Comprendre le (sous) development des pays de Sud - Leesu
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ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Comprendre le (sous) development des pays de Sud Martin SEIDL martin.seidl@ Université Paris-Est LEESU ENPC v.2018-1 1. Pays sous-développé 2. Pays en développement 3. Pays en voie de développement (Under )developpement In economics, underdevelopment is when resources are not used to their full socio-economic potential compared to the countries elevated as standard In economics, development is the transformation of a country’s economy from, mainly, a subsistence agriculture to a modern, urbanized manufacturing and service economy. 2 OPED2018 MS 1
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme de 1948 (UN): Art. 22 — Toute personne [...] a droit à la sécurité sociale ; elle est fondée à obtenir la satisfaction des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels indispensables à sa dignité et au libre développement de sa personnalité [...]. Art. 23 — Toute personne a droit au travail, au libre choix de son travail, à des conditions équitables et satisfaisantes de travail et à la protection contre le chômage.[...] Art. 24 — Toute personne a droit au repos et aux loisirs et notamment à une limitation raisonnable de la durée du travail et à des congés payés périodiques. Art. 25 — Toute personne a droit à un niveau de vie suffisant pour assurer sa santé, son bien-être et ceux de sa famille, notamment pour l'alimentation, l'habillement, le logement, les soins médicaux ainsi que pour les services sociaux nécessaires ; Art. 26 — Toute personne a droit à l'éducation. [...] L'éducation doit viser au plein épanouissement de la personnalité humaine et au renforcement du respect des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. Elle doit favoriser la compréhension, la tolérance et l'amitié entre toutes les nations et tous les groupes raciaux ou religieux, ainsi que le développement des activités des Nations unies pour le maintien de la paix. 3 Développement humain « Le principal objectif du développement humain est d'élargir la gamme des choix offerts à la population, qui permettent de rendre le développement plus démocratique et plus participatif. Ces choix doivent comprendre des possibilités d'accéder aux revenus et à l'emploi, à l'éducation et aux soins de santé et à un environnement propre ne présentant pas de danger. L'individu doit également avoir la possibilité de participer pleinement aux décisions de la communauté et de jouir des libertés humaines, économiques et politiques ». PNUD 4 OPED2018 MS 2
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Indicateurs Socio-économiques World’s average inhabitant: lives in a hut, cannot read or write, labours ~15 hours a day,works on land (s)he does not own, is always hungry, is burdened by disease, will die young, has an inadequate water supply & sanitation IS POOR (lack of economic means) 6 OPED2018 MS 3
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Indicateur / indice Un indicateur est un outil d'évaluation et d'aide à la décision grâce auquel on va pouvoir mesurer une situation ou une tendance, de façon relativement objective, à un instant donné, ou dans le temps et/ou l'espace. Il doit exister une relation causale entre le fait mesuré (indiqué) et l’indicateur. Un indicateur peut en agréger d'autres. Pour un indicateur agrégé, on parle plus souvent d'indice. IDH indice de développement humain IPH indice de pauvreté humaine 7 L'indice de développement humain L'indice de développement humain (IDH) est un indice statistique composite, créé par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) en 1990 pour évaluer le taux de développement humain des pays du monde. L'IDH se fondait alors sur trois critères : le PIB par habitant, l'espérance de vie à la naissance et le niveau d'éducation des enfants de 15 ans et plus. 8 OPED2018 MS 4
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 HDI, human developement index 9 HDI 10 OPED2018 MS 5
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) a "measure of the average level of human development of people in a society once inequality is taken into account." Raw HDI 2013 11 HDI trends 12 OPED2018 MS 6
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 HDI, local disparities, IDF 0.5 1 13 IDF L’IDH-2 : vers une nouvelle géographie des inégalités sociales en Ile-de- France? on notera au passage qu’il existe une très forte corrélation entre l’indice d’éducation et l’indice de revenus. Les corrélations avec l’indice d’espérance de vie sont un peu moins fortes. 14 OPED2018 MS 7
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 HDI, local disparities 15 Poverty indexes Poverty" defined as an economic condition of lacking both money and basic necessities needed to successfully live, such as food, water, education, healthcare, and shelter. There are many working definitions of "poverty," with considerable debate on how to best define the term. Income security, economic stability and the predictability of one's continued means to meet basic needs all serve as absolute indicators of poverty. Poverty may therefore also be defined as the economic condition of lacking predictable and stable means of meeting basic life needs. national poverty line —the poverty line deemed appropriate for a country by its authorities. National estimates are based on population- weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys. Definitions of the poverty line may vary considerably among nations. In 2008, in the United States of America, the poverty threshold for a single person under 65 was US$ 30 a day 16 OPED2018 MS 8
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 « l’euro [est une] Income monnaie d’origine privée administrée au niveau européen par un pouvoir technocratique 2.8 billion people (nearly concentré et half the world’s supérieur aux gouvernements population) live on représentatifs des populations < 2 € per day rassemblées dans =35 000 CFA/month l’Union » Théret 2013 =150 R$ /month 50% of them lived with < 1 € UN 1998 17 Poverty
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Focus sur Paris 19 Income (non)distribution Annual income flows of the richest 500 people exceeds that of the poorest 416 000 000 Cost of ending extreme poverty – $300 billion – less than 2% of the income of the richest 10% of the world’s population 20 OPED2018 MS 10
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 GINI Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient is usually defined .. mathematically based on the Lorenz curve (below). It can be thought of as the ratio of the area that lies between the line of equality and the Lorenz curve (marked 'A' in the diagram) over the total area under the line of equality (marked 'A' and 'B' in the diagram); i.e., G=A/(A+B). While most developed European nations and Canada tend to have Gini indices between 24% (Denmark) and 36% (France), the United States' and Mexico's Gini indices are both above 40 and 60% for Brazil, indicating that the latter have greater inequality. 21 GINI (2008) 22 OPED2018 MS 11
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Economic disparity Income per person per year, kUS$ A sixfold disparity 23 Economic disparity A sixfold disparity 24 OPED2018 MS 12
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 10R/10P BRAZIL ‘Livings’ 2011 Population 194 million Poverty 27 million (14%) lived with
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of Gross Domestic Product for the countries of the world as of 2003. The economy of the United States is used as a reference, so that country is set at 100. Bermuda has the highest index value, 154, thus goods sold in Bermuda are 54% more expensive than in the United States. 27 PPP - Big Mac Index An example of one measure of PPP is the Big Mac Index popularized by The Economist, which looks at the prices of a Big Mac burger in McDonald's restaurants in different countries. If a Big Mac costs USD$4 in the U.S. and GBP£3 in Britain, the PPP exchange rate would be £3 for $4. The Big Mac Index is presumably useful because it is based on a well-known good whose final price, easily tracked in many countries, includes input costs from a wide range of sectors in the local economy, such as agricultural commodities (beef, bread, lettuce, cheese), labor (blue and white collar), advertising, rent and real estate costs, transportation, etc. The Big Mac Index is inaccurate in certain cases because of the different market conditions that exist in differing McDonald's locations. Link > 28 OPED2018 MS 14
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 PPP – 1351 - 2016 29 Poverty is more than money David Gordon's paper, "Indicators of Poverty & Hunger", for the United Nations, further defines absolute poverty as the absence of any two of the following eight basic needs:[2] Food availability: Body Mass Index must be above 16. Safe drinking water: Water must not come from solely rivers and ponds, and must be available nearby (less than 15 minutes' walk each way). Sanitation facilities: Toilets or latrines must be accessible in or near the home. Health: Treatment must be received for serious illnesses and pregnancy. Shelter: Homes must have fewer than four people living in each room. Floors must not be made of dirt, mud, or clay. Education: Everyone must attend school or otherwise learn to read. Information: Everyone must have access to newspapers, radios, televisions, computers, or telephones at home. Access to services: This item is undefined by Gordon, but normally is used to indicate the complete panoply of education, health, legal, social, and financial (credit) services. 30 OPED2018 MS 15
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 The Human Poverty (UN) 31 The Human Poverty Index (HPI) The Human Poverty Index is an indication of the standard of living in a country, developed by the United Nations (UN) and can be summarized as "A composite index measuring deprivations in the three basic dimensions captured in the human development index — a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.« HPI-1 = P1: Probability at birth of not surviving to age 40 (times 100) P2: Adult illiteracy rate P3: Un-weighted average of population without sustainable access to an improved water source and children under weight for age α: = 3 coeff 32 OPED2018 MS 16
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 HPI classic 2002 33 HPI alternative The map presented is equal area cartograms, otherwise known as density- equalising maps. The cartogram re- sizes each territory according to the variable being mapped. Territory size shows the proportion of the world living in poverty (calculated by multiplying population by one 2002 of two poverty indices). 34 OPED2018 MS 17
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 The Human Poverty- HEALTH Diarrhoea is common amongst children. In an average two week period, an estimated 82 million children aged 0-5 years old have diarrhoea. Diarrhoea varies its severity - some children recover quickly, a small proportion but large number die. Access to clean water and rehydration salts can reduce prevalence and minimise the impact. The highest prevalence of diarrhoea amongst children was recorded in Niger, where 4 in every 10 children had diarrhoea in a typical two week period. Most children in Niger will have many episodes a year causing general chronic debility 35 The Human Poverty- HEALTH The Health of the World has improved …We more in the last 40 years than in the are living Life expectancy at birth, years previous 4000 years! longer But there are, of course, still major health problems in the World − especially in developing countries, and many of these are due to inadequate water supplies and sanitation 36 OPED2018 MS 18
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 The Human Poverty- HEALTH … but some shorter HDR 2005 37 The Human Poverty- HEALTH The demographic shock of AIDS exceeds that of the first World War HDR 2005 38 OPED2018 MS 19
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 The Human Poverty- HEALTH Health inequalities counteract wealth advantages HDR 2005 39 The Human Poverty- EDUCATION 40 OPED2018 MS 20
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Education No money, no school no school, no money, 41 Education - gender HDR 2005 42 OPED2018 MS 21
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Education - gender HDR 2005 43 North – south relationships OPED2018 MS 22
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Dependency Dependency theory, states that the wealthy nations of the world need a peripheral group of poorer states in order to remain wealthy.. Raúl Prebisch, argentine economist 45 Dependency These poor nations provide natural resources, cheap labor, a destination for obsolete technology, and markets to the wealthy nations, without which they could not have the standard of living they enjoy. First world nations actively, but not necessarily consciously, perpetuate a state of dependency through various policies and initiatives. This state of dependency is multifaceted, involving media control, politics, banking and finance, education, and all aspects of human resource development. Any attempt by the dependent nations to resist the influences of dependency could result in economic sanctions and/or military invasion and control. This is nowadays rare and dependency is enforced far more by the wealthy nations setting the rules of Wikipedia international trade and commerce. 46 OPED2018 MS 23
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Economic dominance "We, politely referred to as 'underdeveloped', in truth are colonial, semi-colonial or dependent Role of states countries. We are countries whose economies replaced by have been distorted by imperialism (read: multinationals liberalism), which has abnormally developed those branches of industry or agriculture needed with less to complement its complex economy. control : 'Underdevelopment', or distorted development, brings a dangerous specialization in raw materials, inherent in which is the threat of hunger for all our peoples. We, the 'underdeveloped', are also those with the single crop, the single product, the single market. A single product whose uncertain sale depends on a single market imposing and fixing conditions. That is the great formula for imperialist (read: industrialized countries) economic domination.“ Che Guevara 1961 47 Neo colonialism The term neo-colonialism was coined by Ghanaian president Kwame Nkrumah, to describe the socio-economic and political control that can be exercised economically, linguistically, and culturally, whereby promotion of the culture of the neo-colonist country facilitates the cultural assimilation of the colonised people and thus opens the national economy to the multinational corporations of the neo-colonial country. Kwame Nkrumah 1989 Seychelles 1972 48 OPED2018 MS 24
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 CEE economic dominance 49 Historic evolution Neocolonialism is a term used arguing that existing or past international economic arrangements created by former colonial powers were or are used to maintain control of their former colonies and dependencies after the colonial independence. neocolonialism implies a form of contemporary, economic imperialism 50 OPED2018 MS 25
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Post-colonialism Case of USA US bombing list From “A century of u.s. military interventions by dr. Zoltan Grossman” Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War) Guatemala 1954 Indonesia 1958 Cuba 1959-1961 Guatemala 1960 Congo 1964 Laos 1964-73 Vietnam 1961-73 Cambodia 1969-70 Guatemala 1967-69 Grenada 1983 Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian targets) Libya 1986 El Salvador 1980s Nicaragua 1980s Iran 1987 Panama 1989 Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf War) Kuwait 1991 Somalia 1993 Bosnia 1994, 1995 Sudan 1998 Afghanistan 1998 Yugoslavia 1999 Yemen 2002 Iraq Conclusion ? A terrorist is someone who has a bomb but 2003-05 Afghanistan 2001- doesn’t have an air force 2010 …. 51 U.S. neo-colonialism Following the September 11 attacks the United States government increased military aid to Colombia. In 2003, 98 million dollars GLYPHOSATE (Roundup) were spent for new = MONSANTO Pentagon training and equipment for the Colombian military. 52 OPED2018 MS 26
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 « Dictatorships » 53 (U.S.) economic colonialism Free Trade Area of the Americas (NAFTA & FTAA) no export restrictions for US, but “quality” restrictions for import to US. TIPP / TAFTA Transatlantic Trade and Investment “Partnership” (TTIP) - elimination of environmental laws - elimination of trade union restrictions - role of national regulation replaced by TIPP and private courts NAFTA The role of states replaced by multinationals with less control : - Coca Cola (trade union oppression … - Barrick (Mining, desrespect of env. laws …) - Monsanto (“Emergency help” for Haiti 2010 ….) 54 OPED2018 MS 27
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Transatlantic Trade and Investment “Partnership” Consequence of “TIPP” https://www.monde- 5-06-11-ttip-parlement- europeen A study of the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University NAFTA argues that the TTIP would result in the loss of 600,000 European jobs, a net decline in EU exports, falling GDPs for EU member states and a reduction in Europeans’ personal income. 55 Aide économique Hassan II Gbagbo cacao Eyadéma phosphates Bia wood Bongo petrol Nguesso mining 56 OPED2018 MS 28
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Aide militaire : France French bombing list French military presence in Africa 57 $y$tème 1 : Bypass, exemple Elf-Afrique parties politiques actionnaires Biens mal acquis Rois, présidents et dictateurs Caisse 3% du brut Droits d’exploi -tation Gestionnaire étatique prévente Investis- sement 58 OPED2018 MS 29
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 $y$tème 2 : retro commission (exemple Karachi) Les rétro- commissions sont un produit dérivé des «commission», vulgairement appelés pots- de-vin 59 From French colonialism to French neo- liberalism France 60 OPED2018 MS 30
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Long life management = guarantee of profits Paul Biya (Cameroun) Omar Bongo (Gabon) Sassou Nguesso (Congo) Joseph Kabila (Autre Congo?) Idris Deby (Tchad) Obiang Nguema (Guinée Equ.) Blaise Compaoré X (Burkina Faso) X Laurent Gbagbo (Côte d'Ivoire) Faure Eyadéma (Togo) Kadaffi X (Libye) Ismael Omar Guelleh (Djibouti) etc… 61 Neo-colonialism = destabilisation “Bad” management, system breaks Thomas SANKARA, Panafrican socialist, eliminated by his friend Blaise Compaoré, in1987 with benediction of French socialist government. The latter was exfiltered by French military during popular upraise in 2014. 62 OPED2018 MS 31
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Resumed : North a bad example for the South France - 1961 French police shot more than 30 peaceful protesters in the center of Paris and thrown their bodies in the river Seine, and interned several thousands of Algerians civilians in football stadiums (cf Pinochet) - 2010 -2015 France bombing Libya, Mali, Syria … USA - After the 11 September bombing of the twin tours the US kidnap, with active collaboration of the European countries, citizens over the whole world supposed to be terrorists and torture them in Guantanamo (Cuban territory occupied by the US). - In 2003 US attack Iraq to support their war industry and to get free access to Iraqi oil. Cost for the US tax payer >1 000 000 000 000 dollar (Wiki) Cost for Iraq > 80 000 civilian death 63 En resumé Développé En développement (exemple « France ») (exemple Monde) Indépendance colonisation Algérie etc., Sénégal ->Casamance, Maroc -> répression des mouvement Sahara Ouest, Chine ->Tibet, Inde territoriale indépendantistes DOM-TOM … ->Cachemire, Indonésie -< Timor Corruption Affaires : Elf, Tiberi, Woerth- Bien mal acquis Bettencourt, Karachi, Djibouti .. politique Démocratie Garde à vue, fichier MENS « présidence père en fils » (Bongo, pour les ROMS, non séparation Eydema, etc.), répression et des pouvoirs, abus policiers, assassinat des opposants affaire Tarnac, Sivens, cumul politiques, modifications des des mandats, maires à vie … constitutions pour mandant ad eternam Environnement Erica, AZF, Aéroport Nantes, Bhopal, Probo Koala, Barrick, “dirty Autoroute Réunion etc. diesel” … 64 OPED2018 MS 32
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Governance Quel models de societé veut-on ? politiques Capital, Ressource moyens de naturelles production population police et armée Relations diverses entre la population et le pouvoir. Quelle place pour les représentants de la société civile ? 66 OPED2018 MS 33
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Development (environment) Sustainable development, is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Under the principles of the United Nations Charter the Millennium Declaration identified principles and treaties on sustainable development, including economic development, social development and environmental protection. Broadly defined, sustainable development is a systems approach to growth and development and to manage natural, produced, and social capital for the welfare of their own and future generations. (Brundtland ’87) 67 Democracy Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens are meant to participate equally – either directly or, through elected representatives, indirectly – in the proposal, development and establishment of the laws by which their society is run. 68 OPED2018 MS 34
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Democracy France =7.9 (n°27) 69 Démocratie en France - Garde à vu des journalistes - Etat de d’urgence (Hollande) - Couvre feu (Sarkozy) - Contrôle aux facies - Usage non justifié de force par la police - 5 cas de perte de vue après usage inapproprié de flash ball - des migrants étouffés dans un avion de ligne - des migrants étouffés pendant contrôle d’identité - des manifestants tués avec un grenade offensive Aucun agent de police n’a été condamné pour l’usage inapproprié de force depuis 10 ans MAIS un citoyen peut finir avec prison ferme s’il s’oppose verbalement aux agissement de la police 70 OPED2018 MS 35
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Accès information France n° 37 ! 71 Censure Internet France n° 37 ! 72 OPED2018 MS 36
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Censure Internet France n° 37 ! 73 Lobbying 74 OPED2018 MS 37
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Lobbying /docs/turning-on-the-taps.pdf 75 Corruption 76 OPED2018 MS 38
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Arms industry In 2002 the United States was the largest military spender, spending almost 9 times more than the second biggest spender, Japan. In that year the United States spent US$353 billion; 45% of all state military spending worldwide. 77 Arms industry 78 OPED2018 MS 39
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Drug trade 79 Land expropriation Grileiro é um termo que designa quem falsifica documentos para, de forma ilegal, tornar-se dono por direito de terras devolutas ou de terceiros ou ainda quem está na posse ilegal de prédios ou prédios indivisos, por meio de documentos falsificados. 80 OPED2018 MS 40
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Food security 81 Biofuels – food speculation Banks are earning huge profits from betting on food prices in unregulated financial markets. This creates instability and pushes up global food prices, leaving millions going hungry and facing deeper poverty. 82 OPED2018 MS 41
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Development “aid” 83 Development aid and/or military spendings 84 OPED2018 MS 42
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Development aid Tied aid is foreign aid that must be spent in the country providing the aid (the donor country) Development aid = business 85 Financing public services Low-HDI countries in conflict in 2002 spent on average 3.7% of GDP on their militaries but only 2.4% on health 86 OPED2018 MS 43
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Market place Perverse graduation in tariffs against the poorest countries 87 Market place – unfair trade SUGAR Subsidized EU sugar lower export prices by a third, causing looses for Brazil ($494m), South Africa ($151m) and Thailand ($60m) COTTON In 2001 U.S. cotton subsidies cost Burkina Faso and Mali 1%-3% of their GDP Fall in cotton prices increased Benin’s poverty rate from 37% to 59% in 2001-02 88 OPED2018 MS 44
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Estats vs Multinacionales FAMGA (Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon) is eating the world 89 Autres voies possibles Vers une gouvernance plus équitable OPED2018 MS 45
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 COOP décentralisée La coopération décentralisée englobe toutes les relations d'amitié, de jumelage ou de partenariat nouées entre les collectivités locales d'un pays et les collectivités équivalentes d'autres pays. Plus généralement, on y inclut différentes formes d'assistance ou d'échanges d'expériences avec des structures publiques locales étrangères pour que ces expatriés établissent des contacts privilégiés avec les collectivités territoriales qui s'y impliquent. Dans un contexte où la coopération gouvernementale et la coopération multilatérale sont soumises à des critiques sévères de la part d'acteurs non- gouvernementaux, qui les soupçonnent de favoriser des intérêts privés importants (banques, grandes entreprises du Nord), la coopération décentralisée représente une forme de coopération plus horizontale, qui correspond mieux à une nouvelle vision de la gouvernance et notamment d'une Europe des régions. 91 Budget participatif 92 OPED2018 MS 46
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Consom‘ « Le commerce équitable est un partenariat commercial fondé sur le dialogue, la acteurs transparence et le respect, dont l’objectif est de parvenir à une plus grande équité dans le commerce mondial. Il contribue au développement durable en offrant de meilleures conditions commerciales et en garantissant les droits des producteurs et des travailleurs marginalisés, tout particulièrement au Sud de la planète. • Créer des opportunités pour les producteurs qui sont économiquement en situation de désavantage. • La transparence et la crédibilité • La capacité individuelle. • Promouvoir le commerce équitable. • Le paiement d'un prix juste.. • Égalité entre les sexes. • Les conditions de travail. • Le travail des enfants. • L'environnement. • Les relations de commerce. 93 Circuits courts On qualifie généralement de circuit court le circuit de distribution dans lequel intervient au maximum un intermédiaire entre le producteur et le consommateur. 94 OPED2018 MS 47
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Information plurielle Choix des sources d’information: sources politiquement, financièrement et idéologiquement indépendantes 95 Devenir acteur du changement 96 OPED2018 MS 48
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 Territoires alternatives – ZAD, Zone A Défendre – Christina Copenhagen, Quartier autogéré: – Marinaleda Andalusie, Ville « libre » : – Uruguay, legalisation C. sativa – Etc. 97 L'Île aux fleurs L'Île aux fleurs (1989, Brésil) un film de Jorge Furtado La tomate, plantée par Monsieur Suzuki, échangée contre de l'argent avec le supermarché, échangée contre l'argent que Madame Anete a échangé contre des parfums extraits des fleurs, refusée pour la sauce du porc, jetée aux ordures et refusée par les porcs comme aliment, est maintenant disponible pour les êtres humains de l'Ile aux fleurs. Ce qui place les êtres humains après les porcs dans la priorité de choix des aliments, c'est le fait de n'avoir ni argent, ni propriétaire. 98 OPED2018 MS 49
ENPC SGE SAGE 24/05/2018 References 99 OPED2018 MS 50
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