FORUM 2016 SPRING ISSUE 2016 - Kazachok
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editorial Kazachok Licensing Mag’ 141 Avenue de Verdun Chers lecteurs, 92130 Issy les Moulineaux France Le marché des licences est aujourd’hui en mutation. T. 33 (0)1 55 95 00 20 Ce numéro est une fois de plus l’occasion de décou- F. 33 (0)1 55 64 98 26 Dear Readers, vrir que le marché est riche en actualité. Les licences The licensing market is undergoing a through evolution. leaders sont fortement animées et de nouvelles Publishing Director: This issue is once again the opportunity to discover how marques continuent d’apparaître. Comment faire en Nathalie Chouraqui rich the licensing field is. The leading properties are in ( sorte que sa marque sorte du lot sur un marché de full boom and new brands are constantly appearing. Editor Manager: plus en plus encombré ? C’est un sujet passionnant How can you make your brand stand out when there Virginie Lopez sur lequel Philippe Guinaudeau de KidzGlobal ( is ever more competition? Philippe Guinaudeau from s’attarde dans ce numéro. Et parmi les licences dont Advertising Manager: KidzGlobal offers his views on that fascinating topic. Nathalie Chouraqui on parle, les garçons seront gâtés avec notamment Among latest hit properties, boys are particularly ( Yo-kai-Watch, Thunderbirds ou encore Pokémon ! pleased with Yo-kai-Watch, Thunderbirds and Pokémon! Contributing writers: Ce numéro Spécial Forum Kazachok est également Virginie Lopez, Yves Cognard, This Kazachok Licensing Forum Special also includes l’occasion de retrouver toute l’actualité des Benoît Coste, Philippe the various exhibitors’ latest news and they have fun Guinaudeau, Maître Michèle différents exposants qui nous réservent de belles surprises in store for you! In 2016 the conference Mergui, Jeanne Billau surprises côté animations. En 2016, le programme Translation by: program will be enlarged to welcome exceptional de conférence s’élargit et permet à des intervenants Kathryn Walton Ward speakers who will share their point of views on current exceptionnels d’apporter leur point de vue sur des topics. Graphic conception: sujets d’actualité. Save the date: 6 & 7 April 2016 at the Paris Event Julien Cabane Le rendez-vous est donné : 6 et 7 avril 2016 au Paris ------ Center - Porte de la Villette. All illustrations are reproduced by permission Event Center - Porte de la Villette. Enjoy your reading of their owners. Bonne lecture ------ Certains des articles sont fournis par les Virginie Lopez - Editor Manager annonceurs - Some articles are given by advertisers. Avec et pour Sandra - with and for Sandra content FRANCE News p 06 2016 : une actualité riche chez TF1 Licences ! 2016: lot of news to come for TF1 Licences! p 40 News L’actualité des licences de francetv distribution Préparez-vous au décollage, 2016 est l’année des Thunderbirds ! Terrific news from francetv distribution p 08 Prepare for take-off: 2016 is Thunderbirds’ year in Europe! p 42 Special Kazachok Interview Licensing Forum p 10 Virginie Kleinclaus-Renard - CPLG France p 44 Market Focus 2015 : les (r)évolutions des Licences Entertainment 2015: (r)evolutions in Entertainment properties by Gfk p 22 Parce qu’au fond, tout a changé Basically, everything has changed by Kidz Global p 24 L’œil de l’expert The Expert’s Point of View by Junior City p 26 Law by Maître Michèle Mergui p 28 Property focus La vague YO-KAI WATCH s’apprête à déferler sur l’Europe et l’Afrique ! P30 P32 P46 The YO-KAI WATCH phenomenon takes Europe and Africa by storm p 30 Barbie, une icône aux multiples choix Barbie, a multiple choices icon p 32 Les petits héros du quotidien - The little heroes next door p 33 INTERNATIONAL Les mutants ont envahi la terre !- Mutants have invaded Earth! p 34 STUDIOCANAL développe son portefeuille de marques Market Focus STUDIOCANAL develops its portfolio p 36 How digital content brings new licensing opportunities The Pokémon Company International fête une année marquante by Eurodata p 46 The Pokémon Company International Celebrates a Landmark Year p 38 Kids License Monitor by Icon Kids p 48 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ - Spring Issue 2016 5
France news Excellents retours pour la Spielwarenmesse 2016 ! La dernière édition de la Nuremberg Toy Fair s’est déroulée du 27 janvier au 1er février 2016. Tous les participants ont été pleinement satisfaits et enthousiasmés par le haut niveau d’innovation. Interactions, informations et innovations - la Spielwarenmesse a présenté aux magasins spécialisés son vaste programme et a notamment pu répondre à leur désir de découvrir de véritables nouveautés parmi les produits. Ainsi, l’offre présentée a obtenu les meilleures évaluations jamais atteintes auparavant. Au total, 71 000 visiteurs professionnels (contre 70 084 en 2015) issus de 125 pays ont particulièrement apprécié la créativité et les idées des fabricants, et ont passé plus de commandes que l’année dernière. C’est aussi ce qu’ont constaté les 2 851 entreprises (contre 2 857 en 2015) venues de 67 pays qui se sont rendues à Nuremberg pour développer leur business à l’international. Top marks for the 2016 Spielwarenmesse! Utmost satisfaction of all trade fair participants and visitors thrilled by the high degree of innovation. Information, interactions and innovation - the Spielwa- renmesse presented retailers with a broad programme and was able take into particular account their desire for genuine product innovations. The ratings of what was on offer there were higher than ever before. A total of 71,000 trade visitors (2015: 70,084) from 125 nations appreciated the creative ideas of the manufacturers and ordered more than in the previous year. The 2,851 companies (2015: 2,857), who had travelled to Nuremberg from 67 countries to expand their business worldwide, certainly noticed this. Note très positive pour Le Hong Kong International Licensing Show Le 14 ème Hong port à l’année dernière. Les 11 et 12 janvier marques internationales à s’implanter en Kong Interna- se déroulait, parallèlement au salon, la 5ème Chine continentale et en Asie, mais elle peut tional Licensing Asian Licensing Conference (Conférence aussi servir de tremplin aux entreprises Show s’est asiatique sur les licences). Plus de 30 spé- chinoises souhaitant promouvoir leurs déroulé du 11 cialistes internationaux de la concession de marques à l’étranger. Notons que les ventes au 13 janvier. licence se sont exprimés à cette occasion, de produits sous licence dans la région ont O rg a n i s é p a r devant plus de 1 400 professionnels du atteint 19,4 milliards de dollars en 2014, le H o n g K o n g secteur. L’essor des marchés asiatiques, en soit 12,2 % du chiffre mondial. Il existe Trade Development Council (HKTDC), particulier de la Chine continentale, associé aujourd’hui en Asie un bond de la demande le Licensing Show a connu un record de à la hausse des ventes de produits sous pour les produits sous licence. Parmi eux, fréquentation avec 20 800 professionnels licence dans la région, ouvre d’immenses ce sont les produits mode et décoration qui du secteur venant de plus de 100 pays et perspectives aux acteurs internationaux. ont réalisé les ventes les plus élevées, avec régions, soit une hausse de 5,6 % par rap- Hong Kong peut non seulement aider les 57,3 milliards de dollars en 2014. Hong Kong International Licensing Show Ends on High Note The 14th Hong Kong International Licensing Show took place last 11-13 over 1,400 industry players to attend. With the proliferation of licensing January. Organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council business in Asia, sales of licensed merchandise in the region reached (HKTDC), the Licensing Show gathered more than 20,800 industry pro- US$19.4 billion in 2014, representing 12.2% of the worldwide total. fessionals from over 100 countries and regions, up 5.6 per cent compared Asia is not just a large market for licensed products, it is also a cradle to the previous year, a record number of visitors attending the event. The for creative talents and indigenous brands. Today in Asia, the demand 5th Asian Licensing Conference (11-12 January), held in parallel with the for licensed merchandise is increasing. Among international licensed Licensing Show, ended on 12 January. More than 30 leading licensing properties, lifestyle and fashion products have achieved the highest experts from around the world spoke at the conference which attracted sales, reaching US$57.3 billion in 2014. 6 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ - Spring Issue 2016
France news Le Kit Licence Expert : le réflexe quotidien des experts de la licence ! Kazachok propose aux acteurs du marché de la licence une nouvelle plateforme, Le Kit Licence Expert, qui réunit à la fois informa- tions et contacts. L’objectif est de permettre de gagner en efficacité au quotidien. Elle réunit la newsletter, le WebGuide - l‘annuaire en ligne - ainsi qu’une veille alimentée par des données marché et plus de 10 000 articles issus des anciennes newsletters et magazines. Plus complète et plus interactive, cette plateforme a plusieurs fonctionnalités : découvrir les nouveautés et tendances licences, identifier et contacter les professionnels du marché, retrouver des informations clés liées au monde de la licence, benchmarker les marques ou sociétés en consultant l’historique des articles publiés et créer son propre fichier de prospection. Le contenu est actualisé tous les jours et compte à ce jour près de 9000 propriétés actives, 1700 agents et ayant- droits, 3600 licenciés et 5700 contacts avec leurs coordonnées complètes - téléphone, email, fonction. Cette plateforme est accessible sur abonnement via l’espace personnel sur le site Plus d’informations : Leslie Bardieux,, +33 (0)1 55 95 00 27 Licensing Expert Kit: the daily tool for licensing experts! Kazachok is launching a new platform for licensing stakeholders - The companies by looking through former articles Licensing Expert Kit - with news and contact details. The goal is to maximize published and creating your own prospection file. The content is updated daily efficiency on a daily basis. The Kit includes the newsletter, the WebGuide - the and includes up-to-date close to 9,000 active properties, 1,700 agents and online directory - as well as a watch with market data and access to over rights holders, 3,600 licensees and 5,700 contacts with complete details - 10,000 reports from former newsletters and magazines. This fuller more phone number, email, position held. The platform is available by subscription interactive platform offers different functions: discovering licensing news and via the personal space on trends, finding key data about the licensing field, benchmarking brands or More information: Leslie Bardieux,, +33 (0) 1 55 95 00 27 Découvrez les newsletters de référence des professionnels de l’univers du bébé, de l’enfant et des jeunes ! La newsletter de l’univers La newsletter de l’univers La newsletter de l’univers du bébé et de la future maman de l’enfant et de la famille des jeunes Plus de Essai gratuit et sans engagement ! 1000 marques abonnées ! 01 42 60 55 20 et vous ? - -
France news L’actualité des licences de Terrific news from francetv distribution Les Pyjamasques, la solution à tous les soucis ! Oui-Oui, le phénomène est La nouvelle série d’eOne (52x11’) de retour à Pâques ! a fait son entrée sur France 5 Oui-Oui endosse son nouveau rôle de détective à Zouzous tous les samedis depuis partir du 26 mars sur France 5 Zouzous puis décembre et déjà 1.4 million tous les samedis avec 2 épisodes à la suite ! de fans. Issue des livres édités Les nouveaux livres Hachette et les magazines chez Gallimard, la série suit les Bayard seront disponibles en avril. La gamme aventures de 3 enfants qui le soir, de jouets Spin Master sera dès juin chez les au lieu de se coucher, enfilent spécialistes. Puis la marque sera présente dans tous les réseaux en des pyjamas magiques et se fin d’année et en 2017 avec les nouveaux produits des vingt licenciés transforment en super-héros. Just Play vient d’être nommé Master Toy. (dont Oller, Cijep, d’Arpeje, Lexibook, ATM, Evasion, Pimchou…). Entrez dans la famille des mini-justiciers ! Noddy - the hit series returns at Easter! PJ Masks - a solution for every problem! Noddy becomes a detective as of March 26th on France 5 Zouzous and eOne’s new series (52x11’) began airing on France 5 Zouzous every Saturday then every Saturday with 2 shows in a row! New Hachette books & Bayard since December and 1.4 million fans. Based on the Gallimard books, the series magazines launch in April and Spin Master’s range of toys follows in June in tells the adventures of 3 kids who put on their magic pajamas to become super specialist stores. The brand will be visible in all circuits for the end of the year heroes instead of going to bed. Just Play was just appointed Master Toy. Join and in 2017. Some 20 licensees (including Oller, Cijep, d’Arpeje, Lexibook, the fun! ATM, Evasion, Pimchou, etc.) will launch new products. Les Monsieur Madame fêtent Mister Men and Little Miss are celebrating their leurs 35 ans en 2016 ! 35th birth in 2016 ! Pour l’occasion, 4 nouveaux personnages font leur Four new characters will appear for the circumstance, the apparition, le premier étant Monsieur Formidable. first being Mister Marvellous. Peppa Pig, le succès incontestable ! Peppa Pig - an unquestionable hit! The series is boosting ratings on Zouzous on France La série booste les audiences de Zouzous sur France 4 et France 5. Elles 4 and France 5. Ratings reach 53.2% for 4-6 Y.O. and atteignent 53.2% sur les 4-6 ans et affichent en numérique 1 million de boast 1 million videos views monthly. The Pig family’s vidéos vues par mois. Les aventures de la famille Pig seront enrichies adventures will continue with a new season by end d’une nouvelle saison fin 2016. Peppa prendra vie avec un spectacle of 2016. Peppa will tour with her show end of 2016. qui débutera fin 2016. Avec 40 partenaires et des produits dans toutes With 40 licensees and products in every category les catégories, la marque va continuer son ascension en 2016 et 2017. the brand will continue to soar in 2016/17. Les Mini-sorcières, Slugterra passe à la vitesse supérieure ! la rencontre de la magie et des princesses ! La série phare de France 4 Ludo atteint des pics de 50% de PdA La série (80x11’ + 5 spéciaux) enchante les sur les garçons 4-14 ans et est en progression constante. Ce n’est petites filles sur France 5 Zouzous depuis que le début car une saison 2 arrivera en octobre. Les résultats des octobre. Les audiences progressent (jusqu’à ventes de noël sont excellents, les Blasters et recharges de Giochi 35.3% de PdA sur les filles 4-10 ans) et une Preziosi ont été en rupture dans tous les réseaux. Le programme 3ème saison est en cours. Les jouets Spin s’amplifie en 2016 avec Sahinler, Royer, Hachette, Panini et Master sont déjà chez les spécialistes et bénéficieront d’une opération d’autres nouveautés à venir. spéciale à Pâques chez Toys’R’Us. Les livres (Dragons d’Or) arriveront cet Slugterra rocks! été et la vidéo (francetv distribution) en fin d’année. France 4 Ludo’s hit series reached 50% of ratings for boys 4-14 Little Charmers - or when princesses meet magic! Y.O. and is consistently increasing. That’s only the beginning The series (80x11’ + 5 specials) has been enchanting little girls on France 5 Zouzous with a Season 2 arriving in October. The Christmas sales since October. Ratings are up to 35.3% for girls 4-10 Y.O. and a 3rd Season is were fantastic, Giochi Preziosi’s Blasters and refills were underway. Spin Master’s toys - already available in specialized stores - will benefit sold out everywhere. The licensing program steps up in from a special Easter promotion at Toys’R’Us. The books (Dragons d’Or) arrive this 2016 with Sahinler, Royer, Hachette, Panini and other summer and the video (francetv distribution) for the end of the year. novelties. Contact : 01 56 22 68 18 8 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ - Spring Issue 2016
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum WE VERY MUCH LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU TO THE 13TH KAZACHOK LICENSING FORUM. 2016 will be a particular Edition of the Kazachok Licensing Forum since notwithstanding the worldwide tensions and the multiplication of attacks the market pros came forward! Major or smaller rights representatives will showcase their 2017 news about classic hit properties as well as newcomers. Over 2 days you’ll discover, ascertain and consider the suitable licensing strategies to develop up-and-coming products and services. Don‘t forget to register for the Pitching Sessions to make the best of those breaking announcements. For this 13th Edition we chose to return to fundamentals by offering debates and conferences hosted by experts on wide-range or finely tuned issues, with the ambition of sharing insiders POVs on hit strategies (the Minions seems a good example!) or discovering licensor/licensee relationships by way of original role-plays. We like to believe that this Kazachok Licensing Forum will be graced by sunny weather. Wishing you a great Forum, Nathalie Chouraqui 10 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016
Paris - City of Licensing FORUM INFORMATION EASY ACCESS HP ayed Parking HBy car: Exit Porte de la Villette HMetro: Line 7 Porte de la Villette HTramway: Line T3b – Porte de la Villette HBus: Line 150 – Magenta > CLOAKROOM PARIS EVENT CENTER H A cloakroom service is available during the Kazachok Licensing Forum. 20 AVENUE DE LA PORTE DE LA VILLETTE H It is located AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE. 75019 PARIS - FRANCE HTTP://FORUMLICENCE.KAZACHOK.COM > FACILITIES HOn-site food and beverage: DOORS OPEN 2 BARS AND RESTAURANTS located in the Paris Event Center WEDNESDAY APRIL 6TH > PRESS OFFICE H 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM H HT he Press Office is located in the THURSDAY APRIL 7TH Kazachok Booth. ccess to the Press Office is available HA H 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM H to Press members only. Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016 11
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum FORUM FEATURES WEDNESDAY - CONFERENCES THURSDAY - CONFERENCES 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM 10 AM - 10.45 AM LICENSING WORKSHOP: WHAT HEROES SHARE THE UNDERSTANDING THE SAME DREAMS AS KIDS? FUNDAMENTALS OF LICENSING Speaker: Charlotte Dupuis, GM - ABC+ Speaker: Nathalie CHOURAQUI, GM - Kazachok 10.30 AM - 11.15 AM 10.30 AM - 11.15 AM HOW TO DEVELOP A BOY ACTION THE CHANGES THE PROPERTY? CASE STUDY OF THUNDERBIRDS LICENSING WORLD IS Speakers: Maggy Harris, VP International Agents and Publishing Kids - ITV Studios Global UNDERGOING IN EUROPE Entertainment Speaker: Philippe Guinaudeau, GM - Kidz Global Sabine Serrouya, GM for special operations - Gulli 11.30 AM - 12.15 PM Antoine Erligmann, GM - Nelvana Enterprises THE MINIONS’ SUCCESS STORY, A GLOBAL 12.00 - 12.30 PM PHENOMENON! YOUTUBE: VISIBILITY AND Speaker: Adam Steel, International Commercial Director, Consumer Products EMEA - Universal Studios Partnerships & Licensing STRATEGIES FOR LARGE- SCALE DISTRIBUTORS? 4.30 PM - 5.15 PM Speaker: Cédric Petitpas, Manager, Content Partnerships, Education/Family Entertainment, Northern Europe - LICENSEES, RIGHTS HOLDERS: YouTube / Google WHO GETS WHAT? Speakers: Anoush Kevorkian, Consultant Laurent Taieb, GM - Catalyst Connect & Solve MEETING OF FORMER CEPES F2D2 AWARDS WEDNESDAY 6TH APRIL THURSDAY 7TH APRIL 6:00 PM // CONFERENCE ROOM 1:00 PM // CONFERENCE ROOM Come network and share former Please join us in discovering this students’ experiences over drinks. year Brand Awards Winners. 12 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016
Paris - City of Licensing PITCHING SESSIONS The Pitching Sessions are 30’ private Pitching Sessions require prior registration and presentations by exhibitors to unveil their confirmation with the exhibitor. If you can’t do so upcoming strategy. Limited number of seats. prior to the Forum, you can come 15 minutes Representatives of competing brands are before the Pitching Session you are interested in prohibited (except if allowed by the speaker). and ask the speaker if you may attend. WEDNESDAY APRIL, 6 TH 2016 THURSDAY APRIL, 7 TH 2016 09:45 AM SmileyWorld Ltd. 09:45 AM Mediatoon Licensing 10:20 AM Warner Bros. Consumer Products France 10:20 AM CPLG France 10:55 AM CPLG France 10:55 AM Toei Animation Europe 11:30 AM Nickelodeon | Viacom Consumer Products 11:30 AM Mattel Brands Consumer Products 12:05 AM francetv distribution 12:05 AM STUDIOCANAL 12:40 AM TF1 Licences 12:40 AM ON Entertainment 1:40 PM Studio 100 1:40 PM Perfetti van Melle 2:15 PM Nelvana Enterprises 2:15 PM Ubisoft France 3:25 PM Hasbro 4:00 PM The Licensing Company France (TLC) 4:35 PM The Pokémon Company International 5:10 PM Viz Media ROOM 1 ROOM 2 Spring Issue 2016 13
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum SPONSORS AND ANIMATIONS This year, Warner Bros. Consumer Products is excited to present our key francetv distribution is proud franchises and vast amount of to launch the brand PJMasks, the new new content. In a massive preschool series of eOne. It began airing on expansion of DC Entertainment-branded France 5 Zouzous since December and content, Warner Bros. Pictures will release has already 1.4 million fans! Those mini- a slate of at least 10 movies from 2016 super heroes will follow you all along the through 2020, leading with Batman v Forum on your pass. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad in 2016. DC Super Hero Girls, a groundbreaking Rilakkuma invite you new franchise, will launch with a multi- to a reverie moment. platform universe of content and product for girls 6-12. Iconic Animation properties Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry are all supported with new TV series content, and with brand partners including Nike, NBA Whether you safely kept the authentic and LEGO. Monchhichi doll from your childhood or not, don’t miss the 2016 official Forum Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find ©1974-2016 Sekiguchi bag featuring the classic Them is the first film in a new series from Monchhichi, soon coming back on TV J.K Rowling’s Wizarding World, a prequel in a brand new CGI animation. to the Harry Potter story and film series. Les Editions Albert René At the My Little are proud to welcome you at Pony restaurant the Asterix’ bar. Join discover a friendly and us and come to taste our colorful environment while different potions… you enjoy coffee or lunch! Our Panda mascot is waiting for you Don’t hesitate to come by stand at the WWF stand, where our team is E09 to spend a delicious moment looking forward to meeting you and to with the whole TLC team, who discuss about our logo and WWF. has great surprises in store for you! To celebrate the exciting TV series 30 years of Dragon Ball… Popples (Tiji and Gulli) in France, join Wow! If you are also turning us at On Entertainment booth B09, April 7th for an 30 in 2016 and you are Super, stop at booth exclusive and pop photo with “Bubbles”. C14 to pick up your special gift!
Paris - City of Licensing IN PARTNERSHIP WITH This exhibitor is running EXHIBITORS a Pitching Session. Full programme on page 13. Troisième Ligne Ankama Troisième Ligne is the French leader for outsourced brand Ankama is specialized in the creation and broadcasting of and merchandising sports rights management, from ID design universe youths transmedia: TV, on-line games, BD and mangas, to retail, passing by branding, retail design and licensing. by-products. Its universe, Krosmoz is enriched through all these The expertise of the agency expresses itself around 3 axis: media to create a complete, narrative, immersive experience. brand management, product management and distribution management with the aim to conquer new territories, to entertain the relationship to the brand and to structure its BOOTH expressions and experiences. BOOTH E05 A06 Biplano SAS CPLG France Biplano, founded in 1990 and having nowadays presence in Building brands in the licensing business is all about long term France and Iberia, represents the best licensors in the world, relationships. For almost 40 years we’ve been making it our such as Sanrio, Rovio, King Features, WWE, IMPS or MGA business to connect the best brands with the best partners. We among others. The Angry Brids movie in May 2016, the TV believe that partnership is about clarity, openness and trust. We show Masha & the Bear, the relaunch of Bratz or the new MGA work together with you to achieve your objectives and we tell it property called MC2 will set the 2016 calendar. In addition, the like it is. We call it... «Expert Common Sense». classics like Betty Boop, Miffy, and Me to You BOOTH or brands like WWE and StudioPets are also BOOTH B01 examples of the Biplano France portfolio. A14 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016 15
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum DeLiSo S.A.S. - Cyber Group Studios Sophie la girafe Cyber Group Studios is a French independent multi awarded Launched in 2012, Sophie la girafe license quickly met a company which produces and distributes its own and third party tremendous success around the world! With over 30 licensees to audiovisual productions and brands with strong international this day, Sophie la girafe license is represented in many categories. appeal targeted to kids and families in particular: Zou, Zorro The She especially established herself in the publishing industry Chronicles, Mirette Investigates... worldwide with already 2 M books sold and 3 awards won. This Year, for her 55th birthday, baby clothes (among others) will be launched on the UK and US markets this spring BOOTH BOOTH with 2 new brands, completing the French and B07 D05 Japanese successful collections. Dream Big World Eurogift Dream Big is a brand about inspiring people to follow their We team up! With us your projects become reality… We team up dreams. The brand includes 3 platforms: Positive media content, with your marketing department; accompany you in the design art and design and social responsibility. The brand includes a and manufacturing of your licensed products, premiums and collection of over 8,000 designs and 30 licensed products in gifts, for all your promotional operations. Let’s talk about it! different countries. Currently we are also launching the Dream Big festival, conferences and the book series. If you need more information please check our MARKET website: BOOTH PLACE 05 C06 francetv Freegun distribution francetv distribution is riding the PEPPA PIG brand’s successful Founded in 2001, Textiss has quickly emerged as a global leader wave - the series is aired on the Zouzous program - as well as in the textile and garment industry with a specialization in the welcoming a new version of NODDY on France 5 which will air design, production, and distribution of underwear products. by March. The LITTLE CHARMERS’ range of toys will also launch With worldwide distribution in over 26 countries, a catalog in March with heavy TV visibility. Boys 5 to 10 y.o. are already encompassing 15 brands, and nearly 30 underwear license enjoying the SLUGTERRA range of toys - a hit series on France brands including such renowned brands as Marvel, Star Wars, 4’s Héros slot! Meet also our other heroes Transformers, The Simpsons, and DC Comics BOOTH at booth C13: Charley, Mr. Men & Little BOOTH to name a few, Textiss is poised for exponential C13 Miss, Super4, Trucktown… A08 growth across the world. Groupe Glénat Licensing Delcourt - Soleil We have been publishing numerous comics bestsellers (Titeuf, Second comics publishing group in French-speaking territories, Joe Bar Team, Lou, Joe Bar Team…) and we are leader on and first independent, Groupe Delcourt is a key player in the manga books. Bestselling manga series on Kids, Chi’s Sweet graphic novel, comics and manga industry. The group includes Home celebrates its first million of book sales. Titeuf strike back: Éditions Delcourt (2nd of the market share), Soleil (5th), and Delsol Vol.14 is second position of the comics market in 2015 and the (sales forces). In 2014, Soleil celebrates its 25-years anniversary, new TV series will be broadcasted on France. You are searching and emblematic properties are also in the place of honour with for a property on precise topics: video games, 20-years anniversary of Lanfeust of Troy, 10-years BOOTH dinosaurs, super hero, let’s discuss over a comic! BOOTH of The Légendaires, Toto Trouble, PSG and Little C05 C12 Tornados. 16 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016
Paris - City of Licensing Pitching Session Hasbro Home Made Licensing From toys and games, to television programming, motion Home Made Licensing proposes unique and original licensing pictures, digital gaming and licensing programs, Hasbro properties ranging from heritage brands (Little Nicholas, Tetris, strives to delight its global customers with innovative play Poulbots, Pipi Longstocking…) to innovative concepts (Domo, and entertainment experiences, in various forms and formats, Anooki, Pou…) as well as art licensing with a selection of anytime, anywhere. outstanding artists (Suzie Q, Dominique Vari, Gwenaëlle Trolez, Fifi Bastille, Alain Grée, Shinzi Katoh, Lili Petrol…).With HML licensing catalogue, your brand is certain to stand BOOTH BOOTH out in a very competitive and changing licensing B11 B03 market. Interdit de Les Fées Existent me gronder Interdit de me gronder has been launched by the designer Les Fées Existent: a wide range of properties! For 17 years in Antoine Coelenbier, for children ranging from 3 months to 14 France, we marry successfully famous brands with all kind of years old. A great success for the brand supported by star Mums products to create the best potential chemistry and business from Paris to Hollywood. model, whatever the target group: house, food, clothes, Click on toys… BOOTH MARKET D09 PLACE 01 LONGBOARD M6 Licences NORPROTEX is present with its brand LONGBOARD, leading surf M6 Licences is a key player with powerful and family brands! and snow brand in supermarkets. The strength of M6 Group is to use the latest trends and LONGBOARD proposes collections created by its in-house style put together innovative TV shows about the main themes of department for the whole family at attractive prices. LONGBOARD everyday life: cooking, design, beauty and entertainment. is a whole brand universe with clothing, shoes and accessories The goal of our department is to extend the TV experience by from its 10 licensed partners. LONGBOARD invests each year in offering tailored solutions with our brands and personalities. communication media and in the points of sale. The Please visit us to the stand B05 to discover our BOOTH brand continues to develop solid partnerships! BOOTH licenses and news! C10 B05 Mattel Brands Mediatoon Consumer Products Licensing W i t h v e r y e m b l e m a t i c p ro p e r t i e s s u c h a s B a r b i e , H o t Mediatoon Licensing is a subsidiary of Media Participations, Wheels, Fisher Price or Monster High, Mattel keeps a major publishing, press and audiovisual group. Mediatoon investing the world of licensing with its HIT brands such as Licensing manages successful licenses such as Garfield, Fireman Sam, Thomas & Friends and the arrival of Bob the Lucky Luke, Marsupilami... Builder for 2017. BOOTH B10 BOOTH C09 B16 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016 17
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum Nelvana Nickelodeon | Enterprises Viacom Consumer Products With more than 4.000 episodes in its library, Nelvana, a Corus Nickelodeon|Viacom Consumer Products is a subsidiary of Entertainment company, is one of the world’s leading international the VIACOM Group responsible for the development and producers and distributors of kids’ animated content. The merchandising the utilization of the rights and consumer products for the team develops and promotes a portfolio of various brands such as cartoons, live action series & TV shows produced and/or Little Charmers, Trucktown, Shopkins… in EMEA. Nelvana is the broadcast by the group channels. representative licensing agent of Thunderbirds and Power Rangers in France as well. Thanks to its know-how, BOOTH BOOTH Nelvana secures new partnerships in broad A12 categories for all its brands. A09 On Entertainment Perfetti van Melle ON Entertainment is a European major for kids & family. A major For a sweet and fresh licensing opportunity, check out Perfetti van player with 3 dedicated subsidiaries operating worldwide. Melle’s brands Mentos® & Chupa Chups®. They offer amazing art On Animation Studios produces animated movies like The Little which mixes the fun of the brands with today’s trends. Great to take Prince & Upcoming movies: Funny little bugs (2017) & Playmobil to apparel, personal care, accessories, sports and other products (2018). On Method produces animated TV series in-house 3D CGI for teens and young adults. The popularity and eye catching image animation series: The Little Prince, Little Nick, Iron Man, Peter Pan, of these brands are perfect to build in store theatre and drive traffic. Super 4, Funny Little Bugs, Miraculous, etc. Don’t miss out on the pitching session at BOOTH On Brand & Licensing manages In-house BOOTH Kazachok where exciting project launches B09 publishing, licensing & promotions. B06 will be revealed. Planeta Junior PROCIDIS France Planeta Junior is one of Europe’s leading companies providing Procidis is an independent French production company. For family entertainment. It focuses on producing and distributing more than 35 years, “Once upon a time…” series, which are now animated series and the rights derived from these IP’s. The brought together under the umbrella brand “Hello Maestro”, company has offices in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and have continued to transmit knowledge and fun to the young Eastern Europe. Planeta Junior also continues to invest in its generation. own production, featuring series like Mutant Busters, Bubble Bip, Oliver Rock, Heidi, Egyxos or Sendokai BOOTH Champions. BOOTH D11 B08 Sagoo Shine 360° Sagoo, an independent agency which manages rights of Shine France, a Production Company and subsidiary of the prestigious Brands and Properties in France, Europe and Endemol Shine Group, develops unifying programs and worldwide. A unique blend of passion, creativity with a original creations. Licenses implementation and derivative strong expertise for the benefit of premium Brand’s licensing product creation is ensured by the Shine 360° department. programs. Its objective is to extend the experience of shows such as Prodiges, La Meilleure Boulangerie de France, The Island, Babyboom, The Voice, etc., through universes BOOTH BOOTH around digital plan and relevant and consistent E03 C01 licenses. 18 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016
Paris - City of Licensing Pitching Session SmileyWorld Ltd. Sophie Jansem Smiley, the happiest brand ever, was founded by Franklin Sophie Jansem is an illustrator for children and young Loufrani in 1971 through a newspaper promotion to make adults. She has created several characters who come to life people happy. In 1997, Franklin’s son, Nicolas, introduced in albums or applications livened up for tablets (awarded the first emoticons, which would become the universe of US FWA prize for The World of Sam). Her universe revolves SmileyWorld. Smiley is a truly unlimited brand, evergreen and around the emotional, poetry and humor. She wishes to unique in that it has influenced musical generations, social develop her work beyond books to other types of media. movements, popular culture and the BOOTH MARKET pursuits of happiness. C11 PLACE 07 Studio 100 STUDIOCANAL Animation Created 20 years ago, Studio 100 is now a major actor in In 2016, catch on with STUDIOCANAL notorious brands: the the youth entertainment industry. Owning a catalog of 3000 unmissable Paddington, Ernest & Celestine, Robocar Poli, titles, Studio 100 relaunch global animation success as well Sammy & Co and Shaun the Sheep, the releases in 2017 as original concepts with strong international potential. and 2018 of Sahara, the new Aardman movie Early Man, and the new nWave movie Son of Big foot, without forgetting the most iconic films of the library with event releases in theatres in 2016 of a restored version of La BOOTH BOOTH Grande Vadrouille and of Terminator 2 A02 D15 in 3D! The Licensing TF1 Licences Company France (TLC) TF1 Licences develop and promote a portfolio of 40 well- The Licensing Company is a world’s leading licensing agency, known brands. With over 300 active license agreements and specialized in designing and developing brand extension more than 30 millions licensed products sold each year, it’s a strategies for brands such as Ice Age, Coca-Cola, Crayola, major licensing player in France. New York City, Oasis, The Simpsons, Snoopy & Peanuts and much more. TLC also owns 17 fashion and home brands, including Danskin, Candie’s, London Fog, Starter, and Rocawear, through a joint venture BOOTH BOOTH with Iconix Inc. Come and discover our C16 E09 inspiring brands on our booth E09! The Pokémon Toei Animation Company International Europe SAS The Pokémon Company Inter national is responsible for Toei Animation is a leading Japanese animation studio which brand management, licensing and marketing for the holds worldwide successful brands such as Dragon Ball Pokémon Trading Card Game, the animated TV series, home or One Piece. The European office manages the TV and entertainment and the official Pokémon website. merchandising rights for EMEA as well as represents third party IP in France. BOOTH BOOTH B14 C14 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016 19
Special Kazachok Licensing Forum Universal Music France VIZ Media Europe UNIVERSAL MUSIC represents the widest range of worldwide V I Z M e d i a E u ro p e G ro u p s p e c i a l i z e s i n m a n a g i n g t h e legendary artists such as The Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, David development, marketing and distribution throughout Europe Bowie and Queen; international Pop stars from Katy Perry, Ariana of Japanese animated entertainment and licensing graphic Grande, Mika and Justin Bieber, to French phenomenon such novels (manga). as Kendji Girac, Louane and Frero Delavega. The Style guides combine the most stunning artists’ pictures, logos, illustrations and song lyrics. UNIVERSAL MUSIC also becomes the BOOTH exclusive French agent of the Emoji® - THE ICONIC BOOTH D08 BRAND registered trademark. A10 Warner Bros. William Spindler Consumer Products Licences Warner Bros. Consumer Products is one of the leading licensing Take a look to the very original William Spindler’s properties, and retail merchandising organizations in the world. With over and among them: The so cute and Frenchy «Les Caboux- 3,700 licensees, WBCP licenses the rights to names, likenesses Tchoux» for the children from 0 to 10 years old... But also, and logos for a variety of entertainment properties, categories, and «31.12», THE brand of the 31 th of December! Warner Bros. icons that include Looney Tunes, Batman, Superman, Scooby-Doo, DC Super Heroes... WBCP also handles Warner Bros. Theatrical properties, old and new, including BOOTH Harry Potter as well as Warner Bros. TV MARKET E11 properties. PLACE 03 WWF Zifel WWF is one of the largest international conservation The ZIFEL Company is for over 20 years wholesaler-importer. organizations, fighting the degradation of our planet’s natural Our administrative offices and our showroom are located at environment and preserving biodiversity as well as natural 55-59, rue du port - 93300 Aubervilliers, France. The ZIFEL resources. WWF’s giant panda logo that embodies WWF as a Company is a leader on permanent luggage products, but it also label is well-known all over the world since WWF is present in has a very large range of umbrella, shopping bag, beach bag, more than 100 countries and supported by over stroller market, souvenirs, school, and business BOOTH 5 millions members. WWF’s partners can use the MARKET gifts. ZIFEL can customize a product to order. C08 brand universe through co-branding products and PLACE 09 so raise public environmental awareness. Rainbow Brands & Rights 360 Regal Academy takes some of our best-loved fairy tales, it focuses on CHICA VAMPIRO is a phenomenon in France. With its perfect balance the adventures of Rose, a seemingly normal young girl who one day of romance and humor in a light gothic environment, this live action TV passes through a magical door jumping into the Fairy Tale Land! series reaches incredible ratings on Gulli. With 2 live show tours and My American Friend is the new live action dramedy about Maggie, more than 30 licensees, it is the strongest brand targeting tween girls an ordinary American girl that wins a scholarship for Milan Fashion this year. TOBOT is the biggest Boy-Action brand in Korea. The toy line Academy, where meets Bianca, an Italian trendy is distributed by Silverlit and Gulli is already successfully BOOTH girl. They will make their own dreams come true and BOOTH broadcasting the TV series. 4 seasons already produced D13 discover secrets that will change their lives forever! C03 and more to come. Watch out, TOBOT arrives! 20 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ Spring Issue 2016
LE RÉFLEXE QUOTIDIEN DES EXPERTS DU LICENSING LE KIT LICENCE EXPERT L’accès illimité Les News du marché La Veille au WebGuide en continu du Licensing ✳ 9000 propriétés actives ✳ Anticipez les tendances licence ✳ Des données chiffrées ✳ 5700 contacts qualifiés ✳ Découvrez les nouveaux produits ✳ 10 000 articles critérisés POUR PLUS D’INFORMATION TESTEZ-LE GRATUITEMENT Contactez-nous Contactez-nous sur au +33 (0)1 55 95 00 20 et recevez votre accès personnel Kazachok Licensing Expertise - +33(0)1 55 95 00 20 – Le Kit Licence Expert
France market focus 2015 : Les (r)évolutions des Licences Entertainment Kazachok vous livre dans ce numéro les derniers chiffres du marché de la licence en partenariat avec GfK. > Au sein des Marchés Biens les Licences sont en baisse à 6,6% avec un Culturels en recul à -2,3% en chiffre d’affaires de près de 1,2 milliards 2015: (r)evolutions valeur sur 2015, marqués d’une d’€, retrouvant un certain dynamisme in Entertainment properties transition progressive vers le Digital pour après plusieurs années de décroissance à In partnership with GfK, Kazachok delivers the les univers Vidéo, Musique et Jeux Vidéo, deux chiffres. latest figures of the licensing market in this issue. Among the Cultural Goods field which was down JEUX VIDEO TOTAL LICENCES -2.3% in value in 2015 and showed a gradual LIVRE BOOK VIDEO VIDEO transition towards Digital in the Video, Music VIDEO GAMES TOTAL PROPERTIES and Video Games categories, properties are VOLUME down 6.6% with global sales reaching almost (MILLIONS UNITÉS) 9,7 48,0 18,8 76,6 1.2 billion €, but seem back to a dynamic behavior MILLIONS UNITS pattern after a few years of two-figure slump. EVOL. VS 2014 -9,5% 3,1% -12,7% -3,0% CA (M€) 2015 Property Hits: TURNOVER (M€) 417,8 384,4 313,8 1 188,2 a successful mix of different environments geared towards clients EVOL. VS 2014 -5,6% 1,4% -20,3% -6,5% with multiple expectations The strength of the licensing market lies in Volume Valeur its diversity with all kinds of different environ- ments such as Kids, Young Adults, Geeks and 1 LA REINE DES NEIGES / FROZEN 1 FIFA so on, divided into very specific age ranges and 2 FIFTY SHADES OF GREY 2 MARIO the level of visibility and showcasing in physical stores or the media. Some historical properties 3 ASTERIX 3 STAR WARS that have been around for over 10 years found 4 T'CHOUPI / CHARLEY & MIMMO 4 FIFTY SHADES OF GREY the right way to renew themselves - visuals, MONSIEUR MADAME / new targets and themes in order to attract 5 5 LA REINE DES NEIGES / FROZEN MR MEN & LITTLE MISS young customers alongside new properties 6 FIFA 6 ASTERIX arriving on the market (Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig). While the digital world is prompting questions 7 ONE PIECE 7 LEGO as to market depreciation and cannibalization 8 STAR WARS 8 ASSASSIN'S CREED of physical sales and underlining the revolution 9 MARIO 9 POKEMON of the licensing market, the evolution clearly lies in new ways to reach out to users. 10 VIOLETTA 10 BATMAN GfK is a reference for market data and consumer Le succès des Licences 2015 behavior. Over 13,000 market survey experts un mix réussi d’univers pour un consommateur aux multiples visages combine their passion with 80 years of experience Ce qui fait la force du marché des Licences, de nouvelles licences font leur apparition in data analysis. Thus, GfK offers its global vision c’est sa diversité, entre les univers Enfant, (Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig) au point de faire to provide local insight to over 100 territories. Thanks to novel technology and expertise in data Young Adult, Geek… avec des tranches adhérer le jeune consommateur à ces analysis GfK transforms Big Data into Smart Data d’âges très segmentées, mais également univers. Si le Digital suscite certaines inter- to enable its clients to improve their competitive- «leur visibilité et leur théâtralisation» en rogations - dévalorisation des marchés, ness and enrich user experience and choice. To rayon dans les magasins physiques ou cannibalisation des ventes physiques - et find out more visit and follow us leur diffusion média. Certaines licences souligne cette révolution du marché des on «historiques», présentes depuis plus de licences, l’évolution, quant à elle, vient de Contact : dix ans, ont su être renouvelées - visuels, la manière d’appréhender désormais le cibles différentes, thématiques - tandis que consommateur. GfK fournit une information, de référence, sur les marchés et sur les comportements des consommateurs. Plus de 13 000 experts des études de marché combinent leur passion à 80 années d’expérience en analyse des données. GfK enrichit ainsi de sa vision globale, les insights locaux dans plus de 100 pays. Grâce à l’utilisation de technologies innovantes et à la maîtrise de l’analyse des données, GfK transforme les Big Data en Smart Data, permettant ainsi à ses clients d’améliorer leur compétitivité et d’enrichir les expériences et les choix des consommateurs. Pour en savoir plus, visitez et suivez nous sur Contact : 22 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ - Spring Issue 2016
France market focus Parce qu’au fond, tout a changé Tout le monde a coutume de dire que le monde a changé. Sur une situation donnée, tout le monde Basically, everything has changed s’accorde à dire que rien n’est plus comme avant, que It is said that the world has changed. On a given les choses ont dramatiquement évolué. Et bien en situation, everyone agrees to say that nothing fait, dans le monde de la Licence Entertainment pour is the same as it was before, that things have evolved dramatically. Well actually, in the world les enfants, c’est totalement vrai. Nous le mesurons of Entertainment Licenses for children, is jour après jour, dans nos enquêtes et trackers. absolutely true. We measure it every day in our analysis and thanks to our trackers. par Philippe Guinaudeau How? Now children know more and more brands, > characters and licenses, than they did 4 years ago: Comment ? Il est mainte- les 8-10 marques les plus populaires. Cet in April, 2011, children knew 245 brands (number nant un fait que les enfants effet «sécurité» a renforcé la notoriété of different brands spontaneously mentioned by connaissent encore plus de des premières marques, tout en rendant the child / parents of French children aged 0 -14). marques, caractères et licences qu’il y plus difficile la percée de marques moins They now know 390 brands; an increase of 59% a 4 ans : en 2011, ils en connaissaient soutenues. over 4 years. So, which are the reasons for such an increase 245 en avril 2011 (nombre de marques Donc maintenant, les enfants in the number of known brands by children? In différentes spontanément mentionnées connaissent tous les mêmes 8-10 fact, this growth is linked to three concomitant par les enfant / parents français de 0-14 marques, et un vaste ensemble d’autres factors: ans). Ils en connaissent maintenant marques ; ensemble différent d’un enfant 1. The amount of offered brands has grown over 390 ; soit une augmentation de 59% en 4 à l’autre. this period, but far from our 59% total. 2. In parallel, children have increased their access ans. Et croyez-moi, leur pouvoir d’achat associé n’a pas évolué dans les mêmes Quelles conséquences pour les to the Internet. The new digital technologies have increased brand awareness, and especially for proportions. licencieurs et les licenciés ? Entertainment content; it has thereby generated Quelles sont donc les raisons d’une telle Imaginez-vous, 390 marques différentes. a strong appetite for licensed products, including augmentation du nombre de marques Les enfants ont donc un choix prolifique, Entertainment. 3. To complete this picture, the distribution as connues des enfants ? et il est primordial pour les licencieurs, a hole, has increased the concentration of the En fait, cette croissance est liée à 3 fac- mais aussi les licenciés, de parfaite- offers on the 8-10 most popular brands. This teurs concomitants : ment maitriser les ‘security’ effect has enhanced the reputation of 1. L’offre en marques facteurs clés de la the first brands, while making it more difficult to a p ro g re s s é s u r cette période, mais Les enfants popularité de leurs marques. breakthrough for the less supported brands. So now, children all know the same 8-10 brands, and a wide range of other ones; all different from bien loin des 59% du nombre total. connaissent Pour faire court, il n’y a qu’une alter- one child to another. What consequences Ceci n’explique native : donc qu’une infime portion de ce phéno- tous les mêmes 1. Soit la marque est connue ET for licensors and licensees? Imagine, 390 different brands. So children have a mène. 2. En parallèle, les 8-10 marques. appréciée de tous les enfants. Elle a prolific choice, it is important for licensors, and for licensees, to perfectly master the key factors in the popularity of their brands. enfants ont accru toutes les chances In short, there is only one alternative: leur accès à Internet. Les nouvelles de faire partie du premier groupe. 1. Either the brand is known AND appreciated by technologies digitales ont augmenté 2. Soit la marque travaille non seulement all children. It is then likely to be part of the first la notoriété des marques et surtout sa notoriété, mais surtout sa connexion group. des contenus Entertainment ; cela a avec les enfants (une forte attitude, 2. Or the brand must not only work on its reputa- tion, but especially on its connection with children de ce fait généré un fort appétit pour «j’adore cette marque», entraine une (a strong attitude, ‘I love this brand’, causes a great les produits sous licences, notamment excellente popularité). Et dans cet popularity). And in this case, brands that work on Entertainment. espace, les marques qui travaillent sur la the quality of their relationship with children, and 3 . Po u r co m p l é te r ce ta b le a u , l a qualité de leur relation avec les enfants, on their quality of exposure, are likely to be leading distribution dans son grand ensemble a leur qualité d’exposition, ont toutes les the second group. accentué la concentration des offres sur chances d’être en tête du second groupe. 24 Kazachok Licensing Mag’ - Spring Issue 2016
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