Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications

La page est créée Pauline Marchand
Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
dialogue   PRINTEMPS 2020
                VOLUME XI
Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Table des matières
2 A Letter from the Head Of School                                   42   Administration
   and Founder                                                       43   Specialist Teachers
4 La Parole à Philippe et Laurence Roux                              44   Program Enhancements
6 Pre-Elementary School | Maternelle                                 49   Social Activities | Événements
14 Elementary | Elémentaire                                          50   The École en ligne
32 Middle School | Collège                                           52   Souvenirs
40 What I Learned At The École                                       53   Direction

The École remercie ses photographes sans qui on n'aurait pas pu                     Designed and produced by
produire ce magazine : Alexandre Ayer and Vitor Rossiti along with                  Alouette Communications.
The École parents and staff. All Rights Reserved.                                   www.alouettecommunications.com
Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
The École a grandi !

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Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Reflections on a Decade of Fulfillment
                                  A LETTER FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL & FOUNDER

Dear Community of The École,

It is with mixed emotions that I write this letter to all of you. It has   difficult times. This generous gift to the school will continue to
been an honor to be a part of the creation and leadership during           give in the years to come.
this first decade of The École.
                                                                           The École has begun the transition to the new Head of School,
From those beginning years, with a faculty, administration, and a          Jean-Yves Vesseau. He and I are in touch as preparations for the
dedicated community of parents putting their faith in each other           rentrée begin. He is very excited to embark on this new journey and
and this new project, our school today has become a leader in              to lead the school into its second decade.
bilingual, international education. I shall miss it all. At the same
time, I am ready and excited to begin this new chapter of my life          A new chapter of The École life has just commenced. As part of its
and all it will bring.                                                     past, with great expectations for its future, and from the bottom of
                                                                           my heart, I thank you all for your support of and friendship to me,
This school year 2019-20, has been full of unexpected excitement,          and your commitment to the school all these many years. Amidst
challenge, creativity, resilience, patience and courage. Though            the ups and downs that are a part of life, I have learned so much
stained by a pandemic that has affected the whole world so                 from all of you; for that I am extremely grateful. My tenure at
suddenly and violently, once again the community of The École              The École has been the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to provide,
has risen to the challenge, and together we have continued to give         encourage, spread and support a bilingual education of excellence.
our students an excellent education. With my deepest thanks and
admiration, I commend you all for your part in making this happen.         I believe, thanks to every member of the school community, we
                                                                           have made the world a better place. We have graduated children
Our faculty and staff have been remarkable. The level of resilience        who have experienced more than two cultures and are, therefore,
and commitment they have displayed these last few months                   more understanding of and patient with the world and respectful of
deserves our deepest thanks and admiration. They adapted rapidly           all the differences therein.
to an unprecedented situation, redesigned lesson plans already in
place and mastered a whole new way of teaching remotely. Our               These students with their smiling faces; their never-ending precious
students have been the beneficiaries of the hard work and dedica-          and insightful comments; and their excitement for learning have
tion of their teachers.                                                    brightened every day I have spent in school. I thank them most
                                                                           sincerely for that and wish them well forever. And I thank their
I want to thank our students who became intrigued and patient              parents for giving me the opportunity to fulfill a dream.
e-learners, and our parents who became co-educators at home,
helping their children integrate into this new area of virtual             Merci beaucoup !
learning. Thank you for your patience, curiosity, co-operation and
valuable collaboration.                                                    Sincerely,

The École's administrative team has demonstrated their genuine             YVES RIVAUD
commitment to finding new ways to adapt and respond during                 Head of School and Founder
this extraordinary time. The team stayed focused on our mission
and message. Their wisdom, patience, resilience and willingness
to work so well together have played a huge part in getting the
school through these changes. It has been a privilege to work
closely with them, and I will be forever grateful for all they have
done with me.

My deepest thanks also to our benefactors, Philippe and
Laurence Roux, for the countless hours they have spent commu-
nicating and collaborating with the team and the school commu-
nity, always in tune with the pulse of our school. Their decision
to increase the level of school financial aid will allow us to keep
our families and enroll new ones who might be going through

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Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Réfections sur une décennie d’épanouissement
                                          LA PAROLE AU DIRECTEUR & FONDATEUR

Chère communauté de The École,

C'est avec beaucoup d’émotions mitigées que j'écris cette lettre            scolaire, restant toujours en phase avec le pouls de notre école.
à vous tous. Ce fut un honneur de faire partie de la création et du         Leur décision d'augmenter le niveau d’aide financière de l'école
leadership au cours de cette première décennie de The École.                nous permettra de garder nos familles et d'en recruter de nouvelles
                                                                            qui pourraient traverser des moments difficiles. L’école continuera à
Depuis ces premières années, avec une faculté, une administration           bénéficier de ce cadeau généreux au cours des années à venir.
et une communauté de parents dévouées qui se font mutuel-
lement confiance, et avec ce nouveau projet, notre école est                The École a amorcé la transition pour accueillir le nouveau chef
devenue aujourd'hui un leader de l'éducation bilingue et interna-           d'établissement, Jean-Yves Vesseau. Lui et moi sommes en contact
tionale. Tout cela me manquera beaucoup ! En même temps, je                 alors que les préparatifs de la nouvelle rentrée commencent. Il est
suis prêt et enthousiaste à l'idée d'entamer ce nouveau chapitre            très heureux de se lancer dans cette nouvelle aventure pour mener
de ma vie avec tout ce qu'il m’apportera.                                   l'école dans sa deuxième décennie.

Cette année scolaire 2019-2020 a été emplie d'excitation inatten-           Un nouveau chapitre de la vie de The École vient ainsi de com-
due, de défis, de créativité, de résilience, de patience et de courage.     mencer. Ayant fait partie de son passé et avec de grandes attentes
Bien que souillée par une pandémie qui a touché le monde entier             pour son avenir, du fond du cœur, je vous remercie tous pour votre
si soudainement et violemment, une fois de plus, la communauté              soutien, votre amitié envers moi et votre engagement envers l'école
de The École a relevé le défi, et ensemble, nous avons continué             pendant toutes ces années. Au gré des hauts et des bas qui font
à donner une excellente éducation à tous nos élèves. Avec mes               partie de la vie, j'ai beaucoup appris de vous tous; pour cela, je vous
remerciements les plus profonds et mon admiration, je vous félicite         en suis extrêmement reconnaissant. Avec le projet de The École, j’ai
tous pour votre contribution à la réalisation de cet objectif.              pu réaliser un rêve de toute une vie: offrir, encourager, développer et
                                                                            promouvoir une éducation bilingue de grande qualité.
Notre corps professoral et notre personnel ont été remarquables.
Le niveau de résilience et d'engagement dont ils ont fait preuve            Je crois fortement que, grâce à chaque membre de notre commu-
ces derniers mois mérite notre admiration et nos remerciements              nauté scolaire, nous avons fait de ce monde un monde meilleur. Nous
les plus profonds. Ils se sont adaptés rapidement à une situation           avons des élèves diplômés qui ont acquis la connaissance de plus de
sans précédent, ont restructuré leurs cours déjà mis en place et            deux cultures et sont, par conséquent, plus éclairés et en harmonie
ont maîtrisé une toute nouvelle façon d'enseigner à distance. Nos           avec le monde tout en restant respectueux de ses différences.
élèves ont pu ainsi bénéficier du travail engagé et du dévouement
de leurs enseignants.                                                       Tous ces élèves avec leurs visages souriants, leurs propos infiniment
                                                                            subtils et perspicaces, et leur enthousiasme pour apprendre ont
Je tiens à remercier nos élèves qui sont devenus des e-apprenants           éclairé chaque jour que j’ai passé à l’école. Je les en remercie très
intrigués et patients, et aussi nos parents qui sont devenus                sincèrement et leur souhaite bonne chance à jamais. Et je remercie
co-éducateurs à la maison, aidant leurs enfants à s'intégrer dans ce        leurs parents de m'avoir donné l'opportunité de réaliser un rêve.
nouveau univers de l'apprentissage virtuel. Merci pour votre patience,
votre curiosité, votre coopération et votre précieuse collaboration !       Merci beaucoup !

L'équipe administrative de The École a montré sa véritable volonté          Bien à vous tous,
de trouver de nouvelles façons de s'adapter et d'intervenir pendant
cette période extraordinaire. L'équipe est restée concentrée sur notre      YVES RIVAUD
mission et notre message. Leur sagesse, leur patience, leur résilience      Directeur Fondateur
et leur volonté de travailler si bien ensemble ont joué un rôle énorme
pour aider l'école à traverser ces changements. Ce fut un privilège de
travailler en étroite collaboration avec eux, et je leur serai éternelle-
ment reconnaissant pour tout ce qu'ils ont fait avec moi.

Je remercie également chaleureusement nos bienfaiteurs, Philippe
et Laurence Roux, pour les innombrables heures qu'ils ont passées
à communiquer et à collaborer avec l'équipe et la communauté

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Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Turning the Page
                                    A LETTER FROM PHILIPPE AND LAURENCE ROUX

Dear Families,

The past school year has touched us in different ways: there has
been joy, but there has also been sadness. We cannot start this letter
without taking a moment to think of the family and loved ones of
Clyde Javois, co-founder of our school, who passed away in October.

For each and every one of us, this school year, along with both our
personal and professional lives, has been turned upside down by the
Covid-19 pandemic. The École adapted quickly, transitioning online
from the very beginning of the crisis thanks to the commitment of
our entire community. Our students, parents, teachers and the staff
as a whole were able to show how strong the ties that bind us are,
and how crucial those ties are when faced with adversity. We are
eternally grateful to all of you.

The 2019-2020 school year has also been a year of accomplish-
ments. We opened the extension of our main building at 111 East
22nd Street. This doubled the square footage of the building, allow-
ing us to offer a better experience to everyone: students, teachers,
staff and parents. Opening the extension was also an opportunity to
come together for a festive inaugural evening during which we “cut
the ribbon” in the presence of Anne-Claire Legendre, the Consul
General of France in New York.

As always, we remain committed to investing in and supporting our
community. To this end, we were incredibly proud to launch our
Middle School Scholarship program earlier this year. This program
gives three very worthy students the opportunity to benefit from         reputation of The École all while promoting what makes it unique
our unique dual curriculum, which will take them beyond bilingual,       – an intimate and close-knit community in the middle of bustling
not just for their time at The École, but for the rest of their lives.   New York City.

During these complicated times, which are particularly difficult for     And so, we turn the page and start a new chapter, which we will
some families, we are even more proud to see how our school has          write together, day by day.
been a central hub through which support can be provided. It is
clear that our community is moved by the same sense of purpose           We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for
and that we are connected in a very unique way.                          being part of this adventure – an adventure whose purpose is to
                                                                         offer all our children a bright future, fostering in them agile minds
This year is undoubtedly a pivotal year for our school. In               and open hearts. This would not be possible without the dedication
September, after 11 years of good and loyal service, Yves Rivaud,        and commitment of each of you every day.
co-founder and Head of School, announced that he would be leav-
ing at the end of the school year. The handover to his replacement       We hope you have a wonderful summer. We are confident that we
began several weeks ago and will continue through the summer. We         will see each other in September, under more pleasant circumstances.
would like to take this moment to thank Yves for everything that he
has done for the school, on both a personal and professional level,      PHILIPPE & LAURENCE ROUX
and for his unfailing support since the very beginning.                  The École Benefactors

Yves will be replaced by Jean-Yves Vesseau. This change is part of
a larger plan, investing in the future, to continue developing the

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Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Une page se tourne
                                        LA PAROLE À PHILIPPE ET LAURENCE ROUX

Chères Familles,

L'année scolaire qui s’est écoulée aura marqué nos esprits de
différentes façons : par la joie... mais aussi par la tristesse.

Nous ne pouvons pas commencer cette lettre sans avoir une pensée
émue et très forte pour la famille et les proches de Clyde Javois,
co-fondateur de notre école, qui nous a quitté en octobre dernier.

Pour chacun d’entre nous, cette année scolaire, ainsi que nos vies
personnelles et professionnelles, auront été chamboulées par
la pandémie du Covid-19. The École s’est rapidement adaptée
en passant en ligne dès le début de la crise, grâce au travail et à
l'engagement de l'ensemble de notre communauté. Nos élèves,
leurs parents, les professeurs et l’ensemble des équipes ont su
démontrer à quel point les liens étroits qui nous rassemblent sont
essentiels pour combattre l'adversité. Nous vous en sommes
extrêmement reconnaissants.

2019–20 aura aussi été une année d'accomplissements. L'ouverture
de l’extension de notre bâtiment principal, situé au 111 East 22nd
Street. En doublant la superficie de notre campus, nous pouvons
offrir une meilleure expérience à tous – élèves, enseignants,
personnel et parents. Ce fut aussi l’occasion de nous retrouver tous
ensemble pour une soirée festive d'inauguration et de “couper le          Yves sera remplacé par Jean-Yves Vesseau. Ce changement de
ruban” en présence de la Consule Générale de France à New York,           direction s'intègre dans un plan plus large d’investissements pour
Anne-Claire Legendre.                                                     le futur, pour continuer à développer durablement la réputation de
                                                                          The École tout en cultivant ce qui la rend unique -- Une commu-
Cette année encore, nous avons eu à cœur de continuer à investir          nauté à taille humaine et très soudée au centre de la grande ville de
et aider notre communauté. C'est avec beaucoup de joie et avec            New York City.
une grande fierté que nous avons lancé notre programme de
bourses pour le collège de The École, offrant ainsi à trois étudiants     Une page se tourne... nous offrant un nouveau chapitre à écrire
très méritants les bénéfices de notre programme double unique,            ensemble, jour après jour.
au-delà du bilinguisme, et ceci pour toute leur vie.
                                                                          Nous vous remercions tous très chaleureusement de faire partie de
En cette période compliquée, qui est particulièrement difficile pour      cette aventure humaine dont la raison d'être est d'offrir à tous nos
certaines familles, nous sommes d’autant plus fiers de constater à        enfants un avenir brillant en les dotant d’un esprit agile et d’un cœur
quel point notre école est centrale dans l’entraide nécessaire qui est    ouvert aux autres. Cela ne serait pas possible sans l’implication et
dispensée, et à quel point notre communauté est animée par des            l’engagement de chacun d’entre vous, tous les jours.
liens uniques.
                                                                          Nous vous souhaitons un très bel été, et sommes confiants que nous
Bien entendu, cette année est aussi une année charnière pour              nous reverrons en septembre dans des conditions plus agréables.
notre établissement. Après 11 années de bons et loyaux services, le
co-fondateur et Directeur de notre école, Yves Rivaud, a annoncé en       PHILIPPE & LAURENCE ROUX
septembre qu'il quitterait l'école à la fin de cette année scolaire. La   Bienfaiteurs de The École
passation avec son successeur a débuté depuis plusieurs semaines
et se poursuivra jusque dans l'été. Nous en profitons pour remercier
vivement Yves pour tout ce qu’il a apporté à l'école, humainement et
professionnellement, et pour son soutien sans faille, depuis le début.

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Pre-Elementary School | Maternelle

               BEN HAYES | ENGLISH,

               LA MATERNELLE


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Dialogue PRINTEMPS 2020 VOLUME XI - Alouette Communications
Nursery East | Petite Section Est


Axel, Joseph, Lisa, Milan, Petra, Rachel, Simon, Tallula Ain, Wilhelmina, Maren

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Nursery West | Petite Section Ouest

                    ANDREA GRASSOTTI | ENGLISH

                    Alexander, Calie, Isabelle, Madelinez, Niamey, Otto, Richard,
                    Solan, Sophia, Stella

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Pre-K East | Moyenne Section Est
                           SAMANTHA SUGARMAN | ENGLISH
                           PIERRE LE ROYER | FRANÇAIS

                           Albert, Alessandro, Alice, Beatrice,
                           Charlize, Elliot, Eloise, Emilie, Henry,
                           Joaquin, Leo, Louise, Matteo, Nathan,
                           Raphaël, Rayaan, Scott, Ulysse

                           “Bilingualism means learning in two
                           languages, which improves literacy devel-
                           opment and problem-solving skills, and
                           also gives children not only a better sense
                           of themselves, but a better appreciation for
                           diversity. It’s also a wonderful opportunity
                           to work with a co-teacher. We are able to
                           coordinate and work on bilingual projects
                           together, which enriches the children’s
                           languages and makes it easy for them to
                           make parallels between the two.”
                           –SAMANTHA SUGARMAN

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Pre-K West | Moyenne Section Ouest
                         PAISLEY DAVIDSON | ENGLISH
                         VIRGINIE MARTIN MUGGEO |

                         Alice, Benjamin, Ellis, Ismaël, Jack,
                         Joseph, Josephine, Julie, Liam, Logan,
                         Lyes, Margaux, Matis, Maxime, Rafael,
                         Stella, Veda Maria

                         « Nous essayons dans notre enseignement
                         bilingue de combiner le meilleur des deux
                         systèmes éducatifs. Les co-enseignants
                         travaillent ensemble. On apprend beaucoup
                         de son ou sa collègue. »
                         –VIRGINIE MARTIN MUGGEO

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Kindergarten East | Grande Section Est
                                                                       JULIEN BUDRINO | FRANÇAIS
                                                                       ALISHA SOTO | ENGLISH

                                                                       Ariana, Bella-Sofia, Eloise, Elyne, Hugo,
                                                                       Juniper, Melchior, Mia, Nathan, Nicolas,
                                                                       Niki, Sophia, Sophie

                                                                        « Travailler à The École est une chance
                                                                       unique de pouvoir exercer mon métier
                                                                       d’enseignant de la meilleure façon qu’il soit,
                                                                       autant d’un point de vue professionnel que
                                                                       d’un point de vue humain. Cette capacité à
                                                                       s’adapter aux changements, cette sensibilité
                                                                       communicative, cette grande flexibilité
                                                                       cognitive qu’ont les élèves de The École,
                                                                       viennent assurément de la qualité de l’ensei-
                                                                       gnement bilingue qui y est dispensé. »
                                                                       –JULIEN BUDRINO

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his
head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

“However, if you speak in his language while adding different
modalities to foster knowledge, you have The École.”

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Kindergarten West | Grande Section Ouest
                                                                         MANU GARCIA-GUILLÉN |
                                                                         BEN HAYES | ENGLISH

                                                                         Alexei, Alix, Auri, Frédérique, Inès,
                                                                         Joseph-Georges, Josephine, Margot,
                                                                         Oliver, Rose, Veronica

                                                                         "We keep moving forward at The École,
                                                                         opening up new doors and encouraging
                                                                         curiosity. Helping children communicate
                                                                         with the world through language and investi-
                                                                         gation unlocks the magic of learning."
                                                                         –BEN HAYES

« Comme le signifiait Jean Jaurès, on n’enseigne pas ce que l’on sait
mais ce que l’on est. Or, la richesse de The École, c’est la diversité
de son corps enseignant. Diversité de cultures bien sûr, mais aussi
diversité de styles d’enseignements, de domaines d’expertises, de
personnalités... A The École, au cours de leur scolarité, les élèves
ont l’opportunité de découvrir plusieurs façons très variées de con-
struire leurs apprentissages, et autant de façons “d’être” au monde. »

                                                                                         PRINTEMPS 2020 | 13
Elementary | Elémentaire
                4th Grade and Cycle 2 and 3              5th Grade and Cycle 2 and 3
                Co-Coordinator                           Co-Coordinator

                CE1 and Cycle 2 Coordinator              Langue, Littérature et Théâtre, Cycle 3
                                                         Coordinator, and Library Assistant

                JULIEN BUDRINO | FRANÇAIS                MARINE SOYER
                Coordinateur de musique en élémentaire   Enseignante de FLE en élémentaire et

                CHRISTELLE BEAUJON
                Coordinatrice inter-degrés

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First Grade A | CP A


Aglaé, Annabelle, Augustin, Blanche, Daria, Eli, Isabelle,
Joseph, Kenzo, Mathias, Nathaniel, Nia, Noah, Paul, Rafee

“We teach children individually according to their learning style. It’s
a warm environment filled with highly skilled teachers, smiling faces
and welcoming families.”

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First Grade B | CP B

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Aïa, Alessio, Arabelle, Clément, Daniel,
Elisa, Maxwell, Nadia, Nahel, Nicola,
Nolan, Rose, Samuel, Zineb

                                           PRINTEMPS 2020 | 19
Second Grade A | CE1 A

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BENOIT BRISSET | FRANÇAIS                    « J'ai travaillé dans plusieurs écoles interna-
DARA HERSCHENFELD | ENGLISH                  tionales mais c'est la première école dans
                                             laquelle deux systèmes (français et améric-
                                             ains) sont également représentés. »
Adrien, Ana, Camille, Emily, Ethan,
Gloria, Layla, Lélio, Lucas, Lucian, Nera,   –BENOIT BRISSET
Pierre, Thomas

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Second Grade B | CE1 B

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Gustavo, Hudson, Kuzey, Miyuki, Niels-Elie, Rachel, Skander,
Theo, William, Xul, Yves, Anouk, Camille

                                                               "Language is the road map of a culture. It
                                                               tells you where its people come from and
                                                               where they are going.”

                                                               –Dara Herschenfeld

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Third Grade A | CE2A

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LOUISE COHEN | FRANÇAIS                                     « L’enseignement bilingue est une passerelle entre deux cultures
JESSICA GERBER | ENGLISH                                    différentes. Enseigner par une éducation bilingue permet aux élèves
                                                            d’atteindre ces deux cultures simultanément et de tisser des liens
                                                            entre elles. »
Anaé, Chloé, Elisheva, Ella Josephine, Emile, Emma, Hugo,
Lilie, Louise, Amine, Paula                                 —LOUISE COHEN

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Third Grade B | CE2B

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Aja-Fatou, Alexandre P, Alexandre V, Aniela, Chloé, Eva,
Gauthier, Louise, Nina, Seraya, Sophie, Tomàs, Yael

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Fourth Grade | CM1

CÉDRIC FONTENAUD | FRANÇAIS   Aurélien, Céleste, Damien, Ethan, Léa, Lélia, Luc,
ISABELLE BELNEAU | ENGLISH    Lucas, Maël, Malo, Margaux, Mayleen, Noane,
                              Stefano, Thomas, Tristan, Valentin

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“Teachers develop strategies and tech-
niques to implement the curriculum, and
there’s a very accepting relationship among
co-teachers. There are many resource
materials. The École is dynamic!”

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Fifth Grade | CM2


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Alexandra, Capucine, Colin, Evie, Faustin, Hadrien, Jules, Kenji, Liël, Lucas, Matteo,
Miguel, Nael, Zacharie

“The École is a school filled with passionate teachers dedicated to creating a classroom
setting that promotes active learning and collaboration among the students.”

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Middle School | Collège

                         RACHEL LOBLE                                                              LAUREN GAGNE
                         School Life and Middle School Director                                    Spanish and Educational Support Team

                         NOWAKI ASADA                                                              GAYLE HAMPTON
                         Histoire et Géographie en français,                                       Math in English
                         Library Assistant

                         COLIN CAVARROC                                                            ANNIE HUANG
                         Maths et Sciences en français                                             Elementary and Middle School Mandarin

« Les professeurs ont beaucoup d’autonomie pour travailler sur des         « The École est un établissement scolaire réputé pour ses pro-
projets différents. L’harmonisation avec le programme américain est        grammes pédagogiques : immersion dans un environnement
très importante et efficace, surtout comparée avec d’autres écoles où      bilingue, expression artistique, nouvelles technologies, séjours
le programme est exclusivement français. The École est très ouverte,       éducatifs à l’international… c’est une "grande" école! » –
il n’y a pas d’obstacles. »                                                –FRANCK LE MARTELOT
                                                                           “Learning two (or more) languages opens to a world of possibility.
“Language is a form of expression and communication of one's               It’s like pulling back a curtain to reveal new ways of expressing
self. Our students express themselves in various ways. Our students        yourself and enlightening your view of the world through a different
express themselves though their actions, and interaction with their        cultural lens.”
peers and teachers, and their community. Ecole's light through             –CHRISTINE KECSKEMETI
language is looked at from a bilingual perspective, I also look at it as
incorporating other forms of expression through the different cultures     “As an 8th grade teacher, I feel confident that every student that
and customs that are students come from. Our students are enlight-         graduates the École has the tools to be successful in whichever high
ened by the mastery of cultures and authenticity of being bilingual.       school they choose to attend, American, French, or international.”
They become worldly, mature, and open-minded students.”
                                                                           –MELISSA MILLAN

32 | dialogue
CHRISTINE KECSKEMETI                                                   MEGAN MURRAY
                        Elementary and Middle School English as                                Elementary and Middle School Guidance
                        a Second Language                                                      Counselor

                        KATHLEEN LEE                                                           RÉMY SOUCHON
                        Art in English                                                         Théâtre en français

                        FRANCK LE MARTELOT                                                     LAURENCE VAN KONINCKXLOO
                        Langue, Littérature et Théâtre en                                      Sciences Physiques en français
                        français, Cycle 3 French Coordinator, and
                        Library Assistant

                        REGINALD MAGLOIRE                                                      RUDOLPH VERNAZ-COLAS
                        Science in English                                                     Musique en français

                        MELISSA MILLAN                                “The Ecole appreciates diversity and different cultures. We use a
                        Humanities in English                         variety of tools, methods and technologies to facilitate students'
                                                                      learning and development at the Ecole.”
                                                                      –ANNIE HUANG

                                                                      « Tou-te-s les élèves sont réceptifs/ives et volontaires. La structure
                                                                      est familiale, capable d’adaptation : elle permet de se plonger dans
                                                                      l’apprentissage et la découverte… The École est great ! »
                                                                      –COLIN CAVARROC
"The multitude of interdisciplinary projects engages students. Most   “Our dual curricula foster higher-order thinking skills.”
important, learning is deeper and can transcend one discipline."
                                                                      –RACHEL LOBLE
                                                                      “Viewing art enriches students' lives. Creating art leads them to
“I think that we do our kids a big favor when we put them in a        self-discovery.”
multilingual- and multicultural- school. It opens their mind in so
many ways!”                                                           –KATHLEEN LEE

                                                                                                                PRINTEMPS 2020 | 33
Sixth Grade | 6ème

34 | dialogue
“As a language educator, I believe in the importance of being multilin-
gual and feel that The École is an amazing place that allows students
and teachers from all over the world to work together to embrace the
idea of language education. ¡The École es excepcional!”

                        Alexis, Bahia, Catarina, Clara F, Clara M,
                        Eugénie, Heather, Sidonie, Thomas,

                                          PRINTEMPS 2020 | 35
Seventh Grade | 5ème

36 | dialogue
Alexandre, Angelin, Athéna, Jacob,
Kalista, Matteo, Sabrina, Sadbh,
Timothé, Zachary

              PRINTEMPS 2020 | 37
Eighth Grade | 4ème

Anaïs, Louisa, Maxwell, Orland

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PRINTEMPS 2020 | 39
What I Learned At The École

                         The École has impacted me in so many ways. I’ve become a more responsible student and
                         I’ve met some incredible people here. It’s now my fourth and final year here and if there’s
                         one thing I’ve learned, it’s that The École cares about its students more than ever.

                         At The École I learned how to work as a team, how to collaborate with others, and what I
                         will need for high school and for the years to come. I'm grateful for what I learned at The
                         École, even if I had bad days. I'm grateful for everything the teachers and staff taught
                         me. Thanks to The École I had a chance to improve my English and now I'm comfortable
                         speaking it!

                         Overall, I’m thankful for these five years at The École.

40 | dialogue
          Although it seems impossible in such a short time, during just four years at The École, I
          have grown from a young boy to a young man. I have developed not just in body but also
          in mind. I have learned to respect other persons as well as myself, and how to be a more
          responsible student and citizen of the world.

          I've also learned what separates this school from other schools in New York. Before The École,
          I was in a new public charter school, which without a clear mission was adrift in unrealized
          good intentions. The differences between these two schools cannot be overstated. The
          École had a deliberate and edifying culture that had been carefully established to benefit its
          students. With its actual, not purported diversity, there was opportunity to learn about cultures
          from all around the world. This makes sense because it's a multilingual school; a melting pot of
          people, people from France, Asia, South America, and North America.

          More than simply diverse, The École is a unique school because it's fully bilingual, some-
          thing that is very rare in schools, even in New York City. It's hard to execute educating stu-
          dents like The École does because finding outstanding, caring teachers who are bilingual,
          English and native speakers of French, Chinese and Spanish who believe in and can realize
          The École's mission is a daunting task.

          Having achieved this, The École is outstanding at preparing students for high school. We
          learn everything. We learn algebra and geometry, and since it's not separated for one class,
          we get to dive deeper into the courses. We learn more than just American history, more than
          just English. We even travel the world and put our education into action. And because of the
          École's ethos, every student is part of the web; no one slips through, we all pull together.

          I am proud and humbled to have had the care, attention, opportunities, and education
          given to me by The École. I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Head of
          School, M. Rivaud, all of my teachers and the staff, and of course, my fellow students and
          friends. I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

          Throughout my three years’ experience at The École, I have learned a lot. Even though we
          couldn't finish the year with our graduation ceremony, I will always carry a lot of memories
          wherever I go.

          Before I came to NYC, I used to live in a small town in France. There was not a lot of change
          there, always the same people around, and not much change in the students as well. And
          when I came to The École, it was very different. Some people were changing schools every
          year, some traveled around the world already…. And here I was, a little girl from the country-
          side. Somewhere completely lost from the world to one of the biggest international cities. I’m
          not going to lie; I felt a bit lost in the Big Apple. But somehow, The École has made me feel at
          home. Throughout the years, I have met so many students from around the world, some from
          France, some from India, some from Switzerland, or even some from tropical islands!

          The École has also helped me improve my English as well as my French writing. With the help
          of my Spanish teacher, Ms.Gagne, I have improved my Spanish as well. Going from French
          classes and directly switching to English class, seemed normal for me and my classmates. But
          now that the year is almost done, I try to make the most of my online classes!

          To sum it all up, yes, the school is small and, yes, it is not meant for everyone. But that makes
          The École unique, and that is why I will never forget my bilingual experience at The École!

                                                                               PRINTEMPS 2020 | 41
                MIREILLE DESALM                                                   DAPHNE ROSE-JEVREMOV
                Director of Admissions and Registrar                              Finance Director

                ANNE HAERLING                                                     JAN SALAMON
                Marketing and Communications                                      Building Maintenance Specialist

                ALAIN HASPIL                                                      SIRINE TORRES
                Extra-Curricular Program Director and                             Office Manager
                Athletic Director

                RACHEL LOBLE                             « C'est un immense plaisir de travailler au sein d'une équipe si
                School Life and Middle School Director   dévouée et dynamique, et qui travaille en parfaite coordination.
                                                         Les élèves sont accompagnés et guidés par des enseignants qui
                                                         œuvrent conjointement à la réussite et à l'accomplissement de
                                                         chacun. Le bilinguisme ainsi que la diversité culturelle sont le socle
                                                         de notre communauté. »
                                                         –MIREILLE DESALM

                                                         “The most intriguing aspect of the École's bilingual setting is not
                                                         only the exposure to both cultures, but mostly the fusion of the two
                BOLEK PONIATOWSKI                        that takes on a life of its own.”
                Deputy Head of School                    –ALAIN HASPIL

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Specialist Teachers
     LUCIE ASSOGBA                       EMMA SACKEYFIO
     School Life and Library Assistant   School Life Assistant

     LEVAR BURNES                        AVIVA SITRUK
     School Life Assistant               School Life Assistant

     JANE COWAN                          KEYANA THOMAS
     Educational Support Team, School    School Life and Library Assistant

     School Life and Library Assistant

     School Life Assistant

                                                        PRINTEMPS 2020 | 43
Program Enhancements

Éducation Musicale                                                          Winter Show
Les élèves des classes de CP au CM2 suivent des cours de                    Staff, students and families watched the 1st–5th graders perform
musique une fois par semaine avec Julien Budrino, coordinateur              in their Winter Show, singing traditional French and American
du programme de musique et Vincent Pauchon, professeur de                   favorites, conducted by Julien Budrino and Vincent Pauchon at the
musique pour les classes de CP et CE1. Ils approfondissent leur             Parish of Calvary-St George's Church.
pratique vocale en apprenant des chansons dans différentes langues
(français, anglais, mandarin…) et forment une chorale qui participe
aux spectacles d’hiver et de fin d’année scolaire. Par ailleurs, les        Circus Arts
élèves sont initiés aux percussions corporelles et développent leur
culture musicale par l’écoute active d’un répertoire de styles variés.      Circus activities have been offered through The École’s after-school
Les élèves sont impliqués dans divers projets musicaux tels que la          program for some time, this year, they even became part of the
création de compositions originales, la rencontre avec des artistes et      1st grade curriculum. At six and seven years old, children move
les sorties culturelles (concerts, spectacles, récitals…). Enfin, l’école   with natural grace and flow. Engaging and fun, the exercises allow
propose des cours individuels de piano, guitare, violon, ukulélé,           all participants to find their place in space, gain confidence and
basse et batterie. Les élèves prenant des cours particuliers de             develop creativity. At the same time, circus activities incorporate a
musique, présentent également un spectacle en fin d’année.                  high level of social interaction, teaching students to work together
                                                                            in groups or in pairs.

44 | dialogue
Library and Media Center                                               Concours d’écriture
The Library welcomes children from Nursery to 8th grade once a         The École held its first Concours d’écriture (French Writing
week. Each class has a dedicated time slot during which students       Contest), open to students in 3rd through 8th grades. The goal
can select books and enjoy a quiet moment to read.                     of the contest is not only to get students writing more, but also to
                                                                       instill in them the joy of having their work read by others. Renowned
Occasionally, the teacher and librarian will offer literacy-based      writer Marc Levy is the patron of this first edition of the Concours.
educational activities. The library has over 11,000 books: picture     He held a workshop for the 62 participating students in February,
books, novels, non-fiction and biographies, magazines, comic           where he shared advice about constructing a story and grabbing
books. The École’s Library is accessible online via E-sidoc, the       the attention of readers.
online Library Catalog.

                                                                       Publishing Party
Book Fair
                                                                       The publishing party is a celebration of writing, where our young
The Fall Book Fair was a great success this year! As always, there     authors have the opportunity to share newly acquired literacy skills
were books in both English and French on offer, and we raised          through a recent piece of original, written work.
nearly $3,500 altogether.

Prix Albertine Jeunesse
                                                                       The DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) is an official
The Prix Albertine Jeunesse is modeled after the Prix Albertine,       certification issued by the French Ministry of Education recog-
which was created by the Albertine bookstore here in New York.         nized in France and in 184 countries around the world. Last year,
This is the second year for this competition, which seeks to encour-   The École obtained approval to be a DELF Primary and Junior
age and reinforce the love of bilingual reading for young students     Examination Centre, so this is the second year that we have offered
of French schools, all within the context of living in an Anglophone   the exam. This diploma is offered to all students in 5th and 8th
country. The École students participated in the competition by         grade who would want to obtain an official certification of their
reading four books on the shortlist (in English and in French) and     knowledge in French language: reading and oral comprehension
then voting for their favorite book.                                   and writing and oral expression. Our students all passed with flying
                                                                       colors, which shows the quality of the French teaching at The École!

                                                                                                                PRINTEMPS 2020 | 45
The École Web Radio                                                    The École Radio also prepared and recorded two full broadcasts
                                                                       on-site at the New York Bilingual Ed Fair, organized by the web
The École Radio was back for another year of exciting web radio        magazine French Morning, interviewing the fair organizer, guests
content! Write, rehearse, record, edit and finally, listen! Students   and attendees.
experience a touch of radio broadcasting through the use of
different technologies: mixing console, microphones, and mixing
software. They are able to collaborate with other students to record   Digital Project “I learn to create my
school broadcast shows. This year’s editorial team, Capucine, Evie,
Céleste, Kenji, and Angelin, welcomed France Bleu journalist and       personal Website”
MLF web radio trainer, Thierry Riera, leading a workshop focused
on web radio. Several teachers partook in the training, which will     The École is definitely “à la page” in terms of digital learnings! The
allow the program to expand to more classes.                           project “I create my personal website” offered Middle Schoolers in
                                                                       Cycle 4 the possibility to create their own website from A to Z.

                                                                       The 7th graders were asked to create a Bilingual Travel Agency
                                                                       based on a destination of their choice, with all the components:
                                                                       reservations, accommodations, choices of transport, suggestions
                                                                       of locations to visit… with obviously attractive pictures! The 8th
                                                                       graders had to create a Bilingual School like The École: Fancy logo,
                                                                       curriculum, campus, staff gallery, uniforms… and in order to make
                                                                       their project realistic, a business plan!

                                                                       Students worked on their website throughout the whole year In French,
                                                                       Humanities and Math in English… and some creations are breathtaking!

                                                                       « Créer un site Internet n’est pas une chose facile! Mais j’adore
                                                                       trouver des idées, et essayer de rendre mon site attrayant… ».
                                                                       –ANGELIN, ÉLÈVE DE CINQUIÈME

                                                                       Sports | Équipe des Falcons
                                                                       The École Falcons are members the CONSAT League
                                                                       (Confederation of New York Schools and Team Sports), an
                                                                       interscholastic school sports league that includes over 12 schools

46 | dialogue
across New York City. With two divisions now offered, both our             in the foundation of the Académie des Maistres en faits d’armes de
4th/5th grade and our Middle School students are able to take part         l’Académie du Roy (also known as the École Française d’Escrime)
in competitive matches in soccer, basketball and volleyball. Games         by Charles IX in 1567. At The École, students start young – which
take place at different host schools each Wednesday and Thursday           means that the equipment is sometimes heavy; the most talented are
of the ongoing season during the academic year. This year, our             spotted early on, and offered further training.
4th/5th grade soccer team took home the championship trophy!

Additionally, the Falcons soccer teams take part in an indoor winter       Student Council
league held at Chelsea Piers in which they've displayed great team-
work and have performed wonderfully! We should also mention, we            The Student Council is made up of class representatives from
have the most AMAZING fans as parents, who provide our players             grades 1 through 8. At the beginning of the school year, each class
with resounding support!                                                   elects two representatives and one alternate. At least twice a year,
                                                                           the Student Council meets with the Head of School to express
GO FALCONS!!!                                                              concerns, ask questions, and make suggestions.

Ski Trip to Mont Tremblant                                                 World of Work
Students from age seven through Middle School went on a ski trip           World of Work is a career-focused program where working
to Mont Tremblant in Québec in February.                                   professionals speak to Middle Schoolers about their careers,
                                                                           including how they got to where they are and what inspires them.
                                                                           Are we what we do? What values do we have to defend on a daily
Fencing                                                                    basis in carrying out our job? What impact does our professional
                                                                           work have on our identity and on that of others? These are just a
L’escrime !                                                                few of the questions that come up. We have had amazing guests,
                                                                           some of whom were parents of students: from chefs to actors, from
Fencing may be considered an art in that one strives to creatively exe-    entrepreneurs to authors and everything in between!
cute highly specialized skills with an unusual degree of ability and in
accordance with established aesthetic standards. It is also a science in   This year, three priests coming from France met the Middle
that it pertains to a systematized body of knowledge demonstrating         Schoolers to share their vocation and their link with the local
the operation of general laws. Physical benefits include improved bal-     community. The interview, fascinating and intense, broached many
ance and coordination, strength, flexibility and muscular endurance.       topics, such as vocation, the link with the local community, the role
Fencing also produces a mens sana in addition to a corpore sano,           of confession, helping others, the respect of other religions. etc.
improving concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, decisiveness and     Students leave the meetings inspired and with a better understand-
overall mental acuity and flexibility. Modern fencing has its origins      ing of the world of work in the US and throughout the world.

                                                                                                                    PRINTEMPS 2020 | 47
Chinese Lunar New Year                                                   La grande lessive
At the end of January, we celebrated Lunar New Year. Students            The whole school participates in "La grande lessive” where stu-
participated in all kinds of activities. The whole school were treated   dents' artwork is displayed on clotheslines in both buildings. This
to two performances of a Lion Dance by a local dance troupe. One         year, the theme was Cityscapes or Paysages du bord de terre.
performance was held in the preschool location and the other at
the Elementary and Middle School campus. Middle schoolers also
had a restaurant field trip to a Chinese Hot Pot restaurant, enjoying    May at the Museum | Mai au musée
special Chinese cuisine where they cooked their own food in broth.
The 4th grade students made dumplings, and the 3rd and 5th               Mai au musée – le Musée virtuel des élèves d’Amérique du Nord
graders wrote Chinese calligraphy and made paper cuttings. Happy         – est un projet proposé à tous les élèves de tous les niveaux des
Year of the Rat!                                                         établissements homologués AEFE de la zone Amérique du Nord. Il
                                                                         est né de la volonté de renforcer chez les élèves :

                                                                         • Leur connaissance du réseau d’Amérique du Nord et leur fierté
                                                                           d’y appartenir ;

                                                                         • Leur conscience des compétences qu’ils développent notamment
                                                                           au sein d’un Parcours d’Éducation Artistique et Culturel riche et
                                                                           unique au service de la maîtrise de la langue et de la formation de
                                                                           l’esprit critique.

                                                                         Mai au musée consiste à présenter une sélection d’œuvres choisies
                                                                         par les classes dans les ressources de leur environnement local.
                                                                         Les productions des classes à partir de ces œuvres seront ensuite
                                                                         exposées dans le Musée virtuel au mois de Mai 2020.

                                                                         Les étudiants ont visité le département de musique au Met en
                                                                         janvier, suivant le thème de la musique de cette année. Il y avait
                                                                         une visite guidée, montrant les familles d’instruments et leurs
                                                                         caractéristiques. Puis chaque étudiant a dû choisir un instrument,
                                                                         le décrire et en faire un dessein. Au retour à l’école, ils ont construit
                                                                         un instrument en utilisant uniquement des matériaux recyclés, qu’ils
                                                                         allaient jouer ensemble pour fêter le Jour de la Terre le 22 avril.

48 | dialogue
Social Activities | Événements
Back to School Picnic
Adults and children alike enjoyed the lovely late summer weather,
with no lack of fun activities for the kids (and the young at heart) at
the annual Back-to-School Picnic on Randall's Island!

Soirée Grands Crus Beaujolais
A l’occasion de la sortie du Beaujolais Nouveau, le 21 novembre,
Nefissa Sator, œnologue, a proposé une dégustation de Grands
Crus de la région du Beaujolais. Sa présentation passionnante et
très détaillée a captivé l’auditoire, dans une soirée conviviale et
festive. D’Artagnan a offert les charcuteries savoureuses.

Holiday Cocktail Party and
Inauguration of New Space at 111
After taking took over the lease of the ground-floor restaurant in
the main building in January 2019, construction by architect Barbara
Marks includes the addition of six new classrooms, several multi-use
rooms, a large préau (covered recess area), and a welcoming lobby.
“The expansion of our main building is an amazing opportunity,
allowing us to grow without moving and to stay in the vibrant
Flatiron District, close to the 206 Fifth Avenue space. We are look-
ing long term, focusing on making the school better: maintaining
and enhancing our unique dual program, nurturing our community
and always caring!” said Philippe and Laurence Roux, The École’s
Benefactors. Consul General of France in New York, Anne-Claire
Legendre, inaugurated the new space at a gala ribbon-cutting
ceremony and cocktail party on December 16th.

La Chandeleur Bal masqué
La communauté de The École a fêté la traditionnelle Chandeleur
sous des airs de musique celtique. Les crêpiers bretons de "By
Suzette" ont su ravir les invités par leurs délicieuses galettes de
sarrasin et leur bonne humeur. L'ambiance était, à l'image de la
communauté, festive et chaleureuse.

                                                                          PRINTEMPS 2020 | 49
The École Online 2020
The COVID-19 virus forced all New York City schools to close
in March and online learning began. Our teachers, students, and
parents were up to the challenge. As Yves Rivaud confirmed in his
opening letter: “Our faculty and staff have been remarkable. The
level of resilience and commitment they have displayed these last
few months deserves our deepest thanks and admiration. They
adapted rapidly to an unprecedented situation, redesigned lesson
plans already in place and mastered a whole new way of teaching
remotely. Our students have been the beneficiaries of the hard
work and dedication of their teachers.”

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PRINTEMPS 2020 | 51

52 | dialogue

            Yves Rivaud

            Originaire de Limoges en France où il a obtenu une maîtrise en
            littérature et civilisation anglaise, Yves Rivaud est arrivé aux Etats-Unis
            en 1987 afin d’enseigner le Français à des élèves de primaire à l’École
            Bilingue de Berkley près de San Francisco. Avant de participer à la
            création de The École, il a exercé les fonctions de chef d’établisse-
            ment à l’École franco-américaine de Puget Sound à Seattle (Etat
            de Washington) et au Lyceum Kennedy de New York mais aussi en
            tant que directeur du programme français et périscolaire à l’école
            internationale franco-américaine de San Francisco (Californie).

            Ses nombreuses années d’expérience dans l’enseignement inter-
            national sont un réel soutien pour l’ensemble des enseignants, des
            élèves et des parents. La capacité d’Yves à découvrir le meilleur
            potentiel en chaque individu lui confère un talent qui inspire la confi-
            ance et l’estime. En tant que modèle pour le personnel enseignant et
            administratif de l’école, Yves estime que The École est le reflet d’une
            société où la diversité des langues et des cultures est omniprésente.
            Il soutient les nouvelles méthodes d’apprentissage et d’enseignement
            tout en mettant l’accent sur les spécificités académiques des pro-
            grammes français et américains.

            En septembre 2008, Yves a reçu les Insignes de Chevalier de L’Ordre
            des Palmes Académiques par le ministre français de l’Education
            Nationale en reconnaissance de ses 21 années passées à promouvoir
            l’enseignement du français au sein des établissements franco-amér-
            icains. Il est membre du Conseil d’administration de la Société des
            Écoles françaises d’Amérique du Nord (Society of French Schools in
            North America).
Fifth Avenue Building     Main Building
Nursery to Kindergarten   1st to 8th Grade
206 Fifth Avenue          111 East 22nd Street
New York, NY 10010        New York, NY 10010
+1 646 766 1843           +1 646 410 2238        bonjour@TheEcole.org
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