La page est créée Jean-Michel Marion
                                                       ANNÉE 2020
    Indiquer le nom complet de l’établissement : Université Rennes 2
    Nom complet (sigles ou acronymes développés) : Laboratoire VIPS² (Violences -
    Innovations – Politiques - Socialisations et Sports)
    Numéro de l’unité de recherche : EA 4636
    Directeur de l’unité de recherche : Michael Attali
    Porteur projet : François Le Yondre – Maître de conférences à l’université Rennes 2 (UFR
Intitulé du sujet de thèse (en Français) : Analyse des philosophies politiques des usages du
sport dans l’accueil des migrants en France et de leurs réceptions par les bénéficiaires. Vers
une sociologie du sensible dans les pratiques d’inclusion sociale par le sport
Intitulé du sujet de thèse (en Anglais): Analysis of the political philosophies of the uses of
sport in the treatment of migrants and their receptions by the beneficiaries. Towards a
sociology of the sensitive in the practices of sport for development.

Mots clés (en Français) : sociologie, politique, sport, inclusion, migrants, corps
Mots clés (en Anglais) : sociology, politics, sport, inclusion, migrants, body

Discipline                                                STAPS
Spécialité d’inscription en thèse (à choisir              STAPS
exclusivement dans la liste des spécialités de l’ED)

NOM                                                        LE YONDRE


Date d’obtention de l’HDR
                                            Non HDR

Nombre de thèses encadrées au 1er janvier




Date d’obtention de l’HDR

Nombre de thèses encadrées au 1er janvier
 Contextualisation du projet de thèse : This thesis project deals with reception facilities for
 migrants through sport. Such programs are the result of initiatives taken by associations
 accessing public funding. This funding constitutes real calls from the political sphere to the
 point that dozens of such devices have flourished in the space of a few years. This
 development of the political use of sport for the reception of migrants is a challenge in view
 of the absence of a common reception policy in the European area. However, beyond
 representations of sport as an apolitical field (Defrance, 2000), engaging migrants in inclusion
 programs through sport undoubtedly constitutes an action of a political nature. It is indeed a
 question of mobilizing migrants in cultural activities with the aim of producing effects on
 their situations and / or dispositions. Analyzing the reception practices of migrants through
 sport therefore amounts to analyzing a set of political practices, situating their philosophical
 foundations and probing their reception by their recipients.
 Problématique : A first axis aims to understand the approach that can found the political
 dimension of sporting facilities for migrants. It is a question of determining to what extent the
 “moral economy” (Fassin, Kobelinsky, 2012) which marks the reception of migrants is found
 at different levels, from European institutions, to the State, to associations, then to workers.
 social and sports educators. Do we then find in these proposals for physical and sports
 activities the translation of what the institution expects from an asylum seeker (Freedman,
 2017) in terms of commitments in inclusion schemes? Is it a logic of care given to those
 whose journeys make them injured beings or a logic of transformation of the individual (Le
 Yondre, 2019) through acculturation by the body (Ha & Lyras, 2013)? The second line of
 research aims to analyze the mechanisms by which sports devices, highlighting the place of
 the body, are received in a sensitive manner by their recipients. This angle seems all the more
 relevant to us since it is regularly reported as a blind spot by literature reviews in the
 sociology of sport (Spaaij & all, 2019). If affects are socially produced, they are also likely to
 produce their own effects on institutions (Lordon, 2013), including political ones. Are the
 manifest commitments and sensibilities experienced consistent with or in relative
 contradiction with the expectations that the institution has for migrants? Do these expectations
 and their reception take on a particular meaning according to the different migrant statuses
 (asylum seekers, refugees or rejected)?
 Méthodologie envisagée : Within the first research axis envisaged, the objective is to
 envisage these programs as devices - in the Foucaultian sense of the term (Foucault, 1975) -
 by deciphering through interviews with members of associations and observations of
 practices, all the tangible and intangible aspects of these programs and the political
 philosophy at work Within the second axis, it is a question of studying from an
 anthropological angle, through participating observations within sports programs or
 interviews with migrants , their ways of engaging in sports, in order to analyze the ways in
 which they negotiate, transform and reclaim an institutional and / or political proposition
 (Smith & al., 2019) and, thereby even, the categorization of which they are the object
 (Demazière, 2003) as migrants.
Insertion du sujet dans les axes du laboratoire ; programmes de recherche éventuels :
This thesis project is fully in line with the two research themes developed by the VIPS2
laboratory (Violences Innovations Politiques Socialization & Sport): the analysis of
education and socialization processes through physical activities on the one hand (theme 1 )
and public policies that regulate and organize sport on the other hand (theme 2). More
specifically, the subject of this thesis follows both the path of the work of the members of the
laboratory on the uses of sport with a social vocation while integrating into the public already
studied by permanent researchers (unemployed, prisoners, precarious, priority neighborhoods
, youth of the PJJ) the migrant public. This is however already the subject of work carried out
by certain members of the laboratory such as those of Noémi Garci-Arjona on the sports
practices of young migrants (2 articles published in 2017 in the review Migraciones) and
François Le Yondre ending this year a work on the devices intended in part for asylum
The international dimension of uses of sport for social and educational purposes is also
widely favored through the work undertaken on the social effects of major sporting events
and on development practices through sport abroad.
It is also an object that comes into full resonance with the DISC Master which the laboratory
is carrying. The thesis could thus feed in a coherent way the teachings intended for the
students of this Master as well as the projects which develop there.
Bibliographie sur le sujet proposé
Agier, M. (2010). Le biopouvoir à l'épreuve de ses formes sensibles. Chimères, (3), 259-270.
Defrance, J. (2000). La politique de l'apolitisme. Sur l'autonomisation du champ sportif.
Politix. Revue des sciences sociales du politique, 13(50), 13-27.
Demazière, D. (2003). Le chômage. Comment peut-on être chômeur. Paris : Belin.
Fassin, D. (2012). Économies morales et justices locales. Revue française de sociologie,
53(4), 651-655.
Fassin, D., & Kobelinsky, C. (2012). Comment on juge l'asile. Revue française de sociologie,
53(4), 657-688.
Foucault, M. (1975). Surveiller et punir. Paris, 1, 192-211.
Freedman, J. (2017). Peur, honte, humiliation ? Les émotions complexes des demandeurs
d’asile et des réfugiés en Europe. Migrations Société, (2), 23-34.
Ha, J. & Lyras, (2013). Sport for refugee youth in a new society: the role of acculturation in
sport for developing and peace programming. South African Journal for Research in Sport,
Physical Education and Recreation, 35(2): 121-140
Kobelinsky, C. (2010). L’accueil des demandeurs d’asile. Une ethnographie de l’attente.
Le Yondre, F. (2019). Le sport pour l’accueil des migrants : finalité, support ou outil ?
Jurisport. La revue juridique et économique du sport, (197), 29-34
Lordon, F. (2013). La Société des affects. Pour un structuralisme des passions: Pour un
structuralisme des passions. Le Seuil.
Spaaij R, Broerse J, Oxford S, Luguetti C, McLachlan F, McDonald B, Klepac B, Lymbery
L, Bishara J and Pankowiak A (2019). Sport, Refugees, and Forced Migration: A Critical
Review of the Literature. Front. Sports Act. Living 1:47
Profil attendu :
The candidate will hold a Master in STAPS or in sociology. In the case of a Master in
STAPS, it will be a mention integrating a large part of the teachings in social sciences of
sport. The master’s degree required the completion of a research dissertation in sociology on
a subject close to that of the thesis project.
The candidate must have been trained and introduced to the ethnographic survey process.
This implies both having an elementary knowledge of the work and the classical authors who
have used this approach in the history of sociology and having experienced it in personal
He / she should also have knowledge of the migrant audience. Experience in personal
engagement or research with this type of audience will ideally attest to this knowledge.
Beyond practical knowledge, he / she will be able to distinguish the different institutional
categories of identification of migrant audiences and the typical political treatment in this
The candidate will have an elementary mastery of the currents of thought in sociology thanks
to his research work carried out in Master.
The subject of this thesis will involve the promotion of the results (articles and
communications) in media in English. The candidate must therefore have a good command
of the language, at least orally.
The international dimension of uses of sport for social and educational purposes is also
widely favored through the work undertaken on the social effects of major sporting events
and on development practices through sport abroad.
It is also an object that comes into full resonance with the DISC Master which the laboratory
is carrying. The thesis could thus feed in a coherent way the teachings intended for the
students of this Master as well as the projects which develop there.
Insertion professionnelle ou poursuite de carrière envisagée :
The scientific scope of the project must allow the candidate to commit to professional
integration in research. He can also serve a project in the sports movement sector as a
specialist in social intervention programs.
The candidate must have been trained and introduced to the ethnographic survey process.
This implies both having an elementary knowledge of the work and the classical authors who
have used this approach in the history of sociology and having experienced it yourself in
personal research work.
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