European Commission - Daily News - Polit-X

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 03 / 03 / 2022
Brussels, 3 March 2022
Ukraine: President von der Leyen and Commissioners continue outreach to partners
affected by the Russian invasion
Since last week, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioners have been and are
continuing their extensive outreach and trips to the EU Member States and partners most affected by
the Russian invasion of Ukraine, notably because they are geographically close to the conflict. Today,
President von der Leyen is in Romania and Slovakia to discuss how to best support the EU Member
States who are welcoming those fleeing the war in Ukraine. This morning, the President was in
Bucharest to meet the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis. They gave a joint press conference,
which you can watch here, and you can read the President's remarks here. This afternoon, President
von der Leyen will be in Bratislava where she will meet President Zuzana Čaputová and Prime
Minister Eduard Heger. They will give a press conference at 15:00 CET, which you can follow live on
EbS. Her remarks will be published here. High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and
Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi were in the Republic of Moldova yesterday and today. Watch their
joint press conference with President Sandu from yesterday here. Commissioner Janez Lenarčič is
also in Moldova today, after having been in Poland yesterday together with Commissioner Ylva
Johansson to assess the situation on the ground and the assistance and coordination needs for
providing protection to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. Watch their press conference at the Polish-
Ukrainian border yesterday here. This follows Commissioner Johansson's visits to Romania and
Slovakia on Monday and Tuesday, where she held a press conference which is available here, and her
visit to Poland on 21 February. Furthermore, Vice-President Margaritis Schinas is in Vienna since
yesterday, and gave a press conference this morning, which you can watch here. Tomorrow, the
Vice-President will be in Hungary and will visit the Ukrainian border in Záhony. He will then travel to
Budapest and meet with Sandor Pintér, Hungarian Minister of the Interior; and with Davor Božinović,
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. The Vice-President's statement at the
border will be transmitted on EbS. Commissioner Thierry Breton has been in Estonia since
yesterday, will travel to Latvia today, and be in Vilnius tomorrow, to discuss defence, cybersecurity,
disinformation and the impact of the conflict on the Single Market. Follow his joint press conference
with Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė on Friday morning live on EbS. On 25 February, President von
der Leyen also participated in the Bucharest Nine Summit hosted in Warsaw by the Presidents of
Poland and Romania. The Commission has put forward a wide-ranging and unprecedented package of
measures in response to Russia's acts of aggression on Ukraine's territorial integrity, which includes
massive sanctions as well as quick and effective assistance to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. More
information is available here. (For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229 94073; Dana
Spinant – Tel.: +32 229 90150; Nabila Massrali – Tel.: +32 229 88093)

Prix de la Capitale européenne de l'innovation : lancement de l'édition 2022
La Commission a lancé aujourd'hui la huitième édition des prix de la Capitale européenne de
l'innovation (iCapital). Les prix, soutenus par le Conseil européen de l'innovation (EIC) dans le cadre
du programme Horizon Europe, reconnaissent le rôle que jouent les villes pour façonner l'écosystème
local de l'innovation et promouvoir une innovation porteuse de changement. Le concours décernera
six prix d'une valeur totale de 1,8 million d'euros dans les deux catégories : « La capitale européenne
de l'innovation » et « La ville la plus innovante ». La commissaire à l'innovation, à la recherche, à la
culture, à l'éducation et à la jeunesse, Mariya Gabriel, a déclaré : « Les villes sont les moteurs du
changement dans toute l'Europe. Grâce à leur capacité à rassembler les acteurs de l'écosystème local
de l'innovation, elles peuvent accélérer la croissance des jeunes pousses et des innovateurs et, dans
le même temps, apporter une transformation systémique afin d'atteindre l'objectif de neutralité
climatique. Les prix de la Capitale européenne de l'innovation 2022 sont désormais ouverts aux
candidatures et nous recherchons les villes européennes les plus innovantes qui partagent cette
vision. » Le concours est ouvert aux villes d'au moins 50 000 habitants des États membres de l'UE et
des pays associés à Horizon Europe. Le prix a été décerné pour la première fois en 2014. Parmi les
lauréats précédents, citons Barcelone (2014), Amsterdam (2016), Paris (2017), Athènes (2018),
Nantes (2019), Louvain (2020) et Dortmund (2021) en tant que capitales européennes de
l'innovation. En 2021, Vantaa en Finlande a reçu le titre de Rising Innovative city grâce à une
nouvelle catégorie introduite pour récompenser les pratiques innovantes mises en œuvre par les
petites villes de plus de 50 000 et jusqu'à 249 999 habitants. De plus amples informations sont
disponibles sur le site web de l'EIC. (Pour plus d'informations : Johannes Bahrke - Tél : +32 229
58615 ; Marietta Grammenou - Tél : +32 229 83583)

La Commission demande des avis sur les règles relatives à la sécurité des jouets
La Commission a publié une consultation publique sur la révision de la directive de l'UE sur la
sécurité des jouets. Nous invitons les parties intéressées à exprimer leur point de vue et à partager
leurs expériences sur la manière dont les règles de l'UE en matière de sécurité des jouets peuvent
mieux protéger les enfants lorsqu'ils jouent avec des jouets et sur la manière de garantir la sécurité
des jouets vendus sur le marché unique. La Commission recherche des contributions sur les
principales lacunes relevées dans son évaluation de la directive relative à la sécurité des jouets,
parmi lesquelles : produits chimiques utilisés dans les jouets et jouets dangereux qui circulent
encore dans l'UE, principalement vendus en ligne. Cette initiative s'appuie sur la stratégie pour la
durabilité dans le domaine des produits chimiques, la stratégie de la Commission visant à mieux
protéger le public et l'environnement contre les substances chimiques dangereuses et à encourager
l'innovation dans le développement de solutions de remplacement sûres et durables dans le cadre du
pacte vert pour l'Europe. Cette initiative vise également à faire en sorte que les règles relatives à la
sécurité des jouets soient adaptées à l'ère numérique et étudiera les possibilités de numériser les
informations relatives à la sécurité et à la conformité des produits, conformément à la stratégie
industrielle de l'UE et à sa mise à jour de 2021. La consultation publique sera ouverte jusqu'au 25
mai 2022. (Pour plus d'informations: Sonya Gospodinova – Tél.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli –
Tél.: +32 229 58300)

L'UE contribue au lancement de négociations sur un accord mondial historique pour lutter
contre la pollution par les plastiques
L'Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement, réunie à Nairobi, a convenu hier d'entamer des
négociations pour parvenir à un accord mondial juridiquement contraignant pour lutter contre la
pollution par les plastiques. La diplomatie de l'UE a joué un rôle essentiel pour assurer le soutien à
cet accord de la communauté mondiale réunie à Nairobi, un accord qui vise à réduire et, à terme,
éliminer la pollution plastique dans tous les environnements. Le futur accord visera à combler les
lacunes que les initiatives et accords existants ne comblent pas, notamment au cours des phases de
conception et de production du cycle de vie des plastiques. Il devrait rassembler toutes les parties
prenantes en vue d'atteindre l'objectif général d'élimination de la dispersion de plastiques dans
l'environnement. Plus d'informations dans notre communiqué de presse. (Pour plus d'informations:
Tim McPhie – Tél.: +32 229 58602; Daniela Stoycheva – Tél.: +32 229 53664)

State aid: Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Malta
The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Malta's map for granting regional
aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised Regional aid
Guidelines ('RAG'). The revised RAG, adopted by the Commission on 19 April 2021 and in force since
1 January 2022, enable Member States to support the least favoured European regions in catching
up and to reduce disparities in terms of economic well-being, income and unemployment – cohesion
objectives that are at the heart of the Union. They also provide increased possibilities for Member
States to support regions facing transition or structural challenges such as depopulation, to
contribute fully to the green and digital transitions. At the same time, the revised RAG maintain
strong safeguards to prevent Member States from using public money to trigger the relocation of
jobs from one EU Member State to another, which is essential for fair competition in the Single
Market. Malta's regional aid map defines the Maltese regions eligible for regional investment aid. The
map also establishes the maximum aid intensities in the eligible regions. The aid intensity is the
maximum amount of State aid that can be granted per beneficiary, expressed as a percentage of
eligible investment costs. Under the revised RAG, regions covering up to 70% of the population of
Malta will be eligible for regional investment aid, under the derogation of Article 107(3)(c) of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ('TFEU'). A press release is available online. (For
more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229 98163;
Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)
State aid: Commission approves €2 billion Hungarian investment support scheme towards a
sustainable recovery
The European Commission has approved a €2 billion Hungarian scheme aimed at providing
investment support towards a sustainable recovery. The scheme was approved under the State aid
Temporary Framework. Under this measure, the aid will take the form of subsidised interest rate
loans for small, medium and large companies to finance sustainable investments in tangible and
intangible assets, in line with EU and national environmental objectives. The measure will be open to
companies of all sectors, with the exception of credit and financial institutions, companies active in
the real estate sector and companies performing certain activities considered as potentially harmful
to the environment such as exploration, production or use of fossil fuels for energy production,
destruction of forests or endangerment of biodiversity. The public support will come with strings
attached to limit undue distortions of competition, including safeguards to limit the risk of possible
indirect aid in favour of the financial intermediaries channelling the support. The scheme is expected
to benefit from 500 to 1000 companies. The Commission found that the Hungarian scheme is in line
with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. The Commission concluded that the
Hungarian scheme is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to foster investment for certain
economic activities of importance for a sustainable recovery, in line with Article 107(3)(c) TFEU. On
this basis, the Commission approved the aid measure under EU State aid rules. Executive Vice-
President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “This €2 billion scheme will
help Hungary overcome the investment gap left behind by the crisis and set the path for a faster and
more sustainable recovery. We continue working in close cooperation with Member States to ensure
that national support measures to kick-start and crowd-in private investment can be put in place as
quickly and effectively as possible, in line with EU rules”. A press release is available online. (For
more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229 98163;
Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves €687 million Italian scheme to compensate commercial rail
passenger operators for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus pandemic
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, €687 million Italian support to
compensate providers of commercial long-distance rail passenger services for the damage suffered
during the period between 1 July 2020 and 30 April 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Under
the notified €687 million scheme, eligible beneficiaries will be entitled to receive compensation in the
form of direct grants for the damage suffered during the relevant period. The Commission assessed
the measure under Article 107(2)(b) TFEU, which enables the Commission to approve State aid
measures granted by Member States to compensate specific companies or specific sectors for the
damages directly caused by exceptional occurrences. The Commission found that the Italian aid
scheme will compensate damages that are directly linked to the coronavirus pandemic. It also found
that the measure is proportionate, as the envisaged compensation does not exceed what is necessary
to make good the damage. The Commission therefore concluded that the scheme is in line with EU
State aid rules. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said:
“This €687 million measure will enable Italy to compensate long-distance rail passenger operators on
commercial lines for the damage suffered as a result of coronavirus related restrictions. We continue
working closely with Italy and all other Member States to ensure that national measures to support
all sectors that were hit by the crisis, including the rail sector, can be implemented as quickly as
possible, in line with EU rules”. A press release is available online. (For more information: Arianna
Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229 98163; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229

State aid: Commission approves reintroduction of Czech scheme to support construction
and upgrade of combined transport terminals
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the reintroduction of a Czech
scheme to support the construction and upgrade of combined transport terminals. The previous aid
scheme, approved by the Commission in August 2015 (SA.39962) covered the period between 1
January 2015 and 31 December 2020, with a maximum total budget of approximately €93 million
(CZK 2.5 billion). Czechia notified the re-introduction of the scheme until 31 December 2027. The
budget of the scheme will amount to €68.7 million (CZK 1.7 billion), i.e. the remaining budget from
the previous scheme. All other conditions of the scheme remain the same. The Commission's original
assessment of the scheme under Article 93 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) regarding transport coordination therefore remains unchanged. In this respect, the measure
is necessary and proportionate to achieve the objective pursued, namely to expand the capacity of
combined transport terminals, in particular for the purposes of continental combined transport, thus
facilitating the shift of freight transport from road to rail, and, where appropriate, to inland waterway
transport, in Czechia. The measure will therefore continue to be beneficial both for the environment
and for mobility as it supports rail and inland waterway transport, which are less polluting than road
transport, while also decreasing road congestion. Furthermore, the aid has an 'incentive effect' as the
beneficiaries would not carry out the investments in the absence of the public support. The
Commission therefore concluded that the measure will contribute to transport coordination and
facilitate the shift of freight transport to greener transport, in line with the EU policy objectives,
including those set out in the Green Deal, without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.
On this basis, the Commission approved the measure under EU State aid rules. The non-confidential
version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.100031 in the State aid
register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been
resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32
229 98163)

State aid: Commission approves €30 million Italian aid scheme to promote intermodal
freight transport in Friuli Venezia Giulia region
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an Italian aid scheme to
encourage freight traffic to shift from road to rail and to waterborne transport in the region of Friuli
Venezia Giulia. The scheme has an overall budget of €30 million and will run until 31 December
2027. The aid will be granted in the form of direct grants to logistics companies and multimodal
transport operators that combine a rail and waterborne leg as an alternative to road-only transport.
The amount of aid that eligible beneficiaries can receive is based on the reduction in the external
costs (pollution, noise, congestion and accidents) achieved by rail and waterborne transport,
compared to road transport, as well as on the distance covered by the services. Higher amounts of
aid may be granted to support intermodal services within the region, which mostly concern the
transport of iron slabs over very short distances, where the road-only alternative is significantly
cheaper but still results in considerably higher pollution, noise, congestion and numbers of accidents.
The scheme follows two previous aid measures (SA.18169, approved on 22 March 2006 and twice
prolonged under SA.29788 on 10 June 2010 and SA.45606 on 18 July 2016; SA.50115, approved on
20 December 2018) which both expired in 2021. At the same time, it introduces adjustments to
align the new measures with the ambitious targets set out in the EU Green Deal. The Commission
assessed the measure under EU State aid rules, and in particular under Article 93 of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union. The Commission considered that the scheme is beneficial for
the environment and for the modal shift from road-only to less polluting transport solutions.
Furthermore, it is in line with the priorities set out in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
and in the EU Green Deal Agenda. The Commission concluded that the scheme is necessary and
appropriate to encourage the shift from road to rail and waterborne transport in the region of Friuli
Venezia Giulia. Finally, the Commission found that the aid will be proportionate, i.e. limited to the
minimum necessary, and will not have undue negative effects on competition and trade in the EU.
On this basis, the Commission approved the scheme under EU State aid rules. More information will
be available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case
number SA.100286 once confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more information: Arianna
Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229 98163)

State aid: Commission approves €7 million Slovenian incentive scheme towards airlines
affected by the coronavirus pandemic
The European Commission has found a €7 million Slovenian incentive scheme towards airlines
affected by the coronavirus pandemic to be in line with the State aid Temporary Framework. The
scheme is a re-introduction of an aid measure initially approved by the Commission on 16 November
2020 (SA.59124), which expired on 31 December 2021. Under the scheme, the support will take the
form of direct grants. The measure will be open to all interested airlines operating routes to and from
Slovenia. The level of support per beneficiary will depend on the number of passengers carried and
on the number of flights performed. The measure is expected to benefit approximately 20 airlines.
The objective of the measure is to re-establish air connectivity to and from Slovenia, with a view to
continue supporting the recovery of tourism and more broadly of the economy of Slovenia which
have been negatively affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission found that the
Slovenian scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. In particular,
the aid (i) will not exceed €2.3 million per beneficiary; and (ii) will be granted no later than 30 June
2022. The Commission therefore concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and
proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article
107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the
Commission approved the measures under EU State aid rules. More information on the Temporary
Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the
coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made
available under the case number SA.101675 in the State aid register on the Commission's
competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. For more information:
Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229 98163; Maria Tsoni – Tel.:
+32 229 90526)


Commissioner Schmit in Dublin for Eurofound's 7th Foundation Forum and meetings on
employment, youth and social inclusion
Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, is in Dublin, Ireland, today and tomorrow,
to give a keynote speech at the at the Eurofound Foundation Forum 2022 ‘Recovery and resilience in
the EU – Back to the future?'. During his visit, he will meet representatives of the government, the
Parliament and social partners to discuss about topics related to employment, youth, housing and
social inclusion. The Commissioner will visit the EU agency European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound). Commissioner Schmit will meet with
Leo Varadkar, Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment; Simon Harris, Minister for
Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science; and Darragh O'Brien, Minister for
Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The Commissioner will also participate in an exchange of
views at the Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment and meet social partners
from the National Economic and Social Council. Finally, Commissioner Schmit will visit the award
winning Youthreach training centre, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth
Employment Initiative. It provides a range of educational programmes in a positive, supportive and
inclusive environment, promoting the personal and social development of early school leavers to
achieve their potential towards further education or employment. (For more information: Veerle
Nuyts – Tel.: +32 229 96302; Flora Matthaes — Tel.: +32 229 83951)

Commissioner Wojciechowski in Budapest, Hungary
Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski is in Budapest today and tomorrow to discuss the challenges
and opportunities for agriculture in Hungary. He will meet István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture of
Hungary, and he will take part in a roundtable discussion with the members of the National Chamber
of Agriculture. He will also attend a meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrad Group and
Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia, where they will discuss the adoption and evaluation process
of the strategic plans of the Common Agricultural Policy, the topic of sustainable food systems and of
food security. Commissioner Wojciechowski will also take part in a roundtable discussion with the
members of the National Chamber of Agriculture. Finally, he will visit the cheese factory ‘Paraszt Sajt
Farm'. (For more information: Miriam Garcia Ferrer - Tel.: +32 229 99075; Thérèse Lerebours - Tel.:
+32 229 63303)

Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings
Note that these items can be subject to changes.

Upcoming events of the European Commission
Eurostat press releases

The Spokesperson's Service has re-opened the Berlaymont press room to a limited number
of journalists. For more information, please see here.
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