2023 Défis sur l'histoire des Afro-Néoécossais
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Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute Excellence in Africentric Education & Research Défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais de 2023 Propositions acceptées du 1 décembre 2022 au 20 février 2023 Les prix d’excellence comprennent des bourses totalisant 3 000 $, des prix et des cadeaux.
Défis de l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais 2023 Règles et règlements Les prix sont décernés aux étudiants dont les candidatures illustrent le mieux les contributions des Afro-Néoécossais à l’histoire, au patrimoine et à la culture de notre province et de notre pays. • Les Défis sont ouverts à tous les élèves, classes et écoles de la Nouvelle-Écosse. • Les soumissions seront acceptées du 1er décembre 2022 au 20 février 2023 • Toutes les bourses comprennent des bourses en espèces. • Toutes les informations demandées doivent être remplies dans le formulaire d’inscription pour être incluses dans le processus de jugement. • Les décisions du juge seront considérées comme définitives. • Les juges tiendront compte du contenu, du niveau scolaire, de la créativité et de la présentation lors de l’évaluation de chaque soumission. • Les prix seront décernés par catégorie : école secondaire (10e 12e année); premier cycle du secondaire (7e -9e année); et élémentaire (P-6). • Les soumissions post-marquées ou livrées après la date limite ne seront pas prises en compte. • Les soumissions ne seront pas retournées à moins d’être accompagnées d’une enveloppe pré-adressée et affranchie. • Seuls les lauréats seront contactés. • Une liste complète des lauréats sera publiée sur notre site Web (dbdli.ca). Veuillez poster ou livrer vos inscriptions par 20 février 2023 : The African Nova Scotian History Challenges Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute 5450 Cornwallis Street, Halifax, NS B3K 1A9 Assurez-vous d’inclure votre formulaire d’inscription avec votre (vos) soumission(s). Nous apprécions grandement les efforts déployés pour emballer les soumissions et les envoyer par la poste ou les déposer au Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute (DBDLI) à Halifax, en Nouvelle- Écosse. Nous espérons également créer une exposition de travaux que vos amis, votre famille et le grand public pourront voir une fois la date limite de soumission dépassée au cours de l’année à venir, donc avoir les soumissions réelles en main est toujours idéal pour non seulement être inclus dans une exposi- tion, mais aussi pour s’assurer que nous obtenons le plein effet du travail d’un élève. Mais nous comprenons également que l’envoi des soumissions ou leur dépôt au DBDLI peut ne pas être possible pour tous ceux qui souhaitent participer aux défis de l’histoire Afro-Néoécossaise. C’est pour- quoi cette année, nous offrons la possibilité d’envoyer vos soumissions virtuellement. Contactez historychallenges@dbdli.ca si vous avez des questions.
Nouvelles de dernière heure! 1 Vous êtes l’équipe de journalistes déployée pour couvrir des nouvelles de dernière heure. Produisez et présentez un reportage vidéo, de trois à cinq minutes, au sujet DÉFI d’un des événements historiques importants ci-dessous. Assurez-vous de répondre aux questions de base du journaliste : qui, quoi, où, quand et pourquoi? Intégrez des « interviews » et des témoignages de « témoins oculaires » à votre reportage. Pourquoi cet événement est-il important? Quelles sont ses conséquences? Businesswoman • Dans un cinéma de New Glasgow, Viola Desmond est arrêtée après avoir refusé de donner sa place dans la section réservée aux Blancs. Elle est jetée en prison pour la nuit et reçoit une amende pour avoir fraudé le gouvernement sur Viola Desmond 1914 - 1963 Halifax une taxe d’amusement d’un cent. Successful businesswoman and pioneer in the cosmetics industry in Nova Scotia. Community Activist • Alors que Eddie Carvery installe son campement de protestation à Africville, des employés de la ville menacent de le faire arrêter. Malgré la menace, Eddie commence la Eddie Carvery Africville plus longue protestation continue de l’histoire canadienne. Eddie Carvery began the longest political protest in Canadian history when he set up his protest camp at Africville in 1970. He maintains his protest camp at Africville where he gladly shares the history of his former community with visiting tour groups and schoolchildren. • Les résidents d’East Preston, North Preston, Cherry Brook, et Lake Loon se bat pour obtenir des titres clairs sur ses terres. Cette problème remonte au 18ème siècle, lorsque les colons Noirs sont arrivés en Nouvelle-Écosse et n’ont pas obtenu de titre légal sur leurs terres. Angela Simmonds et d’autres membres de la communauté travaillent ensemble pour changer cette injustice historique vieille de 200 ans. Senator/Activist/Author • Calvin Ruck vient d’apprendre que son fils s’est vu refuser le service dans un salon de coiffure à Dartmouth en Nouvelle- Écosse. Le barbier dit il refuse de couper les cheveux des Noirs. Calvin a appelé le barbier pour discrimination Calvin Woodrow Ruck, C.M. 1925 - 2004 raciale et appelle à l’aide de la Commission des Droits de la Sydney Social activist and lifelong member of the NSAACP. Appointed to the Senate in 1998. Author of two books about the No. 2 Construction Battalion. Invested in the Order of Canada in 1994. Personne de la Nouvelle-Écosse pour corriger ce tort. Autres possibilités Au lieu d’une vidéo, écrivez un article de journal contenant vos découvertes. N’oubliez pas d’inclure les questions de base du journaliste.
Localités afro-néoécossaises 2 Choisissez une communauté ou un établissement Noir en Nouvelle-Écosse. DÉFI Créer un voyage brochure ou vlog (blog vidéo) que les visiteurs pourraient utiliser s’ils prenaient un voyage dans la région. Incluez des faits historiques intéressants, des points de repère importants, des personnalités éminentes de la région et toute autre attraction touristique. 49 51 47 5 0 48 45 39. Trenton 52 25. Hammonds Plains 40. New Glasgow 12. Digby 26. Africville 41. Antigonish 13. LeQuille 27. Lucasville 42. Monastery 14. Granville Ferry 1. Shelburne 28. Cobequid Road 43. Mulgrave 15. Annapolis Royal 2. Birchtown 29. Maroon Hill 44. Upper Big 16. Delap’s Cove Tracadie 3. Yarmouth 30. Halifax 17. Inglewood 45. Lincolnville 4. Greenville (Bridgetown) 31. Dartmouth 46. Sunnyville 5. Southville 18. Middleton 32. Lake Loon 47. North Sydney 6. Danvers 19. Cambridge 33. Cherry Brook 48. Sydney 7. Hassett 20. Gibson Woods 34. North Preston 49. New Waterford 8. Weymouth Falls 21. Aldershot 35. East Preston 50. Glace Bay 9. Jordantown 22. Kentville 36. Truro 51. Sydney Mines 10. Conway 23. Three Mile Plains 37. Springhill 52. Liverpool 11. Acaciaville 24. Beechville 38. Amherst
Néoécossais notables: passé et présent 3 Les Afro-Néoécossais ont apporté d’importantes contributions à la vie DÉFI politique, vie sociale et culturelle de nos collectivités, de notre province et de notre pays. Une nouvelle génération a commencé à se lever et à prendre le flambeau de ceux qui disaient « Black Lives Matter » depuis des décennies avant. Sélectionnez l’un des notables néoécossais suivants et choisissez un personne qui poursuit son travail aujourd’hui. Rédiger un court essai ou enregistre une vidéo nous expliquant en quoi les deux sont similaires et ce qu’ils font pour faire un différence dans le monde aujourd’hui. The Times of Wayne Adams cotians African Nova S tians Carrie Best www.acadiau.ca f s imes o cadiau .ca Scotian ns www.a le Nova o le Nova Scotia c Notab Notab The T ivist S te nity Act Olympic Athle a Commu nal Excellence Nov iplomat ural and Educatio Journalist/D oter Inspiring Cult Prom Boxer/Commun ity Activist ing & Events her/Box n t/Author Researc a Social Activis re Cultu i c ge and Leader ivist r n, Vol. I Social Activist/Church f nity Act Revised Editio Herita Activist mu or/Com A Publisher/Social istory, Educat Our H /Social Activist Pastor/Educator Rocky Jones ivist tion of /Comm unity Act A Celebra Social Worker r s Teache Jones rial Art h Dixon-9 Indust Debora y 1949 -198 r-Baile ille Marjorie Turne Africville ers of the by the other Africv Lockeport ctor founding memb fondly and Brend a t/Instru for bered to ever qualify the three She is remem Mantley of the Canadian runners Commonwealth n Best One of the youngest at the Olympic, hter Pilo Borde One of Linda Society. the Society, in the creat ion Calbert James the Olympics. Competed Has the unique Jet Fig distinction of being Gloria events Genealogyunders of force driving alogy Socie ty. y” Daye 1926 - 2007 and Pan-Am Games. Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame gow g and New Glas d). Boxin Mass Choir. two co-fo Ross, as a Delmore “Budd e Two the ille Gene New Glasgow Manpower and inducted into both Columbia Sports Hall of Fame. (retire g Steed Africv Sylvia Hamilton 1928 - 1995 ivist eur Boxin the rcher Scotia and the British r Althea Pearleen Oliver New Glasgow Former Assistant Volum Deputy Minister of lth Secretariat. nity Act tology Resea of the Nova Hema ter. Founder Halifa x Amat izing the l-winning boxers for y d Office British Commonwea mu issione Count Sergeant-At-Arms. or/Com Immigration. Member, promo l in organ al meda the Pictou 1917 - 2008 Canada’s first Black Junior Champion. Educat hor menta d sever ted into /Comm Senator/Activist/Aut * gh Instru d Preston Athlete traine ics. Induc in 2010. Cook’s Cove, Guysborou of the Canadian Lightweight Sports Hall of Fame. x Club whichreal Olymp Hall of Fame Reverend Richar and Author. First woman Moderator Inducted into Nova Scotia rly Co 1976 Mont Sports Beve of O.C., O.N.S. - 1861 Social Activist Inaugural recipient t of the Carrie M. Best, Educator/Mayor/Artis Unknown African United Baptist Association. Truro Site Manager Leader Award. movement - 20011903 Halifax Church, the African the YWCA Community tor and r in the t/Te acher First African Baptist Baptist Association. Fame Boxer mwell st, educa e. A leade of the Black Activis Rev. William Pearly Oliver, C.M. New Glasgow of The Clarion. Founder of the and the African World Hall of Comm unity activi ge Centr the history Herita Church - 1989 Social Activist and Publisher Officer in the Order of Canada in 1979. Abolitionist Society ion Boxer eth Cro Society Black Loyalist and showcaseBirchtown. rve Loyalists at 1912 Wolfville Invested as an recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia World Champ Elizab BirchtownChildren’s Aid the Black to prese tors of rker First posthumous the . visor with of Direc of Nova Scotia Pastor, Educator and Social Activist. in 1984. ical Singer ston cial Wo Teacher/Class ork super Canada Board ty Black in the Order of Casew Served on the Cultural Socie ent of the t/So Invested as a Member hn unity Activist H. Jo (retire d). Front and Black nt Presid Activis Veteran/Comm Noel 1925 - 1995 United ing member and currege Society. Herita Church first A found Loyalist Halifax Preston. Thetrial Arts Delmore “Buddy” Daye War Hero and North as an Indus with hville er at Beec n to gradu ate a bus fitted ivist nity Act where Teach Scotia -mobile’, schools Commu n Nova ed the ‘shop he drove to ters Africa er. Creat which Arts. Pe Teach equipment t Industrial Wally 2013 industrial he taugh 1937 - flying Litchfield and air force with the ivist wning jet fighte r pilot nt of and flew nity Act e Bro ds a’s first Black developme Canad Helped in the team, the ‘Snow birds’. Commu raldin ibson Woonurse ing instructor. dary flying Dr. Ge Preston/Gteach . Found ty. er and al SocieWoodr ow Ruck, C.M.legen sh aw East activist, unity Calvin Black Cultur Bapti nt of the Woods Unite d rs st 1925 - 2004 ivist Ted Up first Plains ed Officer and P). Windsor ng comm nity Act reside n honou ission (RCM Life-lo and past-P ening Gibso s and , C.M. rsity. Sydney n Comm Mounted Police in 2012. Commu award Daurene Lewis Memb er ia Unive of the NSAACP. l in re-op of numerous Scotia ian of Fame menta from Acad activist and lifelong member two books n Nova Canad s Hall Instru 1944 - 2013 Recipient nities Social 1998. Author of First Africa in the Royal rsity’s Sport rd Churc h. r of Huma Appointed to the Senate in Invested in the shaw Inspector Acadia Unive Sam Langfo Wanda Thomas Bernard Annapolis Royal Mayor includ ing a Docto about the No. 2 Construction Battalion. in 1994. ret Up d to Marga 1871-1922 or Plains Order of Canada Name Nova Scotian 1886 - 1956 First elected African Mayor in Canada. ivist ealogi st nity Act st Falls and first black woman inds d Bapti George Dixon Weymouth of Fame World Boxing Hall much of Black Loyalist, Rose Fortune. Commu Lockhartv ille/W African Unite an/Gen The only boxer inducted into the so Direct descendant er of the s Auxili ary. Histori Portia White 1870 - 1909 an official title. Langford aroused him. r/Composer l Sta tes Found er. A) Ladie 1911 - 1968 Africville weight class and not to have won fear in opponents that many boxers refused to fight Politian/Singe Murie Schoo l teach iation (AUB Assoc Champion in any -1984 O.C. Halifax First Black World n Boxing Champion. Doctor 1888 th Dartmou iple organizer of ncillor Isaac C. Phills, Internationall y renowned Contralto. Achievement the first Canadian-bor Avonport/ st. Princ (AUBA) unty Cou Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Jones, D.S.M. 1896 - 1985 Prize for Artistic Activist ry r and activist Association r/Co Businessman/Community Carve Farme The Portia White annually in her honour. unity worke d Bapti ed in 1919. in the Arts is awarded n Unite ary, found Sydney Eddie Comm 1869-1950 in the Order of Canada. protest in the Africa s Auxili Truro Scotian invested of Canada in 1967. Governor Africvillest political st camp at Ladie Was posthumously First African Nova Officer in the Order Lieutenant the longeup his prote pist at at Vimy Ridge. Invested as an ry began camp A Canadian hero Activist protest his former for set Carve y when he Forces Medallion awarded the CanadianService in 2011. Pastor/Social Eddie ains his ian histor He maint s the histor y of lchildren. r/Ph ilanthro Distinguished ry Canad ille in 1970. he gladly share s and schoo Farme Businesswoman Africv group Carve ille where visiting tour IrvineAfricville Africv and a unity with Society comm War Hero alogy comm s unity ivist nity Act ille Gene Active the AfricvHeritage Trust. rs and award ent of Presid the Africville numerous honou e Meda l. Commu ey Director of Recipient of n Jubile Nurse/ Mantl volunteer. ing the Quee n’s Golde Linda ille Africville ers of the rer of the Africv includ or memb reasu founding nt Secretary/T ly known as Educat the three cholar/ teer lovingunity. gian/S curre One of Society and unity volun her comm Genealogy Active comm children in Theolo tes Ross Society. many W. Sta Steed Nan by David Plains ian Bre nda ille ivist Windsor d). Independen t histor White, III, Africville ers of the led to the nity Act y and Africv O.C. a (retire Scotian historResearch William (Bill) memb founding of the Socie ty mu Canad ist/Com Nova brook ian, Parks in African iate, Gorse the three ty. The work Heritage Trust. 1915-1981 James A. Phills, M.D. M.Sc. One of Socie ille Scient ans Histor specializing rch AssocMary’s Unive rsity. W. Ev Africv Truro logy. Resea te, Saint Genealogy ion of the for federal office in Allan – 1960 1925-2010 creat Canadian to run genea Institu The first African Order of Canada s, O.B.E. Sydney an Officer of the 1890 s Husband doctor. Fellow Canada. Appointed mpion ton illor from his Beresford Augustu- 1969 in 1970. Nova Scotian medical Surgeons and Cha East Pres y Counc 1931 until e rable 1883 The first African of Physicians and of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Boxing g Count st servin illor from Judg The Honou Halifax the American College yn der r and longe y Counc d as Count in 1960. Andrew White, BA Francis, O.N.S. Citizens Improvement /Write r n Wh Farme Mayann E. Serve death Preston. Reverend William- 1936 Founder of the Halifax Colored of the Order of the British Empire. Storyteller Nelso 1864 – ton 1939 1874 Sydney as Lieutenant League, Member Hero Preston. vist nd Truro First African Nova Scotian to serve Sailor/Civil War Pres North North new school in n Whynder r/Acti Viola Desmo Nova Scotian to be granted an Honourary Governor of Nova Scotia. huk, C.M. a to build his honour, Nelso ic Boxe Yakimc d 1914 - 1963 The first African The only commissione right the land d in l. Olymp a Adessa Acadia University. William Hall, V.C. Halifax Doctorate from African Nova Scotian officer in WWI. Actor/Playw opment Donated The schoo l is name ntary Schoo Clotild Eleme an and pioneer Sydney unity Devel Playwright the 1827 - 1904 Comm ent of Successful businesswom in Nova Scotia. Poet/Educator/ ent of the BlackBlack presid . Recip ient ivist unity Act Bluff industry Horton in the cosmetics ing Presid n and the first Scotia the Harry dian and the first of Nova ing ris Found izatio Association includ a in 2003. mm llor/Co first African-Cana First black person, be awarded the Victoria Cross. Judge J. Pa Organ s distinctions Canad Counci Nurse Nova Scotian to ter Registered rs and the Order of r Dr. Pe gow ogical Seminary rous honou ted to Lawyer/Educato Rev of nume Award. Inves New Glas eton Theol rsity Schoo of l of Jerom e al Activist Jr. Emeritus at Princ n Unive rsity ocate nity Adv at Bosto Year, Unive Alumnus Lawyer/Soci Paris Professor g Professor us of the guished (Bill) 2 and a Visitin d Alumn and Distin ille, 2012. Commu Willia m 1941-201gow Name l, 1995 Theology. ty Schoo University, ia Wolfv Judge/ n of the Divini Chicago the Year, Acad ructio New Glasnt and const Road, New ge of ivist Vale developme ed on y Herita l in the Park, situat Pictou Count menta ge a people in ial Act Instru ntric Herita is designatedhistory of black r/ Soc Africe The Park to the Teache Q.C. Miller, y. Glasgow. is dedicatedPictou Count Gray Site and erie Clyde Plains pion from the able Val iced with ivist Honour Pier Windsor ian Cham Welterweight Whitney in 1986. Pract law unity Act Canad ian of fiscal of rweight the Canad Champion Nova Scotia areas e in the the Tax Court Welte Reigning 1980s. He was n alth Welte rweight the plane t. r/Comm to the Bar of t of Justic Judge of Wanda Robso to the Commonwe rweight on Teache Called Departmen inted 2007. Ben Jackson federal litigation. Appoa on April 2, 1960s Champion, the nked Welte North Sydney son 1833 - 1915 and the #10-ra accomplished storyteller, John and tax Canad Retired lab technician,guest speaker at schools thor CyronPreston Kings County Kirk lona. West Brooklyn, assault on Mobile Bay. writer and frequent the province. in Barce r/Au North 1992 Olympics a in the naval known to Office throughout force Lawyer Participated in RCMP . n, C.M., O.N.S. at the nal Police Scotian sailors n a George Elliott Clarke, O.C.,O.N.S Walter Borde One of at least 75 African Nova the American Civil War. Johnso sented Canad Halifax Regio profiling. sued the Windsor Plains New Glasgow Canada in 2005 have served for the North during Arnold 2008 Repre ssfully case of racism and racial 1925 – ton eral’s in the Order of n. Succe s Winner of the Governor-Gen University professor.the Portia White Prize for Artistic Invested as a Member Portia White Prize in 2006. Politician Pres War II vetera g ber Corrine Spark North 1977. World l in establishinfire the and winner of Award for Poetry, Luther King Jr. Award and /Mentor illor, 1965-Instrumenta ct 16 area ulty Mem n Johnston, BA, LLB Halifax Achievement, the Dr. Martin hardest working poet. Lawyer/Social Activist y Counc er. ool Fac Law Sch Distri appointed to the James Robinso numerous other awards. Canada’s x Count l Board memb and the Preston. African Canadians B.A., LL.B. Lawyer/ Halifa ng Fund 1876 – 1915 One of the first Nova Scotian s, x Schoo North and the first African stor William Halifa on Area Housi Echo and Burnley A. ‘Rocky’ Jones, O.N.S. Preston for judiciary in Canada appointed to the bench. Scholar/Pa Henry th Scotia . the Prest stations at Lake and social advocate Castor Dartmoucial Court of Nova t – 2013 1942 Scotian lawyer First African Nova of accessible higher education. Educator/Film-maker /Writer ittee. Comm of the y Activis Truro the provision s of the Provin Advisory Learners (BUF). Mana ger mmunit Scotian to successfully argue a case der e William judge First Black of the Black Front Lea der/Co First African Nova Supreme Court of Canada. before the Pastor/Buil mina Alic Past chair the Black United t Union. Credi Union Activist Wilhel 1914 – 1977 l Activist with Seaview Teacher/Community le and socia Centrevilwomen’s rightsprovides , ivist /Educator advoc ate for ization that stic abuse mu nity Act Community Activist organ g dome an/Com fierce ng, an n er and Teach e. Alice Housi children leavin Johnso n and her honou r. Alderm monds) justic to womeis named in housing ine (Sim Preston l. One of Joseph North Vocational Schoo Recre ation ocate outh Preston d), Dartmof the North of the childr en’s nity Adv er, (retire ers ng ommu rd, Q.C . Priest/C on. Smith Teach ing memb ed the openi e in Prest Crawfo Craig inted a the foundiation. Initiat Assoc re and medic al centr h David Halifaxvolunteer. Appo obtain Kennet by dayca Pier Pier to Forces in 2015 Whitneynt of Whitney rsity. Called to unity ton, st r/Activi and comm of Police Johns reside usie Unive legal author of Merit urable Davidnition of nous Blackfrom Dalho esteemed n’s Noted Order Diggs er of the the Right Hono in recog r/Lawye First indige of Laws Long and t as Quee George H. Teache in 1976. a, elor ntmen . Q.C. Memb lency of Canad leadership. a Bach Nova Scotia by his appoi of Nova Scotia r Davis, His Excel nor General e and of ce the Bar r is evidenced the Provin George Webbe 1874-1930 liams Gover servic nding caree el in and for le Y. Wil - 2004 outstaPreston 1925 Borden, BA, MA Councillor of the Michel Halifax ty of Law, IndigeLaw, Couns ivist Rev. Edwin Howard Halifax County nous Halifax Longest serving and - 1953 Scotian lawyer to practice law post- pre-World War II era, serving eman from 1908 to 1917 l of mun ity Act 1869 First African Nova School, 1952. Polic from 1920 to 1930. ctor, Facul ich Schoo ian/Com n Ruck Truro of Dalhousie Law r Instru Schul from a university Scotian to graduate Acadia with his in World War I. Graduate Black lawyer appointed First Nova Scotian-born Counsel. Winsto and Senio Initiative, Director s & Mi’kmaq usie Unive rsity. Politic First African Nova 1992 Dalho 1923 - Pier Black graduated from Arts Queen’s d Nova Scotia. Borden in 1892 and his Master of ent, Unite ton Ney States ton lar Whitney elected Presid d on the n Reverend Welling Sylvia Hamil Bachelor of Arts degree degree in 1896. Pastor/Scho (Tom) Miller to be Serve Black al Historia Cromwell, O.N.S. - 1927 Beechville /Coach Thomas Black and onlyof America, local 1064. and the vist/Loc Edith Hope - 2009 1877 film-maker, author and educator. Olympic Athlete 1917 – 1988 The first Front (BUF) ity Acti United Commun a. ers 1916 Wolfville States Award winning Pier tic Canad Steel Workthe Black al Centr e. Kinney AUBA and gifted carpenter. Reverend r Whitney an in Atlan to 1972. The s of Cultur James A. R. enato Scotia. Board Missionary for the throughout Nova Inglewood activist and one of the earliest Baptist Churches Politician/S ipal alderm il from 1955 lished by the built or restored ivist munic 1897 - 1940 Life-long community graduates of the Nova Scotia First BlackSydney City Counc Award, estab recipients unity Act rs Yarmouth Business College African Nova Scotian Teachers College. Politician s Electe d to Miller n Rights nal , honou Huma Municipality promotion and nt, r/Comm Thomas First black graduate of the Maritime Scotia Home Leader Franci n Regio advanceme n rights. Teache and first Superintende nt of the Nova Community rge A. Cape Breto for the who work protection of huma for Colored Children. iest Geo Archpr 1908 – Pier 1982 n Politician derbur n ’s Africa Whitney n of St. Philipey Pier for nity Lea der s” Wed mu ucator egatio of Whitn Scholar/Ed A. J. “Gu served the congrcommunity an/Com Hobarts on 1929 – 2007 ing Selflessly Church and the forty-three years. Histori Orthodox Halifax One of the found and the Lawyer. iation (BEA) te y Advoca Scotia ipal and tors Assoc the Nova e rd er, Princ er of Crawfo Teach the Black Educa memb ed Peopl . ommunit mpy” ers of ty. Boardcement of ColorCommission acher/C Carl “Ca - 2003 al Socie Poet/Te memb Cultur for the Advan Human Rights 1940 Black iation Scotia Carl Pier a. The WhitneyAtlantic Canad r by the Cape Assoc and Nova is (NSAACP) son Par lly to Hender in officer in his honou r ow. ento annua t to gow police lished presented New Glasg . itmen New Glas ian/M First Black d was estab and is yor of Commission Awar force and comm unity. ty-Ma r Depu leadershiptheir comm Music Jordan CrawfordRegional Police forme n Rights hon. William exemplifiesequality in Huma illor and Nova Scotia st Racism marat Rev. Arthur Breton ent who Counc ss and recipi e, fairne a1858-1892 ond Serve d on the the Run Again er of justic Tracadie/Truro Church from Desm Found Brown ivist Jack ing Deborah Miller nity Act Street Baptist ille on-go Pastor of Cornwallis of the earliest African mu Lincolnv pion of the that was 1884 to 1891 and one or/Com cham site nd Lege Halifax at the e ian and cial dump . Nova Scotian scholars. Scotian to compete First African Nova City. Former track and field Educat (Daye) Ash unity histor Comm to remove a provin unity of Lincolnville ada of Can Don Oliver, ena comm protest d near the Q.C. Olympics, 1968, Mexico Mary’s University. Hattie Eug Order - 2007 r of the coach at Saint place s, C.M., O.N.S. 1917 ugh Wayne Adam Wolfville boro Teacher and vist Membe C.M. Halifax First African Nova Scotian appointed to the Senate. Legend e, Guys Sunnyvill r to 32 childr en. United Front. Commun ity Acti C.M. – Council Joyce L. Ross, row Black st. Queen’s of the Nova Scotian Member r McKer mothe illor for the h activi eacher/ Q.C. – or foster Worker Educator/Social Pastor/T First elected African (MLA) and Cabinet Minister. Mother 30 years. Counc Churc East Preston founder of the the Order of Canada Evande unity and Peter 1841 – 1906 for O.C. – Officer of care educator and Legislative Assembly principal Decorated comm Gordon Earle Community health Care Centre. Lay minister. Invested in the Social Activist Canada for of the Order of iation East Preston Day in 2001. Pastor/Educator/ Halifax Baptist AssocHistory of Leader Halifax Order of Canada C.M. – Member d nity Leslie H. Oliver n Unite r of A Brief advocate First elected African Nova Scotian inesswoman the Africa and autho A staunch r/Commu (MP). Politician/Bus of Nova Scotia tary of ian Counselo Wolfville Jodrey School of Member of Parliament O.N.S. – Order Tynes Secre thirty years . Histor (1783 – 1895). Scotia of educa tion. Guidance Professor Emeritus, Dentist the British Empire Maxine- 2011 Blacks in Nova the importance O.B.E. – Order of Acadia. for Computer Sciences, ocate 1949 author, ducat or th V.C. – Victoria Cross Dartmou poet and sit on Politician/E Medallion -winning woman to unity Adv l/Educa tor ished Service ms ate, awardn Canadian University. unity advocFirst Africa Dalhousie r/Comm Olympic Officia D.S.M. – Distingu cky’ Ada Comm er. at Teache R. ‘Bu2012 Englis h teach of Governors Q.C. – Queen’s Council Charles 1937 - the Board legend. ilton, D.H.L. Halifax and Jazz of unteer Ham oser. Blues generation nity Vol eet, Waldron and compmentor to a ians. Commu allis Str 3 ie Nita - 1993 Performeration and n music Judge/ Dr. Mar 1920 Cornw 1B 5539 x, NS, B3K e ls in Inspir Nova Scotia Beechvill schoo , taught at many onds Plains r 200 tor who Preston, Hamm cted educaing North . An active churc h and y Voluntee ald D. Ske ir Halifa 1-855-350-3 A respe preschool ommunit e: .ca Rev. Don y includ of the Toll Fre ct@dbdli y Brook Streetx Count , and Cherr founder Boxer/C 5539 Cornwallis Beec 1999 Olympic 1926 – Halifa . hville teer and House for the 1B3 comm unity volun am at Veith progr Halifax Association d on the conta Halifax, NS, B3K Scotia Serve ory Nova ACP). er of the People (NSA Learners Advis . 350-3200 cipal memb Charter nt of Color ed , the Black Association (BEA) Bernard, C.M., O.N.S. Toll Free: 1-855- hool Prin ission Thomas l. Wanda Thomas ceme tors Advan Rights Comm and St. cher/Sc Tynes Educa Fairfax, C.M. Schoo contact@dbdli.ca Tea n the Black Cherry Brook New Road Rev. Donald Edward East Preston nston- Huma Work ittee and on, the School of Social Comm at East Prest Teacher at 1920-2010 Professor and Director of Dalhousie issues of violence and in addressing Alma Joh Brook Cherry elor. Past Mode rator of the of the Pastor st Churches. Cherry Brook (retired). Specializing Canada in 2005. United Bapti l in the Order of Co-founderAfrican- Yvonne Atwel couns community principal and active AUBA. anti-racism. Invested guidance iation. first Lewis Pastor, school moderator of er and d Baptist Assoc Group. The Advisory Ronald James Dartmouth an. volunteer. Two-time of Canada in 1990. Teach n Unite en's al Wom the Nova Scotia r Borden Order Africa en. 2012 1932 - and Businesswom as Invested in the Professionto serve on of Wom Community Volunteer Status Chesteney Pier tor of the Whitneys elected Black n Royal Scotian woman Scotia il on the Annapolis First African Nova (MLA). Nova Percy Paris Legislative Assembly of Dalhousie Counc Scotian Graduate Member of the Whit tive Direcnumerous award First African Nova Direct descendant of r. Execu of unity Windsor Dental School. rt worke . Recipient rial Comm Carl Barton, C.M. of the Legislative Rose Fortune. nt suppo Girls Clubs es Memo d and the Bradford J. First African Nova Scotian Member to consecutive terms Black Loyalist, alen Stude and han Skeet Pier Boysing the Jonat Human Rights Awar Jean Wh Dartmouth to be re-elected d. Los Assembly (MLA) posts in government. Millar Crawford Awar in Montreal and includ Judge hold multi-Cabinet in the Tom Olympic Games administrator. and the first to th y Court . Award, “Campy” Officiated at the teacher and school Dartmou cial and FamilAssociation Angeles. Respected Order of Canada in 2000. Provin Lawyers the Invested in the of the Black ittee of United bench to the er of the ons Comm n Called ing memb Race Relati with the Africa . 2009. Found of the Volunteers unity YMCA Vice-Chair iation. and the Comm ters Assoc iation Barris Assoc Baptist d Gibson Richar mott Bryan Gibson Woods ic Boxin g team. ald Jem ian Olymp mentor. y Fitzger-1941 1976 Canad and youth er of the volunteer Mobra 1875 Preston Memb Comm unity Halifax Plains and l. When Voici une autre option! onds Schoo ville, Hammat Africville as ed him t at Lucas Principal n replac Taugh ing Gordo l. becom his son before d in 1933, ipal at the Schoo he retire Princ Proposez un Afro-Néoécossais, passé ou présent, que vous pensez être à la hauteur le titre de « Notable Nova Scotian ». Rédigez un essai d’une page partageant ce qu’ils ont fait pour contribuer à leur communauté, leur province ou leur pays? Pourquoi leurs réalisations sont-elles importantes?
Et le prix revient à... 4 Les Afro-Néoécossais ont une longue histoire d’excellence dans le sport DÉFI et dans le arts. Rédigez un discours d’acception (enregistrement facultatif) pour un athlète Afro-Néoécossais ou artiste qui est intronisé au temple de la renommée. Quels sont certains des leurs plus grandes réalisations? Quelles mesures ont-ils prises pour atteindre leur buts? Qui peut les avoir inspirés? Les athlètes Artistes
Une journée dans la vie de… 5 Rédigez une courte histoire ou entrée de journal traitant d’une journée dans DÉFI la vie d’un loyaliste ou d’un réfugié de race noire en Nouvelle-Écosse. D’où êtes-vous venu? Où vous êtes-vous établi? Quels sont vos espoirs et quelles sont vos craintes et aspirations? Comment avez-vous survécu? En quoi votre vie est-elle différente depuis que vous vous êtes établi en Nouvelle-Écosse? nier de x d e n e p a s trainer au gre ieu ne, tu ferais m n à faire d’un e « Dorothy An e Bibi… Je n ’a i ri e a i d e m a n d é l’argenterie d a m a n résonna dan s nou v e a u ! J’ La vo ix d e M N o u s a v o n s des invités! » d e monter d’un p as ss e u se ! t e n tr a in pare olère e , c o m m e si elle était en c les escaliers lourd et déterm iné. e rn a ti o n d e sa mère, elle const y m a u g ré a . Faisant fi de la n t la boite en bois Doroth s ligne s d é c o ra m a in le tr a cé profond de ss é d ans ce grenie r, care ss a d e la ’elle a v a it p a it . M a lg ré to ut le temps qu ru n e t ses ridules lu i ll e te n a ta b a c b qu’e inte de a it ja m a is v u e avant. Sa te elle ne l’av i. le s mains de Bib renier rap p e la ie n t ie u d e c e p e tit espace au g mil nait assise au en silhouette Dorothy se te frisée se d é c o u p a it c h e velure marron r par la usé par le te m p s. S a il d é v e rs a it dans le grenie le sole le s ru b a n s d e lumière que e s p la n c h e s de bois au sol sur tés. D u e p e ti te lu carne à ses cô re c o uverts d’une fine seu le e t u n iq é ta ie n t s murs t to u te s so rt e s d’éclats. Le dépassaien leté jaunâtre. orothy trainait pellicule de sa ait pas p o u rq u o i D re d e D o ro th y ne compren u r sa mère, c’était La mè u re s. P o t des he n ie r p e n d a n t des heures e e t é viter les autre s. dan s c e g re our dis p a ra it re y se servait p leine une excuse d o n t D o ro th it u n e c a v e rn e de trésors, p e, c’éta is p o u r D o ro thy elle-mêm Ma secrets. d’objets et de Autre possibilité Illustrez ou peignez une image qui représente une journée dans la vie d’un loyaliste ou d’un réfugié de race noire en Nouvelle-Écosse.
Exprimez-vous! 6 Les personnes d’origine africaine se rappellent de l’Afrique et l’honorent DÉFI au moyen de leur langue, des arts, de la musique, de la danse et des modes. Leur influence a contribué à définir et à façonner la culture en Amérique du Nord. Présentez un poème, une chanson, un spectacle, une oeuvre d’art, une histoire, une danse ou toute autre forme de création culturelle ayant subi l’influence des personnes d’origine africaine. Toutes les propositions originales sont acceptées.
Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute Excellence in Africentric Education & Research Défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais FORMULAIRE D’INSCRIPTION Nom de l’école : ________________________________________________________________ Adresse de l’école : ______________________________________________________________ Enseignant : ___________________________________________________________________ Adresse de courriel : _____________________________ Téléphone : ____________________ Nom de l’élève ou du groupe : ____________________________________________________ Année scolaire : ________________________________________________________________ Numéro du défi : (Veuillez sélectionner un seul défi par projet) __________________________ RÉSERVÉ À L›USAGE INTERNE : m Demande livrée par porteur Date reçue : _______________________________ m Demande envoyée par la poste
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