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CAMPUS FRANCE PAVILLON FRANCE N UE BIENVE EN E FRANC Educatio 2021 Tanulj Franciaországban Etudier en France
TANULJ FRANCIAORSZÁGBAN! JÁTSSZ veLÜNk éS NyeRJ! A CAmpUS FRANCe JÁTék NyeReméNyeI A pAvILLON FRANCe STANdON: • egy hónapos franciaországi nyelvi ösztöndíj • Bluetooth headset • sport kamera a továBBi részletekről érdeklődj a helyszínen! ambassade de france HONGRIE en hongrie
Pavillon France Salon International de l’éducation Budapest 2021 Sommaire Tartalomjegyzék UNIVERSITÉS ET ÉCOLES FRANCAISES / FRANCIA EGYETEMEK ÉS NAGY FŐISKOLÁK ................................................... 7 Universités / Egyetemek ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Grandes Écoles – Ecoles d’Ingénieurs / „Grande Écoles”-ok – Mérnöki Iskolák .................................................................. 10 Grandes Écoles – Écoles de Management et de Commerce / „Grande Écoles”-ok – Üzleti és Kereskedelmi Iskolák ..............16 L’AMBASSADE DE FRANCE EN HONGRIE ET SES SERVICES / FRANCIA NAGYKÖVETSÉG OSZTALYAI.............................27 L’Institut français en Hongrie / Magyaroszági Francia Intézet ..............................................................................................28 Alliances Françaises.........................................................................................................................................................29 Le Lycée Gustave Eiffel....................................................................................................................................................30 1
A FRANCIA KORMÁNY ÖSZTÖNDÍJAI ÉPZÉS MESTERK · Francia vagy angol nyelvű képzések · Időtartam: 9-10 hónap · 700 euró/hó · A tandíj 5000 euró/év mértékig történő fedezése · Francia társadalombiztosítás · Elsőbbség a hallgatói szállásokhoz való hozzáférésnél KÉPZ ÉS dOKTORI · Francia vagy angol nyelvű képzések kettős témavezetésű disszertáció esetén · Időtartam: maximum 5 hónap/év 3 évig · 1060 euró/hó 1 415 euró/hó · Minden tudományos területről várjuk a jelentkezőket · Francia társadalombiztosítás · Elsőbbség a hallgatói szállásokhoz való hozzáférésnél KUTATóK · 1704-2055 euró/hó · Időtartam: 2 hét-3 hónap · Minden tudományos területről várjuk a jelentkezőket · Külön szálláshoz való hozzáférés BŐVEBB INFORMÁCIÓK • • +36 1 489 4200 HONGRIE 3
TA N U L J FRANCIAORSZÁGBAN! RAGA DD MEG EZT A JÖVŐ DET MEG HATÁ ROZÓ LEHE TŐSÉ GET! Tégy virtuális látogatást a PAVILLON FRANCE standján, ahol bővebb információt kapsz a franciaországi felsőoktatási tanulmányokról, és ahol a következő intézmények várnak: MAGYARORSZÁGI CAMPUS FRANCE KÖZPONT FRANCIA INTÉZET NYELVI ISKOLÁJA SCIENCES-PO Politikai Tudományok Egyetem ESSCA Menedzsment és Kereskedelmi Iskola INSA ROUEN Mérnökképzési Intézet CESI Mérnökképzési Iskola ICN BUSINESS SCHOOL ÉCOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES ESCP BUSINESS SCHOOL EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL • +36 1 489 4267 • 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 17. A CA MP US FR AN CE ELK ÍSÉ R! 4
UE BIENVEN CE EN FRAN ‘‘Franciaországi tanulmányaimnak köszönhetően valósítottam meg az álmomat. ‘‘ ROdICA, a robotika nemzetközi világában dolgozik. Kettős diplomát adó képzésben végezte tanulmányait az Egyesült Államokban és Franciaországban. Kísérője Buddy, a Franciaországban készült robot. Création Hopscotch Groupe. Crédit photo: Audoin Desforges/La Company 5
UE BIENVEN CE EN FRAN ‘‘ Franciaországi tanulmányaimnak köszönhetően valósítottam meg‘‘ az álmomat. MARWAN, vízgazdálkodási szakértő. Úgy döntött, hogy francia egyetemen tökéletesíti a tudását. Création Hopscotch Groupe. Crédit photo: Audoin Desforges/La Company 6
Pavillon France Salon International de l’éducation Budapest 2021 Universités / Egyetemek Grandes Écoles – Écoles d’Ingénieurs / „Grande Écoles”-ok – Mérnöki Iskolák
ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE / GRAND É TABLISSEMENT SCIENCES PO PARIS Sciences Po est un grand établissement seulement à la diffusion de la connaissance au d’enseignement supérieur et de sein de l’institution et bien au-delà, mais aussi recherche, internationalement réputé aux débats publics nationaux et mondiaux. pour l’excellence de son programme éducatif, de ses méthodes pédagogiques POINTS FORTS innovante et la qualité de sa recherche. - 13 000 étudiants L’institution, créée en 1872, inclut - 7 campus multiculturels formation initiale, formation continue, - 47 % d’étudiants internationaux recherche et édition. L’objectif de - 150 pays représentés - 27 % de boursiers Sciences Po est de former les futurs - 470 universités partenaires FICH E D’ID ENT ITÉ responsables et cadres dans le monde - 43 doubles diplômes des entreprises, des administrations Nom exact de l’établissement - 65 000 alumni Sciences Po nationales et internationales, de la - 80% des diplômés trouvent leur premier emploi recherche, des ONG, du journalisme et Statut de l’établissement en moins de 6 mois des métiers juridiques. Une procédure FNSP / IEP de Paris - 39% travaillent à l’étranger internationale est ouverte pour le Collège Ville du principal site de l’établissement Paris universitaire, les Masters, les Doctorats et les doubles diplômes. SITUATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE Nombre d’étudiants Sciences Po est présent dans sept villes en 13 000 PRINCIPALES FILIÈRES France : Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Paris, Pourcentage ou nombre d’étudiants - Collège universitaire: une formation Poitiers, Reims. Ces campus accueillent une étrangers communauté étudiante multiculturelle soudée 47% pluridisciplinaire (droit, économie, histoire, relations internationales, sciences politiques, et animée d’une vie intellectuelle et associative Nature et catégories de diplômes sociologie) déclinée sur 7 campus multiculturels intense. délivrés et plurilingues. Bachelor - Master - Doctorat - Executive - Programmes de doubles diplômes de master Bachelor avec Columbia University, UC Berkeley, Cours de langue française University College London, University of British Oui - Summer School: www.sciencespo. Columbia, Keio University, Freie Universität fr/summer Berlin, National University of Singapour, Hong Programmes d’études pour étudiants Kong University, University of Sydney: http:// étrangers Oui - Une voie d’admission pour doubles-diplomes-internationaux étudiants internationaux existe pour - Ecoles - Masters - Doctorats : 7 Ecoles: tous les programmes http://www. Ecole d’Affaires publiques - Ecole des Affaires internationales - Ecole de Droit - Ecole de Programmes de formation en anglais Journalisme - Ecole du Management et de Oui - l’Innovation - Ecole urbaine - Ecole doctorale: programmes-english Frais d’inscription pour l’année des-masters-de-sciences-po (indicatif) - Programmes de double diplôme en Master Etudiants hors UE : 10 370 euros/an au avec 20 universités partenaires: http://master. Collège universitaire et 14 270 euros/ an Master. Etudiants UE : de 0 à 10 370 Novembre 2019 - © Tous droits réservés - Programmes en anglais au niveau bachelor, euros/an au Collège universitaire et de 0 master et doctorat à 14 270 par an en Master. Adresse postale 27, rue Saint-Guillaume - 75337 Paris RECHERCHE Cedex 07- France Les unités de recherche, véritables références en sciences sociales en Europe, contribuent non Membre du Forum Campus France 8
INSTITUTE / POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION SCIENCES PO PARIS Sciences Po is a prominent institution knowledge within the institution and well beyond of higher education and research that it, contributing to public debates at the national is internationally recognised for the and global levels. recherche excellence of its curriculum, teaching methods and research. Created in 1872, Sciences Po offers traditional degree STRENGTHS programs as well as continuing education, - 14,000 students research, and publications. Sciences - 49% international students Po aims to train future leaders in the - 153 countries represented - 43 dual degree programmes fields of business, public administration, - 478 partner universities IDENTITY FOR M research, international institutions, - 7 multicultural campuses NGOs, journalism and legal affairs. An Precise name of the institution - 26% of students receive financial support Sciences Po international admissions process exists - 65,000 alumni for all undergraduate, masters, doctorate, Type of institution - Nearly 90% find a job within six months and dual degree programs. Foundation (FNSP) and institution following graduation of higher education (IEP de Paris) - 39% of alumni start their career outside France supported by public funds MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY City where the main campus is located LOCATION Paris - Sciences Po College: A multidisciplinary three- Number of students year undergraduate curriculum (law, economics, Sciences Po is present in seven French cities: 14 000 history, international relations, political Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers, science, sociology) offered on 7 multicultural Percentage or number of international Reims. These seven campuses are located students and multilingual campuses in France. This in cities boasting exceptional historical and 49% programme leads to a Bachelor-level degree cultural heritage. (240 ECTS credits) Type and level of qualifications awarded Bachelor - Master - PhD - Executive master - Dual Bachelor’s degree programmes with Columbia University, UC Berkeley, University French language courses College London, University of British Columbia, Yes - Summer School: www.sciencespo. Keio University, Freie University Berlin, National fr/summer University of Singapore, Hong Kong University, Programs for international students the University of Sydney: http://www.sciencespo. Yes - An application procedure for fr/admissions/en/content/international-dual- international students exists for each degrees-1178 programme: admissions/en - Graduate studies: 7 Graduate Schools: School of Public Affairs - School of International Affairs Programs in English - Law School - School of Journalism - School of Yes - programmes-english Management and Innovation - Urban School - Doctoral School: Registration fees/year en/node/14 (for information only) - English taught programmes For non European students: 10,540 euros/year for the College and 14,500 - Dual Master’s degrees programmes with euros/year for the master For European 20 prestigious partner universities (Columbia, students: 0 - 10,540 euros/year for the December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés LSE, Georgetown, Keio...) - http://master. College and 0 - 14,500 euros/year for the master Postal address RESEARCH 27, rue Saint-Guillaume - 75337 Paris Cedex 07- France The research units, all leaders in the social sciences in Europe, promote the diffusion of Member of Campus France Forum 9
ÉCOLE D’INGÉNIEURS CESI ECOLE D’INGÉNIEURS PARIS CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs propose des Trois plateformes de recherche et de transfert formations d’ingénieurs en cinq ans et : deux sont consacrées à l’usine du futur sur des Mastères spécialisés®. les campus de Rouen et Toulouse, et une au bâtiment du futur sur le campus de Paris- Nanterre. CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs permet à chaque Des fablabs ou ateliers de prototypage élève ingénieur de construire un parcours complètent le dispositif afin de déployer des personnalisé dont il est acteur, sous situations d’apprentissage instrumenté dans le statut étudiant, en apprentissage ou en cadre de pédagogies actives. Ils sont également formation continue, dans l’un des 25 le lieu d’une activité de recherche et de transfert. campus de l’école. POINTS FORTS FICH E D’ID ENT ITÉ - Projet pédagogique de l’école : un Etudier à CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs, Nom exact de l’établissement accompagnement individualisé pour leur CESI Ecole d’ingénieurs c’est une façon de vivre une culture permettre de construire et mettre en oeuvre leur d’école connectée à la société, à sa Statut de l’établissement projet professionnel. diversité et au monde de l’entreprise ; Privé - Modèle pédagogique original : pédagogie une façon d’apprendre les métiers de active / mode projets / travail en groupe / élève Ville du principal site de demain pour mieux en devenir acteur : au coeur de son apprentissage. l’établissement - Un fort ancrage institutionnel : l’école est Paris numérique, industrie, bâtiment et ville habilitée par la CTI (Commission des Titres Nombre d’étudiants du futur, travaux de recherche au sein d’Ingénieurs), ses formations sont certifiées 6500 du Laboratoire LINEACT et de la Chaire EUR-ACE (label qualité européen), elle est Pourcentage ou nombre d’étudiants Cisco-CESI-Vinci Énergies. membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles étrangers (CGE), de la Conférence des Directeurs des 10% Tout est là pour apprendre de nouveaux Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI), du Nature et catégories de diplômes métiers et acquérir de nouvelles réseau ‘n+i’, du forum Campus France, du CDIO™ délivrés compétences. , de Elles Bougent, de l’AUF, elle est signataire Diplôme d’ingénieur, Diplôme de la Charte Erasmus et participe à des d’établissement, Mastère Spécialisé. PRINCIPALES FILIÈRES programmes bilatéraux de coopération(FITEC)... Cours de langue française CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs propose : - Ouverture à l’international : mise en place Non - un cycle préparatoire intégré (CPI) en deux de doubles diplômes et de cursus intégrés, Programmes d’études pour étudiants ans avec une première année commune ; participation à de nombreux projets européens étrangers - un cycle ingénieur en apprentissage ou sous ou internationaux, accueil d’étudiants Oui - -Pre DI en partenariat avec «n+i» statut étudiant internationaux, mobilité à l’international - PreMaster en partenariat avec «n+i» avec 4 spécialités : obligatoire pour les élèves ingénieurs depuis Programmes de formation en anglais - Généraliste plus de 25 ans. Non - Informatique - Services dédiés aux internationaux : buddy - Bâtiment travaux publics programme, aide pour trouver un logement, Adresse postale - Systèmes électriques et électroniques accompagnement, ... Direction générale embarqués 1 avenue général de Gaulle Tour PB5 - 6ème étage - 12 Mastères Spécialisés® dans les secteurs SITUATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE 92 800 Puteaux - France suivants : informatique, innovation & projet, Nos 25 campus : Aix en Provence, Angoulême, organisation et performance industrielle, qualité Arras, Brest, Bordeaux,Caen, Dijon, Grenoble, Novembre 2019 - © Tous droits réservés -sécurité-environnement, et Construction (BTP). La Rochelle, Le Mans, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Orléans, Paris-Nanterre, RECHERCHE Pau, Reims, Rouen, Saint-Nazaire, Strasbourg, Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique, LINEACT Toulouse. CESI anticipe et accompagne les mutations technologiques des secteurs et des services liés à l’industrie et au BTP. Membre du Forum Campus France 10
ENGINEERING SCHOOL CESI ECOLE D’INGÉNIEURS PARIS CESI Graduate School of Engineering is a STRENGTHS 5-year school of engineering that covers - Our innovative scheme involves an active the whole national territory with 25 approach to learning that is centered on the campuses and with a student-centered student. We also provide close guidance to help scheme. students in clarifying and achieving their career Status offered: student / combined work- objectives. study programmes / lifelong learning. - CESI is recognized by several academic bodies : our degrees are accredited by the CTI (Accreditation Board in Engineering) and CESI Graduate School of Engineering certified EUR-ACE (European Quality Label). We also provides 12 labelled Executive Post- are a member of the Conférence des grandes IDENTITY FOR M Master degrees. Ecoles (CGE), Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI), n+i Precise name of the institution Network, Campus France Forum, CDIO and CESI Ecole d’ingénieurs SYNTEC among others. Type of institution MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY - International development is a key dimension Private CESI Graduate School of Engineering provides : of the CESI’s mission. The school offers dual City where the main campus is located - a 2-year undergraduate programme (Pre degrees, integrated curricula, professional Paris Eng Cycle) with a 1st year common to all trainings abroad, and technical assistance in the Number of students specializations ; field of educative engineering and politics. CESI 6500 also welcomes international exchange students Percentage or number of international - a Master degree in Engineering (3-year and is involved in numerous European projects. students programme)with 4 majors : Since the combined work-study programme’s 10% creation more than 25 years ago, a mission abroad is compulsory for CESI engineering Type and level of qualifications - IT - Computer science students. awarded - Industrial Engineering Master degree in Engineering, Executive - Civil Engineering and construction Post Master degree, specific degree. - Embedded systems French language courses LOCATION No - 12 Executive Post Master degrees The 25 campuses are located in Aix en Provence, Programs for international students Angoulême, Arras, Brest, Bordeaux, Caen, Dijon, Yes - 2 foundations years targetting Grenoble, La Rochelle, Le Mans, Lille, Lyon, international students, operated with Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Orléans, Paris- «nplusi network» and labelled Language RESEARCH Nanterre, Pau, Reims, Rouen, Saint-Nazaire, schools CESI LINEACT is oriented towards Factory and Strasbourg, Toulouse. Programs in English Building of the Future and relies on a laboratory, No LINEACT (Laboratory for digital innovation Postal address for companies and learnings at the service of Direction générale territories competitiveness) focusing on the 1 avenue général de Gaulle following topics : Tour PB5 - 6ème étage - Learning environments, 92 800 Puteaux - France - Innovation and entrepreneurship, - Industrial Performance, December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés - Computer Science, - Digital ecoconstruction. Member of Campus France Forum 11
ENGINEERING SCHOOL ECOLE NATIONALE SUPÉRIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES RENNES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY RENNES As a ‘Grande Ecole’, Rennes Graduate School of Chemistry (ENSCR) ‘s primary STRENGTHS mission for more than 90 years has - Engineering degree and Master’s degree been to train chemistry engineers - Study programme and majors meeting and doctors to meet the needs of industrial needs many industrial sectors in Europe - much tutoring over the 5-year programme and throughout the world. The School - industrial placements (up to 12 months during prepares for various jobs and activities the advanced engineering programme) (research and development, production, - international experience (work placements, study mobility, double degrees in Europe, Asia analysis, quality, hygiene and security, and America) IDENTITY FOR M business management...) practised in many branches (chemical industry, Precise name of the institution petrochemistry, environment, pharmacy, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de LOCATION Rennes cosmetics, energy, biotechnologies ...). Rennes, capital city of the Britanny Region, Type of institution Many of these responsability positions dynamic university town boasting 60 000 State Graduate School dependent on the lead to international careers students located in North-Western France, 2 Ministry of Higher Education and Research. ENSCR is a member of the Federation Gay- hours away from Paris by high speed train. Accredited by the CTI. Lussac (FGL), French national network of City where the main campus is located Rennes 20 Schools of chemical engineer. Number of students MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY 520 Percentage or number of international Undergraduate graduate programme (2 years/2 students years and a 1/2) 15% - Special pre-integration semester (PIS) Type and level of qualifications awarded designed fo international students leaving Post-secondary education diploma (giving secondary school with no or limited knowledge access to scientific higher education): of French. Duration: 5 months. Aim: register in Engineering Degree, Master’s Degree, the international ‘Chem.I.St programme’. Doctoral Degree - Chem.I.St undergraduate programme - French language courses Chemistry International Studies: 2 years Yes - Summer School in French as a foreign Advanced Engineering course: Majors (3 years) language. French courses all through the - Environment, Processes and Analysis programme (pre-integration semester, - Chemistry and Technology for the Living world Chem.I.St programme, Engineering course) - Masters: Water Quality and Treatment, Programs for international students Yes - Pre-integration semester (PIS): Molecular Chemistry, Chemistry of Solids and scientific upgrading/intensive French Materials language programme PhD programme Programs in English Yes - Pre-integration semester (PIS): RESEARCH scientific upgrading taught in English/ ENSCR 5 research laboratories are part of the intensive French language programme Rennes ‘Institute of Chemical Sciences’ around Registration fees/year themes such as: (for information only) - Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry Pre-integration Semester: 5000€ : Chem.I.St December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés Organometallic: Materials and Catalysis, programme: 650€/year: Advanced Chemistry and Process Engineering, Engineering course: 650€/year - Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Postal address - Solid Chemistry and Materials 11, allée de Beaulieu - CS50837, 35708 - Chemistry for the living world : catalysis Rennes cedex 7, FRANCE - Environmental engineering - Theoretical chemistry and materials Member of Campus France Forum 12
ENGINEERING SCHOOL EPF ECOLE D’INGÉNIEURS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCEAUX FRANCE (HAUTS DE SEINE) EPF trains multidisciplinary engineering generalists for management positions STRENGTHS in international settings. Since its International mobility and cooperation is one of founding in 1925, the school has pursued EPF’s major strengths. Students are required to diversity in the service of excellence. spend a semester abroad. EPF offers bilateral Eighty percent of EPF’s 11500 alumni are training programs, double degrees, international women. Our 2200 students (36% women) diplomas, international internships, and can choose studying on our Campuses study abroad. EPF has partnerships with 152 in Sceaux, Troyes, and Montpellier, universities in 46 countries. where they can obtain EPF’s French LOCATION IDENTITY FOR M Engineering Diploma. They will become a EPF has 3 Campuses in France generalist engineer capable to work in an Precise name of the institution - Sceaux campus: Students thrive in an excellent EPF École d’ingénieurs international environment. learning environment in a quiet setting 5 minutes Type of institution EPF enrolls students on 3 campuses: from the South of Paris. Private (all French Engineering Diplomas are Sceaux (92), Troyes (10), and Montpellier - Troyes campus: The city sparkles with life acccredited by the French CTI commission (34). thanks to its 9,000 students. With a relatively low and the French Ministery of Education). cost of living, the city also offers a unique quality City where the main campus is located MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY of life in a historic city center full of energy. Sceaux France (Hauts de Seine) After completing a core curriculum on the - Montpellier campus: Located in the very heart Number of students 2 200 undergraduate level in the general engineering of the city, the campus is close to the historic Percentage or number of international program, fourth-year students choose one of center of Montpellier, a French tech hub. The site students 9 majors: mechanical engineering, energy and offers EPF students a pleasant environment in 15% environment, information systems and digital which to live and study. Type and level of qualifications awarded technologies, Data Engineering, Architectural A generalist Master’s degree (French engineering, engineering and management, Engineering Diplôma) innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, French language courses aeronautical engineering. Yes - Summer courses (French language and technical courses) RESEARCH Summer School on Artificial intelligence applied to Smart Cities and Sustainable EPF’s evolving research policy is designed Architecture. to support the renewal of the framework of competences of the EPF generalist engineer Programs for international students toward the ultimate goal of opening up new No career prospects for graduates. Students have Programs in English opportunities to participate in research projects Yes - 4 Master Programs: while pursuing their degree and may enroll in a variety of university master’s programs (UTT, - Innovation, Creation, Entrepreneurship - Data Engineering ENSMP, ENS de Cachan, among others). - Engineering and Management The EPF research is structured within the - Aeronautical Engineering research center Marie-Louise Paris, named in homage to the school’s founder and her Summer School « Artificial Intelligence pioneering spirit. applied to Smart Cities and Sustainable This center has four research areas in the fields Architecture». December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés of: Registration fees/year (for information only) - MECHANICS (Materials & Composites / About 8.400 euros Additive Manufacturing & 3D Scanning), Postal address - ENVIRONMENT (Water Quality / Resources EPF École d’Ingénieurs - 3 bis rue Lakanal - Management & Recycling), 92330 Sceaux - ENERGY (Energy Production / Energy Efficiency in the Buildings). Member of Campus France Forum 13
ÉCOLE D’INGÉNIEURS INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUÉES DE ROUEN NORMANDIE ROUEN L’INSA de Rouen Normandie recrute - 3 sous statut apprenti des candidats à différents niveaux de - Performance énergétique Bac à Bac+4 et en formation continue. - Performance industrielle et innovation - Performance en innovation et sécurité des À l’issue des 3 premiers semestres de procédés tronc commun en sections classiques ou internationales bilingues, l’étudiant RECHERCHE affine son profil en choisissant une pré- Fort de huit laboratoires dont quatre unités mixtes orientation au cours du semestre 4. Il de recherche CNRS, l’INSA Rouen Normandie choisit 2 spécialités. Le choix définitif contribue activement, en collaboration étroite avec l’Université de Rouen, au rayonnement de de la spécialité intervient à la fin du la culture scientifique normande, en France et à FICH E D’ID ENT ITÉ semestre. Les 6 derniers semestres travers le monde. Il est partie prenante de quatre de spécialisation mènent à l’un des 9 Nom exact de l’établissement pôles de compétitivité: Mov’eo (pôle à vocation Institut National des Sciences Appliquées diplômes d’ingénieur-e de l’INSA de internationale), Nov@alog, Astech et System@ Rouen Normandie Rouen Normandie, reconnus par la CTI. tic. Statut de l’établissement L’école propose également 7 masters INSA Rouen Normandie propose également École d’ingénieur-e-s publique recherche et est habilitée à délivrer 3 centres de recherche pour les entreprises Ville du principal site de l’établissement le doctorat. L’INSA Rouen Normandie (CERTI) Rouen cultive la diversité des profils et mise Nombre d’étudiants POINTS FORTS sur la personnalité de ses futurs 1 800 L’INSA Rouen Normandie appartient au professionnels. L’ingénieur-e INSA Pourcentage ou nombre d’étudiants premier réseau de France d’écoles publiques étrangers dispose de compétences scientifiques et d’ingénieurs. Situés dans les grandes technologiques de haut niveau alliées à 25% métropoles françaises, les 6 Instituts Nationaux Nature et catégories de diplômes délivrés des qualités intellectuelles recherchées des Sciences Appliquées en France et 1 INSA LMD - Diplôme d’ingénieur que sont la capacité d’analyse et de Euro-méditerrannnée au Maroc incarnent un Cours de langue française synthèse, la réactivité et le conseil. modèle de formation reconnu depuis plus d’un Oui - Les étudiants internationaux peuvent Son aptitude à manager et à élaborer demi-siècle dans le monde entier. Les 6 écoles prendre des cours de FLE pendant leurs des méthodes de travail optimales, sa du Groupe INSA forment, par an, plus de 10 % études à l’INSA Rouen Normandie des ingénieurs français. Elles comptent plus de capacité d’adaptation et d’anticipation se Programmes d’études pour étudiants 40 spécialisations ingénieur et 50 laboratoires étrangers conjuguent avec un sens de l’ouverture de très haut niveau. Près de 80 000 ingénieurs Oui - INSA Rouen Normandie organise vers des domaines complémentaires diplômés INSA irriguent aujourd’hui le tissu une École d’été/ hiver pour les étudiants tels que la culture, le sport ou le monde économique international. non francophones inscrits en section associatif. internationale bilingue, ainsi que pour les SITUATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE étudiants en échange qui souhaitent une Normandie : Campus de Saint Etienne du remise à niveau en français. PRINCIPALES FILIÈRES Rouvray, au sud de Rouen, et une antenne au Programmes de formation en anglais Diplômes d’ingénieur-e-s Havre Oui - Section Internationale Bilingue, L’INSA Rouen Normandie propose 10 spécialités enseignement pour moitié en anglais, - 7 sous statut étudiant pendant les deux premières années. Offre - Architecture des systèmes d’information (label partielle de cours en M1 et M2 en anglais EURACE) à partir de septembre 2019. - Chimie et procédés (label EURACE) Frais d’inscription pour l’année Novembre 2019 - © Tous droits réservés - Énergétique et propulsion (label EURACE) (indicatif) - Génie civil et constructions durables (label 610 euros EURACE) Adresse postale - Génie mathématique (label EURACE) 685 avenue de l’université - 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray - Maîtrise des risques industriels et environnementaux (label EURACE) - Mécanique (label EURACE) Membre du Forum Campus France 14
ENGINEERING SCHOOL INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUÉES DE ROUEN NORMANDIE ROUEN INSA-Rouen Normandy recruits -Energy Performance outstanding candidates for its 5-year -Industrial Performance & Innovation single-tier master’s degree programme at -Innovation and Process safety Performance different levels: directly from secondary RESEARCH school or after 4 years of higher INSA-Rouen hosts 8 research laboratories, 4 of education. After 3 semesters of a core which are CNRS joint research units. Working in curriculum followed in the classical or the close cooperation with the University of Rouen, Bilingual International Section, students INSA-Rouen and its laboratories contribute begin to specialize, choosing electives to strengthening Normandy’s reputation for scientific research excellence throughout corresponding to 2 departments they France and the world. INSA participates in IDENTITY FOR M consider joining. They make their final four competitiveness clusters: Mov’eo (an choice of specialization at the end of Precise name of the institution international cluster), Nov@alog, Astech, and Institut National des Sciences Appliquées the 4th semester. Specialized study over System@tic. the last six semesters of the curriculum Rouen Normandie INSA Rouen Normandy has 3 reserch centers for leads to one of the school’s 9 graduate Type of institution companies (CERTI) Public engineering degrees, recognized by the STRENGTHS City where the main campus is located French national accreditation body, the Rouen CTI. INSA also offers 7 Research Masters INSA Rouen Normandy is a member of the Number of students degrees and delivers Doctoral degrees leading network of public engineering schools 1 800 in France. The INSA Group with schools in (Ph.D). INSA-Rouen Normandy cultivates Percentage or number of international Rouen, Rennes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Toulouse diversity among its students and bases its and Centre-Val de Loire in France and an INSA- students reputation on the quality of its graduates. Euro-Mediterranean in Morocco, is a model 25% INSA graduate engineers have excellent of engineering education that has enjoyed Type and level of qualifications awarded scientific and technological skills as well worldwide recognition for over 50 years. More LMD - Diplôme d’ingénieur (graduate engineering degree) as valuable intellectual capabilities, such than 10% of France’s engineering graduates each year come from the INSA Group. Together French language courses as the ability to analyze, synthesize, and Yes - International students can take reflect. Well-rounded individuals, their the schools offer more than 40 engineering French courses during their studies at specializations and 50 top-caliber research ability to manage teams and optimize INSA Rouen Normandy laboratories. Today, nearly 80,000 INSA work procedures, as well as to adapt and engineers contribute to the global economy. Programs for international students to anticipate change, go along with an Yes - INSA Rouen Normandy organizes openness toward other fields such as LOCATION Summer and Winter schools for non- culture, sport, and voluntary associations. french speaking students enrolled in the In Normandy, two locations : Saint Etienne du bilingual international section, as well Rouvray Campus, south of Rouen, and a branch MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY as for exchange students who with to in Le Havre. upgrade in French. INSA Rouen Normandy offers the following 10 Programs in English specialized degrees in engineering: Yes - International Bilingual Section - 2 - 7 under student status : first years taught in French 50% and - Information systems design (EURACE) English 50%. Some courses in English in - Fine chemistry and chemical consulting M1 and M2 form September 2019. (EURACE) Registration fees/year - Energetics and propulsion (EURACE) (for information only) December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés - Civil engineering and sustainable building 610 euros practices (EURACE) Postal address - Mathematical engineering (EURACE) 685 avenue de l’université - 76801 Saint - Industrial and environmental risk management Etienne du Rouvray (EURACE) - Mechanical engineering (EURACE) - 3 under apprentice status : Member of Campus France Forum 15
M AN AGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL LILLE - NICE - PARIS - LONDON - SIN- GAPORE Based in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and - Master of Science programmes: 1-year Singapore, and counting 100 nationalities programmes, entirely in English, ending with a 3-6 on its campuses and partnerships with months professional immersion. EDHEC Nice Campus 280 leading universities around the world, - MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance EDHEC is a fully international business (NEW) school directly connected to the business - MSc in International Accounting & Finance world. EDHEC’s 40,000 alumni spread over - MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking 120 countries represent a community of - MSc in Finance engaged leaders, trained to act practically - MSc in Financial Markets. and deliver solutions to the main economic, EDHEC London Campus social, technological and environmental - MSc in Risk & Finance (part-time) IDENTITY FOR M EDHEC Lille Campus challenges facing the world. The School - MSc in Creative Business & Precise name of the institution has developed a unique model founded on - Social Innovation EDHEC Business School research of real practical use to society, - MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence Type of institution companies and students. EDHEC is a centre - MSc in Entrepreneurship & Innovation Private of excellence, innovation, experience and - MSc in Global & Sustainable Business City where the main campus is located diversity, focused on impacting future - MSc in Management Studies Lille - Nice - Paris - London - Singapore generations in a fast-transforming world. - MSc in Marketing Management Number of students The School exists to make a positive impact - MSc in Strategy, Consulting & Digital +8600 Transformation Percentage or number of international on the world. - LLM in Law & Tax Management students EDHEC in figures: - EDHEC Global MBA, full-time 10-month 35% - 8,600 students in academic education, 184 programme entirely in English, taught on EDHEC’s Type and level of qualifications awarded professors and researchers, 11 research Campus in Nice Bachelor’s degree - Master’s degree - MSc centres - PhD in Finance Three-year programme taught in - MBA - Phd - 5 campuses and a platform devoted English on EDHEC’s Nice campus French language courses to 100%-online certificate and degree Yes RESEARCH Programs for international students programmes: EDHEC Online 20% of EDHEC’s budget is invested on research; Yes - a comprehensive portfolio of 23 US$ 43 billion assets which track EDHEC scientific Programs in English programmes designed for future decision- Yes - Bachelor’s degree - Master’s degree beta indices; 11 Expertise Centres; € 15 million of makers: Bachelors (BBA and BSc), a Master investments made yearly - MSc - MBA - Phd in Management, Masters of Science (MSc), Registration fees/year MBAs (Full-time and Executive MBA), a PhD STRENGTHS (for information only) in Finance EDHEC INTERNATIONAL BBA: from 11325 to EDHEC offers the widest choice in France of 16800 EUR/yr; MIM BM or MIM FE: 35900 EUR - an extensive EDHEC Executive Education management degrees taught in English. The for EU students, 41000 EUR Non-EU students offering of certificate and degree school’s 40,000 alumni have found jobs with the over 2 yr, supplement of 4000 EUR when doing programmes for managers, business world’s leading companies, including Procter & the MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Gamble, HSBC, Coca Cola, L’Oréal, UBS, Xerox, Finance; MIM GETT 53100 EUR for EU and leaders and entrepreneurs Société Générale & Nestlé. The alumni network is South-Korean students, 64600 EUR for non-EU MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY active in more than 120 countries. students; MSc: from 21300 to 27000 EUR/yr The French weekly Le Point ranked EDHEC Postal address - EDHEC International BBA undergraduate degree. France’s best school for finance in recognition of Lille Campus : 24 avenue Gustave Delory, CS 2 tracks to choose from: Global Business and 50411 - 59047 Roubaix Cedex 1 the quality of its research and the job placements Business Management. Bachelor in Business Nice campus : 393, Promenade des Anglais, of its graduates. In 2020, EDHEC’s undergraduate Administration programme in English and French, BP 3116 - 06202 Nice Cedex 3 degree ranked n°1 in France with 65% of its enrolled December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés taught in Lille and Nice. Paris Campus : 16-18 Rue du 4 Septembre - students who graduated high school with honors. - EDHEC Grande École/Master in Management 75002 Paris EDHEC ranked 5th in the world by Financial Times 2-year academic programme taught in English Singapour Campus : One George Street, # 07- for the Master in Finance. 12 - Singapore 049145 in either the Business Management track (Lille With 17 master programmes taught entirely in Londres Campus : 10 Fleet Place, Ludgate - campus), or Financial Economics track (Nice English, EDHEC prepare its students with a true London Ec4m 7rb United Kingdom campus), or the Global Economic Transformation career and international opening. & Technology track (France, Korea & USA) with a professional immersion of 12 to 18 months. Member of Campus France Forum 16
M AN AGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL ESCP BUSINESS SCHOOL PARIS Founded in 1819, ESCP Europe is the notes and articles for the most prestigious oldest business school in the world. With international academic journals. a management faculty of 125 members - ESCP Europe Paris and ESCP Europe Berlin have a doctoral program and an administrative staff of 200, ESCP Europe is also one of the largest business schools in Europe and the only one with STRENGTHS 6 campuses in 6 European countries. Thanks to our 6 campuses and our diverse Our mission is to train future leaders student and faculty populations, we offer a who benefit from solid knowledge and multicultural approach to international business education. experience in a multicultural context. IDENTITY FOR M LOCATION Financial Times Worldwide Rankings: Precise name of the institution ESCP Europe has its own campuses in the city ESCP Europe Business School - N° 2 Advanced Master in Finance centers of Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin - N° 5 Master in Management Type of institution and Warsaw. - N° 11 European Business School Chamber of Commerce and Industry - N° 10 Executive MBA City where the main campus is located Paris Number of students MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY 5 000 - Bachelor in Management, 3-year, 3-country Percentage or number of international general management programme students - Master in Management in 2 or 3 years, entry 55% after 2 years of university studies or a Bachelor Type and level of qualifications degree awarded - MBA in International Management, 1 year/2 BSc, Master Grande Ecole, Mastère, countries (full-time) MSc, MBA, Master - Executive MBA, 18 months (part-time) French language courses - 13 Specialised masters in French : Marketing Yes et Communication, Innover et Entreprendre, Programs for international students Management de projets internationaux, Yes Stratégie, conseil et organisation, Audit et Programs in English conseil, Business performance management, Yes Droit et management international, International wealth management, Finance, Management Registration fees/year pharmaceutique, Management des biens et des (for information only) activités culturelles, Management de l’édition Bachelor : EU 13 600 euros/an, numérique, Médias non-EU 18 000 euros/an - Master in - 8 MSc in English : Marketing and Creativity, Management : EU, 15 200 euros/year, Marketing and digital media, International sales non-EU, 19 300 euros/year - MS : varies management, Big data and business analytics, according to the programme : 13,900 Business project management, Energy euros - 21,100 euros - MBA : 32,000 management, Sustainability management, euros International food and beverage management, Postal address December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés Hospitality management 79, avenue de la République - 75011 Paris RESEARCH - 9 research centres - ESCP Europe’s faculty members publish more than 100 publications: books, theses, research Member of Campus France Forum 17
M AN AGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL ESSCA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ANGERS Founded in 1909, the ESSCA group is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes RESEARCH Ecoles” and accredited by AACSB, EQUIS - Digital Marketing and Management and AMBA. Today the Group ESSCA is - Entrepreneurship, Business Models and located at 8 different sites: 6 in France Innovation (Angers, Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Aix-en- - European Union Studies and EU-Asia Relations Provence and Cholet), 1 in Budapest, Hungary (since 1993), and 1 in Shanghai, China (since 2006). STRENGTHS - The 5-year Grande Ecole program which A total of more than 4,000 students are combines bachlor’s circle and master’s circle is IDENTITY FOR M enrolled in the different locations. All ranked N°1 in France (Challenges 2018) ESSCA students must have international Precise name of the institution - ESSCA has 5 campuses in France and 2 ESSCA School of Management experiences. ESSCA has established campuses abroad partnership with 279 universities in 55 Type of institution - 279 partner universites in 55 countries countries all over the world that can Nonprofit organisation - 22 double degree programs welcome ESSCA students for exchange. - Among the oldest and the most renowned City where the main campus is located ESSCA also works with more than 2,500 Business Schools in France, ESSCA is very Angers companies that offer conferences, appreciated by companies Number of students - 91 % of the graduates have been hired by their 6 000 workshops, projects, internships and job desired company Percentage or number of international offers to ESSCA students. - 93 % believe to have made the right choice students MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY by studying at ESSCA 20% - 92 % would recommend ESSCA Type and level of qualifications Programmes after high school : 5-year Programme Grande Ecole, combining awarded the undergraduate and master’s cycle, taught in Master in Management Grande Ecole LOCATION program - Bachelor - MSc - French and/or in English with around 30 majors French campuses: Angers (in the Loire French language courses in marketing, finance or management sectors Valley), Paris, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence, Lyon Yes - We offer courses for all and Cholet. international students from beginner to 3-year bachelor programme, taught in French International campuses: Budapest (Hungary) advanced levels. o Bachelor en Management International and Shanghai (China). Programs for international students Yes - All 3rd year courses are taught Programmes masters : in English : 9 master programmes in 2-year Master in Management, Grande Ecole English : 9 MSc taught in English, programme (around 30 majors in Finance, Summer programs in English Marketing et Management): English : Bachelor Management o Taught in French (2-year -15 majors) International o Taught in English (2-year – 14 majors) Programs in English Yes - see ‘Main programmes of study’ 1-year MSc, taught in English Registration fees/year o MSc in Digital and Big Data for Value, Paris (for information only) o MSc in International Finance, Paris From 8200 à 14750 euros a year. This o MSc in International Entrepreneurship (double- December 2020 - © Tous droits réservés depends on the programmes. degree), Paris and another country Postal address o MSc in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking BP 40348, 1 rue Lakanal, 49003 Angers (double-degree, taught in French and English), - France Paris and Montréal o MSc in EU-Asia Luxury Marketing, Shanghai Member of Campus France Forum 18
ÉCOLE DE COMMERCE E T DE M AN AGEMENT ESSCA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ANGERS Créé en 1909, Membre de la Conférence o MSc in International Entrepreneurship (double- des Grandes Ecoles et triplement diplôme), Paris and another country accrédité par AACSB, EQUIS et AMBA, le o MSc in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking (double-diplôme, enseigné en anglais et Groupe ESSCA est implanté aujourd’hui français), Paris and Montréal sur 8 campus : 6 en France (Angers, o MSc in Luxury Service Management, Bordeaux Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence o MSc in Tourism and e-Business, Aix-en- et Cholet) et 2 à l’étranger (Budapest, Provence en Hongrie depuis 1993 et Shanghai, en o MSc in Marketing Management and Business Chine depuis 2006). Development, Lyon o MSc in EU-Asia Luxury Marketing, Shanghai Au total, plus de 4 000 étudiants sont o MSc in EU-Asia Marketing and Digital Business, FICH E D’ID ENT ITÉ présents sur les différents sites. Tous Shanghai les étudiants de l’ESSCA doivent avoir Nom exact de l’établissement o MSc in International Tourism Management, ESSCA School of Management des expériences internationales. ESSCA Shanghai a établi des partenariats avec 279 Statut de l’établissement universitaires dans 55 pays dans le Associatif monde qui peuvent accueillir les étudiants RECHERCHE Ville du principal site de l’établissement Angers de l’ESSCA pour un échange. ESSCA - Digital Marketing and Management - Entrepreneurship, Business Models and Nombre d’étudiants aussi travaille avec 2500 entreprises qui Innovation 4 000 proposent des conférences, workshops, - European Union Studies and EU-Asia Relations Pourcentage ou nombre d’étudiants projets, stages et offres d’emploi aux étrangers étudiants de l’ESSCA. 20% POINTS FORTS Nature et catégories de diplômes PRINCIPALES FILIÈRES - Programme Grande Ecole post-bac sur 5 ans délivrés Programmes post-bac : Master in Management Grande Ecole classé N°1 en France (Challenges 2018) Programme Grande Ecole en Management Programme - Bachelor - MSc - Mastères - 8 campuses, 5 en France et 2 à l’étranger (post-bac) sur 5 ans, enseigné en français et/ Spécialisés - Possibilité de semestres à l’étranger et de ou en anglais avec environ 30 spécialisations Cours de langue française double-diplôme dans les domaines de marketing, finance et Oui - Les cours sont offerts à tous les - 279 universités partenaires dans 55 pays management étudiants internationaux à différents - 22 double-diplômes - Ecole parmi les plus anciennes et les plus niveaux depuis l’initiation jusqu’au Bachelor sur 3 ans, enseigné en français : niveau avancé. réputées, elle est très appréciée des entreprises o Bachelor en Management International - 91% des diplômés ont intégré l’entreprise qu’ils Programmes d’études pour étudiants o Bachelor en Management Digital souhaitaient étrangers o Bachelor en Management du Sport Oui - Troisième année enseigné tout - 93% estiment avoir fait le bon choix en intégrant l’ESSCA en anglais - 9 Programmes Master en - 92% recommanderaient l’ESSCA anglais - 9 Msc enseignées en anglais - Programmes masters : summer programs in English Master Grande Ecole sur 2 ans (environ 30 Programmes de formation en anglais spécialisations dans les domaines de Finance, SITUATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE Oui - voir ‘Principales filières’ Marketing et Management): Campus en France : Angers (dans la vallée de Frais d’inscription pour l’année o enseigné en français (2 ans - entrée en M1 - 15 la Loire), Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence (indicatif) spécialisations) et Cholet. De 7500 à 14000 euros /an selon les Novembre 2019 - © Tous droits réservés o enseigné en anglais (2 ans - entrée en M1 - 14 Campus Internationaux : Budapest (Hongrie) et programmes. spécialisations) Shanghai (Chine). Adresse postale MSc sur 1 an, enseigné en anglais sur différents BP 40348, 1 rue Lakanal, 49003 Angers campuses : - France o MSc in Digital and Big Data for Value, Paris o MSc in International Finance, Paris Membre du Forum Campus France 19
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