Inventing Cinema Published by Amsterdam University Press

Inventing Cinema

Published by Amsterdam University Press

Inventing Cinema: Machines, Gestures and Media History.
Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
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About the Author

Benoît Turquety is a professor in the film department at the University of
Lausanne and director of the SNF research project on Bolex and amateur
cinema, and of the EPIMETE/digital media epistemology research axis.
Educated as a film technician at the Louis-Lumière National Cinema En-
gineering School, he received a Ph.D. from University Paris 8 in 2005. He is
a founding member of the Material Archival Studies Network, and part of
the Dispositives research group, of the Network for Experimental Media
Archaeology, and the Technology and the Humanities project. Among other
projects, he published Danièle Huillet et Jean-Marie Straub, ‘objectivistes’ en
cinéma in 2009, and co-edited a collection on amateur cinema in 2017. He is
preparing a book on the technology and geography of past and contemporary
media circulations.
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