Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop

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Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Welcome to the 2012 RPIC
               Real Property National Workshop

On behalf of the Real Property Institute of Canada (RPIC) Board of Directors and Workshop
Planning Committee, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for joining us to
celebrate the Real Property National Workshop’s silver anniversary! We would also like to
welcome you to the beautiful and historic city of Montréal, Québec. The city’s contagious
and well-known “joie de vivre” has spread to this year’s organizing committee who have
assembled three days of thought provoking, timely, relevant and practical sessions related to
this year’s theme: “Thriving, Not Just Surviving, in Periods of Change”.

A sluggish economic recovery and shrinking budgets at all levels of government are new
realities that will challenge us, the real property community, to rethink how we manage and
deliver real property. What got us here isn’t likely to keep us here! Although change is on
the horizon, so too is opportunity! Our host, the storied city of Montréal, embodies the
Workshop’s theme: despite 370 years of change, the city, today, is a world-class destination
and thrives on the international scene.

Showcasing success stories and arming participants with the tools and know-how to lead
their department into the future, the four streams of concurrent sessions include: Real
Property: Right Facility, Right Place, Right Time; You Can If You Plan; It’s Not VERY Easy Being
Green; and, Change: Bring It On!

Returning program favorites include the ADM Panel Discussions, Ask the Experts and the
RPIC i-Lounge.

With 25 years of National Workshop behind us, we look forward to bringing you (at least)
25 years more!

Gary Lacey                              Michael M. Nowlan
Health Canada                           Natural Resources Canada
2012 RPIC Real Property                 2012 RPIC Real Property
National Workshop Co-Chair              National Workshop Co-Chair

                  25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Exhibitor List
Organization                                                                                         Booth
Canada GeoPortal...................................................................................... 11

CIMA+....................................................................................................... 9

COFELY Services Inc...................................................................................... 8

CORCAN.................................................................................................. 31

ecosystem.................................................................................................. 21

Environmental Systems Corporation................................................................. 13

ESRI Canada................................................................................................ 7

Horizant.................................................................................................... 28

Informatique EBR Inc.................................................................................... 19

MHPM Project Leaders................................................................................. 30

Natural Resources Canada, Federal Buildings Initiative....................................... 25

Phoenix Controls......................................................................................... 27

RPIC i-Lounge........................................................................................ 17/18

Sweet Cake Studio...................................................................................... 16

The Aim Group / Action Personnel................................................................. 14

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Procurement, Materiel
Management and Real Property Community Management Office......................... 26

VFA Canada Corporation............................................................................. 10

                     25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
                   Professional Development Day

7:30 am – 8:30 am .....................................................................5th Floor Foyer
Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 am – 8:40 am .......................................................................... Room 511
Welcoming Remarks
  • Gary Lacey, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
  • Michael Nowlan, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
8:40 am – 9:00 am .......................................................................... Room 511
Opening Address
  • Franklin Holtforster, MHPM Project Managers Inc.
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Professional Development Training Sessions
Quality Conversations: Improved Outcomes,..........................Room 512AE
Improved Relationships
  • Cam Gregg and Susan Carlton
This professional development training session provides a framework and tools to
facilitate quality conversations when opinions may differ and emotions may run high.
Such conversations are likely to occur when a safe environment is created and facts
based feedback is provided and received in a respectful manner. This results in an
opportunity to improve both the outcome of the conversation and the relationship
between participants.

Intentional Leadership............................................................ Room 512BF
   • Franklin Holtforster, MHPM Project Managers Inc.
During this session, MHPM President and CEO Franklin Holtforster will share his insights
on how you can be an intentional leader. Discover the tangible skills that project leaders
use daily to inspire excellence and collaboration in their teams. Franklin will detail
how intentional leadership methods change presentations, meetings and even email into
opportunities to position projects and project teams for success.

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Professional Development Day - Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Demystifying Government of Canada Real........................... Room 512CG
Property Project Management
   • Marc Beaudoin, Sylvain Carrier, Suzanne Bastien, David Brannan, Louise Proulx,
       Garth Rotor, John Balazic, Louis Gagnon, Anne Pouliot, Public Works and
       Government Services Canada
   •   Kathleen White, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Most departments of the Government of Canada have dealt with Public Works and
Government Services Canada (PWGSC) for their real property requirements. Some of
those clients of PWGSC have acquired a good knowledge of the project management
process over the years while others may perceive it as a complex and mysterious process.

This workshop will explain to participants the context, constraints and rules within which
the PWGSC real property projects are managed. The National Project Management
System framework will be presented at a high level and “guest speakers” from PWGSC
will address participants in key areas of the project management environment.

Procuring Real Property Services Effectively Using.............Room 512DH
the Government of Canada’s Procurement Vehicles
The federal procurement landscape has changed significantly over the last few years and
this has been all the more evident over the last year with the launch of the Real Property
Stream of Task and Solution Professional Services (TSPS), changes to Temporary Help
Services (THS), and the Fall 2012 introduction of ProServices. The goal of this session
will help both public and private sector employees to better understand the procurement
vehicles available to them and enable them to use each tool for the best possible results.

10:00 am – 10:30 am ...................................................................... Room 511
Refreshment Break

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ........................................................................ Room 511

2:45 pm – 3:15 pm .......................................................................... Room 511
Refreshment Break

       5:00 pm – 8:00 pm                                               Presented by:
       Fourquet Fourchette
       2012 Welcome Reception at
       Fourquet Fourchette presented
       by Canada Lands Company.

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Welcome to the 2012 RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7:30 am – 4:00 pm .....................................................................5th Floor Foyer

7:30 am – 8:30 am .......................................................................... Room 510
Continental Breakfast in Trade Show Area

8:30 am – 8:45 am .......................................................................... Room 511
Welcoming Remarks
  • Gary Lacey, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
  • Michael Nowlan, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
8:45 am – 9:00 am .......................................................................... Room 511
RPIC ADM Champion Address
Senior Management Perspective on Changing Real Property
   • Alain
         Séguin, Chief Financial Officer, Human Resources and Skills Development

9:00 am – 10:00 am ........................................................................ Room 511
RPIC ADM Champion Armchair Discussion
Lessons Learned From the First Round of Investment Plans: Impacts
of Cost Reductions and Implications for Real Property Management
As departments see their budgetary envelopes diminish, there is a stronger need for
department-wide investment planning (IP). The first phase of the IP was asset centric.
The second IP is even broader and delves into various organizational pockets trying
to raise the level of organizational awareness over investments and how policy leads
can influence them. The end result is trying to achieve the “positive net present value”
equivalent for the department.

10:00 am – 10:30 am ...................................................................... Room 510
Refreshment Break in Trade Show Area

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10:30 am – 11:15 am ...................................................................... Room 511
Realigning Your Career in Real Property
   • Rosa Paliotti and Mark Featherstone, Procurement, Materiel Management and Real
     Property Communities Management Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
As the delivery of federal real property services evolves to meet future needs, so too must
the competencies of the real property workforce. What functions will be in demand?
Which competencies do we need? Are competencies transferable between functions?
This session will help you to understand how the results of the recent Federal Demographic
Workforce Analysis have helped to shape a Professional Development Framework for
the Federal Real Property Community. Managers and employees alike can reap the
benefits of this recent research as you plan for the training and learning needed to allow
you to thrive in the current environment.

11:15 am – 12:30 pm
Concurrent Breakouts
Deficit Reduction Through Real Property Revenue ...............Room 512AE
   • Mats Striegler, Department of National Defence
This presentation is a “how to” on achieving net voting authority for parliamentary
appropriations and actually keeping the funds generated from licensing or leasing
out any underused real property. Funds retained can be used to lower real property
operating expenses and provide a source of funds for small upgrade projects. This real
property revenue contribution will aid departmental executives to win that sought after
percentage reduction in costs while mitigating the impact on programs. Generating
funds can also provide much needed financial justification for the retention of under used
real property for critical future use.

Laboratories – Back from the Future ..................................... Room 512BF
   • Kevin Belusa, Air Genuity Inc.
   • Vern Solomon, Environmental Systems Corporation
Lab design has stayed virtually unchanged since the advent of the modern laboratory
during World War 2. Modern technologies allow us to measure, control and report
the actual “health” of a lab in absolute terms and control the required air changes and
occupant comfort as required, as well as manage alarm conditions that are outside set
parameters. Join us to learn how you can provide this level of sophistication to your lab,
allowing you to enjoy increased levels of comfort and associate health and reap energy
saving benefits TODAY!

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Climate Change and the Impact to Managing the .............. Room 512CG
Change Within Real Property Investments
   • David MacLeod, City of Toronto
   • Sean Capstick, Golder Associates Limited
   • Shelley LeBlanc, SNC-Lavalin O&M Inc.
   • Matthew McNaughton, SNC-Lavalin O&M Inc.
Adaptation to climate change is a going concern for infrastructure like real property.
Weather variability and increases in extreme weather events may decrease operational
life or significantly increase maintenance costs. Understanding the risk that climate
change can pose on real estate is a must as it can help to inform your short and long term
investments to protect your asset in order to maximize building life and robustness. To
assist with managing this change, Engineers Canada has developed a risk assessment
tool under their Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) that is
known as the PIEVC protocol.

This session will provide specific examples of how government organizations view
climate change risk and develop adaptation plans. Three components will be presented:
   • The    City of Toronto’s comprehensive vulnerability planning program for citywide
   •   Climate change science and using the PIEVC protocol as a tool to understand the
       climate change risk; and,
   •   A detailed look at the Tunney’s Pasture experience with using the PIEVC protocol
       and how it has affected their understanding and management of required future
       investments to protect and preserve the buildings affected.

TBS Guide to Real Property Transaction Approval..............Room 512DH
Limits and Conditions for Acquisition or Disposal
of Real Property
   • Lynn Kinney-Barton, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
   • Richard Toole, National Research Council Canada
In November 2011 the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) approved that
existing special real property transaction approval limits and conditions (TALC) will be
rescinded in November 2014. Departments and agencies that want to retain special
limits after November 2014, or who want to enhance their special limits, must seek TBS
approval to re-establish new limits. The presentation will outline the type of information
and analysis necessary to support requests for revised or enhanced limits.

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm ........................................................................ Room 511

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm........................................................................... Room 511
Luncheon Address
A Unique and Beneficial Partnership for
the Department of National Defence
   • Christian Mercier, Corporation du Fort St-Jean
Christian Mercier will talk to us about a unique public-private partnership model. The
Canadian Forces have given the Corporation du Fort St-Jean a service contract to support
all logistics operations and thus support the implementation of the activities of the Royal
Military College of Saint-Jean. It is in this context that he will explain the structure and
functioning of the organization. The Corporation du Fort St-Jean was founded in 1995
at the closing of the Royal Military College of Saint-Jean.
*This presentation will be delivered in French.

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm........................................................................... Room 510
Dessert Break in Trade Show Area

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Concurrent Breakouts
The Department of National Defence Real ............................Room 512AE
Property Strategy for Optimizing Investment: Prioritization
   • Peter MacInnis and Marcel Gingras, Department of National Defence
Real property management within the Department of National Defence (DND) is
undergoing a period of modernization and transformation in the context of Government
wide spending reviews. The most recent driver being the 2012 federal budget which
directed DND to centralize its real property management. In this context of seeking to be
more effective and efficient, DND is looking at its systems, processes, and governance
to drive a modern and sustainable real property portfolio. Developing and implementing
a Capital Planning and Management System is key to modernizing real property
management. Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt has developed an award winning
prioritization methodology that seeks to optimize investments and link real property
management decisions to larger strategic objectives and the overall mission of the
Canadian Forces. Presenters will discuss DND’s Real Property Management Framework
and the enablers, knowledge management and collaboration that are critical in sustaining
it and positioning DND to become an industry leader in real property management.

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tiree/TBS Case Study on Investment Planning...................... Room 512BF
  • Catherine Ella, Tiree Facility Solutions
  • Greg Kenney, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
In 2012, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat commissioned Tiree Facility
Solutions to do a study comparing and contrasting management approaches to resource
allocation over a cross-section of public and private sector organizations. The study
identifies resource allocation decision-making practices at the enterprise level and how
those practices have been impacted by the implementation of an integrated investment
planning approach. It addresses recent developments in the priority-setting and decision-
making processes of the organizations that participated in the study and attempts to
identify lessons learned and emergent leading practices. The presentation will provide
attendees with the context in which project approval decisions are made at a corporate

Quantifying and Prioritizing Green House Gas .................. Room 512CG
Reduction Opportunities for Federal Facilities
  • Matt Wager, Environment Canada
Federal Government departments will face tough challenges in attaining their respective
green house gas emissions targets by year 2020. This presentation will assist property
managers in recognizing the most cost effective energy reduction concepts within their
facilities. Through utility bill analysis and data collection, energy and green house
gas reduction ideas may be quantified and prioritized to obtain the best results within
contracting limitations and budget constraints.

Panel Discussion: Changes to Federal Legislation ..............Room 512DH
and Government Programs
  • Moderator: Tamara Skillen, Golder Associates Limited
Part 1: Transport Canada’s National Environmental Management System
  • Alec Simpson, Transport Canada
This presentation will outline how Transport Canada has responded to a changing
regulatory system by incorporating legislative elements into a National Environmental
Management System. The various aspects of the management system will highlight how
the department meets the goals and objectives of its environmental stewardship program.

Part 2: SARA: What you need to know!
  • Dean Nernberg, Department of National Defence
As a federal property owner/manager, the Department of National Defence falls under
the federal prohibitions in the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Therefore it is important to
know what these prohibitions are, how they apply to federal lands and properties, and
what our responsibilities are under the Act.

                 25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Part 3: Environmental Compliance Management Program
  • Gilles Brasseur, Public Works and Government Services Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada will present their approach to
managing environmental compliance for new projects as well as the ongoing operation
and maintenance of your real property assets. They will discuss how they can assist all
departments in delivering their environmental and legislative requirements.

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm .......................................................................... Room 510
Refreshment Break in Trade Show Area

3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Concurrent Breakouts
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Lessons from .........................Room 512AE
the Simon Fraser University’s UniverCity Experience
   • Gordon Harris, SFU Community Trust
   • David Reid, HB Lanarc, a Member of the Golder Group of Companies
   • Chris Lindberg, Golder Associates Limited
Lessons learned and best practices from Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) UniverCity
Development, an award winning project that provides SFU with a guaranteed income
stream, increases the campus’ amenities and strengthens its commitment to environmental
sustainability. This session will provide an overview of the project, the innovative financial
model and its benefits, the land ownership/leasing structure, how land was allocated
and leased, environmental/sustainability innovations in building, innovations in housing
types and amenities, and the role of partnerships.

Options Analysis and Business Case Development ................ Room 512BF
   • David Sherrard and Steven Jung, Defence Construction Canada
Defence Construction Canada, in support of the Department of National Defence
(DND), has developed two methodologies for conducting options analyses using net
present value methodologies that include risk and quality assessments, and value for
money with outputs used to populate business case templates. The methodologies and
business cases have been very well received by DND corporate and Treasury Board of
Canada Secretariat analysts. The two methodologies are similar but different.

Moving Toward Net Zero Energy – ........................................ Room 512CG
Ideas on How to Get There
   • Suzanne Wiltshire, Golder Associates Limited
Energy supply, reliability and cost continue to concern the real property community.
Net Zero thinking is becoming the new benchmark/imperative. Rethinking your energy
systems and planning for the future will be key to protecting your real estate assets
for their long-term viability. This presentation will give participants a solid overview of
renewable energy sources highlighting geoexchange technology and the economics of
why it makes sense in new construction and in select building retrofit projects.

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Are You Throwing Good Money at Bad Buildings? ...............Room 512DH
Decision Making Beyond Building Condition Data
   • Susan Anson, VFA Canada Corporation
When deciding whether a building merits further investment, it’s important to take
a strategic, three-pronged approach, looking at the facility portfolio holistically
and examining facility condition, demographics and functional adequacy to do
comprehensive portfolio rationalization analysis. Any analysis, in order for it to be valid,
must be based on accurate, objective data, including an understanding of current facility
condition and remediation costs, functionality and demographics. Without access to
detailed information regarding these issues, facilities managers and capital planners
find it virtually impossible to decide whether buildings warrant further investment or are
ready for disposition.

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm .....................................................................5th Floor Foyer
Gala Evening Reception at the Palais des congrès de Montréal

6:30 pm – 10:00 pm ........................................................................ Room 511
Gala Evening and Awards Ceremony with Entertainment
at the Palais des congrès de Montréal

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     CLC manages, redevelops and/or sells            La SIC gère, réaménage et/ou vend des
     strategic Government of Canada properties       biens immobiliers stratégiques dont le
     that are no longer required for program         gouvernement du Canada n’a plus besoin
     purposes. The company strives to create         pour ses programmes. La Société s’efforce
     innovative and sustainable projects that        de bâtir des projets novateurs et durables,
     leave a lasting legacy for Canadians.           afin de créer un patrimoine durable pour les


                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

               Gala Evening Entertainment
                                       Dylan Mandlsohn
                                       Dylan Mandlsohn’s rubber face and array of
                                       charismatic stand-up characters have made history by
                                       making him the first Canadian comic to be a back-
                                       to-back finalist at the prestigious San Francisco and
                                       Seattle Comedy Competitions.

                                       Hitting his mark at Montreal’s world famous Just For
                                       Laughs Festival and also The Boston Comedy Festival
                                       catapulted Dylan into being selected to perform for
                                       The Comcast Network, which spread his wings into
                                       new television and film territory. Additionally Dylan
                                       recently starred in his own Comedy Now Special
                                       for The Comedy Network and CTV. This won him a
                                       prominent spot as a member of the critically acclaimed
                                       The Groundlings Improvisational Troupe that take
                                       stage in Los Angeles, California.

Recent achievements include booking a major motion picture called Brand Dead, a Gala
performance at the Winnipeg Comedy Festival for CBC and earning a role on the popular
television show Nakita where Dylan flexes his serious acting muscles as a CIA agent.

Inspired by the great Jim Carrey, legendary Johnny Carson and Rich Little, Dylan Mandlsohn
uses his own brilliant comedy to entertain and challenge social norms by pushing boundaries
that promote forward thinking to his stand-up audiences across this globe.

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                                  behalf. MHPM Project Leaders is Canada’s largest facility
                                  project management company. Since 1989, we have
                                  managed the delivery of more than 5,500 projects across
                                  Canada worth over $5 billion for both private and public
                                  sector clients. www.mhpm.com

                 25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Thursday, November 8, 2012

7:30 am – 9:00 am .....................................................................5th Floor Foyer

7:30 am – 8:30 am .......................................................................... Room 510
Continental Breakfast in Trade Show Area

7:45 am – 8:15 am .......................................................................... Room 511
RPIC Annual General Meeting

8:30 am – 8:45 am .......................................................................... Room 511
Welcoming Remarks
  • Gary Lacey, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
  • Michael Nowlan, Co-Chair, 25th RPIC Real Property National Workshop
8:45 am – 10:15 am ........................................................................ Room 511
Ask the Experts
ASK THE EXPERTS is an interactive session which encourages participants to informally
meet and discuss relevant real property issues and/or concerns with real property
experts. This allows participants to quickly focus on topics and issues of interest to them.
The session is organized to allow for participants to meet various experts over a series
of short “sessions”. We will have experts available to speak on:
  1. Is it a Business or Legal Decision?
  2. Environmental Due Diligence
  3. Heritage Considerations
  4. Real Property Transactions
  5. Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS)
  6. Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
  7. Best Practices in Prioritization for Decision-Making
  8. Accomodation Strategy and Workplace 2.0
  9. Management Accountability Framework (MAF)
 10. Special Session: Lessons From the Field: Leveraging Real Property to Boost the
     Federal Triple Bottom Line

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Thursday, November 8, 2012

10:15 am – 10:45 am ...................................................................... Room 510
Refreshment Break in Trade Show Area

10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Concurrent Breakouts
Revitalizing and Rightsizing Your Portfolio .........................Room 512AE
   • Paul Bortolotti, Health Canada
   • Laurence Beaudry, Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Canada has been making significant contributions towards reducing its real estate
cost and is recognized by the Crown as a leader with the implementation of Workplace
2.0. Over the past two years, through Health Canada’s effective management of the
department’s office accommodation, the department has reduced its annual reimbursing
lease costs by $9.7M.

Realizing the current climate of fiscal restraint and the challenges to meet savings,
Health Canada’s early foresight and vision for revitalizing the workplace will enable the
Department to meet these challenges while ensuring that the Health Canada space is
“right sized” according to the departments space envelope.

DND’s Investment Planning for Infrastructure Projects ...... Room 512BF
   • Clayton Hemond and Lina Charbonneau, Department of National Defence
In the Department of National Defence, the Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure
and Environment) is responsible for developing the Annual Capital Investment Plan
(Infrastructure) (CIP(Infra)) which has an annual investment level estimated at $800M.
The CIP(Infra) is the departmental 10 year rolling “consolidated infrastructure” investment
plan that itemizes and prioritizes the capital construction projects and programs (some
400 individual projects/programs), with an estimated value of $1M and greater, annual
investment level of $800M.

We will be presenting an overview on the development of the CIP(Infra) and related
key activities such as the prioritization of each project/program, the Priority Validation
Board, Single Funding Model and Governance, investments requirements by categories
(real property group and type), the approvals process and the CIP(Infra)’s relationship to
the departmental investment plan required by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Thursday, November 8, 2012

Walking the Talk: NRCan’s Approach to ............................. Room 512CG
Cleaning Up Energy “Waste”
Part 1: Walking the Talk: Low Carbon NRCan
  • Bill Young, Natural Resources Canada
In 2010, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) launched a department-wide initiative
called Low Carbon NRCan, which is aimed at lowering the carbon footprint across
its portfolio. NRCan is committed to meeting specific goals in the Federal Sustainable
Development Strategy, which includes the long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions by 17% from a 2005 baseline by 2020. The focus of this presentation
will be on the various innovative and state-of-the-art energy efficiency programs underway
in NRCan’s targeted set of buildings, the anticipated savings they are aiming to achieve
as well as lessons learned to date.
Part 2: Making the Business Case for Energy Retrofits via FBI
  • Anne Panet-Raymond Wilkins, Natural Resources Canada
Through the process established by Natural Resources Canada’s Federal Buildings
Initiative (FBI), a number of federal departments have, over the past 20 years, unlocked
the energy “waste” out of their utility bill to fund major energy efficiency retrofits.
This presentation will make the financial business case of using energy performance
contracting, including the cost of financing the project through an ESCO and demonstrate
how during the lifecycle of an energy performance contract, the benefits of resources,
money, deferred maintenance, accountability and time savings can more than offset any
perceived “losses” associated with the financing costs.

Challenges of Relocation and Consolidation ........................Room 512DH
   • Dan Godbout, Department of National Defence
The Department of National Defence (DND) will present some of the challenges
encountered in the planning and early implementation phases of the largest corporate
consolidation/relocation ever attempted by Government or a private practice in North
America. The purpose of the National Defence Headquarter (NDHQ) Carling Campus
project is to relocate and consolidate a range of 7,000 to 8,000 Canadian Force
members and DND employees into a Crown property located at 3500 Carling Avenue,
Ottawa. The project seeks to take advantage of utilising Workplace 2.0 fit-up concepts
where operationally and physically appropriate, implement change management and
business transformation in a consolidated setting, and support the long term DND
strategy. Challenges will include:
   • Spending large amount of money in times of fiscal restraints;
   • Relocating a workforce from a central downtown location to a location within the
     suburbs and the Greenbelt;
   • Timings associated with this large undertaking;
   • Installing IT equipment and cabling into a supposedly IM/IT mecca (Nortel); and,
   • Workplace 2.0.
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm ...................................................................... Room 511

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Thursday, November 8, 2012

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm ....................................................................... Room 511
Luncheon Address
Maison du développement durable
   • Anik Shooner, Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes
   • Normand Roy, Équiterre
   • Lyse Tremblay, Architect
   • Jacques Lagacé, Bouthillette Parizeau
A great deal has been written about the Maison du développement durable (Centre
for sustainable development) since its inauguration and, indeed, even before. The
fact is how many commercial buildings have been designed primarily to serve as an
educational tool and a tool for social change? Its story, told by several of its main
proponents, will reveal the key elements on its road to completion. The description of
its fundamental characteristics will highlight the challenges faced by the design team.

In its bid for LEED® PLATINUM certification, the project utilized a number of leading
edge technologies and a wide variety of materials in contemporary ways to contribute
to Montréal’s architectural identity. On the menu – a living plant wall, an interpretation
centre, a super performing envelope, scientific research, sub-building geothermics, social
economy, experimental concrete and, especially, at the confluence o all the challenges,
the quality of an outstanding site. The conclusion will consists of a brief review of the
challenges encountered in its first year of operation.

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm .......................................................................... Room 510
Dessert Break in Trade Show Area

1:30 pm – 2:45 pm .......................................................................... Room 511
ADM Panel Discussion

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm .......................................................................... Room 511
Closing Remarks
  • Heather Kane, RPIC President
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Site Tour - Maison du dévélopement durable

                   25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Symposium - Thursday, November 8, 2012

   Thank you for celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the
    RP IC Real Property National Workshop with us!

                                      Mark your calendar!
                                         2013 RPIC Real Property
                                           National Workshop
                                          November 5 – 7, 2013
                                        Ottawa Convention Centre
                                             Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Convent ion Centre                 For more information:
                                           Visit www.rpic-ibic.ca
                                   Follow @RPIC_IBIC | Call 613.729.6117

           25th Annual RPIC Real Property National Workshop
Bienvenue à l’Atelier national
                      de biens immobiliers de
                           2012 de l’IBIC

Au nom du Conseil d’administration de l’Institut des biens immobiliers du Canada (IBIC)
et du comité de planification de l’atelier, nous tenons à vous remercier de vous joindre à
nous pour célébrer l’anniversaire argent de l’Atelier national de biens immobiliers ! Nous
tenons également à vous souhaiter la bienvenue à la belle et historique ville de Montréal, au
Québec. La joie de vivre contagieuse et bien connue de cette ville s’est propagée au comité
organisateur de cette année qui ont planifié trois jours de séances opportunes, pertinentes,
pratiques et qui donnent à réfléchir liée au thème de cette année : « S’épanouir dans les
périodes de transition, et ne pas se contenter de survivre ».

Une reprise économique lente et la réduction des budgets de tous les ordres de
gouvernement constituent de nouvelles réalités qui nous obligeront, à titre de membres de
la communauté de biens immobiliers, à relever des défis sur la façon de gérer et de fournir
les biens immobiliers. Nos pratiques actuelles ne sont sans doute pas celles de l’avenir ! Des
changements pointent à l’horizon, tout comme des possibilités ! Notre hôte, la ville historique
de Montréal, incarne le thème de l’atelier : malgré 370 années de changements, la ville est
aujourd’hui une destination de renommée mondiale qui s’épanouit sur la scène internationale.

Les quatre volets présentant des exemples de réussite et offrant aux participants les outils
et le savoir-faire pour mener leur organisation dans l’avenir. Les volets comprennent : Biens
immobiliers : les bonnes installations, à la bonne place, au bon moment; Planifiez, et vous y
parviendrez; Ce n’est pas C’EST très facile d’être écolo; et, Du changement : amenez-en !

Le programme prévoit une fois de plus la toujours populaire « demandez aux experts »,
les « discussions des sous-ministres adjoints fédéraux » et le iSalon de l’IBIC.

Avec 25 ans d’Ateliers derrière nous, nous serons heureux de vous apporter (au moins)
25 ans de plus!

Gary Lacey                                     Michael M. Nowlan
Santé Canada                                   Ressources naturelles Canada
Coprésident, Atelier national de biens         Coprésident, Atelier national de biens
immobiliers 2012 de l’IBIC                     immobiliers 2012 de l’IBIC

               25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Liste des exposants

Organisation                                                                                      Kiosque
Canada GeoPortal...................................................................................... 11
CIMA+....................................................................................................... 9
COFELY Services Inc...................................................................................... 8
CORCAN.................................................................................................. 31
ecosystem.................................................................................................. 21
Environmental Systems Corporation................................................................. 13
ESRI Canada................................................................................................ 7
Horizant.................................................................................................... 28
i-Salon de l’IBIC.................................................................................... 17/18
Informatique EBR Inc.................................................................................... 19
MHPM Project Leaders................................................................................. 30
Phoenix Controls......................................................................................... 27
Ressources naturelles Canada, Initiative des bâtiments Fédéraux........................... 25
Secrétariat du conseil du trésor du Canada, Bureau de la
gestion de la collectivité des acquisitions, de la gestion du
matériel et des biens immobiliers.................................................................... 26
Sweet Cake Studio...................................................................................... 16
The Aim Group / Action Personnel................................................................. 14
VFA Canada Corporation............................................................................. 10

                  25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Le mardi 6 novembre 2012
                      Journée de perfectionnement

7 h 30 à 8 h 30...................................................................... Foyer au 5e étage
Inscription et petit-déjeuner continental

8 h 30 à 8 h 40................................................................................ Salon 511
Mot de bienvenue
  • Gary Lacey, co-président, 25e Atelier national annuel
     de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
  • Michael Nowlan, co-président, 25e Atelier national annuel
     de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC

8 h 40 à 9 h ................................................................................... Salon 511
Allocution d’ouverture
   • Franklin Holtforster, MHPM Project Managers Inc.

9 h à 16 h 30
Séances de perfectionnement professionnel
Conversations de qualité : amélioration des résultats, ........ Salon 512AE
amélioration des relations
   • Cam Gregg et Susan Carlton
Cette séance de perfectionnement professionnel offre un cadre et des instruments
favorisant la qualité des échanges lorsque les opinions sont susceptibles de diverger ou
que les émotions risquent d’être à fleur de peau. De telles conversations interviendront
dans un environnement sûr, où des commentaires fondés sur des faits sont formulés et
accueillis respectueusement. Un tel contexte favorise la qualité de la conversation en soi
et consolide les liens entre les participants.

                 25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Journée de perfectionnement professionnel - Le mardi 6 novembre 2012

Le leadership conscient........................................................... Salon 512BF
   • Franklin Holtforster, MHPM Project Managers Inc.
Au cours de cette session, Franklin Holtforster, PDG de MHPM, partagera ses vues sur
la façon de devenir un leader conscient et délibéré. Découvrez les compétences que les
chefs de projets utilisent chaque jour pour susciter l’excellence et la collaboration dans
leurs équipes. Monsieur Holtforster vous expliquera en détail comment l’approche de
leadership conscient peut aiguiller les projets et les équipes vers le succès à travers les
présentations, les réunions et même les courriels.

Démystifier la gestion de projets immobiliers au sein ......... Salon 512CG
du gouvernement du Canada
   • Marc Beaudoin, Sylvain Carrier, Suzanne Bastien, David Brannan, Louise Proulx,
       Garth Rotor, John Balazic, Louis Gagnon, Anne Pouliot, Travaux publics et Services
       gouvernementaux Canada
   •   Kathleen White, Pêches et Océans Canada
La plupart des ministères du gouvernement du Canada ont eu à traiter avec Travaux
publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC) relativement à leurs besoins
en immobilier. Au fil des ans, certains des clients de TPSGC ont acquis de solides
connaissances du processus de gestion de projet, alors que d’autres considèrent peut-
être qu’il s’agit là de transactions complexes et obscures.

Les participants à cet atelier comprendront le contexte, les contraintes et les règles
qui régissent les projets immobiliers de TPSGC. Le cadre du Système national de
gestion de projet y sera abordé par le biais de présentations de haut niveau, et des
« conférenciers » de TPSGC entretiendront les participants à propos des principaux
volets de l’environnement de gestion de projet.

L’acquisition efficace de services immobiliers grâce aux .....Salon 512DH
outils d’approvisionnement du gouvernement du Canada
Le paysage de l’approvisionnement au sein de l’appareil fédéral a considérablement
changé ces dernières années, particulièrement au cours de la dernière année avec le
lancement du volet des biens immobiliers des Services professionnels centrés sur les
tâches et les solutions (SPTS), ainsi qu’avec les modifications apportées aux Services
d’aide temporaire (SAT) et l’instauration de l’initiative ProServices, à l’automne 2012.
Cette séance vise à aider les employés des secteurs public et privé à mieux comprendre
les outils d’approvisionnement mis à leur disposition, et à leur permettre d’exploiter au
maximum chacun de ces outils.

10 h à 10 h 30................................................................................ Salon 511

                 25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Journée de perfectionnement professionnel - Le mardi 6 novembre 2012

12 h à 13 h .................................................................................... Salon 511

14 h 45 à 15 h 15............................................................................ Salon 511

      17 h à 20 h                                                          Présenté par :
      Fourquet Fourchette
      Le Réception de bienvenue 2012 à
      Fourquet Fourchette est présenté par
      la Société immobilière du Canada.

          Who is leading                                Qui dirige votre
      your next project to                              prochain projet vers
                success?                                la réussite?
                    Managing Risk. Maximizing Opportunity.
                  Minimiser les risques. Maximiser les bénéfices.

                 25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Le mercredi 7 novembre 2012

7 h 30 à 16 h........................................................................ Foyer au 5e étage

7 h 30 à 8 h 30................................................................................ Salon 510
Petit-déjeuner dans la salle de la foire commerciale

8 h 30 à 8 h 45................................................................................ Salon 511
Mot de bienvenue
  • Gary Lacey, co-président, 25e Atelier national annuel
     de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
  • Michael Nowlan, co-président, 25e Atelier national annuel
     de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC

8 h 45 à 9 h ................................................................................... Salon 511
Discours d’un champion des SMA de l’IBIC
Le point de vue de la haute direction sur l’environnement évolutif de
   • Alain Séguin, Agent principal des finances, Ressources humaines et Développement
     des compétences Canada

9 h à 10 h....................................................................................... Salon 511
Discussion informelle avec les champions SMA de l’IBIC
Leçons retenues au terme de la première ronde des plans
d’investissement : incidences de la réduction des coûts et implications
en matière de gestion immobilière
Alors que les ministères voient leurs enveloppes budgétaires s’amincir, la planification
des investissements (PI) à l’échelle ministérielle prend de plus en plus d’importance. La
première phase de la PI était axée sur les biens. La seconde phase ratisse plus large
et touche les bourses de plusieurs organisations qui tentent de susciter une prise de
conscience, tant à l’égard des investissements que de l’influence que peuvent avoir les
responsables de l’élaboration des politiques. Résultat : une volonté d’obtenir la même
« valeur actualisée nette positive » pour le ministère.

                 25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Symposium - Le mercredi 7 novembre 2012

10 h à 10 h 30................................................................................ Salon 510
Pause-rafraîchissements dans la salle de la foire commerciale

10 h 30 à 11 h 15............................................................................ Salon 511
Réorienter votre carrière en gestion immobilière
   • Rosa  Paliotti et Mark Featherstone, Bureau de la gestion des collectivités des
     acquisitions, de la gestion du matériel et des biens immobiliers, Secrétariat du
     Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Puisque la prestation des services en gestion immobilière au gouvernement fédéral évolue
pour mieux répondre aux besoins de demain, il faut également que les compétences de
son effectif s’y harmonisent. Quelles seront les fonctions en demande ? Quelles sont les
compétences dont nous avons besoin ? Le transfert de compétences est il possible entre
fonctions ? Cette séance vous aidera à comprendre comment les résultats de la récente
Analyse démographique des effectifs de la collectivité fédérale des biens immobiliers
a aidé à dresser un cadre de perfectionnement de la collectivité fédérale des biens
immobiliers. Que vous soyez gestionnaire ou fonctionnaire, vous pouvez retirer des
avantages de ces récents travaux de recherche, pendant que vous planifier la formation
et l’apprentissage dont vous avez besoin pour vous épanouir dans l’environnement

11 h 15 à 12 h 30
Sessions simultanées
Réduction de déficit par le revenu de biens immobiliers....... Salon 512AE
   • Mats Striegler, Ministère de la Défense nationale
Cette présentation est un « comment le faire » d’une réalisation de l’autorité votante
nette pour les appropriations parlementaires et comment vous pourriez garder des
fonds produises par l’accorde d’une licence ou d’un bail de votre biens immobiliers
sous-utilisés. Les fonds conservés (retenus) peuvent être utilisés de baisser vos charges
d’exploitation des biens immobiliers et de fournir une source de fonds potentielle pour les
petits projets d’amélioration. En plus votre contribution de revenu de biens immobiliers
aidera votre exécutif à gagner du pourcentage de réduction des coûts en atténuant
l’impact sur des programmes. En produisant les fonds vous pourriez soutenir bien la
justification financière pour la rétention conservation des biens immobiliers sous-utilisés
pour vos besoins critiques à la future.

                 25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
Symposium - Le mercredi 7 novembre 2012

Laboratoires – De retour du futur........................................... Salon 512BF
  • Kevin Belusa, Air Genuity Inc.
  • Vern Solomon, Environmental Systems Corporation
Le design des laboratoires n’a pratiquement pas changé depuis l’arrivée des labos
modernes à l’époque de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Or, la technologie moderne
nous permet de mesurer, de contrôler et de tenir un registre de la véritable « santé » du
laboratoire en termes absolus, et de contrôler à volonté le renouvellement de l’air ainsi
que le confort des occupants, en plus de déterminer les paramètres au-delà desquels
les alarmes sont déclenchées. Joignez-vous à nous pour savoir comment il vous sera
possible de doter votre laboratoire d’un tel niveau de perfectionnement, lequel vous
permettra d’accroître le confort, de préserver la santé des occupants, et de générer des
économies d’énergie DÈS MAINTENANT!

Les changements climatiques et leur impact sur la............. Salon 512CG
gestion du changement en matière d’investissements immobiliers
  • David MacLeod, Ville de Toronto
  • Sean Capstick, Golder Associés Limitée
  • Shelley LeBlanc, SNC-Lavalin O&M Inc.
  • Matthew MacNaughton, SNC-Lavalin O&M Inc.
L’adaptation aux changements climatiques reste une préoccupation constante lorsqu’il est
question d’infrastructures, comme c’est le cas en immobilier. Les variations météorologiques
et les phénomènes extrêmes de plus en plus fréquents risquent de miner leur durée de
vie ou de faire grimper considérablement les coûts d’entretien. Il importe donc de bien
comprendre les risques posés par les changements climatiques relativement aux biens
immobiliers, de sorte que vos investissements à court et à long terme vous permettent de
protéger vos biens afin de maximiser la durée de vie et la résistance des bâtiments. Sous
la gouverne de son Comité sur la vulnérabilité de l’ingénierie des infrastructures publiques
(CVIIP), l’organisme Ingénieurs Canada a élaboré un outil d’évaluation du risque visant
à faciliter la gestion du changement dans ce domaine, c’est-à-dire le protocole du CVIIP.

Cette séance propose des exemples précis de la perception des organismes
gouvernementaux à l’égard des risques associés aux changements climatiques, et illustre
les plans d’adaptation qui sont mis en œuvre. Trois composantes sont abordées :
  • le plan complet de gestion des vulnérabilités élaboré par la Ville de Toronto pour
      les infrastructures de l’ensemble de son territoire;
  • la     science des changements climatiques, et le recours au protocole du CVIIP à
      titre d’outil permettant de mieux comprendre les risques associés aux changements
      climatiques; et,
  •   un tableau détaillé de l’expérience de Tunney’s Pasture où le protocole du CVIIP
      a été mis en œuvre, et les retombées de cette expérience sur la compréhension
      et la gestion des investissements qui seront nécessaires à l’avenir pour assurer la
      protection et la préservation des édifices touchés.

               25e Atelier national annuel de biens immobiliers de l’IBIC
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