2018 Fall Courses Cours d'automne CAMPUS D'ORLÉANS - Since Depuis 1879 - Ottawa School of Art
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Hours of operation Heures d’opération SCHOOL HOURS / HEURES D’OUVERTURE DE L’ÉCOLE MONDAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY LUNDI À VENDREDI SAMEDI 9 H – 17 H 00 11 H - 12 H 30 CLASSROOM HOURS / HEURES D’ENSEIGNEMENT MONDAY TO THURSDAY FRIDAY TO SUNDAY LUNDI À JEUDI VENDREDI À DIMANCHE 9 H – 21 H 30 9 H 30 – 19 H 30 Course information is subject to change without notice. Please check our website at www.artottawa.ca or call us directly at 613.580.2765 for current information. Les renseignements sur les cours sont présentés sous réserve de modification sans préavis. Veuillez visiter le www.artottawa.ca ou téléphoner au 613.580.2765 afin d’avoir accès à la version la plus à jour. ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 2
About the OSA À propos de l’ÉAO THE OSA IS A LEADING CENTRE FOR VISUAL ARTS EDUCATION AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION IN THE OTTAWA REGION. The Ottawa School of Art – Orleans campus offers an Arts Fundamentals certificate as well as a full range of community level art courses including drawing, painting, photography, new media, sculpture, printmaking, and a wide variety of specialized short courses and workshops. Children’s and teens classes range from multi-media to cartooning, sculpture, construction, drawing and painting. L’EAO EST UN CHEF DE FILE EN ENSEIGNEMENT DES ARTS VISUELS ET DE L’EXPRESSION DE LA CRÉATIVITÉ DANS LA RÉGION D’OTTAWA. L’École d’art d’Ottawa – campus d’Orléans offre un Certificat d’arts fondamentaux ainsi qu’un large éventail de cours d’art accessibles à tous, notamment des cours de dessin, peinture, photographie, nouveaux médias, sculpture et gravure. L’EAO propose également une grande variété de cours de courte durée et d’ateliers spécialisés. Les possibilités de cours pour les enfants et les adolescents sont nombreuses : multimédia, bande dessinée, sculpture, installation, dessin et peinture. As a not-for-profit organization, the Ottawa School of Art charges an annual family membership fee of $30 (plus tax). Membership benefits include: enrolling in classes at the school, taking part in members’ exhibitions, selling art work through the school’s boutique, renting studio space and facilities. À titre d’organisme à but non lucratif, l’École d’art d’Ottawa exige une cotisation annuelle de 30 $ (taxes en sus). L’adhésion vous permet de suivre des cours à l’école, de participer aux expositions des membres, de vendre vos œuvres dans la boutique de l’école et de louer des studios et installations. OSA CHARITABLE REGISTRATION NUMBER 126510528 RR0001 NUMÉRO D’ORGANISME DE CHARITÉ DE L’ÉAO 126510528 RR0001 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE FOR OUR WITHDRAWAL, REFUND, TRANSFER AND CANCELLATION POLICY. VISITEZ NOTRE SITE INTERNET POUR PLUS DE DÉTAILS SUR NOTRE POLITIQUE DE RETRAIT, REMBOURSEMENT, TRANSFERT ET ANNULATION. NOTE: ALL COURSES AND PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. NOTE: COURS ET PRIX MODIFIABLES SANS PRÉAVIS. PAGE 3 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
MEMBERSHIP Being a member of the OSA gives you access to many exclusive perks; from regular updates on our wide range of courses, programs and events, to special discounts and opportunities. By becoming a member of the OSA you are also investing in your school and community – $5 from each membership goes towards our Outreach Program (Downtown Campus) or our ARTicipate Endowment Fund (Orleans Campus), and the balance goes directly into the general opera- tions of this important not-for-profit charitable organization. Take advantage of over 139 years of teaching excellence and dedication to arts and culture in our nation’s capital, and become a part of the OSA today. Are you a graduate of the OSA Fine Arts Diploma, Portfolio Certificate or Arts Fundamentals Certificate Pro- grams? Membership is a great way to re-engage with the School and to forge new relationships in Ottawa’s arts community. We would love to welcome you back! Existing Membership New Membership Levels General Membership Supporter Membership Benefactor Membership Corporate Membership $30 + tax/year $100 + tax/year $500 + tax/year $1000 + tax/year Note: The Student Membership applies to individuals and all family members living within the same household. Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits • Access to registration for classes and • A right to vote at the OSA • A right to vote at the OSA • A right to vote at the OSA workshops* Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting* • A right to vote at the OSA Annual • 25% discount on tickets to • 2 regular admission tickets to • 1 space rental for a meeting, General Meeting** the OSA’s annual “J’ADART” the OSA’s annual “J’ADART” workshop or event at either • 10% discount at Above Ground fundraising event fundraising event (maximum campus** (Toronto)*** • Advance purchase notice for value $100) • 4 regular admission tickets to • 10% discount at DeSerres special events • Recognition on the OSA the OSA’s annual “J’ADART” (St. Laurent Mall location • Receipt of the OSA’s monthly website and in the OSA Annual fundraising event (maximum only)*** e-newsletter which includes up- Report value $200) • 10% discount at Select Fine Art dates, events and opportunities • A $150 income tax receipt • Recognition on the OSA Materials (Orleans) *** • 1 special OSA-branded gift • Advance purchase notice for website and in the OSA Annual • 10% discount at Wallack’s Art • Recognition on the OSA special events Report Supplies*** website and in the OSA Annual • Receipt of the OSA’s monthly • A $300 income tax receipt • Opportunities to exhibit at both Report e-newsletter which includes up- • Advance purchase notice for campuses and OSA offsite locations dates, events and opportunities special events • Opportunities to exhibit and sell • 2 special OSA-branded gifts • Receipt of the OSA’s monthly work in the OSA boutique • Recognition on the OSA e-newsletter which includes up- • Opportunities to exhibit and sell website and in the OSA Annual dates, events and opportunities work in the annual Holiday Show Report • 4 special OSA-branded gifts and Sale • Recognition on the OSA • Receipt of the OSA’s monthly website and in the OSA Annual e-newsletter which includes updates, Report events and opportunities • Invitations to special events, exhibi- tions, artist talks, lectures, workshops and demos • Access to the OSA Campus Library • Access to rent equipment and studio space at both campuse. *Enrollment in classes and workshops *Limit of one vote to a senior is available to active members only. representative of the organiza- **Limit of one vote per household. tion (must be identified at time ***An active membership card is re- of enrollment). quired at time of purchase. Discounts **Some restrictions may apply. will not be applied retroactively, and Contact Malika Welsh, OSA cannot be combined with any other Fundraising Coordinator at sale, promotion, discount, coupon and/ 613.241.7471 ext 31 to discuss or offer. Not applicable online. options and availability. ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 4
DEVENEZ MEMBRE DE L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA Être membre de l’ÉAO vous offre de nombreux avantages exclusifs, tels que des mises à jour régulières au sujet de notre vaste gamme de cours, de programmes et d’événements ainsi que des rabais spéciaux et autres opportunités. En devenant membre de l’ÉAO, vous investissez également dans votre école et votre communauté – 5 $ de chaque adhé- sion est utilisé pour soutenir notre programme communautaire (campus du centre-ville) ou notre Fonds de dotation ARTicipez (campus d’Orléans), et le reste du montant servira à soutenir le fonctionnement général de cet important organisme de bienfaisance à but non lucratif. Profitez de plus de 139 ans d’excellence en enseignement et de dévouement pour les arts et la culture dans la capitale nationale et devenez membre de l’ÉAO dès aujourd’hui. Êtes-vous diplômé du programme des beaux-arts, du programme de certificat de portfolio ou du programme de certificat d’arts fondamentaux de l’ÉAO? L’adhésion est une excellente manière de rétablir vos liens avec l’École et de tisser de nouvelles relations au sein de la communauté artistique d’Ottawa. Ce serait un plaisir pour nous de vous accueillir de nouveau! Adhésion actuelle Nouvelles catégories d’adhésions Adhésion individuelle Adhésion pour les sym- Adhésion pour les bien- Adhésion pour les en- pathisants faiteurs treprises 30 $ + taxe/an 100 $ + taxe/an 500 $ + taxe/an 1000 $ + taxe/an Note : L’adhésion pour étudiants s’applique aux individus ainsi qu’à tous les membres de leur famille, vivant dans le même ménage. Avantages Avantages Avantages Avantages • L’accès à l’inscription aux cours et • Un droit de vote à • Un droit de vote à • Un droit de vote à aux ateliers* l’Assemblée générale annuelle l’Assemblée générale annuelle l’Assemblée générale annuelle • Un droit de vote à l’Assemblée de l’ÉAO de l’ÉAO de l’ÉAO * générale annuelle de l’ÉAO** • 25 % de rabais sur les billets • 2 billets d’admission (réguliers) • 1 location d’un espace pour • 10 % de rabais chez Above Ground pour assister à «J’ADART», pour « J’ADART », la collecte de une réunion, un atelier ou un Art Supplies (Toronto)*** la collecte de fonds annuelle fonds annuelle de l’ÉAO (pour événement à l’un ou l’autre des • 10 % de rabais chez DeSerres (Ma- gasin du centre commercial St.Laurent de l’ÉAO une valeur maximale de100 $) campus** uniquement)*** • La réception d’un préavis • Reconnaissance sur le site • 4 billets d’admission (réguliers) • 10 % de rabais chez Select Fine Art concernant les événements Web de l’ÉAO et dans notre pour « J’ADART », la collecte de Materials (Orléans) *** spéciaux rapport annuel fonds annuelle de l’ÉAO (pour • 10 % de rabais chez Wallack’s Art • La réception mensuelle de • Un reçu pour fins d’impôts une valeur maximale de 200 $) Supplies*** l’infolettre électronique de d’une valeur de 150 $ • Reconnaissance sur le site • L’occasion d’exposer vos œuvres sur l’ÉAO comprenant les mises • La réception d’un préavis Web de l’ÉAO et dans notre nos deux campus et sur des sites de à jour, les événements et les concernant les événements rapport annuel l’ÉAO, situés hors campus opportunités spéciaux • Un reçu pour fins d’impôts • L’occasion d’exposer et de vendre • 1 cadeau spécial de marque • La réception mensuelle de d’une valeur de 300 $ vos œuvres dans la boutique de l’ÉAO • L’occasion d’exposer et de vendre ÉAO l’infolettre électronique de • La réception d’un préavis vos œuvres lors de la vente annuelle de • Reconnaissance sur le site l’ÉAO comprenant les mises concernant les événements bienfaisance des fêtes Web de l’ÉAO et dans notre à jour, les événements et les spéciaux • La réception mensuelle de l’infolettre rapport annuel opportunités • La réception mensuelle de électronique de l’ÉAO, comprenant • 2 cadeaux spéciaux de l’infolettre électronique de les mises à jour, les événements et les marque ÉAO l’ÉAO qui comprend les mises opportunités • Reconnaissance sur le site à jour, les événements et les • Des invitations aux événements Web de l’ÉAO et dans notre opportunités spéciaux, expositions, causeries avec rapport annuel • 4 cadeaux spéciaux de des artistes, conférences, ateliers et marque ÉAO démonstrations • Reconnaissance sur le site • Accès à la bibliothèque de l’ÉAO Web de l’ÉAO et dans notre (Campus du centre-ville) • La possibilité de louer de rapport annuel l’équipement ou un studio à l’un ou l’autre de nos campus *Pour vous inscrire à un cours ou un *Limite d’un vote par organisa- atelier, vous devez être un membre tion, ce vote sera accordé à un de l’ÉAO. représentant de haut niveau (qui **Limite d’un vote par ménage. devra être identifié au moment ***Vous devez présenter une carte de de l’inscription). membre valide au moment de votre **Certaines restrictions peuvent achat. Les rabais ne sont pas applicables être applicables. Communiquez rétroactivement et ne peuvent être avec Malika Welsh, Coordon- combinés à aucun autre solde, promo- natrice des ressources à l’ÉAO tion, rabais, coupon de réduction et/ au 613.241.7471 poste 31 pour ou offre. N’est pas applicable aux achats discuter des possibilités et des en ligne. questions de disponibilité. PAGE 5 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
Levels of Instruction for the General Interest Program Niveaux d’instruction pour le programme d’intérêt général The Ottawa School of Art offers four levels of instruction to help students select courses relative to their skill and experience. Each level includes courses covering a variety of media. A minimum number of registrations are required to avoid cancellation of a course. Please register a minimum of 5 days before the start date. L’École d’art d’Ottawa offre quatre niveaux d’instruction qui permettent aux étudiants de choisir des cours en fonction de leurs aptitudes et de leur expérience. Plusieurs techniques et moyens d’expression sont explorés à chaque niveau. Un minimum d’inscriptions est requis sans quoi le cours sera annulé. Veuillez vous inscrire au moins cinq jours avant la date de début du cours. INTRODUCTORY | COURS D’INTRODUCTION Students who are at the introductory level have little to no knowledge of the basic techniques in a specific medium and have identified their directional focus. Courses designated as Introductory/ Intermediate allow students to move to the slightly more difficult level when they are ready. Les étudiants des cours d’introduction ont soit aucune connaissance technique ou ils maîtrisent cer- taines compétences de base d’un moyen d’expression en particulier et ont choisi leur orientation. Les cours des niveaux introduction et intermédiaire permettent aux étudiants de progresser à leur rythme et de passer à un niveau supérieur au moment propice. INTERMEDIATE | NIVEAU INTERMÉDIAIRE Intermediate level students have begun to understand their medium and apply themselves to their chosen medium with some skill and directional focus. Au niveau intermédiaire, les étudiants commencent à bien saisir leur technique et s’y consacrent avec un certain talent. ADVANCED | NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR Advanced students work independently and receive one-on-one instructor support and ongoing critiques of their work. Students concentrate on individual style and content while developing a stronger directional focus and technical skills. Les étudiants du niveau supérieur travaillent de façon indépendante et profitent d’un enseignement personnalisé. Leurs œuvres sont soumises à des critiques progressives. Ils travaillent à dévelop- per leur style et leur matière personnels, tout en poursuivant leur orientation et en maîtrisant des compétences techniques supérieures. ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 6
ARTS FUNDAMENTALS CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT D’ARTS FONDAMENTAUX The Arts Fundamentals Certificate is a 10-course non-for-credit program that provides students with a unique opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of art forms, develop individual expression, and find their own artistic voice. This well-structured program pro- vides students with access to the study of various studio areas including drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking and woodcarving, and helps them grow as artists by expanding their experience and knowledge, and helping them move beyond their comfort zone. Studying with working professional artists in a studio setting, students will also have the chance to develop and expand their present body of work and build an impressive portfolio which is a requirement to apply to the Diploma Program offered by the Ottawa School of Art or to University or College. Le Certificat d’arts fondamentaux est un programme de 10 cours sans crédit qui offre aux étudiants une opportunité unique de développer leurs compétences artistiques dans une variété de techniques, d’exprimer leur individualité et de trouver leur propre style artistique. La structure méthodique du programme permet aux étudiants d’acquérir de l’expérience en studio et d’étudier plusieurs domaines des arts visuels y compris le dessin, la peinture, la sculpture, la photographie, la gravure, et leur permet de s’épanouir artis- tiquement en développant leurs expériences et connaissances, et d’avancer au-delà de leur zone de confort. En étudiant avec des artistes professionnels en studio, les étudiants au- ront également l’opportunité de développer et accroître leur corpus d’oeuvres, et de bâtir un portfolio impressionnant en préparation pour l’inscription à l’université, au collège, à une école d’art ou au programme de diplôme de l’École d’art d’Ottawa. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS INSCRIPTIONS ET ADMISSION ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS While there are no prerequisites for the Arts Fundamentals Certificate other than a desire to improve one’s artistic abilities, prospective students must officially apply to the Arts Fundamentals Certificate by filling out the application form. Prospective students inter- ested in applying must contact the Orleans’ Administration Officer by calling the main number of the Orleans Campus: 613.580.2765. A $50 application fee will be charged at registration (this fee includes the $30 membership fee) and a $35 fee per course will be charged at the beginning of each term (for individual critics with each instructor). PAGE 7 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
CONDITIONS D’ADMISSION Quoiqu’il n’y ait pas d’autre prérequis pour le Certificat d’arts fondamentaux que le désir d’améliorer ses compétences artistiques, les candidats doivent officiellement s’inscrire au Certificat d’arts fondamentaux en remplissant le formulaire d’inscription. Les étudiants intéressés à s’inscrire doivent contacter l’Agente d’administration en téléphonant au numéro principal du Campus d’Orléans : 613.580.2765. Les frais d’inscription sont de 50$ (ces frais incluent les frais d’adhésion de 30$). Des frais de 35$ par cours seront par la suite exigés au début de chaque trimestre (pour les critiques individuelles avec chaque professeur). PROGRAM POLICIES MODALITÉS DU PROGRAMME DURATION OF STUDY Students may take up to a maximum of three (3) years to complete the certificate. It is mandatory that courses are taken in their suggested order, and introduction courses must be successfully completed before moving on to intermediate and advanced courses. EVALUATION At mid term and at the end of each term, students will meet with their instructors to discuss their progress and work. A minimum of 3 hours per class and per week of homework is also required. Students will be encouraged to present a solo exhibition, towards the end of their program, in the Wall Gallery space located on the 3rd floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre. DURÉE DES ÉTUDES Les étudiants peuvent prendre un maximum de trois (3) ans pour compléter le certificat. Il est obligatoire de suivre les cours dans l’ordre suggéré, et les cours d’introduction doivent être complétés avec succès avant de s’inscrire aux cours de niveaux intermédiaire et avancé. ÉVALUATION À mi-parcours et à la fin de chaque trimestre, les étudiants auront une rencontre avec leur professeur pour discuter de leur travail et progrès. Un minimum de 3 heures de devoirs par cours, par semaine est également requis. Les étudiants seront encouragés à présenter une exposition solo, vers la fin du programme, dans l’espace d’exposition situé au 3e étage du Centre des arts Shenkman. ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 8
SCHOOL CURRICULUM CURRICULUM SCOLAIRE MANDATORY COURSES / COURS OBLIGATOIRES (6) Drawing / Dessin (2) Life Drawing / Dessin d’après modèle Painting / Peinture (2) Sculpture ELECTIVE COURSES / COURS AU CHOIX (4) Drawing / Dessin Painting / Peinture Digital Photography / Photographie numérique Portrait Watercolour / Aquarelle Wood Carving / Gravure sur bois Printmaking / Gravure PAGE 9 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
Bilingual course / Cours bilingue: (B) Arts Fundamentals Certificate / Certificat d’arts fondamentaux: Drawing / Dessin F18S001 | SKETCH 101 | CROQUIS 101 | INTRO/INTER (B) This class will delve into the fun and importance of sketching, its style, and use in developing drawings, paintings, and ideas. We will develop eye hand coordination, as well as look at the use of line, balance and composition in drawing. We will also touch on still life, figures, portraits, as well as landscape and architecture. This class is designed to help you develop confidence in your art and to have fun. One model included. (1 model) Ce cours portera sur l’importance du croquis en art et du plaisir qui en découle, de ses styles et modes d’utilisation dans le développement de dessins, peintures et projets divers. Nous allons examiner et développer la coordination main-œil et explorerons les concepts de ligne, balance et composition en dessin. Nous étudierons également la nature morte, le corps humain, le portrait, de même que le paysage et l’architecture. Ce cours est conçu pour vous aider à développer la confiance en votre art tout en ayant du plaisir. Un modèle vivant inclus. (1 modèle) INSTR / PROF: NADINE ARGO FEE / COÛT: $290 TUESDAY / MARDI: 18 H – 21 H SEP 12 SEP – NOV 28 NOV 12 SESS / COURS | 36 HOURS / HEURES F18S002 | CREATIVE DRAWING: INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING | DESSIN CRÉATIF: INTRODUCTION AU DESSIN | INTRO/INTER (B) Unlock the magic of drawing! The course will focus on sound drawing techniques using a variety of dry media, applied individually and in combination. Trusted drawing methods will be explained, demonstrated and applied. There will be a focus on individual progression and group encouragement, with individual coaching being provided based on students’ needs and goals. Each session focuses on a different reference subject for inspiration. Absolute beginners are welcome as are those wishing to take a refresher in drawing basics. (Two live models included). Démystifiez la magie du dessin! Ce cours portera principalement sur des techniques faisant appel à une variété de médiums secs, utilisés de façon individuelle ou en combinaison. Des méthodes de dessin éprouvées seront expliquées, démontrées et appliquées. Le progrès de chaque étudiant fera l’objet d’un suivi tout au long du trimestre et l’encouragement de groupe sera également valorisé. Différents sujets de référence seront proposés chaque semaine en guise de source d’inspiration. Les débutants tout comme ceux qui désirent rafraichir leurs connaissances de base en dessin sont les bienvenus. (Deux modèles vivants inclus). CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE / SUITE À LA PAGE SUIVANTE ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 10
INSTR / PROF: DAVID KEARN FEE / COÛT: $270 WEDNESDAY / MERCREDI: 13 H – 16 H SEP 19 SEP – NOV 21 NOV 10 SESS / SÉANCES | 30 HOURS / HEURES F18S003 | DRAWING PORTRAIT FROM A TO Z | INTER Human skull and plaster cast drawings are very helpful to understand the shape of the bone structure underneath the soft tissue of a face. After that practice, students will have a better understanding of the complex shape of the human head and can move to the portrait drawing. This course has been developed for students with some general drawing experience who want to master portrait drawing. (8 models) INSTRUCTOR: ALENA LIAPKO FEE: $325 TUESDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 18 – NOV 20 10 SESSIONS | 30 HOURS F18S004 | MASTERING THE HUMAN FIGURE | ALL LEVELS In this 8-session course, students will familiarize themselves with the 3D structure of the human figure starting with skeleton studies and followed by 6 sessions of figure drawing combined with sketching. Academic drawing and sketching are fundamental for the development of a successful drawing technique and an excellent way of gaining hand control over the line and honing fine motor skills. Eye training and ability to catch movement, proportions, and composition all at once will be practiced through the sketching exercises. (Note: This course is open to all levels of abilities and allows you to draw in a sitting position. It doesn’t require you to stand for long periods of time.) (7 models) INSTRUCTOR: ALENA LIAPKO FEE: $280 THURSDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 27 – NOV 15 8 SESSIONS | 24 HOURS PAGE 11 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
Painting / Peinture F18S010A | DRAWING & PAINTING: ONE STEP AT A TIME | INTRO You want to learn to draw and paint at your own pace, with step-by-step instructions, from a knowledgeable and friendly instructor, and in a fun and relax environment? This course will provide you with practical exercises to learn to draw and paint in a gradual way. Techniques and subjects will also evolve throughout the classes, from easy shapes and lines, to more complex 3D objects and environments in colour. The purpose of the course is to help you gain confidence in your abilities and creativity. This course can be taken more than one time; exercises and subject themes will vary from a season to another. A list of basic materials will be shared with the students prior to the first class. No classes: Thanksgiving (Oct. 6-8); Remembrance Day (Nov. 10-12). INSTRUCTOR: ALENA LIAPKO FEE: $255 MONDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 10 – NOV 26 10 SESSIONS | 30 HOURS F18S010B | ACRYLICS FOR EVERYONE: FABULOUS MIXTURES OF COLOURS | ALL LEVELS In this course, students will investigate practical methods and simple techniques that will help them unlock their ‘blank canvas fear’. Traditional and innovative concepts and methods will be explored. This course includes creativity-boosting challenges and step-by-step guidance, aimed to help attendees get a new creation on canvas after each class. The diversity of exercises proposed in class will give a great overview of the acrylic medium’s infinite possibilities. INSTRUCTOR: YULIA LISITSYNA FEE: $285 WEDNESDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 12 – NOV 28 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS F18S010C | PAINT APPLICATION 101: PART I | ALL LEVELS Ever wanted to learn how to apply paint beautifully, use colour thoughtfully, and layer paint appropriately? Using both classical and contemporary references, such as landscape, still life, and abstraction, this course aims at teaching the basics of painting and composing. All skill levels welcome. (Acrylic or oil painting) INSTRUCTOR: LINDSAY WATSON FEE: $230 THURSDAY: 19 H – 21 H 30 SEP 13 – NOV 22 11 SESSIONS | 27.5 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 12
F18S010D | PAINT APPLICATION 2.0: FOCUS ON COLOUR | INTER/ADV Looking to take your art to the next level? Fine-tune your skills in this course aimed at students ready to develop their own painting styles. Each term will feature a different “focus”, and will include a mixture of instructor-led exercises and one-on-one help with student-led projects. “Focus on Colour” aims to help students develop a signature palette through exploration and experimentation. INSTRUCTOR: LINDSAY WATSON FEE: $270 THURSDAY: 9 H 30 – 12 H 30 SEP 13 – NOV 29 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS F18S012A | LANDSCAPE PAINTING: OIL OR ACRYLIC | INTRO/INTER Want to learn to paint, or are you stuck in a rut? This course is designed for both beginners as well as students with experience. We will explore simplifying a photograph through various options: the use of a limited palette, different sizes of canvas, how to feel and observe nature. We will also be working on spontaneity, seeing light, turning a dull photo into an exciting painting. There is so much to explore in art that returning students will be constantly challenged and new students at the intro/ inter level will find that there is lots to try and learn. The instructor will demonstrate starting, working through problems, and finishing off paintings. Individual attention to each student is ongoing in each class, as well as a full class gentle critique and ways to improve each artist’s paintings as we progress. No classes: Thanksgiving (Oct. 6-8); Remembrance Day (Nov. 10-12). INSTRUCTOR: PATRICIA SAVOIE FEE: $255 MONDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 10 – DEC 3 11 SESSIONS | 33 HOURS F18S012B | LANDSCAPE PAINTING: FALL | PEINTURE DE PAYSAGE: L’AUTOMNE | ALL LEVELS / TOUS LES NIVEAUX If you want to develop your abilities in painting, this is the course for you. Emphasis on paint handling, autumn’s intense colours, and Group of Seven compositional startegies will be the main focuses for this fall themed course. Find out why November was Quebec artists Clarence Gagnon and Jean-Paul Riopelle’s favourite month. Also learn how to integrate buildings and people into the landscape. No prior painting experience necessary. Si vous souhaitez développer vos habiletés en peinture, voici un cours pour vous! Les principaux sujets abordés dans ce cours à thématique automnale seront l’application de la CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE / SUITE À LA PAGE SUIVANTE PAGE 13 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
peinture, les couleurs intenses caractéristiques de la saison et les stratégies du Groupe des Sept en composition. Découvrez pourquoi le mois de novembre était celui que préféraient les artistes québécois Clarence Gagnon et Jean-Paul Riopelle. Apprenez aussi à intégrer personnages et édifices au paysage. Aucune expérience préalable requise. Bien que le cours se déroule en anglais, un suivi individuel en français est possible. INSTR/PROF: VALERIE RYAN FEE/COÛT: $255 TUESDAY/MARDI: 10 H – 12 H 30 SEP 18 SEP – DEC 4 DÉC 12 SESS/SÉANCES | 30 HOURS/HEURES F18S014 | DRAWING AND PAINTING PORTRAITS: EXPRESSIVE PORTRAITS | DESSIN ET PEINTURE: PORTRAITS EXPRESSIFS | INTRO/INTER (B) This course will explore the joy of creating free and vital portraits in acrylic, oil and watercolour. The instructor’s approach balances control and technique with immediacy and spontaneity and shows how these can be woven together to capture personality as well as likeness. There will be a focus on observation and technique along with the exploration of the portrait as a means of expression. Individual coaching will be provided, based on each student’s needs and goals. Students are welcome to pursue the medium of their choice. The sessions will involve live models and include demonstrations of the instructor’s techniques. (5 models.) Ce cours explorera le plaisir de créer des portraits dynamiques et expressifs à l’acrylique, l’huile et l’aquarelle. L’approche du professeur vise à établir un équilibre entre le contrôle, la technique et la spontanéité et démontre en quoi l’ensemble de ces aspects permet de capter la personnalité et la ressemblance. L’accent sera porté sur l’observation et la technique, tout en utilisant le portrait comme moyen d’expression. Les étudiants recevront un encadrement personnel basé sur les besoins et objectifs de chacun, tout en leur permettant d’utiliser le médium de leur choix. Les séances impliqueront des modèles vivants et incluront des démonstrations exécutées par le professeur. (Cinq modèles vivants). INSTR / PROF: DAVID KEARN FEE / COÛT: $300 WEDNESDAY / MERCREDI: 9 H 30 – 12 H 30 SEP 19 SEP – NOV 21 NOV 10 SESS / SÉANCES | 30 HOURS / HEURES F18S015A | ABSTRACT AND CONTEMPORARY PAINTING: PART I | ALL LEVELS Learn paint application techniques and composition while exploring personal expression through the visceral world of abstract and contemporary art. Students will be shown how colour and texture can mirror emotion, as well as gain an understanding of modern and contemporary art. All skill levels welcome. INSTRUCTOR: LINDSAY WATSON FEE: $270 TUESDAY: 9 H 30 – 12 H 30 SEP 11 – NOV 27 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 14
F18S015B | F18S015C | PAINTING FROM THE MASTERS | INTER A fun course to learn tips and tricks of the master painters. We will explore various brushstrokes and palettes to create your own masterpiece. You will learn about artists’ struggles and how to paint in a variety of styles which will help improve your own painting style. Prerequisite: an introduction to drawing and painting class, as you will start right from the beginning of the course to paint from a famous painting. You already need to be comfortable painting by yourself. All mediums accepted (oil, acrylic, watercolour, pencil, pastels, etc). INSTRUCTOR: LINDY NADARAJAH F18S015B F18S015C FEE: $255 FEE: $270 MONDAY: 9 H 30 – 12 H 30 THURSDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 10 – DEC 3 SEP 13 – NOV 29 11 SESSIONS | 33 HOURS 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS NO CLASS: THANKSGIVING (OCT. 6-8); REMEMBRANCE DAY (NOV. 10-12) F18S015D | INTRO TO ENCAUSTICS | INTRO/INTER This course will explore the lustrous and visceral medium of encaustics. Students will begin by becoming acquainted with mixing pigment and wax and adjusting transparency and opacity. Class projects will involve the layering of colours, working with brush stroke, using image transfers, as well as creating texture and relief with pottery tools and collage. Participants will have the opportunity to incorporate drawing, fabric, sewing, and found elements into compositions. Students should have some background in painting. Returning students welcome. INSTRUCTOR: JENNY MCMASTER FEE: $295 TUESDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 11 – NOV 27 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS PAGE 15 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
F18S018A | WATERCOLOUR: GO WITH THE FLOW! | INTRO/INTER Explore the joy of creating expressive and rich watercolour paintings. The instructor will help you learn various aspects of watercolour, both traditional and experimental: basic colour mixing, brush techniques, washes and glazes, lifting, resist effects, and will help you improve your sense of composition and design. The course covers a wide range of subject matters, including atmospheric landscapes, florals, still life, animal/birds, and cityscapes. One session will be held outside (weather permitting). There will be use of other mediums such as inks, pens, pastels, while exploring different types of papers. Demonstrations and individual guidance will be provided. This course is open to beginners as well as to students with some experience. INSTRUCTOR: DHANASHRI BAPAT FEE: $285 TUESDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 11 – NOV 27 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS F18S018B | WATERCOLOUR PAINTING: MASTERING THE MEDIUM | INTRO/INTER For beginners and more advanced, this course teaches a few specific techniques and a whole lot more in the process. We will explore the transparency of the paint, working with imagination and then with still life and flower arrangements. We will learn about layering and explore a wet into wet technique that produces detailed and rich surfaces. As the skills handling the tools increase so will the ability to exploit this beautiful medium. INSTRUCTOR: DIANA R. GUY FEE: $295 TUESDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 11 – NOV 27 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 16
Printmaking / Gravure F18S040 | RELIEF PRINTING: THE PROCESS AND THE PRODUCT – FUN AND BEAUTIFUL | INTRO/INTER The art of relief printing, gaining popularity in leaps and bounds, is a versatile art form used by many accomplished, contemporary artists. We have a magnificent press that produces excellent prints; a luxury and fun in itself. You will also learn how simple it is to complete prints at home. Many materials can be used but we have chosen linoleum; a soft and inexpensive material that produces high quality prints. From beautifully simple to fascinating and complex, this printmaking technique will satisfy your artistic urge! INSTRUCTOR: DIANA R. GUY FEE: $305 THURSDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 13 – NOV 29 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS F18S041 | BEYOND LINOCUT | AU-DELÀ DE LA LINOGRAVURE | INTER Artists gravitate to different printmaking processes because they express different elements of art. This print class introduces students to intaglio and planographic printmaking techniques including drypoint on plexiglass, collograph, and polyester plate lithography. Expanding their repertoire of printmaking techniques, artists will continue to explore of their own imagery through the versatility of print. Use of soya based inks mainly, which clean up with soap and water. Basic tools and materials are provided. Bring visual source material, ie: drawings or photos, as inspiration and think about what you might want to achieve. No class: Thanksgiving (Oct. 6-8), Remembrance Day (Nov. 10-12). Les artistes gravitent autour de procédés variés en gravure pour exprimer différents éléments artistiques. Ce cours de gravure initie les étudiants aux techniques de gravure en taille-douce et de gravure à plat, incluant la pointe sèche sur Plexiglas, la collagraphie et la lithographie sur plaque de polyester. Tout en élargissant leur répertoire de techniques en gravure, les étudiants continueront à explorer leur propre imagerie grâce à la polyvalence qu’offre la gravure. Nous utiliserons principalement des encres à base de soya, qui se nettoient bien avec de l’eau et du savon. Des outils de base ainsi que certains matériaux seront fournis. Apportez vos références en guise d’inspiration, qu’il s’agisse de dessins ou de photographies, et prenez le temps de réfléchir à ce que vous aimeriez accomplir. Bien que ce cours sera principalement offert en anglais, la professeure peut transmettre ses instructions en français au besoin. Pas de cours : Action de grâce (6 au 8 oct.); Jour du Souvenir (10 au 12 nov.). INSTR/PROF: DEIDRE HIERLIHY FEE/COÛT: $275 MONDAY/LUNDI: 13 H – 16 H SEP 17 SEP – DEC 3 DÉC 10 SESS/SÉANCES | 30 HOURS/HEURES PAGE 17 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART | L’ÉCOLE D’ART D’OTTAWA
Sculpture F18S060 | PORTRAIT SCULPTING | SCULPTURE DU PORTRAIT | ALL LEVELS | TOUS LES NIVEAUX (B) Discover a new way to explore your sense of observation by sculpting people in 3-D from live models. This course is an initiation into portraiture, using classic methods and techniques relating to clay modelling. No previous sculpture experience necessary. (9 live models). Découvrez une nouvelle façon d’approfondir votre sens de l’observation en sculptant des individus en trois dimensions à partir de modèles vivants. Ce cours consiste en une initiation à l’art du portrait, en utilisant les méthodes et techniques classiques se rapportant au modelage avec l’argile. Une expérience préalable en sculpture n’est requise. (9 modèles). INSTR / PROF: ROSEMARY BREAULT-LANDRY FEE / COÛT: $340 TUESDAY / MARDI: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 25 SEP – NOV 27 NOV 10 SESS / COURS | 30 HOURS / HEURES F18S061 | SCULPTURE: INTRO TO MODELLING I | SCULPTURE: INTRODUCTION AU MODELAGE I | ALL LEVELS / TOUS LES NIVEAUX (B) In this course we will discover the broad range of approaches to sculpture. Students will learn the basics in modelling (hand building), working with clay, wax, and other modelling materials. A variety of exercises and projects will be introduced to explore and understand notions related to modelling, composition, and creativity. Students will also have the opportunity to work on independent projects. This will be a fun and dynamic course that will provide a forum for discussion and exploration of sculpture and its possibilities. Dans ce cours, nous découvrirons le large éventail d’approches qu’offre la sculpture. Les étudiants apprendront les bases du modelage en travaillant avec l’argile, la cire et d’autres matériaux de modelage. Une variété d’exercices et de projets seront proposés pour explorer et comprendre les notions liées au modelage, à la composition et à l’équilibre. Les étudiants auront la possibilité de travailler sur des projets personnels de façon indépendante. Il s’agira d’un cours amusant et dynamique qui offrira un forum de discussion et d’exploration de la sculpture et de ses possibilités. INSTR / PROF: NADINE ARGO FEE / COÛT: $315 WEDNESDAY / MERCREDI: 13 H – 16 H SEP 12 SEP – NOV 28 NOV 12 SESS / COURS | 36 HOURS / HEURES ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 18
F18S062 | WOODCARVING | INTRO/INTER Learn how to work with wood as a sculpting/ carving medium. The properties of wood and the use of carving tools will be taught to create three lovely dimensional pieces of art. All students are free to choose their projects and explore their creativity. The instructor welcomes students with different levels of experience, from beginners to advanced. The course will be run in an “open studio” approach with lots of one-on-one guidance and constructive feedback on the development of personal projects. The list of materials and tools will be sent prior to the first session. Some chisels/gouges will be provided by the School. INSTR / PROF: JIM LAWRENCE FEE / COÛT: $320 THURSDAY / JEUDI: 9 H 30 – 12 H 30 SEP 20 SEP – NOV 22 NOV 10 SESS / COURS | 30 HOURS / HEURES F18S063 | RELIEF WOODCARVING | SCULPTURE SUR BOIS EN RELIEF | INTRO (B) Learn step by step the art of relief carving. This course for beginners is designed to explore the foundations of gouges manipulation and all of the various approaches to relief carving. The course will be hand on from the start with demonstration and application. Students will also learn about the selection of projects, perspective, and use of clay models. Tools and materials will be provided. Apprenez étape par étape l’art de la sculpture sur bois en relief. Ce cours pour débutants est conçu pour explorer les fondements de la manipulation des gouges et des différentes approches de la sculpture en relief. Le cours reposera sur une approche pratique dès le début avec des démonstrations puis l’application des techniques. Les étudiants en apprendront également à propos de la sélection des projets, de la perspective et de l’utilisation de modèles en argile. Outils et matériaux seront fournis. INSTR / PROF: ANDRÉ BREAU FEE / COÛT: $290 THURSDAY / JEUDI: 18 H 30 – 21 H 30 SEP 27 SEP – NOV 29 NOV 10 SESS / COURS | 30 HOURS / HEURES ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 19
Special Interest Sujet divers F18S070A | ART & YOGA | INTRO This course melts art and yoga in a quiet, meditative environment. You will be taken through different yoga poses, moving with breath and exploring the connection with body, mind and spirit. The practice of yoga will help you to become more aware of your inner self. Then you can express yourself through art, in a visual form, which was felt or observed in the body and in the mind. Two teachers will guide you through this work, one trained in yoga and the other in art for health. Come prepared with your yoga mat. This is a new approach to rounding out the benefits of yoga and of art by enjoying the best of both worlds. Some supplies included in course fee. Bien que le cours se déroule en anglais, des directives en français peuvent être transmises au besoin. INSTRUCTOR: SUZANNE VALOIS & BARBARA FULFORD FEE: $280 TUESDAY: 18 H 30 – 21 H SEP 25 – NOV 13 8 SESSIONS | 20 HOURS F18S070B | ART & CHAIR YOGA | INTRO | 50+ This course melts art and yoga in a quiet, meditative environment. You will be taken through different yoga poses, moving with breath and exploring the connection with body, mind and spirit. The practice of yoga will help you to become more aware of your inner self. Then you can express yourself through art, in a visual form, which was felt or observed in the body and in the mind. Two teachers will guide you through this work, one trained in yoga and the other in art for health. Come prepared with your yoga mat. This is a new approach to rounding out the benefits of yoga and of art by enjoying the best of both worlds. Please note: We will be practicing mostly chair yoga, a soft yoga approach adapted to everyone. Some supplies included in course fee. Bien que le cours se déroule en anglais, des directives en français peuvent être transmises au besoin. INSTRUCTOR: SUZANNE VALOIS & BARBARA FULFORD FEE: $280 THURSDAY: 9 H 30 – 12 H SEP 20 – NOV 8 8 SESSIONS | 20 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 20
F18S070C | ART & WELLNESS | INTRO This course is designed for those who are seaking a gentle and spirited approach to creativity through art making and expression in a relaxed environment while learning about a variety of art materials and approaches to art making like drawing, watercolours, clay and printmaking just to name a few. This introductory course explores the contemplative and meditative as well as the playful side of creativity with an emphasis on the restful aspect of art making rather than the technical. Discover journaling, zen drawing, mandala making and more using a variety of mediums to engage your creative nature. Whether you are coming to explore art materials and/or to learn to use art in an holistic way, work within your comfort level in an uplifting, gentle, and encouraging atmosphere and come to relax and to de- stress. Look for day-long workshops offered throughout the year to support and continue your art and wellness journey. Returning students welcome. Bien que le cours se déroule en anglais, des directives en français peuvent être transmises au besoin. INSTRUCTOR: SUZANNE VALOIS FEE: $285 THURSDAY: 13 H – 16 H SEP 13 – NOV 29 12 SESSIONS | 36 HOURS Short courses and workshops Ateliers et cours de courte durée F18SWS01 | PAINTING IN OILS: TECHNIQUES AND TIPS | ALL LEVELS Learn several techniques: the direct Group of Seven style, a simple layered approach, the wipe-out method, knife painting as well as tips about priming and toning the canvas, glazing and varnishing. For beginners to learn the basics and for experienced students to advance their skills, painting images of your choice. Learn how to handle traditional oil paint in a non-toxic, environment-considerate way, with ease of clean-up and transportation. All levels. INSTRUCTOR: ANDREA MOSSOP FEE: $205 SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9 H – 16 H SEP 22-23 2 SESSIONS | 12 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 21
F18SWS02 | PAINTING: CONTEMPORARY FUSION | ALL LEVELS Learn a painting process that naturally taps into the flow, peace, and happiness of painting. Through organic curvilinear lines and flat intensely coloured shapes, you will creatively adapt the visionary practices of twentieth century artists such as Norval Morrisseau and Miro in contemporary fusion with international indigenous arts. Oil (no solvent) and/or acrylic. All levels. INSTRUCTOR: ANDREA MOSSOP FEE: $205 SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9 H – 16 H OCT 13 – OCT 14 2 SESSIONS | 12 HOURS F18SWS03 | PAINTING PORTRAITS | ALL LEVELS Learn how to work from photos of your choosing to draw and paint portraits. Learn how to create a likeness, to create strong planes for 3D modeling, to mix flesh colours inspired by Varley, Edwin Holgate, and Lilias Torrance Newton. Oil (no solvent) and/or acrylic. All levels. INSTRUCTOR: ANDREA MOSSOP FEE: $205 SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9 H – 16 H NOV 3-4 2 SESSIONS | 12 HOURS F18SWS04 | PAINTING VAN GOGH | ALL LEVELS Inspired by Van Gogh paintings, you will learn to paint like Van Gogh in thick brushstrokes, drawing, and contouring in jewel-like colours, creating life and movement with energetic vibrancy in intimate views of nature. Learn how Japanese wood-cuts and colour dynamics informed Van Gogh’s works. Oil (no solvent) and/or acrylic. All levels. INSTRUCTOR: ANDREA MOSSOP FEE: $205 SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9 H – 16 H DEC 1-2 2 SESSIONS | 12 HOURS ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 22
F18SWS05 | COLOURFUL COWLS OR SASSY SCARVES (WET-FELTING) | INTRO Choose from the instructor’s many bags of natural wool roving from Orkney Heritage sheep or from her bins of kaleidoscopic colours of roving from the US and Canada to make a cozy cowl or scarf to fend off the chill of winter. No need to bring anything to this workshop, all materials will be provided! INSTRUCTORS: JANET H. TULLOCH FEE: $140 SATURDAY: 9 H 30 – 16 H 30 SEP 29 1 SESSION | 6 HOURS F18SWS06 | PHOTOGRAPHY FOR VISUAL ARTISTS | INTRO Whether you use a camera, paintbrush, fabric, clay or a linotype to create your artwork, this workshop will improve your perception and seeing skills through learning basic photographic knowledge and camera skills. You will learn elements of design such as light, composition, colour, line, and form that can be transferred to other art practices through a series of hands-on visual exercises with your camera. Whether you have a smart phone camera, a point and shoot or a DSLR, your practical knowledge of your device and its limitations will improve so that you can create satisfying photographic images or other types of artworks using your camera as a visual aid. INSTRUCTORS: JANET H. TULLOCH FEE: $120 SATURDAY: 9 H 30 – 16 H 30 OCT 13 1 SESSION | 6 HOURS F18SWS07 | BEGINNING PRINTMAKING | INTRODUCTION À LA GRAVURE | INTRO The beauty of line, the wonder of pattern, the dynamics of colour, the subtly of form. Artists gravitate to different printmaking processes because they express different elements of art. This print class introduces students to relief (linocut), intaglio (drypoint), and planographic (polyester plate lithography) techniques, enabling them to explore their own imagery through the versatility of print. Use of soya based inks, which clean up with soap and water. Basic tools and materials are provided. Bring visual source material, ie: drawings or photos, as inspiration and think about what you might want to achieve. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE / SUITE À LA PAGE SUIVANTE ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 23
La finesse de la ligne, la richesse des motifs, le dynamisme des couleurs, la subtilité de la forme; autant de qualités mises en valeur par la gravure. Les artistes gravitent autour de procédés variés en gravure pour exprimer différents éléments artistiques. Ce cours de gravure initie les étudiants aux techniques de gravure en relief (linogravure), taille-douce (pointe sèche) et gravure à plat (lithographie sur plaque de polyester), tout en leur permettant d’explorer leur propre imagerie grâce à la polyvalence qu’offre la gravure. Nous utiliserons principalement des encres à base de soya, qui se nettoient bien avec de l’eau et du savon. Des outils de base ainsi que certains matériaux seront fournis. Apportez vos références en guise d’inspiration, qu’il s’agisse de dessins ou de photographies, et prenez le temps de réfléchir à ce que vous aimeriez accomplir. Bien que cet atelier sera principalement offert en anglais, la professeure peut transmettre ses instructions en français au besoin. INSTR/PROF: DEIDRE HIERLIHY FEE/COÛT: $180 SUNDAY/DIMANCHE: 9 H 30 – 16 H 30 OCT 21 & 28 OCT 2 SESS/SÉANCES | 12 HOURS/HEURES F18SWS08 | INTRO TO WOODCARVING | INTRO À LA SCULPTURE SUR BOIS | INTRO (B) This workshop is to initiate the students to the various forms of woodcarving through theory, display, and demonstration. Woodcarving such as carving in the round, relief carving, chip carving, and caricature carving will be covered. Topics such as the theory of trees, wood selection for carving, gluing, and clamping of wood, all of the tooling, and many other additional aides required will be discussed to fully understand what is required to perform various types of woodcarving. This will be an highly informative workshop, ideal for anyone seeking to learn to carve. Note: For a hands on experience of woodcarving, look at the 10-session course titled «Relief Woodcarving». Cet atelier vise à initier les étudiants aux diverses formes de sculpture sur bois par le biais d’une présentation impliquant théorie et exemples concrets. Différents types de sculpture sur bois (ronde bosse, relief, en coches, caricature) seront abordés. Des sujets tels que la théorie des arbres, la sélection du bois pour la sculpture, le collage et le serrage du bois, l’outillage et plusieurs autres supports nécessaires seront discutés pour bien comprendre ce qui est essentiel pour effectuer divers types de sculpture sur bois. Il s’agira d’un atelier très instructif, idéal pour ceux qui cherchent à apprendre à sculpter. Remarque : Pour une expérience pratique de la sculpture sur bois, nous offrons un cours de 10 séances intitulé « Sculpture sur bois en relief ». INSTR / PROF: ANDRÉ BREAU FEE / COÛT: $50 SATURDAY / SAMEDI: 9 H 30 – 13 H 30 SEP 22 SEP 1 SESS / COURS | 4 HOURS / HEURES ARTOTTAWA.CA PAGE 24
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