ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY

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ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY              Lycée BUFFON                   2020-2021

                   ENGLISH CLASS
                   LYCEE BUFFON

                     anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources
ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY                                  Lycée BUFFON                                           2020-2021

- Prise de note essentielle, je fournis très peu de polycopiés, hormis les sujets de synthèse.
- Le minimum requis est le fichage complet du chapitre SMART étudié, et tout ce qui a été écrit ou affiché au
  tableau. Pourquoi SMART ? Pour éviter 500 pages de photocopies !
- Principe de la classe inversée : vous arrivez en cours avec les acquis de vocabulaire.
- Revue de presse hebdomadaire par des élèves.
- L’union fait la force (United we stand).

- Cours avec programme, à savoir un chapitre de vocabulaire toutes les deux semaines environ, en suivant
  le manuel au programme (S.M.A.R.T, Ellipses, 2è édition 2020). Pour bien comprendre la stratégie
  d’apprentissage, veuillez lire très attentivement l’avant-propos du manuel.

- Chaque chapitre de vocabulaire contient l’essentiel du vocabulaire, ainsi que des points de culture générale,
  des extraits d’articles de presse et des phrases de traduction à travailler obligatoirement pour le cours suivant.
  Fichage autonome vivement recommandé (sous forme d’un carnet par exemple).

- La grammaire sera également abordée, avec le mémo de Elise Peizérat. Tout travail corrigé utilisera la
  notation proposée par cette auteure (voir index en quatrième de couverture et sur mon site Internet)

- Les fiches de culture générale du site Internet contiennent quelques points culturels du monde anglophone
  afin de pouvoir en comprendre les enjeux sociétaux et culturels. Les fiches de vocabulaire proposent une autre
  approche de l’apprentissage des fondamentaux. TOUTES CES FICHES ONT ETE FAITES PAR DES

ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY                                         Lycée BUFFON                                                   2020-2021

                                                “As, painfully to pore upon a book
                                          To seek the light of truth while truth the while
                                            Doth falsely blind the eyesight of his look.
                                         Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile.”
                                       Love’s Labour Lost, W.Shakespeare, Act 1 sc.1, 72-79.

For this year’s preparation, you are required to buy ONE English vocabulary textbook and ONE English grammar booklet. It
might seem a lot but these are reference works that you will keep during the course of your studies. You could consider this as a
mere investment as you will be studying English not just in CPGE but also in the various engineer’s schools you will later be
studying at.
Feel free to buy second-hand copies to get the best value for your money as back-to school supplies and textbook care a massive
strain on your student finances in September.
Some copies of the works mentioned in the bibliography will be ordered for the CDI at Buffon.

Over the course of your preparation, you will need to acquire up-to-date English vocabulary and phrases as we will be working on
press articles, audio files and video documents. The textbooks below cover this requirement.

  S.M.A.R.T., Réussir en anglais en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, 2ème édition, Delaby
  Guillaume, Ellipses Optimum, 2020 (22,50 euros).
  This reference work on general, scientific, business and professional English is required to be able to
  read and understand press articles, for the written and the oral examinations you will be taking. The
  translation sections enable you to practice your English on a regular basis.

In case you need other textbooks references, the following works might prove helpful during your preparation :
- Anglais : Vocabulaire, Fromonot, Leguy, Fontane, Le Robert et Nathan, 2012.
- The Big Picture, Vocabulaire de l'Actualité en Anglais, Thompson Jean-Max, Ellipses, 2014 or 2017.
- The Vocabulary Guide, Daniel Bonnet-Piron, Édith Dermaux-Froissart, Nathan, 2015.
This work contains everyday English and useful English to work on press articles.
• English language dictionaries
The following are online editions which are not as comprehensive as a hard copy but contain useful tools such a thesaurus, some
synonyms/antonyms lists and some audio recordings of tricky words. It is particularly handy over the holidays when you do not
have a voluminous English dictionary at hand.
-The Oxford English Dictionary (UK) : www.oxforddictionaries.com (English definitions/ synonyms, ready-to-use articles on
some main grammatical difficulties)
- Merriam Webster (US) : www.merriam-webster.com (authoritative American English dictionary, handy thesaurus)
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (UK) : www.ldoceonline.com (up to date English AND many examples of word
- Collins (UK) : www.collinsdictionary.com (up-to-date English, a special section of ‘English for learners’ with simple definitions,
a useful thesaurus)
• Bilingual dictionaries
Your preparation for the English exams require that you buy a good bilingual dictionary to work on your syntheses and
translations. As mentioned earlier, a second-hand dictionary is perfectly acceptable, juste make sure this is a fairly recent edition
containing a fairly modern English vocabulary.
ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY                                         Lycée BUFFON                                                   2020-2021
Hard copy : Le Robert et Collins Senior, Robert et Collins, any edition. (Concise and handy)
Hard copy : -Le Robert et Collins Senior, Robert et Collins. (Concise and handy yet you might find it limited at some point.)
-Larousse : www.larousse.fr (tab : dictionnaires then dictionnaires bilingues)
- Collins : www.collinsdictionary.com (tab : English/French )
Your preparation for the English exams require that you buy a good bilingual dictionary. As mentioned earlier, a second-hand
dictionary will do.


  - COMPULSORY : Mémo Anglais (B2, C1), Elise Peizerat, Génération 5 Editions, 2016. This brief yet
    perfectly organized grammar guide offers you easy drills to review and correct your grammatical
  BONUS : a free app is available on your favorite app store . The brief drills and selected exercises are very
  easy to do on the bus, the subway…

• English Grammar
Hard copy
Bescherelle Langues :La Grammaire Anglaise, Rotgé Wilfrid et Malavielle Michelle, Hatier, 2008. (around 12 euros).
A reference work and easy tool to finally get the hang of your mistakes.
Some other references could be interesting for you to look at :
- L’anglais de A à Z, Swan, Hatier, 2011. An essential tool organized around an alphabetical order to fix any grammatical
problems and to make useful revisions thanks to the corrected exercises.
Online grammar guides
You will find below online resources to practice your English grammar :
- https://www.englishpage.com/
- https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar
The British council website is full of extremely useful exercices and a huge amount of information about grammatical rules. To
find something specific, you can use the British Council’s grammar reference guide which is an index arranged in alphabetical
order. :https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/quick-grammar
- https://elt.oup.com/student/oxfordenglishgrammar/?cc=fr&selLanguage=en
This website is meant to be a companion to the Oxford English Grammar books. Even if you don’t use those books, this is still a
good place to practice your grammar.There are no explanations of the grammar rules, but there are many interactive grammar
exercises to make sure you really understand each rule.
- http://www.fluentu.com/english/
The main interest of this website is to provide videos so that you can hear English used in real situations.

- - anglaiscpge.free.fr :on this website (see description) you will find a treasure trove of advice as well as free vocabulary cards,
  press articles and methodology lessons to get the gist of the expectations of English teachers in CPGE. It is regularly updated
  and enriched with new ressources.
- https://englishcpge.jimdo.com/ : another website created by a CPGE teacher with a great variety of sources and useful links to
  audio ressources.
There are a great variety of textbooks available to teach you all about the methodology of the synthesis exam or the translations
exams. The following list is NOT exhaustive but each work contains useful methodology sections :
- Réussir la synthèse de documents en anglais aux concours d’ingénieurs, Burens Sylvie, Ellipses Optimum, 2013.
- La synthèse de documents en anglais, Degoute Matthias, Dunod coll. J’intègre!, 2017.
- Anglais, prépas scientifiques filières MP,PC,PSI,TSI…Dario Briséis, Tolicetti Martine, Hachette Education, 2013.
ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY                                             Lycée BUFFON                                               2020-2021

Writing English is just half of what you need to be really proficient. Indeed, never underestimate to practice your oral skills :
firstly, you will be graded on a regular basis during the “colles” and secondly, and more importantly, speaking fluently will in turn
improve your written English since you will re-use some vocabulary and specific grammar structures. Think about it as linking
theory and practice. So make sure you listen to quality English as regularly as possible! Only practice makes perfect.
A nice yet lazy way to start is of course watching movies, podcasts and series in English with English subtitles. On Youtube you
will also find tons of resources to get started. I suggest you watch DIY tutorials, news report, lectures, broadcast from
international channels, book clubs, gaming videos and so on depending on your hobbies… Usually, you can activate the subtitle
function at the bottom of the image to help you. If you have a laptop or a smartphone, I suggest you download a great app called
Podcast Addict that will allow you to subscribe to podcasts and to manage them. Start with short podcasts which will allow you
to be concentrated on the subject and listen to longer ones as your English improves.

             Oral Exams
The oral exam that you will hopefully take at the end of your preparation years features a press article/podcast/video that you have
to summarize and comment. In order to do so, you need to keep an eye on the unfolding events in the English-speaking world.
Below are a couple of useful websites to check on a regular basis :

           US quality paper (daily)                    US magazines                       US news website
           The New York Times                              Time                                Slate
           The Washington Post                          The Atlantic                      Huffington Post
       International Herald Tribune                                                        Bloomberg
           The Chicago Tribune                                                                 CNN
                                                                                            Sky News

              UK quality paper                        UK magazines                       UK news Website
                The Guardian                          The Economist                          BBC News
               The Independent                          The Week                             Channel 4
                 The Times
                The Observer
                The Telegraph

    Commonwealth Papers
    The Times, the Sunday Independent (South Africa)
     Irish Examiner, the Irish Independent (Ireland)
    India Today, The Times of India
    The Australian, Morning Herald, The Age (Australia)
    The National Post, The Globe and Mail (Canada)

If you are looking for ready-made press reviews to save you some time and trouble, you may check the following websites :
       -     ‘La clé des langues’ which contains very useful press reviews based on recent events and their coverage in various
             newspapers/ media : http://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/
       -     The Economist which contains a section called ‘politics this week’ summarizing global news worldwide.
       -     News aggregator1 : Real Clear politics, Flipboard…
       -     What the papers say (a BBC podcast taking a look at how the broadsheets treat the week’s news)
       -     BBC 6-minute news (self-explanatory)

1   a website or app synthesizing news from various trusted sources in one location for easy viewing
ENGLISH CLASS LYCEE BUFFON - 2020-2021 anglaiscpge.free.fr Student resources - Guillaume DELABY
Guillaume DELABY                                       Lycée BUFFON                       2020-2021

Some audio/video resources that you might find worthy of your attention:
  - NPR (National Public radio) contains audio news report
      with transcripts.
   - VOA (Voice of America), same as above without
   - BBC Learning English features audio documents with
   - BBC 4 News at 6
   - TED Talks is a platform on which you will find lectures on
     a wide array of topics, again the script is enclosed.
   -   CNN Student News (CNN 10)
   - The         British           Council            (http://
     learnenglish.britishcouncil.org ) also offers free resources
     such as short videos, grammar exercises and pronunciation
   - Veritasium, Khan Academy, Vsauce and MinutePhysics are
     YOUTUBE channels offering a wide range of videos
     discussing scientific concepts/theories. The difficulty levels are fairly different from one to
     the other, Khan Academy being quite easy to begin with while Veritasium offers quite
     complex lessons for instance.

Tips for improving your oral English
   ❖ Remember to check the pronunciation of basic words in
       phonetic tables in a dictionary! If you have absolutely
       no idea what phonetic signs are visit the following
       website (it’s free, interactive and very user-friendly) :
       www.teachingenglish.org.uk (write ‘phonetic chart’ in
       the search section and click on the first result entitled
       ‘British Council Phonetic Chart’)
   ❖ Draw up your own list of words you frequently
       mispronounce AND work in group to try and get the
       best from everybody’s speaking skills.
   ❖ Use this free online pronunciation dictionary whenever
       you need : www.howjsay.com
       makes perfect!
Guillaume DELABY                                                  Lycée BUFFON                                                                    2020-2021



Banque +        Dur     Thème             Version   Expression                    QCM                   Synthèse                    Site/Annales
Concours        ée                                  Ecrite

X MP/PC /       4h                                  A partir d'un éditorial de                          A partir de 3 textes et     www.polytechnique.fr
PSI                                                 400 à 500 mots, texte à                             d’un document icono.,
                                                    rédiger en 500 à 600 mots.                          synthèse à rédiger en
                                                                                                        600 à 675 mots, titre

ENS MP/PC/      4h                                  A partir d'un éditorial de                          A partir de 3 textes et     www.ens.fr
PSI                                                 400 à 500 mots, texte à                             d’un document. icono.,      www.ens-lyon.fr
                                                    rédiger en 500 à 600 mots.                          synthèse à rédiger en       www.ens-cachan.fr
                                                                                                        600 à 675 mots, titre

MINES-          1h3     Thème                       Texte suivi de deux
PONTS           0       littéraire ou               questions (Q1 sur le texte,
                        journalistique,             70 à 120 mots ; Q2
                        noté sur 8                  générale, 110 à 180 mots,
                                                    noté sur 12)

CENTRALE-       4h                                                                                      A partir de 3               www.centrale-
SUPELEC                                                                                                 documents au moins,         supelec.scei-concours.org
                                                                                                        dont un iconogr.,
                                                                                                        synthèse à rédiger en       www.iie.cnam.fr
                                                                                                        500 mots, titre

CCINP           3h                                                                                      A partir de 3               www.ccp.scei-
                                                                                                        documents au moins,         concours.org
                                                                                                        dont un iconogr.,
                                                                                                        synthèse à rédiger en
                                                                                                        400 mots, titre

ENAC (pilote    2h                                                                QCM textes à trous    ENAC ingénieur              www.enac.fr
et controleur                                                                     (80 questions voc./   (concours CCP)
aérien)                                                                           gram.) 05/20

Banque +        Durée      Version                            Expression                       QCM                                Site/Annales
Concours                                                      Ecrite

ENS MP/PC/      2h         version journalistique

CCP             1h                                                                             QCM de compréhension,              http://ccp.scei-concours.fr
                                                                                               vocabulaire, grammaire
Guillaume DELABY                                                   Lycée BUFFON                                                                    2020-2021

ENS MP/PC/      - résumé et commentaire d’un extrait vidéo de 4 à 6mn
PSI             - 30mn de préparation/20mn de passage
                - langues autorisées : allemand, anglais, arabe, chinois et espagnol

X MP/PC         - résumé et commentaire d’un extrait vidéo de 4 à 6mn                                          - résumé et commentaire d’un
                - 30mn de préparation/20mn de passage
                                                                                                               texte (+ lecture d’un passage)
                - même langue qu’à l’écrit
                                                                                                               - langues autorisées: allemand, anglais, arabe,
                - langues autorisées : allemand, anglais, arabe, chinois et espagnol
                                                                                                               chinois, espagnol, italien, portugais et russe

X PSI           résumé et commentaire de texte
                1)      lecture par les candidats d’une partie ou de la totalité (suivant longueur) du texte
                2)      présentation contenu du texte dans ses grandes lignes et des réactions
                        personnelles du candidat sur le ou les problèmes évoqués par le texte
                3)      réponses aux questions du jury, point de départ d’une conversation libre et
                        ouverte avec celui-ci

CENTRALE        - résumé et commentaire de texte (entre 500 et 600 mots) ; suivi d’une discussion              - même épreuve que LV obligatoire
                     avec l’examinateur, il n’est plus demandé de lire un extrait`                             - langues autorisées : allemand, anglais, arabe,
                - 20mn de préparation/20mn de passage                                                          chinois, danois, espagnol, finnois, grec, hébreu,
                                                                                                               hongrois, italien, japonais, néerlandais,
                - - même langue qu’à l’écrit                                                                   norvégien, polonais, portugais, roumain, russe,
                                                                                                               suédois, tchèque, turc, vietnamien
                - langues autorisées : allemand, anglais, arabe, chinois, espagnol, italien, portugais,

MINES-          - texte de presse de 500 mots environ. Le candidat doit dégager rapidement les grands - même épreuve que LV obligatoire
PONTS                axes du texte, sa structure en prenant en compte le point de vue de l’auteur. Le          - langues autorisées : allemand, arabe, espagnol,
                     commentaire attendu est le même que celui de Centrale                                     italien, russe
                - 20mn de préparation/20mn de passage
                - anglais obligatoire
CCINP           - résumé et commentaire d’un enregistrement (texte lu, environ 450 mots)
                - 30mn préparation/30mn passage

PETITES         -     anglais obligatoire
MINES           -     Entretien comprenant : questions d’ordre biographique et portant sur les centres
                      d’intérêt du candidat ainsi que sa motivation pour les écoles concernées ; puis
                      commentaire d’une photo choisie par le candidat parmi plusieurs ; puis 1mn de
                      préparation pour préparer un échange à partir d’une fiche de situation
                -     15mn de passage (5 minutes par partie)

ENAC (pilote)   - anglais obligatoire
                - compte rendu de deux « rubriques de journal parlé » à choisir parmi 4 + conversation
                sur un thèse développé dans le compte rendu ou sur un autre sujet
                - 20mn de préparation/15mn de passage

ENAC            - conversation à partir de deux enregistrements (2mn environ) d’actualité
                - 20mn de préparation/20mn de passage
ENAC            - recrutement suivant les modalités du concours CCP
ingénieur       - anglais obligatoire
ECOLE de        Epreuve en deux parties :
                1)      20mn de préparation d’une synthèse sur un article de presse
                2)      deux écoutes successives d’un document audio authentique dont il faut
                        immédiatement rendre compte
                - anglais obligatoire
Guillaume DELABY                                    Lycée BUFFON                                            2020-2021


What is a « colle »?
Twice a month, every student will deliver an oral presentation in English to a fellow
colleague called a « colleur ».
This is part of the global evaluation of each student in English and makes up a
significant part of your « moyenne » each semester. Needless to say, the colles are
compulsory. Roughly speaking, the traditional lectures help you prepare for the
written part of the English exams whereas the « colles » are a valuable tool to focus on
oral practice and to train for the oral part of the English exams.

                        How does it work?
                        At the beginning of the year, a strict planning called a
                        « colloscope »will be established to determine your colles
                        schedule. In groups of three students know as a « trinôme » you
                        will have around two or three colles per week. The key is to know this planning in advance to
                        be organized and have enough time to revise and prep for the colles, especially the English
                        ones. The duration vary from one subject to another.

                           Here is the typical organization of an English « colle » :
                           The colloscope reads : « Trinôme X has an English colle scheduled on Tuesday from 5pm to
                           6pm with Mr Y in classroom 302 »
                           An English colle lasts for 20mn, all the members of the « trinôme » must be present at 5pm in
                           front of classroom 302. The members of the « trinôme » agree in advance on who will present
his/her « colle » in first, second and third position.

Prep. Time                              Presentation Time                       Student
preparation the day before              5pm -5.20pm                             student P.
5 pm-5.20pm                             5.20pm- 5.40pm                          student E.
5pm - 5.40pm                            5.40pm - 6pm                            student T.

So student P. leaves the classroom at 5.20pm, student E. at 5.40pm whereas student T. will be working from 5pm to
6pm. Knowing this is critical to organize your time and your evenings!

The length of your presentation should be around 10-12mn. Then the « colleur » will ask you a couple of questions to
enlarge the discussion (3mn). Finally, the « colleur » will provide you with a feedback and give you your grade (5mn).

What are the students requirements?

- BE ON TIME : It is very rude to make your colleur wait for you without any reason. If you are late, these minutes
  will be taken from your preparation or presentation time.
- BE THERE : if, for a major medical reason, you are not able to attend the « colle », make sure your fellow students
  warn the « colleur » of this new arrangement. In any case, all the remaining members of the trinôme must be present
  at the beginning of the colle hour. If you are absent to a colle, you will automatically get a 0/20 unless you can
  provide a sensible explanation to the teacher. You can arrange an extra session with the colleur to make up for the
  missed colle with teacher’s supervisions only.
- BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOUR : as the « colles » are a drill for the oral exams, it is always nice to get good
  habits. Addressing your « colleur » politely and actually listening to his remarks during the feedback is a major
- REVISE : re-read the methodology of the colles, review some vocabulary to be in the best conditions possible for
  the presentation.
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