeria’s independence in 1960. Belgian companies have Nigeria, making it the 2nd largest exporter in the EU to Nigeria, backed by the International Monetary Fund on 19 April 2017, by contributed to the expansion of the Nigerian industrial sector, after the Netherlands with 26.1% and before France with 13%. With More recently, Belgian companies have invested in areas such as the Assistant Director and Head of Fiscal Policy and Surveillance particularly in agribusiness and ports. The Port of Antwerp, for regard to imports from Nigeria, Belgium holds 8th place within the the dredging of rivers, the creation of artificial land for residential Division, Catherina Pattillo. According to her, the plan will tackle example, played a key role at the beginning of the reform of EU, accounting for 0.8%. The balance of trade between Nigeria or industrial developments close to Lagos, and logistics, where diversification and the need to build revenues and improve structure. Nigerian ports, which led to the landlord model of port concession. and Belgium is traditionally in favour of Belgium. there is still a lot that needs to be done. “So, we very much welcome the ERGP. As you are aware, Nigeria Nigeria’s exports and bilateral relations - Various qualities of refined oil accounted for 76.3% of the value of Belgian know-how is welcome in various sectors, such as bioen- went into recession last year; a recovery has been forecast, but the Through the eyes of the expert the 2016 export flow from Belgium to Nigeria, and for 32.7% (in gineering in crops and cattle-breeding, transport management, need to address the fiscal situation is urgent. Our recommendation particular crude oil) of the value of import from Nigeria to Bel- environmental protection, water sanitation, electricity generation is to continue fiscal consolidation. One striking statistic, I believe, Nigeria’s exports are directed mainly at India (16.8%), Spain gium. Food products and animal products are the two other main and distribution. Improvements in the electricity generation sys- is the fact that over the past years, the ratio of interest payment (12.1%), the United States (10.2%), the Netherlands (7.8%), and import products from Nigeria, with 27.8% and 20.8%, respectively. tems and distribution networks are essential for the development to tax revenue has doubled to 66 per cent in Nigeria,” she said. France (7.2%), totalling 54% of Nigerian exports. and diversification of the Nigerian economy. According to the Belgian Agency for Foreign Trade, a total of The plan, however theoretical, aims to dramatically change the Nigeria’s imports show that the country imported goods mostly 1,002 Belgian companies exported to Nigeria in 2016. In this respect, I wish to welcome the initiative of the CBL-ACP economy by 2020 and to change the economic landscape from from China (16.0%), Belgium (12.3%), the Netherlands (9.7%), Chamber of Commerce to start organizing an economic mission head to toe: lower inflation, more jobs, improved competitiveness, the United States (7.5%) and Italy (6.2%), accounting for a total Proposals for an Economic Mission of Belgian Businesses to to Lagos in March 2018, a mission that will certainly be to the greater availability of foreign exchange, inclusive growth. While the of 51% of imports. Nigeria mutual benefit of Belgium and Nigeria. conflicts in the Niger Delta are one threat, the short span of time is another, not forgetting the vast amount of investment needed Despite the intense trade flows between EU countries and Bilateral relations between Nigeria and Belgium are traditionally Stéphane De Loecker by the private sector in order to achieve all objectives. The road is Nigeria, the Nigerian government has so far held off on signing good, and some Belgian companies have contributed for many Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Federal Republic challenging but the plan’s ambition is backed by a strong determi- the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which has already years to the expansion of the Nigerian economy, in the industrial of Nigeria. nation of the Presidency and a vital need to change the economy. been formally agreed between EU and ECOWAS, and whose objective is to lower tariffs of goods entering the EU. © shutterstock According to the Belgian Agency for Foreign Solutions for the rising sea level Solutions for polluted rivers and soils DEME has a leading position in a number of highly specialized and complex hydraulic disciplines. In Trade, a total of 1,002 Belgian companies the next decades, the world will be facing major challenges such as the effects of climate change and scarcity of resources. Through innovative thinking DEME is offering sustainable solutions in exported to Nigeria in 2016. response to these future needs in various fields such as soil and sediment remediation, water treatment, coastal protection, development of green and blue energy, offshore dredging of gravel and sand, deep sea harvesting of minerals and creation of land in densely populated regions, ports and industries. DEME nv Haven 1025, Scheldedijk 30 B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium T +32 3 250 52 11 Solutions for reduction of emissions Solutions for scarcity of resources opm_DEME_corporate_adv2017_A5_landscape.indd 1 21/04/17 09:16
14 15 NIGERIA NIGERIA Belgian know-how in various industrial sectors, such as projects in the field of port development in Lagos and Port Belgian Success Stories bio-engineering in crops and cattle-breeding, transport Harcourt. The land reclamation of the Eko Atlantic project in Dredging International – Land Reclamation at Eko management, environmental protection, water sanitation, Lagos is being carried out by Dredging International, which is Atlantic Project electricity generation and distribution, can be of use for the also involved in dredging projects near Bonny Island and Port development and diversification of the Nigerian economy. Harcourt. Its competitor Jan De Nul was contracted in 2015 for 2016 was another very busy year for DEME in Nigeria. Eko the land reclamation project, where Nigerian giant entrepreneur Atlantic City in Nigeria is one of the most ambitious real estate Some of the major Belgian companies in Nigeria are SIAT (oil Aliko Dangote will build his petroleum refinery and fertilizer developments in Africa. The new city is being built on Lagos’ palm and rubber plantations and in-vitro cloning of elite plan- plant. Some Nigerian industries have also shown a keen interest Bar Beach – on land that is reclaimed from the sea. The City ting material), CFE (construction), Nigerite/Eternit and ZETES. in the position Belgium takes as a centre for the shipping and is being constructed in six phases which will ultimately result Two Belgian dredging companies are also involved in important maritime industry. in the creation of 9 km² of prime land, requiring a reclama- tion and sand winning of no less than 100 million m³. In early Land Reclamation at Eko Atlantic Project © DEME November 2016, DEME completed phase 3 of the project with the TSHDs ‘Breughel’ and ‘Breydel’. Belgian dredging contractor DEME recently signed a contract with South Energyx Development FZE for the development of the remaining phases of the EKO Atlantic City project in Lagos. Some 500 hectares of land have been created so far. The company’s involvement in the optimization process and PHOTO Nigeria MAIL the coordination efforts with local authorities have been important factors that influenced both feasibility and the continuation of the project. Phases 3 to 6 of this prestigious project include the reclamation of 42 million m³. Works will be executed over a period of 3 to 4 years Marina District - Eastern View 1©Eko Atlantic Project FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ∙Agribusiness BUSINESS ∙Power / Energy ∙Construction / Engineering BEYOND BOUNDARIES ∙Shipping / Logistics FROM FLANDERS TO THE REST OF EUROPE A F R I C A TA L E N T H U N T E R S ∙Trading ∙Finance Flanders knows no bounds. As part of Belgium, one of the most globalised countries in the world, Flanders is the ideal test market and springboard to the rest of Europe to let your business thrive in uncertain economic times. If you feel like exploring new opportunities in the heart At Flanders Investment & Trade we are here to help any of Europe, get a head start and go to our website: way we can, with our free and confidential advice. EXPAT STAFFING SOLUTIONS INVESTINFLANDERS.COM INVEST@FITAGENCY.BE
16 17 SÉNÉGAL SÉNÉGAL - P2I Nord : développement de l’Agro-industrie pour l’autosuffi- Connexion au futur port minéralier de Bargny; encore appelé « sance alimentaire; Port Minéralier de Bargny », sera localisé à Sendou situé à 32 km du - P2 Sud : exploitation des ressources minières. Port Autonome de Dakar sur la baie de Gorée et à côté de Bargny, une Zone Économique Spéciale. Initié par l’État du Sénégal, le projet LE PLAN SÉNÉGAL *La construction de bâtiments industriels modulaires (Sédhiou – San- vise à réduire le trafic vers le port de Dakar et conséquemment, le diara-Fatick) – la requalification de certains sites industriels existants désengorgement de la capitale sénégalaise. (Saint-Louis) – la réhabilitation des sites existants (Kaolack – Ziguin- ÉMERGENT : chor). 2017 L’Aéroport International Blaise Diagne (AIBD) ouverture prévue pour décembre et, plus grand projet aéroportuaire d’Afrique 2015 Mission économique Belgique /Pays-Bas au Sénégal du 3 de l’Ouest. Afin de se démarquer de ses concurrents dans la bataille RESULTATS & au 5 juin , qui avait suscité un bel enthousiasme avec la participa- des hubs aéroportuaires ouest-africains, la société d’exploitation tion d’une quarantaine d’entreprises belges issues des secteurs de de l’AIBD a misé sur la construction à Diass, d’un centre d’entretien l’agroalimentaire, de l’énergie, du transport, du secteur maritime, et de maintenance aéronautiques de dernière génération. Ce type PERSPECTIVES de la logistique, des infrastructures ou encore des équipements. de pôle de compétence est rare sur le continent, les plus réputés sont ceux d’Ethiopian Airlines à Addis Abeba et de Royal Air Maroc MRS MÉMÉ A.TSAN FALL La panoplie d’équipements publics à venir à Diamniadio est im- à Marrakech-Menara. Advisor Be4Ag CBL-ACP pressionnante : centre administratif et cité des affaires, universités, BeLux Agro & Agro Industry Cluster hôpitaux, zone industrielle, infrastructures culturelles. Cette ex- Le projet du Dakar Medical City(DMC) a pour vocation de pro- Head of Bilateral Section Senegal croissance de la capitale sera reliée par l’autoroute à péage et par poser une offre de soins de qualité internationale. Une offre de le futur Train Express Régional. soins primaires par les cabinets, secondaires par les cliniques et tertiaires par l’érection de centres de type Centre Hospitalier Uni- 2016 Le Projet Train Express Régional (TER) entre dans sa voie de versitaire (CHU). mise en œuvre : 115 000 passagers par jour, 14 gares desservies entre 2012 Le Sénégal a décidé d’adopter un nouveau modèle de « Programme de développement des infrastructures en Afrique » Dakar et l’AIBD ; le lancement des travaux du TER a été inauguré par ZESID, décret n°2017-932 portant création de la Zone Économi- développement pour accélérer sa marche vers l’émergence. Cette (PIDA), favorisera l’essor des flux commerciaux dans la région. le Président Monsieur Macky Sall. Réalisé par les entreprises Alstom, que Spéciale intégrée de Diass, conçue pour favoriser l’émergence stratégie, dénommée « Plan Sénégal Émergent » (PSE), constitue Engie et Thales, les 15 trains bi-mode (diesel/électrique) devant être d’un environnement d’excellence pour l’entreprise, incluant une le référentiel de la politique économique et sociale sur le moyen En fait, l’autoroute à péage fait partie du programme de développe- fournis circuleront sur la ligne du TER et desserviront 14 stations en fiscalité incitative, des infrastructures de qualité, une régulation, et le long terme. ment des infrastructures du Sénégal, qui comprend l’extension du 45 minutes. La mise en service du premier tronçon, reliant sur 36 km une administration et une gestion opérationnelle répondant aux port de Dakar, le nouvel aéroport international, ainsi qu’un certain Dakar à la ville nouvelle de Diamniadio est prévue pour fin 2018. meilleurs standards internationaux. A cet effet, les activités à Adoptée en novembre 2012 par le Gouvernement et l’ensemble nombre d’autres projets de transport. Ces nouvelles infrastructures de ses partenaires au développement, cette stratégie repose sur aideront à stimuler l’activité économique dans les secteurs manu- Maquette de la future ville de Diamniadio la vision d’un « Plan stratégique Sénégal Émergent » (PSE) visant facturier et industriel, ainsi que dans le tourisme, dopant ainsi la l’émergence économique à l’horizon 2035. Le « Plan d’Actions Pri- compétitivité du Sénégal. oritaires », articulé sur la période 2014-2018, constitue le document de référence des interventions de l’État, des partenaires techniques 2014 Le Président Monsieur Macky Sall a inauguré en octobre à et financiers, du partenariat public-privé et de la participation Diamniadio le Centre international de Conférences de Dakar Ab- citoyenne, à moyen terme. dou Diouf (CICAD), du nom du président sortant de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). Présenté comme la ‘’pierre Pour le financement adéquat du PSE, les sources identifiées sont maîtresse du pôle urbain de Diamniadio’’, ce complexe futuriste l’État, les partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) et le secteur est construit sur une surface de 58 ha avec les aménagements privé national et international à travers le Partenariat Public Privé nécessaires à sa fonctionnalité, à savoir la bretelle d’accès à partir (PPP) grâce à la création de conditions propices aux investisseurs de l’autoroute, la connectivité, l’assainissement, l’eau et l’électricité. PPP selon l’hypothèse de 30% pour la partie publique et 70% pour Il est doté d’un amphithéâtre de 1.500 places, de plusieurs salles le financement privé. de réunion et d’autres commodités, dont une unité d’alimentation en énergie solaire, grâce à une centrale solaire d’une puissance de Le « Plan Sénégal Émergent » vise une croissance à fort impact sur 2 mégawatts. le développement humain pour garantir durablement la stabilité économique, politique et sociale. La pertinence du pôle urbain de Diamniadio en construction, une nouvelle ville en extension à 30 km de la ville de Dakar. Sur les 2013 L’autoroute à péage Dakar-Diamniadio, une première en 1.500 ha prévus pour ce pôle urbain, 25 ha seront réservés à la ville Afrique subsaharienne, est née d’un partenariat public-privé. Elle numérique de Diamnadio qui permettra au Sénégal d’attirer des est innovante tant par son exploitation que par sa gestion et son multinationales et des entreprises qui relocaliseront leurs activités entretien. L’autoroute, en service depuis le 1er août, s’inscrit pleine- dans ce nouveau centre urbain en développement. ment dans une perspective inter-régionale, puisqu’elle concrétise le premier maillon de l’autoroute transafricaine Dakar-Lagos, un L’aménagement de 3 plateformes industrielles intégrées P2I auront axe majeur de 4.010 km qui traverse les pays de la Communauté pour objectif d’accélérer le développement industriel autour de : économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) – plus par- ticulièrement le Mali, la Guinée, la Guinée-Bissau et la Gambie. - P2I Diamniadio : industries avec des pôles divers et à forte La future transafricaine, qui figure au nombre des priorités du densité de main d’œuvre;
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