Airline Sector Soaks Up $10b Loss - AFRICAN AIRLINES ASSOCIATION - How to Attract Private Finance to Africa's Development - Bizweek
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VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 3 BIZ ALERT DANS UN CONTEXTE DE RALENTISSEMENT POST-PANDÉMIE Les investisseurs sur le marché de la dette privée doutent de leur capacité à gérer les défauts de paiement Une nouvelle étude d’Ocorian montre que 87 % des investisseurs sur les marchés de capitaux mettent en œuvre une stratégie de prêts directs. Cependant, moins de la moitié des sociétés en Afrique sont confiantes en ce qu’il s’agit du suivi des clauses restrictives de la dette (44 %), des capacités en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux (48 %) ou de recouvrement des pertes (48 %) U ne grande majorité (87 %) des investisseurs sur les marchés de capitaux mettent en œuvre des stratégies de prêts directs, même si 47 % d’entre eux ne croient pas en leur capac- œuvre. Avec 207 milliards de dollars ayant été déployés par 327 fonds de prêts directs à travers le monde au cours des dix dern- ières années, l’étude souligne le manque pour évaluer leur préparation opération- nelle alors qu’ils planifient les stratégies d’investissement pour l’après-pandémie. Les sondés issus de sociétés comptant moins de 10 ans d’existence sont moins ité à gérer le recouvrement des pertes, ce de confiance qui règne parmi les investis- confiants quant à leur capacité à recou- qui pourrait avoir de graves implications seurs sur le fait que leur capacité de prêts vrer les pertes en ce qui concerne le prêt si les défauts de paiement des entreprises directs soit suffisante pour surmonter les direct. Seulement 41 % d’entre eux ont augmentent à mesure que les politiques de difficultés. Ils sont le moins confiants pour exprimé leur confiance. Le niveau de con- soutien, mises en place par les gouverne- traiter le recouvrement des pertes (47 %), fiance concernant les capacités de recou- ments en raison de la pandémie, sont sup- l’évaluation des risques (53 %), la produc- vrement des pertes était le plus bas parmi primées. tion de relevés (54 %) et le suivi des claus- les sondés européens (28 %) – nettement Selon le Capital Markets report, intit- es restrictives de dette (57 %). inférieur aux sondés nord-américains (40 ulé ‘Navigating CovExit : Searching for %), africains (48 %) et asiatiques (72 %). value in the debt markets’, commandité Confiants par rapport Malgré leurs préoccupations, quelque par Ocorian, leader mondial des services fiduciaires aux entreprises, de la gestion aux opportunités 92 % des sondés s’attendent à ce que les faillites d’entreprises et les restructurations de fonds d’investissement et des services présentent des opportunités pour eux au Ocorian a commandité une étude in- pour marchés de capitaux, la majorité des cours des 12 prochains mois, dont 22 % dépendante auprès de 100 décideurs sur investisseurs sur les marchés de capitaux qui pensent que les opportunités seront les marchés de capitaux travaillant dans (57 %) ont une stratégie de prêts directs importantes. À l’échelle régionale, les des banques d’investissement et des so- qu’ils envisagent d’étendre et 30 % ont une firmes en Afrique étaient plus confiantes ciétés financières privées en Europe, en stratégie qu’ils sont en train de mettre en (96 %) par rapport à ces opportunités. Amérique du Nord, en Afrique et en Asie makes searching simple Official online directory of Mauritius Telecom Business People
VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 4 LA TOUR AFRICAN AIRLINES ASSOCIATION Airline Sector Soaks Up $10b Loss The airline industry in Africa recorded a passenger revenue loss of about $10.21 billion for the year 2020, with passenger numbers dropping from 95 million in 2019 to 34.7 million in 2020, representing a year-on-year decline of 63.7 percent. The published its impact assessment analysis on June 2, giving an in-depth analysis of the continent’s air industry performance for 2020, showing that the carriers will continue to lose money in 2021, F although it is expected to reduce to about $8.35 billion rom the end of March, the ma- jority of carriers grounded their aircraft causing a drastic seat and revenue per kilometre drop of 85 percent and 94 percent re- spectively in April. The reduction in traffic continued until June, before reversing with the gradual opening of borders. The survey entitled ‘Air Transport Report 2020’ also found that African airlines carried more do- mestic traffic in 2020, making 43 percent of their total traffic. “The leading carriers in terms of domestic traffic are airlines like Safair, Ethiopian Airlines, Mango Airlines, and Air Algerie. Those five airlines car- ried 4.8 million passengers on domestic routes during the year. International traffic represented 57 percent breaking down into 19 percent of Intra-African and 38 percent of intercontinental passengers”, can we read in the report of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA). Europe is the major international destina- tion of African airlines, representing 21 per- cent and even exceeding Intra African traffic (19 percent), domestic excluded. Traffic to the Middle East tended to increase, while traffic to Asia reduced due to Covid-19. Lowering airport charges Northern Africa leads in passenger num- bers, representing 36.6 percent of the total continental traffic, boosted by European tourists. Eastern Africa is second with a share of 22.2 percent of the continent’s market. Domestic and Intra-African traffic are dominant in this region, both represent- ing 70 percent of the traffic in 2020. Southern Africa suffered a 63.6 percent drop in traffic due to Covid-19 with the re- gion having only 21 percent of the conti- nental traffic but its share of domestic mar- ket grew to 77 percent in the last quarter of 2020, from 66 percent before Covid-19. Central and Western African regions both represented 19.7 percent of the traffic in Africa. Johannesburg and Cairo were the busi- est airports as per landings and take-offs, with Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi leading ranking by freight traffic lockdown measures. Mauritius completely ceased operations during Quarters 2 and 3, Kenya lead with 30 direct flights and more to other countries within Africa. However, REGIONAL INSIGHTS handling more than 330,000 tonnes in 2020 bringing connectivity level to zero. Airports the intra-African connectivity remains poor. Northern Africa is the leading region in followed by Cairo’s 280,000 tonnes. like Madagascar, Lome and Khartoum saw a African airlines should take the opportuni- terms of passengers, representing 36.6% of Lusaka has the highest level of charges quick improvement from the beginning of ty to develop their intra-African Network, the total continental traffic. In this region, while Mahe Island has the lowest among Quarter 3, benefiting from less strict restric- especially in this period where the EU has the major part of this traffic is directed out- the selected airports. Some of the busiest tions. limited travels to Europe.” side the continent, in particular to Europe: airports in Africa like Johannesburg, Addis, In 2020, the regional traffic represented In terms of Visa openness within, more 45% before Covid. This can be explained Algiers are among the least expensive. This only 19% of African carriers’ operations. and more countries are opening their bor- by the tourism that is developed in the re- indicates that lowering the airport charges Furthermore, the Covid-19 situation deplet- ders to other African countries. In 2010, gion and attracts Europeans. Middle-East is can have a positive effect on traffic. ed the Intra-African connectivity that was The Gambia joined Seychelles and Benin also a preferred destination from Northern already low. It is important to facilitate trav- in the group of totally Visa-free countries. Removing els within Africa by removing the barriers Visa on arrival is adopted by 32 countries Africa (22% of the traffic in 2019) due to barriers that prevent travels within the continent. across Africa. Unfortunately, in 2020, 46% the strong cultural and economic relation- ship between the Maghreb and Middle-East. “Among the 54 countries in the African of Africans still need a visa to travel to an- The Covid-19 outbreak caused a year-on- Johannesburg remains the most connect- continent, 13 have direct flights to more other African country compared to 50% in year drop of 61% of the regional traffic. ed airport, even if severely affected by the than 20 African countries. Ethiopia and 2019, which is a small improvement. Cont’d on page 5
VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 5 LA TOUR The traffic toward Europe declined by lated to Covid reached 63.6% compared to 5%, in favor of Middle-East (+2.6%) and 2019. In this region representing 21% of the intra-Africa (+2.1%). The part of the do- continental traffic, the domestic market is mestic market is around 20%, which is far clearly dominant: from 66% before the Cov- from the continental average that is 43%. id, the part of domestic traffic increased up Eastern Africa is the second region in to 77% in the last quarter of 2020. On the terms of passenger traffic volumes with a other end, intra-African traffic reduced, as share of 22.2%. Domestic and Intra-Af- well as traffic outside the continent. rican traffic are dominant in this region, Central and Western African regions both representing 70% of the traffic in both represented 19.7% of the traffic in 2020. Europe is the major destination out- Africa. Domestic traffic represented around side the continent followed by Asia (12% 40% in 2019, Intra-African following with and 7% respectively). After the beginning 32%. In 2020, with the Covid situation, the of the Covid crisis, the share of the do- share of domestic increased, particularly in mestic market rose by 20%. On the oth- the second quarter with 68% with the bor- er hand, Intra-African traffic reduced by ders closing. The share of Europe, the prin- 10%. Asia also lost some shares, from 8% cipal destination outside Africa reduced from to 2% from quarter two. 12% in 2019 to 10% in 2020. The traffic to In Southern Africa, the traffic drop re- Asia also declined from 5.8% to 2.4%.
VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 6 ACTA PUBLICA BAROMÈTRE DU COMMERCE DES MARCHANDISES Une solide reprise du commerce et l’ampleur du choc provoqué par la COVID-19 Selon le dernier Baromètre du commerce des marchandises de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce publié le 28 mai, le commerce mondial des L marchandises continue de se redresser en 2021 après une chute brutale mais brève au deuxième trimestre de l’année dernière en raison de la pandémie e Baromètre du commerce des marchandises est un indicateur avancé composite du commerce mondial qui fournit des rensei- gnements “en temps réel” sur l’évolution du commerce des marchandis- es par rapport aux tendances récentes. Le niveau actuel du baromètre — de 109,7 — est supérieur de près de 10 points à la valeur de base de 100 de l’indice et a augmenté de 21,6 points en glissement annuel, ce qui dénote à la fois la vigueur de la reprise act- uelle et l’ampleur du choc provoqué par la COVID-19 l’année dernière. Au cours du dernier mois, tous les indices constitutifs du baromètre étaient supérieurs à la tendance et en hausse, soulignant la na- ture généralisée de la reprise et signalant une accélération du rythme de l’expansion du commerce. Parmi les indices constitutifs du baromè- tre, les augmentations les plus marquées ont été observées pour les commandes à l’exportation (114,8), le fret aérien (111,1), et les composants électroniques (115,2), qui ont tous une forte valeur de prédiction des tendances à court terme du commerce. La vigueur de l’indice relatif aux produits automobiles (105,5) pourrait refléter une amélioration du moral des consomma- La plus grave menace merce des services qui reste faible et par des calendriers de vaccination qui prennent du dante de 2019. Bien que les statistiques trimestrielles du teurs, la confiance étant étroitement liée aux ventes de biens durables. C’est également le La dernière lecture du baromètre est large- retard, notamment dans les pays pauvres. volume des échanges pour les premier et cas des matières premières agricoles (105,4), ment conforme aux prévisions commerciales Le commerce mondial se redresse depu- deuxième trimestres de 2021 n’aient pas en- qui sont principalement constituées de bois actuelles de l’OMC publiées le 31 mars, qui is le deuxième trimestre de 2020, lorsque core été publiées, elles devraient afficher une destiné à la construction de logements. En- prévoyaient une reprise de 8% du volume la propagation du virus de la COVID-19 a très forte croissance en glissement annuel, en fin, la bonne performance du transport par du commerce mondial de marchandises en provoqué des confinements dans de nom- raison du récent renforcement des échang- conteneurs (106,7) est d’autant plus impres- 2021, après une baisse de 5,3% l’année précé- breux pays et déclenché une chute brutale du es d’une part et de l’effondrement du com- sionnante que les expéditions maritimes ont dente. Les perspectives relativement positives commerce mondial. Le volume des échanges merce l’année dernière d’autre part. Cepend- bien résisté à la pandémie et ont donc eu à court terme du commerce sont assombries de marchandises avait baissé de 15,5 % en ant, la COVID-19 continue de représenter moins de terrain à rattraper. par des disparités régionales, par un com- glissement annuel au deuxième trimestre, la plus grave menace pour les perspectives quand les confinements étaient pleinement commerciales, car la reprise pourrait être fac- effectifs, mais au quatrième trimestre, il avait ilement compromise par de nouvelles vagues dépassé le niveau de la période correspon- d’infection.
VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 7 POST SCRIPTUM ABEBE AEMRO SELASSIE OPPORTUNITY is the Director of the IMF’s African Department. LUC EYRAUD is Advisor and Mission Chief in the How to Attract Private Finance IMF’s African Department. CATHERINE PATTILLO is a Deputy Director in the to Africa’s Development IMF’s African Department. African economies are at a pivotal juncture. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought economic activity to a standstill. Africa’s hard-won economic gains of the last two decades, critical in im- proving living standards, could be reversed. High public debt levels and the uncertain outlook for international aid limit the scope for growth through large public investment programs. The private sector will have to play more of a role in economic development if countries are to enjoy a strong recovery and avoid economic stagnation. Heads of state from Africa made this one of their resounding messages during the recent summit on “Financing African Economies” held in Paris in May Exit risk. No investor will enter a country if they don’t have assurances that they can also exit by selling their stakes in a project and recouping their gains. Narrow and underdeveloped financial markets may prevent investors from exiting by issuing shares. Capital controls can slow down or increase the cost of exiting. And, when the legal framework is weak, investors may get bogged I down in legal battles to have their rights nfrastructure—both physical (roads, 2020 GDP) and almost a quarter of the recognized. electricity) and social (health, average private investment ratio in the region education)—is one area where the (currently 13 percent of GDP). Incentivizing private private sector could be more involved. investment Africa’s infrastructure development What constrains private needs are huge--in the order of 20 percent finance now? Improving the business climate is important of GDP on average by the end of the decade. but not enough. Development sectors have How can this be financed? All else equal, the At the moment, the private sector is not certain structural features that make private main source of financing would be more tax involved much in financing and delivering sector participation intrinsically complicated, revenue collections, something which most infrastructure in Africa, compared to other even in the most favorable environments. countries are working towards. But, given the regions. Public entities, such as national For instance, infrastructure projects often scale of the needs, new financing sources will governments and state-owned enterprises, have large upfront costs, but their returns have to be mobilized from the international carry out 95 percent of infrastructure accrue over long periods of time, which can be community and the private sector. projects. The volume of infrastructure difficult for private investors to assess. Private Africa is a continent that holds immense projects with private sector participation sector growth also thrives on networks and opportunity for private investors. It has a has significantly declined in the past decade, value chains, which may not yet exist in new young and growing population and abundant following the commodity price bust. The markets. natural resources. Cities are seeing massive limited role of private investors is also When these problems are acute, governments growth. Many countries have launched apparent from an international comparison may have to provide extra incentives to make long-term industrialization and digitalization perspective: Africa attracts only 2 percent infrastructure projects attractive to private initiatives. But significant investment and of global flows of foreign direct investment. investors. These incentives, which comprise innovation are necessary to unlock the And when investment does go to Africa, it various types of subsidies and guarantees, region’s full potential. Recent research is predominantly to natural resources and can be costly and carry fiscal risks. But the published by IMF staff shows that the private extractive industries, not health, roads or truth is, many projects in development sectors sector could, by the end of the decade, bring water. won’t happen without them. In East Asia, 90 additional annual financing equivalent to To attract private investors and transform percent of infrastructure projects with private 3 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP the way Africa finances its development, participation receive government support. for physical and social infrastructure. This improvements in the business environment With certain design features, governments can represents about $50 billion per year (using seem critical. Our research shows that three maximize the efficiency and impact of public key risks dominate international investors’ incentives, while minimizing risks. Support minds: should be targeted, temporary and granted Project risk. Despite Africa presenting a on the basis of proven market dysfunctions. wealth of business opportunities, the pipeline It should also be transparent, leave of projects that are truly “investment-ready” sufficient risk to private parties, and display remains limited. These are projects sufficiently additionality, meaning that incentives should developed to appeal to investors that do not make worthy projects happen that would not want to invest in early-stage concepts or happen otherwise. Finally, their size should be unfamiliar markets. Financial and technical well calibrated to avoid overcompensating the support by donors and development banks can private sector. help countries fund feasibility studies, project Given the limited availability of public funds, design and other preparatory activities that African countries and development partners expand the pool of bankable projects. could consider reallocating some resources Currency risk. Imagine that a project yields a used for public investment towards financing return of 10 percent a year, but the currency public incentives for private projects. When depreciates by 5 percent at the same time--this this reallocation is gradual and supported would eliminate half of the profits for foreign by sound institutions, transparency and investors. No wonder currency risk is a top governance, it could increase the amount, concern for them. Prudent macroeconomic range, and quality of services for people policy combined with sound foreign exchange in Africa. More innovative thinking can reserve management can greatly reduce help realize the transformative potential of currency volatility. infrastructure on the continent.
VENDREDI 18 JUIN 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 347 8 DEBRIEF ORGANIZATIONAL INTEGRITY INDEX (OII) Autism Maurice says Thank You Better perception of In view to ensure a better-quality health care for many Autis- tic Mauritians, on Friday 11 June 2021, in budget 2021-2022(290 C), the Government has announced an amount of the public health MRA’s Integrity budget which will cater for “Upgrading works and setting up of day care wards for autistic children at the five regional hospitals”. Ac- cording to the World Health Organisation, about 1 in 160 children has ASD. Autisme Maurice founded in November 2009, has been creating awareness and providing Special Need Education to au- The fourth survey on the perception of integrity at the Mauritius Revenue Authority tistic children. We believe in an Inclusive Society. Autisme Maurice (MRA) demonstrated once again that the institution is moving in the right direction would like to thank the Government and the Minister of Finance for the efforts he has made to facilitate the life of the Autistic indi- to achieve its ultimate goal of being a world-class tax administration respected for its viduals. This is a great relief for parents and the individuals on the professionalism, efficiency, equity, its integrity and its contribution to the socio-eco- spectrum. It is a long fight over years, started by late Mrs Geraldine Aliphon, and the show must go on. nomic development of the Republic of Mauritius T his survey, conducted by the firm Economic & Management Consultants Ltd among MRA’s stakeholders and the public in general, aimed zational Integrity Index has im- proved, compared to the last ex- ercise carried out in 2016. It went from 73.9 in 2016 to 76.3 in 2021. According to MRA staff, the de- initiatives it has implemented in recent years. In its organization- al structure, the Internal Affairs Division and the Internal Audit division are respectively respon- Collectes à Phoenix : Chaque Mauricien donnant son sang peut sauver trois vies at assessing their perception of in- partments that enjoy the highest sible for staff integrity and good Chaque pinte tegrity at the MRA. It was based level of integrity are the Internal governance. The MRA has its own donnée peut sauver on the following six dimensions of Audit Department (IAD), the code of conduct and ethics, an ob- trois vies. Devant le integrity: (i) the legal framework, Operational Services Department ligation of its employees to submit manque drastique regulatory and institutional, (ii) (OSD), the Large Taxpayers De- a declaration of assets every three de pintes dans nos leadership, (iii) internal controls, partment (LTD) and the Informa- years, a declaration of integrity banques de sang, (iv) staff attitude and behaviour, tion Systems Department (ISD). policy, a guide on “gifts” and the plusieurs entités (v) its relationship with external In contrast, the business segment obligation to report assets. New se sont regroupées stakeholders and (vi) the automa- assigns the highest integrity rating strategies such as the Corruption pour organiser une tion and reforms within the Or- to Customs. Risk Mapping (CRM) have been collecte à Phoenix, ganisation. This result is highly encouraging developed to identify the risks of dans le cadre de la The report, submitted in May result for the MRA, and is indica- corruption and take measures to Journée mondiale 2021, reveals that the Organi- tive of the success of the various counter them. du donneur de sang. Blast BCW, le Cen- tre International Wellkin Hospital by C-Care réalise sa première de Développement Phar maceutique discectomie lombaire par voie endoscopique (CIDP), le groupe Socota, Jumbo et C’est une première médicale à ble pour qu’elle puisse reprendre ses ac- Phoenix Mall ont Wellkin Hospital, et une excellente tivités et surtout, ne plus souffrir de son invité, ainsi, les nouvelle pour les patients souf- dos. Après une IRM, nous avons opté Mauriciens à faire frant d’une hernie discale. L’équipe pour une discectomie lombaire par voie ce don de soi si de chirurgiens de Wellkin Hospital, endoscopique. Il s’agit d’une chirurgie précieux à la survie dirigée par le Dr S. Karunagaran, mini-invasive de la colonne vertébrale qui des malades. Deux caravanes de la Banque de sang étaient postées à a opéré avec succès une patiente présente de nombreux avantages pour les Socota Phoenicia (Biopark) et à Phoenix Mall, le mercredi 16 juin, en effectuant une discectomie patients. Nous effectuons de plus en plus entre 9 et 15 heures. lombaire par voie endoscopique. d’interventions en utilisant cette technique L’opération a eu lieu le samedi, 22 novatrice. Jusqu’à tout récemment, les pa- Football : Place à la 47e édition de la mai 2021. tients mauriciens se tournaient vers des « La patiente souffrait de douleurs centres de santé à l’étranger pour en béné- COPA AMERICA sur CANAL+ lombaires qui s’étaient aggravées au fil ficier », explique le Dr S. Karunaga- Les plus grandes équipes de football d’Amérique du Sud se réunis- du temps et avaient atteint un point où ran, Senior Consultant – spécialiste sent sur les chaînes CANAL+ SPORT pour la COPA AMERICA elles affectaient gravement sa mobilité. en orthopédie et chirurgie rachidi- 2021. Ainsi, du 13 juin au 11 juillet, l’intégralité des matchs sera La chirurgie était le seul recours possi- enne au Wellkin Hospital. diffusée sur les chaînes CANAL SPORT 3 et CANAL+ SPORT 4 en direct et en haute définition. Dix équipes d’Amérique du sud s’affronteront lors de ce championnat, qui se déroule cette année au Brésil avec les plus grands joueurs de football, tels que Lionel Messi, Constance Belle Mare Plage : La créativité Sergio Agüero, Dani Alves, Thiago Silva, Philippe Coutinho, Ga- briel Jesus et Luis Suárez entre autres… Les abonnés peuvent aussi au service du développement durable visionner toutes les rencontres en mobilité et quand ils le veulent, à travers l’application myCANAL. La formation est au cœur de la politique environne- mentale de Constance Hotels & Resorts. Grâce à son programme Constance BRIGHT, le groupe hôtelier a mis en place plusieurs projets de revalorisation des déchets à travers lesquels les employés ont pu faire preuve de créativité. Fidèle à sa devise « True by Nature », le groupe compte encourager davantage ce type d’activités auprès de ses équipes, qui demeurent au centre de son engagement en faveur de la préservation de l’environnement. Au Con- stance Belle Mare Plage, des employés ont réalisé deux projets pour recycler des copeaux de savon et des bou- gies usagées. En effet, finalisé en février dernier, le projet « Coco bougie » consiste à fabriquer à la main des bougies écologiques en re- cyclant des bou- gies chauffe-plat qui sont utilisées dans les spas. Il s’agissait d’un tra- vail d’équipe im- pliquant les dépar- tements chargés de l’entretien et de l’aménagement paysager.
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