Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec

La page est créée Christian Vincent
Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec
        du Québec
Largest University Network
in Canada
Created by the Government of           An Imposing Presence
Québec in 1968, the Université du
Québec is the largest university       To fulfill its mission, Université du Québec boasts a network of 9 establishments
network in Canada. Its mission is to   across the province:
facilitate access to university edu-   Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM),
cation, contribute to the scientific   along with TÉLUQ (an online university specializing in distance education);
development of Québec as well as to    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR);
regional development.                  Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC);

From its headquarters in Québec        Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR);
City, Université du Québec coordi-     Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO);
nates courses taught by nearly 6,000   Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT);
professors and their assistants, to
                                       Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
86,000 students in its 9 establish-    (National Science Research Institute);
ments in 54 cities across the
                                       École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP)
province. As the youngest uni-         (National School of Public Administration);
versity in Québec, Université du
                                       École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Québec has established an identity
                                       (a school for higher technology).
based on innovation and challenge,
quality of teaching and openness to
the world at large.

                                                                                                   CANADA            QUÉBEC

Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec
Open to the
World at Large
Due to the superior quality of its
teaching and research, the various
establishments within the university
network offer world-class education.
The “ mobility program ” gives stu-
dents the flexibility to study at any of
the university establishments within
its Québec network. The university’s
faculty members have established part-
nerships in Asia, Europe, the Ameri-
cas and Africa, through which the
institution remains at the forefront of
developments in world-wide research.
Out of 86,000 students enrolled at
Université du Québec, 5,000 come
from abroad.
                                           On the Cutting Edge of Research
                                           In 2005, the Université du Québec            Through a multidisciplinary approach,
                                           ranked 11 among Canadian universi-
                                                                                        the Université du Québec wishes to
                                           ties respecting its research revenues,       ensure the integrated development
                                           which amounted to over 196 million           of society and encourages consensus
                                           dollars.                                     on crucial issues, such as accessibility
                                                                                        to academic success.
                                           Though young, the Université du Qué-
                                           bec has developed expertise in various
                                           human and social sciences, health sci-
                                           ences, natural sciences and engineer-
                                           ing. In fact, researchers from its various
                                           establishments have distinguished them-
For those students who need to bal-        selves in areas of alternative energy, ma-
ance work, family and studies and          rine sciences, neurosciences, cognitive
who cannot attend courses in person,       sciences, environmental studies, forest
Université du Québec offers a distance     ecology, water, mining, athletic drug

education program through TÉLUQ,           testing, international studies, manage-
which is linked to UQAM. Together,         ment, new economy, cold engineering,
these two entities form the largest        territorial development, optics, nano-
French-speaking university, combin-        biotechnologies as well as social health
ing on- and off-campus education.          issues.
They fulfill their mission of educa-
tion, research and creation whether
on campus, in the regional centres
or by means of distance education
programs, both in Québec and on the
international scene.
Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec
The Strength of a Network:
                  Large-scale Activities
Taking advantage of the strength of its network, the Université du Québec has set up large-scale activities, selected
from among its many teaching and research facilities throughout Québec. Through these strategic partnerships, its
leaders and researchers have combined their efforts and resources to forge a university that’s at the cutting edge of
education, research and technology. The Université du Québec is currently focused on developing the following:

FORESTRY                                     WATER
Surrounded by immense forests, the           Fresh Water
Province of Québec has taken advantage       About 10% of Québec’s territory con-
of this natural resource and developed       sists of water, representing 4,500 rivers,
an internationally recognized expertise in   half a million lakes, and 430 major
pulp and paper, forest regeneration and      catchment areas. With such a bountiful
forest ecology. When it comes to for-        resource, establishments of the Université
estry, the Université du Québec network      du Québec network have become
supports the ecosystems approach and         experts in this field, ranking them
counts on the expertise of:                  among the world leaders in water
• Centre multirégional de recherche          research. The following groups were
  en foresterie (a multiregional forestry    established by Université du Québec
  research centre);                          researchers:
• Groupe de recherche en écologie            • Centre INRS-Eau, Terre et
  forestière interuniversitaire (an inter-     Environnement (earth, water and
  university forest ecology research           environment centre of Québec’s
  group);                                      scientific research institute);
• Consortium de recherche sur la forêt       • Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire
  boréale commerciale de l’UQAC (a                                                        Marine Environment
                                               en limnologie (interuniversity
  consoritum for boreal, commercial            limnology research group);                 Researchers of the Université du Québec
  forest research at UQAC);                                                               network have also developed broad
                                             • Groupe – Développement et
• Centre de recherche en pâtes et                                                         expertise in the marine environment
                                               recherche appliquée en modélisation
  papier de l’UQTR (the pulp and                                                          through:
                                               de l’eau et de l’environnement
  paper research centre at UQTR);                                                         • Institut des sciences de la mer de
                                               (a group for applied research
• NSERC Industrial Chair in Sustainable        and development in water and                 Rimouski (the marine science institute
  Forest Management at UQAT & UQAM;            environment modelling);                      at Rimouski);
• Unité de recherche et de                   • Institut des sciences de                   • Groupe de recherche en géochimie
  développement forestiers de                  l’environnement de l’UQAM (the               et en géodynamique (a geochemistry
  l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue (the Abitibi-        environmental science institute of           and geodynamics research group).
  Témiscamingue forestry research and          UQAM).                                     Research is geared to gaining a better
  development unit);
                                             Their expertise pertains to hydrology,       understanding of major environmental
• Institut québécois d’aménagement
                                             ground water, water quality, envi-           issues in the marine sciences.
  de la forêt feuillue relié de l’UQO
                                             ronmental danger, climatic change,
  (a Québec institute for deciduous
                                             infrastructure, management and gover-
  forest management, linked to UQO).
                                             nance, water sanitation and treatment,
As well, groups from the Université          ecosystems.
du Québec have access to numerous
forests and forested areas for the pur-
poses of teaching and research, allow-
ing them to conduct practical analyses
of different concepts and ideas.
Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec
Territorial Development
Territorial development, a big field of study within the Université du Québec, aims at
developing relationships between various establishments so that their regions may mutually
benefit from technological, cultural and economic transfer. The main groups involved are:

• Réseau interuniversitaire d’études           • Observatoire jeunes et société (an
  urbaines et régionales – villes, régions,      observatory for youth and society);
  monde (an inter-university network           • Institut de recherche sur les petites
  for urban and regional studies – cities,        et moyennes enterprises (a research
  regions, world);                                institute of the small and medium size
• Centre de recherche sur le                      enterprises);
  développement territorial (a centre for      • Centre multirégional de recherche en
  research on territorial development);           foresterie (a multiregional centre for
• Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Société         research in forestry);
  de l’INRS (a centre for urbanization,        • Centre INRS-Eau, Terre et
  culture and society of INRS);                   Environnement (INRS centre for water,
• ÉNAP (National school of public                 earth and environment);
  admistration);                               • Institut des sciences de
• Centre de recherche sur les innovations         l’environnement (the provincial
  sociales (social innovations research           institute for environmental sciences);
  centre) and the Alliance de recherche        • The OURANOS group.                                         distance Education
  en économie sociale (an group for            Themes featured deal with society,                           From its very beginning, the Univer-
  research on social economics);               economy, politics, environment,                              sité du Québec has been a pioneer
• Alliance de recherche sur les                resources, geography, territory, culture,                    in the area of distance education
  innovations sociales (a group for            and sustainable development.                                 thanks to TÉLUQ. Thus, students
  research on social innovations);
                                                                                                            needing to balance studies work
                                                                                                            and family, can access university
                                                                                                            education in French whether within
                                                                                                            a regular program or to upgrade
                                                                                                            their studies. In an effort to
                                                                                                            diversify its offerings in this area, a
                                                                                                            recent agreement has linked TÉLUQ
                                                                                                            to UQAM. TÉLUQ’s mandate is now
                                                                                             yves tessier

                                                                                                            to offer UQAM’s distance education
                                                                                                            programs, but also to support the
                                                                                                            development of the open university
Student Mobility                               of the network’s establishments and                          within the Université du Québec
                                               to study at another, without incurring                       network.
In an era of market globalization,
                                               additional fees or slowing down their
students need adaptability and open-
                                               study program. They may thus take
mindedness in order to excel. Thus, the
                                                       advantage of programs suited
Université du Québec puts great
                                                      to their needs and have access
importance on student mobility.
                                                       to top resources, wherever
Due to its spread-out network,
                                                         they are located. While the
the institution has created
                                                         mobility program is currently
MOBILUQ, a program                                                                                                   475, rue du Parvis
                                                        available within Québec, the
specifically designed for                                                                                            Québec (Québec) G1K 9H7, Canada
                                                        University has planned a                                     Phone: (418) 657-3551
academic mobility. Through
                                                                                                                     Fax: (418) 657-2132
                                                       world-wide launch in the near
this program, students                                                                                               E-mail: communications@uquebec.ca
                                                                                                                                                         febuary 2007

are able to register at one                                                                                          Web site: www.uquebec.ca
Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec Université du Québec Largest University Network in Canada - Université du Québec
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