GLOBALG.A.P. Risk-Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) GRASP Module - Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - GLOBALG.AP

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GLOBALG.A.P. Risk-Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) GRASP Module - Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - GLOBALG.AP
GLOBALG.A.P. Risk-Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP)

GRASP Module – Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

GRASP Module Version 1.3-1-i June 2020
Valid from: 1 February 2021
Mandatory from: 1 February 2021

English and French Version

Developed by the NTWG Ivory Coast
Updated February 2021
Toutes les références de ce guide d’interprétation sont issues de la législation nationale qui encadre le droit du travail. Il peut notamment
exister des conventions collectives qui peuvent couvrir ces points et prévaloir sur la règle générale (code du travail ).
En aucun cas, ce guide se veut un résumé de la législation nationale qui encadre le droit du travail.

All references of this national interpretation guideline come from the national work regulations. Collective bargaining agreements may cover
such matters and prevail over the general rule (code du travail).
In any way, this guideline shall be considered as a summary of the national work regulations.

                                                    –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                    Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                       French                                  English
1    Is there at least one   Documentation is available which          Toute entreprise ayant au moins un      Any company with at least one employee
     employee or an          demonstrates that a clearly               employé        doit    avoir     une    must have employees’ representive (in
     employees’ council to   identified, named employees’              représentation des travailleurs (en     accordance with its structure).
     represent the interests representative(s) or an employees’        accord avec sa structure).              In the company with more than 10
     of the staff to the     council representing the interests        Dans les l’entreprise occupants plus    employees, it is mandatory to have
     management through      of the employees to the                   de 10 travailleurs, il faut des         permanent staff representatives and
     regular meetings where management is elected or in                délégués de personnels titulaires et    substitute representatives. In the case of
     labor issues are        exceptional cases nominated by            des délégués suppléants. Dans le        newly created establishments, the election
     addressed?              all employees and recognised by           cas         des       établissements    may require the approval of the relevant
                             the management. The election or           nouvellement créés, l’élection peut     labor inspectorate.
                             nomination takes place in the             se faire avoir accord de l’inspection   Cf articles du code du
                             ongoing year or production period         du travail du ressort. Peuvent être     travail: Art 61.1, Art. 61.4,
                             and is communicated to all                électeurs les travailleurs totalisant   Art.61.7, Art. 61.12, Art.61.14.; convention
                             employees. The employees´                 06 mois d’ancienneté.                   collective Art 84 and more details are
                             representative(s) shall be aware of        Art 61.1, Art 61.4, Art 61.7, Art      contained in Decree No. 96-207 of 7 March
                             his/her/their role and rights and be      61.14 ; convention collective Art 84,   1996
                             able to discuss complaints and            et les détails sont inscrits dans le
                             suggestions with the                      Décret n°96-207 du 7 mars 1996          For GRASP compliance, in addition to the
                             management. Meetings between              relatif aux délégués du personnel et    local law, the farm shall have a
                             employees´ representative(s) and          délégués syndicaux                      representative or a form of representation
                             the management occur at                                                           when the farm has more than 1
                             accurate frequency. The dialogue          Pour le respect du GRASP, en plus       employee (employee concept is defined in
                             taking place in such meetings is          de la loi locale, l'exploitation doit   section 9.2 of the GRASP General Rules).
                             duly documented.                          avoir un représentant ou une forme      Any producer with minimum of one
                                                                       de        représentation      lorsque   (1) employee shall have a form of
                                                                       l'exploitation compte plus d'un         employees’ representation that can be
                                                                       employé (le concept d'employé est       applied to meet the GRASP requirements
                                                                       défini dans la section 9.2 des règles   as indicated in the different control points
                                                                       générales du GRASP).                    with respect to the employees’
                                                                       Tout producteur ayant au moins un       representative (ER).
                                                                       (1) employé doit avoir une forme de     The ER or in alternative scenarios, the
                                                                       représentation des employés qui         person (people) responsible for the system
                                                                       peut être appliquée pour répondre       of representation shall be present during
                                                                       aux exigences du GRASP, comme           the assessment.

                                                  –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                    Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                       French                                   English
                                                                       indiqué dans les différents points de
                                                                       contrôle concernant le représentant      This form or representation could take any
                                                                       des employés (RE).                       form (could be a person, group of people,
                                                                                                                several temporally appointed people,
                                                                       Traduit                          avec    etc.) as long as:
                                                                              • It is independent from management
                                                                       (version gratuite)                       • It is decided by the employees
                                                                                                                • It is communicated to the employees
                                                                       Les autres représentants acceptés        • It is recognized by the employees
                                                                       sont : les représentants syndicaux et
                                                                       les représentants des travailleurs       An employee can ensure the link with the
                                                                       dans les comités de santé et de          management and employees to discuss
                                                                       sécurité                                 complaints and suggestions. His name is
                                                                       Le système de représentation des         clearly written in documentation.
                                                                       travailleurs doit être présent le jour
                                                                       de l’évaluation.                         Other accepted representatives are: the
                                                                       Le système de représentation des         labor union representatives and those
                                                                       travailleurs doit être                   workers representatives in the health and
                                                                            - Indépendant de la direction       safety committees.
                                                                            - Choisi par les travailleurs
                                                                            - Communiqué à tous les
                                                                            - Reconnu par tous les
2    Is there a complaint and   A complaint and suggestion             La présence d’un document                A document makes evidence of freedom of
     suggestion procedure       procedure appropriate to the size      attestant de la libre expression des     expression of any employee (meeting,
     available and              of the company exists. The             demandes des salariés existe             ideas box, notebook, complaint form or any
     implemented in the         employees are regularly informed       (réunion, boite à idées ou cahier de     other tool). Employees are informed of the
     company through which      about its existence, complaints        liaison ou tout autre outil en place).   tools in place. The response time of the
     employees can make a       and suggestions can be made            Les salariés sont informés de            direction is specified.
     complaint or               without being penalized and are        l’existence des outils mis en place.
     suggestion?                discussed in meetings between          Le délai de réponse de la direction      It could be included in the administrative
                                the employees´ representative(s)       est spécifié.                            procedures (Règlement intérieur) art. 16.1
                                and the management. The                                                         and following of the Code of Travail

                                                  –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                  Compliance Criteria                    Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                      French                                  English
                               procedure specifies a time frame       Il pourrait être inclus dans le
                               to answer complaints and               règlement intérieur art. 16.1 et
                               suggestions and take corrective        suivants du Code de Travail
                               actions. Complaints, suggestions
                               and follow-up solutions from the
                               last 24 months are documented.

3     Has a self-declaration  The management and the                  La Côte d’Ivoire a ratifié toutes les   Côte d’Ivoire ratified all mentioned ILO
      on good social practice employees’ representative(s) have       conventions ILO mentionnées. Elles      conventions which are taken into account in
      regarding human rights  signed, displayed and put in            sont toutes incluses dans le droit du   work regulations.
      been signed by the      practice a self-declaration             travail.                                The identified person in CCCP 1 and the
      management and the      assuring good social practice and       La personne identifiée dans le          direction have to sign the self-declaration of
      employees’              human rights of all employees.          CCCP1 et la direction ont signé cette   good social practices.
      representative and has  This declaration contains at least      auto-déclaration.
      this been               commitment to the ILO core labor        Les sous-traitants éditent et signent   The subcontractors also publish and sign
      communicated to the     conventions (ILO Conventions 111        également leur auto-déclaration de      their self-declaration of good social
      employees?              on discrimination, 138 and 182 on       bonnes pratiques sociales. Cette        practices. This statement is available
                              minimum age and child labor, 29         déclaration est disponible lors de      during the evaluation.
                              and 105 on forced labor, 87 on          l’évaluation.
                              freedom of association, 98 on the                                     
                              right to organize and collective    0:11200:0::NO:11200:P11200_COUNTRY
                              bargaining, 100 on equal                ?p=1000:11200:0::NO:11200:P112          _ID:103023
                              remuneration and 99 on minimum          00_COUNTRY_ID:103023
                              wage) and transparent and non-                                                  The following core labor conventions were
                              discriminative hiring procedures        les conventions suivantes ont été       ratified by Côte d’Ivoire
                              and the complaint procedure. The        ratifiées par la Côte d’Ivoire          ILO Convention 029;
                              self-declaration states that the        ILO Convention 029;                     ILO Convention 087
                              employees´ representative(s) can        ILO Convention 087                      ILO Convention 098;
                              file complaints without personal        ILO Convention 098;                     ILO Convention 099
                              sanctions. The employees have           ILO Convention 099                      ILO Convention 100;
                              been informed about the self-           ILO Convention 100;                     ILO Convention 105;
                              declaration and it is revised at        ILO Convention 105;                     ILO Convention 111;
                              least every 3 years or whenever         ILO Convention 111;                     ILO Convention 138;
                              necessary.                              ILO Convention 138;                     ILO Convention 182;

                                                 –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                     Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                        French                                  English
                                                                        ILO Convention 182;

4    Do the person            The responsible person for the            L’employeur doit remettre un            In case the workers do not elect an
     responsible for the      implementation of GRASP                   exemplaire du code de travail aux       employees’ representative, an alternative
     implementation of        (RGSP) and the employees’                 représentants des travailleurs (Cf      system shall be in place to provide for the
     GRASP (RGSP) and         representative(s) have knowledge          Art 10 code du travail) et au           role of the employees’ representative in this
     the employees’           of or access to national                  responsable de la mise en œuvre de      CP.
     representative(s) have   regulations such as gross and             GRASP.
     knowledge of or access minimum wages, working hours,               La disponibilité des documents          It shall be guaranteed, that access to the
     to recent national labor trade union membership, anti-             (physique ou électronique) doit être    labor regulations is always available when
     regulations?             discrimination, child labor, labor        assurée au cours de l’évaluation de     the employees’ representative and RGSP
                              contracts, holiday and maternity          ce point de contrôle                    are present on the farm.
                              leave. Both the RGSP and the                                                      If the access is electronically provided, the
                              employees´ representative(s)                                                      auditor shall check what resources are
                              know the essential points of                                                      provided to guarantee access to the
                              working conditions in agriculture                                                 information every time that workers are
                              as formulated in the applicable                                                   present.
                              GRASP National Interpretation
                              Guidelines.                                                                       The employer must give a copy of “Code
                                                                                                                du travail” to the representatives (see Art.
                                                                                                                10 code du travail) and RGSP
                                                                                                                The availability of documents (physical or
                                                                                                                electronic) must be ensured during the
                                                                                                                assessment of this Control Point.

5    Can valid copies of        For every employee, a contract          En Côte D'Ivoire                        All employees shall be informed in
     working contracts be       can be shown to the assessor on         Le contenu de ce contrat est            writing and with comprehensible data about
     shown for the              request (on a sample basis). Both       règlementé et bien défini dans le       their employment conditions and its
     employees? Are the         the employees as well as the            Code du travail de 2015 et la           compliance with national legal
     working contracts          employer have signed them.              convention                 collective   requirements.
     compliant with             Records contain at least full           interprofessionnelle de 1977 article
     applicable legislation     names, nationality, job description,    13-14-15-16-17-18-19.

                                                   –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                    Compliance Criteria                     Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                         French                                    English
       and/or collective         date of birth, the regular working      Les    contrats des travailleurs          In Côte d’Ivoire The content of the working
       bargaining agreements     time, wage and the period of            occasionnels dans les plantations         contract is regulated and well defined in the
       and do they indicate at   employment (e.g. permanent,             peuvent être oraux.                       “Code du travail” and Convention collective
       least full names, a job   period or day laborer etc.) and for     Tout contrat de travail doit être         of 1977. See Art. 13-14-15-16-17-18-19.
       description, date of      non-national employees their legal      compris de l’employé et définir
       birth, date of entry,     status and working permit. The          clairement les conditions de travail et   Working contracts for casual/daily/task
       wage and the period of    contract does not show any              de rémunération. Ceux-ci doivent          workers on field can be oral.
       employment? Have          contradiction to the self-              respecter la réglementation en            Any employment contract must be
       they been signed by       declaration on good social              vigueur                                   understood by the employee and clearly
       both the employee and     practices. Records of the                                                         define the working conditions and
       the employer?             employees must be accessible for                                                  remuneration. These must comply with the
                                 the last 24 months.                                                               regulations in force
6     Is there documented        The employer shows adequate             Les documents pour prouver le             The documentation to give evidence of
      evidence indicating        documentation of the salary             versement des salaires peuvent être       salary transfer could be signed pay slips,
      regular payment of         transfer (e.g. employee’s signature     le bulletin de paie signé, le virement    bank transfer, signed receipt by employee
      salaries corresponding     on pay slip, bank transfer).            bancaire, le reçu signé du salarié ou     or any other suitable documented evidence
      to the contract clause?    Employees sign or receive copies        tout autre document validé par une        by independent third parties (example:
                                 of pay slips / pay register that        tierce       partie     indépendante      external payroll offices). The document
                                 make the payment transparent            (exemple :       centre     comptable     must be in a language understandable by
                                 and comprehensible for them.            externe. Le document doit être dans       the worker. The payroll should be available
                                 Regular payment of all employees        un langage compréhensif par le            for all types of contracts.
                                 during the last 24 months is            travailleur. Le bulletin doit être        The content of salary transfer is defined in
                                 documented.                             disponible pour tous les types de         Art. 46 of Convention collective 1977
                                                                         contrats.                          Les
                                                                         informations que doit contenir le         Ensure that all the information requested
                                                                         bulletin de salaire sont indiquées à      by the local laws is transparent and
                                                                         l’article 46 de la convention             comprehensible for workers in the payslips.
                                                                         collective interprofessionnelle de


                                                    –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                     Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                        French                                    English
7      Do pay slips / pay       Wages and overtime payment              Il existe en Côte d'Ivoire deux           There are two minimum wages in Côte
       registers indicate the   documented on the pay slips / pay       salaires minima : le SMIG (salaire        d'Ivoire: the SMIG (minimum guaranteed
       conformity of payment    registers indicate compliance with      minimum interprofessionnel garanti)       inter-professional wage), which was
       with at least legal      legal regulations (minimum              qui a été revu en novembre 2013 et        reviewed in November 2013 and which is
       regulations and/or       wages) and/or collective                qui est à 60 000 FCFA par mois et le      60,000 FCFA per month and the SMAG
       collective bargaining    bargaining agreements as                SMAG qui est de 36 000 FCFA               (agriculture) is 36,000 FCFA. Cf Art 31.1,
       agreements?              specified in the GRASP National         Cf Art 31.1, 31.8 code du travail et le   31.8 code du travail and the decre N°2013-
                                Interpretation Guideline. If            decret N°2013-791 20 November             791 20 November 2013.
                                payment is calculated per unit,         2013                                      Mandatory insurance
                                employees shall be able to gain at      ASSURANCE OBLIGATOIRE                     l’article 5 de la loi 99-477 du 02 Août 1999
                                least the legal minimum wage (on        l’article 5 de la loi 99-477 du 02 Août   amending the Social Welfare Code
                                average) within regular working         1999 portant modification du Code
                                hours.                                  de Prévoyance Sociale

8    Do records indicate that Records indicate compliance with          Les enfants ne peuvent être               Children or young workers of company
     no minors are employed national legislation regarding              employés dans aucune entreprise           management shall be included in the
     at the company?          minimum age of employment. If             avant l'âge de 16 ans et apprentis        GRASP assessment.
                                                                        avant l'âge de 14 ans, sauf
                              not covered by national legislation,      dérogation    édictée    par    voie      For GRASP compliance, no young worker
                              children below the age of 15 are          réglementaire. CF article 23-2 du         (between 15 and 18) shall work in any
                              not employed. If children -as core        code du travail milieu professionnel      activity that is is dangerous to their health
                              family members- are working at            effectué dans le cadre d’un               and safety, jeopardizes their development
                              the company, they are not                 enseignement alterné ou d’un              or prevents them from finishing their
                                                                        cursus scolaire.                          compulsory school education.
                              engaged in work that is dangerous         Les enfants des producteurs et des
                              to their health and safety,               dirigeants sont concernés par cette       Children may not be employed in any
                              jeopardizes their development or          disposition.                              company before the age of 16 and
                              prevents them from finishing their        Dans tous les cas pour les enfants        apprentices before the age of 14, Unless
                              compulsory school education.              entre 16 et 18 ans, les tâches            otherwise provided by regulation. See
                                                                        accomplies doivent respecter les          Article 23-2 of Code du travail
                                                                        arrêtés 2017-016 et 2017-17 sur les
                                                                        travaux légers et dangereux.              Children of producers and managers are
                                                                                                                  concerned by this point.

                                                   –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                    Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                       French                                    English
                                                                                                                 In all cases for children between 16 and 18
                                                                                                                 years old, the tasks performed must
                                                                                                                 comply with “arrêtés” 2017-016 and 2017-
                                                                                                                 17 on light and dangerous work.

9    Do the children of      There is documented evidence              La scolarité est obligatoire pour tous    School is compulsory until the age of 16
     employees living on the that children of employees at             de 06 à 16 ans.                           years old, according to the law.
     company´s production/   compulsory schooling age                  Comme exigence GRASP lorsque
     handling sites have     (according to national legislation)       les enfants vivent dans la ferme, la      It is a GRASP requirement, that when there
     access to compulsory    living on the company´s                   direction doit disposer d’une liste des   are minors living in the farm premises, the
     school education?       production/ handling sites have           enfants en âge d’aller à l’école (nom     administration shall:
                             access to compulsory school               et prénoms des enfants et des
                             education, either through provided        parents et l’âge de ces enfants),         1) Keep a list with the location, name,
                             transport to a public school or           disposer de la preuve que les                age, parents’ information of the minors
                             through on-site schooling.                familles     sont    informées       de   2) Provide evidence that the families have
                                                                       l’obligation de scolariser les enfants.      been notified of the necessity that their
                                                                       Elle doit aussi faciliter l’accès à          children go to school.
                                                                                                                 This control point only can be marked as
                                                                       Le PC est N/A s’il n’y a pas d’enfants    non-applicable when there are no minors
                                                                       vivant sur les sites de production        living on the premises.

10    Is there a time           There is a time recording system       Les outils possibles sont les             Records are regularly revised by the
      recording system that     implemented appropriate to the         registres des heures de travail           employees and accessible for the
      shows working time and    size of the company that makes         régulièrement validés par le salarié,     employees´ representative(s)
      overtime on a daily       working hours and overtime             les pointeuses,                           Farm management shall look for an
      basis for the             transparent for both employees                                                   alternative means of employees’
      employees?                and employer on a daily basis.         Obligation de tenir un rapport en         representation to avoid non-compliance in
                                Working times of the employees         vertu de l'article 26 du Code de          those CPCCs. The alternative means shall
                                during the last 24 months are          Prévoyance Sociale (durée du              keep the objectivity, be decided, appointed

                                                  –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                  Compliance Criteria                    Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                      French                                   English
                               documented. Records are                travail, rémunérations et gains de       or elected by the workers and keep the
                               regularly approved by the              chaque travailleur)                      separation from the management.
                               employees and accessible for the       Quelque soit le type de contrat, la
                               employees´ representative(s).          direction doit mettre en place un        If a daily time recording system is not
                                                                      système d’enregistrement du temps        implemented (e.g. fixed contracts, fixed
                                                                      de travail ou de la tâche.               working hours, fixed monthly
                                                                      L’enregistrement       doit     être     salary), alternative way(s) of recording
                                                                      compréhensif      pour   tous    les     working hours shall be available. Evidence
                                                                      travailleurs et le représentant des      and explanation shall be provided.
                                                                      travailleurs.                            The time recording system shall consider
                                                                                                               language or education barriers.
                                                                      Obligation d'afficher l'horaire. Voir
                                                                      Art. 6 Décret n ° 96-203 du 7 mars       The possible tools are the registers of the
                                                                      1996                                     hours of work regularly validated by the
                                                                                                               employee, the time recording

                                                                                                               Obligation to keep a report under article 26
                                                                                                               Code de Prévoyance Sociale (hours of
                                                                                                               work, earnings and earnings of each

                                                                                                               Obligation to post schedule. See Art 6
                                                                                                               Décret n°96-203 du 7 mars 1996

11   Do working hours and    Documented working hours,                Pour le respect du GRASP, même           For      GRASP       compliance,       even
     breaks documented in    breaks and rest days are in line         lorsque la loi le permet, le nombre      when permitted by the law, the total number
     the time records comply with applicant legislation and/or        total d'heures, y compris les heures     of   hours,   including    overtime     and
     with applicant          collective bargaining agreements.        supplémentaires et ordinaires, NE        ordinary, SHALL NOT exceed 60 hours per
     legislation and/or      If not regulated more strictly by        DOIT PAS dépasser 60 heures par          week in any week of the year. This shall be
     collective bargaining   legislation, records indicate that       semaine, quelle que soit la semaine      checked by auditor.
     agreements?             regular weekly working hours do          de l'année. Ceci doit être vérifié par
                             not exceed a maximum of 48               un auditeur.                             Non-agricultural businesses: 40 hours a
                             hours, during peak season                                                         week with a maximum of 44 hours.
                             (harvest), weekly working time

                                                 –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                 Compliance Criteria                   Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                    French                                   English
                              does not exceed a maximum of 60       Entreprises non agricoles : 40           48 hours a week for farms, establishments,
                              hours. Rest breaks/days are also      heures par semaine avec un               agricultural and similar enterprises, within
                              guaranteed during peak season.        maximum de 44h.                          the limit of 2400 hours per year (with a
                                                                    48h par semaine pour les                 maximum of 52 hours per week).
                                                                    exploitations, établissements            NB The longest working time is 56 hours /
                                                                    entreprises agricoles et assimilés,      week for domestic staff and security staff.
                                                                    dans la limite de 2400 heures par        Weekly rest is mandatory. It is at least 24
                                                                    an (avec un maximum de 52h par           hours in a row.
                                                                    NB la durée de travail la plus longue
                                                                    est fixée à 56 heures/semaine pour
                                                                    le personnel domestique et le
                                                                    personnel de gardiennage.
                                                                    Le repos hebdomadaire est
                                                                    obligatoire. Il est au minimum de
                                                                    24heures consécutives.

                                                                    Cf Code du travail Art. 21 et .2 21.3,
                                                                    Décret n°96-203 du 7 mars 1996
                                                                    relatif à la durée de travail.

QMS Does the assessment of The assessment of the Quality                                                     This control point normally has no
      the Quality            Management System of the                                                        Interpretation, as it connects the GRASP
      Management System      producer group demonstrates that                                                requirements to the GLOBALG.A.P. Option
      (QMS) of the producer  GRASP is correctly implemented                                                  2 groups.
      group show evidence of and internally assessed. Non-
      the correct            compliances are identified and
      implementation of      corrective actions are taken to
      GRASP for all          enable compliance of all
      participating producer participating producer group
      group members?         members.

                                               –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
Control Point                   Compliance Criteria                  Interpretation for Côte d’Ivoire
                                                                     French                             English
R1    What other forms of                                                                               No interpretation needed, this is a voluntary
      social benefit does the                                                                           extra point. Give examples of typical extra
      company offer to                                                                                  social benefits, if applicable.
      employees, their
      families and/or the
      Please specify
      incentives for good and
      safe working
      performance, bonus
      payment, support of
      development, social
      benefits, child care,
      improvement of social
      surroundings etc.).

                                                –– GRASP Module – Interpretation for Cote d’Ivoire
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