Amendments to the Statute of the Council of Europe
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COUNCIL OF EUROPE +'3i Treaty Series No. 53 (1951) Amendments to the Statute of the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 22nd May, 1951 Presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by Command of His Majesty Judy 1951 LONDON HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE FOURPENCE NET Cmd. 8293
AMENDMENTS TO THE STATUTE OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS DURING ITS EIGHTH SESSION FROM 2nd TO 4th MAY, 1951, AND BY THE CONSULTATIVE ASSEMBLY DURING ITS THIRD SESSION ON 15th MAY, 1951 Strasbourg, 22nd May, 1951 Certificate of the Secretary - General Whereas paragraph (d) of Article 41 of the Statute of the Council of Europe(') provides that amendments to Articles 23-35, 38 and 39 which have been approved by the Committee of Ministers and the Consultative Assembly shall come into force on the date of the certificate of the Secretary-General, transmitted to the Governments of Members, certifying that they have been so approved; The Secretary-General hereby certifies as follows:- 1. The Committee of Ministers, during its Eighth Session from 2nd to 4th May, 1951, approved the amendments to the Statute the text of which is set out below. 2. The Consultative Assembly, during its Third Ordinary Session, approved on 15th May, 1951 these same amendments. 3. Both organs of the Council of Europe having thus approved them, these amendments will come into force this 22nd day of May, 1951, being the date of this certificate, transmitted on the same date to the Governments of all Members. The text of the amendments referred to above is as follows:- Article 23 to be re-worded as follows: "(a) The Consultative Assembly may discuss and make recommendations upon any matter within the aim and scope of the Council of Europe as defined in Chapter 1. It shall also discuss and may make recom- mendations upon any matter referred to it by the Committee of Ministers with a request for its opinion. (b) The Assembly shall draw up its Agenda in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) above. In so doing, it shall have regard to the work of other European inter-governmental organisations to which some or all of the Members of the Council are parties. (c) The President of the Assembly shall decide, in case of doubt, whether any question raised in the course of the Session is within the Agenda of the Assembly." Replace the first sentence of paragraph (a) of Article 25 by the following text: " The Consultative Assembly shall consist of Representatives of each Member elected by its Parliament or appointed in such manner as that Parliament shall decide, subject, however, to the right of each Member Government to make any additional appointments necessary when the Parliament is not in session and has not laid down the procedure to be followed in that case." .a (1) "Treaty Series No. 51 (1949)," Cmd. 7778. 2
S3 3 AMENDEMENTS AU STATUT DU CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE APPROUVES PAR LE COMITE DES MINISTRES AU COURS DE SA HUITIEME SESSION TENUE ' DU 2 AU 4 MAI 1951 ET PAR L 'ASSEMBLEE CONSULTATIVE LE 15 MAI 1951 AU COURS DE SA TROISIEME SESSION Strasbourg , le 22 mai 1951 Proces-verbal du Secretaire General Considerant que le paragraphe (d) de ]'article 41 du Statut du Conseil de I'Europe dispose que les amendements aux articles 23 a 35, 38 et 39, qui auront ete approuves par le Comite et I'Assemblee, entreront en vigueur it In date du proces-verbal ad hoc etabli par le Secretaire General, communique aux gouvernements des Membres et attestant ('approbation donnee auxdits amendements; Le Secretaire General, par les presentes, certifie ce qui suit: 1. Le Comite des Ministres,an cours de sa huitieme session tenue du 2 an 4 mai 1951, a approuve les amendements au Statut dont le texte est reproduit ci-dessous. 2. L'Assemblee Consultative, au tours de sa troisieme Session ordinaire, a approuve le 15 mai 1951 ces mcmes amendements. 3. Ces amendements, ainsi approuves par les deux organcs du Conseil de ('Europe, entreront en vigueur ce 22 mai 1951, date du present proces-verbal, communique le meme jour aux gouvernements de tous les Membres. Le texte des amendements ci-dessus mentionnes est le suivant: Libeller ]'article 23 comme suit: "(a) L'Assemblee Consultative peut deliberer et formuler des recomman- dations sur toute question repondant au but et rentrant dans la competence du Conseil de l'Europe, tels qu'ils sont definis au Chapitre 1; elle delibere et peut formuler des recommandations sur toute question qui lui est soumise pour avis par le Comite des Ministres. (b) L'Assemblee fixe son ordre du jour conformement aux dispositions du paragraphe (a) ci-dessus, en tenant compte de 1'activite des autres organisations intergouvernementales europeennes auxquelles sent parties tous les Membres du Conseil ou quelques-uns d'entre eux. (c) Le President de I'Assemblee decide, en cas de doute, si une question soulevee en cours de session rentre dans l'ordre du jour de 1'Assemblee." Remplacer la premiere phrase du paragraphe (a) de Particle 25 par le texte suivant: " L'Assemblee Consultative est composee de representants de chaque Membre, elus par son Parlement on designes selon une procedure fixee par celui-ci, sous reserve toutefois que le gouvernement de tout Membre puisse proceder a des nominations complementaires quand le Parlement West pas en session et n'a pas etabli la procedure a suivre dans cc cas."
Article 27 to be re-worded as follows: "The conditions under which the Committee of Ministers collectively may be represented in the debates of the Consultative Assembly, or individual Representatives on the Committee or their alternates may address the Assembly , shall be determined by such rules of procedure on this subject as may be drawn up by the Committee after consultation with the Assembly." Article 34 to be re - worded as follows: " The Consultative Assembly may be convened in extraordinary sessions upon the initiative either of the Committee of Ministers or of the President of the Assembly after agreement between them , such agreement also to determine the date and place of the sessions." Add to Article 38 the following paragraph (e): "(e) The Secretary - General shall also submit to the Committee of Ministers an estimate of the expenditure to which the implementation of each of the recommendations presented to the Committee would give rise. Any resolution the implementation of which requires additional expenditure shall not be considered as adopted by the Committee of Ministers unless.the Committee has also approved the corresponding estimates for such additional expenditure." Done at Strasbourg this 22nd day of May, 1951. J. C. PARIS, Secretary- General. 4
Libeller ('article 27 comme suit: " Les conditions dans lesquelles le Comite des Ministres peut etre represents collectivement aux debats de l'Assemblee Consultative, celles dans lesquelles les representants an Comite et leurs suppleants peuvent, a titre individuel, prendre la parole devant elle, seront soumises aux dispositions appropriees du RBglement interieur, arretees par le Comite apres con- sultation de I'Assemblee." Libeller l'article 34 comme suit: " L'Assemblee Consultative peut We convoquee en session extraordinaire, sur l'initiative soit du Comite des Ministres, soil du President de J'Assemblee, apres accord entre eux, qui portera egalement sur la date et le lieu de la session." Ajouter a I'article 38 on alinea (e) ainsi conqu: "(e) Le Secretaire General soumet egalement au Comite des Ministres une evaluation des depenses qu'implique l'execution de chacune des recom- mandations presentees au Comite. Une resolution dont 1'execution entrain des depenses supplementaires n'est consideree comme adoptee par le Comite des Ministres que lorsque celui-ci a approuve les previsions de depenses supplementaires correspondantes." Fait a Strasbourg, le 22 mai 1951. J. C. PARIS, Secretaire General. 5 16879 40713 Wt. 7891882 K14 7131 E.O.P.
PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purchased from York House, Kingsway, LONDON, w.c.2 429 Oxford Street, LONDON, w.l P.O. Box 569, LONDON, S.E.I 13a Castle Street, EDINBURGH , 2 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, CARDIFF 39 King Street, MANCHESTER, 2 Tower Lane, BRISTOL, 1 2 Edmund Street, BIRMINGHAM, 3 80 Chichester Street, BELFAST or from any Bookseller 1951 Price 4d. net PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN
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