Outil numérique: pédagogie scientifique et médiation du patrimoine culturel

La page est créée Christian Dubois
Outil numérique: pédagogie scientifique et
             médiation du patrimoine culturel

Équipe: Patrimoine culturel, pédagogie et numérique

Porteur de projet: Ivan Radman-Livaja, Directeur adjoint et conservateur
au Musée Archéologique de Zagreb, Croatie. iradman@amz.hr

Mots-clés: patrimoine, informatique, valeur d'ancienneté,        computer
graphics, pédagogie hybride, épigraphie numérique.
Curriculum de l’équipe « Patrimoine culturel, pédagogie, numérique »



LAMÉ Marion
PhD in History, specialized in Digital Epigraphy.

Via Fratti, 34
56125 Pisa,

Email: mlame@mmsh.univ-aix.fr
Alternate email: marionlame@gmail.com
Mobile: (+39) 3 772 416 049 / (+33) (0) 6 27 57 78 83

Work Experience

July 2013 - January 2015 Present: Post-doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Computational
Linguistics "Antonio Zampoli", Italian National Research Council.
Development of theoretical digital models and practical methodologies for Digital History and
Digital Epigraphy, based on heterogeneous primary sources (written, iconographic, iconotextual).
Study of multilingual epigraphic texts. Using Information Technologies for Digital History.

February 2013 - May 2013: Researcher at EPHE, Anhima, UMR 8210, Paris.
Preliminary work on a digital database of Greek inscriptions of the Louvre Museum under
supervision of Prof. Michèle Brunet.

April 2012 - August 2012: Internship at the Institute of Computational Linguistics "Antonio
Zampoli", Italian National Research Council.
PhD Internship co-directed by the University of Bologna and the University of Aix-en-Provence.

April 2009 - July 2009: Visiting Scholar at the Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University, Medford,
Teaching use and practice of XML to non-specialist humanists in charge of archeological,
geographical and historical information identification.
Involved in the encoding work of several layers of abstraction of Thucydides’s work.
Evaluation of time and genealogical xml languages.

2003: APEA (Association de Prévention et d’Aide à l’Insertion), La Seyne-sur-Mer, France.
IT teacher. Use and practice of IT for people facing difficulties.

2002: Counselor at Externat Saint-Joseph, Ollioules, France.
Counselor in charge of the computer room.

2001: "Culture et Communication" Association, Toulon, France.
Art and social services adviser.

1996-1999: Piano teacher, Orléans, France.
Piano teacher for the otherwise-abled.

Teaching and other work experiences

   1) Epigrafia digitale: metodologie generali e applicazione pratica alla procedura auoptica.
      L'esempio delle tecnologie RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), Medieval Epigraphy
      course, Prof. Flavia De Rubeis, Universitá Ca’ Foscari - Venice, November 4th 2014.
   2) Digital scientific edition "TSS - Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge" scientific responsability of Ivan
      Radman. 2012-2014.
   3) Supervision of the open source arab font update in the "IGAMWI - Imperial Government
      and Authority in Medieval Western Islam" project con scientific responsability of Pascal
      Buresi. Collaborators: Arnaud Chabrol, Redwan Chetuan, Camilla Tanca, Cultura Digitale
      Laboratory, 2013-2014.

4) Digital epigraphy seminar, Prof. Marguerita Orfila Pons Archeology course, University of
        Granada, October 17th, 2013, invited by Prof. Victoria Luzón.
    5) Seminario di epigrafia digitale, Latin epigraphy course, Prof. Giovanni Salmeri, University
        of Pisa, may 7th-9th, 2013.
    6) Seminario di epigrafia digitale, parte del ciclo di seminari di cultura digitale della Prof.ssa
        Enrica Salvatori, Università di Pisa, 24 ottobre 2012.
    7) EpiDoc Reggio Calabria, University degli Studi Mediterranea, CNR, June 4th - 7th, 2012.
    8) Risorse digitale per le scienze dell’antichità, University Lumière Lyon 2, Greek epigraphy
        course, Prof. Michèle Brunet, December 2nd, 2011.
    9) Risorse digitale per le scienze dell’antichità, École Française d’Athènes at Thasos, Greek
        epigraphy course, Prof. Michèle Brunet, 1-8 maggio 2011 on archeological site, May 6th,
    10) EpiDoc Aix-en-Provence, MMSH (Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme), CCJ
        (Centre Camille Jullian), February, 9th - 11th, 2011.
    11) EpiDoc Lyon, MOM (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée), Hisoma Laboratory
        (Histoire et Source des Mondes Antiques – UMR CNRS Lyon 2), September 13th - 17th,
    12) EpiDoc Rome, British School at Rome, September 21st-25th, 2009.
    13) Seminario Banche di dati per l’epigrafia latina, Latin Epigraphy course, Prof. Giovanella
        Cresci, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, June 14th - 16th, 2010.
    14) Seminario Strumenti informatici per l’epigrafia greca, course Strumenti informatici per lo
        Studio dell’Antichità Classica, Researcher Carla Salvaterra and Prof. Camillo Neri,
        University of Bologne 2007.


2012 : University of Bologne/Aix-Marseille University, Italy/France.

       PhD in History.
       Thesis: Epigrafia in rete: riflessioni sulle potenzialità d’innovazione delle pubblicazioni
       epigrafiche digitali attraverso l’uso dei linguaggi di mark-up per la rappresentazione di
       epigrafi complesse = Epigraphie en réseau: réflexions sur les potentialités d'innovation das
       la représentation numérique d'inscriptions complexes.
       Supervisors: Prof. Angela Donati and Prof. Catherine Virlouvet.
       Mark: Très honorable.

2008: University of Venice "Ca’Foscari”, Venice, Italy.

Master Degree in Informatica per le Discipline Umanistiche, fifth and last year of the
       Italian academic training in Digital Humanities.
       Thesis: Codificare le inscrizioni antiche: l'esempio delle Res Gestae Divi Augusti, edite da
       Th. Mommsen. (Study about the use of encoding for epigraphy, based on the famous
       augustean inscription).
       Supervisors: Giovanella Cresci-Marrone and Fabio Ciotti.
       Mark: 110/110 Magna cum laude.

2006: Aix-Marseille University (Previously University of Provence), Aix-En-Provence, France.

       Master research 2nd year, "Historical Sciences and Humanities", "History of
       Mediterranean, European, and African Civilizations".
       Thesis: Critères d’évaluation des documents écrits primaires des sciences de l’Antiquité sur
       le Web: l’exemple des Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Evaluation of the digital representations
       available on the Web of the augustean text).
       Supervisors: Brigitte Sabattini (Aix-en-Provence) and Carla Salvaterra (Bologne, Italie).
       Research Center: Centre Camille Julian, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de
       l’Homme (MMSH).
       Mark: Magna cum laude.

2005: University of Provence, Aix-En-Provence, France.

       Master research 1st year "Historical Sciences and Humanities", "History of Mediterranean,
       European, and African Civilizations".

       Thesis: Mise en ligne des documents primaires de l'histoire ancienne: de leur numérisation
       à leur utilisation, vers de nouveaux usages ? (Study of the use of the Web for primary
       sources of Ancient History).
       Supervisor: Philippe Jockey, Centre Camille Julian, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences
       de l’Homme (MMSH).
       Mark: 16/20, Mention très bien.

2003: University of Provence, Aix-En-Provence, France.

       B.A. in History.

2000 – 2001: Université de Montréal, Canada.

       “Mineur en Langue et Civilisation Anglaise” One year study in English language and

Personal Skills

Mothertongue: French.

Other languages:

  LANGUAGE              UNDERSTANDING                         SPEAKING               WRITING

                    Listening       Reading            Spoken         Spoken
                                                     interaction    production

       Italian          C1             C1                C2              C2                C1

    English            B2              C1                C1              C1                C1

Job-related skills: TEI e EpiDoc XML languages, Digital representation of historical and
geographical information in primary sources.

Computer skills:

   -     Good command of metalanguages (XML, HTML).
   -     Good command of tools and databases for the study of History (online and offline).
   -     Good Command of MS Office suite e Open Office suite.
   -     Knowledge base of programming (C), Web design, multimedia information systems,
         networks, software engineering.

Selected Bibliography

● Camilla Tanca, Marion Lamé, Hi-storytelling: Street Museum & Speaking Stones! A Study
  Case, "Museums and the Web 2013" N. Proctor & R. Cherry (eds). Silver Spring, MD:
  Museums and the Web. Published May 31th, 2014. Consulted October 17th, 2014.

● Marion Lamé, Valeria Valchera, Federico Boschetti, Epigrafia digitale: paradigmi di
  rappresentazione per il trattamento digitale delle epigrafi, in "Epigraphica", 2012, p. 386-392.
● Marion Lamé, Pour une codification historique des inscriptions, "Rivista Storica dell’Antiquità"
  38 (2008), p. 213–225. Italian translation: Per una codifica storica delle iscrizioni, "Griselda
  Online", 2008.


● Erica Filippini e Marion Lamé, "Roman Provincial Coinage Online", Aldébaran, Portale e base
  tematici, online from January 27th 2012. http://aldebaran.revues.org/69121
● Marion Lamé e Nicolas Genis, "Searchable Greek Inscriptions", Aldébaran, Portale e base
  tematici, online from June 7th 2011. http://aldebaran.revues.org/6820

Conferences – Selected Contributions by Scientific Committee

● Computer Assisted Annotation of Themes and Motifs in Ancient Greek, Epigrams: First Steps,
  Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Riccardo Del Gratta (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR). "Clic-it
  2014". 9-10 December 9th-10th 2014.
● Technology & Tradition: A Synergic Approach To Deciphering, Analyzing And Annotating
  Epigraphic Writings, Marion Lamé, Federico Boschetti, Matteo Dellepiane, Serge Rosmorduc,
  Stéphane Polis, Giulia Sarullo, Angelos Barmpoutis, Elenie Bozia. "EAGLE 2014 International
  Conference", École Normale Supérieure & Collège de France, Paris, September 29th, 2014.
● Fonti in cerca di storici digitali: ridefinizione e mutamenti della fonte primaria. Una ricerca in
  informatica umanistica, Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR), Chiara Mannari (Laboratorio di Cultura
  Digitale, University of Pisa) e Federico Ponchio (VLC-CNR). "AIUCD - Associazione per
  l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale. Terzo convegno annuale: La metodologia della
  ricerca umanistica nell’ecosistema digitale", University of Bologne, September 18th-19th,
  2014. http://aiucd2014.unibo.it/book-of-abstracts.pdf
● A top-down approach to the design of components for the philological domain, Federico
  Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Angelo Mario Del Grosso (ILC-CNR), Fahad Khan (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé
  (ILC-CNR), Ouafae Nahli (ILC-CNR). "Digital Humanities 2014" Lausanne, Switzerland, July
  8th-12th 2014.
● Hi-storytelling: Street Museum & Speaking Stones! Marion Lamé (CNR-Pisa), Camilla Tanca
  (University of Pisa), Marion Lamé, Anna Maria Marras (Museum of Cagliari), Camilla Tanca (
  Pisa University), Massimiliano Vassalli (La Sapienza University), Enrica Salvatori (Prof. Pisa

University) . "Museum and the Web Florence 2014", Florence, February 18th-21th, 2014.
    http://mwf2014.museumsandtheweb.com/proposals/hi-storytelling-street-museum-speakin g-
●   From paper browser to digital edition of inscriptions, Marion Lamé (ILC, CNR), Perrine
    Kossmann (Université de Bourgogne)."Text-Encoding Initiative Roma", University La Sapienza,
    October 3rd-4th, 2013. http://eer.hypotheses.org/posters
●   Pour une délivraison des inscriptions, Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR), Perrine Kossmann (University
    of Burgundy). "Les Humanités délivrées", Université de Lausanne, October 2nd-3th 2013.
●   De la transcription graphique à la reconstitution diplomatique, Marion Lamé (Anhima),
    Victoria Luzón & Francisco Soler (University of Granada), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Luca
    Benedetti (VCL-CNR). "Gestion Informatisée des ÉCritures Anciennes (GIÉCA)", Centre
    d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, University of Tours, May 21th-22th, 2013.
●   La matière épigraphique dans un espace numérique: l’importance du support archéologique.
    "Journées d’Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP 2012)", June 1st-2nd, 2012 – Paris.
    Organized by University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (UFR 03) and CNRS UMR 7041 Arscan.
    In collaboration with Federico Boschetti, Angelo Mario del Grosso (ILC-CNR) e Luca Benedetti
●   Asking Text-Bearing Objects: Contribution of Epigraphical theories to Digital Representation
    of Texts, Marion Lamé (Aix-Marseille University / University of Bologne) Valeria Valchera
    (University of Bologne), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Cyril Masset (IRHT-TELMA), Pascal
    Lemaire (ULB). "Supporting Digital Humanities 2011: Answering the unaskable", Faculty of
    Humanities, University of Copenhagen, November 17th-18th, 2012.
●   Topic Maps and the Semantics of Inscriptions, "The Publication and Study of Inscriptions in
    the Age of Computer" by American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE) for the
    conference Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the American Philological
    Association (APA), Filadelfia, January 2009.
●   Epidoc Encoding of Mommsen’s 1883 edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti, "Text Encoding
    Initiative Members Meeting", King’s College London, November 6th-8th, 2008. Grant from
    CCH (Centre for Computing in the Humanities), King’s College.

Conferences – Invited Contributions

● L’edizione scientifica digitale del testo letterario e del testo epigrafico: convergenze e
  divergenze, Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR). Conference: "Risorse
  digitali e strumenti collaborativi per le Scienze dell’Antichità", University Ca’ Foscari of Venice,
  October 2nd-3rd 2014.
● Fonti in cerca di storici digitali, 2013-2014, “Cultura Digitale” Seminar. Enrica Salvatori,
  Medieval History Professor and coordinator of the Laurea Specialistica of Informatica

Umanistica, University of Pisa. In collaboration with Chiara Mannari (dottoressa magistrale,
    Informatica Umanistica), May 14th 2014, Pisa.
●   Du navigateur à papier à l’édition scientifique numérique de la source: paradoxes et
    continuité? Atelier des Humanités Numériques, 2013-14, Prof. Jean-Philippe Magué, École
    Normale Supérieure of Lyon , December 2nd , 2013.
●   La source, son historien, l’édition numérique: le paradoxe du navigateur à papier?, "L’Histoire
    numérique", University Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail, June 13th, 2013, Toulouse.
●   Epigraphy in 3D, 2012-2013, “Cultura Digitale” Seminar. Enrica Salvatori, Medieval History
    Professor and coordinator of the Laurea Specialistica of Informatica Umanistica
    dell’University of Pisa. In collaboration with Francisco Soler (University of Granada).
●   Strumenti per l’analisi di testi bilingui al servizio dell’epigrafia digitale, "Poesia della memoria
    e memoria poetica: Incontro di studi sulla versificazione epigrafica dall’antichità
    all’umanesimo", May 3rd-4th 2012 – Venice. Ca’ Foscari University, Dipartimento di Studi
    Umanistici. Musisque Deoque project, Prof. Paolo Mastandrea: http://www.mqdq.it/mqdq
●   Exploitation de la matière épigraphique dans un espace numérique, 2011-12, "Édition savante
    et humanités numériques" seminar, February 8th 2012 - Paris. Prof. Aurélien Berra, University
    of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense. In collaboration with Valeria Valchera (University of
    Bologne), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Cyril Masset (IRHT-TELMA), Pascal Lemaire (ULB).
●   Epigraphic Annotation: From the Stone to the Digital Edition, "Trends in Computational and
    Formal Philology: an Italian Overview", Venice-Padua, May 22th-24th, 2008. Poster:
●   La formation des Antiquisants à l’informatique, VI° Ateliers ATHIS, "Histoire, Informatique et
    Pédagogies", May 15th-18th 2008 – Porquerolles. Réseau Ménestrel, University di Parigi 1
    Sorbonne (Jean-Philippe Genet) and Reti medievali, University of Florence (Andrea Zorzi).
    Slide: http://www.menestrel.fr/IMG/ppt/formation_antiquisants.ppt


● 2010 Student Assistant Bursary, Digital Humanities Conference, 2010.
● 2009 Italian Government Research Grant (3 months).
● 2008 Student Bursary CCH (Centre for Computing in the Humanities), King’s College, for.
  Epidoc Encoding of Mommsen’s 1883 edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti at the Text
  Encoding Initiative Members Meeting, King’s College, Novembre 6-8, 2008.
● 2008 Italian Government Research Grant (9 months).
● 2008 Mobility Grant, Franco-Italian University (Call “Vinci 2008”).
● 2007 Ph. D. Grant Franco-Italian University for Cotutella (Call “Vinci 2007”).
● 2006 Italian Government Research Grant (9 months).

Federico Ponchio
                                                       ISTI - CNR Via G.Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
                                                                                   (+39) 050 3152529


1991            International Mathematical Olympiad in Sigtuna, Sweden
1991 - 1997     Study of Mathematics at the University of Pisa
1991 - 1996     "Corso ordinario della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa"
1997            Laurea in Mathematics, Pisa; Diploma Thesis about Calabi-Yaumanifolds
1997            "Diploma del corso ordinario della Scuola Normale superiore di Pisa"
1997 - 2001     Attended a Phd. course in Mathematics at the University of Pisa.
2005 - 2008     Phd. at the Clausthal TU university in informatics (Dr.Rer.Nat.)
                Multiresolution structures for interactive visualization of very large 3D datasets

Working Activities
1999 - 2001     Small external consultancies consulences for local software industries
2002            Four months software consultantconsulence for the Dept. of Applied Math
2002 - 2004     Soprintendenza di Pisa, web map server installation for internal use
2002 - 2009     Regione Toscana, development, installation and assistance of a web map server
2001 - 2005     Research grant with Visual Computing Lab, ISTI, CNR, Pisa
2005 -          Permanent researcher with Visual Computing Lab, ISTI, CNR, Pisa, still in effect
2014            Software consultant for Navionics S.p.a., 3d modelling of cartographic data

Research Interests
       interactive visualization, processing of very large geometric datasets: terrains, meshes, point
       clouds, fluid simulations.
Web visualization:
       meshes, point clouds, RTI, vector data
Information theory:
       complexity, entropy and compression
Cultural hHeritage:
     applications of computer graphics to cultural heritage

Research Activities
Involved in the following European projects: V-planet, 3D-COFORM, Ariadne.

In charge of the web and online 3d aspects of the following projects: Cenobium, Capsella
Samagher and Pisa Griffin

Main developer for the TSS (Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge) project of Archeological Museum in

Developed a web 3D mapping tool for the restoration of the Nettuno fountain in Bologna.

3dhop Package for web visualization of 3d models oriente to cultural heritage field.
Nexus Multiresolution processing and interactive visualization of massive 3d meshes and point
PhotoCloud A browser for collections of calibrated images and 3D models over which images
are aligned
VCG library Visualization and Computer Graphics Library (VCG for short): a library for
manipulation, processing and displaying with OpenGL of triangle and tetrahedral meshes.
Zonohedron Zonohedron is a simple command-line program that computes a zonohedron out of a
collection of 3D vectors.
Untrunc Restore a damaged (truncated) mp4, m4v, mov, 3gp video. Provided you have a similar
not broken video.

Journal Articles

Marco Potenziani, Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, Massimiliano Corsini, Federico Ponchio,
Roberto Scopigno
DHOP: 3D Heritage Online Presenter
Computer & Graphics, Volume 52, page 129-141 - Nov 2015

Marco Di Benedetto, Federico Ponchio, Luigi Malomo, Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, Paolo
Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno
Web and mobile visualization for Cultural Heritage
Lecture Notes on Computer Science LNCS 8355, Springer, page 18-35 - 2014
Paolo Brivio, Luca Benedetti, Marco Tarini, Federico Ponchio, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno
PhotoCloud: interactive remote exploration of large 2D-3D datasets
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 33, Number 2, page 86--96 - mar-apr 2013
Roberto Scopigno, Marco Callieri, Paolo Cignoni, Massimiliano Corsini, Matteo Dellepiane,
Federico Ponchio, Guido Ranzuglia
3D models for Cultural Heritage: beyond plain visualization
IEEE Computer, Volume 44, Number 7, page 48-55 - July 2011
Massimiliano Corsini, Matteo Dellepiane, Ute Dercks, Federico Ponchio, Marco Callieri, Dagmar
Keultjes, A. Marinello, Roberto Sigismondi, Roberto Scopigno, Gerhard Wolf
CENOBIUM - Putting together the Romanesque Cloister Capitals of the Mediterranean Region
BAR International Series , Volume 2118, page 189-194 - 2010
F.Ganovelli, F.Ponchio, C.Rocchini
Fast tetrahedron-tetrahedron overlap test
Journal of Graphics Tools 2002.
P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
BDAM - Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes for High Performance Terrain Visualization.
Computer Graphics Forum, 22(3), September 2003.

M. Callieri, F. Ponchio, P. Cignoni, R. Scopigno
Virtual Inspector: a flexible visualizer for dense 3D scanned models
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28(1)Jan. 2008
M. Dellepiane, M. Callieri, F. Ponchio, R. Scopigno
Mapping highly detailed color information on extremely dense 3D models: the case of David's
Compter Graphics, 27(8), 2008
Ponchio, Federico and Hormann, Kai.
Interactive Rendering of Dynamic Geometry
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics Jul 2008

Siggraph Paper

P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
Adaptive TetraPuzzles: Efficient Out-of-Core Construction and Visualization of Gigantic
Multiresolution Polygonal Models

Conference Papers

Federico Ponchio, Marco Potenziani, Matteo Dellepiane, Marco Callieri, Roberto Scopigno
The ARIADNE Visual Media Service
CAA 2015, page 12 - 2015
Federico Ponchio, Matteo Dellepiane Fast decompression for web-based view-dependent 3D
Web3D 2015. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology , page
199-207 - 2015
Marco Potenziani, Massimiliano Corsini, Marco Callieri, Marco Di Benedetto, Federico Ponchio,
Matteo Dellepiane, Roberto Scopigno
An Advanced Solution for Publishing 3D Content on the Web
Museums and the Web 2014 - 2014
Giuseppe Alemanno, Paolo Cignoni, Nico Pietroni, Federico Ponchio, Roberto Scopigno
Interlocking pieces for printing tangible Cultural Heritage replicas
12th Eurographics Workshops on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH 2014), page 145-154
- 2014
Paolo Brivio, Marco Tarini, Federico Ponchio, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno
PileBars: Scalable Dynamic Thumbnail Bars
VAST 2012 Symp. Proc., page 49--56 - 2012

Marco Di Benedetto, Federico Ponchio, Fabio Ganovelli, Roberto Scopigno
SpiderGL: A JavaScript 3D Graphics Library for Next-Generation WWW
Web3D 2010. 15th Conference on 3D Web technology - 2010
Massimiliano Corsini, Matteo Dellepiane, Federico Ponchio, Roberto Scopigno
Image-to-Geometry Registration: a Mutual Information Method exploiting Illumination-related
Geometric Properties
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 28, Number 7, page 1755-1764 - 2009
P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
Batched Multi Triangulation
In Proceedings IEEE Visualization Oct. 2005
P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
Planet-Sized Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (P-BDAM).
In Proceedings IEEE Visualization. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003.

P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
Batching Meshes for High Performance Terrain Visualization.
In Proceedings Eurographics Italy, September 2003.
R. Scopigno, P. Cignoni, M. Callieri, F. Ganovelli, G. Impoco, P. Pingi, F. Ponchio
Using optically scanned 3D data in the restoration of Michelangelos David
SPIE Int. Symposium on Optical Metrology, June 2003.

Conference and other contributions

Marion Lamé, Federico Ponchio, Ivan Radman and Bruce Robertson
Teaching (Digital) Epigraphy Teaching (Digital) Epigraphy EAGLE 2016, Rome
Marion Lamé, Federico Ponchio, Ivan Radman and Bruce Robertson
Across the Pond: an Experiment in Ancient History Teaching and Digital Epigraphical Research
Digital Seminar Classicist de Berlin, 8th december 2015
Ivan Radman Livaja, Marion Lamé, Federico Ponchio
Présentation du corpus électronique des plombs inscrits de Siscia
Ductus – Graffites antiques, 22-24 october 2015, École Normale Supérieure, EPHE, Paris
Marion Lamé, Chiara Mannari e Federico Ponchio
Fonti in cerca di storici digitali: ridefinizione e mutamenti della fonte primaria. Una ricerca in
informatica umanistica
AIUCD - Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale. Terzo convegno
annuale: La metodologia della ricerca umanistica nell'ecosistema digitale", University of Bologne,
September 18th-19th, 2014.

Epigrafia in movimento, organized by the Laboratorio di Cultura Digitale in Italy for the Day of
Research and joined to the activity of the students in Classics at the Mount Allison University for
the Mount Allison Arts Research Symposium, on the 10th and 11th of April 2014.

Book Contributions

P.Cignoni, F.Ganovelli, E.Gobbetti, F.Marton, F.Ponchio, and R.Scopigno.
Interactive Out-of-core Visualization of Very Large Landscapes on Commodity Graphics
In ICVS 2003, Springer-Verlag Inc., New York, NY, USA, November 2003.

Ivan Radman-Livaja
 Données personnelles

                        n   Né le 04 avril 1973, Split, Croatie


                        n 1991., baccalauréat
                        n 1996., maîtrise (mémoire « La poliorcétique romaine »), Faculté

                        des Lettres, Université de Zagreb
                        n 2002, DEA (mémoire « Trouvailles d’équipement militaire

                        romain en Croatie septentrionale), Faculté des Lettres, Université
                        de Zagreb
                        n 2010, thèse de doctorat (« Plombs de Siscia »), Ecole Pratique

                        des Hautes Etudes, Paris


                        Employé depuis 1999. comme conservateur au Musée
                        Archéologique de Zagreb
                        n 1999-2000 conservateur stagiaire

                        n 2000-2015 conservateur au Département des Antiquités

                        gréco-romaines, depuis 2006 conscervateur de 1ère classe
                        n 1999, éditeur technique du catalogue d’exposition “Diplôme

                        militaire romain de Slavonski Brod »
                        n 2000, directeur de fouilles de sauvetage à Samoborski Novaki

                        n depuis 2001 membre de la rédaction du journal scientifique du

                        Musée Archéologique de Zagreb “Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u
                        n depuis 2002 participe au projet de prospection du département

                        de Zagreb en coopération avec J. Balen i S. Mihelić
                        n 2003, coauteur de l’exposition et du catalogue “Les traces du

                        temps – la collection archéologique de M. Pavletić”
                        n 2004, participe aux fouilles des grottes de Barač en coopération

                        avec J. Balen i S. Mihelić
                        n 2004-2013 assistant chercheur du projet “Romanisation et

                        christianisation de la Pannonie méridionale” (directeur du projet
                        B. Migotti)

n 2006-2013 assistant chercheur du projet « Le développement et
                      la mobilité des communautés protohistoriques en Croatie
                      continentale'' (directeur du projet M. Dizdar)
                      n 2008, directeur de fouilles de sauvetage à Buzin

                      n 2010, directeur de fouilles de sauvetage à Burdelj

                      n 2012, coauteur de l’exposition “Thesaurus Colapis Fluminis”

                      n 2013-2105, coordinateur du projet européen ArCAFE

                      n depuis 2013, directeur de fouilles programmées de l'oppidum

                      Sv. Trojica
                      n depuis 2012, directeur du projet « Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge »

                      en coopération avec Marion Lamé (cf. infra)
                      n depuis 2014, assistant chercheur du projet “Cultural, economic,

                      monetary and social transformations in view of the
                      archaeological heritage of the Middle Danubian region 279 B.C. –
                      A.D. 582” (directeur du projet Tomislav Bilić)
                      n depuis 2014, assistant chercheur du projet « Monuments

                      funéraires romains du sud-ouest de la Pannonie dans leur
                      contexte matériel, social et spirituel » (directeur du projet B.
                      n Numéro personnel du registre des scientifiques du Ministère de

                      la Science de la République de Croatie : 261645
                      n Depuis janvier 2016, directeur adjoint du Musée Archéologique

                      de Zagreb

ACTIVITÉS DU PROJET Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge

   ● AIUCD14 http://aiucd2014.unibo.it/book-of-abstracts.pdf; “Fonti in cerca di
     storici digitali: ridefinizione e mutamenti della fonte primaria” - “Primary Sources
     of Information, Digitization Processes and Dispositive Analysis”;
   ● Digital Material Conference,University of Galway, Irelande, May 2015.,
     http://digitalmaterial.ie/programme/panel-2/, “Textuality of Inscriptions:
     Hypothesis About Autopoietic System & Dispositive Analysis.”
   ● “Digital Humanities: L'exemple de l'Antiquité”: Université de Grenoble;
     “Dispositifs d'information et de communication épigraphiques au service de la
     représentation et du traitement numérique des
   ● « Ductus – Graffites antiques », Octobre 2015., École Normale Supérieure, EPHE,
     Paris; « Présentation du corpus électronique des plombs inscrits de Siscia »

●   Digital Seminar Classicist, http://de.digitalclassicist.org/berlin/seminar2015;
       “Across the Pond: an Experiment in Ancient History Teaching and Digital
       Epigraphical Research”
   ·   EAGLE 2016 (Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy) à Rome (27., 28.,
       29. siječanj), http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/eagle2016/; “Teaching
       (Digital) Epigraphy”


                      q  Roman projectiles and bone laths found at Gardun near Trilj,
                          Opuscula Archaeologica 22, 1999
                      q Lead sling-shots in the Zagreb Archaeological Museum, Vjesnik

                          Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu XXXII-XXXIII, 1999-2000
                      q Tipovi izlo enih rimskih kaciga (Les types de casques romains),
                          Kacige u Hrvatskoj (Les casques en Croatie), I. Ružić i Ž.
                          Škoberne dir., Zagreb, 2001

                      q Roman    missiles in the Zagreb Archaeological Museum, Vjesnik
                            Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu XXXIV, 2001

                      q Finds   of Roman bronze ware on Celtic sites in eastern Slavonia,
                            Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001,
                            British Archaeological Reports 1312, 2004 (coauteur Marko

                      q   Salvage excavations at Novaki near Samobor in 2000, Vjesnik
                            Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu XXXV, 2002 (coauteur
                            Miljenka Galić)

                      q    Inscribed Roman bronze plaque from Baranja, Vjesnik
                            Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu XXXVI, 2003

                      q Les traces du temps, La collection archéologique de Matej Pavleti
                            (J. Balen, Ž. Demo, I. Ožanić, I. Radman-Livaja, A. Rendić-
                            Miočević, I. Uranić), catalogue d’exposition, Zagreb, 2003

                      q   Roman bronze javelins from Dalj, Arheološki radovi i rasprave
                            14, 2004

                      q   Warrior equipment from Vrtna Street in Vinkovci as a
                           contribution to understanding the process of the early

Romanization of eastern Slavonia, Prilozi Instituta za
       arheologiju u Zagrebu 21, 2004

q   Gladii from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Journal of
      Roman Military Equipment Studies, Volume 14/15,

q Militaria Sisciensia, Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis Catalogi et
       Monographiae, vol. 1, Zagreb, 2005.

q   Finds of Roman Military Equipment from Teutoburgium, Limes
      XIX: Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Roman
      Frontier Studies, ed. Zsolt Visy, Pécs, 2005

q Le    chapitre “Le commerce des Romains avec les communautés
       locales”, catalogue d’exposition “Le commerce et les échanges
       dans la préhistoire”, ed. Sanjin Mihelić, Zagreb, 2006,

q   VTERE FELIX belt set from Vara dinske Toplice, Vjesnik
     Arheološkog Muzeja u Zagrebu XXXIX, 2006

q   Un casque romain tardoantique de Vinkovci, Arheološki radovi i
      rasprave 15, 2007

q   In Segestica...., Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju 24, 2007

q   The Source of Archaeological Information: Extracts from Josip
      Brun mid’s sketch-books with Roman finds from the Danube
      Limes, Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 41, 2008
      (coauteur Dubravka Balen-Letunić)

q   Roman belt-fittings from Burgenae, Journal of Roman Military
      Equipment Studies 16, 2008

q   Urn from Danilo in the context of the social elite of the
     municipium Rider, Arheološki radovi i rasprave 16, 2009 (avec
     Alka Domić-Kunić)

q   Roman horse harness fittings from Burgenae, Anejos de Gladius
      13, 2009

q   L’archéologie fluviale en Croatie, Dossiers d’archéologie 331,
      2009 (avec Kruno Zubčić)

q   Catalogue entries 7.25, 7.26, 7.27, exhibition catalogue 2000
      Jahre Varusschlacht, Imperium, Herausgegeben vom
      Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Stuttgart, 2009

q Lorica   segmentata fittings from Burgenae, Akten des 16.
       Internationalen Roman Military Equipment Conference
       (ROMEC), Xanten, 13.-16. Juni 2007, Xantener Berichte 16,

q   Finds of the Roman Military Equipment in Croatia, catalogue
      d’exposition, Zagreb, 2010 (directeur et auteur)

q Archaeological Traces of the Pannonian Revolt 6 – 9 AD: Evidence

       and Conjectures, R. Aßkamp und T. Esch (Hrsg.), Imperium –
       Varus und seine Zeit, Beiträge zum internationalen
       Kolloquium des LWL – Romermuseums am
       28. und 29. April 2008 in Münster, Veröffentlichungen der
       Altertumskomission für Westfalen Landschaftsverband
       Westfalen-Lippe, Band XVIII, Münster, 2010 (coauteur Marko

q Le   rôle des étiquettes de plomb dans le travail du textile à Siscia,
       PURPUREAE VESTES. III Symposium Internacional sobre
       Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráneo en el mundo antiguo (C.
       Alfaro, J.-P. Brun, Ph. Borgard, R. Pierobon Benoit, eds.),
       Valencia / Napoli, 2011

q   Istra ivanja arheolo kog lokaliteta Buzin 2008., Vjesnik
      Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 44, 2011 (coauteurs Miljenka
      Galić, Ljubica Perinić)

q   The Roman Army, The Archaeology of Roman Southern
     Pannonia, The state of research and selected problems in the
     Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, Edited by
     Branka Migotti, BAR International Series 2393, 2012

q   A review of South-Pannonian Indigenous Anthroponymy, The
      Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia, The state of
      research and selected problems in the Croatian part of the
      Roman province of Pannonia, Edited by Branka Migotti, BAR
      International Series 2393, 2012 (coauteur Hana Ivezić)

q List  of personal names on a ceramic bowl fragment from Siscia,
      (coauteurs Dino Demicheli, Zoran Wiewegh), in M. E. Fuchs,
      R. Sylvestre, C. Schmidt Heidenreich (dir.), Inscriptions
      mineures: nouveautés et réflexions, Bern, 2012

q   An inscribed Roman mattock from Siscia, Vjesnik Arheološkog
      Muzeja u Zagrebu 45, 2012

q Thesaurus   Colapis fluminis, Blago rijeke Kupe, Arheolo ka istra
      ivanja Kupe kod Siska prije 1. svjetskog rata, catalogue
      d’exposition, Musée Archéologique de Zagreb, 2012
      (coauteur Vlatka Vukelić)

q   Two lead tags from trbinci (Certissia ?), Arheološki radovi i
     rasprave 17, 2013

q   Craftspeople, Merchants or Clients? The Evidence of Personal
      Names on the Commercial lead tags from Siscia, in M. Gleba
      and J. Pásztókai-Szeőke (eds.), Making Textiles in Pre-Roman
      and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities, Ancient Textiles
      Series vol. 13, Oxford, 2013

q    Proceedings of the XVIIth Roman Military Equipment
      Conference: Weapons and Military Equipment in a Funerary
      Context (XVII Roman Military Equipment Conference, Zagreb,
      24th - 27th May, 2010), M. Sanader / A. Rendić-Miočević / D.
      Tončinić / I. Radman-Livaja (eds.), Zagreb, 2013

q The   Warrior Grave from Sveta Trojica near Starigrad Paklenica,
      Weapons and Military Equipment in a Funerary Context
      (Proceedings of the XVII ROMEC Conference, Zagreb 2010),
      Zagreb, 2013 (coauteurs Marko Dizdar, Asja Tonc)

q   Rezultati probnih iskopavanja na gradini Svete Trojice 2013.
      godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. X, No. 1, 2014
      (coauteur Asja Tonc)

q La conquête romaine et la fin de l'indépendance, Iapodes, peuple
      méconnu, Collections du musée archéologique de Zagreb
      (dir. Lidija Bakarić), catalogue d’exposition,
      Lattes-Gérone-Zagreb, 2014

q Romanizacija,     in J. Poklečki Stošić, A. Medić and D. Marković
      (dir.), Klasični Rim na tlu Hrvatske, Arhitektura - Urbanizam -
      Skulptura, catalogue d’exposition, Zagreb, 2014

q   Plombs inscrits de Siscia, Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis
      Catalogi et Monographiae, Vol. IX/1-IX/2, Zagreb, 2014

q    Roman Military Inscriptions from Siscia: An Overview,
      Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman
      Frontier Studies (Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012), Bulletin of
      the National Institute of Archaeology XLII, 2015 (coauteur
      Vlatka Vukelić)

q Metal   items: tools, implements, vessels and decorative items, in
      “Roman Village in the Province of Upper Pannonia: Virovitica
      Kiškorija South” (Kristina Jelinčić Vučković ed.), Zagreb 2015
      (coauteur Karmen Farac)

q   Rezultati probnih iskopavanja na gradini Svete Trojice 2014.
      godine, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XI, No. 1, 2015
      (coauteurs Asja Tonc, Anja Bertol)

q   Gladii from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Journal of
      Roman Military Equipment Studies 14/15, 2003/2004 (2015)

q Continuity    of the Late La Tène warrior elite in the Early Roman
      Period in south-eastern Pannonia, in S. Wefers, M. Karwowski,
      J. Fries-Knoblacj, P. Trebsche, P. C. Ramsl (Hrsg.), Waffen –
      Gewalt – Krieg (Beiträge zur Internationalen Tagung der AG
      Eisenzeit und des Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu
      Rzeszowskiego – Rzeszów 19.-22. September 2012), Beiträge

zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 79, Weissbach,
                        2015 (coauteur Marko Dizdar)

                  q   Roman army in Siscia from Augustus to Claudius, "35 before
                        Christ", exhibition catalogue, Rosana Škrgulja and Tea Tomaš
                        Barišić (eds.), Sisak, 2015

                  q   Textilmm hely az Iseum területén, in Sosztarits Ottó, Balázs
                        Péter, Csapláros Andrea (szerk.) A savariai Isis szentély.
                        Sistrum, Seria A. No. 1., 2015 (coauteur Judit Pásztókai-

                  q   An old find rediscovered: a Roman spatha from Cornacum in the
                        holdings of the Zagreb Archaeological Museum, Journal of
                        Roman Military Equipment Studies 17, 2016 (coauteur Ivan

                  q   Not exactly new epigraphic testimonies for the beneficiarii in
                       Siscia, in J. Horvat (ed.), The Roman army between the Alps
                       and the Adriatic, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 31 /
                       Studia Alpium et Adriae I, Ljubljana, 2016 (coauteur Vlatka

                  q   More Celtic names from Roman Pannonia, Zeitschrift für
                       celtische Philologie, Volume 63/1, 2016, (coauteur Alexander


                  Membre de la Société Archéologique Croate, du Groupe de
                  travail européen sur l'artisanat et les productions manufacturées
                  dans l'Antiquité “Instrumentum” et de l’association DUCTUS


                  croate, français, anglais, allemand

Professor Bruce G. Robertson

Work Address                                                                    Home Address
Head and Associate Professor,                                                   202 York St.
Department of Classics,                                                         Sackville, NB
Mount Allison University                                                        Canada E4L 3C8
#414, 63D York St.                                                              (506) 233-7479
Sackville, NB                                                                   brobertson@mta.ca
Canada E4L 1G9

       Ph.D. University of Toronto Toronto, ON In Classics, November 1998. Dissertation
        entitled Personal Names as Evidence for Athenian Social and Political History ca. 507-300 B.C.

       M.A. University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC In Classics, November 1991.

       B.A.(H.) Queen’s University Kingston, ON In Classics with specialization in Latin
         Language and Civilization, May 1989.

       1999 to present: Mount Allison University, hired on tenure-track as assistant professor. Now
         associate professor and Head of Classics.

       1998-1999: University of Toronto Department of Classics, hired as assistant professor in
         term appointment.

Current Research
       The production and dissemination of large-scale, high-quality ancient Greek texts produced
        through optical character recognition. Compute Canada provides critical resources for this
       Hundreds of these works have been commercially hand-corrected to form a core of the
        Open Greek and Latin project of the Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at the
        University of Leipzig, e.g.: http://opengreekandlatin.github.io/catenae-dev/

Open Software
       Rigaudon, an OCR engine for polytonic Greek. Described in a forthcoming article in
         Mouseion 14.3.
       Ciaconna, an OCR pipeline for ancient languages, based on Ocropus. It has produced
         4,400,000 words of newly open ancient Greek text this year alone, through the ‘First
         Thousand Years of Greek’ project, a collaboration with the Widener Library, Harvard, the
         Center for Hellenic Studies, Tufts University and Mount Allison University.

Lace, an online viewing and editing environment for large volumes of OCR’d texts in
 Greek, Latin and other languages. Lace is being used by Digital Divide Data as an editing
 environment for the First Thousand Years of Greek project.

      A special edition of Mouseion pertaining to large open datasets in Greek and Latin, based on
        the Open Greek and Latin workshop at Leipzig, July 2014. I contribute a paper on Greek
        OCR with Federico Boschetti and an introductory essay.
      Lamé, M. et al. 2016 (forthcoming ). Teaching (Digital) Epigraphy. In "Digital and
        Traditional Epigraphy in Context. Proceedings of the EAGLE 2016 International
        Conference", S. Orlandi, P. Liuzzo, F. Mambrini, and R. Santucci (eds). Sapienza
        University Press, Roma.
      Review of the Digital Loeb Library for the journal Phoenix.
      with C. Dalitz and F. Schmitt, “Automated Page Layout Simplification of Patrologia Graeca.”
        First International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage (DATeCH), pp.
        167-172 (2014).
       A repository of over 1,000 volumes of high-quality ancient Greek OCR. This includes
        commentaries, collections, schoolbooks and editions.
      “The Self-Tracking Small Satellite.” Proceedings of the 61st International Astronautical Congress
        (2010) pp. 3238-3243. (This paper is outside my field of teaching at the university.)
      “Exploring Historical RDF with Heml” in Terras, Melissa, ed. Changing the Center of
        Gravity. Gorgias Press, 2010. (The DHQ article cited below was selected for revision and
        addition to this volume.)
      “Fawcett: A Toolkit for the Historical Semantic Web” Digital Studies / Le champ numérique.
        “Exploring Historical RDF with Heml” Digital Humanities Quarterly. 2009. 3.1.
      “The Slave Names of IG I3 and the Ideology of Slavery at Athens” in C. Cooper ed.
        Epigraphy and the Greek Historian, University of Toronto Press, 2008.
      “Visualizing an Historical Semantic Web with Heml” Proceedings of the 15th international
        Conference on World Wide Web. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2006.
      With Green, Kevin. “Visualizing APRS Messaging with Heml” Proceedings of the 24th
        Digital Communications Conference. Steven Bible, ed.
      “Improving Ancient History Online with Heml” C. Blackwell, R. Scaife, edd. Classics@
        volume 2: C. Dué and M. Ebbott, executive editors, The Center for Hellenic Studies of
        Harvard University, edition of April 3, 2004.

“An Overview of the Historical Event Markup and Linking Project” Bollettino
       D’Informazioni Ed. Franco Niccoluci. Centro di Ricerche Informatiche per i Beni
       Culturali 12, 2002.1.
     “The Scrutiny of New Citizens at Athens” in Law and Social Status in Classical Athens Edd.
       Jonathan Edmondson and Virginia Hunter. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Papers at Refereed Conferences
     Marion Lamé, Federico Ponchio, Ivan Radman and Bruce Robertson. ‘Teaching (Digital)
       Epigraphy’ presented at EAGLE 2016, Rome.
     Marion Lamé, Federico Ponchio, Ivan Radman and Bruce Robertson. ‘Across the Pond: an
       Experiment in Ancient History Teaching and Digital Epigraphical Research Digital
       Seminar’ to be presented at Classicist de Berlin, Dec. 2015
     ‘Biblical Greek OCR: Achievements, Opportunities, Challenges,’ presented at the annual
       meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November 2015.
     ‘OCR of Polytonic Greek,’ presented by telepresence to a conference on open Greek and
       Latin corpora, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC, May 2014.
     ‘Lace, a collection of ancient Greek OCR,’ presented at the annual meeting of the Classical
       Association of Canada, McGill Montreal, May 2014.
     ‘Undergraduate Transcriptions of the Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge,’ a presentation on
       undergraduate research as part of the teaching technology panel at the annual meeting of
       the Classical Association of Canada, McGill Montreal, May 2014.
     ‘Automated Page Layout Simplification of Patrologia Graeca,’ (with Christoph Dalitz and
       Fabian Schmitt of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences) a poster for DATECH
       2014 in Madrid, Spain.
     “Towards Dynamic Variorum Editions” American Historical Association annual conference,
       Chicago, January 2012.
     “Advances in the Optical Character Recognition of Polytonic Greek” for presentation at the
       annual meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, London, ON, May 2012.
     “The Self-Tracking Small Satellite” International Astronautical Congress, Prague 2010.
       IAC-10.B4.3.3 (This paper is outside my field of teaching at the university.)
     “Wild and Wooly Wikis” Presented with Toni Roberts and Leslie Shumka at the Teaching
       and Learning conference at Dalhousie University, April 2010.
     “Extracting Classical Citations Using Semantic Web Technologies” Presented at The
       Atlantic workshop on Semantic Technologies and Services, June 2010 in Fredericton.
     “Quercei, a Treebanking Environment”, Presented at Classical Association of Canada
       Meetings, May 2010 in Quebec City. This was part of a special session on treebanking
       that I arranged at the CAC, comprising colleagues from Italy and the US.

 Member of the panel session on visualizing history at Digital Humanities 2007, held at the
   NCSA, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in June.
 Member of the panel session on digital history at the annual meeting of the Canadian
   Historical Association, held in Saskatoon, SK, June.
  “Hesiod’s Second Evil and the Greek Theory of the Family” read at the annual meeting of
   the Classical Association of Canada, Banff, Alberta.
  “XML Content Integration: An Example from the Heml Project” read at the annual joint
   international meeting of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the
   Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, Tubingen University, Germany, July.
 “Coordinating Online Historical Resources” read at the annual meeting of the Atlantic
   Classical Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
 “The Historical Event Mark-up and Linking Project” read at the annual joint international
   meeting of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for
   Literary and Linguistic Computing, New York City, USA.
 “The Historical Event Markup and Linking Project” read at the international meeting of the
   Association for History and Computing Poznan, Poland.
 “An Historical Event Markup Scheme,” read at the Ancient Cultures, New Technologies
   Symposium at Salve Regina College, Newport, RI, Dec 8-10.
 “Broken Ears at Classical Athens” read at the annual meeting of the American Philological
   Association in Dallas, TX.
 “Why Did the Athenians Avoid Referring to Women by Name?” read at the annual
   meeting of the American Philological Association in Washington, DC.
 “The Java and Ancient Greek API and its Applications,” read at the Joint International
   Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association
   for Computers and the Humanities in Debrecen, Hungary.
 “An Introduction to the Prosopography of Soknopaiou Nesos,” read at the annual meeting
   of the American Society of Papyrologists in Chicago.
 “The Name Proxenos and the Early Proxenies,” read at the annual congress of the Classical
   Association of Canada at Brock University.
 “Eleusinian Hieronymy before Menekleides and the Charges Against Alcibiades,” a paper
   read at the annual congress of the Classical Association of Canada at l’Université de
 “The senex nobilis in Latin Literature and Letters", read at the annual congress of the
   Classical Association of Canada at the University of Victoria.

Invited Papers
      Participation in workshop on Open Greek and Latin corpora, Center for Hellenic Studies,
        Washington, DC, Nov., 2015.
      “Hack this Classic: A Vade Mecum for 21st century philology” Keynote lecture at the 2015
        undergraduate conference at the University of Windsor.
      “OCR of Polytonic Greek”, presented as part of the first eHumanities seminar at Leipzig
        University, with Federico Boschetti, October 2012.
      “OCR of Ancient Greek: The State of the Art”, presented at the Scuola Normale Superiore
        di Pisa, Italy.
      Invited presentation on SSHRC Partnership Development Grants, President’s Session,
        Classical Association of Canada meeting, May 2011 in Halifax.
      “Advances in Polytonic Greek OCR," a presentation at the ‘OCR Summit’ at the Initiative
        for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture at Texas A&M University, College Station,
        TX, October 2011.
      Presented Quercei at a seminar at Tufts University, January 2010.
      “Temporal Markup and RDF,” a presentation at the Scholars’ Lab Facility at Alderman
        Library, University of Virginia in April. I was the guest of the library and SHANTI, a new
        digital humanities consortium.
      Seminar at the Language and Computing Laboratory of Prof. Mikami, Nagaoka Technical
        University, Nagaoka, Japan in December.
      Presenter, panelist and respondent at the National Symposium on the History of
        Technology in Japan, Japanese Museum of Science and Technology, Shinjuku Banch,
        Tokyo, Japan in December.
      Invited participant at the seminar on Classics and computing, “Tipping the Balance”, held at
        the University of Kentucky, October.
      Invited participant at the seminar on fragmentary Greek historians at the College of the
        Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, in May.
      Invited participant at the NEH-sponsored workshop entitled “What to Do With a Million
        Books”, held by the Perseus project, Tufts University, Boston, MA in May.
      Invited participant in the “Summit on Digital Tools in the Humanities” at the Institute for
        Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia.
      Presentation in the Digital Techniques in Classics Senior Seminar at the College of the Holy
        Cross, Worcester, MA.
      “Heml and the eXist XML Database” read at the Digital Resources colloquium of the
        Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC.
      “Update on Heml” read at the Center for Digital History and Institute for Advanced
        Technology in the Humanities of the University of Virginia.

A presentation at the seminar on digital publication in the Classics at the Center for Hellenic
   Studies, Washington DC.
 Presentation to Liberty Fund (Indiana, USA) in June 2002 regarding a project which aims to
   build a web library of resources regarding the concept of freedom of speech (parrhesia) in
   ancient Greece.
 “Historical Event Markup” presented to the department of Classics at the College of the
   Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. I was also an invited lecturer in their upper-year course on
   digital techniques.
 “Coordinating History On-line with XML, XSLT and Java” read at the University of
   Kentucky’s Center for Computational Sciences’s Wednesday Seminar Series, Sept.
 “Historical Markup with Heml” read to the Temporal Modelling Seminar, University of
   Virginia Media Studies Center, June. Participated in this week-long invitational seminar.
 “Digital Universal History,” read at the Phoenix Colloquium, Mount Allison University.
 “The HEML Project,” read at the seminar series of the Virginia Center for Digital History.
  “Making the Body Politic at Classical Athens,” read for the Dept. of History, University of
   Michigan at Ann Arbor.
  Participation in the Panel Discussion on the Future of the Discipline at the annual meeting
   of the Classical Association of Canada at the University of Ottawa.
 “Personal Name Elements: Making New Evidence for Athenian Social History,” read at
   Reed College, Portland, OR.
 “Java-based Tools for Ancient Greek Pedagogy and Research,” read at the Technology
   Showcase of the annual meeting of the American Philological Association in Chicago.
 “The Scrutiny of New Citizens at Athens: Controlling the Body of the Citizen,” read at
   Law and Social Status in Classical Athens, an international conference held by the
   Department of History at York University.
 “Names and the Social History of Athens,” read for the Department of History at York
 “The Case for Athenian Socio-onomastics,” read at Approaches to Antiquity (the annual
   graduate students’ symposium at the University of Toronto).
 “Latinitas: Latin Language Software,” a paper and demonstration at the annual congress of
   the Classical Association of Canada at Brock University.
 “Gender and a Stone at Locri Epizephyrii,” a rereading of an inscription in fifth century
   Magna Graeca, read at Approaches to Antiquity.
 “Where Was the moichos When He Was Caught?” a paper on Lysias 1, read at Approaches
   to Antiquity.
 “Old Age in Ancient Rome,” an illustrated lecture presented at the Vancouver Community
   College Classical Colloquium.

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