Caleidoscop lingvistic - Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter! Joyeuses Pâques! Buona pasqua!
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Aprilie 2014 Numărul 4 Ediţie de primăvară Caleidoscop lingvistic Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter! Joyeuses Pâques! Buona pasqua!
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Colectiv de redacţie: Profesori coordonatori: Ana Cristea Miruna Moldovan Cristina Nagy Denisa Florea Carmen-Diana Bârgoz Lia Suciu Diana Bucur Cătălina Cătană Camelia Parchirie Bianca Moldovan Ana Maria Marian Raluca Goia Paula Florea Mădălina Maier Ioan Fraţilă Diana Jucan Olivia Dumitriu Mădălina Dan Daiana Chiş Tehnoredactor: Dalia-Maria Sporea Caleidoscop lingvistic Pentru sugestii sau întrebări scrieţi-ne la: Aprilie 2014 Tipografia Filotib Sighişoara
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 1. ,,Mircea Eliade” – An intercultural highschool 2. Did you know that... 3. Jokes 4. Travel guide 5. Books, movies & more 6. Creative corner 7. We help you 8. Quiz
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 they have truly known how to took place between 1992 and make us love English. 1993 with Christ Hospital I t goes without Moreover, these teachers have College. Also saying that taught us to be creative by called The Bluecoat English, the most combining utility with pleasure School, Christ’s Hospital, is an widely-spoken foreign and that is why they deserve English language in the world, is an our deepest respect and coeducational independent day essential language that can gratitude. and boarding create many opportunities for Considering the fact school with Royal each of us. Our prestigious that “Mircea Eliade” Charter, located in Horsham highschool, “Mircea Eliade”, Highschool has always had District, West Sussex. It is also has always put an emphasis on amazing teachers, there’s no a charity school, giving the importance of learning wonder that our students have children from poorer languages, ever since its taken part in many English backgrounds the chance to beginnings. competitions and have always have a better education. Founded in 1923, our got high grades. Furthermore, between highschool has always The English 2004-2007, “Mircea Eliade” benefited from the work of Competition, which is held Highschool also had a project committed, dedicated English every year, has been a in partnership with other teachers who expressed a vivid challenge for us – a challenge countries (Norway, Spain, interest in sharing their that we willingly accepted and France, Dennmark) within an knowledge of English with our proved worthy of it. Our international programme, students. There’s no need to students have always taken called Comenius, which is string all the wonderful things part in this well-known well-known at European level. they have done for our school. competition and have often It aims at helping young They have had a great obtained incredibly high people and educational staff influence on all of us because grades. The best of them even better understand the range of had the opportunity to European cultures, languages go to the national and values. stage, which meant a Also starting with lot to us. 2004, many of our students A great thing have taken their Certificate in that happened was a Advanced English (CAE) student exchange which is an international project, as part of a English language examination. school twinning It is designed to demonstrate programme, which that a candidate has achieved a
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 high level of English ability To sum up, the students professeur-élève. which can be used in academic of „Mircea Eliade” Highschool and professional contexts and have had a great opportunity to Lucia Ştefanescu , professeur it is globally accepted by over develop their linguistic de français dans notre collège 4,000 institutions from Great abilities thanks to these – à l’époque du Lycée Britain, Germany, France, committed and talented Industriel numéro 2, a ouvert Australia, Canada, Spain etc. teachers who have helped le chemin à son successeur passionné de langue française, Camelia Parchirie, à professeur de français dans notre école. La langue française a été enseignée dans cette école depuis 90 ans (quatre-vingt- dix) comme première langue,(L1), depuis 1986, quand l’activité de Lucia Ştefanescu a été continuée par Camelia Parchirie, son ancienne élève. Moreover, between them get in contact with other 2002-2010, our highschool cultures and become minds of Celle-ci, ancienne élève du benefited from another great wide scopes. Collège National « Mircea project: Peace Corps Le Collège National Eliade », entre 1971 et 1975, a Volunteers. As the preeminent « Mircea Eliade », nommé apporté une manière propre international service auparavant le Lycée « Prince d’enseignement et a affirmé organization of the United Nicholas », a abrité à travers le que « L’évolution de la triade States, the Peace Corps sends temps une série d’enseignants élèves-professeurs-parents, vu Americans abroad to tackle the à la mémoire et la présence l’attitude envers l’acte most pressing needs of people desquels nous désirons rendre instructif et éducatif , dans around the world. Throughout hommage. Bien que ses notre cas , la langue française, this partnership, we have had maitres aient déroulé leur dans une direction ou autre, a the great honour to meet activité dans des périodes été une conséquence des incredible people, such as différentes, on a pu voir une changements subis dans le Riley Graebner (the founder of connexion grâce à la relation temps ». Avant 1983 et our English library), Dylan Degnan, Zack Stern and Marco Rufolo Roger. They helped us improve our debate and public speaking skills, increase our drama abilities and they brought to us various information about the history of the United States
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 beaucoup d’années après, méthodes strictes d’évaluation, olympiades, fêtes de la langue, c’était la discipline et le l’abnégation des élèves, le culture et civilisation respect qui régnaient. La manque des classes bilingues française, avec, parfois, des relation entre les élèves et les ou intensives, la rigueur d’une performances. professeurs était « strictement tenue (un chemisier bleu, une professionnelle » et il y avait jupe bleu marin, un ruban et Certainement, il y avait aussi un règlement d’ordre intérieur bien sûr l’inoubliable numéro d’autres professeurs qui ont qui était laissé des bien « traces » dans observé. Il notre lycée, tels ne semblait Viorica pas que Niţulescu, quelqu’un Octavia nous ait Constantin et imposé Carmen Gligor. quelque Nous pouvons chose, nous dire que la connaission langue française a été s notre matricule), ce qui n’était pas devoir, et, selon les dires de enseignée dans notre lycée par bien vu par les élèves. Madame Parchirie « Mon des professeurs dévoués, qui professeur était un modèle que Par ailleurs , il ne ont bien préparé leurs j’ai essayé de suivre ». manquait pas les résultats bons étudiants et qui ont constitué et très bons à la des modèles pour les Il y a aussi d’autres souvenirs spécialité rendus par les générations à venir. liés aux années francophones participations régulières des de notre lycée, telles les élèves aux concours , Articol realizat de: Ana Maria Marian, Carmen-Diana Bârgoz, Cătălina Cătană, Daiana Chiş, Miruna Moldovan, Mădălina Maier& Olivia Dumitriu
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Pâques en France Dans le premier jour de Pâques, de bon matin les enfants se dirigent vers le nid où ils ont fait dans la cour à l’occasion des Pâques et trouvent les œufs spéciaux préparés pour eux. En France le symbole du lapin est substitué par des poissons et des cloches de chocolat. Ce symbole se lie avec le mois d’avril et le jour des farces. Surtout en ce jour, les enfants essayent de coller des papiers dans la forme du poisson sur le dos des gens« poissons d’avril » Des cloches volantes représentent une autre tradition qui symbolise que dans le vendredi saint toutes le cloches prennent avec elles vers Vatican, la douleur qui ont plaint le sacrifice de Dieu. Ces cloches rentrent cependant le premier jour de Pâques et apportent aves elles des œufs de chocolat. Certains œufs, qui ne se cassent pas, représentent une autre tradition l’œuf qui résisté, à la fin c’est l’œuf victorieux et représente la pierre sur le tombeau de Jésus. Articol realizat de: Alexandra Murzea & Andreea Lungu An English easter Since its origins, Easter has been a egging and egg decorating. Today time of celebration and feasting and Easter is commercially important, many traditional Easter games and seeing wide sales of greeting customs developed, such as egg cards and confectionery such as rolling, egg tapping, Pace chocolate Easter eggs, marshmallow
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 bunnies, Peeps, and jelly beans. Even children find waiting for them when many non-Christians celebrate these they wake up. Many families observe aspects of the holiday while the religious aspects of Easter by eschewing the religious aspects. attending Sunday Mass or services in the morning and then participating in Throughout the English-speaking a feast or party in the afternoon. world, many Easter traditions are Some families have a similar with only traditional Sunday minor differences. For roast, often of example, Saturday is either roast lamb or traditionally spent ham. Easter breads decorating Easter such as Simnel cake, a eggs and hunting for fruit cake with eleven them with children on marzipan balls Sunday morning, by which time they representing the eleven faithful have been mysteriously hidden all apostles, or nut breads such over the house and garden. Other as potica are traditionally served. Hot traditions involve parents telling their cross buns, spiced buns with a cross children that eggs and other treats on top, are traditionally associated such as chocolate eggs or rabbits, and with Good Friday, but today are often marshmallow chicks (Peeps), have eaten well before and after. been delivered by the Easter Bunny in an Easter basket, which Articol realizat de: Dalia-Maria Sporea Frohe ostern von deutschland In Deutschland werden verzierte Ostereier auf verschiedene Sträucher gehängt, wodurch es zu einem so-genannten „Osterbaum/Strauch” wird. Ostereier werden außerdem auch zum verschmücken von
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Osterb runnen verwendet, ins besondere in der Fränkischen Schweiz. In Nordwestlichem Teil der Niederlande werden am Ostermorgen, Osterfeuer angemacht (auf Niederländisch „Paasvuur” genannt) Osterfeuer sind auch in großen Teilen Norddeutschland zu finden. Next on „Did you know that...?”: A flock of small birds landed on the Sie ein Blatt Papier und schreibe darauf minute hand of the clock of Big Ben, and alle Dinge, die dich unsicher machen. set it back by five full minutes. Schneiden Sie diese mit einer Linie durchundberücksichtige sie nicht mehr. French was England’s official language Sprechen Sie über Ihre Probleme mit from 1066 to 1362. IhrenGeliebten. Sie müssenlernen,IhreeigenePersonzulieben, The oldest zoo in the world opened in wie sie ist. Das können Sie tun, wenn Sie London in 1828. Ihre Freundeakzeptieren, wie sie sind. Denken Sie daran, dass niemand perfekt From 1800 to 1830, West Cornwall ist. Traurige Momente kommen und produced up to two-thirds of the entire gehen. Im Leben passieren schlechte sowie gute Dinge. world’s copper. Entdecken Sie die Dinge, bei When discussing class in denen sie gut sind und konzentrieren sie sich auf Ihre Talente. Sei stolz auf England, it is not one’s money sie! that counts, but one’s family, Sei zufrieden mit was du hast! education, and so on. Eine schöne Familie, ein großer Zimmer,gesundes Essen. Genießen Queen Victoria had a fetish for Sie dass. Valentine’s Day cards and sent out well Blicke auf die helle Seite! over 2000 cards during her reign. ' SeinichtderMeinung,dassanderebessersind! Sie müssen in Ihre Zukunft glauben! More than 300 different languages are Geben Sie Dank für das, was Sie haben! spoken in England. Dank für die Blumen vor dem Haus, die Sonne auf dem Himmel oder das Lächeln 12 Schritte, die der Mutter. zumehrSelbstvertrauenführen Schauen Sie sich selbst in den Spiegel und lächelt. So fühlen Sie sich glücklicher und zufrieden mit dem, wie du aussiehst Entdecken Sie die Dinge, die zur Täuschen! Täuschen Sie sich, dass Sie Unsicherheitführen. Was macht dich zu zuversichtlichsindund dann beginnen Sie schämen? Hast du einPickel? Hast du es wirklich zu glauben. keine Freunde in der Schule? Bist du zu dick? Magst du deine Nase nicht? Nehmen
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Geben Sie nicht Ihre Prinzipien auf! Jeden Tag werden mehr SMS verschickt, Folgen Sie nicht IhreFreunde, die als es Menschen auf der Erde gibt. Ihnensagen,zum Beispiel, zurauchen, wenn Sie das Gefühlhaben, dassesnichtgut Deine Ohren produzieren mehr Schmalz, ist. wenn du Angst hast. Helfen Sie den anderen! Wenn Sie gut mit den Menschenum Sie Schweine springen bis sind, erhalten sie eine zu 70 Zentimeter hoch. positive Kraft. Die Freude, die sie bringen, Schmetterlinge beweisen, dass du stark schmecken mit den Füßen. bist. Sei kein Perfektionist! Der langste Flug Versuche nicht, alles aufgezeichnet von einem Huhn perfekt zu tun, niemand ist 13 Sekunden. kann dass! Coca Cola war ursprünglich grün. Verrückt aber wahr! Donald Duck-Comics wurden in Finnland verboten, weil er keine Affen lachen, wenn man sie kitzelt! Hosen hat. Dein Gehirn verbraucht so viel Strom wie Eine Ente hat kein Echo und niemand eine 10-Watt-Glühbirne. weiss warum. Hurrikane werden bis zu 18 Kilometer 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = hoch. 12,345,678,987,654,321 Articol realizat de:Ana Cristea, Anamaria Geger, Denisa Florea & Raluca Burje
Ediţie de primavară, 2014
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Venezia, oh Venezia Un vecchio proverbio italiano dice: “Vedi Napoli e puoi muori” per glorificare la belleza e il fascino di quella citta e il meraviglioso paesaggio del golfo napoletano. Ma perche non dire anche “Vedi Venezia e puoi muori”? Venezia e la citta piu visitata e ammirata di tutta l’Italia perche e la piu originale. Turisti da tutte le parti del mondo, vengono specialmente durante il famoso carnevale e tornano a casa con ricordi indimenticabili. Chiamata la “Perla dell’Adriatico” questa citta e un gioello di architettura construito sulla laguna veneta. A Venezia, invece di vie e
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 viali, ci sonocanali e canaletti, come il famoso Canal Grande. Per attraversare quei canali ci cono dei ponti come il bel Ponte dei Sospiri. I mezzi di trasporto non sono le auto e i bus ma le barche a motore e i vaporetti. Per i turisti (ricchi) invece di carrozze come a Roma o a Napoli, ci sono le famose gondole con i loro gondolieri, personaggi di tanti bei film e di tante belle canzonette. Gli edifici-simbolo di Venezia che appaiono in tutte le cartoline sono la bellissima Chiesa San Marco (Santo Patrono della citta), trovata nella piazza con lo stesso nome, e il Palazzo dei Dogi, ricordo del bel tempo quando la citta era la regina dei mari. Articol realizat de: Ana-Maria Lăcătuş Warwick Castle “ We think of medieval England as being a place of unbelievable cruelty and darkness and superstition. We think of it as all being about fair maidens in castles, and witch-burning, and a belief that the world was flat. Yet all these things are wrong.” ~ Terry Jones Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from an original built by William the Conqueror in 1068. Warwick is the county town of Warwickshire, England, situated on a bend of the River Avon. The original wooden mote-and-bailey castle was rebuilt in
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 stone in the 12th century. During the Hundred Years War, the facade opposite the town was refortified, resulting in one of the most recognisable examples of 14th century military architecture. Over its 950 years of history Warwick Castle has been owned by 36 different individuals, plus four periods as crown property under seven different monarchs. It was the family seat of three separate creations of the Earls of Warwick, and has been a family home for members of the Beaumont, Beauchamp, Neville, Plantagenet, Dudley and Greville families. This castle impresses by its historical landscape yet exceptional surroundings, that bring you back to the times of the 14th century. The alluring view keeps the secrets of 7 centuries, hidden within the majestic walls and towers of the castle. Mysteries can be discovered by exploring the formal gardens. Landscaping in the 17th century added spiral paths to the castle moat during Fulke Greville’s programme of restoration. A water-powered mill in the castle grounds was probably built under Henry de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Warwick. By 1398 the mill had been relocated to just outside the eastern castle walls, on the west bank of the River Avon. Articol realizat de: Diana Jucan
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Books, movies & more La vie enrose “La vie en rose” c’est la métaphore pour l’éternelle et unique vision d’Edith Piaf sur la vie. Bien qu’elle ne fût pas “rose” dans ses chansons envoie un message clair, sain, un conseil déguisé: “Je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu’on ma fait Ni le mal, tout ça m’est bien égal C’est payé, balayé, oublié, Je m’en fous du passé. ” Paroles avec lesquelles conseille les gens à réagir contre la douleur, de ce qui s’est passé et qui devrait rester dans le passé. La leçon est très simple: vivre à chaque instant, la vie est belle. Oubliez ce qui était mal, on ne peut pas faire les choses bien chaque fois. C’est la beauté de la vie, c’est ce que nous fait vibrer, créer, chanter et tout pour éliminer les frustrations qui se réunissent, sans exception, tous les jours. “Balayés les amours Avec leurs trémolos Balayés pour toujours Je repars à zéro.” La personne qui a la puissance de surmonter, durera. C’est ce qu’on appelle un homme sage, un homme qui enseigne la vie avec le bien et le mal et conseille de suivre seulement les bonnes choses. Nous voyons que la vie a de nombreuses périodes et, quand une s’en termine, on doit construire une autre en partant de zéro. Si a été belle ou moins belle, l’âme souffrira des brûlures, aura ses regrets. L’enseignement d’Edith Piaf n’est pas de pleurer parce que c’est fini, mais sourire parce que c’est arrivé. “Car ma vie, car mes joies Aujourd’hui, ça commence avec toi.” Les temps passe vite et nous devons remercier les personnes qui ont subi la vie avec nous, qui nous choisit, qui nous enseigne et nous fait passer à travers la vie magnifiquement, qui nous inspire. Mais, comme chaque moment de la vie trouve la fin, nous devons laisser les regrets, présenter des excuses à ceux que nous
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 chargeons négativement, nous afflige et éviter de faire la même chose avec ceux qui sont dans notre présent. Les débuts sont toujours beaux et nous devons pardonner, dépanner, créer et oublier parce que le temps ne pardonne pas et les regrets ne sont pas autorisés dans la vie. Donc, la vie à été réduite à un enseignement: “rien de rien”. Nous devons savoir quoi écouter et ne pas écouter seulement avec les oreilles. Articol realizat de: Olivia Dumitriu Game of thrones: A song of ice and fire In this report I will present the value of ‘’Game of Thrones: A song of ice and fire” by George R. R. Martin, as a potential book for our fellow-students to read. First, the plot. George Martin writes about several noble Houses who fight over who should be king in all Seven Kingdoms. That world is also threatened by some unknown magical forces that live outside the Wall. This Wall was created thousand years ago by the first people and by the dragons. All the noble Houses still don’t know why their ancestors created the enormous Wall. The author tells how the noble Stark family deal with different problems, when they are split up. The Lord and two of his children have to leave Winterfell and go in the King’s Landing, because the king of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros ,Robert Baratheon, has told him to go with him and be the Hand of the King. He also follows the story of the exiled princess Daenerys, the last descendant of the previous royal family, who wants to rule the Seven Knigdoms and the story of Jon Snow, the bastard son of Eddard Stark. He is in the military order called the Night’s Watch, which is committed to protecting the Wall and what is beyond it. The book is part of an enormous and extraordinary series, which combines intrigues and rival dynasties, love, betrayal, dragons and the mystery of a giant Wall of defense. It challenges readers to think about the importance of family , honour and trust. As a conclusion, I think that people should read this book, because it is the best fantasy saga that has ever been written. Articol realizat de: Paula Florea
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Pay it forward In this review I will assess the value of ‘Pay It Forward’ as a potential movie for the students of ‘Mircea Eliade’ National College. First, the plot. Seventh grader Trevor (Haley Joel Osment) has every reason to believe that life is harsh and painful. His mother is an alcoholic and his father is absent. Also, his mom works two jobs in a city filled with despair, Las Vegas. But then his teacher Eugene (Kevin Spacey) encourages his students to make the world a better place even though he doesn’t expect much. Trevor decides to do three important favours to people who need them. Then, instead of allowing them to pay it back, he will ask each of them to "pay it forward," doing three favours to other people, and asking them to do the same. One of Trevor's favors is to bring his mom Arlene and Eugene together, though it turns out that it is not just to make them happier. Arlene and Eugene put all of their effort into making sure they do not get hurt again until they learn that it is risking hurt that makes us alive. Why do I recommend it? It is a heartbreaking story about a little boy who manages to change the world and make people happy. Not only that society will never be the same, but the ‘pay it forward’ movement becomes well-known by everyone because a reporter tracks down the source of the mysterious acts of generosity. Moreover, you start to think about the ideas shown in the movie and you will see the world in a different way. Furthermore, we are made to see the positive side of people and that our dreams can come true sooner or later. Also, the performance of the actors is exceptional. At some point, it can bring you to tears as the movie is very emotional. I hope you will enjoy watching this movie in your free time because you can learn from it and understand the world better. Articol realizat de: Mădălina Dan
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 An amazing festival! The smell of sugar apples was so intense that it made you want to buy one. Tents were aligned on each side of the road, with crafts to be sold. Music was piercing the outside noises, giving the festival a rhythmic atmosphere. The Main Street was crowded. Dozens of people with warm, friendly eyes and bright smiles were admiring the various stalls. ”Variety of life’, Isabelle thought as she was adjusting her eyes to take the scenery into focus. She glanced up, admiring the blackness of the sky, painted with flickering sparkles which everybody called stars. Perfect purity in contact with nature. Suddenly, she was at peace with everything. It was harmony between what she thought and what she felt. A wide smile caressed her lips like a beam of light on a cloudy day. If her eyes hadn’t been open she wouldn’t have known whether she was dreaming or not. ”Boom! an astonishing sound shook her insides, an uncomfortable sensation settled over her again. Fireworks flooded the over-powering beauty of the sky. The colours deepened, burned more intensely as an ascending joy was filling the air. Each ticking of the clock formed a mythical aura over the whole festival. There it was: life itself awoken in true beauty, capturing everyone staring at the sky with childish expressions. This was no ordinary day. Happiness sneaked through a door she never knew she had left opened. This was a whole lot better than she could ever imagine. It was sweet and wonderful at the same time. ”Sometimes you wake up from a dream, sometimes you live in a dream ”, said Isabelle in a low, warm tone. Her excitement was increasing as she let her guard down to admire the grace of the world. It is said that it takes a lot of time to achieve perfection, but at that moment everything was perfect. A dream had come true. Articol realizat de: Mădălina Dan
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 An enjoyable visit I have had many extra-curricular activities that include English, but I never thought that I would translate. Every Thursday, I go to ‘It Takes Courage’ ,at House on The Rock, which is an educational program for young students such as me. We learn a lot of useful things and have fun at the same time. When I was there Adela asked who would like to translate for an American student, so I volunteered along with Issa Suhan, another student at ‘Mircea Eliade’ High School. First, I met the girl I needed to translate for and she explained to me everything I needed to know about the person that we were going to visit. I was amazed by her story.Also, the American girl, whose name is Ashley Michele George, told me a few things about her life and about the fact that she was studying social work. During my first visit I was very anxious because I had never translated so much before, just in writing. We entered her house and talked about different subjects such as history, books, a little bit about her life, but not much. My friend showed the old lady some pictures from Sibiu and we talked about that as well. It was interesting. In the beginning, I was very nervous because my mind was switching from one language to another very fast and I heard myself giving the translation on the spot. I didn’t have much time to think and I didn’t want to say something wrong. If I didn’t know a word I looked it up and found it, then translated into English, so that my friend could understand. As time passed I realized that I really enjoyed spending time with this amazing old lady and with my American friend, Ashley. I think both of them were grateful because I was there to help them. At the end of our meeting, I didn’t want to leave because I felt very comfortable and it was very easy for me to translate. I did it automatically, as if my system had been doing that for years, but, unfortunately we had to leave. We said goodbye and went to House on the Rock for ‘Ceai & Chat’, a get-together (usually organized on Friday) which has various topics of discussion. Before the “party” started, Ashley had written some notes on her laptop about the visit and I had helped her. She thanked me for my contribution and we both realized that we were already looking forward to the next visit. Articol realizat de: Mădălina Dan
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Ce que signifie la France pour moi Quoique je sente que le français garde encore quelques secrets pour moi, j’aime bien la culture et les valeurs de ce pays tout à fait différent de notre pays. Avec quelques informations que j’ai réussi à recueillir jusqu’à présent, agencées avec l’opinion de mes amis, qui ont été plusieurs fois à Paris, j’ai bâti mon propre avis sur ce que la France représente pour moi et j’en ai tiré cette conclusion : la France n’est pas seulement le pays de Gérard Depardieu, Napoléon et Obélix. On doit y réfléchir sans superficialité, parce qu’il y a encore tant de valeurs qui peuvent représenter la France. C’est pour cette raison que je ne suis pas d’accord avec ceux qui trouvent la tour Eiffel un symbole de l’Hexagone. A mon avis, là, tout ne s’intègre pas dans le spécifique de la ville ; en plus, elle contraste avec l’élégance et la beauté de Paris, elle donne la sensation de froid, de laideur. Je suis étonnée que la tour ait gagné plus de popularité que le Louvre, par exemple, qui a réuni presque toute l’histoire du monde entier, depuis les civilisations les plus anciennes. Notre Dame pourrait définir l’architecture gothique, spécifique pour la France, d’autant plus qu’elle a été mise en évidence par l’écrivain Victor Hugo dans son œuvre Le Bossu de Notre Dame. L’Opéra, le plus grand et le plus beau de toute l’Europe, qui a inspiré le film Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, pourrait représenter la France. Ou bien, les quais de la Seine, avec ses bouquinistes qui restent sous la pluie, le soleil ou le vent pour vendre leurs livres, dont Anatole France parle dans Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. Une autre richesse de la France est la vallée de la Loire, ornée de châteaux, parmi lesquels, les plus beaux à mon avis, sont Chambord, Chenonceau et Azay-le-Rideau. Pour moi, la France est un pays définie par élégance, noblesse et profondeur. Quelle est votre opinion ? Articol realizat de: Daiana Chiş
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Odd traditions from English speaking countries Traditions are part of every culture and they are passed down from generation to generation. Traditions are celebrated differently from country to country. Although they generally represent meaningful activities that have taken place for a long time, there are various traditions that could be considered as slightly strange. 1)Cheese Rolling at Cooper’s Hill in England You may have thought the most dangerous thing about cheese was the mould, but then you’ve probably never stood atop Cooper’s Hill on this mad Monday. The premise is simple: a handmade, seven-pound circle of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled down the hill and a gaggle of people chase down behind it. The first to the bottom of the hill (or to grab the cheese) wins, and gets to keep the cheese. 2) Groundhog Day Prognosticating in America Leave it to the Americans to make their warm weather travel plans based on the machinations of a reticent rodent. Each year, groundhogs around the country -- but most notably Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. -- are paraded out to predict how many more weeks will transpire before spring is on the way. 3)Straw Bear in Britain Straw Bear Day is an old English tradition held on the 7th of January. It is known in a small area of Fenland on the borders of Huntingdonshire and Cambridgeshire, including Ramsey Mereside. This day is believed to be the traditional start of the agricultural year in England. A man or a boy wears a straw costume covering him from head to toes. He goes from house to house where he dances. As prize for his dancing people give him money, food or beer. 4) Zozobra in the USA Hosted by Santa Fe, N.M.'s, Kiwanis Club during the first weekend in September, the city engages in its annual burning of "Old Man Gloom." Old Man Gloom, also known as Zozobra, is a 50-foot, statue-like figure that is made to look part ghost, part monster. The burning of the statue symbolizes the burning away of melancholy feelings from the previous year. The blaze is accompanied by fireworks, food, ceremonies and dances. Articol realizat de: Bianca Moldovan & Diana Bucur
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Poetry corner Suflet pustiu ... Nopţi E toamnă târzie şi sufletu-mi plânge Privirea ta pustie din nopţile de mai, Durerea mea printre versuri se scurge , Iar liniştea profundă din al tău grai Un ultim cuvânt speram să mai scriu Mi-au rămas în minte pentru veşnicie Din suflet , dar sufletu-mi nu mai e viu . Mi le amintesc şi-acum, dar ce-ţi spun eu ţie ? Versurile sunt scrise şi-atat de tăcute Cum ai putut tu, oare, să dai cu piciorul Imi amintesc că ele din nimic sunt făcute... Unei fiinţe care pe viaţă ţi-a jurat amorul? M-am gândit o secundă la mine Fiinţă care avea al tău nume pe buze Defapt , la câtă durere ar fi fost lângă tine ! Chiar şi în nopţi din cele mai ursuze. Inima mea se zbate şi strigă “ajutor,, Iar eu cred că-mi va fi mai uşor Intr-o viaţă în care nu te ştiu Decât într-o viaţă cu tine şi-un suflet pustiu ... Poezii realizate de: Ana Cristea
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Giving talent a name:Patricia Leordean
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Say NO to cold this season! For some time past, more and more people are getting a cold in spring and this happens because we get used to nursing a cold by using different medicine. But why do we cure it? Why do we not try to avoid it? Here are some tips on how to prevent the cold: 1. The best way you can raise your immunity is a BALANCED NUTRITION based on fruits and vegetables to give your body solidity in the “fight” with the viruses. Lay a stock of garlic, leek and onion. Although they reek, these are useful in avoiding possible future flu. It is recommended to eat between seven to ten fruits or vegetables per day. They contain vitamin A and C which are known for their efficiency in keeping the viruses away. Do not exclude from your diet: red meat, chicken, nuts, almonds and whole grains, as these kinds of food contain zinc. Zinc helps the body defeat infection. If you're already sick, zinc relieves cold symptoms. 2. Listen to music! Surprise! Simply listening to your iPod or radio can keep you from getting sick. Research has found that listening to music can increase the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA) protein, an immune-boosting protein that helps fight off viruses and bacteria. Um, can you think of a
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 better excuse to download some new songs? 3. Break a sweat Add this to the ever-growing list of reasons to go to the gym: Research shows that fit, active folks have fewer colds (and when they do get sick, their symptoms are milder). But you don’t need to be a gym rat to stay healthy. Other research has found that just 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise can do wonders . 4. Hydrate Downing tons of fluids isn’t just a good idea when you’re sick -- it’s a great way to avoid getting sick in the first place. Here’s why: Fluids help transport nutrients and flush out toxins, so you can feel your best. In addition to water (which is still the best calorie-free way to hydrate), sipping black or green tea -- both of which are packed with antioxidants -- throughout the day can better help your immune system fight off viruses and germs. 5. Stop stressing Well, consider it the universe’s way of telling you to slow down and take care of yourself. If you have a jam-packed spring, it’s important to find healthy ways to blow off steam. In fact, studies show that stress and anxiety lower IgA levels, which as you now know, help to keep you from getting sick. So whether it’s yoga, long bike rides, spending quality time with a four-legged friend or catching up with human friends, make time in your schedule for stress-busting activities, too. Articol realizat de: Ana Cristea & Denisa Florea
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 1. 1.Sagst du deiner Mutteralles, auch 6. 6. Wie oft erwahnst du deineMutteroderwie oft sprichst du die verborgenen Geheimnisse? darüber mit deinenFreunden? a. Ja a. Immer b. Nein, nichtalle. b. nichtsehr oft 2. 2. 7. 7. WenndireinewunderbareSachezustosst, die erstePerson,der du DeineMutterruftdichundbittetdichet bescheitgibst ist: waszu tun was du nicht tun willst. Du sagst: a. deineMutter b. einguterFreund a. JaMutter, ichwerdeesmachen. 8. 8. Hast du jemalsMeinungsverschiedenheiten mit deinerMutter? b. Ichkann das nicht, Mama! (Undversuchst Sie a. niemals zuüberzeugen, dass du das b. nichtsehr oft, nur nichtkannst) dannwennwirwerschiedeneMeinungenüberbestimmteSachenhab en. 3. 3. Würdest du direinTattoo mit demNamendeinerMutteroder mit 9. 9. Glaubst du jedeSache die deineMutterdirsagt? demWort ,,Mama’’ stechen? a. ja a. Ja b. Im Allgemeinenhabeichvertrauenzuihr, aberwenn das, was b. Nein Sie sagt,nichtsinnvoll ist, glaubeich sie nicht. 4. 4. Wie oft redest du mit deiner Mutter? a. jendenTag b. Am EndederWocheredenwirmehr . 5. 5. Wienennst du deineMutter? a. Mami b. Mama oder aufihren Namen
Ediţie de primavară, 2014 Antworte: Wenn Sie vor allem A beantwortet haben : Bist du sehr auf deine Mutter befestigt! Du bist ein Mutter söhnchen. Deine Mutter ist in jedemWinkeldeinesLebensjedenTagda. Es fälltdirschwerallein zu bewältigen, ohne ihre Hilfe. Du liebst deine Mutter unermäßlich und kannst dir das Leben ohne ihr nicht vorstellen. Wenn Sie vor allem B beantwortethaben: Nichtsehrmütterlich! Du liebst deine Mutter, aber bist in der Lage, unabhängig zu sein und mit eigenen Kräfte klar kommen. Du hasteinestarkePersönlichkeitundbrauchstnichteinePerson,dassdirdauerndhilft.
Ediţie de primavară, 2014
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