Travail et emploi à l'ère du capitalisme de plateforme - 5-6 JUIN 2018 IRISSO -
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IRISSO UMR CNRS INRA 7170-1427 Travail et emploi à l'ère du capitalisme de plateforme Work and employment in an era of platform capitalism 5-6 JUIN 2018
Travail et Emploi à l'ère du capitalisme de plateforme 5 juin 2018 Café 8h45 - 9h20 d’accueil/Coffee Mot 9h20 - 9h30 d’ouverture/Welcome speech 9h30 - 10h30 (room Raymond Aron) Benjamin Sachs: Securing Quality Jobs in the Platform Economy. 10h30 - 10h45 Pause/Break _____________________________________________________________________ 10h45 - 12h30 Plenary session (room Raymond Aron): SESSION 1: Emilie Aunis, Control and autonomy of Leticia Pogliaghi : Les ressorts de Uber drivers: employees or l’action collective chez les chauffeurs- independent contractors? partenaires Uber. Analyse comparée des (Moderator: Sophie Bernard) cas québécois, mexicains et français // Collective action ressources among Uber driver-partners: comparative analysis of Fabien Brugière : La mise Quebec, Mexican and French cases. au travail des chauffeurs par les plateformes de transport au prisme 12h30 - 14h des conditions de travail et d’emploi : Pause déjeuner/Lunch break un néo-taylorisme digital ? // Platform’s organizational model through 14h - 15h driver’s working and employement Juliet Schor: Dependence and conditions : a digital neo-taylorism? Precarity in the Sharing Economy. Kgomotso Mokoena: A 15h - 15h45 Consideration of Whether Presentation of Capla Uber Drivers are Employees Research program: Sarah in Various Jurisdictions: Abdelnour, Pauline Barraud de A Comparative Analysis and Critical Lagerie, Sophie Bernard, Guillaume Assessment of the Value of Worker Compain, Julien Gros, Anne Jourdain, Classification in the Sharing Enonomy. Dominique Méda, Sidonie Naulin, Diane Rodet, Luc Sigalo Santos, Hélène Tissandier, Morgan Sweeney. ___________________________
Work and employment in an era of platform capitalism Pause/Break 15h45 - 16h ___________________________________________________________________ 16h - 17h30 Parallel sessions: SESSION 2A (room A): SESSION 2B Digital platforms, from (room Raymond Aron): service provider to Engaging in the race: bike directional power? delivery in an era of digital (Moderator: Hélène Tissandier and platforms (Moderator: Arnaud Mias) Morgan Sweeney) Fabien Laffont Lemozy : Tessie Schuurs, Wouter Les dimensions temporelles de Verheyen: Legal Illiteracy in the l’expérience de coursier à vélo. Platform economy: Meal Deliverer’s Une enquête sur Deliveroo et knowledge and behavior relating to UberEats // Time management logics of Insurances. a biker at Deliveroo and UberEats. Barbara Gomes : La puissance Pétronille Harnay : Donneur organisatrice des plateformes de d’ordre "traditionnel" ou travail : nature et expressions // plateforme : Existe-t-il une The organizational potency of digital spécificité dans la relation plateforms: the renewal of expression of d’intermédiation avec les livreurs ? // power. “Ordinary” general contractor or platform: is there a specificity in Elena Gramano: Digital platforms the intermediation relationship with and work: some observation. deliverers? __________________________ Olivia Chambard : Ressorts et effets de l’engouement des jeunes entrepreneurs pour le modèle économique de la plateforme // Reasons for and effects of young entrepreneurs’ keen interest in the platform’s economic model.
Travail et Emploi à l'ère du capitalisme de plateforme 6 juin 2018 Café 10h - 10h30 d’accueil/Coffee 10h30 - 12h30 SESSION 3A (room A): SESSION 3B Social protection facing the (room Raymond Aron): gig economy (Moderator: Hélène Working the crowd: Tissandier and Morgan Sweeney) fragmented workforce and collective action Olga Chesalina: Social protection (Moderator: Pauline Barraud de Lagerie of digital platform workers: and Luc Sigalo Santos) a comparative study. Antonio Casilli, Marion Alberto Barrio: Social security Coville, Paola Tubaro: protection of platorm work: Organize, Recognize: The State of Looking under the hood. French Micro-Work. Simon Joyce, Charles Umney, Mohammad Amir Anwar, Chris Forde, Mark Stuart, Mark Graham: Platform Labour Danat Valizade: at Global Margins: Agency and The social protection of workers in Autonomy of Workers in the Global the platform economy: Gig Economy. New opportunities or old problems ? Antonio Aloisi: __________________________________ Facing the Challenges presented by platform labour and digital transformation. Worker voice and collective actions in non-standard forms of employment. ____________________________
Work and employment in an era of platform capitalism 12h30 - 14h Pause déjeuner/Lunch break ________________________________________________________ 14h - 15h30 Plenary session (room Raymond Aron): SESSION 4 : Resisting the platforms: the collective actions and social mobilisations of gig workers (Moderator: Sarah Abdelnour) Mark Graham, Jamie Woodcock: Platform capitalism and online gig work: the labour process, resistance and organising. Guillaume Compain : Coopérativisme de plateformes : une vision alternative pour l’économie de plateformes // Platform cooperativism: an alternative vision for the platform economy. Chris Benner, Francois Pichault: Building Collective Capacities for Non-Standard High-Tech Workers: A Comparative Perspective. ________________________________________________________
Travail et Emploi à l'ère du capitalisme de plateforme 15h30 - 15h45 Pause/Break _____________________________________________________________________ 15h45 - 17h15 Parallel sessions: SESSION 5A SESSION 5B (room A): (room Raymond Aron): Quality Evaluation, Working The commodification of Conditions and Power amateurism and its impact on Relationships on Digital traditional occupations (in an Platforms (Moderator: Sidonie era of digital platforms) Naulin and Diane Rodet) (Moderator: Anne Jourdain) Paola Tubaro, Julian Posada Arnaud Anciaux: Une mise Gutierrez, Philippe Caillou, au travail sans travailleuses ? Antonio Casilli, Elise Penalva Marchandisation, organisation et Icher: From online quality valuations encadrement de l’activité amateure to a new division of labor: how et professionnelle sur les plateformes platforms transform value creation in de sexcams // Putting non-workers to the restaurant industry. work? Commodification, framing and organisation by sexcams platforms of an Alexandrea Ravenelle: Belong amateur and professional occupation. anywhere ? Multi-Factor Screening and Discrimination by Airbnb Hosts. Pierre Brasseur, Jean Finez : Les plateformes de webcaming : Marie-Anne Dujarier: vers la constitution d’un précariat du Le travail des intermédiaires du sexe ? // Will webcaming platforms lead travail : comment subordonner sans to structural sex precariousness? subordonner ? // Work of marketplaces: How to manage Vincent Chabault : Du libraire without subordinating? à l’informaticien. Les effets de la transformation numérique du marché du livre d’occasion sur le travail de formation des prix // From bookseller to computer scientist.The effects of digitalization of the second hand book market on the work of setting prices. _________________________________
Work and employment in an era of platform capitalism Speakers • Aloisi Antonio • Gramano Elena (Bocconi University, Milano) (Goethe University, Germany) • Amir Mohammad Anwar • Harnay Pétronille (Oxford Internet Institute, UK) (Ifsttar, Université Paris-Est) • Anciaux Arnaud • Huws Ursula (Université Laval, Québec) (Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK) • Aunis Emilie • Joyce Simon (Gresco, Univ. de Poitiers) (Leeds University Business School, UK) • Barrio Alberto (Labour Law and • Laffont Lemozy Fabien Social Policy Department, Tilburg (LISST, Univ. Toulouse 2) University, Netherlands) • Mokoena Kgomotso • Benner Chris (University of California (Univ. of Johannesburg, South Africa) Santa Cruz, USA) • Penalva Elise Icher • Brasseur Pierre (Université Paris-Dauphine) (Clersé, Univ. de Lille) • Pichault Francois • Brugière Fabien (Cresspa, Paris 8) (HEC- University of Liège, Belgique) • Caillou Philippe • Pogliaghi Leticia (Universidad (Université Paris Sud, Paris) nacional autónoma de México) • Casilli Antonio • Posada Gutierrez Julian (Institut interdisciplinaire de l’innovation, (EHESS, France) Télécom ParisTech) • Ravenelle Alexandrea • Chabault Vincent (Mercy College, NY, USA) (Cerlis, Université Paris Descartes) • Sachs Benjamin (Kestnbaum • Chambard Olivia (Centre Maurice Professor of Labor and Industry, Harvard Halbwachs, ENS-EHESS, Paris) Law School – Boston, USA) • Chesalina Olga (Max-Planck-Institute • Schor Juliet (Boston College, USA) for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich) • Schuurs Tessie • Compain Guillaume (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam) (Irisso – Univ. Paris-Dauphine) • Stuart Mark • Coville Marion (Leeds University Business School, UK) (Télécom ParisTech , Paris) • Tubaro Paola (LRI, CNRS), • Dujarier Marie-Anne • Umney Charles (LCSP, Université Paris-Diderot) (Leeds University Business School, UK) • Finez Jean • Valizade Danat (PACTE – Université Grenoble) (Leeds University Business School, UK) • Forde Chris • Verheyen Wouter (Leeds University Business School, UK) (Erasmus University Rotterdam) • Gomes Barbara • Woodcock Jamie (IRERP, Univ. Paris-Nanterre) (Oxford Internet Institute, UK) • Graham Mark (Oxford Internet Institute, UK)
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