Tim Burton's Movie Dark Shadows

La page est créée Chloe Collin
Séquence     1               Public cible           2de     /     Écouter, Parler (PPC) : B1

   Tim Burton’s Movie Dark Shadows
   Le réalisateur américain, Tim Burton, a créé trois films en 2012, qui plongent le spectateur
   dans un monde sombre avec des personnages tout aussi lugubres que décalés. Dark
   Shadows raconte l’histoire d’un vampire déchu. Le réalisateur et son acteur fétiche,
   Johnny Depp, nous livrent ici leurs impressions quant à leur longue collaboration dans
   ce genre cinématographique bien particulier.

    Sky News Presenter Samantha Simmonds: Now some of Hollywood’s finest are in London this evening
    for the premiere of Tim Burton’s latest movie. It’s called Dark Shadows. The film reunites the director with
    many of his usual suspects, including his wife, Helena Bonham Carter, and Johnny Depp. It is, in fact,
    the eighth time that Depp and Burton have worked together, but the star says he’s far from bored of their
    Actor Johnny Depp: Whenever I get the call from Tim, I’m always, you know, surprised and honored, you
    know, that he would want me to interpret another character for him. So I don’t know, I don’t... I don’t try and
    dissect it, I just consider myself very lucky. He’s one of the only true auteurs, he’s a visionary and he’s a...
    I mean, he’s beyond a film maker, he’s an absolute artist to the umpteenth level.
    Film Director Tim Burton: Each time feels like it’s the first time so eight times, eight different characters
    and each one feels like it’s the first time I’m working with the guy.

   Objectifs et démarche pédagogique

   Liens avec les programmes culturels de lycée
     ¾¾ Thème culturel de la classe de seconde Ø L’art de vivre ensemble dans l’aire linguistique concernée.
        Notion abordée : Sentiment d’appartenance Ø Culture cinématographique commune.

    Peut comprendre les points principaux d’une intervention sur des sujets familiers rencontrés régulièrement
    au travail, à l’école, pendant les loisirs, y compris des récits courts. – Compréhension générale de
    l’oral, B1
    Peut assez aisément mener à bien une description directe et non compliquée de sujets variés dans son
    domaine en la présentant comme une succession linéaire de points. – Production orale générale, B1
    La prononciation est clairement intelligible même si un accent étranger est quelquefois perceptible et si
    des erreurs de prononciation proviennent occasionnellement.
                                                                    Maîtrise du système phonologique, B1

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Faits de langue
    ¾¾ Les marqueurs de temps et de fréquence : now; whenever; always; each time.
    ¾¾ Les quantifieurs : some of; many of; one of; each one.

    ¾¾ Le cinéma : Hollywood’s finest; the premiere of Tim Burton’s latest movie; the film; the director; interpret
       another character; a film maker.

Exploitation de l’extrait vidéo
A. Introduction
   ¾¾ Afin de présenter le thème et d’éveiller la curiosité des élèves, faites un arrêt sur l’image fixe au début de la
       séquence. Elle contient très peu d’éléments afin de permettre aux élèves d’émettre des hypothèses sur le
       thème et un éventuel titre de séquence.
B. Overall Comprehension
   ¾¾ Visionnez une première fois l’extrait vidéo en entier avant de remettre la fiche de travail aux élèves. Si vous le
      souhaitez, vous pouvez recueillir la réaction des élèves « à chaud » sur le reportage, en français pour faciliter
      l’expression de quelques élèves, ou bien en anglais pour les plus aguerris. Puis distribuez la fiche de travail
      et revoyez avec les élèves les réponses à apporter pour cette compréhension globale.
C. Detailed Comprehension
  ¾¾ Il est préférable de visionner la vidéo une nouvelle fois, mais en faisant des pauses régulières aux endroits
     stratégiques, pour laisser le temps aux élèves de trouver les réponses et les noter sur leur fiche de travail.
     Répétez l’opération une nouvelle fois si les élèves en ressentent le besoin.
D. Final Task: Spoken production.
  ¾¾ After watching the interview and after looking for information on the Internet about the film director, Tim Burton,
      organize a short summary of his career that you will present to the class.


Liens avec des sites internet
    ¾¾ Biographie de Tim Burton : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Burton
    ¾¾ Description du film : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=130298.html

Corrigé des activités

B. Overall comprehension
1. The nature and settings of the video. Choose the right answer.
  ŠŠThis is...			                þ an interview           o a documentary        o a movie
  ŠŠIt is set in...			           o Hollywood 		           o Paris			 þ London
  ŠŠThe event is a...		          o wedding		              o birthday celebration þ movie premiere
  ŠŠThe movie’s title is...		    o Sweeny Todd            o Sleepy Hollow        þ Dark Shadows

2. Fill in the blanks. Listen to the journalist’s presentation and find the missing words.
   Now some of Hollywood’s finest are in London this evening for the premiere of Tim Burton’s latest movie. It’s
   called Dark Shadows. The film reunites the director with many of his usual suspects, including his wife, Helena
   Bonham Carter, and Johnny Depp. It is, in fact, the eighth time that Depp and Burton have worked together, but
   the star says he’s far from bored of their collaborations.

4                        Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 26 / janvier-mars 2013
3. Identify the people. Complete the grid below.
                                   First person interviewed                 Second person interviewed
   Full name                           Johnny Depp                                    Tim Burton
   Job                                      actor                                    film director
   Wife’s name                                                                Helena Bonham Carter
   Expressions used         – He’s one of the only true auteurs. Each time feels like it’s the first
   to describe the other    – He’s beyond a film maker.          time I’m working with the guy.
   person                   – He’s an absolute artist.
   Number of times they Eight times, eight different characters.
   have worked together

4. The two celebrities’ backgrounds.
  a. What do you know about the first person’s career?
     Johnny Depp is a very famous American actor who has played many diverse roles in movies. He has
     often worked with Tim Burton.
 b. What can you write about the second person’s life?
    He is a film director and has made many movies in a very specific genre. His movies are usually about
    marginal characters who deal with society in terms of prejudice, stereotypes, etc.

C. Detailed comprehension
1. Work on words. Match the words to their definition.

               1       2           3       4          5           6           7          8
               f       e           c       a          h           d          g           b

2. Work on word stresses. Underline the stressed syllable.
   a. finest  b. usual    c. beyond      d. dissect    e. lucky         f. auteurs    g. umpteenth

3. Getting into the subject. Answer the following questions.
  a. What is the main event?
     It is the film premiere of Tim Burton’s movie.
  b. Where does it take place?
     It takes place in London.
  c. Who are the two people interviewed?
     The two people who are interviewed are Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.
  d. How many times have they worked together?
     They have worked eight times together.
  e. Why are they reunited?
     Because they have just made another movie together.
  f. What is the name of the movie?
     It is called Dark Shadows.
 g. When was it released?
    It was released in the fall.
 h. What other works have they produced together?
    They have worked on Edward Scissors Hands, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd,
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland and Dark Shadows.
 i. What is so particular about their collaboration?
    They have worked together for a long time and in many different movies.
 j. How do you define their relationship?
    They have had a long-term and trustworthy collaboration.

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Séquence               1       Tim Burton’s Movie Dark Shadows
Fiche d’activités

                    Nom :                                                                                               Classe :                                 Date :

                        A. Anticipation
                        1. Look at the image and give all your thoughts about it. Here are some questions that may help you think.
                          ŠŠWhat is shown in this picture?
                          ŠŠWho is the person on the right?
                          ŠŠWhat is there in the background?

                        B. Overall comprehension
                        1. The nature and settings of the video. Choose the right answer.
                          ŠŠThis is...			                o an interview 		        o a documentary                                                       o a movie
                          ŠŠIt is set in...			           o Hollywood 		           o Paris			                                                            o London
                          ŠŠThe event is a...		          o wedding		              o birthday celebration                                                o movie premiere
                          ŠŠThe movie’s title is...		    o Sweeny Todd            o Sleepy Hollow                                                       o Dark Shadows

                        2. Fill in the blanks. Listen to the journalist’s presentation and find the missing words.
                           Now some of .................................................................. are in ..................................... this evening for the
                           ...................................................................................................... latest movie. It’s called Dark Shadows.
                           The film reunites the ....................................... with many of his usual suspects, including his ....................,
                           Helena Bonham Carter, and ................................................... It is, in fact, the .......................... time that
                           Depp and Burton have worked together, but the star says he’s ................................................................
                           of their collaborations.

                        3. Identify the people. Complete the grid below.
                                                                              First person interviewed                                    Second person interviewed
                             Full name
                             Wife’s name
                             Expressions used
                             to describe the other

                             Number of times they
                             have worked together

                        4. The two celebrities’ backgrounds.
                          a. What do you know about the first person’s career?
                           b. What can you write about the second person’s life?

                    6                                    Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 26 / janvier-mars 2013
Séquence                1       Tim Burton’s Movie Dark Shadows

                                                                                                                                                                           Fiche d’activités
Nom :                                                                                            Classe :                                Date :

 C. Detailed comprehension
 1. Work on words. Match the words to their definition.
      1. the finest                             a. separate into pieces: expose the parts for scientific examination.
      2. usual                                  b. very many : indefinitely numerous.
      3. bored                                  c. the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.
      4. dissect                                d. an artist whose style and practice are distinctive.
      5. lucky                                  e. accordant with usage, custom, or habitual.
      6. auteur                                 f. something or someone of superior quality, skill, or appearance.
      7. beyond                                 g. on or to the farther side.
      8. the umpteenth                          h. having good luck.

                      1              2              3               4              5              6              7              8

 2. Work on word stresses. Underline the stressed syllable.
    a. finest  b. usual    c. beyond      d. dissect    e. lucky                                         f. auteurs         g. umpteenth

 3. Getting into the subject. Answer the following questions.
   a. What is the main event?
   b. Where does it take place?
   c. Who are the two people interviewed?
   d. How many times have they worked together?
   e. Why are they reunited?
   f. What is the name of the movie?
   g. When was it released?
   h. What other works have they produced together?
   i. What is so particular about their collaboration?
   j. How do you define their relationship?

 4. Web search – Choose one of the two celebrities concerned with the video and write a short biography after
    doing some research on different English-language websites.

 C. Final Task: Spoken production.
   After watching the interview and after looking for information on the Internet about the film director, Tim
   Burton, organize a short summary of his career that you will present to the class.

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