RIVIER Associate Professor Elodie JOUNY-ESSCA
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Associate Professor Elodie JOUNY- RIVIER Main department: Strategy and markets Email: elodie.jouny-rivier@essca.fr Nationality: France BIOGRAPHY Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER is Associate Professor of Marketing at the ESSCA School of Management. Holder of a PhD in Management Science (CNU 06 qualifications) in the field of co-creation, she worked during her thesis as a Research Fellow within the Nekoé cluster, the first innovation cluster by services in France. Currently involved in various projects related to co-creation and crowdsourcing with the companies Agorize, Braineet, Décathlon, Société Générale etc.., she regularly communicates in national conferences (Association Française de Marketing, Marketing Trends Conference…) and international conferences (ISPIM, QUIS, Euram…). Her works has been published in scientific journals (Marketing Research and Applications, Journal of Marketing Services, Managing and Understanding…), professionals journals (Survey Magazine, Digital Solutions) as well as her collective works (Customer Relationship Management, 5th edition). In 2018, she received the Highly Commended Paper Award from the Journal of Services Marketing magazine for her article “Determinants of services co-creation with business customers“. Elodie Jouny-Rivier teaches service marketing, innovation and creativity, strategic or fundamental marketing, both in French and English. She’s been heading two Master 2 at ESSCA: MSc Commodity Goods Innovation and Marketing and Fashion Product Marketing. She also conducts research workshops. RESEARCH INTERESTS - Product co-creation - Crowdsourcing - Services Marketing TEACHING DOMAINS - Innovation and creativity - Services Marketing - Marketing Strategy - Marketing essentials - Market studies EDUCATION Highest degree : 21/02/2020 Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER page 1/5
2014 Doctorate/PhD, Management Science, Marketing, Université d’Orléans, France 2010 Master of Product Marketing and Event Management, IAE Orléans, France 2008 Bachelor Public relations and communication DEESCOM Public relations, Tunon International School, France 2007 French Bachelor, Applied Foreign Languages, Université d'Orléans, France PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Academic experience Since 2017 Associate Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France 2016 - 2019 Lecturer, Design and product innovation, ESTACOM, France 2014 - 2017 Assistant Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France 2014 - 2016 Lecturer, Marketing fondamental, ISTIA, France 2012 - 2014 Research and teaching assistant, Université d’Orléans, France RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Editorial activities Active editorship with academic / professional publication Since 2019 Reviewer ad hoc, Décisions Marketing Since 2018 Reviewer ad hoc, Revue Internationale PME Since 2017 Reviewer ad hoc, Journal of Services Marketing Since 2015 Reviewer ad hoc, Gestion 2000 Since 2014 Reviewer ad hoc, Management Decision Service to the academic discipline Leadership positions in recognized academic associations/societies Since 2012 Member, Association Française du Marketing (AFM) Since 2012 Member, Adetem Participation in the scientific committee of a conference 2019 - 2019 Co-organiser, MACIP Workshop, ESSCA School of Management, France Since 2018 Reviewer ad hoc, Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Since 2018 Reviewer ad hoc, 18th International Marketing Trends Annual Conference, International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC), France GRANTS AND HONORS 2018 2018 Highly Commended Award, Determinants of services co-creation, with business customers, delivered by Journal of Services Marketing, Emerald Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS 21/02/2020 Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER page 2/5
Peer-reviewed Articles JOUNY-RIVIER, E., S.RENAULT, "Contours et Enjeux des Stratégies de Crowdsourcing pour Innover : Le Cas des Banques Françaises" Forthcoming Management International JOUNY-RIVIER, E., E.POUTIER, "Les Freins à la Co-innovation : Une Etude de Cas dans l'hôtellerie de Luxe" Forthcoming Gestion 2000 JOUNY-RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY-RIVIER, "Chers collaborateurs, venez partager vos idées ! Une étude des effets attitudinaux de la co-création sur les clients internes" Forthcoming Revue Française de Gestion JOUNY-RIVIER, E., E.STEVENS, "Proposition d’un modèle d’apprentissage pour la configuration en ligne d’un produit de luxe", Gérer et Comprendre, June 2019, vol. 136, pp. 28-36 JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.REYNOSO, B.EDVARDSSON, "Determinants of services co-creation with business customers", Journal of Services Marketing, April 2017, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 85-103 JOUNY RIVIER, E., A.DUCROQUET, "How Customer-to-Customer Co-creation Influences Service Experience in Large Public Events", Journal of Marketing Trends, May 2017, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 111-123 JOUNY RIVIER, E., P.NGOBO, "Les facteurs explicatifs de la prédisposition des entreprises à co-créer un service B2B", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, July 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 67-96 JOUNY RIVIER, E., "Quels Intérêts pour des Clients B2B à Co-créer un Service ?", Gérer et Comprendre, June 2016, vol. 124, no. 2, pp. 62-73 JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY, "Les Bénéfices et Risques de la Co-création de Services: Une Etude Appliquée aux Entreprises B-toB", Gestion 2000, January 2015, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 17-33 Chapters in book JOUNY-RIVIER, E., E.STEVENS, "Le site « CA Store » du Crédit Agricole, un espace pour favoriser la relation clients" in Gestion de la relation clients – Expérience client, performance relationnelle et hub relationnel., F. Jallat, E. Peelen, E. Stevens, P. Volle Eds, Pearson, vol. 1, pp. 427-430, 2018 JOUNY-RIVIER, E., "La co-création, une solution pour améliorer la relation-client ? Le cas Braineet" in Gestion de la relation clients – Expérience client, performance relationnelle et hub relationnel., F. Jallat, E. Peelen, E. Stevens, P. Volle Eds, Pearson, vol. 1, pp. 482- 487, 2018 Published Case Studies FILALI-BOISSY, D., E.JOUNY-RIVIER - "Berthe Aux Grands Pieds : quand les chaussettes se rebellent et clament leur créativité" - 2019, CCMP, France Non-Peer Reviewed Articles JOUNY-RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY-RIVIER, "La co-création facilitatrice des relations employé- entreprise-client", Survey Magazine, April 2019 JOUNY RIVIER, E., "Des plateformes de co-creation, des panels 2.0. Entrevue avec FANVOICE", Survey Magazine, April 2017 21/02/2020 Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER page 3/5
JOUNY RIVIER, E., "La Co-création, Un Nouvel Outil d’Etudes de Marché?", Survey Magazine, April 2016, pp. 43-45 JOUNY RIVIER, E., "Un Regard sur les Pratiques de Co-création, Solutions-Numériques", Internet, July 2016 Presentation at a conference with proceedings JOUNY-RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY-RIVIER, "Les impacts organisationnels de la co-création sur les clients internes" in 2ème symposium du KCO (Knowledge Communities Observatory), 2019, Toulon, France VELLERA, C., E.JOUNY-RIVIER, M.BRIFFA, "When crowdsourcing proposition rejection reinforces brand relationships", 2019, Vancouver, Canada JOUNY-RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY-RIVIER, "Co-créer avec les employés : quelles conséquences sur l'attitude des collaborateurs à l'égard de leur entreprise ?" in 35ème congrès de l'AFM, 2019, Le Havre, France JOUNY-RIVIER, E., C.VELLERA, "Non sélection des contributeurs à un challenge de crowdsourcing : Quels effets sur leurs réponses attitudinales et intentions comportementales à l’égard de la marque commanditaire ?" in 34ème Congrès International de l'AFM, 2018, Strasbourg, France JOUNY-RIVIER, E., S.RENAULT, "La banque à l’heure du crowdsourcing d’innovation : plateforme de marque ou d’intermédiation" in 34ème Congrès International de l'AFM, 2018, Strasbourg, France STEVENS, E., E.JOUNY RIVIER, "Customer's Learning Processes during Co-Creation Experience" in ISPIM, 2017, Vienne, Austria JOUNY RIVIER, E., A.DUCROQUET, "Cosplays, Free hugs and Video Games… Influences of C2C Co-creation on Service Experience in Thematic Events" in TTRA Europe Chapter Conference, 2017, Angers, France JOUNY RIVIER, E., E.STEVENS, "A Model of Customer’s Learning Process during the Product Co-Creation Experience" in EURAM, 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom JOUNY RIVIER, E., C.VELLERA, "Submission rejected ? Ok, it’s over for me” – Exploring emotional feelings and behaviors of loser co-creators to a crowdsourcing contest" in 24th Innovation and product development management conference, 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland JOUNY RIVIER, E., C.VELLERA, "“Sorry, your creation is rejected…” How should platforms and brands manage loser co-creators to crowdsourcing contests?" in 14th International Open and User Innovation Conference, 2016, Boston, United States of America JOUNY RIVIER, E., A.DUCROQUET, "Customer-to-Customer Co-creation: The Impacts of Fans’ experience in the Context of Large Public Events" in International Marketing Trends Congress - Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries Symposium, 2016, Turin, Italy JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY RIVIER, "When Co-creation becomes the Beating Heart of a Store: The case of “Le Petit Bazar”" in ISPIM Innovation Summit, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY RIVIER, "Understanding the Determining Factors of Corporate Commitment to a Cocreation Approach of B2B Services" in Marketing Trends Conference, 2015, Paris, France 21/02/2020 Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER page 4/5
JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY RIVIER, "Effects of Organizational Factors on the Degree of Service Co creation with B2B Customers" in QUIS 14 -14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2015, Shanghai, China (PRC) JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY, B.WALLISER, "L’impact du Parrainage Sportif sur le Public Interne des PME parrains" in 30e Congrès de l’AFM, 2014, Montpellier, France JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY, "The Value Co-Creation of Services between Businesses and Non-Profit Actors: The Case of the Multi Shared-Service Center of Ormes (France)" in QUIS13, 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 2013, Karlstad, Sweden JOUNY RIVIER, E., J.JOUNY, "Evolution of Sports Sponsorship in SME’s: Towards an Efficient Practice and the Emergence of New Dimensions" in International Sport Management Conference , ISC Paris, 2013, Paris, France JOUNY RIVIER, E., P.NGOBO, "Une étude des Antécédents à l’Engagement des Acteurs Privés et Publics au Projet Centre Multiservices Partagé (CMP)" in 29e Congrès de l’AFM, 2013, La Rochelle, France Presentation at Other Conference JOUNY-RIVIER, E., "E. POUTIER (2017) « Peut-on parler de co-création de service de luxe? Le Cas Le Molitor », Luxe : Enjeux, défis et perspectives", 2017, Paris, France JOUNY-RIVIER, E., "E. STEVENS (2017) « Antécédents et Conséquences du Processus d’Apprentissage sur la Configuration en Ligne d’un Produit de Luxe, Luxe : Enjeux, défis et perspectives", 2017, Paris, France JOUNY RIVIER, E., B.SENNEGON, "Understanding Perceptions of Consumer Buying Process and Individual Shopping Experience for a Luxury Perfume" in French-German- Autrian (FAG) Worshop, 2012, Innsbruck, Austria JOUNY RIVIER, E., "Les Déterminants de l’Engagement des Acteurs Marchands et Non Marchands à un Projet de Co-création de Services: le Cas du Centre Multi-services Partagé (CMP" in Colloque Vallorem Quand Marchand et Non marchand se rencontrent, 2012, Orléans, France JOUNY RIVIER, E., V.LIGER, "Designing Services with Knowledge-Intensive Users: Application in the Luxury Cosmetics Market" in Euroma Service Forum, 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom JOUNY RIVIER, E., "Le Processus de Co-création de Valeur dans un Contexte de Services : Antécédents, Engagement des Clients B2B et Performance" in Les Deuxièmes Journées Doctorales en Marketing, 2012, Hammamet, Tunisia 21/02/2020 Elodie JOUNY-RIVIER page 5/5
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