La page est créée Christophe Dupre
Art Workshop


    When          Wednesday                        Where                 Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:00                                          Salle d'art

    Monitor        CVELICH Renata                                         Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Objectifs :
                  Initier l’enfant à la création sur tous supports. Découverte des différentes techniques plastiques: encres, collage,
                  crayons de couleurs, peinture, etc. Imaginer, inventer, créer, développer son imaginaire
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -
                  Langues: Français/Anglais/Lituanien/Polonais/Allemand/Russe/Espagnol

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M1, M2, Nursery

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Hungarian Chess


    When          Tuesday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  14:00 - 15:00                                             Salle 0.03

    Monitor        CSABA Ernő                                                Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  This workshop is intended for small groups of children attending a pre-school or a primary school.
                  It is based on a Hungarian book, a fairy tale called "Pepita kódex" ("Checkered Codex") which aims to develop the
                  participants' creativity and logical skills by learning game of chess.
                  In addition to getting acquainted with chess-pieces and learning the rules of the game children’s social skills will also
                  improve. They will learn to accept losing and how to rejoice in victory in a non-offensive way as well as they will
                  learn to play together.
                  The book itself is a story book, from which the parents even may read for their children before going to sleep. In the
                  workshop we will go along the tale in which the personified chess-pieces are the persons of the story. Both boys and
                  girls can find their heroes among the characters. We will put our chess-pieces onto the chessboard and pretend the
                  story. Doing this we will usually practice moves, however we will do much more than this. The children will perform
                  tasks which are independent of chess using the chess-pieces. Meanwhile they will often compete with each other.
                  This activity uses and develops imagination and creativity while children also practice to follow the rules. The
                  children will be able to play game of chess only after a long time – but they will always play with each other and not
                  against each other.
                  What will the participants gain in this workshop?
                  They will learn the rules of the game and they will like chess.
                  They will feel sense of achievement; on the other hand, they also will learn how to tackle defeat.
                  They will work in a community and make friends.
                  As the effect of the story they will feel that they can enter a separated, wonderful world.
                  Besides, their creativity and logical skills will also develop.
                  Langues: Hungarian only

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French
        A.P.E.E.E.L.2English              Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2            Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn               Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                  Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /


    When          Tuesday                             Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  15:30 - 16:30                                              Salle 1.38

    Monitor        Koenigsecker Jérôme                                        Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Cours de Luxembourgeois pour débutants et intermédiaires en classe assuré par un professeur luxembourgeois.
                  Activités ludiques pour le niveau primaire et apprentissage de la langue luxembourgeoise pour les secondaires.
                  Objectif :
                  Apprentissage du vocabulaire, de la grammaire et de l'orthographe pour apprendre à être autonome au Luxembourg.
                  Durée de cours: 1h
                  Pour les enfants de: Pri, Sec
                  Langues: Français/Anglais

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                     Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2            Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn               Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                  Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Art Workshop


    When          Tuesday                           Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:00                                            Salle d'art 1.26

    Monitor        CVELICH Renata                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Objectifs :
                  Initier l’enfant à la création sur tous supports. Découverte des différentes techniques plastiques: encres, collage,
                  crayons de couleurs, peinture, etc. Imaginer, inventer, créer, développer son imaginaire
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -
                  Langues: Français/Anglais/Lituanien/Polonais/Allemand/Russe/Espagnol

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /


    When          Tuesday                             Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:30 - 18:00                                              Salle d'art 1.26

    Monitor        CVELICH Renata                                             Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Cette activité est une l'occasion d'une initiation aux différentes techniques – fusain, encre, gouaches, pastels, etc.
                  Nous allons travailler une approche classique de la peinture (apprendre à regarder, à construire d'après une nature
                  morte, avec recherche de compositions, de formes, et de couleurs ainsi qu'une approche plus moderne et
                  contemporaine (jeux et travail sur la matière).
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -
                  Langues: Français/Anglais/Lituanien/Polonais/

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
UGDA 4ème année


    When          Wednesday                           Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:45                                              Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        SANDOVAL Ricardo                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          306.00 €

    Duration      02:00


                  Constituée en établissement d’utilité publique, l’École de musique de l’UGDA signe responsable de l’enseignement
                  musical dans 61 communes du Luxembourg pour l’année scolaire 2014/2015, conformément à la loi du 28 avril
                  1998 portant harmonisation de l’enseignement musical dans le secteur communal.
                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Le programme d’études est celui en vigueur dans l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg :
                  Voir sous cours-programmes d’études
                   Modalités d’examens : Pour obtenir un diplôme agréé de fin d’année pour l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg,
                  les élèves intéressés passeront l’examen de fin d’année dans une commune conventionnée avec l’École de musique
                  de l’UGDA.
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -Langues: Français/Anglais
                  Première année

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
UGDA 1eme année


    When          Friday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  13:15 - 14:45                                            Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        SANDOVAL Ricardo                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          230.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Constituée en établissement d’utilité publique, l’École de musique de l’UGDA signe responsable de l’enseignement
                  musical dans 61 communes du Luxembourg pour l’année scolaire 2014/2015, conformément à la loi du 28 avril
                  1998 portant harmonisation de l’enseignement musical dans le secteur communal.
                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Le programme d’études est celui en vigueur dans l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg :
                  Voir sous cours-programmes d’études
                   Modalités d’examens : Pour obtenir un diplôme agréé de fin d’année pour l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg,
                  les élèves intéressés passeront l’examen de fin d’année dans une commune conventionnée avec l’École de musique
                  de l’UGDA.
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -Langues: Français/Anglais
                  Première année

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
UGDA 2ème année


    When          Friday                              Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  14:45 - 16:45                                              Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        SANDOVAL Ricardo                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          306.00 €

    Duration      02:00


                  Constituée en établissement d’utilité publique, l’École de musique de l’UGDA signe responsable de l’enseignement
                  musical dans 61 communes du Luxembourg pour l’année scolaire 2014/2015, conformément à la loi du 28 avril
                  1998 portant harmonisation de l’enseignement musical dans le secteur communal.
                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Le programme d’études est celui en vigueur dans l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg :
                  Voir sous cours-programmes d’études
                   Modalités d’examens : Pour obtenir un diplôme agréé de fin d’année pour l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg,
                  les élèves intéressés passeront l’examen de fin d’année dans une commune conventionnée avec l’École de musique
                  de l’UGDA.
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -Langues: Français/Anglais

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
UGDA 3ème année


    When          Friday                              Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:45                                              Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        SANDOVAL Ricardo                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          306.00 €

    Duration      02:00


                  Constituée en établissement d’utilité publique, l’École de musique de l’UGDA signe responsable de l’enseignement
                  musical dans 61 communes du Luxembourg pour l’année scolaire 2014/2015, conformément à la loi du 28 avril
                  1998 portant harmonisation de l’enseignement musical dans le secteur communal.
                  Descriptif de cours:
                  Le programme d’études est celui en vigueur dans l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg :
                  Voir sous cours-programmes d’études
                   Modalités d’examens : Pour obtenir un diplôme agréé de fin d’année pour l’enseignement musical au Luxembourg,
                  les élèves intéressés passeront l’examen de fin d’année dans une commune conventionnée avec l’École de musique
                  de l’UGDA.
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -Langues: Français/Anglais

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Trash ART and Sculpture


    When          Friday                                Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:00                                                  Salle d'art 0.12

    Monitor        MANARAKIS Emmanouil                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description:
                  The course concentrates on the 3D. Through the fun of creation, various techniques will be introduced. Via the idea
                  of transformation and sustainability we will use "trash" to create new merely aesthetic or even functional objects.
                  The outcome is not just the final piece. Students will be introduced to a 3D art /artefact workshop environment.
                  Students will face practical and theoretical issues. They will learn how to use tools and how to use other objects as
                  tools. The instruction will not be directed to technical issues only; although this is not intended as a theoretical
                  course it will include theoretical elements as they arise.
                  Small objects you don’t need any more. For example: old/broken tools, old cutlery, broken boxes, old toys, a broken
                  motherboard etc., the list can be endless. Please note that due to the nature of the course, clothes might get dirty
                  with paint or glue or similar materials. An old t-shirt or an apron to wear over clothes is useful.
                  Languages: English/ French/Greek. For more information you can look at "Manolis Manarakis" facebook page.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M1, M2, P1, P2

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                      APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                              Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                         Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/      Web : http:/ /
Trash ART and Sculpture


    When          Thursday                              Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:00                                                  Salle d'art 0.12

    Monitor        MANARAKIS Emmanouil                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description:
                  The course concentrates on the 3D. Through the fun of creation, various techniques will be introduced. Via the idea
                  of transformation and sustainability we will use "trash" to create new merely aesthetic or even functional objects.
                  The outcome is not just the final piece. Students will be introduced to a 3D art /artefact workshop environment.
                  Students will face practical and theoretical issues. They will learn how to use tools and how to use other objects as
                  tools. The instruction will not be directed to technical issues only; although this is not intended as a theoretical
                  course it will include theoretical elements as they arise.
                  Small objects you don’t need any more. For example: old/broken tools, old cutlery, broken boxes, old toys, a broken
                  motherboard etc., the list can be endless. Please note that due to the nature of the course, clothes might get dirty
                  with paint or glue or similar materials. An old t-shirt or an apron to wear over clothes is useful.
                  Languages: English/ French/Greek. For more information you can look at "Manolis Manarakis" facebook page.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M1, M2, P1, P2

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                      APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                              Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                         Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/      Web : http:/ /
Trash ART and Sculpture


    When          Thursday                              Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:00 - 17:15                                                  Salle d'art 0.12

    Monitor        MANARAKIS Emmanouil                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          255.00 €

    Duration      01:15


                  Course description:
                  The course concentrates on the 3D. Through the fun of creation, various techniques will be introduced. Via the idea
                  of transformation and sustainability we will use "trash" to create new merely aesthetic or even functional objects.
                  The outcome is not just the final piece. Students will be introduced to a 3D art /artefact workshop environment.
                  Students will face practical and theoretical issues. They will learn how to use tools and how to use other objects as
                  tools. The instruction will not be directed to technical issues only; although this is not intended as a theoretical
                  course it will include theoretical elements as they arise.
                  Small objects you don’t need any more. For example: old/broken tools, old cutlery, broken boxes, old toys, a broken
                  motherboard etc., the list can be endless. Please note that due to the nature of the course, clothes might get dirty
                  with paint or glue or similar materials. An old t-shirt or an apron to wear over clothes is useful.
                  Languages: English/ French/Greek. For more information you can look at "Manolis Manarakis" facebook page.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                      APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                              Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                         Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/      Web : http:/ /
Art Workshop


    When          Wednesday                         Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:30 - 18:00                                            Salle d'art 1.26

    Monitor        CVELICH Renata                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    Additional    Descriptif de cours:
    info          Objectifs :
                  Initier l’enfant à la création sur tous supports. Découverte des différentes techniques plastiques: encres, collage,
                  crayons de couleurs, peinture, etc. Imaginer, inventer, créer, développer son imaginaire
                  Matériel/Tenue nécessaires: -
                  Langues: Français/Anglais/Lituanien/Polonais/Allemand/Russe/Espagnol

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Japanese language and culture


    When          Wednesday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:00                                             Salle 1.38

    Monitor        YAMAZAKI Kyoji                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          255.00 €

    Duration      01:15


                  Course description:
                            ·    To understand and speak Japanese through our culture
                            ·    Play Japanese card and origami
                            ·    Japanese manner and politeness
                            ·    Understand Japanese culture through language study
                  First year - study our alphabets (Hiragana and Katakana) and simple Kanji, speak basic conversation and write
                  simple sentences; also write correctly Japanese by hearing.
                  Second year - study grammar and write sentences, write composition and speak simple conversation
                  Languages: Japanese/English/French

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, Secondary

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                     Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2            Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn               Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                  Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Découverte de la cuisine


    When          Friday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  14:00 - 15:30                                            Cuisine 0.11

    Monitor        BAAMEL Hayat                                             Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    info          Descriptif du cours: ouverture à la cuisine du monde
                  Mon objectif est de faire connaître aux enfants les produits avant de les cuisiner, pour les inciter à manger sain.
                  Préparer des petits plats simples et goûteux que les enfants peuvent facilement reproduire à la maison, dans une
                  bonne ambiance ludique et culinaire.
                  L'activité se déroule principalement en langue française. Les enfants recevront par email après chaque atelier la
                  recette en français et en anglais.

                  Bon à savoir : Cuisiner avec les enfants développe leurs sens, éveille leur curiosité culinaire et renforce leur estime
                  de soi.

                  Langues: Français/Anglais

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Eveil musical en percussion


    When          Thursday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  13:30 - 14:30                                              Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        SOUMAH Mohammed                                             Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00

    info          Each week the students work with a range of small percussions and also other objects which are a part of our daily
                  life and that we can use to make music!
                  We have time to act and dance doing body percussion.
                  We have everything we need to have a great time, in rhythm by having fun!
                  Course duration: 1 hour For nursey and primary children
                  Langues: English / Français

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Club d'échecs


    When          Thursday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  13:45 - 15:15                                            Salle 0.03

    Monitor        BJARNASON Oskar                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Description of activity:

                  Beginners will learn the rules of the game, movement of the pieces and how to conduct the game and deliver mate in
                  various ways. Then - as soon as possible - practice by playing among themselves. The advanced will deepen their
                  understanding by learning opening, middlegame and endgame theory and solving chess problems suitable to their
                  Goal is - apart from having fun with the game - to develop creative and strategic thinking, exercise self discipline and,
                  last but not least, learn to take losses and celebrate victories in a convivial manner.

                  Languages: English and french.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Photo Club


    When          Thursday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:00                                              Salle Club Video

    Monitor        RADMAN Ivan                                                Contact monitor

    Cost          255.00 €

    Duration      01:15


                  We will cover basic photographic techniques (aperture, exposure, iso, frame, time, light), some theory (learning how
                  to analyse one’s own work and the work of others) and of course practice (taking photographs and digital
                  Language: English, Croatian

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
English Drama


    When          Wednesday                          Where                 Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:15                                            Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        KINGSTON Tony                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  ENGLISH DRAMA GROUPS
                  Tony Kingston studied English and Theatre at St. Andrews University in the 1980s and is a theatre director of over
                  25-years’ experience in London, Edinburgh and Berlin.
                  He is currently artistic director of the BGT English Theatre Company in Luxembourg, which has recently produced
                  new versions of “Little Women” and “Jane Eyre”, both of which featured several European school pupils. He is
                  currently working on a production of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” which will be performed in Luxembourg
                  in December. Several European School students are involved in this show.
                  The drama classes have been running since 2010. The aim of the 1-3 years course is to introduce the participants to
                  basic acting techniques and to develop confidence in acting on the stage.
                  Each group performs a show during the year (usually in March for the 4-6 year groups and April or May for the 1st-
                  3rd Year group). In the longer term ,the groups help encourage the students to have confidence in speaking English
                  publicly and in developing public presentation skills which can be useful in later life.
                  The students must be:
                  a serious about acting
                  b able to understand and speak English well.
                   Students and parents should note that putting on a show is a big time commitment. It is usually necessary to
                  schedule extra rehearsals in the two or three weeks before the performances (sometimes at weekends) and that all
                  members of the group will be expected to attend these. Please also note that the group is limited to 15 participants
                  and usually fills up quickly, so subscribe early to be sure of a place.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S1, S2, S3

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
English Drama


    When          Tuesday                            Where                 Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:15                                            Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        KINGSTON Tony                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  ENGLISH DRAMA GROUPS
                  Tony Kingston studied English and Theatre at St. Andrews University in the 1980s and is a theatre director of over
                  25-years’ experience in London, Edinburgh and Berlin.
                  He is currently artistic director of the BGT English Theatre Company in Luxembourg, which has recently produced
                  new versions of “Little Women” and “Jane Eyre”, both of which featured several European school pupils. He is
                  currently working on a production of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” which will be performed in Luxembourg
                  in December. Several European School students are involved in this show.
                  The drama classes have been running since 2010. In 4-6 year, more complicated plays are performed encouraging
                  the actors to explore more mature themes and to develop a wider range of characterisations. Each group performs a
                  show during the year (usually in March for the 4-6 year groups and April or May for the 1st-3rd Year group). In the
                  longer term, the groups help encourage the students to have confidence in speaking English publicly and in
                  developing public presentation skills which can be useful in later life.
                  For the 4-6 year groups, a play is pre-chosen and will be cast in October. Thereafter the course is spent working on
                  this play and exploring its characters and themes.
                  The students must be:
                  a serious about acting
                  b able to understand and speak English well.
                   Students and parents should note that putting on a show is a big time commitment. It is usually necessary to
                  schedule extra rehearsals in the two or three weeks before the performances (sometimes at weekends) and that all
                  members of the group will be expected to attend these. Please also note that the group is limited to 15 participants
                  and usually fills up quickly, so subscribe early to be sure of a place.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S4, S5, S6

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                      Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2             Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                   Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Theatre Czech/Slovak


    When          Tuesday                                  Where                   Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  13:30 - 15:00                                                    Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Descriptif de cours :
                  L’objectif principal du Théâtre tchèque et slovaque est d’offrir aux élèves tchèques et slovaques une occasion d’utiliser leur langue
                  maternelle d’une façon créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les
                  participants à développer l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture
                  aux autres. Par l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de
                  l’apprentissage de textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils
                  incluront ces personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.
                  Salle de musique (00.211) du bâtiment Maternelle Lux2

                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French
        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                          APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                  Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                             Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/          Web : http:/ /
Theatre Italian


    When          Tuesday                                  Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:30                                                     Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    info          Descriptif de cours : COURS EN ITALIEN
                  L’objectif principal du Théâtre italien est d’offrir aux élèves italiens une occasion d’utiliser leur langue maternelle d’une façon
                  créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les participants à développer
                  l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture aux autres. Par
                  l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de l’apprentissage de
                  textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils incluront ces
                  personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.
                  Salle de musique du bâtiment Maternelle Lux2
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                           APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                   Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/           Web : http:/ /
Theatre - French


    When          Thursday                                 Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  13:30 - 15:00                                                     Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    info          L’objectif principal de cette activité est d’offrir aux élèves francophones une occasion d’utiliser la langue française d’une façon
                  créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les participants à développer
                  l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture aux autres. Par
                  l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de l’apprentissage de
                  textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils incluront ces
                  personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                           APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                   Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/           Web : http:/ /
Theatre - French


    When          Thursday                                 Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:30                                                     Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    info          L’objectif principal de cette activité est d’offrir aux élèves francophones une occasion d’utiliser la langue française d’une façon
                  créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les participants à développer
                  l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture aux autres. Par
                  l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de l’apprentissage de
                  textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils incluront ces
                  personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                           APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                   Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/           Web : http:/ /
Theatre - French


    When          Thursday                                 Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:15                                                     Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30

    info          L’objectif principal de cette activité est d’offrir aux élèves francophones une occasion d’utiliser la langue française d’une façon
                  créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les participants à développer
                  l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture aux autres. Par
                  l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de l’apprentissage de
                  textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils incluront ces
                  personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                           APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                   Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/           Web : http:/ /
Theatre - French discovery


    When          Friday                                   Where                    Lux 2 Mamer - Maternelle Lux 2
                  14:00 - 15:00                                                     Salle de musique 00.211

    Monitor        Montorio Dolezalova Jana                                           Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00

    info          L’objectif principal de cette activité est d’offrir aux élèves francophones une occasion d’utiliser la langue française d’une façon
                  créative qui leur permettra de s’épanouir, de se réaliser et de se dépasser. Cet atelier visera à aider les participants à développer
                  l’imagination, la création, la concentration, la mémorisation, la confiance en soi ainsi que l'ouverture aux autres. Par
                  l’intermédiaire des jeux d’expression orales et physiques, de l’improvisation, des exercices de voix et diction et de l’apprentissage de
                  textes les élèves vivront leur premier contact avec la scène et ils devront bâtir une multitude de personnages. Ils incluront ces
                  personnages à l’intérieur d’un spectacle qui sera présenté devant public à la fin de l’atelier.

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M1, M2

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                       Periscolaire activities                                           APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2              Email :                                   Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn                 Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                    Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/           Web : http:/ /
Coding and Robotics for kids


    When          Tuesday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  15:00 - 16:00                                           Salle Club Video

    Monitor        Mysirlaki Sofia                                         Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description
                  This is an innovative course for kids that aims to teach computer programming skills through creative projects,
                  games and robotics.
                  During the Coding classes, students will have the opportunity to design and develop computer programs, while
                  acquiring computational skills such as coding and programming, problem solving and logical thinking. During each
                  class, the students will use innovative programming tools specially designed for kids, in various projects based on
                  Games Based Learning (GBL) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) methodologies.
                  During the Robotics classes, students will learn how to build and program robots using tools explicitly designed for
                  pupils of preschool and primary education, such as the LEGO WeDo 2.0 set.
                  Using LEGO bricks, motors and mechanical parts, the students will collaborate in various STEAM projects, in order
                  to build their own robots and program them to perform basic functions. During each class, they will experiment
                  with the programming commands and the parameters of the robot's motion, understanding complex concepts of
                  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
                  Languages: Greek, English
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building Salle Club Video -1.34
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M2, P1, P2

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                   Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2          Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn             Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Coding and Robotics for Kids


    When          Tuesday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:00 - 17:00                                           Salle Club Video

    Monitor        Mysirlaki Sofia                                         Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description
                  This is an innovative course for kids that aims to teach computer programming skills through creative projects,
                  games and robotics.
                  During the Coding classes, students will have the opportunity to design and develop computer programs, while
                  acquiring computational skills such as coding and programming, problem solving and logical thinking. During each
                  class, the students will use innovative programming tools specially designed for kids, in various projects based on
                  Games Based Learning (GBL) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) methodologies.
                  During the Robotics classes, students will learn how to build and program robots using tools explicitly designed for
                  pupils of preschool and primary education, such as the LEGO WeDo 2.0 set.
                  Using LEGO bricks, motors and mechanical parts, the students will collaborate in various STEAM projects, in order
                  to build their own robots and program them to perform basic functions. During each class, they will experiment
                  with the programming commands and the parameters of the robot's motion, understanding complex concepts of
                  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
                  Languages: Greek, English
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building Salle Club Video - 1.34
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P3, P4, P5

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                   Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2          Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn             Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Journalism and writing news - introduction


    When          Wednesday                         Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 17:45                                            Salle Club Video

    Monitor        Hatzidakis George                                        Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course Description:

                  Students will be introduced to the basic tenets of journalism and news writing, where they will learn the importance
                  of the ‘News Pyramid’ and how it also relates professionally to areas outside of journalism.

                  Students will be introduced to the concept and principles of news literacy, how to know when a news story is true
                  and how to spot and deal with ‘Fake News’.
                  The ‘art of asking questions’ would be covered, where students will learn the characteristics of good interviewing
                  and reporting.
                  By the end of the course, students will be able to write four paragraph news stories in various professional styles,
                  understand editing and how to write headlines

                  The aim is to have the students prepare and publish a ‘School newspaper’ by the end of the year, with interviews,
                  photographs and stories of interest.

                  Materials: USB stick
                  Lux 2 Primary building ,Salle Club Video - 1.34
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S3, S4, S5

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Creative Digital Art


    When          Thursday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  13:30 - 14:30                                            Salle Club Video

    Monitor        Mysirlaki Sofia                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description
                  This is a class recommended for kids with an interest in art and computers. This course will help children cultivate
                  their creativity and develop computer skills. During the classes, students will have the opportunity to express
                  themselves and experiment with the newest forms of art, such as digital drawing, digital comics, digital storytelling
                  and video art.
                  Adopting a Project-Based Learning methodology and based on the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts
                  and Mathematics) educational framework, students will be introduced to digital art through the use of innovative
                  digital tools in projects that will encourage science, tech, engineering, and math learning via art activities (e.g.
                  creating a short film about Space with stop motion technique).
                  Throughout the year, the students will be engaged in individual and collaborative projects, such as visiting Virtual
                  museums (3D), experimenting with storytelling and narration in order to write their own digital stories and creating
                  comics, digital books and short movies. During these projects, students will have the opportunity to learn more
                  about different forms of art, famous artists and create their own digital artefacts, while developing important digital

                  Languages: Greek, English
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building Salle Video Club - 1.34
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        M2, P1, P2

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Creative Digital Art


    When          Thursday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  14:30 - 15:30                                            Salle Club Video

    Monitor        Mysirlaki Sofia                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          235.00 €

    Duration      01:00


                  Course description
                  This is a class recommended for kids with an interest in art and computers. This course will help children cultivate
                  their creativity and develop computer skills. During the classes, students will have the opportunity to express
                  themselves and experiment with the newest forms of art, such as digital drawing, digital comics, digital storytelling
                  and video art.
                  Adopting a Project-Based Learning methodology and based on the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts
                  and Mathematics) educational framework, students will be introduced to digital art through the use of innovative
                  digital tools in projects that will encourage science, tech, engineering, and math learning via art activities (e.g.
                  creating a short film about Space with stop motion technique).
                  Throughout the year, the students will be engaged in individual and collaborative projects, such as visiting Virtual
                  museums (3D), experimenting with storytelling and narration in order to write their own digital stories and creating
                  comics, digital books and short movies. During these projects, students will have the opportunity to learn more
                  about different forms of art, famous artists and create their own digital artefacts, while developing important digital

                  Languages: Greek, English
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building Salle Video Club - 1.34
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P3, P4, P5

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Dansk Drama - Danish Theatre


    When          Tuesday                          Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  17:15 - 18:45                                           Salle de musique 0.01

    Monitor        Clasen Bjorn                                            Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Course description
                  Teaching theatrical techniques, with the aim of performing either a play in Danish or a Danish play translated into
                  English in springtime. Apart from memory, voice and movement, stage acting helps developing important skills such
                  as self-awareness, self-confidence, team work and social interaction while having a lot of fun.
                  Aim: To set up a Danish drama group for the oldest students
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building - Salle de Musique 0.01
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S4, S5, S6, S7

    Language      English

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                   Periscolaire activities                                   APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2          Email :                           Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn             Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                      Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/   Web : http:/ /
Manga Drawing


    When          Thursday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  16:45 - 18:15                                              Salle d'art 1.26

    Monitor        BORISSOVA Veronika                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          295.00 €

    Duration      01:30


                  Course description
                  The Manga course is suitable for secondary school students. At the beginning, through gameplay the students are
                  taught how to use simple geometric figures, in order to be able to draw complex and organic figures later on.
                  Secondly, the students shall learn different kinds of techniques using markers. They will also study light and shadow
                  in order to be able to understand 3D shapes as well as the bases of a one point and a two point perspective. The
                  children will also practice the drawing of the human face, i.e the ear, the eyes, the nose, the mouth. etc. Later on the
                  course will continue with teaching different stages of the movement and emotions of the head and face. The course
                  will end with being able to draw the entire human body.
                  Materials needed : pencils HB, B, 2B; a rubber, a compass, a set square, black Fineliner pens 0,1 / 0,3 / 0,5; markers as
                  Copic or BrushMarker (cold gray light, cold gray, cold gray dark + other colours); sketchbook and marker paper
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building Salle 1.26
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        S1, S2, S3, S4

    Language      French

        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
Doodle Art


    When          Thursday                            Where                  Lux 2 Mamer - Primaire Lux 2
                  13:45 - 15:00                                              Salle d'art 1.26

    Monitor        BORISSOVA Veronika                                          Contact monitor

    Cost          255.00 €

    Duration      01:15


                  Course description
                  Course Description:
                  The Doodle art course is suitable for primary school students and it is based on a free drawing approach which is
                  consisted of simple shapes. The children are able to express their creative ideas without any rules limiting them. The
                  course will be shaped in the form of games teaching them specific gestures of the hand, in order to be able to draw
                  easier. It will also include the study of calligraphy, as well as the combination of different shapes for the creation of
                  beautiful compositions. The children will get to know the colours and how to combine them in order to reach a
                  harmony. They will also learn how to use coloured pencils and markers suitable for Doodle art.
                  Materials needed : pencils HB; a rubber; a compass; a set square; black Fineliner pens 0,1 / 0,3 / 0,5; markers as
                  Copic or BrushMarker (cold                           gray light, cold gray, cold gray dark + other colours);
                  sketchbook and marker paper.
                  Where: Lux2 Primary building, Salle d'art 1.26
                  NEW ACTIVITY!!!

    Period        2018-19 - Full year ART & OTHERS LUX 2

    Cycles        P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

    Language      French


        A.P.E.E.E.L.2                    Periscolaire activities                                    APEEEL2 secretariat
        Ecole Européenne Lux 2           Email :                            Email :
        6, rue Gaston Thorn              Tél : 27 32 24 51 26                                       Tél : 27 32 24 51 26
        L-8268 Bertrange                 Web : http:/ / activites-periscolaires/    Web : http:/ /
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