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AVANTAGE ENDO : L’ADOPTION DE LA CHIRURGIE ENDODONTIQUE – UN PILIER PRÉVISIBLE POUR VOTRE PRATIQUE DOCTEUR PETER TAWIL LE DIMANCHE 26 MAI 2019 DE 8 H 30 À 15 H 30 Salle 510A AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ ET DE NON-ENDOSSEMENT Les JDIQ et l’ODQ consacrent tous les efforts possibles afin de vous présenter des conférenciers de haut niveau dans chacun des domaines de la médecine dentaire. La présentation de ces conférences ne signifie en aucun cas que les JDIQ ou l’ODQ endossent les opinions, les produits, les techniques, les services ou le matériel présentés dans le cadre de ces conférences ou ateliers et ils déclinent toute responsabilité à cet égard.
L’Adoption de la Chirurgie Endodontique Un pilier prévisible pour votre pratique Interdiction: • d’être debout dans les allées ou devant les portes. • d'enregistrer la conférence (audio ou vidéo). • de fumer ou de consommer nourriture ou breuvages. N’oubliez pas: • de faire scanner votre porte-nom pour vos unités de formation continue. • de mettre vos appareils en mode silencieux. Peter Zahi Tawil DMD, MS, FRCD(C), Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics • de remplir les formulaires d'évaluation. Olmsted Family Distinguished Professor Graduate Program Director - UNC Endodontics 1 2 AM Cours 8h30-10h30am La Gestion des Complications Endodontiques Guardez votre calme et continuez AM Pratique 10h30-11h30am Hands-On: Instrumentation CM Pause Lunch 11h30am-12h30pm PM Cours 12h30-2h30pm L’Adoption de la Chirurgie Endodontique Un pilier prévisible pour votre pratique PM Pratique 2h30-3h30pm Hands-On: Reparation de perforation et obturation rétro 3 4 L’Adoption de la Chirurgie Endodontique Embracing Endodontic Surgery Etiologie, Diagnostic & Options de traitement Etiologie, Diagnostic & Options de traitement Styles de lambeaux gingival Styles de lambeaux gingival Accès osseux, curettage & biopsie Accès osseux, curettage & biopsie Hémostase Hémostase Gestion de l'extrémité radiculaire Gestion de l'extrémité radiculaire Résection radiculaire Résection radiculaire Préparation rétrograde Préparation rétrograde Obturation rétrograde Obturation rétrograde Régénération parodontale Régénération parodontale Sutures Sutures Soins Post-op Soins Post-op 5 6 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Quand les retreatments endo vous déçoit… Succès Endodontique vue par GC 7 8 Problèmes où une approche chirurgicale est préférable Fracture et fêlures radiculaires Testori & al 1993, Tamse & al 1999, Tawil et al 2015 2013 (JOE) Infection persistante Blockage du canal (Separated instruments, perforations, ledges, zips, strips, cements, etc) Gorni & al 2004, Ray & al 1995, Tronstad & al 2000 Anatomie complex du canal (canal aberrations, bifurcations, isthmuses, lateral canals, etc) Nair 2004, Nair & al 2005 Problèmes extra-radiculaires J. McIntyre Infection extra-radiculaire Sundquvist & al 1980, Tronstad & al 1987, Sunde & al 2003, Ricucci & al 2008 11 months Cysts Nair & al 1993, Simon 1998 Preop Tumeur Simon 1998 Réaction à un matériel étranger Nair & al 1990, Nair 1998, Ricucci & al 1998 9 10 2015 (JOE) 2016 (JOE) 11 12 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Techniques Modernes Micro-chirurgicales endo VS Techniques Traditionnelles Apicoectomie: Résection de l’extrémité apicale de la racine 2013 (JOE) Micro-chirurgie endo: Résection de l’extrémité apicale de la racine, inspection de l’anatomie apicale, ablation des fêlures/fractures, préparation ultrasonique et scellement Le biofilm bactérien évolue avec le temps et devient plus biologique du système canalaire resistant aux procédures traditionnel de désinfection endo 13 14 2006 (JOE) 2010 (JOE) Difference significative due succès à 2 ans ✓ Meta-Analysis 1966-2009 ✓ Micro-Sx: 94% succès Techniques modern micro-sx: 91.1% ✓ Sx traditionnelles: 59% succès Techniques traditionnelles: 44.2% 15 16 Histoire médicale qui risque Supplements “Naturelles” d’affecter la guérison Patients immunodéprimé: diabète, insuffisance rénale, etc Marending et al 2005, Fouad 2003 INR > 3.5 (Aspirine, Plavix, Coumadin) Aspirine à besoin de 10 jours Herman 1997 Tabac peut retarder et affecter la guérison gingivale Levin et al 2005 Hypertension et problèmes cardio-vasculaires Wang CH 2011 Bisphosphonates Karna H et al 2018, Soutome S et al 2018 17 18 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Radiographie Periapical radiographs: 2 PA minimum Panoramique: Presurgical case planning to determine the exact Pour les lésions extensives location of root apices and to evaluate the proximity of adjacent vital anatomical structures CBCT 3D: Identification of root canal system anomalies Anatomie complex et structures vitales. Assessment of endodontic treatment complications Complex Diagnosis 19 20 Guides pour decider le traitement idéale • Considérations du patient • Considérations de la dent Options de traitements • Considérations du dentiste • Considérations financières 21 22 Considération de la dent: No = Sx Considération de la dent: No = Sx ✓ Qualité de la couronne en place: Percolation? ✓ Qualité de la couronne en place: Percolation? ✓ Qualité du traitement de canal: Canal manqué? ✓ Qualité du traitement de canal: Canal manqué ✓ Anatomie osseuse: Risque de paresthésie? 23 24 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Considération de la dent: No = Sx ✓ Qualité de la couronne en place: Percolation? ✓ Qualité du traitement de canal: Canal manqué “We might as well retreat attitude” ✓ Anatomie osseuse: Risque de paresthésie? ✓ Conditions parodontales: Mobilité sévère? 25 26 JOE 2018 1980 La majorité des patients avec un fracture radiculaire son asymptotiques •47 dents retx VS 48 SX traditionelles •Suivi de 10.1 years •Fractures radiculaires étaient plus fréquentes dans les dents qui on rescue le retreatment de canal, 2001 4.5 années pour que la fracture radiculaire joigne la couronne de l’apex 27 28 JOE 2018 Les retraitements de canal peuvent causer des fêlures radiculaires •Les dents ave une histoire de retraitement on plus de fêlure radiculaires (p < 0.001) •Odds ratio was 6.9 (95% confidence interval) •Multivariate regression model showed no La chirurgie endo est l’option la plus économique pour une durée de 5 ans significance for: age, gender, tooth location & treatment Kim & Solomon 2010, JOE 29 30 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Replantation Intentionelle Pour les molaires mandibulaires avec racine fusionnées On ne touche pas la crypte osseuses après l’extraction Guarder la dent dans du Hank’s balanced solution (Save-A- Tooth) Option Chirurgicale alternative #1 Resection radiculaire et obturation rétrograde dans la solution Replantation Intentionelle “Splinting” est rarement nécessaire Ajuster l’occlusion RX Anti-inflammatoires et peridex Niemczyk SP 2001, Kratchman S. 1997 31 32 Physics Forceps (GoldenDent) Periotomes, Separators & Physics Forceps (GoldenDent) 33 34 Physics Forceps (GoldenDent) 3.7 Initial root canal therapy Retreat Kirakozova A 35 36 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Suivi Post-op 1.5 ans Kirakozova A Kirakozova A 37 38 Autotransplantation Autotransplantation est parfois effectuée en ortho On peut considérer l’utilization d’une dent de sagesse pour remplacer un première molaire Pour les jeunes patients l’implant n’est pas une option due a la croissance osseuse Option Chirurgicale alternative #2 Auto-transplantation Formation de la racine 1/3 à 2/3 (Foramen apical >1mm)
Extraction 1.6 Extraction 1.8 3rd molar in HBSS Distal releasing incision Yamauchi N Yamauchi N 43 44 Dimensions de 1.8 pour ajuster site 1.6 Adjustments & placement final Apex >1mm Yamauchi N Yamauchi N 45 46 Post-op 3 months Occlusion Splint EPT (-), Cold (+/-), Palpation (-), Percussion (-), Probing
6 mois 1 an L’Adoption de la Chirurgie Endodontique Etiologie, Diagnostic & Options de traitement Styles de lambeaux gingival Accès osseux, curettage & biopsie Hémostase Gestion de l'extrémité radiculaire Résection radiculaire Préparation rétrograde Obturation rétrograde Régénération parodontale Sutures Soins Post-op EPT (+), Cold (+), Palpation (-), Percussion (-), Probing
Revue Soft tissue de l’anatomie management Velvart et al. as well as conservation and achievement of ‘white’ and stratum spinosum. The cells of the spinous la largest in size and form the thickest layer of all ep ‘pink’ esthetics, in particular, in the more visible cells. Closer to the surface, the cells become fl anterior jaw (11). ‘White esthetics’ refers to natural (stratum granulosum), whereas in the most sup layer (stratum corneum) the cells are flat and crown structures, or tooth-colored restorations of aligned, often without nuclei. teeth with suitable materials. With restorative mod- The oral epithelium also contains Langerhan also known as dendritic cells; they are mostly loc alities, it is possible to obtain results, that come very the stratum spinosum. These cells play an imp close to the natural look of teeth (12). Likewise, ‘pink role during the inflammation process as they bi process antigens to the local lymph nodes and esthetics’ refers to soft tissues and underlying bone, them to macrophages and lymphocytes (17). Ge which are equally important for an optimal esthetic speaking, the oral epithelium, which is between 0.3 mm in thickness, has a largely protective fu Jedmed Rubinstein Retractor #1 result. (18). Standard serrated flat Management of the periodontium with suitable surgical and reconstructive techniques followed by SE: Sulcular Fig. 2. Schematic drawing epithelium of gingival histology; SE, Oral sulcular epithelium long-term maintenance of the results are a great IP: Interdental Fig. 1. Anatomy papilla of a healthy gingival situation. IP, JE: Junctional sulcular epithelium; epithelium JE, junctional epithelium; OE, oral CMG: Cervical interdental papilla; CMG,marginal cervicalgingiva marginal gingiva epithelium; PL, periodontal ligament; AB, alveolar bone; The sulcular epithelium makes up the linin OE: tissue. Oral epithelium challenge in modern dentistry. The objective of AG: Attached gingiva CT, connective PL: Periodontal ligament gingival sulcus. A healthy sulcus extends to a d with free marginal gingiva; AG, attached gingiva; MGJ, MGJ: Mucogingival junction 0.5 mm. The sulcular epithelium is structurally preserving the dentition is no longer acceptable with- AB: Aleveolar Bone mucogingival junction; AM,mucosa AM: Alveoloar alveolar mucosa. to the oral epithelium. The epithelial/connectiv CT: Connective tissue out consideration of esthetic consequences for all interface in the sulcus area forms rete pegs, become elongated when inflammation is pres involved dento-alveolar structures (13). contrast to the junctional epithelium, the s The present article will address the tissue flap design Velvart 2005, aging 0.97 mm, and a connective tissue attachment of Endod Topics epithelium is less permeable and not exte infiltrated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. and the manipulation used to gain access to the 1.07 mm or in sum approximately 2 mm; this dimen- mostly protective functions. 55 underlining bone covering the roots, which are to be treated surgically. Emphasis will be placed on the sion is called the biologic width. The papilla displays two peaks connected with a 56 Junctional epithelium considerations of classical and modern soft tissue concave depression termed col. A papilla contains both The junctional epithelium is distinctly differen sulcular and oral epithelium in both its orig treatment modalities in order to fulfill the current non-keratinized sulcular and col epithelium as well as structure. In its most apical portion, the jun functional and esthetic requirements. keratinized oral epithelium (14–16). The col area epithelium forms but few cell layers. The thick the junctional epithelium increases gradually to consists of a squamous stratified non-keratinized layers at the border to the sulcular epithelium. T epithelium. of the stratum basale multiply rapidly an reproduced cells tend to align themselves Biology of the gingiva Fig. 3. Histology of the gingival epithelium/connective to the long axis of the tooth and exfolia the gingival sulcus. The interface between th tissue interface. SB, stratum basale; SS stratum spinosum, Gingival epithelium SG, stratum granulosum; SC, stratum corneum. Note the tional epithelium and connective tissue is The gingiva is one of four components of the period- marked extensions and depressions forming the rete straight. Migrating polymorphonuclear leukocy ridges (courtesy Dr J. Gutmann). present throughout the junctional epithelium ontium, which further comprises of periodontal liga- The gingival epithelium can be divided into three migration process increases considerably duri ment, alveolar bone, and cementum. Each of these different types based on their location and composition separates the epithelium from the subjacent connective development of an inflammatory process. In a tissue. These rather small cells multiply continuously to polymorphonuclear leukocytes, T lymphocy structures is distinct Soft in tissue its location managementand tissue archi- (14) (Fig. 2). The oral epithelium extends from the and as they mature into keratinizing cells, they form the then present (19). tecture, but they function together as a single unit. One mucogingival junction to the tip of the gingival crest. as well as conservation and achievement of ‘white’ and ‘pink’ esthetics, in particular, in the more visible component in a certain periodontal compartment can The sulcular epithelium is located between the gingival 80 anterior jaw (11). ‘White esthetics’ refers to natural influence the status of the adjacent structures. Conse- crest and the most coronal portion of the junctional crown structures, or tooth-colored restorations of teeth with suitable materials. With restorative mod- quently, pathological changes and injuries in one area of epithelium. The junctional epithelium extends from alities, it is possible to obtain results, that come very the periodontium will have a marked effect on the the base of the gingival sulcus to a level approximately close to the natural look of teeth (12). Likewise, ‘pink esthetics’ refers to soft tissues and underlying bone, repair or regeneration of the adjacent periodontal 2 mm coronal from the alveolar bony crest. In a healthy which are equally important for an optimal esthetic structures. situation without attachment loss, the junctional result. Journal of Perio 1992 Management of the periodontium with suitable Anatomically, the extension of the gingiva reaches epithelium reaches the cemento-enamel junction. The Journal of Perio 1980 surgical and reconstructive techniques followed by from the papilla to the mucogingival junction, where it junctional epithelium is closely adapted to the tooth long-term maintenance of the results are a great Fig. 1. Anatomy of a healthy gingival situation. IP, challenge in modern dentistry. The objective of joins the alveolar interdental mucosa. papilla; CMG, cervical It attaches marginal gingivato the cementum surface to fulfill sealing and attachment functions. with free marginal gingiva; AG, attached gingiva; MGJ, preserving the dentition is no longer acceptable with- ofmucogingival the teeth and AM, junction; to the alveolar alveolar mucosa. process (11, 14). The JOE 2011 La distance entre le point involvedde contact et(13). le niveaux osseux créstale out consideration of esthetic consequences for all gingiva is divided into three areas, namely free marginal dento-alveolar structures Oral gingival epithelium inter-proximale est cruciale pour la hauteur de The present article will address the tissue flap design gingiva, and the manipulation used to gain access to the la papille aging 0.97papilla, mm, and a and attached connective gingivaof (Fig. 1). Histo- tissue attachment 1.07 mm or in sum approximately 2 mm; this dimen- underlining bone covering the roots, which are to be logically, gingiva consists of superficial epithelial sion is called the biologic width. The oral epithelium is a stratified squamous keratinized Soft tissue management treated surgically. Emphasis will be placed on the structures covering The papilla displays underlining two peaks connected withconnective a tissue. epithelium, and four different cell layers can be as well as conservation and achievement of ‘white’ and 5 mm du point treatment de contact modalities in order to➙ fulfill100% the current papille considerations of classical and modern soft tissue concave depression termed col. A papilla contains both The attachment of the gingival tissues to the tooth non-keratinized sulcular and col epithelium as well as identified (Fig. 3). The cells of the stratum basale ‘pink’ liein particular, in the more visible esthetics, anterior jaw (11). ‘White esthetics’ refers to natural 6 mm du point de contact ➙ 56% papille functional and esthetic requirements. comprises keratinized oralof junctional epithelium epithelium (14–16). attachment, The col area aver- in close contact with the basement membrane, which or tooth-colored restorations of crown structures, consists of a squamous stratified non-keratinized Les changement parodontales peuvent prendre 1 teeth with suitable materials. With restorative mod- 7 mm du point de contact ➙ 27% papille epithelium. Velvart et al. alities, it is possible to obtain results, that come very Biology of the gingiva an après a chirurgie close to the natural look of teeth (12). Likewise, ‘pink 79to soft tissues and underlying bone, esthetics’ refers Gingival epithelium general agreement that the same basic principleswhich applyare equally important for an optimal esthetic The gingiva is one of four components of the period- ontium, which further comprises of periodontal liga- The gingival epithelium can be divided into three to endodontic surgical interventions (37, 69). result. ment, alveolar bone, and cementum. Each of these different types based on their location and composition Management of the periodontium with suitable The choice of flap designs should allow the main- surgical and reconstructive techniques followed by structures is distinct in its location and tissue archi- (14) (Fig. 2). The oral epithelium extends from the tenance of optimal and sufficient blood supplylong-term to all maintenance of the results are a great Fig. 1. Anatomy of a healthy gingival situation. IP, tecture, but they function together as a single unit. One mucogingival junction to the tip of the gingival crest. parts of the mobilized and nonmobilized portions of in modern dentistry. The objective of interdental papilla; CMG, cervical marginal gingiva challenge component in a certain periodontal compartment can The sulcular epithelium is located between the gingival with free marginal gingiva; AG, attached gingiva; MGJ, 57 the soft tissues (37, 39, 55, 56, 69). This implies 58 preserving the dentition is no longer acceptable with- mucogingival junction; AM, alveolar mucosa. influence the status of the adjacent structures. Conse- crest and the most coronal portion of the junctional out run consideration of esthetic consequences for all specifically that vertical releasing incisions should Velvart et al. quently, pathological changes and injuries in one area of epithelium. The junctional epithelium extends from involved dento-alveolar structures (13). the periodontium will have a marked effect on the the base of the gingival sulcus to a level approximately vertical, parallel to the long axis of the teethThe andpresent article will address the tissue flap design aging 0.97 mm, and a connective tissue attachment of repair basic or regeneration of the adjacent periodontal 2 mm coronal from the alveolar bony crest. In a healthy supraperiosteal blood vessels in the gingivaandand the manipulation used to gain access to the 1.07 mm or in sum approximately 2 mm; this dimen- general agreement that the same principles apply structures. situation without attachment loss, the junctional mucosa. Paramedian releasing incisions are recom- underlining bone covering the roots, which are to be sion is called the biologic width. to endodontic surgical interventions (37, 69). treated Anatomically, the extension of the gingiva reaches epithelium reaches the cemento-enamel junction. The mended to minimize the risk of recession (39). The surgically. Emphasis will be placed on the The papilla displays two peaks connected with a The choice of flap designs should allow the main- from the papilla to the mucogingival junction, where it junctional epithelium is closely adapted to the tooth considerations of classical and modern soft tissue concave depression termed col. A papilla contains both initial portion of the vertical incision should be placed tenance of optimal and sufficient treatment modalities in order to fulfill the current non-keratinized sulcular and col epithelium as well as joins theblood alveolarsupply mucosa.toItall attaches to the cementum surface to fulfill sealing and attachment functions. perpendicular to the marginal course of the gingiva functional and esthetic requirements. keratinized oral epithelium (14–16). The col area parts of the mobilized and of nonmobilized the teeth and to portions of process (11, 14). The the alveolar toward the mid section of the papilla and gradually consists of a squamous stratified non-keratinized the soft tissues (37, 39, 55, 56,is 69). gingiva dividedThis implies into three areas, namely free marginal epithelium. Oral gingival epithelium turning the incision parallel to the tooth axis (Fig. 25). gingiva,incisions specifically that vertical releasing papilla, and attached should run gingiva (Fig. 1). Histo- logically, gingiva consists Adequate micro-configuration of the gingival marginsBiology of the gingiva vertical, parallel to the long axis of the teeth andof superficial epithelial The oral epithelium is a stratified squamous keratinized will minimize any potential recession of the tissues. Gingival epithelium structures covering underlining connective tissue. epithelium, and four different cell layers can be The gingiva is one of four components of the period- supraperiosteal blood vessels in the gingiva and Postoperative results are also influenced by the which further comprises of periodontal liga- The gingival epithelium can be divided into three The attachment of the gingival tissues to the tooth identified (Fig. 3). The cells of the stratum basale lie ontium, mucosa. Paramedian releasing incisions are recom- comprises of junctional epithelium attachment, aver- in close contact with the basement membrane, which amount of tissue shrinkage. With prolonged duration ment, alveolar bone, and cementum. Each of these different types based on their location and composition mended to minimize the risk of recession (39). The structures of the surgical procedure, there is a risk of drying out of is distinct in its location and tissue archi- (14) (Fig. 2). The oral epithelium extends from the initial portion of the vertical incision should be placed tecture, but they function together as a single unit. One mucogingival junction to the tip of the gingival crest. the tissues, especially when a high degree of hemostasis perpendicular to the marginal course of the gingiva 79 component in a certain periodontal compartment can The sulcular epithelium is located between the gingival has been achieved. The tissues must be kept moist at all the status of the adjacent structures. Conse- crest and the most coronal portion of the junctional influence toward the mid section of the papilla and gradually time to help avoid shrinkage and dehydrationquently, (70). pathological changes and injuries in one area of epithelium. The junctional epithelium extends from turning the incision parallel to the tooth axis (Fig. 25). the This can be particularly problematic in submarginal flap periodontium will have a marked effect on the the base of the gingival sulcus to a level approximately Adequate micro-configuration of the gingival margins repair or regeneration of the adjacent periodontal 2 mm coronal from the alveolar bony crest. In a healthy design, resulting in difficult flap re-approximation, with structures. situation without attachment loss, the junctional will minimize any potential recession of the tissues. Velvart et al. more tension on the tissues. Minimal tension during re- Anatomically, the extension of the gingiva reaches epithelium reaches the cemento-enamel junction. The Postoperative results are also influenced by the approximation and after suturing is important tofrom avoidthe papilla to the mucogingival junction, where it junctional epithelium is closely adapted to the tooth amount of tissue shrinkage. With prolonged duration impairment of the circulation in the wound margins joins the alveolar mucosa. It attaches to the cementum surface to fulfill sealing and attachment functions. general agreement that the same basic principles apply of the teeth and to the alveolar process (11, 14). The of the surgical procedure, there is a risk of drying out of (56). Shrinkage of the reflected tissue with wound the tissues, especially when a high degree of hemostasis to endodontic surgical interventions (37, 69). gingiva is divided into three areas, namely free marginal dehiscence will ultimately lead to increasedgingiva, scar papilla, and attached gingiva (Fig. 1). Histo- Oral gingival epithelium has been achieved. The tissues must be kept moist at all The choice of flap designs should allow the main- formation. logically, gingiva consists of superficial epithelial The oral epithelium is a stratified squamous keratinized time to help avoid shrinkage and dehydration (70). tenance of optimal and sufficient blood supply to all Tissue trauma such as stretching, tearing, or distor- structures covering underlining connective tissue. epithelium, and four different cell layers can be This can be particularly problematic in submarginal flap parts of the mobilized and nonmobilized portions of The attachment of the gingival tissues to the tooth tion should be avoided through appropriate magnifica- identified (Fig. 3). The cells of the stratum basale lie comprises of junctional epithelium attachment, aver- in close contact with the basement membrane, which design, resulting in difficult flap re-approximation, with the soft tissues (37, 39, 55, 56, 69). This implies tion and careful manipulation with microsurgical more tension on the tissues. Minimal tension during re- specifically that vertical releasing incisions should run instruments (71, 72). The elevation process following approximation and after suturing is important to avoid the incision is aimed at undermined elevation of the 79 c diagram of a cross-section of the vertical, parallel to the long axis of the teeth and lla. L, lingual; B, buccal, red area Fig. 5. Schematic Gutmann impairment drawingofofthe1991 circulation gingival bloodin the wound margins vessels. Velvart 2005 periosteum. In order to enhance regeneration of the supraperiosteal blood vessels in the gingiva and helium; AB, alveolar bone; DGF, Reprinted with(56). Shrinkage permission fromof the reflected tissue with wound (77). bone and periodontal ligament over the resected root bers; TSF, transseptal fibers; DPF, dehiscence will ultimately lead to increased scar mucosa. Paramedian releasing incisions are recom- surface, certain cells have to be prevented from Gutmann). • La vascularization sanguine est parallèle a l’axe de la dent fibers; AGF, alveolargingival fibers formation. mended to minimize the risk of recession (39). The initial portion of the vertical incision should be placed repopulating the bony defect (73). When the integrity Tissue trauma such as stretching, tearing, or distor- of the periosteum has been maintained, it will serve as a • L’incision verticale doit être parallèle a cet axe pour minimizer the saignement tion should be avoided through appropriate magnifica- tion and careful manipulation with microsurgical perpendicular to the marginal course of the gingiva barrier against the connective tissue cells, so that these cells cannot invade the bone cavity during the healing toward the mid section of the papilla and gradually nd fibroblasts. Numerous studies in- • L’incision verticale doit éviter les éminences osseuse instruments (71, 72). The elevation process following process and prevent a complete bone fill. Scaling of root Fig. 25. Vertical releasing incisions. (A) Incorrect turning the incision parallel to the tooth axis (Fig. 25). phocytes exert a significant cytotoxic the incision is aimed at undermined elevation of the attached tissue and tissueIncorrect tags on the cortical bone straight vertical incisionCorrect creates compromised tissue area Adequate micro-configuration of the gingival margins with insufficient blood supply, which will eventually l fibroblasts either through the release periosteum. In order to enhance regeneration of the should be avoided to allow rapid reattachment and necrose. (A) dashed line indicates the desired incision will minimize any potential recession of the tissues. protection against bone resorption (37, 55, 74). After ators or via direct cell-to-cell contact bone and periodontal ligament over the resected root course. Reprinted with permission from (7). (B) Correct should the balance between bacteria Postoperative results are also influenced by the reflecting the mucogingival tissues, a retractor must be placement of the releasing incision perpendicular to the surface, certain cells have to be prevented from amount of tissue shrinkage. With prolonged duration placed securely on sound bone to prevent compression marginal contour of the gingiva shown in a schematic e shift unfavorably, uncontrolled tissue repopulating the bony defect (73). When the integrity diagram (B), reprinted with permission from (3). (C) take place and the inflammation may of the periosteum has been maintained, it will serve as a of the surgical procedure, there is a risk of drying out of Clinical example of a correctly placed incision. into the periodontal ligament and barrier against the connective tissue cells, so that these the tissues, especially when a high degree of hemostasis 92 Velvart 2005, Endod Topics esulting in attachment loss in conjunc- cells cannot invade the bone cavity during the healing has been achieved. The tissues must be kept moist at all process and prevent a complete bone fill. Scaling of root Fig. 25. Vertical releasing incisions. (A) timeIncorrect to help avoid shrinkage and dehydration (70). migration of the junctional epithelium. straight vertical incision creates compromised tissue area attached tissue and tissue tags on the cortical bone should be avoided to allow rapid reattachment and Fig. 6. Dental radiograph of a first mandibular molar 59 with insufficient blood supply, which will This necrose. (A) dashed line indicates the desired can be particularly problematic in submarginal flap eventually design, resulting in difficult flap re-approximation, with incision 60 protection against bone resorption (37, 55, 74). After course. Reprinted with permission from (7). (B) Correct with a radiolucent lesion on the distal root. The mental more tension on the tissues. Minimal tension during re- foramen is not reflecting visible. the mucogingival tissues, a retractor must be placed securely on sound bone to prevent compression placement of the releasing incision perpendicular to the marginal contour of the gingiva shown inapproximation a schematic and after suturing is important to avoid Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019 sue reaches from the papilla to the diagram (B), reprinted with permission from (3). (C) of the circulation in the wound margins impairment unction, where it joins the alveolar gradually changes its appearance toward the character- Clinical example of a correctly placed incision. (56). Shrinkage of the reflected tissue with wound ). The height of the gingiva from the 92 istics of the epithelial cuff (epithelial attachment). The dehiscence will ultimately lead to increased scar nction to the gingival margin is highest width of the col between the buccal and lingual papilla
93 Mini “baby” flaps doit être guidé avec 3D CBCT Votre “Minnesota” doit toujours est sur l’os causing distinct damage. and the cols were less concave. (arrow). Note the tissue squeezed under the instrument not fill the embrasure as completely as before excision, Fig. 26. Traumatic placement of tissue retractors height. The regenerated papillae appeared flatter, did papillae did not regenerate to their original shape and posterior area of each student. From 32 specimens, 22 students: one from the anterior and one from the Holmes (33) excised interdental papillae in 16 dental the microsurgical techniques used. after 1 and 3 months and more importantly in spite of results in considerable retraction of the papilla height These results indicate that the traditional sulcular flap compared with the 1-month value (0.2 ! 0.3 mm). 10 sites, while in three sites the loss had diminished (1.1 ! 0.8 mm). At 3 months retractions increased in between baseline and the 1-month recall and 3 months. Major loss of the papilla height occurred sites exhibited a significant loss of the papilla height at 1 Velvart 2005, following microsurgical Endod treatment Topics in endodontic sur- again periodontally healthy situations. Moiseiwitsch 1995 All experimental Studies have highlighted the healing of the papilla study analyzed the recession of the interdental papilla in loss. tive levels at any time. Subsequently, a quantitative the buccal papilla is often difficult and may lead to tissue phase. None of the 17 sites remained at the preopera- In narrow interproximal areas, complete dissection of papillary height increased gradually in the initial healing from the lingual papilla in the area of the col (Fig. 27). of the papilla was investigated (81). The reduction in Ideally, a sulcular incision should dissect the buccal 61 papillae after sulcular flaps with complete mobilization 62 papilla is mobilized and becomes part of the flap (76). recession of the gingiva. Preliminarily, shrinkage of the is a full-thickness marginal flap. In this flap design, the challenging situation – with the goal of preventing a The most frequently used flap in periradicular surgery outcome in healthy periodontal tissues – a most periodontal reconstructive surgery (11). geries (64, 77–80). Specific emphasis was placed on the interdental papillae is one of the greatest challenges in reasons. Complete and predictable restoration of lost is critical for aesthetic, functional, and phonetic blade. Reprinted with permission from (3). integrity of the papilla during dental treatment is that it Fig. 27. Dissection of the papilla using a microsurgical ment (75). Another important reason to respect the cementum, and alveolar bone from the oral environ- biological barrier that protects periodontal ligament, reality, the role of the papilla is more complex: it is a have the sole function of deflecting food debris. In between two adjacent teeth. It was long considered to The interdental papilla is the portion of the gingiva Papilla preservation and protection Mini “baby” flaps doit être guidé avec 3D CBCT Mini “baby” flaps doit être guidé avec 3D CBCT positioned (3). with a small round bur in which the retractor can be tissue slipping under the retractor, a fine groove is made and delayed healing. As a practical measure to avoid trauma from retraction may cause increased swelling or crushing of the soft tissue (Fig. 26). Excessive Soft tissue management 63 64 Lambeau Triangulaire Lambeau Rectangulaire Pour les dents postérieures Biotype favorable et < 5mm hauteur de papille Symétrie est critique pour les dents antérieures Practical Lessons in Endodontic Surgery Practical Lessons in Endodontic Surgery Arens, Torabinejad, Chivian, Rubinstein Arens, Torabinejad, Chivian, Rubinstein 65 66 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
Soft tissue management connective tissue without meeting resistance to a level Flap design where a stop is encountered, which can be either bone When designing a tissue flap, various modes of incision or deeper collagen fibers in the connective tissue. This can be selected, including horizontal, sulcular, sub- results in an overestimation of the ‘true’ depth of marginal, and vertical releasing incisions. The tissue pocket. Another reason for potential overestimation of flap in its entirety can be a full-thickness or a pocket depth is the presence of tissue swelling. There- combination of a full- and a split-thickness flap. fore, bleeding on probing has to be assessed in the Consequently, a number of flap designs exist and are evaluation process. The degree of inflammation is discussed in the literature, including specific rules and correlated to the amount of bleeding. As the inflam- recommendations (3, 50–53). The variety of flap matory process is mainly plaque induced, attempts designs reflects a number of variables to be considered. should be made to reduce the inflammatory process While many designs have been suggested over the presurgically. This can be achieved through increased and improved plaque control prior to the surgery. Plaque reduction includes professional measures by a Soft tissue management dental hygienist and meticulous oral hygiene by the connective tissue without meeting resistance to a levelpatient. Flap In general, designit may be advisable to prescribe a where a stop is encountered, which can be either bone0.2% chlorhexidine rinse twice daily 1 week before and When designing a tissue flap, various modes of incision or deeper collagen fibers in the connective tissue. This2 weeks after the surgery. Chlorhexidine reduces can be selected, including horizontal, sulcular, sub- results in an overestimation of the ‘true’ depth ofplaque growth significantly (44, 45), reduces post- marginal, and vertical releasing incisions. The tissue pocket. Another reason for potential overestimation ofoperative discomfort, and promotes healing (46, 47). flap in its entirety can be a full-thickness or a pocket depth is the presence of tissue swelling. There-Moreover, rinsing with chlorhexidine markedly reduces combination of a full- and a split-thickness flap. fore, bleeding on probing has to be assessed in thethe bacterial load and contamination of the operative Consequently, a number of flap designs exist and are evaluation process. The degree of inflammation isarea, operator and staff (48). discussed in the literature, including specific rules and Submarginal flap correlated to the amount of bleeding. As the inflam- matory process is mainly plaque induced, attempts Therecommendations presence, type, and(3, quality 50–53). ofTherestorations variety ofwith flap Submarginal flap special reference designs reflectsto the position a number of the of variables to berestoration considered. should be made to reduce the inflammatory process marginWhileto the manygingiva designsmust have be determined been suggested and over are the presurgically. This can be achieved through increased Biotype défavorable avec gencive attaché de 2mm our plus critical to the esthetic outcome of the surgical and improved plaque control prior to the surgery. Plaque reduction includes professional measures by procedure. a Manipulations on soft tissues in areas with Risque de cicatrice: Pas recommandé pour les sourires qui expose la gencive dental hygienist and meticulous oral hygiene by therestoration margins placed subgingivally for esthetic patient. In general, it may be advisable to prescribe reasons a can lead to exposure of these margins because 0.2% chlorhexidine rinse twice daily 1 week before andof recession following the surgery (Fig. 13). How to 2 weeks after the surgery. Chlorhexidine reducesaddress this problem will be discussed extensively at a plaque growth significantly (44, 45), reduces post-later point in this article. operative discomfort, and promotes healing (46, 47). The determination of the attached gingival width is Moreover, rinsing with chlorhexidine markedly reducesanother important aspect in making the proper the bacterial load and contamination of the operative treatment plan with regard to the flap design. When a area, operator and staff (48). submarginal incision is considered, a minimum of The presence, type, and quality of restorations with 2 mm of attached gingiva is necessary to maintain a special reference to the position of the restoration margin to the gingiva must be determined and arestable position of the gingival margin (49). When a critical to the esthetic outcome of the surgicalsubmarginal incision has been made, the marginal procedure. Manipulations on soft tissues in areas withgingiva in the cervical area is supplied with blood from restoration margins placed subgingivally for estheticcrestal vessels and to a minor extent from the period- Fig. 14. Determination of the width of the attached reasons can lead to exposure of these margins becauseontal ligament (34). Insufficient blood supply com- gingiva. (A) Measurement of the probing depth. The of recession following the surgery (Fig. 13). How topromises the survival of the unreflected tissue and can gingival tissue over the probe represents the free gingiva. Papilla base incision P. Velvart address this problem will be discussed extensively at lead a to necrosis and the potential for a deleterious Probing depth is designated by arrows. (B) Arrows mark later point in this article. esthetic result. Clinically, the width of attached gingiva the mucogingival line. The distance between the tip of the The determination of the attached gingival width iscan be determined by subtracting the probing depth probe (representing the probing depth) and the incision using a microsurgical blade (BB Practical 369, Aesculap, Lessons in Endodontic Surgery another important aspect in making the proper mucogingival junction is the width of the attached from the distance between the gingival margin and the gingiva. The dashed line represents the location for a Tuttlingen, Germany). The Arens,2.5 mm Torabinejad, wide blade with a Chivian, Rubinstein treatment plan with regard to the flap design. When a Velvart 2005, Endod Topics mucogingival junction (Fig. 14). proper placement of a submarginal incision. round configuration at the tip has cutting edges on both submarginal incision is considered, a minimum of sides and all around the tip. The papilla base incision 2 mm of attached gingiva is necessary to maintain a required two different incisions at the base of the papilla. stable position of the gingival margin (49). When a 1 The first shallow incision severed the epithelium and connective tissue to the depth of 1.5 mm from the surface 67 submarginal incision has been made, the marginal gingiva in the cervical area is supplied with blood from 68 87 of the gingiva. The incision was placed at the level of the crestal vessels and to a minor extent from the period- Fig. 14. Determination of the width of the attached ontal ligament (34). Insufficient blood supply com- lower third of the papilla in a slight curved line going gingiva. (A) Measurement of the probing depth. The promises the survival of the unreflected tissue and can gingival tissue over the probe represents the free gingiva. from one side of the papilla to the other (Fig. 1). The lead to necrosis and the potential for a deleterious Probing depth is designated by arrows. (B) Arrows mark incision started and ended in a 90 degree angle between the mucogingival line. The distance between the tip of the esthetic result. Clinically, the width of attached gingiva the border of the tooth and the gingiva (see lines in probe (representing the probing depth) and the can be determined by subtracting the probing depth Fig. 1). mucogingival junction is the width of the attached from the distance between the gingival margin and the gingiva. The dashed line represents the location for a 2 The scalpel was then placed to the base of the mucogingival junction (Fig. 14). proper placement of a submarginal incision. previously created shallow incision at the base of the papilla and subsequently inclined apically, almost parallel to the long axis of the tooth, aiming at the crestal 87 bone margin. With this second incision a split thickness flap was prepared in the apical third of the base of the papilla. The incision ended at the crestal bone level, where the periosteum was separated from the bone (Fig. 2). From there on the preparation continued in a full thickness muco periosteal flap (Fig. 3). Buccally over the Figure 2 Schematic drawing of the longitudinal section tooth the vertical incision and papilla base incision were through the interdental papilla. *marks the initial shallow Incision “Papilla base” joined by an intrasulcular incision. The scalpel was incision through the epithelium and connective tissue to the moved within the sulcus, dissecting the gingiva to the depth of 1.5 mm. **demonstrates the second incision directed to the crestal bone. The scalpel blade is inserted into the base of the crestal bone. The sulcular Pour lesreached incision scenarios from the défavorables. first incision and directed nearly parallel to the long axis of the Guérison de l’incision “Papilla Base” releasing incision to the start of the papilla base incision, Biotype défavorable, gencive attaché limitée tooth. et longe The second incision Papilla base incision P. Velvart papille will prepare a split thickness flap reaching from the first incision to the crestal bone level. Papilla base incision P. Velvart incision using a microsurgical blade (BB 369, Aesculap, P.P.Velvart Velvart Papilla Papillabase baseincision incision Tuttlingen, Germany). The 2.5 mm wide blade with a round configuration at the tip has cutting edges on both or from one papilla to the next papilla. The flap was sides and all around the tip. The papilla base incision mobilized and retracted, during the root-end resection required two different incisions at the base of the papilla. 1 The first shallow incision severed the epithelium and and filling. connective tissue to the depth of 1.5 mm from the surface The flap closure was initiated from the releasing inci- of the gingiva. The incision was placed at the level of the sions. For the vertical incisions 6/0 (Supramid, B. Braun, lower third of the papilla in a slight curved line going from one side of the papilla to the other (Fig. 1). The Neuhausen, Switzerland) interrupted polyamide sutures incision started and ended in a 90 degree angle between were used. The papilla base incision was sutured with the border of the tooth and the gingiva (see lines in two or three polypropylene 7/0 (Prolene, Ethicon, Nor- Fig. 1). 2 The scalpel was then placed to the base of the derstedt, Germany) interrupted sutures depending on previously created shallow incision at the base of the the width of the papilla. Great care was taken in passive papilla and subsequently inclined apically, almost reapproximation and perfect adaptation of the wound post-op 1 month post-op 1 week 1 month parallel to the long axis of the tooth, aiming at the crestal bone margin. With this second incision a split thickness margins without tension to the sutures (Fig. 4a). The Figure Incompletehealing. 5 5Incomplete healing.Clearly Clearlydetectable detectableincision incision flap was prepared in the apical third of the base of the flap was compressed for 1 min at the conclusion of the Figure Figure 8 Tissue irritation at suture removal. (a) Post surgery; wound. wound. (a)(a) Post Post surgery;(b) surgery; (b)healing healingatat11month. month. papilla. The incision ended at the crestal bone level, surgery. Patients were instructed to apply a cold com- (b) before suture removal; (c) healing at 1 month. where the periosteum was separated from the bone press to the face for 10 min every 30 min for the rest of (Fig. 2). From there on the preparation continued in a full the day and were prescribed NSAID (Ponstan, Parke Davis, 1 1before beforesurgery; surgery; Figure 1 Papilla thickness base flapmuco periosteal consisting of flap two(Fig. 3). Buccally releasing over the incisions Figure 2 Schematic drawing of the longitudinal section four sites with visible defects (grade 1), seven sites with tooth the vertical incision and papilla base incision were Baar, Switzerland), through 250 the interdental papilla. mgthethree *marks times per day for 48 h. initial shallow 2 2immediately immediately Figure 6 Partially complete postoperatively; healing. There are areas in which postoperatively; and the papilla base incision. The papilla base incision is placed 3 3can atat 33toto5still 5days daysafter aftersuture sutureremoval; removal; and joined by an intrasulcular incision. The scalpel was incision through the epithelium and connective tissue to the Following this, patients only the incision be detected, where as inand other parts the partially detectable incision defect (grade 2) and nine in the lower thirdmoved of thewithin interdental papilla. The incision starts depth of 1.5 mm. **demonstrates the second incisiontook directedthe to analgesics 4 at a recall appointment 1 month postoperatively. the sulcus, dissecting the gingiva to the Velvart 2002the 4 at a recall appointment healing is undetectable. (a) Post 1 month(b) postoperatively. sites with perfect healing (grade 3). and ends at a 90 degree angleThe crestal bone. (seesulcular lines) toincision the gingival reached margin, from the when crestalrequired. Patients bone. The scalpel wereinto blade is inserted instructed to refrain from the base of the Great care was takensurgery; to maintain healing the at 1 month. same angulation Great care was taken to maintain the same angulation resulting in a curved lineincision releasing at the base to theof theofpapilla. start the papilla base incision, first incision and directed nearly parallel to the long axis of the mechanical oral hygiene in the operated area and rinse tooth. The second incision will prepare a split thickness flap and magnification of the photographs. The photographs and magnification of the photographs. The photographs Velvart 2002 reaching from the first incision to the crestal bone level. were digitized in a slide scanner (LS 2000, Nikon Corpo- were digitized in a slide scanner (LS 2000, Nikon Corpo- ration, Japan), imported as TIFF files into the Photoshop ration, Japan), imported as TIFF files into the Photoshop Discussion Figure 3 Clinical photograph after complete reflection of the 6.0 (Adobe Systems Incorporated, USA) and the pictures 456 International Endodontic Journal, 35, 453 –460, 2002 69 or from one papilla to the next papilla. The and filling. © 2002flapBlackwell mobilized and retracted, during the root-end resection was Science Ltd Figure 3 Clinical photograph after complete reflection of the papilla base flap. Note the elevated split thickness flap from the papilla base flap. Note the elevated split thickness flap from the incision to the crestal bone level. Apical to the crestal bone area incision to the crestal bone level. Apical to the crestal bone area 6.0 (Adobe Systems Incorporated, USA) and the pictures enlarged to 3× magnification. The images were compared enlarged to 3× magnification. The images were compared for increase of the space between the papilla and contact 70 It is of utmost importance to preserve epithelial and connective tissue attachment at its original level and the full thickness flap exposes the bone over the roots. for increase of the space between the papilla and contact The flap closure was initiated from the releasing inci- the full thickness flap exposes the bone over the roots. area as a sign of loss of height. The change of the position area as a sign of loss of height. The change of the position of the most coronal point of the papilla was determined by traumatize the attachment apparatus as little as possible sions. For the vertical incisions 6/0 (Supramid, B. Braun, Neuhausen, Switzerland) interrupted polyamide sutures ofmeasuring the most coronal point of the distance the papilla between was determined a reproducible point by during the incision in order to obtain rapid healing on were used. The papilla base incision was sutured with measuring the papilla distance tipbetween a reproducible probe. The point on the tooth and using a perio through primary intention. This can be obtained by: precision two or three polypropylene 7/0 (Prolene, Ethicon, Nor- the oftooth and papilla tipreading the measurement using a perio was anprobe. The precision approximation to derstedt, Germany) interrupted sutures depending on of0.5 themm. measurement reading was an approximation 1 complete and sharp incision of the tissues; to Wound healing complications, such as excessive the width of the papilla. Great care was taken in passive 0.5 mm. Wound swelling, healingwound infections, complications, dehiscencesuchand 2 avoiding crushing of the tissues; as excessive necrosis, reapproximation and perfect adaptation of the wound swelling, infections, were recorded wound at all times. dehiscence Probing and measured depths were necrosis, 3 preventing drying of the tissues during the procedure; and margins without tension to the sutures (Fig. 4a). The flap was compressed for 1 min at the conclusion of the were recorded at recall at all times.except appointments, Probing depths at the were suture measured removal. at recall 4 perfect adaptation of wound edges upon closure surgery. Patients were instructed to apply a cold com- One appointments, except at the month post operatively thesuture removal.sites experimental press to the face for 10 min every 30 min for the rest of One observed were month post withoperatively the experimental a 3× magnification (Gutmann & Harrison 1991b). and graded sites as to the day and were prescribed NSAID (Ponstan, Parke Davis, Figure 1 Papilla base flap consisting of two releasing incisions were observed whether withdefect a visible a 3× magnification resulting from the andincision graded couldRecession of the papilla after sulcular incisions has not as to Baar, Switzerland), 250 mg three times per day for 48 h. and the papilla base incision. The papilla base incision is placed whether a visible be detected. defect resulting Incomplete healingfrom the incision (grade coulda 1) described in the lower third of the interdental papilla. The incision starts Following this, patients only took the analgesics been discussed recently. It remains however, an import- when required. Patients were instructed to refrain from be detected. Incomplete healing (grade 1) described clearly visible defect along the entire incision (Fig. 5b). a and ends at a 90 degree angle (see lines) to the gingival margin, Figure 7 Perfect clearly healing. visible Partially Thehealing defect complete placethe along of the incision entire (grade 2)incision can was noted, ant problem, which cannot be corrected in a predictable (Fig.not 5b).be when resulting in a curved line at the base of the papilla. mechanical oral hygiene in the operated area and rinse Figure 4 (a) Wound closure of the papilla base incision detected. with (a) Postofsurgery; Partially parts complete (b) the incision healing healing were (gradeat 12) visible month. and was noted, at the same manner. Although advanced restorative procedures and when time three Figure 4 polypropylene sutures; (a) Wound closure (b) sutures of the removed papilla base afterwith incision 4 days. parts thereofwere the also incision areaswere withvisible and athealing undetectable the same time patterns materials have expanded the therapeutic options, anter- 456 International Endodontic Journal, 35, 453–460, 2002 © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd three polypropylene sutures; (b) sutures removed after 4 days. (Fig.were there 6b). also Perfect healing areas with(grade 3) was given undetectable forpatterns healing undetec- table incision ior hard and soft tissue deformities continue to represent (Fig. 6b). Perfectlines (Fig.(grade healing 7b). 3) was given for undetec- twice daily with 0.2% chlorhexidine during the first occurred. Oneincision week table patient exhibited lines (Fig. 7b). delayed healing at suture a significant technical and aesthetic challenge (Salama Conclusion des lambeaux after twice thewith daily post after surgery. 0.2%The theoperatively sutures were chlorhexidine (Fig.sutures surgery. The 4b). removed during 3removal the first were removed 3 – 5 days –week Results L’Adoption de la Chirurgie Endodontique 5 days along the entire margin of the flap, leading et al. 1998). When semilunar flaps were compared with to visible and persistent scar formation. Three other trapezoidal flaps, no statistically significant change was Twenty sites post operatively were (Fig. evaluated. The surgical areas were Results 4b). Complete closure of the wound was achieved in all cases photographed Twenty perpendiculy sites were evaluated.toThe the surgical interproximalpatients areas area: were displayed irritation and no closure Complete severe around complications of the wound was the suchachievedsutures as papilla at the necrosis in all cases observed in pocket depth or attachment levels (Chindia & Triangulaire photographed perpendiculy to the interproximal area: time of their removal and no (Fig. 8b). Further severe complications such as healing in these papilla necrosis Valderhaug 1995). In another study, despite microsurg- patients was uneventful (Fig. 8c). All other patients dis- ical techniques, the mobilization of the papilla resulted in Dents postérieurs © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd played rapid healing. International Endodontic Journal, 35, 453 –460, 2002 457 considerable loss of height after 3–5 days (Zimmerman Rectangulaire © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd The photographs did Etiologie, not reveal Diagnostic any noticeable&open- International Endodontic Journal, 35, 453 –460, 2002 Optionsetde 457 traitement al. 2001). Besides aesthetic disadvantages, this may Dents Antérieures ing of the space between Styles de lambeaux the papilla and contact gingival area as create biological and phonetic problems, as well as food Avec biotype favorable a result of the loss of papilla height at any observation impaction. The height of the papilla depends on the dis- Accès osseux, curettage & biopsie Papille 5mm ou moins time. The mean difference between a reference point and tance between the contact point and crestal bone. In a the most coronal pointHémostase of the papilla comparing the pre- healthy periodontium without any attachment loss, the Submarginal Gestion operative and the one-month de l'extrémité postoperative situation radiculaire was papilla fills the entire interproximal space between two 0.05 ± 0.39 mm. None of the patients exhibited probing teeth in almost all instances (Tarnow et al. 1992). In Dents avec 2mm de gencive attachée et sans exposition de gencive lors d’un sourire Résection radiculaire depths greater than 3 mm at one month. The visual periodontally healthy sites, particularly when subgingi- Ponts Préparation rétrograde observation of the incisions at this recall demonstrated vally placed crown margins are present, recession is a Papilla base Obturation rétrograde Pour cas esthétiques complex Régénération parodontale 458 International Endodontic Journal, 35, 453 –460, 2002 © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd Sutures “Mini” flap Possible mais doit être guidé Soins Post-op 71 72 Avantage Endo PM - May 15, 2019
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