La page est créée Fabien Jacquot
CONFERENTIE         12

Nourrir la planète"/"Iedereen te eten

              Jeunes talents et experts de France et des Pays-Bas
        se demandent comment nourrir 9 milliards d’humains en 2050

      Jonge talenten uit Frankrijk en Nederland denken samen met experts
                na over het voeden van 9 miljard mensen in 2050

Table des matières                                            Inhoudsopgave

Avant-propos — Pierre Ménat                 7                     Pierre Ménat — Voorwoord
Avant-propos — Ed Kronenburg                9                   Ed Kronenburg — Voorwoord

Recommandations                             10                                Aanbevelingen

World Food Shortage:                        15                       World Food Shortage:
Outcomes of the Young Talent Meeting 2012        Outcomes of the Young Talent Meeting 2012
!                                                                                       !
  Production                                17                                Production
  Distribution                              27                               Distribution
  Waste                                     39                                      Waste

Conférence Érasme–Descartes":               41              Erasmus–Descartes Conferentie:
Agriculture durable                                                  Duurzame landbouw

  La génération suivante                    51                      De volgende generatie
  Discours d’ouverture — Louise Fresco      53         Louise Fresco — Openingstoespraak
  Table ronde                               54                        Het rondetafeldebat
  Intervention de Hervé Guyomard            57              Bijdrage van Hervé Guyomard
  Présentation des ‘Best Practices’         58          Presentatie van de ‘Best Practices’

The 50 young talents of 2012                53                 The 50 young talents of 2012
Avant-propos                                                                                                  Voorwoord
                                                       PIERRE MÉNAT
    Ambassadeur de France aux Pays-Bas                                                            Ambassadeur van Frankrijk in Nederland

    Les Rencontres de Jeunes Talents, qui s’inscrivent dans le cadre   De bijeenkomsten van Jong Talent maken deel uit van de acti-
    des activités du Conseil de Coopération franco-néerlandais,        viteiten die voortkomen uit de Nederlands-Franse samenwer-
    constituent un temps fort de notre coopération bilatérale.         kingsraad. Ze vormen één van de hoogtepunten van de bilate-
    Elles visent à renforcer les liens entre nos deux pays à travers   rale samenwerking en hebben tot doel de banden tussen onze
    un échange direct de savoir-faire, d’expériences, d’idées, entre   twee landen te versterken door middel van een directe uitwis-
    les jeunes participants néerlandais et français, et contiennent    seling van kunde en kennis, van ervaring en van ideeën tussen
    en germe l’espoir de relations durables entre les décideurs de     de jonge Nederlandse en Franse deelnemers. Ze vormen het
    demain.                                                            allereerste begin voor hopelijk duurzame relaties tussen de be-
                                                                       slissers van morgen.
    Le thème abordé pendant la Rencontre de 2012, « Nourrir la Pla-
    nète », est une priorité gouvernementale pour nos deux pays        Het thema van de bijeenkomst van 2012, Iedereen te eten, staat
    mais aussi pour l’Union européenne, consciente de l’importance     hoog op de bestuurlijke agenda in onze beide landen, en op Eu-
    stratégique du secteur des bio-économies. C’est aussi une ques-    ropees niveau. In Europees verband is men zich bewust van het
    tion qui engage notre relation au monde entier et le sens de       strategisch belang van de bio-economische sector. Het is ook
    notre responsabilité à l’égard de ses populations.                 een thema dat ons aanspreekt op de banden die we met de rest
                                                                       van de wereld hebben en het gevoel van verantwoordelijkheid
    La France et les Pays-Bas ont ceci de commun d’être des puis-      ten opzichte van haar bevolking.
    sances agricoles. De ce fait la coopération dans le domaine de
    la recherche agronomique est l’un des grands axes de leurs         Frankrijk en Nederland zijn beide grootmachten op het gebied
    échanges, grâce à deux institutions de renommée mondiale,          van de landbouw. Vandaar ook dat wetenschappelijke samen-
    l’INRA en France et la Wageningen University & Research Cen-       werking op dit gebeid de spil vormt van de uitwisselingen tus-
    ter aux Pays-Bas, dont le magnifique campus a précisément servi    sen onze landen, dit dankzij twee gerenommeerde instituten,
    de cadre à ces rencontres.                                         INRA in Frankrijk en Wageningen University & Research Cen-
                                                                       ter in Nederland. De laatstgenoemde vormde dan ook het toneel
    Face à l’acuité de la question de la sécurité alimentaire, nos     van de bijeenkomst van dit jaar.
    collègues de l’ambassade des Pays-Bas en France ont décidé de
    prolonger les débats de la Rencontre 2012 de Jeunes Talents        Gezien het acute belang van het onderwerp voedselveiligheid,
    en retenant le thème de la durabilité et de la productivité en     hebben onze collega’s van de Nederlandse ambassade in Parijs
    agriculture pour cette rencontre d’experts de haut niveau qu’est   besloten het debat over duurzaamheid en productie in de land-
    la « Conférence Érasme-Descartes ». Je me réjouis que, pour la     bouw, begonnen tijdens de bijeenkomst voor Jong Talent 2012,
    première fois, une même publication rende compte des deux          voort te zetten tijdens de Erasmus-Descartes conferentie, een
    événements, soulignant l’étroitesse de notre coopération.          expertmeeting op hoog niveau. Het doet mij groot plezier dat
                                                                       dit jaar, voor de eerste keer, de uitkomsten van beide bijeenkom-
                                                                       sten verschijnen in een gezamenlijke publicatie, hetgeen onze
                                                                       nauwe samenwerking nog eens extra onderstreept.

6                                                                                                                                     7
Avant-propos                                                                                                  Voorwoord
                                                     ED KRONENBURG
    Ambassadeur des Pays-Bas en France                                                            Ambassadeur van Nederland in Frankrijk

    Chaque année ont lieu deux évènements exceptionnels qui             In het kader van de Nederlands-Franse Samenwerkingsraad vin-
    s’inscrivent dans le cadre des activités du Conseil de coopéra-     den jaarlijks twee thematische bijeenkomsten plaats. Specifiek
    tion franco-néerlandais : la rencontre des Jeunes Talents et la     voor jongeren is de ontmoeting van de Jonge Talenten, de ande-
    conférence annuelle Érasme-Descartes. Normalement, ces deux         re jaarlijkse ontmoeting staat bekend als de Erasmus-Descartes
    rencontres ont chacune leur propre thème. Du fait des points        conferentie. Het is niet gebruikelijk dat op deze bijeenkomsten
    communs dans la thématique des deux rencontres et de l’intérêt      hetzelfde thema aan de orde wordt gesteld. In 2012 is daar, ge-
    social du thème « agriculture durable », nous avons décidé pour     zien de vele raakvlakken en het grote maatschappelijke belang
    l’édition de 2012 de faire exception à la règle. C’est un thème     van het thema i.e. ‘Duurzame landbouwproductie’, een uitzon-
    très actuel, aussi bien en France qu’aux Pays-Bas, puisque les      dering op gemaakt. Een actueel thema, zeker voor landen als
    deux pays jouent un rôle de premier plan dans le domaine de         Nederland en Frankrijk die een vooraanstaande rol spelen op
    l’agriculture, non seulement dans un cadre Européen, mais aussi     landbouwgebied, niet alleen in EU-kader maar ook mondiaal.
    au niveau mondial.
                                                                        In oktober kwamen de Jonge Talenten bijeen in Wageningen.
    En octobre, les 50 Jeunes Talents de 2012 se sont réunis à Wage-    Jonge Nederlandse en Franse academici, onderzoekers en on-
    ningen. Les 25 Néerlandais et les 25 Français, jeunes diplômés,     dernemers spraken in verschillende werkgroepen met elkaar
    chercheurs et entrepreneurs, ont discuté dans différents ateliers   over vraagstukken zoals voedselschaarste, duurzame productie
    de questions telles que la rareté des produits alimentaires, la     en behoud van concurrentiekracht, voedselverlies door gebrek
    compatibilité d’une production durable avec la compétitivité,       aan opslagcapaciteit, transportmogelijkheden, overproductie en
    ou encore les pertes alimentaires dues au manque de capacités       verkeerd gebruik.
    de stockage ou de moyens de transport, à la surproduction et au
    gaspillage des ressources par les consommateurs.                    De conclusies en aanbevelingen van deze bijeenkomst vormden
                                                                        het vertrekpunt voor de Erasmus-Descartes conferentie in Parijs
    Les conclusions et les recommandations de cette rencontre ont       in december 2012. Ook daar werd door ondernemers, beleids-
    formé le point de départ de la conférence Érasme-Descartes en       makers en onderzoekers over dit belangrijke thema gesproken.
    décembre 2012 à Paris. Le thème pertinent de l’agriculture du-      De aanbevelingen van de Jonge Talenten en van de Erasmus-
    rable a également été repris lors de cette rencontre par des en-    Descartes conferentie staan in deze brochure die officieel werd
    trepreneurs, des décideurs et des chercheurs. Vous trouverez les    overhandigd aan de directeuren-generaal (internationaal) land-
    recommandations faites par les Jeunes Talents et celles des ex-     bouwbeleid van Nederland en Frankrijk.
    perts de la conférence Érasme-Descartes dans cette publication
    qui a été officiellement remise aux directeurs-généraux de la
    politique agricole (internationale) de la France et des Pays-Bas.

8                                                                                                                                     9
Recommandations                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Aanbevelingen

                      Les recommandations qui suivent sont le fruit de la Rencontre                                                                          Onderstaande aanbevelingen zijn het resultaat van de bijeen-
                      de Jeunes Talents d’octobre 2012 à Wageningen et des discus-                                                                           komst voor Jonge Talenten in oktober 2012 in Wageningen en
                      sions conduites à Paris en décembre 2012 dans le cadre de la                                                                           de discussie gevoerd in de Erasmus-Descartes conferentie in de-
                      Conférence Érasme-Descartes. Le Conseil de Coopération                                                                                 cember 2012 in Parijs. De Nederlands-Franse samenwerkings-
                      franco-néerlandais a choisi pour thème des Jeunes Talents 2012                                                                         raad koos als thema voor de Jonge Talenten 2012 de uitdaging
                      le défi d’une alimentation assurée pour 9 milliards d’êtres hu-                                                                        om 9 miljard mensen te kunnen voeden in 2050. In december
                      mains en 2050. En décembre 2012, à Paris, les participants à la                                                                        2012 in Parijs bespraken de genodigden bij de Erasmus-Descar-
                      Conférence Érasme-Descartes ont commenté ces recomman-                                                                                 tes conferentie deze aanbevelingen vanuit het streven naar een
                      dations au regard de la nécessité d’une agriculture durable et                                                                         duurzame en concurrerende landbouw.
                                                                                                                                                             Het gaat om aanbevelingen die juist nu belangrijk zijn, met het
                      Ces recommandations revêtent une importance très actuelle,                                                                             oog op het voltooien van de hervorming van het Gemeenschap-
                      dans la perspective de la réforme de la Politique Agricole Com-                                                                        pelijk Landbouwbeleid in 2013, de uitwerking van landbouw
                      mune, qui doit être menée à bien en 2013, de l’élaboration du                                                                          op de G 20 agenda in St. Petersburg (september 2013) maar ook
                      point agriculture à l’agenda de la réunion du G 20 à Saint-Pé-                                                                         voor de intensieve samenwerking tussen Frankrijk en Neder-
                      tersbourg (septembre 2013), mais aussi de l’intensité de la coo-                                                                       land op het vlak van landbouwbeleidsontwikkeling.
                      pération entre les Pays-Bas et la France en matière de dévelop-
                      pement des politiques agricoles.
                                                                                                                                       Van belang voor een hervormd                                       Van belang voor de uitwerking
Importance pour la révision                                         Importance pour l’élaboration                                      Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid 2014–2020                         van landbouw op de G&20 agenda
de la Politique Agricole Commune (2014–2020)                        du point agriculture à l’agenda du G&20                               Er is geen tegenstelling tussen versterking van de concur-         Armoedebestrijding is essentieel met het oog op het voeden
   Il n’y a pas contradiction entre le renforcement de la com-         La lutte contre la pauvreté est un élément essentiel en vue     rentiekracht en een landbouw die duurzaam is. De opvatting         van de wereldbevolking. Frankrijk en Nederland hebben op dat
pétitivité et la durabilité de l’agriculture. La conception selon   d’assurer l’alimentation de la population mondiale. La France      dat duurzame landbouw staat voor kleinschalig, lage productie,     punt veel te bieden. Niet alleen zijn beide landen wereldwijd
laquelle une agriculture durable est synonyme de petite échelle,    et les Pays-Bas ont de nombreux atouts sur ce point. Non seule-    lage input en beperkte technologie, is onjuist. Een landbouw die   toonaangevend op het vlak van landbouw en landbouwonder-
de production limitée, de faibles intrants et de technologie        ment les deux pays sont des leaders mondiaux dans le domaine       op wereldschaal concurrerend én duurzaam wil zijn, moet juist      zoek, ook op het terrein van ontwikkelingssamenwerking is er
rudimentaire, procède d’une vision erronée. Une agriculture         de l’agriculture et de la recherche agronomique, mais ce sont      voortdurend innoveren. Dit vraagt om voldoende middelen, ook       veel expertise. Het is wezenlijk om landbouwbeleid, ontwikke-
qui ambitionne d’être à la fois compétitive et durable dans un      aussi des spécialistes de l’aide au développement. Une meilleure   vanuit een hervormd Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid. De           lingssamenwerking en armoedebestrijding beter op elkaar af te
contexte mondialisé, doit au contraire constamment innover.         harmonisation des politiques en matière d’agriculture, d’aide      technologische vooruitgang, op basis van wetenschappelijk on-      stemmen. Tot nu toe is een dergelijke geïntegreerde discussie
Ceci requiert des moyens suffisants, y compris dans le cadre        au développement et de lutte contre la pauvreté est indispen-      derzoek, maakt het mogelijk om concurrerend te zijn en duur-       in het kader van G 20 nog onvoldoende uit de verf gekomen.
d’une PAC réformée. Le progrès technologique, fondé sur la re-      sable. Jusqu’à présent, une approche intégrée de ces thèmes ne     zaamheid van de landbouw te waarborgen.
cherche scientifique, permet d’être compétitif tout en garantis-    s’est pas suffisamment dégagée dans le cadre des discussions
sant la durabilité de l’agriculture.                                du G 20.
                                                                                                                                                             Op wetenschap gebaseerde intensivering van landbouw is es-
                      Une intensification de la productivité agricole reposant sur des                                                                       sentieel met het oog op armoedebestrijding. Het stimuleren van
                      bases scientifiques joue un rôle essentiel dans la lutte contre la                                                                     de arme plattelandsbevolking is hierbij nodig. Daarbij horen
                      pauvreté. À cet effet, il importe de stimuler les populations agri-                                                                    ook productieverhoging en intensivering van de landbouw, die
                      coles pauvres. Ceci implique en particulier une augmentation                                                                           gebaseerd zijn op wetenschappelijke inzichten en met aandacht
                      de la production et une intensification de l’agriculture basées                                                                        voor duurzaamheid.
                      sur des avancées scientifiques et respectueuses de la durabilité.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
Recommandations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Aanbevelingen

Il existe des nuances entre les positions des Pays-Bas et de la                                                                             Frankrijk en Nederland kennen hun eigen nuancering als het
France vis à vis des évolutions sur les marchés agricoles inter-                                                                            gaat om de ontwikkelingen op de internationale landbouw-
nationaux, telles que la question de la volatilité des prix ou l’im-                                                                        markten, zoals de kwestie van prijsvolatiliteit of het belang van
portance de la constitution de stocks régulateurs. Toutefois c’est                                                                          het aanleggen van buffervoorraden. Echter, dankzij juist die
précisément cette question de la volatilité des prix qui a permis,                                                                          prijsvolatiliteit is door inspanning van Frankrijk, landbouw op
grâce aux efforts de la France, de mettre l’agriculture à l’agen-                                                                           de G 20 agenda gekomen. Het blijft belangrijk dat beide landen
da du G 20. Il reste essentiel que ces deux pays, forts de leur                                                                             met hun rijke internationale landbouwtraditie actief en daad-
riche tradition agricole internationale, poursuivent leur activité                                                                          werkelijk bijdragen aan mondiale beleidsvorming voor land-
et apportent une contribution active et effective aux prises de                                                                             bouw.
décision à l’échelle mondiale en matière agricole.
                                                                                                                                            De relatie tussen energie en landbouw vraagt om een herover-        Van belang voor samenwerking Nederland en Frankrijk
La relation entre énergie et agriculture demande à être reconsi-       Importance pour la coopération franco-néerlandaise                   weging. De zorg over prijsfluctuaties van landbouwgrondstof-          Er zijn in de landbouwpolitiek twee hete hangijzers die vra-
dérée. Les préoccupations suscitées par les fluctuations des prix         Dans le domaine de la politique agricole, il existe deux sujets   fen wordt sterk gekoppeld aan de fluctuaties van energieprijzen.    gen om een intensiever overleg tussen beide landen: het ge-
des matières premières agricoles sont intimement liées à celles        de controverse qui appellent une concertation renforcée entre        De toekomst van de energiemarkten lijkt stabielere prijzen in te    bruik van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen – GMO’s - en
des prix de l’énergie. L’avenir des marchés énergétiques semble        les deux pays : l’utilisation des organismes génétiquement mo-       houden, door het exploiteren van alternatieve en nieuwe ener-       dierenwelzijn. Met een dialoog die vraagt om een creatieve aan-
devoir être marqué par une plus grande stabilité des prix, grâce       difiés – les OGM – et le bien-être animal. Ce dialogue implique      giebronnen, zoals schaliegas. Reden te meer om beter te kijken      pak met bezoeken aan veld en boerderij, met betrokkenheid van
à l’exploitation de sources d’énergies alternatives ou nouvelles,      une approche créative avec des visites de terrain aux champs et      naar onafhankelijke oorzaken van prijsvolatiliteit van land-        boeren en consumenten. Juist Nederland en Frankrijk zouden
telles que le gaz de schiste. Raison de plus pour mieux exami-         à la ferme, et une implication des agriculteurs et des consom-       bouwgrondstoffen, los van prijsschommelingen voor energie.          hierin het voortouw kunnen nemen, ook al hebben zij elk hun
ner les causes spécifiques de la volatilité des prix des matières      mateurs. Les Pays-Bas et la France sont, par excellence, les pays                                                                        eigen zienswijze. Maar door hun sterke landbouwtraditie en
premières agricoles, indépendamment des variations des cours           qui devraient prendre l’initiative à cet égard, en dépit de leurs                                                                        openheid naar de markt ligt het vooral op hún weg om creatief
de l’énergie.                                                          visions différentes de ces questions. Leurs solides traditions                                                                           deze dialoog een nieuwe adem in te blazen .
                                                                       agricoles et leur ouverture au marché les rendent particulière-
                                                                       ment aptes à redonner vigueur et créativité à ce dialogue.                                                                               In Frankrijk en Nederland is de organisatie van onderwijs en
                                                                                                                                                                                                                onderzoek sterk ontwikkeld. Op het gebied van onderzoek we-
                                                                       La France comme les Pays-Bas connaissent une organisation de                                                                             ten beide landen elkaar al goed te vinden. Als het gaat om uit-
                                                                       l’enseignement et de la recherche fortement développée. En ma-                                                                           wisseling en samenwerking op het vlak van landbouwonderwijs
                                                                       tière de recherche, les deux pays ont déjà une solide expérience                                                                         vallen er nog goede kansen te benutten.
                                                                       de la coopération. Il leur reste des opportunités d’échange et de
                                                                       collaboration à saisir en matière d’enseignement agricole.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           13
Rethinking solutions,
     Reshaping the future

     Outcomes of the Young Talent Meeting 2012
     On October 10th and 11th of 2012, 50 French and Dutch Young Talents
     discussed three major themes linked to World Food Shortage during two days
     of workshops, presentations and brainstorm sessions. We hereby proudly present
     the outcomes defined and described by these Young Talents.

14                                                                                    15
Find ways to combine worldwide
food production growth and sustainability

• Reviewing production methods
• Innovation in production
• Environmental integrity
• Expanding food supply vs. social, economic, ecological considerations

Inequality within OECD nations has increased and the financial
crisis of 2008 brought questions on the sustainability of the
dominant economic model. An economy respectful of our earth
boundaries requires rethinking the nature of progress and pro-
viding instruments that safeguard ecological systems, stabilize
the economy and secure people’s livelihoods.
   The most central principle of sustainable food production is        DEFINITION
not to use resources faster than they renew. It also encompasses       – Sustainability means ensuring human rights and well-being
social, economic and ecological considerations: infrastructure,         without depleting the capacity of the earth’s ecosystems
storage, waste reduction and improving and preserving water             to support life.
quality all of which are critical to achieving global food security.   – Sustainability is a multi-dimensional concept encompassing
   The rapid and radical twentieth-century transformation of            environmental integrity, social well-being, economic resilience
our food system from sustainable based, locally focused pro-            and good governance.
duction, to a fossil-fuel addicted industrialized system threat-       – Sustainability can be reached through different pathways.
ens the basis of life on earth. The significant corporate consoli-
dation of global food production has created a food system that        FACTS
values quantity over quality.                                          – One billion people are going hungry.
   Proponents of industrial agriculture claim that large-scale         – One billion people suffer from over-nutrition
factory farming is the most efficient way to produce huge quan-         and related diseases.
tities of inexpensive food. And that without industrial agricul-       – One in four people in developing countries
ture, food prices would be excessively high.                            live in absolute poverty.
   Opponents claim that the price of industrial food does not          – Two billion people live on less than $2 a day.
take into account the true costs of production.

Outcomes                                                           Production                                                                     Problem 1 —        Vincent Martinet & Jelmer Mommers

                                                                   More diversity                                                       More differentiation
                                                                      However, the conjunction of high demand and supply shocks            To elaborate on this point, we need to take into account the
                                                                   due to environmental and production uncertainties results in         difference between staple crops and cash crops. Staple crops
                                                                   periodic food shortages in some regions. As food production          like rice and corn are ‘subsistence’ crops: people can feed on
                                                                   is seasonal, food supply cannot go up immediately in response        them. Cash crops like coffee and cocoa on the other hand are
     Problem 1                                                     to increasing prices. Furthermore, bellies have to be filled on a    mainly produced to be sold on the world market.
     One size does not fit all.                                    daily basis, so demand does not go down much when prices go             The global economic system has a tendency to increase spe-
                                                                   up. As a consequence, prices fluctuate and may increase sharply,     cialization, so that some areas of the world are mostly produc-
                                                                   limiting access to food markets for the poorer populations. A        ing cash crops. This ‘one market dictates all’ approach is in ef-
     Solution 1                                                    strong dependence on imports may worsen the situation when           fect what makes some areas so dependent on the global trading
     More diversity in interdependent – trade – systems.           export bans or restrictions are decided by large producers.          system and so susceptible to the crises and fluctuations that are
     A bottom-up approach. Better use of local resources.             Dependence is the counterpart of the gains from trade. In the     caused by it.
     Start local, get help from regional policies                  long-run, the increasing demand in a context of global changes          Imposing staple food production targets at regional levels
     and combine protectionism with liberalism.                    – either environmental, such as climatic changes, or economic,       is a way to limit the effect of global supply shocks. Doing so,
                                                                   such as the competition for land and agricultural products – is      even if a region is not self-sufficient it would be less affected
                                                                   going to exacerbate the tension on food markets. A necessary         by food crises.
     The past decades have been characterized by a trend           response to this challenge is to produce more food. So, how to
     of increasing global production and decreasing prices.        find ways to combine worldwide production growth and sus-
     This was made possible by productivity improvements
     on the one hand, and by trade on the other hand.              A better balance
                                                                      The issue is to sustain (or increase) food production over
     Trade in a context of globalization of agricultural markets   time while respecting the other environmental and social ob-
     led to economically efficient regional production             jectives of sustainable development. A solution may be to define
     specialization. It generated gains, especially for            regional minimal outcomes: agricultural, ecological and eco-
                                                                   nomic. These objectives can be formalized as minimum self-suf-
     consumers who benefit from low food prices.                   ficiency clauses or by imposing sustainability constraints on the
                                                                   production system. And also by defining a viable development
                                                                   path satisfying all the sustainability objectives over time.
                                                                      A first challenge is to cope with the vulnerability of some de-
                                                                   veloping regions to food shortages. Life sciences teach us that
                                                                   diversity provides an insurance to resist shocks and improve
                                                                   resilience of ecosystems. Worldwide food production could be
                                                                   based on regional agricultural systems producing a diversity of
                                                                   goods rather than being based on a worldwide market favoring
                                                                   specialization and economic profitability.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                    19
Outcomes                                                                 Production                                                                        Problem 2 —         Vincent Martinet & Jelmer Mommers

                                                                         Input of politics                                                       Combine protectionism with liberalism
                                                                            Preserving the ecosystems and biodiversity may require limit-          We do not only need liberalism and global markets, but also
                                                                         ing agricultural expansion and intensification in order to main-        regional protectionism and local markets in order to ensure a
     Problem 2                                                           tain the production system within environmental limits defined          minimum of self-sufficiency across all regions. Regions should
     The inequality in food distribution and earth limits.               on a local scale. These constraints would induce an additional          obtain an economically and ecologically healthy balance be-
                                                                         cost to food production. And there will be trade-offs between           tween specialization and diversification. By this approach the
     Solution 2                                                          the conflicting issues of producing more food and preserving            gains from trading are justified, while at the same time we pre-
     A minimum self-sufficiency clause on a regional level.              the environment. Here again, the objectives should be defined           vent that regions become too dependent on others.
                                                                         by politics at a regional level, accounting for the diversity and
                                                                         specificity of production systems.                                      Bottom-up
     Sustainable agricultural production should account                                                                                             How to get from A to B? Start at a local level. Farmers get help
     for environmental and ecological conservation objectives            Insurance in self-sufficiency                                           from researchers and businesses who share their knowledge
                                                                            Paradoxically, these proposed long-run solutions will come at        to develop the skills and empowerment on a local level. Scien-
     for at least two reasons:                                           a cost. Imposing an economically viable minimum staple food             tific knowledge about local fertility and climate circumstances
                                                                         production leads to an increase of food prices in the region.           determine what can be grown in the area. Careful monitoring
                                                                         Prices that are likely to stay higher even during non-crisis peri-      should ensure that regional growth does not compromise di-
     1.   These are sustainability objectives in and of themselves       ods. On the other hand, this type of production system is more          versity.
          and in which agricultural production should participate too.   resilient to shocks as it will likely mitigate the effects of crises.
                                                                            An increase in sustainability of the system can be seen as           Recommendations
                                                                         insurance. In the same way as energy markets, where regional               It’s up to the farmers and their organizations to impose the
     2.   An agricultural production system relying on healthy           energy security is part of regional strategies. But do we want to       self-sufficiency clauses at a regional level.
          ecosystems would be more resilient to environmental            pay extra as an insurance against crises? This implies spending a       Trade organizations ought to play a central role in getting re-
          shocks.                                                        slightly larger share of income on food. This is a regular welfare      gional governments to follow suit. Especially in developing ar-
                                                                         loss, in particular for regions more exposed to food shortages.         eas, governance needs to be improved to uphold import and
                                                                         In return, one gets the benefit of limiting food crises and short-      export regulations.
                                                                         ages, which are associated with large occasional welfare losses.           Trade-offs and required adjustments to trade regulation
                                                                                                                                                 should be clearly discussed at the WTO level, taking into ac-
                                                                         One size does not fit all                                               count reasonable trade-offs: higher regional prices, but a limit
                                                                            Financially driven food markets cannot and will not result in        to food shortages.
                                                                         an equal and fair distribution of natural, economic and human
                                                                         capital across regions. The ‘one size fits all’ approach dictated
                                                                         by global food markets cannot be the sole principle for food
                                                                         production. Additional regional measures are necessary to get
                                                                         more food security and equality. They can also ensure that food
                                                                         is produced within the ecological limits of the earth.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
Outcomes                                                           Production                                                                                           Problem 3 —        Dennis Favier

                                                                   Mini motivators                                                      Next step
                                                                      Children are the ones that have to deal with the mess grown-        This children’s movement of course needs a manifest in or-
     Problem 3                                                     ups are making now. By helping them realize it is their future       der to share their values about food production with the rest of
     Disconnection and disinterest for food production.            that is endangered, they will be more easily motivated to make       the grown up world. Independent experts could be of great help
                                                                   a change. More attention for sustainability is important in or-      here. They could help the children organizing and structuring
     Solution 3                                                    der to make their future lives livable. They are the future stake-   the movement.
     Educate the children.                                         holders of our food system. Children know what makes peo-              Furthermore, a campaign has to be started in order to better
                                                                   ple move. They force people to explain things in a simple way.       inform and educate the children. As always when it comes to
                                                                   To put it briefly: children are the ones to be the face of change    education, support from the government is much needed.
     In the West consumers have lost the connection with           when it comes to changing the way we see food and its value.
     where their food comes from. This resulted in a disinterest
                                                                   A children’s movement
     for food production that discourages people wanting              One of the solutions would be to start a movement for chil-
     to understand and to change. Children can and                 dren protecting their future. This movement acts on different
                                                                   levels and encourages children to ask the ‘why’ question more
     must play an important role in solving this problem.          often:
                                                                   – To their parents when they are grocery shopping, changing
                                                                     the behavior of the parents. Why do we buy/eat this
                                                                     instead of that?
                                                                   – To company directors and farmers who produce food,
                                                                     forcing them to be transparent about production.
                                                                     Why are these piggies not playing outside in the mud?
                                                                     or WHY are these apples from South Africa since
                                                                     we have plenty of apples in the Netherlands?
                                                                   – To politicians and civil servants who are discussing food
                                                                     systems, forcing them to talk about their decisions.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
In a time when the world cannot feed its own population,
                                                             the challenge for 2050 is huge. We must find new solutions
                                                             and create better policies, both locally and internationally.
                                                             Greater awareness of producers and consumers is needed
     In 2050 it is worldwide understood that                 if we want to eradicate hunger in the world.
     – in this rapidly urbanizing world –                    Feeding the world means, above all,
     our cities should take responsibility                   that we have to cultivate it.
     for their own food supply by means
     of local food production, in which                      MATTHIEU BRUN
     urban farming plays a key role.
     International relations are focused on
     the global exchange of knowledge
     and experience rather than parasitizing,
     to the sustainable benefit                 In 2050, we predict a global population of 9 billion people.
     of our quality of life and planet.         We need to produce around 70% more than we do now.
                                                Therefore, education of future farmers is the key.
                                                What do we prefer:
                                                produce more while not taking care of our ecosystem
                                                or produce better with an adapted agriculture
                                                which respects the environment?

                                                CAROLINE VOLAND

24                                                                                                                           25
     Come up with suggestions to make
     the distribution of food more efficient and fair

     • Inequality
     • Consumption patterns
     • Rethinking distribution methods
     • Access to food

     Enough food is produced worldwide to feed all the people in
     the world. Equal distribution of this food however, will not
     arise by itself. Most of the produce is often very perishable. It
     is susceptible to bacteria, insects and fungus that rot the food
     and contaminate it with disease, rendering it inedible. Added to
     this, the current consumption pattern in Western countries is
     partly responsible for the lack of nutritious food in other parts
     of the world.

     Challenges arise in deciding on:
     – How the food will be distributed among the people.
     – Who has the power of distribution.
     – What methods should be used for distribution.

     There is enough food in the world today for everyone to have
     the nourishment that is necessary for a healthy life. The prob-       It is known for example that women:
     lem is that our demanding consumption pattern is not going to         • produce between 60$% and 80$% of the food
     change fast enough to be a solution in and of itself. In addition       in most developing countries
     to the problem of our Western consumption pattern, there are          • are responsible for half of the world’s food production
     other crucial aspects.                                                • play a limited, yet key role as food producers and providers
        The FAO defined food security not only in terms of access          • are only recently recognized for their critical contribution
     to, and availability of food, but also in terms of resource distri-     to household food security
     bution to produce food and the purchasing power to buy food           • have very limited access to land and tools.
     where it is not produced.

26                                                                                                                                          27
Outcomes                                                                      Distribution                                                                                          Problem 1 —         Olivier Hamant

                                                                              Growing imbalance                                                     Easy does it
                                                                                 South America, for instance, is currently using a large part of      Theoretically the system should be implemented by FAO or
                                                                              its biocapacity to produce tons of soybean. This is exported to       WTO, but that demands a major reform in status (FAO) and ide-
                                                                              the West to grow livestock, where biocapacity is already suffi-       ology (WTO). Finally, after years of an economy based on the
                                                                              cient to feed its own population. This imbalance has two other        belief that resources are infinite, it is crucial to shift the focus
                                                                              related consequences.                                                 on the nexus between economy and environment into a more
                                                                                  1. Deforestation and the rapid decrease of biodiversity           pragmatic framework.
                                                                                     in the South to match the growing needs of the West
                                                                                     (and now other countries like China)                           Proposition
                                                                                  2. Obesity spreading in the West and in richer                       Firstly, implementation should pass gradually, in order to al-
     Problem 1                                                                       developing countries.                                          low countries to adjust to the new system. Secondly, the four
     Local production has suffered from trade inequity and free trade.        In addition, countries which decided to have an export-based          main companies that own the world’s seed market should get
     Moreover, there are problems in the transport of these products.         economy now face the issue of high value crops like cacao or          compensation for being involuntarily taxed. However, they will
                                                                              coffee being as cheap as basic crops, because of overproduction.      have to have a grasp that due to global warming and growing
                                                                                                                                                    scarcity of arable land, tensions on arable lands will grow if
     Solution 1                                                               Biocapacity as a priority                                             nothing is done.
     Regulation based on science: calculate biocapacity.                        Current inequities are to a large extent the consequences of           Arable lands are primarily used to feed the local population.
     Finance to achieve local self-sufficiency:                               an unregulated free market. We thus propose to regulate exports       This allows the maintenance of a population of consumers. Be-
     tax on extra export/import used for local incentives.                    and imports based on the simple idea that the priority of bioca-      sides, this will reduce the tension on arable land use and thus on
                                                                              pacity should be to feed the local population. So do not import       its price. It will also guarantee that high value crops remain high
                                                                              certain essential crops if there is already enough. Do not export     value, as there area of production would be restricted. Thirdly,
     Our planet has limits and is fundamentally unequal                       essential crops if by selling them there is not enough left over      what we propose is already in place in certain communities (e.g.
     in its biocapacity, i.e. the capacity of an area to provide resources.   for the population.                                                   in Switzerland) and we could learn from these pilot projects.
                                                                                It should not be as easy and deregulated as it is today. The           Finally, due to population growth, soil degradation and cli-
     This will not change fundamentally even though                           separation between food for the local population and food for         mate change, earth biocapacity decreases faster every year (in
     some improvements could be made locally                                  exports is actually somewhat comparable to the recent trend to        2012, August 22 was the biocapacity overshooting day).
                                                                              separate commercial banking from investment banking.
     (e.g. via water dripping systems or soil regeneration strategies).                                                                             Only one chance
     The main problem is that of inequities that we currently                 Taxing import and export                                                 We cannot leave the food production and distribution in the
     maintain and even increase. This is not related to some                    Tools for the calculation and modeling of the biocapacity of a      sole hands of the free market anymore. All the extinct civiliza-
                                                                              region or a country already exist. Based on this scientific assess-   tions have perished because they had exploited the local resour-
     fundamental limitations of nature, but is something very human.          ment, extra imports or exports can be taxed. With the money           ces to the bone. Our civilization is doing the same, but for the
                                                                              this brings in, local associative and entrepreneurial initiatives     first time in history, on a global scale.
                                                                              can be encouraged. Like for exemple the promotion of more                There is no second planet where we can start again, and
                                                                              balanced plant-based diets or the development of crops with           therefore it would be very unrealistic not to consider earth bi-
                                                                              essential nutrients such as quinoa.                                   ocapacity in relation to world food shortage to hinder this hu-
                                                                              To have a worldwide support for this change of paradigm, this         man self-destructing trend.
                                                                              global system should also replace regional subsidies, notably to
                                                                              the western economies. It should also be associated with a more
                                                                              voluntary effort to protect biocapacity, for instance through pro-
                                                                              tection of fossil water levels (at least via a UNESCO status) or
                                                                              promotion of vegetarianism.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                   29
Outcomes                                                                  Distribution                                                                                 Problem 2 —         Michelle van der Burg

     Problem 2
     Multi-layeredness of the problems in distribution,
     lack of information sharing, education and transparency.

     Solution 2
     Approach the problem of maldistribution of food in a holistic way.   Local production                                                     Governance – Multi stakeholder solutions
                                                                             A lot can be achieved through increased productivity at a lo-        The only way to find real and sustainable solutions is through
                                                                          cal level. Improved farming practices can lead to higher pro-        multi stakeholder partnerships. Stakeholders include: business,
     First and foremost we should look at the problems around food        ductivity and the production of more and more nutritious food.       governments, civil society, research organisations, farmers and
     security in a holistic way. The world is facing many challenges.     It’s also very important to link farmers to the markets to sell      consumers. Each of these stakeholders has a role to play and
                                                                          their produce and to reduce waste in the food chain (especial-       should be part of the solution. Private sector should increase
     One is the problem of feeding the planet’s growing population,       ly postharvest waste). An action could be the establishment of       its investments in agriculture, public sector and especially local
     but other concerns are climate change, biodiversity loss,            emergency food reserves. Furthermore the elimination of mar-         governments need to create an enabling climate for investment
                                                                          ket distorting import and export rates, especially for sustainably   through policy reforms, improved infrastructure/financing and
     sustainability, water scarcity and poverty. While searching          produced agricultural raw materials could be a step in the right     the roll-out of training for farmers.
     for solutions, the interlinkages between these challenges            direction.
     were taken in account. The suggested approaches that
                                                                          Training & Education
     were found can be applied across the value chain                       Empowering farmers and building capacity across the value
     and not only the distribution side.                                  chain is the only way to improve productivity and increase the
                                                                          incomes of (smallholder) farmers.
                                                                            Investing in training of farmers, many of which are women,
                                                                          should include: sustainable farming practice with an emphasis
                                                                          on biodiversity, introducing improved seed technologies, re-
                                                                          ducing (post-harvest) waste and knowledge on how to access
                                                                          capital and get produce to the market.
                                                                            Furthermore we recommend that more emphasis should be
                                                                          given to food production, sustainability and food security at
                                                                          schools as early education on these topics will enable the next
                                                                          generation to better grasp and address these issues from a
                                                                          young age.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                             31
Outcomes                                                                              Distribution                                                                                               Problem 3 —         Sidi Sakho

                                                                                      Scientific study
                                                                                         For more and better production, to feed the 9 billion people
     Problem 3                                                                        that inhabit the earth in 2050, we must give priority to scientific
     The lack of governance and strong need for system change.                        study. Without forgetting to take into account a better respect
                                                                                      for the environment, in terms of CO²-reduction, conservation
                                                                                      of biodiversity and protection of water resources. We will have
     Solution 3                                                                       to develop new species and varieties that are well-adapted to
     Make prices more accessible without messing up agricultural economics,           shortages of water, more resistant to climatic changes and
     in which the very poor are the most vulnerable, choose for technologies          which make better use of saline waters. We will also have to
     more than for obligations, actions on all levels, from family life to the FAO,   invest in storage infrastructures, preservation and transport.        1. Make prices accessible
     make the food market efficient and responsible.                                  It means also a reduction of losses between field and fork. For          Financial markets are useful for having agricultural activities
                                                                                      this, rethinking food models in developed countries is neces-         and finance exchanges (insurances, debts, backing). However,
                                                                                      sary.                                                                 part of that financing – derivatives - that represents the majority
     The actual food crisis is not caused by a lack of food                                                                                                 of exchanges, are fatal for the stability of prices and relentless
     on a global level, but by a lack of accessibility to food                        Challenge                                                             for areas without agricultural politics, both local and sovereign.
                                                                                        To meet this challenge, one has to look at it from four differ-
     by poor people. They spend about 80 – versus 20% in developed                    ent standing points:                                                  Solution
     countries – of their income on provisions. And they cannot,                                                                                            — Encourage local consumption. This cannot be realized by im-
                                                                                      1. Financial: make prices more accessible without messing up          plementing it by law as its verification is difficult and because it
     therefore, cope with an increase in price for agricultural produce.                 agricultural economics, in which the very poor are                 is not easy for governments to verify whether these regulations
     As we produce enough to feed the planet, the problem                                the most vulnerable.                                               are respected or not. Economics (taxes) should get a boost, but
     must be economical, financial and political.                                     2. Technological: choose for technologies more than                   how? Taxes only appear on the balance between import and ex-
                                                                                         for obligations.                                                   port because of the choice whether volume or value decides.
     A short term action, with specific measures, is required.                        3. Political: actions on all levels, from family life to the FAO.     Besides, it is difficult to levy taxes on poor countries, there are
                                                                                      4. Educational: make the food market efficient and responsible.       multiple actors, there are mono-cultural states and there is the
                                                                                                                                                            problem of economic and agricultural sovereignty. The best
                                                                                                                                                            solution for the stability of prices is the introduction of carbon
                                                                                                                                                            — In the short-term, regional and global organizations both
                                                                                                                                                            equipped with stocks, should be able to intervene in markets in
                                                                                                                                                            order to lower prices in cases of increase.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                           33
Distribution                                                                                                                                                                  Problem 3 —        Sidi Sakho

2. Choose technology rather than pressure                           3. Policy making on all levels, from family to the FAO                4. Towards a more efficient and responsible market
   As we think about how to protect the environment, two ap-           The policy of “the art of letting all individuals live together”      The financial markets play an important role in financing the
proaches compete. On the one hand, there is an approach that        with a larger production than needed, asks for strong political       food market (debts, risk cover, insurances) but a bigger, more
sees pressure as the solution to feed the world with a limited      responsibilities in food crises. And politics; that’s us! In can-     harmful part is far more important (derivatives). There is an in-
production, whereas on the other hand an approach states that       teens, supermarkets, regions, countries. Our food behaviour has       crease in volatility that condemns the income of farmers and of
innovation in technologies is the answer to the needs for food,     an impact on political efficiency. Take for instance the easthetic    the poorest. To think that markets are willing to find solutions
health and environment of a still growing population.               standards of fruit and vegetables of a system that makes you          for these problems is utopic as the markets’ only interest is to
   The second vision comes closest to our problem. Although         want to buy them in large quantities more than measured por-          make profit. Nonetheless, we could get more market regulation
we need to answer the question on what to do with the assump-       tions or consumption of imported products.                            when markets focus on the same mission that is our main goal:
tion that we constantly waste 30 to 40% of food and that we                                                                               finance agricultural activity and promote exchanges.
therefore have to increase food production. Or do we take a bet     Solution
on food waste reduction? If a double action is encouraging, it      — With about 70% of the population living in urban regions,           Solution
will still be difficult to reach both objectives.                   the policy of cities is crucial in the production, preservation and   — Regulation: tax financial transactions of food derivatives.
                                                                    economics of food. The growing numbers of supermarkets and            — Fight volatility: evoke of a storage policy with the possibility
                                                                    other selling points should be limited from the moment that           of intervention.
Solution                                                            free delivery to the house is developing.                             — Make the market more efficient, with more real time informa-
— R&D for crop stability. The problems in this area are the lack    — A change in regulation on expiring dates and wrapping of            tion, in order to fight against speculation.
of water and variations in climatic conditions.                     food products should be made in order to promote the long(er)
— Using carbon accounting for the midterm, we will have to          preservation of food, food security and prevent waste.
invest in water production and desalination of sea water.           — From an educational point of view, an information campaign
— More research on the development and growth of seeds un-          should be launched.
der non-optimal circumstances.                                      — A common agricultural policy (including a storage strategy)
— R&D helps to drop the costs of food production. However,          by geographical zone guarantees food sovereignty and relatively
this can be a big mistake, if we consider that 70% of the popu-     accessible prices.
lation in developing countries lives of agriculture. At the same
time, studies will have to be undertaken on what investments
are needed to reduce the costs of production and which can
improve the income of the poorest. In any case, we have to make
sure that an improvement of production leads to an improve-
ment of the access to food for the poorest.
— Improve the production capacity, as well as the capacity of
transport and preservation, in developed countries and increase
production in developing countries. For as production capacity
and real production expand, adjusted infrastructures are essen-
tial for transport and storage. The more so as certain food prod-
ucts are in the international market.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                       35
The most important part of a real solution in food shortage
                                                                            and a good world in 2050 is a moral change. The economic,
                                                                            political and social structures of the current world are immoral
                                                                            and have some fundamental structure problems. It’s a political
     The global food system has gone out of hand.                           challenge to tackle those problems and get a more balanced
     We eat food from all over the world and                                and moral system in food shortage and international solidarity.
     whenever we like. We don’t have a clue anymore
     about the origin of our food or what exactly                           HANS VAN DEN HEUVEL
     is inside the packages we buy. Driven by growth,
     there has been created a gap between our food system
     and the local character of nature’s production cycles.
                                                              In 2050, I believe the world food shortage will depend on
     MONIQUE WINTERS                                          the ability of new technologies to develop sustainable solutions
                                                              to organize the production of goods. New diets, new products
                                                              which will come from the study on how food can be made
                                                              based on the situation in which we find ourselves
                                                              and the world at that moment.

                                                              AMÉLIA DESNOYERS

36                                                                                                                                             37
     Tackle the unnecessary waste of food
     and find solutions for more efficient production chains

     • Food chain efficiency
     • Global food losses and food waste
     • Large and small-scaled waste
     • Awareness and mentality change

     The issue of food losses is of high importance in the efforts      Significant losses also occur early in the food supply chains in
     to combat hunger, raise income and improve food security in        the industrialized regions. In low-income countries food is lost
     the world’s poorest countries. Food losses have an impact on       mostly during the early and middle stages of the food supply
     food security for poor people, on food quality and safety, on      chain; much less food is wasted at the consumer level.
     economic development and on the environment. The exact
     causes of food losses vary throughout the world and are very       The European Parliament calls for urgent measures to prevent
     much dependent on the specific conditions and local situation      food waste in the EU by 2025. In the EU, the amount of food
     in a given country.                                                wasted per person each year amounts to 179 kg. In total current
        Food losses will be influenced by crop production choices       wastage in the EU 27 adds up to 89 million tonnes, and the pro-
     and patterns, internal infrastructure and capacity, marketing      jection for 2020 will see a rise to 126 million tonnes, meaning
     chains and channels for distribution, and consumer purchasing      an incredible 41% increase. In a world with limited natural re-
     and food use practices. Irrespective of the level of economic      sources (land, water, energy, fertilizer), and where cost-effective
     development and maturity of systems in a country, food losses      solutions are to be found to produce enough safe and nutritious
     should be kept to a minimum.                                       food for all, reducing food losses should not be a forgotten pri-
        Food losses represent a waste of resources used in produc-      ority.
     tion such as land, water, energy and inputs. Producing food that
     will not be consumed leads to unnecessary CO² emissions in
     addition to loss of economic value of the food produced.
        Food is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain, from ini-
     tial agricultural production down to final household consump-
     tion. In medium- and high-income countries food is to a signif-
     icant extent wasted at the consumption stage, meaning that it
     is discarded even if it is still suitable for human consumption.

38                                                                                                                                      39
Outcomes                                                            Waste                                                                                              Problem 1 —        Marion Jourdan

                                                                    Food losses are not limited to waste during production and           — To tackle the problem of food waste at the household level
                                                                    distribution processes but also occur at the level of household      we need to reconnect the consumer with the emotional, cultural
                                                                    consumption, mainly in developed countries.                          and economic values of food.
                                                                      Nowadays, children think that milk comes from the super-
                                                                    market in cartons and do not know that it comes from cows.           — In recreating the emotional link with food, one should focus
                                                                    This is an emblematic and alarming example of the existing           on raising awareness on the origin of food, as in: where does it
                                                                    disconnection between the consumer and the value of food.            come from?, through awareness campaigns (mass media).
     Problem 1                                                                                                                           Concrete examples such as “cow in the city” or having a one
     Disconnection with value – in a broad sense – of food.         Lack of communication about products in terms of origin and          meter square with growing vegetables in supermarkets could be
                                                                    resource participates to the loss of respect for the value of food   used for these campaigns supported by EU and tested as pilots
                                                                    and as a consequence to the easiness with which it is thrown         in France and Netherlands.
     Solution 1                                                     away at the household level.                                         — Recreating the cultural value of food will happen through
     Mass-education and availability of information,                                                                                     education by building programs in partnership with schools
     which leads to the respect of the product and reduces waste.   Many factors participate to the disconnection with the value of      and farms.
                                                                    food: lack of knowledge on how to use the products (i.e. cook-       Examples: regularly cooking together at school, having spent
                                                                    ing), lack of information on the resources cost (land, water, en-    one week at a farm and in the field needed to obtain high school
                                                                    ergy), high aesthetic standard as the norm, pressure to buy more     diploma.
                                                                    than needed, easy accessibility and easy replacement.                — Restoring the economic value of food implies to adapt the re-
                                                                                                                                         lationship consumer-supermarket by considering supermarkets
                                                                                                                                         as potential drivers of initiatives to reduce waste.

                                                                                                                                         When food is close to the expiration date, supermarket policy is
                                                                                                                                         often to propose 2 products for the price of one, thus encourag-
                                                                                                                                         ing consumer to buy and displacing the waste from their end to
                                                                                                                                         the consumer. To limit this process, the price of products close
                                                                                                                                         to expiration date should be reduced. A more original initiative
                                                                                                                                         could also be to promote cooking expiring products on site (or
                                                                                                                                         in partnership with nearby restaurant) and sell these freshly
                                                                                                                                         made meals at an affordable price.

40                                                                                                                                                                                                     41
Outcomes                                                                            Waste                                                                                                 Problem 2 —         Margaux Pibarot

                                                                                    Solution                                                               Short-term solutions
                                                                                    — Re-localizing food markets and shortening and reducing               — Labeling products based on where they come from so that the
     Problem 2                                                                      steps in food chains.                                                  consumers can make a conscious choice.
     The complexity of systems and long chains                                      — Reconnecting supermarkets with consumers.                            — More efficient connections between producers and consu-
                                                                                    — Increase the visibility of local and seasonal products, lobby        mers (through local food markets, CSAs, etc.) and incentives to
                                                                                    for legislation that will make it easily accessible both financially   eat local foods.
     Solution 2                                                                     and technically.                                                       — Creating an online ranking of supermarkets accessible to all
     Re-localizing food markets and shortening and reducing steps in food chains.                                                                          depending on the type of food they sell. The more local, seaso-
     Reconnect supermarkets with the consumers.                                     It is up to all major players in the food distribution and prepa-      nal food, the better the ranking.
                                                                                    ration realm to take action in this matter.                            — Diagnose by a worldwide study on where the waste is in order
                                                                                                                                                           to tackle the problem where it is worst.
     The complexity of food chains create and increase unnecessary                  Two types of solutions were thought of:                                — Database of local producers/farmer “agents” accessible to all
     waste: chains are too long and not located efficiently.                        1. Short term: easy to put in place                                    to be able to choose easily where to go buy local food.
                                                                                    2. Long term: many different players have to be put together           — Mutualizing transportation of products amongst different
                                                                                                  and/or actions will take longer to put in place.         local food producers. Increase efficiency leads to less waste.

                                                                                                                                                           Long-term solutions
                                                                                                                                                           — Tax distance at all levels (i.e. if potatoes sold in French super-
                                                                                                                                                           markets were grown in Egypt using Irish soil and US chemicals,
                                                                                                                                                           all of these steps are taxed resulting in an increase of price for
                                                                                                                                                           non-local production).
                                                                                                                                                           — Tackle standardization of products, making products more
                                                                                                                                                           adaptable to their location and therefore having a better chance
                                                                                                                                                           of surviving transportation.
                                                                                                                                                           — Re-negotiate WTO trade agreements to make world produce
                                                                                                                                                           markets less of a business and more human.
                                                                                                                                                           — Apply the strategy of regional metabolism: use waste on-site,
                                                                                                                                                           valorize waste locally.

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